UPDATE! We just hit #16 on iTunes Movies! If you haven't rented/purchased the movie yet help us break into the Top 10!

Hey all, Ed and Zack here! We created "Dick Figures" the highest viewed and rated animated web-series on YouTube, currently with over 350 million views, and a record-breaking Kickstarter campaign that launched "Dick Figures The Movie".

As of September 17th, 2013 our film has been released to all major online distributors through a brand new chaptering method on YouTube never utilized before. A huge part of our success on the show and the Kickstarter came from Reddit and the internet community so we'd love to give back and answer some of your questions! PROOF!

The movie is now available on: iTunes , Amazon , Googleplay and Mondo Media !!! And you can Pre-Order the DVD too! And the movie soundtrack. And the book!

ASK AWAY! And if the AMA ends before you get a chance to ask a question, you can always contact us here: Ed Skudder: Twitter / Tumblr Zack Keller: Twitter / Website THANK YOU ALL!

Comments: 369 • Responses: 95  • Date: 

Ravick829 karma

This movie is the culmination of ten thousand years of human civilization. Of four billion years of evolution. All of the trials of life throughout history, all of the discord, the pain and suffering, the joy and elation, all of the wars fought and rivers of blood shed upon the soil. Every technological and scientific advance, every tool our curious species has ever invented. Our entire history has had only one purpose: The release of Dick Figures: The Movie. The golden age of man is upon us.

The movie was fuckin' awesome.

EdAndZack20 karma

This is the best comment ever. Hearing that the fans enjoyed the movie is such a wonderful feeling. We honestly made it for you guys and WITH you guys thanks to the Kickstarter. We will keep making sweet stuff as long as you guys and gals want. This has been such an amazing experience.

quirox17 karma

If Stacy was a bitch in First day of Cool, why was she "normal" in Robot Frog?

EdAndZack30 karma

Haha this is an amazing question. She went through a rough patch until middle school then really started focusing on her grades to get into college. Med School really burned her out though so she reverted back to her childish self. Too many pixie sticks. And tequila. - Zack

Faulty_grammar_guy13 karma

No question, I just wanna say that it was a damn good movie, and I'm glad that I supported the project! (Btw you guys are pretty damn cool)

EdAndZack9 karma

Thank you! That means a ton to Ed and I. We're so thankful for our fans. We literally could not have made this without you. So glad you liked the film.

Tonialb0073 karma

I just bought the movie yesterday and just wanted to say that it was fantastic. Good job!

EdAndZack3 karma


max101711 karma

Can't afford to buy it yet, so I'm eagerly awaiting each chapter for the next few weeks. Definitely psyched! The first 2 chapters were terrific!

Question, I suppose: What made you want to do an origin story instead of branching off from one of the episodes? Like the story of the Raccoon, or even the Burrito Stealing Aliens? There were so many original concepts for Dick Figures through the last few years, It seems odd that you'd go back to the very beginning for such a massive project. Can't complain, though. :) Really enjoying it!

PS: Wanna make a movie sometime?.....awkwardsilence

EdAndZack3 karma

Thanks so much for checking out the first chapters, we really hope you like the rest of it too haha!!

Zack and I thought a lot about what a movie version of DF would be, knowing that in that world we could basically do anything! But every time we thought about it, we realized the only thing the show is really about is friendship. Red and Blue and their dumb adventures is at the heart of every episode so we wanted to show why they were even friends in the first place, since Red is always such a dick to poor Blue and we wanted to tell the story of why they have stuck together for so long, and why they would continue to be friends in the future. So glad you are enjoying it though!! :)

Dreadmonkey10 karma

Amazing stuff dudes, I've been watching the minisodes on youtube and the fighting animation is top notch.

So what's the plan after this achievement?

EdAndZack8 karma

MORE MOVIES. We love making shorts for YouTube and will continue to do so, but the ability to tell longer stories is really where our hearts lay. We've got a new project coming up that we can't talk about just yet but we'll announce it soon. You can also check Remochoso.com or the DF facebook page to see what we're up to.

Exastiken10 karma

Will you be making another movie?

EdAndZack11 karma

Absolutely. We had the best time making "Dick Figures The Movie" and are definitely planning on making another. We're working on something new right now and it's super exciting. We'll announce it soon!

Locked0721 karma

"Dick Figures 2: Harder and Longer - Coming soon!"

EdAndZack12 karma

Haha. Perfect.

CG_Animator10 karma

So I watched the movie last night. What a great looking film! Especially considering it's budget. You all are crazy talented!

So I'm just curious, was the film drawn frame-by-frame? Or were you manipulating pre-built Flash "puppets"? Or a combo of both?

EdAndZack11 karma

Thank you so much!!! We really appreciate the kind words. :)

The film was drawn for the most part frame-by-frame. Our animators are all very very talented people and all trained in old-school 2D animation (a little over-kill for stick figures, we know haha). But because of that they could really bring all their talent and skill into creating the movie, and I couldn't be more proud of the whole crew.

There are a couple parts that we use flash based puppets, or "Symbols"... namely the Raccoon (who is all symbols), Lord Takagami's helmet, lots of the props, and sometimes the circles that make up the characters' heads.

Thanks for watching and supporting the film!!!!

EdAndZack9 karma

THANK YOU ALL! We're signing off now, but thank you so much for all the questions and we're so thrilled that you liked "Dick Figures The Movie"! This whole thing happened because of you so we are eternally grateful. If you've got any more questions, comments or fan-art you can always contact us on twitter (@edskudder & @zfkeller) or tumblr (edskudder.tumblr.com & zfkeller.tumblr.com)!!! Thank you again and enjoy DICK FIGURES THE MOVIE!

bukKkk6 karma

I wonder what your parents think about your work. Do they actually know the series, and do they think it's hilarious, or are you a bit of a tabu-topic in that regard?

"Yes mom, I did draw that... No mom, I did not want to make you or jesus cry."

EdAndZack12 karma

Both of our parents have watched the series and movie. Our parents are the nicest, most normal people ever, so we feel so bad that they have to tell their friends that "our son works on this show called "Dick Figures" " Everyone thinks it's porn when they first hear about it ;_; but now that we're #16 on iTunes hopefully people are seeing that it is NOT porn. Kinda.

bukKkk5 karma

Haha, well I'm sure they're still proud as fuck. I don't know you guys, and I'm even proud of you.

EdAndZack4 karma


llydecke6 karma

Great Job on the film. My questions are for Zack.

What voices, besides Blues, did you do in the film?

Will there be hard copies of the movie available on DVD (my coworker Tom wants to know)?

Lastly, can I touch your butt? ._.

EdAndZack3 karma

I did the voice of Trollz0r, Rick (the rickshaw driver that carries Red) and a bunch of other terrible voices. Yes, DVDs/BluRays on December 3rd on Amazon! You can pre-order it here!. And, yes. It looks like this: ((

admiralmalakii5 karma

Anything eh, Can I have a signed t-shirt then?

Also, looking forward to watching the movie, think I may buy tonight :)

EdAndZack3 karma

Sweet, thank you! My brother sells autographed albums for the soundtrack here: Nick Keller Music but send us a private message on twitter @edskudder / @zfkeller and we'll try to get you something signed! - Zack

bestur13 karma

Good bye hello what was the most hardest part of making the movie? -greetings from iceland :D

EdAndZack3 karma

Hello Iceland! The hardest part was definitely just the amount of data and files and animation to keep track of. The webseries episodes never got longer than 3 minutes so they were never that tricky to deal with, but with 73 minutes and more animators and special effects and compositing and everything we had a ton of new things to keep track of and pull together. Our producer Nick Butera did a phenomenal job of keeping us all on track and on time, and coffee did a phenomenal job of keeping us awake haha.


lpierce223 karma

Hello guys. Obviously, I love the film ;-0. Question for Ed: you did the voice of the japanese girl, right? (no real spoilers, I hope.) Were you actually saying anything? If so, what were you saying, and what inspired you those clips? Hands down the best scene in the movie. - From the airport.

EdAndZack2 karma

Hello to you in the airport! Yes, sadly, that was me doing the very worst impression of a Japanese school girl in human history. I get so embarrassed doing that voice and Zack laughs his ass off the whole time I suffer through it. She is giving Red and Blue directions to their next stop on the quest, but we really just wanted to write in a Japanese school girl into the Japan sequence (I mean you gotta, right?) and the rest just kinda flowed out as we wrote it. Glad you liked it though haha. Travel safe!!

goodgen3 karma

What's next for you now that the movie is released? Are there any projects you're planning to work on in the near future that doesn't necessarily involve Dick Figures? Love your work and the movie's great!

EdAndZack3 karma

Thank you! We had a blast making the movie. There's definitely more Dick Figures to come, but Ed and I are also working on a new animated project through our company REMOCHOSO. We will be announcing more on this soon.

Bonnell72 karma

So, will any of the new characters from the movie show up in the youtube series? BTW, absolutely loved the movie; 'twas worth every cent!

EdAndZack2 karma

Thank you! And yes, some characters will definitely show up in Season 5 of Dick Figures. We love Crookygrin.

BlueDesire2 karma

I love Dick Figures, thank you so much for all the laughs and hours of viewing :)

EdAndZack2 karma

You're welcome! Plenty more to come!

EdAndZack2 karma

Thank you for the hours of viewing and enjoying it, we appreciate the support and kind words!!!

TajesMahoney2 karma

Whatever happened to that show Suck Tower? That was pretty good. And Ed and Lynn, you guys did voices/animation for it, right?

  • Not Chad, one of the creators of Suck Tower.

EdAndZack3 karma

OH man, SUCK TOWER was easily one of the greatest pilots ever to go up on Mondo! Yes, me and LYNN WANG did the designs and animation and the guys who created it, AARON WALTKE, KYLE McVEY and CHAD QUANDT are the best humans on the planet at the time of writing this response. Oh, wait... THE Chad Quandt, as in the voice of CHAD-COP on Dick Figures? WHY YES INDEED!

The_Dung2 karma

I can't wait to see the movie, but I'm wondering, will it be released for purchase to everyone soon (Belgium:D)? I really want to buy it, not rent.

Thanks in advance

EdAndZack2 karma

http://www.mondomedia.com/dftm-options/ Check that link. But yes, it will be available everywhere very soon.

Ghostshirts2 karma

Some critics have attacked Dick Figures The Movie for straying too far from the beloved novel Push by Sapphire. How do you defend your choice to take this many liberties with such a timeless and classic piece of literature?

EdAndZack3 karma

As Hemingway said, "Write drunk, make Dick Figures drunker." We wanted to explore the pathos of humanity vis-a-vis colored stick-like figurines.

patti22 karma

Why are you so awesome? :D

EdAndZack7 karma

Because of all you guys! :)

Azaloth2 karma

Rented and loved the movie! What's next?

EdAndZack6 karma

Thanks for renting it! So glad you liked it! Well, 7 more episodes of DF Season 5 coming soon and lots more Red & Blue in the future. Also, Ed and I are working on a super-secret project that we'll be announcing when we can. If you like Dick Figures, you'll like this too. We promise. - Zack

ScreamingBrit2 karma

Just got home and now staring to download the movie!

So here my question, is there anyone you would love to hire to be in season 6? ;)

EdAndZack4 karma

We want to get Olivia Munn to do a voice!

someone09562 karma

What references were used in the hapan scenes? Mainly when they arrive and such, theres a ton of different documentary references its kinda hard to name them all.

EdAndZack2 karma

So so many. Pokemon. Dragonball. Sonic the Hedgehog. Metal Gear Solid. Godzilla. We'll have our artist who animated that scene answer this question.

johnnycrash9862 karma

I'm wondering if you will make the movie a direct download at some point in the future. I purchased it on Google Play, but I'd like to be able to play the movie on my TV eventually without having to hook up a computer to it. Awesome movie regardless!

EdAndZack3 karma

You can buy it on AppleTV right now, but we're looking into more options too. Netflix and Hulu someday for sure, plus DVD and Blurays December 3.

Danijongo2 karma

Not sure if it was asked before, but, the movie is going to affect the series?

Btw, I love you guys!!! Big fan from Israel! <3 - Dani

EdAndZack3 karma

Season 5 has a super awesome episode coming up that directly relates to the movie. Make sure you watch the movie first!

EdAndZack2 karma

Hey Dani! Thanks, we really appreciate the support and DF love!! The movie will only affect the series in that we're pausing Season 5 to release the chapters for free. But once the movie's all released in a month or two more we've got the rest of the season all lined up and ready to go. There'll be so much Dick Figures this year!

edo3002 karma

Hi guys, I am an Italian fan of the brand ( keep it up by the way ). Firstly, the movie was one of the most awesome things I've ever watched! Secondly, I've got a few questions for you guys: I am also a kickstarter contributor and I just wanted to know if the DVD would come for us before its standard release date! Also, I've heard that, in the DVD, there will be other languages...will there be Italian too? Thanks for the time, and for everything you make for us!

EdAndZack2 karma

THANKS FOR BEING A FAN! Yes, Kickstarter backers get a special DVD early :) We're working on translations now and will hopefully get an Italian dub for you. We'll let you know!

Migueword2 karma

Guys, i LOVED your movie, couldn't wait for the chapters and rented it. Youshouldmakeasequelloljk

Any new thoughts on DFTM future? Maybe uncovering each character's past in a deeper way *-

thanks for giving the free movie on youtube. You guys are awesome. <333

Also, the Japan part was beast. I loled so hard xD

EdAndZack2 karma

hahah thanks so much, we're really glad you enjoyed it and we really really appreciate your support in renting the film. It means so much to us and we're so excited to keep making more sweet stuff for you guys in the future! Glad you enjoyed Japan. We felt kinda bad writing it, but all in good fun obviously (love you, Japan!). We both have always loved Japan and all the crazy and awesome stuff that comes out of there so we couldn't resist the chance to put it in the movie haha.

GoodAaron2 karma

When will we see a spinoff for Officer Chad Cop?

EdAndZack2 karma

It can't come soon enough!

morozsean2 karma

Dear Ed and Zack, I have pre-ordered the DF movie from the official DF website (richardfigures.com) and I haven't got my movie in my email yet! What's going on!? This ain't funny and I really want to watch the movie please. The email I bought the movie with is accessgranted24@gmail.com. Please check this.

EdAndZack3 karma

Checking right now. So sorry about that.

Rayquaza3842 karma

I loved the movie, you guys did a great job! Do you guys have ideas for possibly another big feature?

EdAndZack2 karma

Yeah we actually have a bunch of big plans and cool new ideas coming up around the corner that we're both really really excited about. We'll be able to tell the world more about the future soon, but for now we're both just crazy excited about DFTM and its release and our ability to finally sleep now hahah.

Zhainbow2 karma

Hey Guys! Well this question is for Zack Keller (Fuckin Awesome Tracks!) Well, i order the Movie Soundtrack, and i'm from Mexico (Yeah, a Mexican see your amazing movie! :D) so, did you know in how much time can i get it?

EdAndZack2 karma

Hey, thanks, but actually my brother, Nick Keller, is the composer! You can check out more of his music here: www.nickkellermusic.com! He's mailing out the autographed albums right now, or you can buy it on itunes here: https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/dick-figures-movie-original/id698792890 ALSO! He's releasing his first, original album soon. Check his site for samples. It's really badass stuff.

00111010_001010012 karma

Great movie guys! Even though I watched it on my phone I still got sucked right into that movie. The music was great too. Have any of your older family members seen it? If so what were their reactions to it?

EdAndZack2 karma

Thank you! So glad you liked it. Our parents watched the movie and are incredibly proud... because they have to be. We're so appreciative of our parents for supporting our choice of careers and making a show called "Dick Figures"

capitalzero2 karma

Hey guys, congrats on all your successes. I've really been looking forward to your movie! I'm a self-published author and I've found that working with Amazon has been pretty easy, even though they can be quite opaque in their terms and conditions. I was wondering if that translated to working with them for your video distribution. Do you think ease of working with a video distributor usually translates to ease of use as a consumer (maybe your experiences with Youtube factor in here)? Where are most of your sales coming in through? Finally, this may be a touchy question but, if all the vendors are equally convenient for us as consumers, which video service would you prefer us to use? Those are just framing questions I have, so feel free to choose if/how you answer!

EdAndZack3 karma

Hey Capitalzero, Zack here. I self-publish books on Amazon as well and have had a great experience with them. For movies you need to work with an affiliate to get your content online, ours is Cinedigm and they've been awesome, but it's not like Kindle Direct Publishing or Createspace where anyone can publish content online. There's no one vendor we prefer to be honest; iTunes, Amazon, Googleplay and Yekra have all been great partners. But I have an AppleTV so that's where I bought it first! - Zack

keepcalmnbowl2 karma

Great job guys. My friend and I have loved watching your videos since Panda Hat. You fucking rock! How do you get noticed for voice acting?

EdAndZack2 karma

Thanks so much!! We appreciate you watching for so long and for enjoying the show! From what we know, the best thing you can do to get noticed for voice acting is to just do tons of it! And also team up with other creators and spread your talent around. The more you can appear in a bunch of different projects the more reach your work will have. Collaboration FTW!

ragnao2 karma

Hey guys! Before I ask my question I just want to say thank you for all the hard work you guys do to provide us us qulity entertainment. Dick Figures is awesome! I got two questions.

Will Sarah Connor from Terminate-Her ever make a comeback?

and a question directed to Ed,

Will Dogsnack ever make a comeback?

EdAndZack2 karma

Thanks so much!! We love making content for you and everyone more than anything and your support means a ton to us.

Dogsnack is napping for now but Lynn and I are talking about releasing a music video soon! I wrote a full-length version of the DANCESNACK song and we want to set it to a sweet video and put it out! Not sure when it will be, but stay tuned!!!

And in regards to Sarah Connor... only time will tell DUN DUN DUN DUN DUN!!

long_wang_big_balls2 karma

Nice title

EdAndZack2 karma

Thanks, we try haha.

morozsean1 karma

How many seasons will Dick Figures have? I mean, when will the show end? Not that I want it to end. I'm a huge Dick Figures fan! :D

EdAndZack1 karma

A show about nothing can go on forever. As long as we've got funny things for Red & Blue to say it will be on YouTube.

barrettsmithbb1 karma

Zack! Question! I was watching the credits and I noticed you had your brother do your voice for the roof top scene. Was there any reason you did it that way? Or just for funzies?

EdAndZack1 karma

Haha, wow, GREAT catch. Well, my normal voice sounds too much like Blue so it sounded weird. Thankfully, my brother sounds just enough like me to play me better than I could! Weird, huh? - Zack

t00nbink1 karma

... Great... movie? (it was awesome but I don't know what to ask)

EdAndZack1 karma

Haha. You said "great" and "movie" so we thank you.

thekillagorilla1 karma

How are all the episode's quality so freaking good???

EdAndZack1 karma

Thank you for thinking that! Ed and I just have a ton of fun making them so we're glad that a lot of that shows up on the screen. Also, fart jokes are the universal language.

JohnDusenberry1 karma

Incredible seeing this movie climb the charts on iTunes and Amazon not even 24 hours after it's release. That's INSANE! I think a lot of people are interested in hearing about the long-term distribution for this movie. Is it gonna be available on Netflix and Hulu or maybe even in theatres?

EdAndZack1 karma

Thank you! It's AMAZING to be right up there on the charts with big studio films. And it's all thanks to the fans. You guys rock. This is a totally new model for film distribution so I think everyone is watching to see what happens! Netflix and Hulu for sure, maybe theaters if we can!

Cool2Man1 karma

Haven't watched the movie yet, but given that the series is awesome, I'm sure that the movie will be 10 times as great! Keep it up, guys!

EdAndZack1 karma

Thank you! You can buy/rent it pretty much everywhere (iTunes, Amazon, MondoMedia, Googleplay) so when you see it let us know what you think! @edskudder / @zfkeller !!!



EdAndZack1 karma


nukedhunter1 karma

Hey guys great movie! I was just wondering when will backers get their gear? (shirts, posters, etc.)

EdAndZack1 karma

We are signing posters, hats and DVDs like mad. Once it's all good to go you'll get it!

esmalvala1 karma

great idea on showing your film in chapters and at different times. even I would try to get it for free. Anyways, does the DVD have the special features like commentaries, behind-the-scenes footages, etc. ?

Also, if this is it for the Dick Figures episodes, will you guys have a DVD with all of the episodes to sell as well? I enjoyed all your hard work and would love to keep a copy of em for me to enjoy em and everything else a fan would do with it.

EdAndZack1 karma

YEP! The DVD has stuff you can't find anywhere else: the full Making Of, Directors Commentary, and more! The chaptered approach is a brand new way to distribute movies that we totally support. Some people can't pay but we want them to see it no matter what. Buying/Renting supports us to keep making awesome content for you guys too! We would love to make DVDs of the seasons. I'm sure that will come some day soon.

Kapuzzi1 karma

Hey sup? Big thanks from germany the Movie was Awsome i think dick figurs is one of the funniest things i ever watched my question is the Movie going to be in german ?

EdAndZack1 karma

Yes. It is on the Germondo channel. Also! We're going to release it on iTunes, Amazon and all the other stores ASAP! It's been submitted to them. The German dub is AWESOME.

bronkula1 karma

I'm gonna ask a question that could be considered not pc, but I just noticed it in this AMA. There seems to be a large portion of not native English speakers here. Have you guys done metrics on where in the world Dick Figures has really taken off?

EdAndZack1 karma

Yes we do. 50% of the audience is international. For english speaking, it is the US, UK, and Australia primarily, but for foreign it's mostly Germany and Spain/Mexico (due to our german/spanish dubs).

sifterpivoter1 karma

The making of this movie must have been tiring, isn't it? Also, how did you import those explosions into flash, or edited it using after effect? If imported, then how did you manage to import it with such a quality? The work of the whole staff is really appriciated, by the way.

EdAndZack1 karma

Haha yeah we're a little sleepy after a year of hard work, but definitely in a good way. We work so hard on this stuff because we love it so much.

And yes, we actually import any extra elements like that into After Effects and composite all our footage from Flash in there before sending it to Final Cut were we piece it all together. Thanks so much for watching and supporting the movie!

Bonnell71 karma

I just figured out why the site is named Richard Figures. Wow, i'm slow.

EdAndZack1 karma

You can refer to the episode "Role Playas" for even more...

RedPortal991 karma

From a scale of 1 to 100 how awesome do you guy's think the dick figures fandom is :3

EdAndZack2 karma

It is so awesome, it does not even fit on that scale. Humanity has not created a number high enough (even infinity) to calculate how awesome it is.

GeneraleRusso1 karma


How was the feeling of achieving something that lots and lot of people consider still "a dream": aka making a movie and having a huge fanbase that supports you!

Keep the awesome work!

PS: sorry for my english, is probably worse that Gelato. And i'm italian lol

EdAndZack3 karma

Ed and I are incredibly lucky to have such amazing fans. It's honestly been both of our dreams to make a feature film since we were kids so it's a wonderful feeling, especially since we were able to make this movie with so much help from our fans, and work on it with all of our friends. It really was a dream come true and we can't wait to make another. Hello from America and your english is great! - Zack

T_HINE1 karma

Great movie! What are your future plans for the Dick Figures Series?

EdAndZack3 karma

Thank you! We're so glad the fans can finally see the movie they helped make! The rest of Season 5 of Dick Figures is coming out after the 12 chapters of DFTM and then who knows... a game mebbe? - Zack

Quincy_the_fish1 karma

To both of you guys: Who is your favorite voice to act out? Why?

Also, how much of Red and Blue reflect your personalities?

Thanks for your work! It's absolutely hysterical!

EdAndZack5 karma

Blue is pretty much my normal voice so it's the easiest one to act out, but the most fun is Trollz0r because I hate doing it and Ed loves watching me suffer. And yes, Red and Blue are very much based on our personalities, but increased times infinity. - Zack

EdAndZack3 karma

Thank you, we're both always so glad to hear anyone enjoying it! I think my favorite character to voice act is actually a new character that we added in the movie, Captain Crookygrin (you can see him in the trailers). I won't spoil anything for those who haven't seen him yet, but doing his lines was a total blast hahaha. I have lots of English heritage so it was very cathartic.

The similarities between Red and I are definitely there, but I think Red is sort of what I would be on like.... power-crack or something. I can't deny that I enjoy a good drink and it's difficult to not have a dance party all the time, but I'm wayyy more reigned in than that stick-figure maniac is. I think if I was actually Red I woulda been dead a looooooong time ago.


Ochovarium1 karma

Thanks for doing this AMA!

How difficult was it transitioning from making episodes that were rarely over four or so minutes long to making a full-length movie?

EdAndZack3 karma

Our pleasure! We love talking to everyone about DF! It was not so difficult in terms of the story, the real challenge was more technical. Zack and I knew pretty quickly what we wanted the main theme of the movie to be and the rest of it was really just us listing all the sweet stuff we'd always wanted to see in a movie haha. The hard part was just managing and keeping track of all the tons and tons of new files and animation and people needed to construct the thing. But the transition felt good, Zack and I were both just waiting for the day we could finally make a feature film and we couldn't ask for a more fun and exciting way to start off!


LordFilbo1 karma

Whose idea were dick figures ?

EdAndZack8 karma

I had always loved stick figures since my days on Newgrounds - they were some of the first little characters I ever animated. So when Six Point Harness offered the chance to create a show I thought it would be awesome to do a show with stick figures as the characters. I animated a little minute and a half test (which we actually showed on Mondo http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F1In_ziBPbw ) and it got the show picked up! However since then Zack and I have fleshed the world and characters out so much further than the original idea. So while I came up with it to start, it's really been the two of us developing the idea over the last 3 years together!


supersonicx011 karma

Make that ass clap!

EdAndZack2 karma

Trying, trying... done.

awesomejake941 karma

I wanted to ask a question concerning my download, do you media player that can play the movie because its an mp4 file and I am unable to watch it

EdAndZack2 karma

Please contact Kickstarter or the vendor you purchased from. If they don't respond message us on Reddit and we'll look into it. Sorry you're having problems.

SamBo_LamBo1 karma

How is working with Mondo? I've heard mixed things from content creators on YouTube with working for channels that stream other peoples' work.

EdAndZack2 karma

Mondo Media is a great company to work with. They've been incredibly supportive from the very beginning. Dick Figures would not have existed without them. Distributing content on YouTube is difficult because it's expensive to make animation, but we don't earn very much money from the views so it's tricky business. Mondo is doing amazing, ground-breaking work, especially with the release of this film, and we're so happy to be partnered with them.

sasax1 karma

since when you guys wanted to make this movie from the begining or later when it got popular?

EdAndZack2 karma

Ed and I have always wanted to make movies since we were kids. We went to USC to study Film Production as well, but just happened to get our careers started online with short-format. All the fans had been asking for a Dick Figures movie, and we wanted to make one, so it only made sense to do a Kickstarter to make it happen!

morozsean1 karma

Dear Ed and Zack, will I receive the movie in my email anytime soon!?

EdAndZack2 karma

Kickstarter or Paypal? Either way, yes, you should have gotten it. Please pm us and we'll look into it.

Leook1 karma

I got a question.. I live in germany and I want to buy Dick figures from Amazon.COM (english site).. When I go on buy it says that it gets released on 3.december 2013.. shouldnt it be something like september?

EdAndZack2 karma

The German version should be on iTunes very, very soon. Until then, international fans please check this site to see where you can buy the movie in your country: http://mondomedia.com/dftm-options

lolpey1 karma

you guys are awesome, and the movie is just as awesome (probably the best movie i have brought ever ) i was wondering are any of the character in dick figures based on anyone if so who? - ethan from the uk :)

EdAndZack2 karma

Thank you thank you thank you! And hello from Los Angeles. All the characters in DF are based on our friends in one way or another (dunno if that's good or bad) and especially on Ed and I.

sgtjoe1 karma

I am only slightly aware of this series, but why did you call it dick figures? I could not detect any dicks.

EdAndZack3 karma

It is about stick FIGURES who are DICKS to each other. It was the best we could do ;_;

EdAndZack2 karma

The only dicks in it are our two asshole main characters Red and Blue. We actually couldn't even think of a title for it for a looong time. Zack and I even put up a sheet in our animation studio and asked the other employees to write their ideas. We got some great ones but none that really stuck. Then finally one day, our producer Andy Fiedler walked by and jokingly said, "You guys should just call it Dick Figures." Zack and I just looked at eachother and knew.... he had fucking nailed it!!!! The rest is history haha...


mengtac1 karma

When will there be an actual panda on the show?

EdAndZack3 karma

We're trying to get the humane society to let us film one on a greenscreen but they keep denying our applications on the basis of, "We cannot in good conscience allow you to strap an endangered species to '500 bottle rocketz adn try n blast it to dteh moon.' Please stop writing to us." ... we'll wear em down eventually. ;)

sasax1 karma

Did any fan stopped any one of you at a public place to ask signature? Any funny stories with some fan?

EdAndZack2 karma

The only time either of us have ever been stopped has only been at cons and talks... really just placed we both have already told people that we'll be. We keep a pretty low profile haha. Also we only travel outside in sunglasses and fake beards......... ...Because the sun burns our skin.

Kujizz1 karma

Thank you guys for doing the AMA and congratulations on the film!

Do Red and Blue reflect how you guys are like in real life or are they just completely fictional?

EdAndZack2 karma

They are very much like Ed and I. Red, voiced by Ed, even has two letters of his name in it! Much of the shows is based on what we're thinking about at the time.

morozsean1 karma

Dear Ed and Zack, I am so sorry for spamming, but I have paid for nothing. This is just sad. I am mad and I REALLY want to watch the movie I've been waiting months for. Please. Check the problem. And no, I do not have a proof, but please check this. The PayPal transaction was successful and I have ABSOLUTELY paid for the pre-order. Again, the email I bought the movie with was accessgranted24@gmail.com. Sorry for spamming. Please READ this.

EdAndZack2 karma

PM me on twitter: @zfkeller

barrettsmithbb1 karma

Not really a question, but I just wanted to say that I have watched the movie a ton already and it is just so engaging!

I had a little moment of self reflection last night and I thought how totally awesome it must be to be in your shoes in this day and age. The age when you are able to amass a following with people you've never met and then be able to put enough trust in those fans to help finance a movie! It's just such an amazing thing when you think about it, 5-10 years ago something like this could have never happened!

Anyway, I love the movie, and I love the work you guys do!

EdAndZack2 karma

Thank you so much!!! Your support and enthusiasm means the world to us and we're really happy to hear you enjoyed the movie! :)

Zack and I are both incredibly exited right now, obvious because the movie is finally out and people can enjoy it and it all worked out, but also, like you said, because it's such a cool time for content creators everywhere! We're both so thrilled that the world has become connected and transparent enough that a project like this could exist and succeed. It's a very very new way to make projects this size and we're definitely still figuring it out, but engaging with the fans and seeing the support, feedback and reactions directly has been so much fun and very satisfying too. It's so cool to be able to talk to you guys directly and make stuff just for you!

We seriously love it, and we hope it only continues to grow. There are so many talented people out there that the culture of online creation has given a chance to be seen to, and we both can't wait to see what other people come up with within this model of creation and distribution. Anything we can do to make a world where anyone's amazing talent can be seen by anybody anywhere is something that will always be exiting and important to us. Thank you so much for the support!!

t00nbink1 karma

When are you guys planning on makng ''Dick Figures The Movie 2''. (the movie was... AWESOME btw).

EdAndZack2 karma

Thank you! We're curious to see how this movie does. We just hit #16 on iTunes! No plans for a sequel... yet.

zorcack1 karma

i pledged 20 dollars to the movie, yet i never recieved an email link or download of any kind. what's going on? ):

EdAndZack2 karma

PM us please. We'll check into it.

EdAndZack1 karma

Oh no! We're sorry to hear that!! We have heard from a couple people have had their Kickstarter links sent to their spam or their promotions folder. If it's in neither of those shoot Dick Figures a direct message on Kickstarter or FB and we will sort it out. Thanks so much for your support though, we will make sure you can check out the movie soon!!

Nuggets0081 karma

Why did you choose to have ninja sex party make the credit music. (BTW they are awesome! :D)

EdAndZack3 karma

For exactly that reason: They are awesome. Plus we're friends with Dan Avidan and the gang and they did an amazing job!

EdAndZack3 karma

I had met Dan Avidan through Mondo Media and Zack and I did some filming with him on his "Dirty Shorts" videos (which are amazing, look them up! haha). I loved the NSP music and the new album came out and I couldn't stop listening to it. We were trying to figure out a good ending song, but while I was listening to The Ultimate Sandwich it just struck that they were the only ones who could write a song epic enough to keep up with all the explosions we had put in the movie haha. They did such a good job! I freaked out the first time they sent it to me. I can't thank them enough and it gets stuck in my head all the time! Definitely want to spread the NSP love of Dan and Brian! SUBSCRIBE TO NINJA SEX PARTY!!!

keenox101 karma

Amazing movie you guys put together! What did you guys spend the most money on fr producing the movie?

EdAndZack2 karma

Thank you! Glad you liked it. The majority of the money was spent on animation. We drew over 100,000 frames for the movie and that takes a long, long time.

Zomppu1 karma


EdAndZack3 karma


SleepySheepy1 karma

How hard is it exactly to get into the animation industry? Any advice for a prospective animator?
And who's your favorite character on the show?
How different was this to making an episode?
How long does it take to make one episode?
What's your favorite episode of Dick Figures?

Also, I love Dick Figures. It's one of my favorite series. You guys are awesome! :D

EdAndZack2 karma

Just takes perseverance. DRAW. Watch animation. DRAW. Broseph. A lot more effort and time, but felt just like the show! 2 weeks per episode. I like "Role Playas" a lot. THANK YOU!

atmospherebilly1 karma

What was your inspiration for Red to be such a bad-ass and kind of an asshole, and are any of the characters based on anyone in particular?

EdAndZack2 karma

Most of the characters in Dick Figures are actually based loosely on people that we have known in real life. Red & Blue are pretty much hyper-exaggerated versions of Ed & Zack haha.

Curtofthehorde1 karma

Any chance at another movie or at least maybe a 20 minute epicsode?

EdAndZack2 karma

We definitely have more movies planned and we're excited to tell the world more about them soon!

Johnny_Jon_John1 karma

I watched the movie today, and it's really awesome !! I think this movie will be cult in some time !! I have two questions : when we have access to the soundtrack ? And, the second question is less futile. Why is the raccoon it smaller at the beginning when he is already old ? I am pretty kidding ^

EdAndZack2 karma

Also about the Raccoon............ shhhhhhhhhhhhh shh shh shhh we are terrible writers shhhhh...


is rly good

EdAndZack2 karma


garganchua1 karma

wow, as a fan of almost all of your shows, I have got to say, you guys have a huge variety of things, and seem to always have original ideas (apart from gta5: pacific grim, which was literally, THE BOMB)

how do you guys keep crafting these ideas as original, in other words, what is your filter system?

do you guys have ideas you havent used because you thought they arent interesting? cause when its you guys, its usualy never the case

EdAndZack2 karma

Thank you! We consume lots of media (books, movies, tv shows, comics, internet, etc) so there's always something on our mind which often ends up in an episode. Each season we usually throw away 1 or 2 scripts because they just aren't funny enough. That's a very important part of the creative process: killing your darlings and cutting the fat.

bilboofbagend1 karma

Hey guys, great work with the series :)

I was wondering what your favourite webseries is (not including Dick Figures obviously...), and why? Did it inspire you to create your own, or influence Dick Figures in any way, or is it just something you really fucking love? Cheers :)

EdAndZack2 karma

I love your username. Ed and I really like Baman Piderman, Game Program Attack, and everything made by Cyanide & Happiness, TomSka and Egoraptor. All of those guys and gals are amazing. - Zack

zantakruz1 karma

Can I...hug you guys? :I I want to hug you because you guys are the best! -Greetings from Mexico! :D

EdAndZack2 karma

Hola Mexico! We're nearby in LA but still a little too far for a hug's reach. INTERNET HUG!!!!! (づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ

EdAndZack2 karma


UXM2661 karma

Do you guys prefer the creation process of the movie or the voice acting?

EdAndZack2 karma

Both are a ton of fun, and voice acting is a great chance to just goof around and be a weirdo, but I really love crafting a project with such talented people together and seeing it really become a finished product. It's often a ton of work but getting it done and being able to show it to the world is worth it every every every time. :)


Warlamena1 karma

Greetings from Norway! Loved the movie, great job guys! Will there be video games as well? I think that would be cool :) Also, no one is renting the movie using my yekra link because I'm a nobody :/

EdAndZack1 karma

Hello Norway! Stay frosty! Thanks so much, we're really happy to hear you liked it, and thanks sooo much for watching it! We have talked about a video game for a while and we both think it would be a blast to make one. We'll see!! Now that the movie's all wrapped up we definitely have more time to think about other mediums like that!

wholebunchofbees1 karma


EdAndZack1 karma

Thank you so so much!! We appreciate all the kind words and your support more than we can say and we're really excited to create and you all the next projects coming up! We couldn't ask for more awesome people to make movies for! :)

Dark_Pinoy1 karma

Hey Ed and Zack! I would buy the movie but I don't have a lot of mula.

Couple questions: What happened to the shot of blue eating his lunch box that you drew during the live stream?

Also, do you think we will ever get more shorts about Blue and Red in elementary school, middle school, high school, and college? I was looking forward to seeing some shots from that time in the movie (Only have seen chapter 1 and 2 as of now) but you guys jumped immediately to when they are adults.

Edit: Have you seen attention boy? It was an old animation on the internet that was really funny. Can't find it anymore but DF is a lot better :P

Thanks for this AMA btw! I love Dick Figures! Go team Red!

EdAndZack1 karma

You are a true fan. We kept the lunch box you guys suggested (camel), but cut the joke because people really weren't getting it. Our bad. There may be more eps where they're kids; it was really fun to learn about their origins. Never seen Attention Boy, we'll check it out. Thanks for your questions!