Hello, I'm Robert Englund star of the classic horror series A Nightmare on Elm Street and many others. Check out our IndieGoGo Campaign for Fear Clinic and our 24 hour Ustream dedicated Indie Horror starting on August 14th at 6PM EST


edit: Live streaming now

edit2: I just want to thank all of the fans for stroking my ego today! It's always good to hear they've been catching the new stuff I've been doing. Look out for Sanctuary starring Malcolm McDowell and The Last Showing coming next year, starring me along with Finn Jones, from Game of Thrones. I promise the fans you'll like these. If you'd like to be part of a great project the IndieGoGo campaign for Fear Clinic because today is last last day! It's a unique original concept in horror!

Comments: 1272 • Responses: 47  • Date: 

way_fairer742 karma

You've haunted my dreams since childhood. Just wanted to say thanks for making it harder to get some sleep.

TheRobertEnglund1413 karma

Take a vallium and I'll visit!

KGFIII723 karma

20 hours ago, Kane Hodder (Jason) called Freddy Krueger a hack in an IAmA.

Would you like to entertain us by trash talking Jason?

edit: spelling

TheRobertEnglund2142 karma

Kane Hodder takes his machete out in singles bars at Comic Con looking for some anime love in all the wrong places,

sharpiethesharp430 karma

Do you think you could beat Edward Scissorhands in a fight?

TheRobertEnglund1198 karma

Yeah that would be one bloody manicure. Johnny could get me back for the bed scene in Nightmare 1!

zaikanekochan319 karma

My friend Sara thinks you're the best actor to have ever lived. Will you say hello to her?

TheRobertEnglund833 karma

Yes. Hello Sarah! Take a valium and a nap and Uncle Freddy will come visit!

BigblackmacK279 karma

I love you so much.

No questions, just appreciation for you and your work :)

TheRobertEnglund346 karma


jhenderson3209276 karma

Hello Mr. Englund! I met you about 15 years ago, you came to my sister's beach wedding. My parents and I got this awesome picture with you. We had no idea you did this photo bomb until we got the film developed. I just wanted to thank you for this awesome picture. http://i.imgur.com/mpmfXbA.jpg?1

A quick question, if you could work with any actor or actress, alive or dead, who would it be and why?

TheRobertEnglund253 karma

Mark Rylance. I've seen him twice on Broadway in Le Bete with David Hyde Pierce from Frasier and also the Play Jerusalem. He's as gifted as Daniel Day Lewis. And I'd like to work again with the great Brian Cox, the original Hannibal Lecter in *Manhunter.

DiegoVonCosmo256 karma

What's the last dream you had that you can remember?

TheRobertEnglund689 karma

I think I had a stress dream on the plane flying back from England. I forgot my dog was in the kennel and that I needed to feed her. Sorry it isn't sexier.

tranimation212 karma

How are you enjoying your stay on earth, Visitor Willie?

TheRobertEnglund378 karma

Willie's still having trouble with English language. He thinks not eating meat makes him a veterinarian.

Kapprika202 karma

If you could play any role, regardless of gender, age, ethnicity, etc., what would it be?

TheRobertEnglund483 karma

I'm too old now but I regret never having played Iago in Othello.

SeleneNyx200 karma

Mr. Englund, this is the most exciting AMA ever to hit Reddit!!!!
ANOES is what started my true love of horror films when I was a small child. I'm 35 now and Freddy Krueger is still the only thing I am truly scared of. Would you ever reprise your iconic role of Freddy if Wes Craven wanted to do another film? If so, we need to start bugging Mr. Craven to get on that! Even if you don't answer my question, it's an honor just having the chance to let you know I am a HUGE fan of yours.

TheRobertEnglund423 karma

I think if I did another one I'd have to get a Viagra prescription and borrow some spanks from Sandra Bullock.

diceman89174 karma

Today is my birthday, so I'd like to ask more than one question, if that's ok. Even if you don't get to them, I think it'll still be awesome to see your responses to the other questions.

  1. What do you think about the current state of horror movies today? How do they compare to horror films from the 80s and before, in your opinion? What is your favorite horror film from recent years (the past ten years or so)?

  2. What did you think of the Nightmare on Elm Street remake?

  3. I've read that it took several hours to apply the make up and everything to make you Freddy, so I was wondering if there was anything in particular you liked to listen to, watch, or do to pass the time.

  4. What kind of movies would you have liked to have made if not horror?

  5. Could you wish me a happy birthday? I'm a long time fan of the Nightmare on Elm Street series and to be able to say that Freddy Krueger himself wished me a happy birthday would make my year.

Once again, thanks for doing this!

Edit: spelling

TheRobertEnglund643 karma

  1. Looking forward to seeing The Conjuring. Recent horror that I really like are May and Orphane.

  2. (see above)

  3. I was a prisoner of my makeup man's taste in music. I was subjected and schooled in heavy metal, speed metal, and early rap.

  4. As a director, I probably would have made films like Tender Mercies. And as an actor, I can't complain since i just completed my 76th film. I'm amazed that anybody still wants this old dog.

  5. Happy Birthday diceman89! Too bad it's your last!! Ha Ha Ha Ha!! -Freddy

giraffenoggin164 karma


TheRobertEnglund628 karma

You greedy mother fucker!

  1. Welcome to primetime bitch

  2. My desert island movie. Bernardo Bertolucci's 1900 starring Robert De Niro.

  3. That's In N Out Burgers!!

  4. I think Jackie's a terrific actor in everything he's done. I've been a fan of Jackie's since Breaking Away.

  5. Fortunately our Dodgers are doing great this season. Puig has really energized the team. I'm also a huge fan of Kelly Slater, the surfer.

  6. I played trumpet for years but it was a time when every combo had three guitars so I hocked it for a surf board.

  7. My new favorite young actor is Emory Cohen from The Place Beyond the Pines and Adelaide Clemens from Rectify and Silent Hill.

  8. I would have loved to have been chosen to play the young sailor in The Last Detail with Jack Nicholson. I thought Randy Quaid was great but when I read the book I always thought he should be smaller. Quaid looks like he could handle himself. I still regret not booking that part.

  9. IMDB

  10. Freddy was the first to go after those anorexic bitches.

Spaceweb152 karma

Has starring in horror films made you immune to being scared by them?

TheRobertEnglund326 karma

No, no. Starring in them has made me appreciate the genre even more! The more good horror/ sci fi/ thriller/ fantasy films I see the more I respect them. They are the lifeblood of the industry now.

logically147 karma

How bad does the sweater itch?

TheRobertEnglund515 karma

Not as bad it smells! The only thing that smells worse than that sweater is a certain hockey mask. Talk about bad breath!

However, I'm loving all the "Halloween Freddy Chicks" using a slashed Freddy sweater as a mini skirt! Yeah!

RubenTheCuban123 karma

You are awesome, Mr. Englund! When I was 8 my brother shown me Nightmare on Elm Street and needless to say I shat my pants. What monster or icon scared you as a child?

TheRobertEnglund261 karma

There was this giant kid with poop in his pants!

No really. Saw Frankenstein on the late show and was fascinated. Was disturbed by the Monster from the Id (sabertooth tiger) in Forbidden Planet and didn't want the suckers from that giant squid's tentacles to get near me after seeing 20,000 Leagues Under The Sea. Now I'm dating myself!

Gheritage102 karma

Hello Mr. Englund. What was it like seeing yourself in Call Of Duty: Black Ops with the other cast? Would you want to be in another game? If so, which one?

TheRobertEnglund244 karma

Call of Duty was loads of fun to do. nothing funnier than Walking Dead's Michael Rooker, Machete's Danny Trejo, and yours truely running around in our Avatar motion cap tights. Three butch guys in leotards and the lovely Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Sarah Michelle Geller.

I vanquished zombies, maybe "Call of Duty: Werewolves."

crazylittlebitch96 karma

Firstly, Mr Englund, you are an amazing actor. I used to sneak peeks at Nightmare on Elm street because I wasn't allowed to watch as a kid. Those times were the beginning of my lifelong obsession with being a total fear junkie.
My question would be, how does it feel to know that your portrayal of Freddie Kruger has graced the nightmares of most of the civilized world in at least one point of all of our lives?

TheRobertEnglund178 karma

An actor doesn't set out, obviously, to be the fodder of his fan's nightmares but I've been told this so often that I know I must have done something right to have haunted so many adolescent movie goers.

kaminm85 karma

Mr. Englund,

First, I would like to thank you for making sure any other anniversary present to my wife would never live up to the first: http://i.imgur.com/c2WB4um.jpg

Do you feel there are any other actors portraying villains who have the same level of charisma that you brought to Freddy Kruger?

Are there any movies that you would recommend to your fans?

TheRobertEnglund122 karma

My favorite oldie horror is Brian DePalma's 1974 film Sisters. My favorite mad scientist performance by the late William Findley. I also recommend Lucky McCee's film May starring Angela Bettis. A more recent favorite and another recent devil child picture starring Sam Rockwell and Vera Farmiga, Orphane. And Guillermo Del Toro's The Devils Backbone. I'm looking forward The Conjuring.

Edit: Just remembered 30 Days of Night really scared me! Very effective vampire film and scary.

dav329062 karma

Loved your cameo in Workaholics, how was it to hang with those guys?

TheRobertEnglund125 karma

Adam DeVine is genious. I could barely keep a straight face working with him. Being on that show has made my stock rise among the kids in my neighborhood.

MLynne199258 karma

First off, I just want to thank you for making the Nightmare on Elm St. series the best horror movie series out there. I have a few questions. What was your favorite scene to film out of all of the Nightmare on Elm St. movies? What's your personal favorite scary movie? How did you feel about the remake? Did you ever find it hard to come out of character while filming?

TheRobertEnglund142 karma

-I like the politically incorrect death of the hearing impaired young man in part six. -Scariest scene that i have seen lately is the self-inflicted abortion by Noomi Rapace (Girl with the Dragon Tattoo) in the film Prometheus. I had to turn away and I hadn't done that in a while. Scariest film is still my memory of seeing Psycho with my parents at the drive-movie and spilling my large Coke all over myself. -Lots of talented actors some of whom are favorites of mine and acquaintances. Very honored to hand to baton to Jackie Earl Haley. Best thing in Watchmen and check him out in Shutter Island. Perhaps the remake came a little too soon because a new generation of fans had discovered the originals on BluRay box sets and they hold up pretty good on a nice flat screen. The difference being that many remakes are only seen on the late showing. -No, the difficulty was finding access to the character so that I could turn Freddy on quickly. And I used my discomfort under all the make-up and my envy of my beautiful young costars, Johnny Depp and Heather Langancamp at the beginning of their careers. I could translate that envy into Freddy's hatred of youth.

RileyAnonymity53 karma

Hi Robert, I am a huge fan (I love your Phantom of the Opera) and I just want to say thank you for taking the time to answer questions.

You're a classically trained actor. How has that helped your performances in the sci-fi and horror genre and why is it that you've focused your career in these kind of movies instead of venturing into something that might have fit your acting skills a little better?

TheRobertEnglund106 karma

Actually, I think my classical training served to support the inherent theatricality within the horror genre. Many times in horror films you are called upon to be larger than life because you are surrounded by imaginary special effects or you're trying to bring to life in my case a lot of foam latex. I had ample opportunity in my early career to perform in Shakespeare, Checkov, and Moliere as well as toiling throughout the 70's in the first independent film renaissance.

BeachGirl8747 karma

Huge huge huge fan. My dad showed me your movies growing up, not Disney. He passed away a while ago, but my best memories are of us watching you on Elm Street. Thank you :) How is the weather wherever you are?

TheRobertEnglund62 karma

I just arrived from rainy England and, after the AMA, I hope to walk my dog of the beach for sunset.

sithimpediment44 karma

Is there any news on a sequel to behind the mask the rise of leslie vernon?

TheRobertEnglund92 karma

Currently we're still financing. It's an even better script than the original. A making of documentary of an A-list film about Leslie Vernon with all the original characters serving as technical advisers to the actors in the film. So we all sit around with our doppelgangers as the movie crew begins to be killed one by one. Guess who's not happy!! He rises again! Can't wait to shoot it.

leevs1144 karma

I hear you live/lived in my hometown of Clermont, FL. Is that true?

TheRobertEnglund191 karma

No. I love Florida and I explore it ever year. I love Captiva. I love Sarasota. I love Siesta Key. I love St. Augustine and Fernadina Beach. I love Sanibel Island. But where the fuck is Clermont?!

igetbannedalot44 karma

Did you know that Johnny Depp would go on to be a mega star after working with him? What was it like to work with him on set?

TheRobertEnglund123 karma

My girlfriend knew and Wes Craven's daughter knew. Hanging out with Johnny back then was like being with a young Rockabilly star. He was like Elvis.

playdevilsadvocate142 karma

Love you as Freddy you are the best! What was your favorite smart ass line from any of the Nightmare movies?

TheRobertEnglund172 karma

My favorite is my improv from part 3, "Welcome to Prime Time Bitch."

carnal_passions42 karma

Do you get scared watching horror movies after working on so many?

TheRobertEnglund139 karma

Not often but I had to look away during the self inflicted alien abortion my Noomi Rapace in the underrated Prometheous.

TheRobertEnglund102 karma

Mine is burned off!

GPorHP30 karma

Is it a blessing or a curse that most people in the world only know you in your most famous role? Is that a source of pride for you or do you wish that you'd been given other opportunities?

P.S. My friend thinks you're the pinnacle of horror acting and would kill a man in your name if you'd call her on the phone or otherwise acknowledge her existence.

TheRobertEnglund82 karma

I've made peace with it. I know it will be mentioned in my obituary when I die but I've just finished my 75th movies so Freddy certainly hasn't hurt me. It's fair to say Freddy has been good to me. So, a blessing!

Ghost_Country30 karma


TheRobertEnglund44 karma

Well, Baconface, was just in Manchester shooting my latest film, The Last Showing, with costars Finn Jones from Game of Thrones and Emily Berrington of the White Queen. I already miss the Curry Mile!

uberlad30 karma


TheRobertEnglund127 karma

The one class they don't teach: life is too short. Every decade time seems to move faster. Don''t postpone anything. Travel all you can. And read for pleasure and not just homework.

totes-muh-gotes28 karma

Hi Robert! Love ALL of your work--you have been scaring the crap out of me almost my entire life! Are there any passions or hobbies outside of show business that you hold dear?

TheRobertEnglund52 karma

I was a real active surfer for many years. You can see me exorcising my youth in the John Millius classic Big Wednesday which I did when I was at Warner Bros.

I still body board like a teenager but I paddle like an old man!

StaceyluvsFreddy27 karma

Hey robert im really big fan and i admire you alot i have question: what do you think that horror movies need to reinvent themselves? there are some original movies such as the conjuring, hatchet, but hollywood is doing a lot of remakes, and pretty much copycat movies. And as a fan and a writer, i was curious what you think would be interesting. And what has not been done before.

TheRobertEnglund72 karma

A sequel is different than a remake and a prequel is different than a sequel. When Hollywood achieves a formula that is successful it is their inclination to franchise it. But remember these prequels, sequels, and franchises pay for a lot of original product.

Darthie20 karma

What was your favorite way to kill someone?

TheRobertEnglund45 karma

Favorite kills are: the hearing impaired victim in part six and the S&M tongues from, I think that's part four.

GabrielBonilla20 karma

Robert, how does it feel being the character that traumatized me in my childhood?

TheRobertEnglund61 karma

Since that's exactly what I set out to do, Gabriel, frighten you. I guess I am finally fulfilled!

jsh5h720 karma

Hello! I really enjoyed your guest appearance in Criminal Minds! My question is what is it like working as a guest star or in other roles besides your most identifiable work as Freddie Krueger?

TheRobertEnglund41 karma

It's always tough being the new kid on the block in a hit show. You have to figure out how to blend with the tone of the series. Hit shows mean more residuals. It was fun just being an old behavioral cop/ detective since they've mostly got me running around these days as an evil scientist or occult professor or crotchety redneck.

HardRockZombie19 karma


TheRobertEnglund37 karma

-Hopefully, Dr Andover, the character I will be playing in Fear Clinic proves to be as fascinating a horror character in the mad scientist genre.

-I think horror and comedy is a good subset within horror/ thrillers. Comic relief enables directors the opportunity to set the audience up for another scare.

-Yes, it was an akward peice of dialogue that I improvised around.

-It's funny but I'm the whitest guy in the original rap videos. I also was the subject of a Fresh Prince lyric and if you find a copy of my biography, I reference about a page and a half of rap lyrics about Freddy Krueger from other artists. Everybody from Jay-Z to Eminem.

Mr_Sexton19 karma

What are some of your favourite horror stories (film or books) ?

TheRobertEnglund53 karma

I've recently read the source material for Let The Right One In. Brilliant translation. Even darker and sexual than the film. Check it out.

scott16119 karma

How long does that make-up take?

TheRobertEnglund46 karma

Basic makeup, four hours. Freddy for close-up, four and a half (including teeth and eyes). Freddy with effects (ie the chest of souls), can be five hours. However, my make-up for Steven King's The Mangler as well as Phantom of the Opera took even longer!

turtledumpling17 karma

Thanks for doing this AMA. I just wanted to say that you scarred me for life when I was 12. You sparked some kind of fear in me and I was scared of just about everything. I have watched the whole series 3 times. Freddy Krueger is still my #1 fear at the age of 25.

My question is: What did you think of the new version of A Nightmare on Elm Street (2010)? And were you okay that the character was represented a little more rapey?

TheRobertEnglund65 karma

I had no problems with the interpretation but I think the make-up was almost too real. We must remember that Freddy exists only in the imagination, the dreamscape of whoever is having a nightmare. So, a certain amount of exaggeration, theatricality, surrealism should be part of that world and performance.

sandford9216 karma

What were your thoughts on the Jason VS Freddy film?

TheRobertEnglund104 karma

It's Freddy vs Jason! Get the billing right!

I thought Ronnie Yu brought a really interesting Hong Kong sensibility to the film.

Pureplayer3ooo15 karma


TheRobertEnglund43 karma

I love all of the incarnations of Freddy. Videogames, cartoons, tattoos, bubblegum cards, Hello Kitty, whatever.

Rob_Saget11 karma


Thank you for this AMA!

  • What got you into acting?
  • Moment in your career that made you go "Wow, I never would have dreamed I'd get to do this"
  • I cohost a podcast where we have celebrity guests nerd out about TV, games, music, etc. Long shot, but would you be interested in being on an episode and nerd out with us?

Thanks again for this AMA and look forward to your responses!

TheRobertEnglund28 karma

-Girls! I was chaperoned for a summer by a 14 year old actress who was the hottest girl in the middle school I was about to enter. I wound up getting all the lead roles in the summer theatre and was taught how to blow smoke rings in the girl's bathroom by 16 year old girls gluing glitter to their braziers in preparation for their roles as Aladdin's harem girls. Guess who played Aladdin! What give up show biz?

-That's usually when you're working somewhere exotic. For me, Budapest still under the Soviets. Perhaps Puerto Vallarta in the springtime. Or a village without cars in Sicily. These are usually OMG moments but the new can be thrilling too. Like figuring out how to tell our stories for Fear Clinic in five minute segments in my first experience doing webisodes.

-I love doing that stuff but it has to be arranged through proper channels since I am so busy.

LostSkeleton7311 karma

Thank you so much for doing this, I just had a question. Outside of the Nightmare on Elm Street series, what other movies/projects would you say you had the most fun participating in? Thank you for the laughs and the scares

TheRobertEnglund27 karma

Many times in hindsight the process of film making is stronger than the result. My three months hanging out with Jeff Bridges, Sally Field, Arnold Schwarzenegger and the late Scatman Crothers on the set of Stay Hungry in my youth and sharing a Winnebago with, arguably, one of the cinemas greatest actors, Henry Fonda, for a couple of months are the high point of my film making memories. Also the international recognition after my one two punch successes of the SyFy series V and The Nightmare on Elm Street franchise opened the doors for me to work overseas which has been a great blessing as I've now done some 15 movies abroad.

stealthco454510 karma

I really enjoyed 976-EVIL. It's just so campy and has Steven Jefferies. Any plans on directing anything in the future?

TheRobertEnglund12 karma

Probably not at this stage of my career because my biological clock is more attuned to the schedule of an actor and at my age to direct a film takes a year of your life with pre and post production.

jjhatkimoto8 karma

Am I the only one that thinks its kind of freaky that you're BDAY is 6/6 and youre 66?

TheRobertEnglund18 karma

I hadn't added that up! I'm always thinking that I was born on D-day! But I guess this is a pretty devilish anniversary this year.