You might know me from SNL, I was in "Superbad", and I sometimes write at South Park. And I do voices for movies, such as "Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs." Check out my new movie "The To Do List" which opens July 26, hopefully in a city near you.

This photo was taken in direct sunlight but please accept it as proof.

Ask me anything.

Update: Alas, I must go attend to my screaming child. But thank you guys so much for your questions and it's been incredibly flattering and nice to know that I've made so many of you laugh. Thank you.

Comments: 3663 • Responses: 45  • Date: 

heyyymelissa2122 karma

I'm sorry about the clothes blog I feel so bad/embarrassed I hope you weren't offended I was a dumb 19 year old when I made it I'm sorry

You're really wonderful okay bye

BillHader1877 karma

HAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!! You're blog was on National TV! Good Job! I'm still gonna think it was my wife. And don't feel bad. It forced me to take a long hard look in the mirror...and buy a suit...

pohuber1720 karma

I heard you ruined the ending of Titanic to a movie theater full of annoying sorority girls that had rented it out when you used to work at a movie theater in Broken Arrow, OK.

BillHader2609 karma

Yes I did. But it was in Tempe, AZ. And I was immediately fired. But it was worth it.

assholetriceratops1326 karma

What was it like on the set of Hot Rod? seems like a great group to work with.

BillHader2121 karma

It was a blast. First movie I ever did. Major memories: Danny McBride and I watching the Tyra Banks Show at lunch everyday and the stuntman breaking his leg for real in the opening scene!

alyssamsinc1194 karma

Hi Mr. Bill Hader, this may be my only opportunity ever to say thank you. My baby sister wasn't sure "what she wanted to be when she grew up." Thankfully, you came on SNL around the time that we started showing it to her. She's 13.5 now and she has the want to work on SNL someday and the drive. When I ask her who inspires her most, she says its you. So thank you, so very much for being a positive inspiration in her life and I cannot wait to see The To Do List!

You rock! Keep doing what you're doing Mr. Hader!

BillHader1769 karma

Man that means a lot to me. Seriously. I remember seeing Dana Carvey and Phil Hartman growing up and having the same feeling. Tell her thank you and to get out there and fail! It's the only way you'll learn. Stay tough and have fun.

watsakerring1098 karma

Australian Fan here: I just wanted to thank you for being one of the only Americans that can properly do an Australian accent! (such as when you played Julian Assange)

Most people just do a cockney english accent haha

BillHader1391 karma

That made my day. So hard to do that properly. Kate McKinnon does a good one too.

fisticuffs321068 karma

Bill, I'm headed to New York in a couple weeks. I was hoping you could direct me to a few of the best hot spots for myself my wife and toddler.

BillHader1664 karma

HAHA! Me, Bill, I'm a geek, so I love The Strand Bookstore. Central Park (esp Sheeps Meadow) is a great spot to hang with the fam. The Natural History Museum has a great water park-type thing in the back for hot days. And, of course, BOOOOOOOOOF!

squidfartz1031 karma

Your Al Pacino impression. The first time it appeared on SNL, I immediately thought it would be a regular character, maybe even developed into something like the Joe Pesci Show. Was a conscious decision made to not exploit that impression? I thought it was brilliant.

Also, nice job on Andy Warhol in MIB III. Keep up the good work

BillHader898 karma

THANK YOU Re: MIB3 Yes, I tried hard to exploit it and it didn't really take. I wrote some pretty subpar stuff for that one. So I decided he was best kept in small doses.

it_am_silly916 karma

Hello! Congratulations on the Emmy nomination, SNL won't be the same without you. I fell off my chair crying with laughter at "MY NAME IS CLARK AND I LIKE BISCUITS AND WAFFLES" - where on earth did that character come from?!

(I'm posting this on behalf of my sister who is probably your biggest fan in England)

BillHader857 karma

Anthony Coleman was created by John Solomon and Rob Klein. I showed up the morning of the table read and they said "OH WE GOT SOMETHIN' FOR YOU!" I love that character! Thanks so much from across the pond.

thetallness765 karma

I was watching the outtakes for "the Californians" on SNL, how hard was it to keep a straight face during that skit among others?? By the way you are absolutely hilarious and keep up the good work!

BillHader1219 karma

The first time we did it, Fred just starting doing that voice ("Whaaaaaat are you doing here?!") and Kristen and I were like "What?" It was so funny. I hadn't heard him do it before. Man o man it made me laugh. Then it became a game of who could stretch out the vowels in their sentences the most. It got crazy. THANKS!

TommoR719 karma

Hey Bill. Big fan of SNL from UK! What sketch have you wrote that you are most proud of and is there a line from Stefon sketch that as soon as you read you just burst out laughing

BillHader1717 karma

The sketch I was the most proud of was probably one about your neck of the woods. It was called Do You Go Runnin Round Re Ro and it was a take on British Gangster movies and how we Americans can't understand what the actors are saying with those thick Yorkshire accents and all. And my favorite Stefan line was "Jewish vampire Sydney Applebaum."

cobaltcollapse645 karma

People that don't like you, do you call them Haders? that was a terrible pun

BillHader590 karma

HAHA. No. I guess not. It works though, I guess...

hawkshaw566 karma

I'm glad you came here Devin. Did you take Beverly over to Santa Monica, North on to San Vicente before getting on the 10?

BillHader913 karma

Actually I took the sunset to crescent heights, then hooked a louie on olympic and took it all the downtown to the JW Marriot...

bedheadblonde525 karma

Question 1: You mentioned on Conan the other night about the tumblr blog dedicated to you needing new clothes. Did someone point that out to you, or did you find it yourself? Are you aware of the huge fanbase on tumblr about you? Question 2: Over the years on SNL, you kissed many of your male co-stars(and a few hosts). Who would you say is the best kisser?

BillHader1116 karma

1) I was told about it from basically my entire family, including my wife who I honest think is running it. That's very flattering re: tumbler. 2) Franco. 100 percent.

diamondshark464 karma

Hi Mr. Bill! How much fun was working with Aubrey Plaza? Please tell me she's really awkward in real life.

BillHader837 karma

Aubrey is awkward. She doesn't care if she makes people feel uncomfortable. But she's always been that way, even when she was shooting the Jeanie Tate Show with Maggie (my wife) back in 2006. She's awesome. And really funny. And actually incredibly gracious and sweet.

watrutalkingaboot461 karma

Dude you're amazing. You're best was when you did an impression of Donald duck having a nightmare on SNL. We love ya Stefon!!

BillHader389 karma

That was one of my faves. Thanks!

Thornelius366 karma

Tell us something you've never told anyone.

BillHader882 karma

When I was 22, I saw Michael Showalter at LAX and said I was a fan and he said "Oh thanks" and then I cursed myself all the way home...

obviousunicycle349 karma

How do you pick your projects? Oh, and who gave away Stefon at the wedding?

BillHader1092 karma

If I want to see the movie and it's an interesting part to play, then I'm in! Stefon was given away by Italian Club Promoter Gay Liotta.

aworford337 karma

Bill, how long have you been playing drums? As a drummer, that little flourish in Hot Rod, while waiting for Andy to pick you up to go to the hospital, was too fluid to be something that someone just showed you for effect. You hand-muted the crash, people don't just pretend to do that!

BillHader677 karma

Dude, I wish I could play the drums. I'm pretty good at air drums. I've been doing that hand-muting move since 7th grade!

Zubes324 karma

What did you have for dinner last night?

BillHader606 karma

I was at the To Do List premiere last night and there was nothing to eat! I ended up have two mini cheeseburgers. My stomach still hurts.

CaptainKabuki323 karma

Thanks for doing this! What was it like working with Simon Pegg and Nick Frost? And how was the whole experience of filming Paul?

BillHader517 karma

Fantastic. I'm a huge fan of there's and I was thrilled that they asked me to be apart of that one. They are just the sweetest guys and damned talented writers. We'd mostly sitting around geeking out over movies and Nick would cook us dinner on Sundays.

NotJustAPrettyFace293 karma

You. Are. Awesome. That is all.

BillHader421 karma


Rethen269 karma

You did the best Tauntaun impression I had ever heard when you were on Conan a few years back. I just want to say you're the best and I can't wait to see you in stuff in the future.

BillHader335 karma

Man thank you. That was a huge swing and it paid off. I still get people on the street that will ask me to do it!

philasophicalrocker261 karma

Mr. Hader or Stefan, what REALLY is the most exotic club you have been to??

BillHader665 karma

From me, Bill, that would be a cellar-type place in Mexico City. I seriously thought I was going to die. From Stefon. BOOOOOOOOOF (with nine "o's")

bryandeger260 karma

Bill, huge fan! When I was listening to your interview with Howard Stern, you mention how anxious you get during performances. Having never been able to guess you have anxiety, can you talk about any things you do to rid of the obvious physical signs of anxiety before performing?

BillHader587 karma

I purposely do something on air that I haven't planned to get me out of my head. It's like tricking your brain. It makes me feel like I screwed up so I can except that I screwed up and relax.

friskydingo920258 karma

People at work call me Bill Hader because I look like you. I must ask...are you my dad?

BillHader775 karma

Hmmmmmmm. If you're three-years old and at my house, then maybe...

emmsm1122245 karma

Hi, I love your work. Can you advise on how i can get my neighbor to stop blasting his television to such a volume that, were I to have kidney stones, the vibrations from the walls and floor would disintegrate them? Without having to knock and ask him to turn it down, of course. Love your work.

BillHader752 karma

You calmly knock on the door and say "Please shut the fuck up"

tavir241 karma

You are part of one of the most successful "incoming classes" on SNL of all time, with yourself, Samberg, Wiig, and Sudeikis all starting in the same year and all of you going on to have fantastic careers on and off SNL. What was it like coming in with these guys? Do you guys think of yourself as a "class"? Was the chemistry and energy apparent right off the bat, or did it take time to develop? Do you guys have any fun bonding moments or memories that you guys like to reminisce about?

BillHader337 karma

I feel so insanely lucky that I came in with those guys. I learned a lot from them. We for sure think of ourselves as a class...we took this great pic on wiig/andy's last show that I have framed in our house. those guys are very special to me...

BucketInTheSand220 karma

I'm a huge fan from Australia - thank you so much for this AMA!

Just a couple of questions:

  1. What has been your favourite moment in your career so far?

  2. What do you have planned for the future?

  3. What is your favourite food?

  4. What song can you not stop listening to right now?

BillHader483 karma

1) probably the first time I said LIVE FROM NEW YORK, IT'S SATURDAY NIGHT, and watching my wife introduce her movie last night. 2) Hopefully sleep. Writing and reading. I have a movie with Wiig called THE SKELETON TWINS that I'm excited to see. It's a drama! 3) I love fish tacos at the moment. Wahoo's in LA! The best! 4) "Freak Scene" by Dinosaur Jr.

SpinnerettePDX206 karma

I like the plaid shirt you wear all the time. Y'know the one. That's it. Have a good day.

BillHader355 karma

Aw thanks. It's mysteriously vanished from our house...I'm looking in my wife's direction...

vicemagnet204 karma

You know I'm reading all your replies with your voice in my head.

BillHader895 karma

Oh gooooooooooodddasdfas;ldfjkha;skldjfha;skdjfha;sdljkfasl;kdjfaslkdfj

savvypunch189 karma

What was your favorite cartoon as a child?

and thanks for all the laughter! your impressions are ridiculously good!!

BillHader388 karma

Bugs Bunny. All the way.

iamjohnmalkovich161 karma

Stefan, what is a human fruit basket?

BillHader566 karma

It's that thing of when you take a midget to a grocery store and stuff a bunch of produce into there shirt Animal House-style and carry them to the car.

g0ldenslumbers156 karma

Jokes aside, just wanted to say that you have made me smile and laugh countless times over the past few years, so thank you. And while I have no doubts that you'll go down in SNL history as one of the greats, I can't wait to see what you'll do beyond that, too.

There are a lot of people I love to watch on TV but would never want to grab a beer with, and vice versa. But you're definitely at the top of my list for either. You seem to transcend all of the crazy pageantry of the celebrity world while functioning so perfectly within it, which is pretty cool in itself.

I'm going to stop now, but basically, you're the man. Cheers!

BillHader227 karma

What a nice thing to say! Thanks man. I want to copy this down and keep it in my wallet and open it if I ever feel like I'm disappearing up my own ass! All kidding aside, very touched. Thanks.

herbwelchlives156 karma

Hi Bill! Do you know about any other tumblr blogs besides the clothes one?

BillHader541 karma

Cute Boys with Cats. Soooo cute.



BillHader271 karma

THANK YOU!!! That scene with the baseball bat was one of my faves!

IamTheFreshmaker139 karma

If you are met by a fan in the street or any public place, how do you prefer to be approached?

I've always wondered this of people at your level of fame. Obviously, one should not be an asshole and interrupt a meal or conversation but- shaking hands? Asking for autographs? Can I buy you a beer? That sort of thing. I never approach celebrities because I don't real feel they owe me a personal interaction like that and I feel it would be an imposition.

BillHader368 karma

It's best to say "How would I like to be approached by someone?" If you're eating dinner with a gf/bf or in the middle of something, it can be awkward to get interrupted. But if your standing alone in a bookstore or waiting in line for a coffee, totally fine. Pics can be weird bc if people see you do one, then they all ask for them. Sometimes the weirdos ruin it for the others.

JamesFritzBooth134 karma

Favorite sweet?

BillHader393 karma

All of them. Every. Single. One. Of. Them.


intensenerd96 karma

Is it bad that I keep confusing you with Sudeikis?

BillHader387 karma

I confuse me with Sudeikis

SandiClause95 karma

What's a good club to go to this weekend?

BillHader479 karma

Best club at the moment: ...Kevin?

CollumMcJingleballs74 karma

How weird was it shooting that scene with Rachel Bilson and having Connie Briton and Clark Gregg walk in? And how much of the stuff in "The To Do List" was improvised?

BillHader139 karma

It could've been insanely weird bc my wife was directing it, but it was a lot of fun. Not a lot of improvising in that movie bc the script was so good and the jokes were so clear. That moment though, me standing up to shake Clark's hand, was improvised though...

Schrang4154 karma

Hey Bill, love your work on SNL and South Park. I admire the quality and commitment you bring to the table as a writer/team player when you all create content. As you have, I will be studying and aspiring for this high point in my own comedic writing career as I will be leaving St. Louis for UCLA in the fall. You are one of the reasons I enjoy this life style. Here are my questions:

  • What is the best advice you could give to me for writing content, as you have?
  • Would you be interested in giving me some pointers on some of my original works?

BillHader244 karma

The best thing you can do is write, write, write, and write. And read. A lot. And fail. The more you fail the better you'll get. At SNL you could have an amazing show and then just BOMB the following Wednesday at the table read. Stay tough. Don't compare yourself to other people. Just follow your path and have fun.

maxbaroi47 karma

What were the logistics to getting Kim Gordon, Aimee Mann, Steve Jones, J. Mascis, and Carrie Brownstein together for the "It's a lovely day"

How close are you to any of them?

BillHader110 karma

Fred worked that whole thing out. They all live in our around NYC I guess. I was so nervous to play the bass in front of them. S. Jones said: "You sound like Syd" "I do?" "Yeah, he couldn't play worth shit."

I know Carrie pretty well. She's amazing.

philyd9441 karma

Hey I have few questions but first I just want to say I'm a big fan and your performances in Superbad, Hot Rod and the Snl clips that I've seen(it's like impossible to watch in the UK) had me in stitches and I just wanted to say thanks. Right questions. 1)What is your favorite Snl sketch that you've been in and what is your favorite that you aren't in? 2) I read somewhere that you're writing for South Park now. is this true and are you just writing or are you also providing voice work? 3) Which actor and Director would you most like to work with?

BillHader108 karma

1) In: Tough one, too many, lately I liked the Puppet sketch where I'm the war veteran, Anthony Coleman. Not in: LOVED the sketch this year when Wiig hosted with the two women on a date with two young boys (Bobby and Tim).

2) I am writing for them! Just did our retreat last week, gear up for new season in September! Very excited.

3) Love to work with the Coen Bros or Woody Allen.

THANKS FOR WATCHING. Gotta get SNL over the pond to you guys!

courtachino32 karma

Fill in with your favorite food/snack/beverage: "Cloudy with a Chance of ______."

(Mine would be Cloudy with a Chance of Chocolate. Delicious weather!)

BillHader83 karma

"Cloudy with a Chance of Two-Fish-Tacos-With-A-Side-Of-White-Beans-and-Brown-Rice-with-a-Club-Soda"


Hi Bill! I hear that you're a known attendant of some of the most exclusive California orgies. How much do you participate ? What motivates you to continue attending them? Anybody famous ever crash one of these orgies that you'd be willing to let us know about?

BillHader11 karma

It's really those guys. I mostly sit in the room and laugh and suggest stuff. I'd love to bring back Kanye West fish...