
Comments: 3150 • Responses: 99  • Date: 

jaysters62 karma

Do you think we would have as many criminals as we do today if we implemented medieval torture and punishments?

RacerAcer173 karma

I know how impulsive these guys are and I don't think it would change a thing. It's all about instant gratification in most instances.

IKnewYouWereTrouble57 karma

Do female corrections officers get treated with less respect by inmates or about the same? What did you have to do in order to become a corrections officer? (Ex. Fitness test) I am a 19 year old female debating whether to do this as a living, any information or tips would be helpful!

RacerAcer90 karma

Females get constantly talked to like pieces of meat. Inmates will pull their penis out and masterbate in front of everyone.

karo1ski20 karma

As a college student extremely interested in the line of corrections in NJ, what would be your most valuable advice to me? In terms of schooling, work, experience, physical/mental preparation, and just general pointers? I appreciate your time and what you do to keep us safe, sir.

RacerAcer32 karma

You will have no problem getting a CO Job with any type of degree. Good luck!

Complicate15 karma

If you could do things differently, would you remain a CO, or would you do things differently? Is the pay and benefits worth it? or would you not recommend it as a job?

RacerAcer73 karma

The divorce rate in my career field is over 75 percent. Shift work is terrible for the body and family. I intend to go back to school for network administration, something along those lines. My current life expectancy after retirement is 5 years.

_bananas5 karma

Can you clarify what you mean by life expectancy? Like because of all the inmates you know that are now out or stress levels?

RacerAcer12 karma

Stress killing your heart.

trabalca9 karma

how much you earn per month? :P

RacerAcer30 karma

Topped out, a state CO can expect to make between 40-50k per year with no overtime.

superhotathleticbabe9 karma

You need to move...they make a lot more here in Canada!!! and it sounds like you deal with way rougher people... as Canada's justice system tends to not keep anyone locked up for any significant amount of time no matter the crime.

RacerAcer49 karma

I hear everything is better in Canada, eh?


Heroin and opiates as a means of self limiting euthanasia in the prison system, would you be in favor of it?

Imagine it, all the fuck ups of our society could go to the big state run opium den to die in bliss. This country would clean itself up in a few short years, I mean, we'd give the middle eastern opium farmers some much needed revenue and clean the ghettos up, possibly crippling our country's drug cartels.

RacerAcer3 karma

It could happen.

ub3rst4r3 karma

  1. Do you ever think to yourself "Wow, I better obey or the laws or I'm going to end up like these guys"?
  2. Is it true that in the USA, inmates get better and cheaper care then the law-abiding citizens?
  3. What is the one fact about your job that only you know from your experience as being a CO?

RacerAcer3 karma

  1. Do you ever think to yourself "Wow, I better obey or the laws or I'm going to end up like these guys"? Very much so. Going to prison is my worst fear.
  1. Is it true that in the USA, inmates get better and cheaper care then the law-abiding citizens? Equal care for no charge.

  2. What is the one fact about your job that only you know from your experience as being a CO? If a man has everything taken away he will do anything to get what he wants. I mean anything.

spaceracerman3 karma

How can you stand the smell? Why would you take such a horrible job? How do you stop other officers from abusing inmates? Does the job come with therapy? Do you enjoy keeping people in cages? Do you ever wonder what would happen if you met a former inmate on the street?

RacerAcer7 karma

The smell is like a bums nutsack.

My family needs a roof over their head a medical benefits.

The inmates are much easier to handle behind a locked door.

I think my reputation of being fair would keep my front ill will on the street.

FrostyCheesecake3 karma

Does the TV show Prison Break acrruately represent prison and guards?

RacerAcer3 karma

Hahaha, never watched it. I hear it is rather corny though.