We are Jake Hurwitz (u/jakehurwitz85) and Amir Blumenfeld (u/imamirblumenfeld), co-creators of the webseries "Jake and Amir."

Today we are launching our first non-"Jake and Amir" venture: A new podcast called "If I Were You," where we will be dispensing advice every Monday!

Listen to the first episode now on iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/if-i-were-you/id646497413

or online at : http://ifiwereyoushow.com/

Update: Wow, top ten in comedy podcasts. Thanks to everybody for tuning in so far! Hope you like it!

We also have an awesome subreddit, run by awesome fans, over here: http://www.reddit.com/r/jakeandamir/

PROOF: https://twitter.com/jakeandamir/status/334037181058408449

Update: Thanks so much everybody for such awesome questions! We tried to get to as many as possible in 3.5 hours. Until next time...

Comments: 1835 • Responses: 76  • Date: 

thenotoriousFIG660 karma

Amir: Please tell me Prank War isn't over. When will we be seeing a new prank?

ImAmirBlumenfeld915 karma

I really hope it's over... I'm next.

ChunkyLover94372 karma

How about you go all out offensive and just get him again? He'll never see it coming.

Streeter, if you're reading this, don't eat my vest man, i'm serious, don't eat the vest!

ImAmirBlumenfeld227 karma


MathewMurdock523 karma

Have you ever gone dickless for Michael Chiklis?

JakeHurwitz85605 karma

Not yet but we're willing to. Literally this afternoon.

nejlepsi478 karma

Amir, are you afraid that Streeter might one day come back with one more prank?

ImAmirBlumenfeld715 karma

I am now.

SirKobeBryant433 karma

Can I buy the rights to onealmond.com? edit: BURY ME WITH DOWNVOTES IF YOU DISAGREE

ImAmirBlumenfeld424 karma

lol. OneAlmond is NOT FOR SALE.

laserleeron369 karma

An AMA for this J&A make dat poonany smell like fish filet.

ImAmirBlumenfeld540 karma


winkler343 karma

The next time I see you on the subway I'm going to yell something at you, what should it be?

JakeHurwitz851365 karma


gregphipps37223 karma

Do you ever reach a point where you run out of ideas, or where you feel you can't write anything funny, because you've been doing it for so long?

ImAmirBlumenfeld422 karma

We do, but luckily it's only momentarily.

Thankfully we only have to think of one idea per week, so if we couldn't do that, we may have to kill ourselves. Or become accountants or something.

JakeHurwitz85285 karma

We used to be afraid of that, but I'm not anymore. Our characters are just a part of me now. So literally anything that happens, I can imagine in the context of it happening to me or Amir, and thinking about how our characters would react in that scenario almost always helps to imagine future episodes.

FreeMethForYou200 karma

Amir: How many nuggets would you say is the "perfect" amount?

ImAmirBlumenfeld322 karma


gur1023195 karma

Do you guys have somewhat of a same relationship in life?

JakeHurwitz85798 karma

In real life I annoy Amir.

II_Source_II173 karma

Who in their right mind would let Amir hold a baby for a full episode?

ImAmirBlumenfeld319 karma

His father is sort of my boss. So...

TheNinjaFish154 karma

When was the first time you were recognized in public and what was it like?

JakeHurwitz85290 karma

I can't remember the first time I was recognized in public, I think it was a very long time ago at the University of Connecticut. Someone recognized me from my articles on CollegeHumor. This was pre- Jake and Amir, pre- me working at CollegeHumor even.

I felt very proud of myself, I'm sure. But I think the thing that really hit me was that making a career out of writing was a viable option. And it felt like CollegeHumor would be the place to do it.

flyingguillotine110 karma

Jake, I'm pretty sure I saw you at the Gratitude Cafe in LA about a year ago. You were with a girl, so I didn't want to interrupt, especially if you turned out not to be Jake.

JakeHurwitz85185 karma

I bet it was me. You shoulda said hey!

ImAmirBlumenfeld164 karma

I remember being recognized at my college from an ARTICLE on collegehumor. He recognized my little headshot. it was pretty fun/weird.

DrStevesMagicDrink146 karma

Do you guys still read every fan script posted to /r/jakeandamir? Have you thought about recording another one?

ImAmirBlumenfeld205 karma

Yes we do. Some are really great!

We may record another one...

JakeHurwitz85124 karma

I try to! And yes, it sure would be fun to do that.

DonkeyLickingIsWeird143 karma

1) I’ve noticed that when I’m trying to annoy people I start acting exactly like Amir, do either of you ever find realise that you’ve been acting like your character outside of the show without realising it?

2) What’s the weirdest thing that’s ever happened to you because of the show?

3) Question tree

Edit: 4) Love the new podcast! You guys are still really funny without being 'Jake and Amir', what was the inspiration behind the show?

JakeHurwitz85120 karma

1) Almost constantly. 2) The fact that we get to travel and perform as much as we do still blows my mind. It's weird in a good way.

MathewMurdock129 karma

What was it like to work with Harold and Kumar? Also what was it like to act in your first movie?

ImAmirBlumenfeld226 karma

They were awesome and very friendly. I still don't know if they were nice to me because they were trying to make me comfortable so I wouldn't ruin their movie, or if they were genuinely that friendly.

Acting in a movie was a little intimidating at first, but you get used to it after a few days.

s4082211127 karma

Will we ever meet Mickey and Amir's Dad? and will we get a Rap Teacher 4? Or is that trilogy over?

ImAmirBlumenfeld192 karma

I hope so... For all three.

newaccount4dis106 karma

One time I saw Jake in Times Square when I was asking strangers if I could borrow a phone- me and my buddy had been robbed an hour earlier. Dude offered me a train ticket and let me use his phone a contact a friend. Good people. I also asked him, "dinner tonight?" and he gave a sympathy laugh and I immediately regretted doing so.

No question, but people should know. Jake's a good dude. Amir is probably a dick

JakeHurwitz85192 karma

Holy shit I remember that! Dude the pleasure was mine. I had a huge crush on that brown haired girl I was with and you made me look super cool in front of her. We are even.

duttyjay90 karma

who grows the better beard?

JakeHurwitz85245 karma

Me. Obviously, right?

EvaRakel73 karma

Hi Jake and Amir. Big fan over here! I must ask. When will we see Stony in an episode?

ImAmirBlumenfeld129 karma

Great question! The real question is... does stony WANT to be in an episode...

Milkman please milkman please...

JakeHurwitz8595 karma

Stony, how much did you pay Eva to ask this? We'd love to have him in one!

gdex64 karma

Amir do you really have an undescended testicle from an incident at a renaissance festival?

ImAmirBlumenfeld104 karma

... :(

Staying_Anon62 karma

Hey guys! How did Hoodie Allen find his way into your videos? Do you still see him often?


ImAmirBlumenfeld131 karma

I believe Jake's little brother was a fan, so we tweeted at him, and one thing lead to another and now we're in a boy band together!



ImAmirBlumenfeld201 karma

On a scale of one to making sense...

...ya didn't.

theequipmonk57 karma

Who influences a lot of these ideas? And also how did you get to know Ben Shwartz?

ImAmirBlumenfeld81 karma

Our influences are our friends and enemies.

Ben was a friend of CollegeHumor since back in the day!

JakeHurwitz8576 karma

Ben has been a friend of CollegeHumor for a long time, we always thought he was super funny and one day we decided to make a video together. We had so much fun that we kept it up. Ben is super busy now but he still makes time for us, which is awesome.

Our ideas are influenced mostly by real life situations these days. Whenever something interesting happens to us we imagine how our characters would react.

BassAndTreble57 karma

Amir, what's it like to simultaneously be the most hated and most liked person on the internet?

ImAmirBlumenfeld118 karma

Every fan action has an equal but opposite fan action. It's Newton's law of the Internet. Just like how every episode we make is the best OR the worst episode ever. Depending on who you ask.

waffles429853 karma

Hey Jake and Amir! Huge fan here. My question is on average, how long do the episodes take to film. To go along with that, what is the longest you have spent on a single scene due to laughing?

ImAmirBlumenfeld106 karma

Episodes take 1-2 hours to shoot, depending on how much we move around. IF we're sitting at our desks, they can take even under an hour.

The longest we spent on a single scene due to laughing is probably a Ben Schwartz or Thomas Middleditch (Doobs) episode, because they crack us up.

JakeHurwitz8587 karma

Great question. Shoots generally take from 30 minutes to 2 hours. I imagine we've wasted up to an hour not being able to get through something because of laughter. I'm certain it was my fault.

kickster77752 karma

What was your favorite script to write? To preform?

JakeHurwitz85149 karma

Oh man, I have no idea. Great answer right? I love writing and performing so much that it would really be impossible to choose a favorite. Not to mention we have done over 600 at this point, so sometimes they kind of all run together in this gorgeous, enjoyable, blur.

We have a new Rick Fox one coming out next week that was one of my favorites to perform in recent memory.

ImAmirBlumenfeld108 karma

I'm a big Laker fan so shooting with Rick Fox is a dream come true every time... New RICK FOX episode tomorrow!

overthetop8874 karma

Sorry to hear that your a Lakers fan.

ImAmirBlumenfeld78 karma


szand0r51 karma

I don't have a question for you guys, but I saw you do a stand up thing at Rhode Island College roughly two years ago and it was probably the best free comedy show I ever attended, in that I got a blowjob in the bathroom afterwards, so thanks for that.

ImAmirBlumenfeld45 karma

hahaha. your welcome!

whit_tea47 karma

Love the show, but I have one question... when is this guy coming back? http://v022o.popscreen.com/eGxzejltMTI=_o_jake-and-amir-rick-fox-2.jpg

ImAmirBlumenfeld106 karma

Great news: Tomorrow.

whit_tea41 karma

REALLY? gotta go stock up on eggs then...

ImAmirBlumenfeld64 karma

144 is not gonna cut it.

PeterAndStephen44 karma

It's cool you guys are coming to the UK later this year. Any plans to make any episodes while you're out here?

ImAmirBlumenfeld49 karma

We're excited to come to London as well! Though we probably will just focus on putting on an awesome live show, and taking in Great Britain. No shoots planned for now...



ImAmirBlumenfeld76 karma


ACDCrocks1441 karma

I just wanted you guys to know that you totally got me through this last semester of university. Whenever I'm having a shitty/stressful day I always just watch J&A and immediately feel better. Like at least 2 hours a night. You guys make my life.

Also, when my girlfriend's annoying me I always say "grrrrr. SHIT ON YA!"

ImAmirBlumenfeld52 karma

Glad we can help/ruin your relationship!

JakeHurwitz8542 karma

Awesome, thank you so much!

refjep139 karma

When did you guys realize you wanted to do comedy and perform for your career?

JakeHurwitz8575 karma

Probably when I was 16, making dumb videos with my friends in my basement.

tottle32138 karma

You cool cats think you can hot dog!

But seriously, you guys are hilarious, and I can tell there's a decent amount of improv in your videos. What is your favorite improvised line that found its way into an episode?

JakeHurwitz8581 karma

With a deep V!

That's a great question, and so hard to answer. I'm sure there are a million if I really sat and thought about it, but the one coming to my head right now is "HOLY GUAC! This i-pad is ridinky-donky."

JakeHurwitz8560 karma

I just remembered I think there are outtakes where you can watch Amir say it for the first time.

BarbalootSlew35 karma

Will you let your kids watch Jake and Amir? How will you explain it to them?

ImAmirBlumenfeld66 karma

Great question! Will the internet exist then?

FreeMethForYou23 karma

Will we see "Mickey Your Friend" in future episodes? The suspense is killing me.

JakeHurwitz8568 karma

Waiting on Matt Damon's reps to get back to us.

katm3s23 karma

What do you guys do in your off time?

ImAmirBlumenfeld46 karma

We try to work every weekday. Either writing/shooting/editing "Jake and Amir" or something else. On the weekends I mostly try to relax and recharge my brain by watching basketball, exercising, or eating delicious fresh baked things.

JakeHurwitz8541 karma

Brainstorm and write. But in our off, off time I like to travel, climb, and PARTY.

effyeahphil22 karma

What's the podcast going to be? Comedy? Or genuinely educational?

ImAmirBlumenfeld45 karma

It's going to be us, out of character, genuinely trying to answer life advice questions that we receive from our fans. Hopefully it will make you laugh as well! Check it out and lemme know what you think!

StillThatGuy22 karma

First of all I am a huge fan, keep up the good work! I was wondering how you guys met and began working with Rick Fox and, my favorite rapper currently, Hoodie Allen? Also who was it that wrote the aardvark raps?

JakeHurwitz8537 karma

Thanks so much! We are so lucky to be able to work with those guys, we're huge fans of them outside of our videos, and big fans of what they do in our videos too.

Our boss Ricky met Rick Fox at some kind of event and Rick told him his kid was a big Jake and Amir fan. We immediately invited him to be on a video. As for Hoodie, my little brother showed me his music and after becoming a big fan myself, I tweeted at him. The rest is history.

JakeHurwitz8539 karma

Oh, and the three of us worked on the aardvark rap together.

popcorncolonel19 karma

What's the biggest contribution from a fan that you've used in an actual episode?

Are you impressed with your fans' extensive knowledge about Jake and Amir?

JakeHurwitz8541 karma

I'm impressed by the mere fact that we have fans, let alone these awesome ones that can quote videos better than I can despite, writing, acting in and editing them.

The biggest fan contribution was probably the episode "Crabs" which one the Jake and Amir fan script contest. So we basically produced a script completely written by a fan.

ImAmirBlumenfeld31 karma

Hey hey!

We recently asked for fans to upload their intro ideas which we've been slowly using every episode. Those are some pretty big contributions!

That reminds me, I should plug our subreddit: http://www.reddit.com/r/jakeandamir/ (also at the top)

imo82018 karma

How was the blowjob from the milkman Jake? I know you enjoyed it...

JakeHurwitz8546 karma


RyanDestroy17 karma

How would you describe the chemistry between you two? It seems like you work very well with each other.
From whom do you draw inspiration?

JakeHurwitz8542 karma

Each other, and other insecure people around us.

Our chemistry. is. electric.

ImAmirBlumenfeld28 karma

Lots of laughs. Actually, if you listen to our new podcast, you can basically hear our relationship raw and unfiltered. (launched today, called IF I WERE YOU) Check it out!

jewjitsu116 karma

How does it feel going to work every day, knowing that you are doing something that you love for the paycheck and knowing that it's not always about the pay day? Also, how easy/hard is it to get an internship? As I think about colleges and what-not at the end of my junior year, it has always been a dream of mine to get an internship at Collegehumor when I get into college.

ImAmirBlumenfeld30 karma

Actually, you often forget it, so thank you for reminding me!

Internships are pretty competitive. You have to apply as a college student and I believe we get far more applicants than we can take on. But it's worth a shot!

JakeHurwitz8524 karma

I feel grateful for what I get to do almost all the time. It is not lost on me how good I have it.

Internships are tough to get but if you are a good worker and persistent you can get one! Just take relevant courses and start practicing your writing now!

JesseTV4416 karma

Do you guys plan on doing any more Hoodie Allen episodes? The 3 that are up are my absolute favorites.

ImAmirBlumenfeld25 karma

We want to! Hoodie is an international superstar though, so his schedule has to allow for it...

SchubertCrimple16 karma

Possibly with production help of Steff comedy, any plans for a musical episode?

ImAmirBlumenfeld22 karma

Good call!

wasteoftime1315 karma

Who are your biggest influences, not just for Jake and Amir but for comedic writing as a whole? Also I am a huge fan and can't wait to see what else you guys come out with! Keep up the amazing work and thanks for your amazing videos!

Also, dinner tonight?!

JakeHurwitz8534 karma

Thanks so much! I was inspired to write comedy after growing up loving movies from Chris Farley, Adam Sandler and Jim Carey. In college, Arrested Development renewed my desire to actively pursue comedy writing.

MichiManiac15 karma

Where does Jake work now? Does Amir still work at College Humor? If yes, why does Amir not appear in other original videos anymore?

JakeHurwitz8535 karma

We both work at CollegeHumor still, though in a reduced roll. Our job is to produce Jake and Amir, which is why you see less of us in other videos.

Woodsalt_14 karma

How did you guys end up where you are?

Is this what you studied for?

Do your parents and friends consider this a 'real job' or is it as hard as I imagine to be taken seriously when you work in online entertainment?

JakeHurwitz8536 karma

  1. I worked hard at an internship I believed in. Then I worked hard with a friend I believed in.

  2. This is kinda what I studied for. I studied creative writing though I never finished college.

  3. My parents do consider this a real job. I think they were happy that I was motivated to do anything, so even if they didn't understand what online entertainment was, they were happy I wasn't living in their basement.

hi-imma-chameleon14 karma

My dad got so mad for taking part in this AMA that he freakin' moved. WHAT SHOULD I DO?????

JakeHurwitz8513 karma


Termlinson12 karma

What was it like working with Rick Fox? He seems like a pretty funny guy. Also, open up that drawer and give me all the eggs in the world.

ImAmirBlumenfeld20 karma

He is the most talented physical specimen I've ever encountered. Tall, handsome, and funny. It's quite a genetic lottery he won.

seanut_brittle11 karma

What has happened to the McDonald's addiction amir?

ImAmirBlumenfeld9 karma

He's on a break.

HydeMe11 karma

Question- What is the writing process for an episode? Is it just ideas pitched and then a bunch of ad-lib or is there a set script?


ImAmirBlumenfeld23 karma

We have an ongoing gmail thread with hundreds of ideas that pop into our brains... then we write the ones we love the most (maybe 10% of them)

JakeHurwitz8519 karma

That's the initial writing process. We pitch, ad lib and if we laugh a lot we know the idea has legs. Then we sit and write til we have something we like. Then we look at it again later, and tweak it to make it better. THEN, we improv while we shoot it.

smith-taylor11 karma

What is the strangest thing that "Jake and Amir" has required you to do? Have a great day, guys. :]

JakeHurwitz8531 karma

Man, being shirtless in Union Square in February? Amir spitting in my face? Rick Fox slamming a raw egg on my head? Who knows. It's all strange. It's all beautiful.

[deleted]10 karma


JakeHurwitz8545 karma


MayoDomo9 karma

Hey guys! My favorite episodes have to be the March Madness ones. How did you guys originally come up with your show?

ImAmirBlumenfeld20 karma

We just sat across from eachother and decided one day to tape our silliness...

andthisisgravy6 karma

Ever consider selling the old episodes/outtakes/etc on dvd? I know I would drop major bills to get some hardcore behind-the-scene shit.

JakeHurwitz8512 karma

Most of the behind the scenes and outtakes that were worth mentioning are already online for free! You wouldn't want to pay money to see all the footage of us picking our noses and forgetting lines.

forzion_no_mouse4 karma

Have you ever tried to get a jake and amir tv show?

ImAmirBlumenfeld7 karma

Every episode is a small attempt.

Smerphy2 karma

What show do you guys want to do a guest appearance on the most?

What comedians would you love to have on your show?

What upcoming film are you looking forward to the most?

ImAmirBlumenfeld4 karma

  • Britanick
  • Pete Holmes
  • Star Trek

kilotone2 karma

Do u guys ever pop in character during your average day by accident? Also how is it working with murph? I grew up with him. funny as heck guy. I wonder if he's still random as all hell.

ImAmirBlumenfeld3 karma

No we never pop into our characters by accident.

It's always on purpose.