Hi reddit. You've probably seen a lot of the stuff I've been involved with over the years, from Austin Powers to Robot Chicken to DADS (www.fox.com/dads) which premieres tonight at 8 PM on Fox. I'm happy to take your questions about anything and everything. AMA.

proof! https://twitter.com/SethGreen/status/380046123270168576

update: Hey guys, thanks so much for all your questions. I always appreciate the opportunity to interact in a semi one to one basis. Please check out DADS tonight. I will be scanning twitter reactions. I look forward to coming back here at some point. And in the meantime, be good to each other.

Comments: 4019 • Responses: 51  • Date: 

DanDierdorf1909 karma

My favorite character of yours is still the sarcastic Amish Guy from "Sex Drive", great movie, great character.

Does this even rank on your favorites?

IamSethGreen1947 karma

I love that movie! I think we suffered in theatres because the title was "Sex Drive" and no guy felt comfortable bringing this up on date night as the number one movie they wanted to see, and no girl was going to buy tickets for that movie, so I think we suffered. But it's actually a really well-made and very funny movie that I love, and it's definitely in one of my top experiences.

GraphicPup1693 karma

Hottest slayer, Buffy, Kendra or Faith. C'mon Seth we're waiting.

Edit: Capital Letter

IamSethGreen2043 karma


nrandall131265 karma

What was it like playing a complete dick-hole in Entourage? Comical? Or was it natural?

IamSethGreen1846 karma

Well the first time I did Entourage it was a one-time thing and was not intended to be a continuing thing. Kevin Connolly who plays E and I have known each other since we were 7 years old and have always been friends, so the opportunity to play Hollywood rivals was really fun for me. And I saw it as a chance to parody every narcissistic self-consumed, grating, exhausting Hollywood celebrity that I had ever encountered in one part. Much to my surprise, people really believed that that show was a reality show, and I had to do some legwork to remind people that it was actually a joke / parody.

oh_memories1247 karma

How is your actual relationship with Seth MacFarlane? The bits on Family Guy where you make fun of each others shows are hilarious and I was just curious if it was actually like that

IamSethGreen1652 karma

Of course it's not actually like that. That's why it's funny and not callous and mean for us to be making fun of each other. We actually like each other and have been consistently supportive of each others' careers and creative ventures, and are lucky enough to get to collaborate on each other's things.

John_Arch1038 karma

I dont have a question, just happy to have caught an AMA in it's 1st 5 minutes

IamSethGreen987 karma

Haha! Welcome.

pokeman74521017 karma

I just wanted to say that while you made Joker one of the best charaters in ME, for me your most memorable role is still Oz. Looking back, do you think you made the right call to leave Buffy when you did?

IamSethGreen859 karma

That's such a complicated thing. At the time that I was working on Buffy, I was getting feature opportunities that I had never gotten in the early part of my career. And I tried really hard to do both, and it seemed impossible, and so I don't feel like it was a good or bad choice, it's just sort of what happened. If I'm lucky my career will be much longer than one singular thing I get to be a part of. And I'm really grateful to have been able to be a part of a show as great as Buffy, and to have played a character that people connected with as much as Oz.

ubomw385 karma

Are you still in contact with Buffy cast?

IamSethGreen1006 karma

Yea it's actually really funny, I'm working on the Fox lot right now and Alyson is on the lot for HIMYM and now Sarah is working on The Crazy Ones and Boreanaz is doing Bones on the same lot... so we are all in the same general area but we're all working all the time so we don't get to see each other except at publicity events. But it's hard, schedules don't match up all the time.

Swamp_Thing92805 karma

What's your favorite porn site?

IamSethGreen2283 karma

Wait a minute. There are sites where you can watch porn?

silentmarine723 karma

From /r/MassEffect

Great way to insert humor into the games. Were any of your lines improv and how did you come up with them?

IamSethGreen975 karma

None of it was only improv. Every once in a while I would add something that seemed in character or in the context with the moment. But the game is thoughtfully planned out and very complete before any of the actors even get there.

jamesbrowski340 karma

What got you interested in doing Mass Effect games in the first place? I know you've played a hacker a few times in other movies (aside - what's up with you not being credited for it in Enemy of the State, btw? I just noticed that now... 10 year old me loved that movie). Anyway, back to the original quesion: Are you generally a gaming/tech nerd, or did you just make an exception for the Mass Effect series?

IamSethGreen1478 karma

You know I spent the better part of my career playing the affable stoner and "the guy in the van." I'm really interested in tech, but I'm not tech savvy. The reason I always got those parts was because I could speak tech-nerd gibberish like it was regular thought, and for that I thank basic Shakespearian training.

As a sidenote: when I got that part in Enemy of the State, it was at the same time that Austin Powers had blown up on DVD and I had just made Idle Hands (or just finished it), I was in production on Buffy, and it's one of those weird things when your agents want to help elevate you to a particular type of stature and when they can't get the particular credit deal that you want, their recommendation is that you go uncredited. I got asked to do that part, and it was a very little 1-2 day shoot, after they tested the movie the audience had questions about what exactly was happening to Will Smith's character and they needed cutaways to the guy in the van to explain what was happening and clarify the narrative. And so I became friendly with Tony Scott and they asked me to come do all that stuff and it turned into what looked like a much larger part. All of a sudden I'm the director of the task force and it's just so funny. It was a one day thing that turned into a character that had gone throughout the movie and we had already made a deal that it would be uncredited, and then it turned into something where people were like "why were you uncredited? Were you embarrassed of doing the movie?" but I'm a huge fan of Tony Scott and remain privileged to have gotten to work with him like that.

I really liked the technology that had been developed when BioWare first announced the engines and the type of game they were going to make. The ability to build a reputation for your character as you make all of these choices throughout this epic, many-hours-long game, that was really appealing to me from a storytelling standpoint and as an actor, I thought that would be a fun thing to be involved with. I thought it would provide a great gameplay and entertainment experience and that's really all I look for, a great entertaining experience.

My favorite thing about having played Joker is that I meet people who I have had a 80 or 90 hour very intimate experience with that I wasn't a part of! It's been really neat because I meet people and it's like we went through something together even though I wasn't there with them.

shennentel672 karma

No question here. Just letting you know I love you. I really do.

IamSethGreen1030 karma

It's mutual.

WRV3624 karma

Out of all the sketches you've created for Robot Chicken, which is your personal favorite?

IamSethGreen1169 karma

I always go back to Voltron Breakdancing, it was in our first season and our fifth episode, we were still figuring out what was possible. The fact that we could make this iconic robot breakdance like a B-Boy was really sort of liberating. And it opened a lot of things up. It was the first time that we wrote and recorded a song ourselves, and got a character to dance on-camera, and if you look at everything that happened since then, we just took it and run with it.

stephmo586 karma


IamSethGreen1191 karma

Close enough to be his backpack!

I am a huge fan of Community and very excited to see the new season with Dan Harmon back in the driver's seat.

nazzers513 karma

Hey Seth! Thanks for doing this AMA. So, when will DuJour reunite?

IamSethGreen628 karma

Breckin, Donald and Alex and I all talk about that at least once a month. We would want to do it a little more like Spinal Tap than an actual national tour.

thotsky454 karma

Hey Seth!, What's your Favorite Star Wars character?

IamSethGreen958 karma

I always go back to R2 and Threepio. I think it's different generationally but when I was introduced to Star Wars, it was in a time when characters like that didn't exist with as much prevalence in pop culture, so I really connected to these bright, gleaming, mismatched Abbott & Costello of robots.

claptonman435 karma

When can we expect Austin Powers 4?

IamSethGreen623 karma

That's not up to me. I love those movies though. It's really Mike and if he has another idea that he is behind, then everyone will know that means it will be good.

Mosesmann434 karma

What was your favorite scene in Without A Paddle?

IamSethGreen1043 karma

I loved making that movie so much! If you watch that movie, it's the very true story of 3 boys falling desperately in love with each other during some of the most trying and challenging times of their lives. Both Matt Lillard and Dax Shepard who I knew before we started making that movie, they are so awesome and such talented and funny people and we were wholeheartedly committed to doing a great job on that. We were in New Zealand for 3 months and when you're on location that long and that far, you go a little crazy.

It started us with us flat-fist punching each others' arms and graduated by the end of shooting to one of us on all fours while the other flat-foot kicked them in the abs. Guys commune in different ways than women. But we are all still close. We just spent 3 months together running, jumping, climbing and swimming and for four straight weeks of that we were in our underwear so we went a little nuts. I really love that movie and it has a deep place in my heart. It was an awesome experience I will always remember.

BONUS STORY: both Matt and Dax are over 6 feet and I'm 5 feet 4, so when we went out places and local people at bars would want to talk to me or buy me shots. I don't know what it is but nobody wants to fight me because nobody thinks I will steal their girlfriend, but people want to do whatever it is to relax, they want to include me, whether it's doing shots or talking. So in everyone of those situations where we would go out, Dax and Matt both confided in me seriously that they prayed (separately) for a drunk soccer lover to pick a fight with me so that Matt and Dax could come to the rescue and basically kick their ass. They wanted the opportunity to protect me. But it never happened. I'm pretty good at diffusing those situations. I've met a lot of drunk people in my life, and I've turned that bomb into everyone doing irish car bombs.

spockosbrain417 karma

In the Robot Chicken short about Palpatine and Vader Who wrote these lines. "What's an Aluminum Falcon?" and "Go for Papa Palpatine."

Please thank everyone connected with that short for the laughs.

IamSethGreen402 karma

So the original concept was generated by Douglas Goldstein who's the co-head writer and one of the people we originated the show with. Breckin Meyer did a dialogue polish where both of those pieces of dialogue came from.

nostalgicBadger377 karma

Thanks for doing this AMA, Seth. How do you really feel about mimes?

IamSethGreen550 karma

I practiced all kinds of physical performance when I was really young, and learned basic mime movements, so I will always have respect for the skill and artistry of it, even though I don't find mimes particularly entertaining.

Dace09299 karma

Seth Green you are fucking awesome.

IamSethGreen588 karma

Says the most awesome person on this thread.

nygiants656293 karma

How was Wil Wheaton when you were on his Tabletop show? How much did he cheat?

IamSethGreen389 karma

I've known Wil for a really long time and I've always loved and admired him, especially the way he has taken initiative to do his own thing online without any real restrictions from larger governing companies. I especially love this show which gathers people together and reminds them about how fun board games are or teaches them new board games or shares new board game experiences with people they find interesting or entertaining.

Clare and I had a great time doing Tabletop and the only way that they cheated was to explain, ad nauseum, was to explain the rules and regulations to me so I didn't make too many grievous mistakes.

Billykrackin270 karma

I can't help but feel that in the movie "Airborne", Wiley was much cooler than Mitchell Goosen. Unfortunately he was hampered by his mother Irene and lacked the confidence to truly show the world his hidden qualities. If only he was able to break through. Perhaps show Nikki his runway show headlined by Right Said Fred? If he did he would have easiely overcome Blane, had Nikki as his own and Mitchell Goosen would have fallen into anonymity.

Any thoughts on this?

IamSethGreen273 karma

Yea, it's not really a question... but it seems to me that the kids who have the hardest time in school for being creative or feeling the most out of place are usually the ones with something significant to say that the people around them can't understand yet. So I don't know what Wiley's secret passions were, but I suspect he would have broken the gravity of Ohio and found some way to make a mark.

rugbybandit263 karma

Who did you base your character off of in the movie "Can't Hardly Wait"? You did such a great job in that movie to come off as the buffoon then allowing the real side of the character come out and slipping between the 2 effortlessly.

IamSethGreen333 karma

Aw thanks. It was not based on anyone specific, it was just kind of a growing trend in pop culture, seeing both the Zebrahead character who grew up in an environment and just was this way and was just this protected, middle class white boy who desperately wanted to feel like his life meant something more. We all remember how awkward it was to go through high school (for those of you who are still going through it, I'm sorry, it ends). It's real hard being in school and not knowing who you are and just wanting a sense of community and friends and even to like, solidify your identity and I can easily relate to characters that are misfits, that are separate, but try to dress themselves in the appropriate wardrobe to not be noticed. Well that character was a real fun opportunity to be both comedic but heartfelt, and it was very well-written and gave me the opportunity to go back and forth because that's exactly the duality that this poor stupid kid felt on his way out of high school.

pseudo_nipple247 karma

Hi Seth, thanks for doing this ama! Can you tell me more/talk about what your experience was like playing James St. James and meeting him in person. That had to be one huge task to take on!. He's such a animated, crazy, interesting person and personality. Also, working with Macaulay Culkin, he hadn't worked on a film in some time prior to Party Monster. You guys were awesome in that movie, the story is just so insane.

IamSethGreen263 karma

I didn't actually get to meet James until after we had filmed the movie. Mack and I felt it was really important to faithfully portray these guys the way they were during the time that all this actually happened versus actually getting to know them after they had had the opportunity to digest everything they'd been through. We had the benefit of countless hours of footage of both James and Michael from their talk show appearances, public appearances, news broadcasts and their own personal video cameras, so we had TONS to pour through to give us an accurate representation of these people in every one of these forums to best glean an authentic performance. James' book was amazing and it's what made me want to do the movie, and I was really so flattered and humbled that the writers & directors picked me to play James that I dedicated all my time to doing a good job.

pseudo_nipple78 karma

Thanks so much for replying!! You just made my day/week! <3 <3 <3

You did a phenomenal job on that role! I too read his book and have seen numerous interviews and the documentaries. Those costumes too. Man.

ONE MORE QUESTION.... - - -> Sounds like you and Macauley worked well together, and I see you call him 'Mack'. Did you two stay in touch after filming?

Edit: oops

IamSethGreen195 karma

Yes, we are still very close. I love that boy, he is one of the most well-adjusted human beings I have ever gotten the privilege of getting to know.

I also met James after we were deep into filming, and was so excited and he did not disappoint: he is a brilliant, charming, intellectual person and I was deeply honored to get to portray him.

ClementineClemenza238 karma

As a female that is way behind everyone else in the world and has just started playing the Mass Effect trilogy, why isn't there a romance option for Joker?!?!

IamSethGreen332 karma

I don't know! I think because their plan was to always have a love story between Joke and Edi.

Darth_Meatloaf197 karma

Was being on 'Inside the Actor's Studio' everything you ever wanted?

Also, thank for making redheads seem more cool, if only by loose association...

IamSethGreen306 karma

Yes, go team Ginger!

And getting to do "Actor's Studio" felt like a bit of a cheat because I was with the cast of Family Guy and we talked more about the art of cartoon performance and abbreviated versions of origin stories, but I did take every opportunity to look like a punk-rock pimp with a blue mohawk and a crisply-pressed suit. I'd had a conversation with Pete Wentz and gave him shit for not wearing a shirt on the cover of Rolling Stone, and he said "we're a rock band, it's the cover of Rolling Stone, none of us should be wearing shirts." I had a mohawk because of a movie I was working on at the time, so it was just the logical conclusion.

Seriouslysoftpillow195 karma

I went to school with a guy in TN, he claimed to be your cousin. Keeping to privacy, his name sounded like "waffle". Is this truth? And just to say it, I've been a fan of your work since X-Files. Man.

IamSethGreen334 karma

Thank you. I married a girl from Memphis who has a lot of cousins, so there's a high probability that anyone in the south could say that we're peripherally related and there would be a basis in fact. That doesn't mean we've ever met or hung out or partied or socialized, though.

MinionOnBoard177 karma

Do you plan on getting a Ps4 or Xbox One on release? If so, which one?

IamSethGreen327 karma

No, I've never been the guy who's racing to get the platform. But my wife Clare Grant is very excited about both of those. I think she's a little more excited about the Xbox, but I couldn't say it for sure.

drocks27159 karma


Thanks for doing this AMA! I have been a fan since Buffy. I see your new TV show Dads has been stirring up some controversy.

  1. How do you respond to the controversy and do you think the show will be well received by the general audience. How is it working for Seth McFarlane? Have you felt you get to be creative in this role?
  2. I have admired Giovanni Ribisi’s work as well. Have you guys had a good time working together?
  3. Will you ever work with Joss Whedon again?

IamSethGreen344 karma

Well that is clearly several questions in one. Nice Trojan Horse work there.

  1. In response to the controversy, I haven't really seen any controversy, There has been a lot of discussion about critics saying that there is controversy, but there has not been any ACTUAL controversy. There have been some groups who through their own cultural sensitivities feel that jokes that we're making are inappropriate for television, but I don't think any of those people have really seen the show as a whole and are solely focusing on singular jokes without considering them in the context of the entire show. The creators of the show are smart and clever, and we all grew up loving this kind of TV for being both a mirror to what we're all going through, and also provocative enough to ask questions about why we behave the way we do. And everyone needs to remember, this is a comedy, it's not about making fun of people but it's about having fun with the situations these people get into. I love working with Seth and working for him, he is a brilliant creator and an excellent collaborator, and I have found ample opportunities to be creative in this role. This is why I chose to do it and why I hope people receive it well.

  2. I've known Giovanni for over 20 years now and I absolutely admire and adore him. It's wonderful getting to spend this much time with him and get to make this show.

  3. I don't know anybody that has worked with Joss that wouldn't work with him again. But the conceit with someone like Joss is that you will work with him when he has something he wants you to do, so if you respect the vision of the director, you will also respect their vision if it does not include you. You know, I've been acting over 30 years and I've also directed some stuff, so I've started to understand why or why not someone gets a part.

STORMCOCK147 karma

I just watched you in the second episode of the X Files yesterday between calls at work (my job sucks).

IamSethGreen423 karma

Your job sucks because it allows you to watch an entire hour of television during your breaks? I'm confused! It sounds awesome.

It was post-Airborne but before Birds of Paradise, and I got that job, it was in Vancouver and it was the first episode after the Pilot, they had just gotten a pick up for 13 episodes. They knew they were going to make 12 more episodes, and they were still kind of figuring out what the show was going to be. And David Duchovny and I just got along so well because he has such a dry sense of humor, and we just had each other laughing nonstop. And Gillian, I think she was nervous. It was one of the bigger things that had happened and she wanted to do a good job. And I kept running into both of them after the show was a massive international success, which was such a trip. I just saw Gillian at Comic-con and it was the first time I'd seen her in 8-10 years and I had told her I had been watching her on Hannibal which she has been fantastic on, and we went to Zac Levi's Nerdmachine party and danced the night away.

big_bizzness141 karma

When will there be a new season of Greg the Bunny?

IamSethGreen157 karma

Greg the Bunny has had several lives across multiple networks and platforms, which is a testament to how indelible the original creation was. Dan Milano, who remains one of my closest friends, I just knew from seeing their public access show that I had to be a part of whatever this guy was doing. I don't know what people know, but Greg has had a life on both NY public access and on the Independent Film Channel and then on FOX as well as on MTV... so I know there are DVDs available for all of that stuff, if you love Greg there is a bunch of stuff you probably haven't seen. And if you've seen it all you're probably one of us.

ArcherJF126 karma

Seeing as your a well known actor in both movie and video games, I ask you, what do you prefer?

IamSethGreen236 karma

It's just completely different experiences. I really love acting so getting to do it in any form is pretty awesome by me. I think I always prefer going to shoot a movie on location over anything, but that's just because it's kind of a summer camp gypsy lifestyle.

thegimp90120 karma

Who is taller you or Snooki? Be honest Seth.

IamSethGreen402 karma

I met her at some MTV thing when Jersey Shore was first on the air, and I towered over her! It was awesome. For the record, I did not know anything about her when I met her and she seemed very sweet in person.

snickerdoodle85107 karma

Hi Seth. Thanks for doing this AMA. I was just curious if you ever go to fan expos or conventions on the east coast like New York or Canada like Toronto or Montreal. If not you should, we'd love to meet you :)

IamSethGreen174 karma

I'll be at New York Comic-Con this year and we try to get to Cons all over the country and the world if possible. It's hard just to schedule because you wind up doing 4-7 in a year, which you wouldn't think is a lot but it's a lot. It's really overwhelming to do so many in a year.

Like this thing that we're doing at the Sydney Opera House for Robot Chicken, I am going to be on the ground for somewhere around a day and a half. Theoretically, I will be in the air longer than I will be on the ground.

CrunchbiteRT94 karma

What are you allowed to tell us about the next Mass Effect?

IamSethGreen171 karma


chooter80 karma

Will DuJour ever reunite?

IamSethGreen137 karma

The day that we were filming the scene where we step off the plane to do choreographed dance moves, they had like 200 extras wearing clothes with our faces on them and a big billboard with our faces on them and it was like a boyband video shoot and Breckin and Donald and Alex and I all laughed at the ludicrousness of it, and vowed to take it even further so when we stepped off the plane we put on the faces of people who know that they are Christ-like. I put my my hand on some girl's forehead and push back. There's one dude who is there with a poster board over his head, and we're all acting like stars, and there was just this one moment where this guy and I caught each other's eyes and both of us knew that none of this was real. It was an amazing moment. A lot of fun.

Issac_Twamblee76 karma


Can you shed any light on what happened with Detours? Oh, and Aquaman: great superhero, or the greatest superhero? Why?

IamSethGreen181 karma

So there's actually been quite a bit of talk about this, but Detours is just on hold currently. We have 39 finished episodes and around 62 finished scripts. But that entire show was created before the decision to make more Star Wars movies, so our show (which was created by George Lucas) is an animated sitcom in the world of Star Wars, so we had a lot of conversations with Kathleen Kennedy about Star Wars in not just the next 3 years but the next 30 years, and when you're in as privileged a position as we were to be able to work on Star Wars content with its creator, you get a great sense of responsibility to the whole. I was introduced to Star Wars as a child and it was without any ironic or comedic lens, so I saw Darth Vader as scary, and I saw all of those messages very very clearly. We didn't think it made any sense, in anticipation of these new movies coming out, to spend the next 3 years with an animated sitcom as 3 generations' of kids first introduction to the Star Wars universe.

I've had a lot of parents approach me in the last few years where they showed Robot Chicken or Family Guy Star Wars before they showed them regular Star Wars. The writers on Robot Chicken and I are seeing this a lot. The same way we were introduced to classic music through Bugs Bunny or Tom & Jerry, kids are taking our ironic interpretations of He-Man or other pop culture icons and never having the opportunity to meet them sincerely. It's a really bizarre thing to wrap your head around, and because I've witnessed it firsthand, it made me more thoughtful about what we were putting it out.

I do feel that Detours is a timeless bit of entertainment. Media distribution is changing so quickly, so dramatically, that can you even imagine what distribution of content will look like in 5 years? In a day and age when Netflix series are nominated for the top accolades TV has to offer, what is to say what it will look like when the new Star Wars movie comes out? So Detours can sit on a shelf until the Star Wars movie comes out without losing any of its lustre, because what we've created is very funny, very smart and like I said before, timeless.

Aquaman has taken on so many shapes throughout his existence. I will always err on the side of "marginally useless but necessary."

bendingbeats69 karma

Who would train you in the Force, Yoda or Palpatine?

IamSethGreen189 karma

Yoda was my master.

matt42158 karma

When is the last time you ate at Rally's?

IamSethGreen88 karma

I do love Rally's! There's a Rally's on Venice Boulevard near Sony and the last time I was down there I drove through there. They have the best fries in town.

antihero908256 karma

Do you think Rat Race is a good movie?

IamSethGreen142 karma

I don't make a point of working on things I don't think are good! And I feel for anybody that feels they have to.

concerned_citizen12839 karma


What kind of computer do you use, and what do you do when you need tech support?...

Thanks man!

IamSethGreen61 karma

I use whatever devices I need. And luckily I have friends who are far more familiar with their services and platforms than I whenever I have a problem.

AmyAugusta39 karma

What is the most obscure thing people recognize you for? I'm hoping you say IT.

IamSethGreen67 karma

People come up with pretty random stuff but usually they are trying to stump me. It's rare that someone organically loves something that's super-super-obscure.

Getinthevan1834 karma

what type of video games do you like to play?

IamSethGreen172 karma

I like Ms. Pac-Man, Tetris, and Puzzle Bobble.

Ask your dad.

Mikeaz12334 karma

What's your favorite Burt Reynolds film?

IamSethGreen59 karma

I love Smokey and the Bandit! And Burt told us when you watch that movie, you see him and Sally falling for each other. This was on Without a Paddle, so me and Dax and Shepard all shared a knowing look.

bbkfftw33 karma

What is your favorite role you've played? I'm also super jealous that you're married to Clare Grant. Hottest Unicorn ever!

IamSethGreen40 karma

I don't think I've got a favorite. I just really throw myself wholeheartedly in everything I'm working on, and I work on it because it's what I'm most excited about at that time.

Hamstertoast27 karma

Was filming scooby doo awesome? I feel like it would be so boring, acting in front of all that CGI.

IamSethGreen46 karma

Ohmygosh we had so much fun doing that and not a lot of people know this but James Gunn wrote that movie and was on set every day. We just played a ton of Scrabble, took a bunch of ridiculous pictures with all the Scooby-Doo villain statues in the museum, it was a really great time making that movie.

joshuatree8920 karma

Hey Seth! Firstly, you rock man I love your work my favorites are Robot Chicken and the voice of Chris in family guy.

Secondly my question. Have you seen pro atheist posters quoting you like this: http://31.media.tumblr.com/117e8fd88e0f3a3342447ef6690ae939/tumblr_mrwiztbrkQ1s5vowao1_500.png

and what do you think of them?

IamSethGreen83 karma

I believe that everyone is entitled to their own opinion. I find it sad and unfortunate how many wars are fought and lives are lost in a quest to insist that someone else pray the same way you do. I have a deep belief in the divinity of the Universe, and I had no ability to really comprehend the scope or magnitude of all the things that I don't understand. But I've never been the guy who says "I don't believe in god" or "I don't believe in some kind of overlaying, governing force that makes everything symmetrical" and I've never been interested in being anyone's spokesman, whether it's organized religion or the opposite. I'm my own spokesperson. I take great pains to always say I only speak for me.

ThatNerdyGuy1020 karma

Who is someone you've always wanted to work with but haven't yet?

IamSethGreen30 karma

Paul Thomas Anderson is somebody whose movies I have thoroughly enjoyed and admired andI've always really wanted to work with.

Rob_Saget16 karma


Thank you for doing this AMA and all the laughs you've provided over the years!

  • Are you planning on making another Robot Chicken DC Special?
  • What is a moment in your career that made you go "Wow, I never would have dreamed I'd get to do this?"
  • What makes "Dads" stand out from other sitcoms?
  • I host a podcast where we have celebrity guests geek out about TV, games, music, etc. Would you be interested in being a guest?

Thank you again for the AMA and look forward to your responses!

IamSethGreen38 karma

  1. Yea, we are actually in pre-production on it now. I think it's going to be released at the top of next year but I am very, very excited about it. I don't want to freak anybody out but it's a 22 minute special and we have 3 musical numbers in it.

  2. I've been really lucky and I've gotten to have many mindblowing moments. From getting to direct Don Knotts to sitting in the SpaceX dragon capsule which will eventually dock up to the space station. I got no complaints.

  3. Well I think DADS is really funny and really relatable. I think everyone will find a character or situation that makes them feel like "this is my life" or it will make you happy that it's not your life.

  4. Why don't you tweet at me later since I'm focusing on this now!

IWannaFuckEllenPage10 karma

Which Seth would win in a nerdfight, you or Rogen?

IamSethGreen11 karma

I don't know, I love Rogen. We have not had any head-to-head nerd competitions, but I was so knocked out by This Is the End. I really just enjoyed what they did and I thought it was such an excellent movie.