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hyphenatorwilla6 karma

Heya! I've.also gone through some of the things you have. I started with extreme gall bladder attacks 3yrs ago. Not being able to eat much & when I did I got very sick. After a gall bladder scan the Dr found that mine was only working at 20% & almost completely calcified. I had it removed that January. However, I still had constant stomach pains, & a hard time eating just about everything. I went in for a ton of tests. They thought I also had Sphincter of Oddi (honestly so did I!) alot of my symptoms were consistent with that diagnosis. However after a colonoscopy/endoscopy they found that it wasn't. I then had a gastric emptying study done & it showed that I have gastroparesis (paralyzed stomach) my motility (digestion of food) is extremely slow. Thus, I cannot eat alot without feeling bloated, crampy, & nauseated. I can't digest anything raw, or with alot fiber. I also take Zofran daily. I recently had a baby & the pregnancy was the worst part. I lost 20lbs in the first 3 months bc I was so nauseated & couldn't eat anything. We almost lost myself & the baby bc anything I was able to eat was going straight to him & I kept going into ketosis (starvation) & dehydration. I was admitted into the hospital for awhile on a Zofran pump, & IV nutrients. Alot women with gastroparesis are on feeding tubes their entire pregnancy. Once you're able to eat, do you have diet restrictions? Also, have the doctors said how this well affect your ability to carry a child?

thefaith10291 karma

To diagnosis Sphincter of Oddi they go in endoscopically and measure the pressure in your bile duct. Its known as an ERCP. Its a bit different than a colonscopy/endoscopy.

I too have gastroparesis from all of this,which sucks ontop of everything else. I'm currently on a zofran IV drip and we are trying to figure out a way for me to survive off of it.

Once I'm able to eat I will have to follow a mixture of a gastroparesis/pancreatic diet although - I may end up on TPN or J-Tube instead. The doctors haven't mentioned anything about my ability to carry a child or not. Personally it doesn't matter to me. I'm not at that stage in life and have always felt drawn to adopting vs. passing on genetic disease to a child.

Anyway yah - that pretty much covers everything.