Hello, I am an US Army veteran(OIF I, S. Korea). My wife is active duty Army right now. We are currently at Fort Sam Houston, TX, while she finishes her basic training. I just wanted to use a little bit of my spare time, to come on and answer questions people may have, about Joining the military (specifically the Army), what day to day work MOS's (jobs) do, what is it like to be a young soldier, how hard is it to become an officer (I was enlisted wife is an officer), military pay and benefits, my time in the original invasion of Iraq etc. Hopefully I can help a few people out, maybe answer some questions. I will answer everything honestly and with the best knowledge that I have on the topic. With all that being said, ask away.

PROOF: http://imgur.com/Jf69SjW


UPDATE: I will sign off 30 minutes from right now. UPDATE: Thank you all for the questions, what I take away from this, is there are military men and women that remember their service in different ways. some good some bad. But we all did a service and the majority of Americans are grateful for it. PLEASE HELP BY VISITING THESE TWO SITES. TO CONTINUE TO HELP, OUR MILITARY MEN AND WOMEN. http://www.volunteer.va.gov/ http://www.woundedwarriorproject.org/donate.aspx

Comments: 172 • Responses: 78  • Date: 

thisnameoffendsme9 karma

Sometimes, when I go to turn off my car, my key sticks in the ignition. I'm in park and it still won't come from the "on" position even though the car is off and stopped. This is only sometimes. What would cause this?

WILLingtonegotiate8 karma

possible some metal shavings in the key cylinder or some busted plastic components. First try some graphite lube, it is a powder you can buy at your local parts store, if that does not work try and replace the lock cylinder, it is an easy fix.

thisnameoffendsme3 karma

Will do. I appreciate your help.

WILLingtonegotiate2 karma

no problem, anytime.

bradlei6 karma

With all of the news lately of sexual assault in the armed forces how concerned for your wife's safety are you? Have you ever witnessed sexual assault in your time in the Army?

WILLingtonegotiate5 karma

I am always concerned with my wife's safety. During my time in the Army I never witnessed a sexual assault, that is the truth. As a matter of fact I do not think any of my buddies had either. I feel you are likely to be assaulted anywhere you work or live, that is just the world we live in. All I can do is help my wife to prepare for such a situation, and be the person she can come to if something gets out of control. I honestly believe the chain of command in the Army deals with these things overall, very well. Of course there are times when things are dealt with horribly.

whitewater20 karma

I agree with you but also depends on the branch too.

I spent 8 years in the Army, my father is retired and never saw an assault. I did see two people in my unit brought up on harassment / assault, both were false accusations and made up because the accuser did not get want they wanted even though they were unqualified. Their own roommate discredited both of their charges. Note: Just giving my experience, not everyone's

WILLingtonegotiate6 karma

Though I do believe there are many false allegations of assault, we must always be super careful when grouping them all together. If we start thinking that they are all crying wolf, than we are truly all at fault. (by all I mean servicemen and women).

legnome2 karma

Less than 1% of reported sexual assault allegations are 'false allegations'. Check yourselves, men. Those less than 1% definitely do fuck things up for the other 99%.

WILLingtonegotiate2 karma

as I stated above, cannot treat a sexual assault report like it is fake, you MUST treat them all as if they are serious and real.

tydalt3 karma

I'm 100% permanent/total myself, just chiming in to say thanks for your service and sacrifice LT.

WILLingtonegotiate3 karma

Thank you for yours, and my wife is the LT but I will tell her you said thanks Hooah.

tydalt0 karma

Ok, I'm a dork! Even after reading your initial post I saw LT on your card and went with that...

WILLingtonegotiate1 karma

no problem at all.

therealequinox1 karma


WILLingtonegotiate2 karma

I do appreciate the kind words.

whativebeenhiding2 karma

Why did we free the Iraqi's but now we won't free the Syrians?

WILLingtonegotiate6 karma

it is now and was then tragic. Short answer. POLITICS. Longer answer. The American public is very fickle. They seen the mess in Iraq, and think that is how it will always be. To be honest, The most I think we should do is help with aid, and maybe some weapons to whomever the cabinet supports. Other than that, let them fight their war. Trust me, we will not be appreciated after the fight is over. Human life is human life, I feel bad to see anyone die needlessly. This just is not our fight, politically. Not to say Iraq was. But in the administrations eyes at the time, it was our fight.

B19952 karma

What would you say to someone about to enlist in the National Guard and be a full time college student? What is the general role of the guard in the eyes of a former active duty soldier such as yourself?

WILLingtonegotiate4 karma

I would say go for it, and that anyway you choose to serve your country is usually an honorable one. To me, the general role of the National Guard is to be at your governors expense when they call on you, and to serve overseas when it is your turn. I have always, ALWAYS seen every branch as equals and every job as equals, if a soldier tells you any different he/she is either too young, or ignorant to the facts.

BigMandy2 karma

When did you decide you wanted to enlist? What was you reason for enlisting?

WILLingtonegotiate11 karma

I decided when I was a child, but kind of forgot about it. My junior year of highschool (2000) I decided I would enlist the following summer after graduation. I did, and months later a few assholes flew some planes into some of our most important buildings.

BluessH2 karma

Does this mean you'd just gotten into basic training when 9/11 happened?

Because, well at the very least, that must have been quite the experience.

WILLingtonegotiate7 karma

I was in my advance individual training. This is known as AIT and is where a soldier goes on to learn their specific jobs in the military. I was in school one day learning how to use a laser designation device, when a PFC walked in and said hey someone accidentally flew a plane into the WTC. I was like wow, I did not know you could fly so low in Manhattan. About 30 minutes later he came in and said it happened again. Out instructor told us to load on the buses and we would be going back to our batallion. We had a formation and our Senior Drill Sergeant informed that some of us may be going to the desert very soon. It was quite the experience yes.

cmecha1 karma

this is what i said when the principal came over the intercom

WILLingtonegotiate2 karma

If you know anything about the Army, you know especially in any kind of basic training you always march in formation. As we were walking back to our batallion after the attack the chow hall televisions were turned to the news. our formation literally just fell apart and we all became glued to the televisions. It was a strange day for everyone.

cmecha1 karma

I was in jrotc and rotc for about 5 years till I found out I'm not good with authority

WILLingtonegotiate2 karma

a lot of people find this out the hard way. Like after they join. It is good that you found out beforehand. Remember there are other ways you can serve the country, It must be in you somewhere or I would not see a reason behind JROTC and ROTC.

cmecha1 karma

Even in rotc I was a bit rebelius and did things my own way, our CO wasn't pleased but the XO promoted me and gave me comand of the problem kids. It worked ok until I lost interest.

WILLingtonegotiate2 karma

I hope you found your calling and are a happier person for it.

Huplescat22-3 karma


WILLingtonegotiate9 karma

A Senior Drill Sergeant usually and E-7 has no bearing on the war plans of the united stats. With that being said, nowhere in my comment did I say he told us we would be going to Iraq. As a fellow American, and a well informed one at that, he knew the enemy would most likely be middle eastern and it turns out he was right, Since the hijackers were of middle eastern decent. You read too much into things bud.

hotbox4u-11 karma

into some of our most important buildings.

what do you mean? The pentagon was hit, but other then that?

WILLingtonegotiate1 karma


WILLingtonegotiate1 karma

this is seemingly a troll, or someone wishing to change the subject. As you were Mr. Hotbox4u

GenericRedditorName2 karma

Copied from the other post.

I'm a soldier working on going through the MEB process. Any tips you can give me on the transfer from military to civilian life? I'm mostly interested in education and other benefits that are offered. It may sound greedy but I'd like to get all the financial help I can.

WILLingtonegotiate7 karma

Get absolutely everything in your medical records. I mean everything, and trust me, make a copy of your record before you leave. It will make everything easier for you. Tips for becoming a civilian again include these, do not expect anything to be different from any other civilian out there. Though you hear a lot of how jobs love hiring veterans it just usually is not the case. IMMEDIATELY apply for your VA benefits, and find a primary care physician. See an occupational therapist even if you are going to school. You will get E-5 BAH to pay for certain things, but that is usually not enough especially if you have family. Find the school you wish to join, and see the military benefits counselor in that school. You will receive information upon enrolling. That counselor is there to help prior service men and women access their benefits easily and very quickly. Thank you for your service.

whitewater22 karma

What is your disability ? How as the VA treated you?

Thanks to the both of you for serving and continue to serve.

WILLingtonegotiate9 karma

I am going to answer this honestly and it is my own experience and the only one I can speak on. I have a few different disabilities. I have PTSD from a traumatic incident that happened in Nov of 2003. I have a busted right ankle and right hip, stemming from an incident that happened in South Korea, I have tinnitus and moderate hearing loss in both ears, most likely due to my job and the explosions and gunfire during the war. I was a forward observer. The VA in general (physical problems) is outstanding. My treatment for PTSD has been awful. I have had 8 visits with a therapist with 7 different doctors lol. The claims process for benefits is horrendous for all vets, and I hope they get better at it. I have changed my therapy routine to what helps me the most. Writing, and talking to others that have been in my situation. Again, this is my situation and I cannot speak for others.

sapper9112 karma

I'm also a disabled combat Vet with similar disabilities. I served one time in Afghanastan and twice in Iraq. I was escorting one of my Soldiers to drug counseling on 9/11. I then spent 3 weeks on lockdown until we finally deployed to Afghanastan (actually Uzbekistan), then relocated to Bagram Airfield. Anyway, I now work for the VA and have to say that unfortunately the level of care received generally depends on where you get treatment. There are many different programs specifically for OIF/OEF Veterans. Granted, I work at one of the largest VA hospitals in the nation which also happens to be affiliated with a major university. I will agree that the benefits process is extremly slow and drawn out. I'm still waiting......

WILLingtonegotiate1 karma

thank you for your service brother and your continued service. Also, thank you for the honest opinion you are giving here.

yaolinsane1 karma

Have you tried using Medical Marijuana to treat PTSD? it's being increasingly used by veterans w/out harmful side effects as opposed to prescription drugs, alcohol etc...


WILLingtonegotiate1 karma

I have and it helps, the only problem being, I am unable to care for my children while smoking marijuana, or at least care for them in a way I would feel comfortable. Once my children were with their aunts for a week, I smoked and I can tell you that it does help. It is as if there has been someone sitting on your chest, and then they just get up. The worry kinda of fades away. Another big help for PTSD is video games, I am not sure if you are aware of this. But again, playing video games will kind of kill any time you have to spend with family and take quality care of your children.

causalityabandoned1 karma

I'm a disability retired veteran as well. Not combat related injuries though. Suppose I'm one of the "lucky ones" for my VA claim processing.

I went trough IDES/MEB for my retirement and all of my records for injuries and diagnoses even prior to that were very detailed. That process took about a year to a year and a half while still on active duty. VA processed the claim it self within 3 months of official retirement.

Thus far i have had two updates and amendments for higher percentages done in the six months following that. They have made a few minor errors in processing but they should be corrected within the next few filings i make.

Is there anything in particular that has been a pain in the butt? Maybe we can share "pointers" on what has worked and what has been overly difficult. I would be more than happy to help you or anyone else in need of assistance in filing the proper documentation. Maybe trough a semi open subreddit for verified users etc.

WILLingtonegotiate1 karma

I guess on the claims process side of the house a huge part of it is where you are and what the backlog is at the regional office. Mine was in St Pete one of the most backlogged in the country. I have a dependent claim still there at 19 months old. lol. The problems I have had the most are the extreme lack of care with the PTSD. They will set appointments sure. They will definitely try to medicate you that is for dang sure. What they do not do is look for a cure or any real type of fix, at least so far in my case. I literally have seen 7 different Pysch Docs, only one of them twice. Almost everytime I show up for an appointment they are late at calling me back, sometimes up to an hour, and always a new doctor. If you show up late, what happens? My last appointment I had, before going a different route, (group therapy) was with the doctor I seen twice, and guess what, she said Sorry, but this appointment is just to tell you I will be leaving this office. As anyone that has been to therapy knows, the first visit is just a history and background type of visit, what your goals are and that type of thing. The therapy doesnt start until after all that. so since I have been in the system starting sept '10 I have yet to see 1 actual therapy visit. Just background after background after background.

BI0WEED1 karma

Yes quite interested.

WILLingtonegotiate2 karma

I hope I answered your question

whiskeykilo2 karma

What was your MOS?

I have a year left of college, going to enlist after I graduate. I was in Army ROTC but with budget cuts/force drawdowns overseas, they didn't have room for all the cadets that wanted to be there.

I'm pretty much set on enlisting 13F and hopefully getting an option 4 for Airborne!

WILLingtonegotiate5 karma

I was a 13 F oddly enough lol. 13F Fire Support Specialist is an awesome job. It is VERY physically demanding as you carry extremely heavy loads, but is also very mentally demanding(wait until you get into your Field manuals.). Yes it is very hard to join right now as an officer, but the fact you are enlisting anyway shows your will to serve. Do not forget there is always green to gold, as well as many other ways to become an officer after serving 4 years enlisted. What I can say for certain is this, ALWAYS get everything in writing in that contract, do not take anything word for mouth. IF THEY CANNOT PUT IT IN WRITING IT WILL NOT HAPPEN.

whiskeykilo1 karma

Awesome thanks! I'm in decent shape now, but I've got time to get better. I know it's tough to get in as an officer, but my main goal is just joining the Army, in any way/shape/form, and 13F sounds great so I'm happy with the decision. I've talked to a couple 13F on /r/army and they all loved it as well, so that definitely makes me want to go that route!

Was there a lot of math involved? I'm guessing not as much as some other FA MOS but still...

WILLingtonegotiate4 karma

Well it will become more prevalent as you gain rank and your FO job changes. The math is not difficult math, more than it is quick math. You are a guy with binoculars looking at an enemy and calling in artiller/CAS/or naval gunfire. most of those rounds do not hit the target close enough to make any difference on the first shot. Your job is to quickly adjust that fire onto the target, sometimes involving some quick math. From the splash of the round impacting you have 10 seconds to make yoru correction to the adjustment of fire and call it in. Well that was the time when I was in it may have changed but I doubt it. Also in that ten seconds you must mentally go through 15 subsequent corrections to call the fire in accurately.

Chris_Bryant1 karma

If you want to be an FA officer, you should finish college and enlist as an O9S so you can go straight to OCS. It's getting harder and harder to get an OCS slot, so you should get it in writing before you take your oath.

WILLingtonegotiate5 karma

I think this is the problem he ran into. They are really cutting down on their recruiting numbers. When my wife was accepted into the Nurse Corps, they only accepted 10 from her bracket, for the entire year and for the entire nation.

IAMA_Kal_El_AMA-1 karma

Why not join State? Or a politicians campaign staff? Or an ngo? Something that helps society and serves your country better than the military?

WILLingtonegotiate1 karma

why not join the military? what makes you think an NGO or a political campaign are better than joining the military at serving your country?

IAMA_Kal_El_AMA-2 karma

Yes nothing you can do in the ngo sector, or with politicians, can matter at all, your only option is to fight and die in (insert new middle eastern country here). You sound like a pr staffer at the Pentagon or a recruiter. It's scary how the kids eat up the propaganda, even after the bullshit wars.

I've always wondered the reaction of society if the military in America seized power, going by the comments of brainwashed kids like you, no doubt you'd line the streets throwing flowers at them.

WILLingtonegotiate1 karma

please tell me again, as you continue to claim, where I said none of these matter at all. I did say why would they be any better than serving. You are a troll and have stumbled into the wrong IaMa. Have a good day.

whiskeykilo1 karma

Because I want to join the military.

IAMA_Kal_El_AMA-1 karma

Why? Even after all these horrible wars, stories of troops suffering PTSD and being treated horribly?

WILLingtonegotiate2 karma

this is a perfect question. I will tell you why. Because even with the bad things that can happen, sometimes there are greater things in life, than some bad things that could happen to you. When you get called upon to serve you can feel it. It is like a hunger deep inside your gut. Some people serve their country differently, that is okay, but to critique this man for the choices he is making is pretty selfish. Tell me Kal'el what have you done for your country?

IAMA_Kal_El_AMA0 karma


it's sad, but typical in today's society, to see "serving" as only being possible if you put on a uniform and risk your life for old men and their businesses.


yep, pointing out that you can serve your country in many other ways, totally selfish

what have you done for your country?

I've not supported bullshit wars for bullshit causes, not wasted millions of tax payer dollars just on me alone, and not preached about how you can only serve a country by joining the military.

The brainwashing of society into a military dictatorship is scary

WILLingtonegotiate1 karma

Well, I have never said nor have I implied, that the military was the only way to serve. As a matter of fact you can probably find at least 10 different ways I have listed or suggested throughout this IaMa to serve your country. I say it is selfish, because he found the way he chooses to serve and you tell him it is wrong. I asked what you have done for your country, and all you listed was what you have not done. Again I have never said the only way to serve your country is by the military. You are just one of those kids, that decide whatever infowars.com says is correct and whatever you read on the news is correct. There is a real world out there, one day, when you are old enough to buy cigarettes you will venture out and see that, probably not though. I still await to hear what you have done (not refrained from doing) to serve your country in any way. Because if the case is how I know it is with you, than the answer is nothing, and you found a keyboard and computer screen to judge other people while sitting at home and scarfing hotpockets and mt dew. Have a good one kid, get in touch with me when you are a little wiser to the world.

IAMA_Kal_El_AMA-5 karma

Well, I have never said nor have I implied, that the military was the only way to serve.

Except for the part where you got really outraged that I would dare point out that there are many different ways to serve your country than just joining the military?

and you tell him it is wrong.

I asked why because all he could respond to me with was "because I want to join the military"

I asked what you have done for your country, and all you listed was what you have not done

I paid the taxes to give you the handouts you needed to become a functioning human being instead of a waste of oxygen dropout one step away from jail. You're welcome.


never been but I see you are the typical brainwashed conservative/libertarian drone. they really do a great job when breaking you down and bringing you back up in boot camp. It's full blown Stockholm syndrome with you even. You are half crippled (or act like it to get the disability payments of course) because of these bullshit wars and yet you continue to support the people that sent you there.

There is a real world out there,

you've spent your entire life living off government tax dollars, what the fuck do you know about the REAL WORLD?

I still await to hear what you have done

back to desperately trying to change the topic, as usual


are you even old enough to drink? you're a mental mess, you admit to being disabled by "ptsd" aka being a pussy. And yet you want to still play it off like you're fucking rambo protecting America and anyone who dares question the role of the military or the brainwashed idea that you need to join it to serve is just a punk liberal idiot who reads infowars? Go fuck yourself, kid, talk to me when you've actually been out in the real world not begging to get a government check every month.

You sound suspiciously like a scumbag military recruiter too.

WILLingtonegotiate3 karma

HaHa, I have learned not to respond to trolls on the internet because they love it, as I am sure you do, but I cannot resist this one. Outraged? lol, I have laughed at you every step of the way. You did not only ask the man why, you insisted he should do something else, implying it is wrong to join. I also pay taxes, I have two college degrees and a highschool diploma, I work in the private sector as well as being an entrepreneur. I have never been in trouble with the legal system, except a speeding ticket when I was 16. I am actually quite liberal when it comes to certain things, I will take the libertarian comment as a compliment I guess. Well I am over 30 years old and most of my adult life has been in the private sector. So not sure about the government check thing. Again you have yet to answer what you have done for your country, which by now it seems safe to assume nothing. I am old enough to drink, though I do not do so. I feel pretty stable mentally and happy on all fronts, I had some things to take care of but I feel quite well now. At no time have I compared myself to Rambo, I do not look good with a long hair. Hmm. actually been out in the real world, let's see. All states except Alaska, Mexico, Canada, Japan, S.Korea, Germany Estonia, England, Italy, France, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar, Iraq, Turkey, Jordan, Cypress and a few times to the Bahamas. I am sure I am missing something there. I am not a military recruiter, but I have met some decent ones. the fact you describe them as scumbags though tells me a few things troll. 1. Envy is nasty with this one. 2. you made your way into a recruiters office and were laughed out. 3. you have a crush on military guys and were rejected by a recruiter on craigslist. I know you think 3 is a stretch, but I highly doubt it in your case.

_From_The_Internet_1 karma

  1. What is your favorite story from being in the Army?

  2. What is something that you wish civilians knew about the Army?

  3. Where you physically injured in combat? If so, what does no one else understand about being physically injured in combat?

  4. What do you like to do for fun?

WILLingtonegotiate3 karma

  1. My absolute best story I think while in the Army would have to be the time in Korea I met Sharon Osbourne and Kelly Osbourne in the PX had chats with them and had no clue until after who the hell they were. That was the neatest one. Though there are alot of war stories that are too numerous to point out only one.

  2. Well believe it or not most civilians think as a soldier you live in a long hallway filled with beds and wall lockers. That you have no free time, and spend your days marching around and running up hills. The living conditions are pretty comfy for single soldiers http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IPr_zx9OAjU And just as comfy for married soldiers http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ri2SFvYhs8 Not to mention the free time is after formation ends, usually around 5pm. you can do what you want to do. and depending on your MOS are usually off every weekend.

  3. Yes. I think most people understand what happens when you are injured in combat. I think a lot of people are clueless though to how awesome our medical staff is. Even in war, we do our best to keep soldiers alive. I would say something civilians do not understand is, when soldiers get hurt a lot of people expect them to get a ticket home, sometimes even the spouses think this. Most soldiers though, will do anything not to go home, and stay in the fight with their brothers and sisters.

  4. I love to spend time with my family in my free time. As for fun, I used to saltwater fish alot while in Florida, not so much where I am in TX for the lack of an ocean a couple miles away. I also love watching good documentaries and reading history books.

MagnoMurmure1 karma


WILLingtonegotiate4 karma

After your basic training, you sometimes get time off, about 15-30 days for "Hometown Recruiting". It was in this time that I not only met my wife, but married her also. Almost 12 years later we are still happily married. lol. My wife was not military when we met. She recently (after obtaining a bachelors in nursing) decided to serve in the Army, to better herself and do her service to the country. I did not have to deal with the fraternization at all, but I know that can get somewhat hairy, though there are ways to work through it.

theangryintern2 karma

Since she has her degree, is she going in as an Officer?

WILLingtonegotiate5 karma

Yes, my wife is a 1st LT. With a good OER (Officer Evaluation Report) she will be boarded sometime in 2014 for O-3 captain.

MagnoMurmure1 karma


WILLingtonegotiate5 karma

It is a beautiful post, and surrounded by an even more beautiful city. She is from GA, I am from FL it is a bit different here but fun. We are set to go to Fort Sill for her first duty station, but that may change, she is waiting on orders. I went to Fort Sill for my basic training and my AIT, so I am familiar with the post......seemingly.....BORING

tydalt2 karma

I was an MP at Sill and I can confirm that it is the most God-awful place I've been. We used to joke that Sill wasn't Hell, but you could see it from there. OTOH, I attended Traffic Accident Investigation School at Lackland AFB and spent quite a bit of off-time at Ft Sam... what a beautiful post and S.A. is gorgeous too. Being as it was the medic training center there was quite the over-abundance of females there which we appreciated quite a bit.

WILLingtonegotiate1 karma

HA-Ha, yes this is true, there are quite a large sum of females, and young soldiers here just starting their careers. My wife is here for her Basic Officer Leadership Course, and is new to the Army herself, but has caught on pretty well.

MagnoMurmure0 karma


WILLingtonegotiate4 karma

Yeah Sill has lots of dirt, and a couple of trees. All kidding aside though, as most soldiers know, there is always something to d near every Army post. I had my fun at Sill, and as long as my family is with me I am sure I will continue to have fun.

Fapologist0 karma

Lol. I'm going to sill in a month. Then to Sam Houston!

WILLingtonegotiate2 karma

I am guessing you are a medic of some kind. Fort Sam is Hot, but Fort Sill is hotter. You are going to Sill at the same time I went 12 years ago. It was the hottest place I had been my whole life up to that point, I then ventured to Kuwait and Iraq.

Fapologist1 karma

I'm going to be a 68w. Not sure if I'm looking forward to that heat. Lol

WILLingtonegotiate1 karma

Yep Medic. I can tell you, you will enjoy San Antonio. You will enjoy your job also, a Medic in the Army is a very rewarding career, both knowledge wise and pride based. Hooah and thank you for your service.

quebec0806091 karma


WILLingtonegotiate1 karma

The Battle for Al-Hilla was pretty bad. We got hit from all sides and were not prepared for it. We had bad intel. When you do not prepare than you sometimes have to standby to get the ordinance on station. We got it going pretty quickly because we had a mortar platoon working with us that day. So we caught up and cleaned house. The US Army usually does pretty good planning when it comes to fighting. So besides the battle for Al-Hilla we had the ordinance we needed, sometimes just took us a second. We did lose a soldier that day. PFC Rowe was KIA, he was in the prone position on the turret of a tank and was hit in the side of the ribcage, a very vulnerable spot. There was a guy shooting from a water tower. When we spotted him, an M1A2 took Aim and fired a round at the water tower, let's just say that small portion of the town was without water for a few weeks.

Badummtss1 karma

Where did you fight? What about the civilians there?

WILLingtonegotiate4 karma

I was in the initial invasion. I was a forward observer tasked to 1/501st inf 101st. We seen combat in almost every city, from Nassariya, to al Hilla (babylon), Ah Najaf, Karbala, Baghdad, and many other cities. To tell the truth the citizens were very welcoming in every city, even some of the Iraq Army were welcoming. Where I think it went wrong was the disbanding of the Iraqi Military, and the length of time it took to maintain a reasonable infrastructure compared to their expectations. Alot of civilians thought the country would be a thriving metropolis within a few weeks, but sadly that was not the case. Not to mention, I honestly believe all combat troops should have left country in July of that year. It is very hard to turn the switch from kill, to hearts and minds. When that switch does not flip you have unfortunate incidents of friendly fire and overly aggressive young soldiers, just doing what they think they need to do, to survive. On top of that the problems in Abu Ghraib prison and a few other high profile incidents hurt us. Like I told an Iraqi detainee one day. "I understand why you do what you do. If someone came to my country and did what we did, even to oust a dangerously perceived dictator, I would be fighting in the streets too. Unfortunately this is not America, and I honestly have come to help." It was unfortunate what happened there. To this day I am fighting to get one of my brothers (an Iraqi interpreter) an emergency visa to come to America. The interpreters there are being hunted like dogs and murdered daily for their service to their country and the American military. We have let them down by leaving them there.

Graboids1 karma

My cousin who was a marine, fought in nasiriyah in the invasion. His amtrac was one of the ones that got fucked up by that a10 friendly fire incident.

WILLingtonegotiate1 karma

The Marines actually rolled through nasiriyah about 24 hours after us, we had a small radio that was playing the BBC, and heard about the shit that happened to them. It was a bad day for us all.

theangryintern1 karma

Thank you for your service and thank your wife for her future service! I was also involved with OIF, albeit I was hundreds of miles off shore on an Aircraft Carrier. Cool fact: the air-wing from my ship was the one who provided air support to the troops who parachuted in to start the invasion in March 2003.

WILLingtonegotiate3 karma

I remember that night, and I remember calling in lots of 2k lb JDAMS. Thank you for your service.

zaneluke1 karma

Where are you going to go to school and what career are you going to pursue with your GI Bill?

WILLingtonegotiate3 karma

I used my GI bill to pay for my wife to get her college education. I myself work in the auto part industry, as well as take care of our three children.

Jwschmidt1 karma


WILLingtonegotiate2 karma

Here is what I think. I think that war definitely drew tens of thousands of Jihadi soldiers into Iraq, whom otherwise would have been idle to carry out attacks elsewhere. I also think with the resistance spending it's assets on fighting two wars in two seperate locations we can starve the enemy of money or time to plan larger attacks on American soil. So in whole,,,,,, Yes I think it did, can we prove this, no, could another war somewhere else achieved the same thing, yes.

[deleted]1 karma


WILLingtonegotiate8 karma

Well my wife lives here with me and my children. Not a lot of Taliban here in San Antonio, though I am sure they are hiding somewhere. As to your reference to your favorite genre of porn, it seems you just possibly described your lifestyle, while trying to get a laugh here. Have fun with that.

IsThatJesus1 karma

What did he say? He deleted his comment.

WILLingtonegotiate3 karma

He asked if I enjoyed knowing my wife was being raped by the taliban and having been made to perform in a bukkake. Standard troll deviant comment. When I shot him down he proceeded, to make an IaMA just like this one. exactly like it with my proof and all.

abirdnamedbutters1 karma

Thanks for your service, I'm proud of you and your wife.

WILLingtonegotiate3 karma

Thanks for the kind words, and we appreciate it.

snun1 karma

This may be something that you can't answer and I would understand if you can't but Could you explain what happened in Nov of 03. You said your PTSD stemmed from whatever happened that month and I was just curious to hear the story behind it. Once again I would be totally content with you telling me to fuck off and keeping your story for the grand kids.

WILLingtonegotiate5 karma

I will answer you. This will be my last answer as I will be signing off after this. I count this IAmA as therapy. It actually helps to talk about it. I will keep certain names to myself as to respect the family. I will start from the beginning. During the invasion of Iraq I served as a 13F Forward Observer. After combat operations had ceased, all the FO's were tasked to become Civil Affairs. We had not had this type of training at all. This is a hearts and minds type of job in the Army. We were soldiers dropping ordinance on the enemy, and the next day our tasking was to go out into the city and ask if there was anything we could do to help the populace. We were also tasked with hiring and firing of the Iraqi interpreters. During a cordon and search (a mission in which we basically make all residents go indoors and we check door to door for weapons across the entire town. ) mission on November 17 2003 in the small market town of Abu Ghraib. The day that would change my life and that of countless others took place. I was normally the driver for the FSO (fire support officer, a captain in charge of the FO platoon). During this particular mission that day I was able to convince the batallion Chaplain to drive so I could be on foot. We had a new platoon member I will call him Captain S. He was to take over as the new FSO, so he and I had spent some time together. He was a good soldier a great officer and even better man. I truly mean that, all cliches aside. He was young, had three children and one brand new baby at home. He gave honest and good advice, and was a thoughtful person. On this day he was riding in the back seat behind the driver (chaplain) of the vehicle. The current FSO, Captain C, was in the front passenger seat, with the platoon sergeant behind him. We had just finished one side of the town, when the roof gunner SGT M, asked if he could get some foot time, and asked if I would trade with him. I did not mind at all it was hot and I was tired of walking anyway. We staged our vehicles at the end of a street with our back to the street. As we approached our rally point I un bungied (literally, the only thing holding the m240 bravo was bungy cords like you would buy at walmart with hooks on them) the M240B (a machine gun that fires 7.62 rounds). As we were in our staging area, Captain C the current FSO noticed a large group forming, a delegation of sorts, of about 75 people approaching us from the street behind us. He shouted for me to bungy down the M240B. Just before this happened we came across a bus terminal guard with an AK but not one of the large yellow weapons badges required by Iraqis to open carry a weapon. I did not pick up the M240b and swing it around I just raised up my M4 rifle and took aim, I switched off the safety and waited to engage. Scared shitless the guard showed his ID and that was the end of that little encounter, to this day I remember switching my rifle to safe afterwards. I do not know if leaning on it switched it back, if there was a misfire, or what. Upon Captain C ordering me to bungy down the M240B that we were going to be driving fast towards the approaching group of Iraqis, I leaned forward, grabbed the bungy cords, at this moment I felt and heard a shot. I knew it was small caliber immediately and that is was extremely close. It seemed like time had stood still. I leaned up and notice my rifle (M4 that was strapped to my chest and facing down) was sticking into a small hole in the roof of my canvas topped humvee. I noticed an expended shell laying beside the hole. I slowly leaned back thinking, "There is no way on earth someone got into the humvee that quickly.". As I leaned back more I noticed the new FSO, Captain S, slowly slump his head backwards, and then forwards. There was a heavy stream of blood coming from just under his left ear. SGT M (the previous roof gunner) was climbing into the humvee right beside him and yelled. "Oh My Fucking God, He Is Dead!". I looked down at my rifle and noticed the safety switch on safe, but the dust cover open. the NCO sitting in the Humvee directly behind me also grabbed my rifle, and ensured it was on safe. But, I knew it was my rifle that fired the shot. I felt the kick and saw the hole and spent shell casing. this all took place in a matter of seconds. I snapped into action jumped from the Humvee and grabbed my aid bag ( we had no medic with us and I was the only Combat Life Saver, a short class some soldiers take as a precaution in case no medical help is available.) I looked into Captain S's eyes and knew immediately he was gone. At that moment I can only remember things in broken pieces. I remember shouting that we were clear and that it had been my weapon. Though my platoon was saying, no it wasn't and that they thought it was Captain S's weapon, I remember this angering me because I knew it was mine. We called in a medivac (medical evacuation usually by helicopter) and were denied due to the area being a hostile area. Captain C and the chaplain began first aid, and the chaplains assistant started the 3 mile drive back to the FOB to meet the blackhawk. That blackhawk never left the ground. He was gone as soon as the bullet had entered his head. He was a good friend to me, and a great man. After the investigation, I was given an Article 15, and chaptered from the Army with an Honorable discharge. I was not found guilty of negligent homicide, but was told that, there was really no way I would be able to be promoted with this in my record. I want to credit the parents of Captain S, and the wife of Captain S for possibly saving my life. They wrote letters asking for there to be no punishment given, and that they forgave what happened, and that it was a terrible accident. To this day, I do not know what happened. When I checked my weapon it was on safe, but my training tells me that was impossible. That is the reason I have PTSD, among other things. I live with this everyday of my life. I credit Captain S with saving my young marriage at the time. My wife and I were bound for divorce when I got back, and just grew into different people. One night after listening to me talk about my marriage, Captain S, asked me if I was still committed to her, and if I thought it could work, I said yes. he said to me, "then do the right thing, and let the love catch up". I will always be thankful for that conversation. I will always be thankful to a family that spared me a life of dishonor and forgave me. I have forgiven myself, and live everyday now in honor of him. I try to better myself everyday, and my family. Thank you for that question.

dust3601 karma


WILLingtonegotiate2 karma

PTSD is not something to play with dust360. You may see your brother laughing, smiling, maybe even tell you he is fine, but if he was diagnosed with PTSD by the VA, which is the only way to get money for it. Then most likely he has PTSD. When you have it, you just want to feel normal, so sometimes you go over the top to act normal and maybe look as if you are having fun. But deep inside, it is as if there is a warm candle there but no flame. I am not saying it is impossible to fake, but why would you? If he has "special veteran plates" I am assuming you mean disabled plates, which you need to be 100% to have in most states. Which would tell me he does have problems. The ranger part of things, well, there is not a ranger national guard unit, but you can be ranger qualified. If this is the case he would have a ranger tab on his left shoulder just above the unit patch. If he was at one time in ranger batallion you would see a pic somewhere with a tan beret on. I would just ask him if you can see his DD214, but do me a favor, if you look at that paper and he is what he says he is, give him a hug, tell him you are sorry for doubting him, and that you are there if he needs you. ( a dd214 is a paper that will tell you everything he has done in his military career, including schools like ranger school.)

dust3601 karma

I agree with u 100%.if you knew more you would be pissed at the things he has done and does. Amen to all the heros. I just dont like lying

WILLingtonegotiate1 karma

private message me and we can talk deeper, I can tell you some things that you can ask him to confirm if he was in fact a ranger

SpeakSoftlyAnd1 karma

Have you ever had to seek treatment through the military health system? I hear a lot about conflict and corruption, long wait times, and issues with integration between the VA and DoD systems. Just interested in any experiences you could share.

WILLingtonegotiate2 karma

see my response above, most of what you hear is usually true about the VA health system to be honest.

Williamscorn1 karma

I just want to thank you. Thank you so much for your willingness to protect and serve your country. People like you are amazing. Thank you and God bless.

WILLingtonegotiate1 karma

Thanks for the kind words. Remember that the military is not the only way to serve your country. There are many ways to do so.

BourkeyTurkey0 karma

What is your favorite toasted sandwich?

WILLingtonegotiate2 karma

philly cheese steak

BourkeyTurkey0 karma

This sounds delicious. Will try out.

WILLingtonegotiate1 karma

awesome. Do not eat too much though.

_argos_0 karma

First of all thank you for you and your wife's service, not many people fully understand the physical and mental sacrifices that individuals like yourself undergo for our nation. How is the GI bill playing into your life? I read that you enlisted out of high school, are attending or planning to attend college with the help of the GI Bill?

WILLingtonegotiate4 karma

The GI Bill helped my life greatly, more important it helped my wife's life greatly. I used it to pay for her college. She now has 3 degrees and is working on achieving a graduate degree in Nursing anesthesia. I was lucky enough to find some work when I got out. I first had three jobs and as I got to be pretty good at one of them I pursued it full time. I went from being a regular counter guy at your local parts store, to being an ASE certified parts pro, and opening and managing a few parts stores myself. Which paid quite well for where I live. Started at about 8$ an hour sadly, but within 2 year and alot of hard work studying I quickly doubled that and then became a salary paid manager. It helped alot during my wife's school years. Had I not had the GI Bill it would have made things extremely difficult for us.

Nobrainerh0 karma

can you live off soldiers salary ? :)

WILLingtonegotiate2 karma

Yes, you certainly can. Whether you are a single soldier or a soldier with a family, you will have plenty to live on. As long as you do not attempt to live a very extravagant lifestyle. The higher the rank the more the pay also. Pay scale here. http://www.navycs.com/2013-military-pay-chart.html remember, your benefits like food, shelter and medical are all paid for also.

RekaRoko0 karma


WILLingtonegotiate5 karma

As I have told many others before in my life. Military men and women do not do it for the money, if they did they were not well informed. That being said, I would love to meet someone right out of high school, that is not getting into a business with their family that makes an equivalent to your average soldier, benefits included. They are very few and far between.

durtydiq3 karma

Vet here. It was all about the money and benefits. You go for free school, student loans and easy money. My reason for going in was to get school paid for and I got to do so and got jump school in my contract. Your opinion of why people join is a little skewed by your own belief.

WILLingtonegotiate5 karma

Let me rephrase my answer. You do not do it for the lavish amounts of money haha. Of course you join for your own reasons, and almost all reasons can be justified and are honorable. By the answer " do not do it for the money" I meant they do not do it expecting to become wealthy. But the benefits you receive could greatly help in putting you on the right track to be wealthy. Thank you for your correction. Hooah

forlasanto-3 karma

Whether you are a single soldier or a soldier with a family, you will have plenty to live on.As long as you do not attempt to live a very extravagant lifestyle.

Read: Well below the poverty line, but with the various assistances you can hopefully qualify for, you can scrape by--once you get above E-3. You get extra money for being married, so effectively your spouse gets a paycheck just for putting up with you being gone all the time and having to iron a lot of uniforms. But it isn't much.

WILLingtonegotiate1 karma

forlasanto you are uninformed. You do not get "extra" money for being married, you are given a stipend for food, which is not extra, if you were single your food is free. You also get BAH which is basic allowance for housing. Which pays your rent and mostly utilities. It is not below the poverty line. Only someone ignorant to the military would think that. When you are a single soldier in the military, you have no bills at all. You have your own barracks room, with kitchen and bathroom, at no cost to you. You have all meals provided hot and served in the chow hall. Your medical is paid for obviously. The only bills you have would be your car, if you have one, your phone if you have one, and your cable or internet. So where as someone else coming out of college making around 35-40k a year has quite a lot of expenses eating their paychecks, Yours can be used on the things you want.

forlasanto5 karma

Source: 11 years enlisted. I didn't break it down to BAH, but effectively, your spouse/children get a paycheck for putting up with you. I qualified for food stamps all the way up until E-6.

You do get great bennies; the military has a vested interest in keeping you and your family healthy, for instance. They do not have a vested interest in paying you even remotely competitively. The same job I did in the military pulls several (>5) times more compensation in the civilian world, even when you factor in benefits. And that's for a regular 40-hour week. When you do 80+ hours, as you most often do in the military , you make a fortune. (80-hour weeks are the military norm. Anyone who tells you different is a liar, or else rode an absolute gravy-train-with-bisquit-wheels)

When you are a single soldier in the military, you have no bills at all. You have your own barracks room, with kitchen and bathroom, at no cost to you.

Crap. It costs you, just not monetarily. That's when you get your own barracks room. Which often doesn't happen until you're halfway up the ranks. You have very narrow windows in which to grab meals, or you're going without. The image you're painting is not exactly false, but it isn't true either.

I'd not recommend the military to most people.

WILLingtonegotiate-2 karma

I thank your for your service. 80 Hour weeks are not the military norm, anyone who tells you this is a liar, or on meds. Cooks, and mechanics are the hardest working people in the Army and they do not work these hours. My wife is a nurse with 12 hour shifts and does not work these hours. You are swaying the truth to fit your negative view on your service. I am trying to only answer with honesty and be as unbiased as possible. Please, tell me what job it was you were working, while not deployed that you were working 80 hours a week on the "norm"

forlasanto3 karma

12 hour shifts? Assuming she's only doing 5 days a week (unlikely, but possible) that's 60 hours. Add to that time spent working out, which is a job requirement: lets say 5-10 hours a week. Add to that time spent messing around with uniforms. 5 hours a week. Your wife does 70 hours a week, easy.

In-port, only at home, I worked from 5-6 a.m. until 5 p.m. every weekday. Before workouts or uniforms or any other thing is factored in. On top of that, every third day I had duty, which meant no sleep or if I was really lucky 2-3 hours sleep during that 24-hour period. Which isn't to say I didn't get a few minutes break here or there, but the days were long. At sea, and inport anywhere else but home, it's 12-hour shifts, 7 days a week. Or alternately, 8-hour shifts: 8 hours uptime, 8-hours downtime, forever and ever amen. Except, you don't really get 8 hours off; you participate in every drill and do extensive amounts of planned maintenance during your "off" time. Effectively, you get 4-6 hours sleep in a given 24-hour period if you are damn lucky, and often 2 hours sleep is a luxury which brings the envy of your peers.

Barracks. As if. As often as not, I had to share a bed with 1-2 other people. If they were sleeping, well, then I couldn't. That's only when on submarines, but when on a surface ship, you still have to rack less than 2 feet from Seaman Snoresalot.

Often, when you pull into a port, it is a time of rest. Usually in-port you can expect things to calm down and only spend about 75-80 hours a week working. Not for everyone, though. A radioman does not get rest like that, except in homeport. We'll still be doing 8-on, 8-off or 12-on, 12-off, and then pulling two or three 4-hour deck watches every third day on top of that.

That is norm. On top of that, you can't talk to anyone about your job. You know whose wife is in jail, you know whose mother just died, and that person won't know for 2 weeks; you can't tell them or show any sympathy. Stress levels were always high. I pretty much stayed an inch from breakdown for 11 years. I made lots of friends, sure. But if I had it to do over again, I wouldn't. I may not have been irradiated by depleted Uranium bullets or poisoned by oil dispersants in Oil War I and Oil War II, but I did not escape unscathed.

I would not recommend the military to anyone.

WILLingtonegotiate1 karma

I will attempt to answer your statements. 12 hour shifts yes. You are correct in assuming that it is unlikely that she works 5 days, because nurses work 3 and sometimes 4 days a week. By adding in exercise time, and uniform time you are telling me that in your civilian life you do not do laundry, and you do not exercise. Do not forget I am also a veteran and any time you pull a 24 hour duty you get the next workday off. FACT. What you do at see, is akin to what the Army does in the field , where yes the days are long and plentiful but that is not all day every day. the fact that you said you were "an inch from breakdown for 11 years" shows me the military was not your cup of tea, but countless others have not had said experiences. Since we were talking about hours worked here I will leave it at that. I am sorry to say, but if you do not show me somehow that you worked an average of 80 hours a week as you implied than I will have to take this as hearsay. The comments you made about your mental stability while in the military and the nicknames you gave the wars show me you already have a very biased and skewed opinion of the military, one in which I have no chance in changing. I can tell you seem a little insecure about spending the war on a ship due to the comments you made, but you shouldn't. You should be proud of your service. I am proud of your service.

forlasanto1 karma

any time you pull a 24 hour duty you get the next workday off

Not ever. Not once in my military career did that occur.

No, I'm not insecure. Bitter? Yeah, some. I call it Oil War I and Oil War II because that's what it was about. I knew that at the time, and I knew going into the military what the score was. I didn't care what it was about then, and I only mildly care about it now. But I don't hold any illusions that it was about anything else but control of oil resources.

Laundry as a civilian is a couple hours a week, tops. Laundry as a serviceman is an hour a day, normally, once you iron tomorrow's uniform and shine your shoes. It's part of work. It's work you take home with you.

Excercise as a civilian is freeform and fun-time. Excercise as a serviceman is fairly rigid in it's requirements and monotony, and is not fun-time, but work.

I'm glad your time in service was more laid back. The god-awful hours are my main complaint about the military, honestly. I'm dead serious about the hours I worked, no lie. Can I get a witness up in here?

Heck, even when attending schools, it was 16-18 hour days, 5 days a week, and 24-hour duty every 4-5 days. (with NO day off afterward. I never even heard of such a thing! How wonderful that would have been!)

WILLingtonegotiate2 karma

I find it hard to believe that you worked a 24 hour duty, and were forced to work an supposed 16 hour shift the next day. Sorry. About it being an oil war, I would not want to debate on it because it would be endless, What I can say is that the resources we have spent there have been more than anything we have or will ever get out of there. you say you spend an hour a day on laundry as one military person. Are you working with only one uniform? if not your dirty one goes in the hamper and you wear the one that was prepared the last time you did laundry. As any serviceman will tell you, once you get a good shine on your boots it does not take that long to get it back. To say exercise as a civilian is fun time, but exercise as a service member is work and sucks and is monotonous is silly, you either do not currently work out now, or are working out on a basketball court playing games or something. My work was not laid back, I was always in a combat arms unit and was always training. Can you tell me what your job was in the navy? I have alot of navy friends I am originally from Jacksonville Florida a huge navy city. Lot's of navy buds. again not saying you are lying but to claim 16 hours a day average for 11 years is a little much bud.

charliedarwinsfather2 karma

I was in the marine corps, 0311 (infantryman). Our "work weeks" were never less than 60 hours, easily. I'd probably say the average was 65-70, but 80 hours were not at all uncommon. Up at 0500, in formation by 0530 for PT. Don't get off work until 1800 (thats 6 oclock right... never was good at military time).

WILLingtonegotiate3 karma

My cousin and very good friend was an 0311, he is wondering where you worked that you did not get off until 6pm everyday for your military career? For a combat arms Soldier or Marine, to act like most of your at home work week was, well, work is kinda funny. A former 0311 and myself are kinda befuddled at how you came about such a horrendous schedule, not calling you a liar but your platoon must have been full of jerks lol. Thank you for your service brother.

charliedarwinsfather2 karma

I was out of LeJeune. It certainly wasn't every day of my military career. But I would say that the majority of the days it was until about 6 pm. There was obviously a ton of the standard "hurry up and wait" bullshit of sitting around and doing nothing, but as long as I was required to be in uniform and not yet on libo, I consider it work. Either way, the hours sucked.

WILLingtonegotiate1 karma

well the discussions started as a this compared to normal civilian job. Most civilian jobs I have worked if everyone is sitting around people got sent home. Also were not paid for lunch breaks. anyhow. thanks for your service and hoorah. my main point to the other guy was that 80 hour work weeks are not the norm in the military. They just aren't. When you start adding in exercise and laundry than a house mother works about 150 hours a week lol

opakanopa1 karma

Well, technically you are charged for your food if single. If you are married then you are not charged. I get a deduction from my check for it. BAS right?

WILLingtonegotiate1 karma

This is correct, BAS and BAH are taken out if you are a single soldier living in the barracks. This is not a charge though. You used to not be given it on your check at all. I think it is easier for them to just give it to everyone then deduct, than it was before as finding who needed it and giving it to them. Officers do not receive a very good BAS but that is ok, they are compensated enough.

opakanopa2 karma

I wish they'd compensate me based on how many times I ate at the chowhall. That shit gets old fast so I rarely go there.

WILLingtonegotiate-1 karma

As a young soldier, I ate there sparingly. As an older man now, I see the healthy hot food served there, and wish I could still take advantage of it.

freemarket270 karma

Do you find that most of the people in the Army support the US fighting the war in Afg? But those outside the military do not?

WILLingtonegotiate4 karma

I honestly feel like there is a mix of both, as a civilian and as a soldier. When you are a combat soldier, you do not think of the reason you are there. If you do, you could wind up getting hurt. You should just be fighting to accomplish a mission, and keeping your brothers/sisters alive while you are there.

whitewater20 karma

As an OIF VET also, this is very important. The whole goal while in combat is to come with everyone with all their parts they came with.

Whether or not you support the war(s) we are in (Iraq, Afghan,Africa), you in the military at a time of multiple conflicts. If you do not support them, get out when your contract is up.

WILLingtonegotiate4 karma

This is a good point. If you are in the military, and disagree with what is happening, you should serve that time you promised, leave the military after you are done, and try your hardest to make a change. This is something you cannot do while in the military. It will not work and you will change nothing, you will only make your own life and future worse. I would find it immoral though to disagree with the military way of life or the wars in general and then do nothing about it. Stand up for your beliefs always above everything else, but never make those beliefs so carved in stone, that you cannot be convinced they are wrong.

Dovahkiin_Vokun0 karma

Thank you both for doing the kinds of jobs many of us couldn't, can't, or won't do.

I know the military gets politicized and can get political, but at the end of every day, it's you putting yourself in harm's way (or moving really heavy boxes, occasionally) so that the rest of us can be safer. I appreciate it very much, and believe you and the rest of our armed forces deserve only the best.

Scandals, bad press and detractors happen; just know that there are still plenty of us that support you, even if we don't always support the guys that are putting you in the line of fire.

WILLingtonegotiate3 karma

Thank you for the kind words. I have strong views on the military. There are many out there that believe everything they hear or see in mainstream media or social network sites. The fact is, there ARE bad guys out there. I know that sounds cliche, but it is the term I chose, BAD GUYS. they would love nothing more than to destroy your, our way of life. They do not care how liberal you are, or if you are "on their side". They only require you to disappear from the earth. With that being said, there is our military. These men and women are the iron gates to our gated communities here in America. Look at it like a math problem. Remove the "Bad Guys" and nothing happens to our way of life, in fact it gets better. Remove the military, and well, I hope I do not have to explain what would happen. So to those that claim, the military is not fighting for their freedom here in America, I invite you to reconsider.

whativebeenhiding2 karma

What about the "bad guys" in Congress? Who's going after them? They've taken away more of my freedoms in the last 12 years than anyone on the other side of the planet.

WILLingtonegotiate2 karma

That is up to us. As Americans. They only do what we allow them to do.

Dovahkiin_Vokun1 karma

I agree whole-heartedly. And that's why no matter the politics, myself and many others will always support what individuals like yourself and your wife do.

You make our world a better place and we are indebted to you for it.

WILLingtonegotiate4 karma

Thanks again for your kind words, but remember, you do not have to serve in the military to pay your dues to your country. You can volunteer in your community or just be an outstanding citizen and help one another get through this life. Just be a good person and harm no others in your ventures.

TREE_NUTS0 karma


WILLingtonegotiate5 karma

I was enlisted so I will give you my point of view from that position. My wife is an officer and I can tell you what has helped her so far.

First things first. Know that the enlisted soldiers you will be with know your job better than you do (barring that you are coming in as a medical professional or legal professional ie Direct Commission). You may outrank them, but you will learn your job from them. Do not act as if you are beyond reproach or too "smart" for what they may say. While doing this, you must also demand respect, and set a good example with hard work, organizational skills, and your ability to learn. If you do these things you will be outstanding and garner a lot of respect from your peers as well as the soldiers below you.

therealequinox4 karma


WILLingtonegotiate3 karma

I could not have said it better. I remember 1 LT in particular who really thought he knew all there was to know. Our first field exercise let him know that just was not the case. As his PFC took control over the squad and called in artillery fire. It did not change this Officers outlook though. That was in 2002, he was out of the Army within 18 months. If noone around you likes your attitude and you are a poison to the Army, you will not be there long.

Drewsefs0 karma

Why do you have facial hair in your ID? My SSG would've kicked my ass.

WILLingtonegotiate2 karma

I am no longer in the military.

Drewsefs0 karma

haha should have read more carefully.. Well again thanks for your service man, hooah to my brothers.

WILLingtonegotiate2 karma

Thanks to you as well.

karmanaut-3 karma


WILLingtonegotiate5 karma

proof uploaded sorry, new to reddit