This is IronE Singleton. Best known as Alton (the kingpin) in The Blind Side & T-Dog in the AMC's The Walking Dead, the biggest television show in TV history. I am here with reddit so go ahead and ask me anything!

proof retweet (Fixed) ............................ Thank you Reddit family! It has been a true pleasure spending time with you, reading and responding to your wonderful questions. Please come out to see me live in my one man show Blindsided by the Walking Dead. My next performance will be Saturday, December 7th, at the Rylander Theatre in Americus, GA. Get your tickets today

For those not in the Americus area, please visit my website on or after Friday, November 15th to submit a request to bring the show to your city for my 2014 tour. Also grab a copy of my book for a great read or stocking stuffer :-)

I love you all! and hope to see you soon. IronE - PEACE!! ...signing off

Comments: 227 • Responses: 69  • Date: 

MrKdidster50 karma

Are you pleased with how The Walking Dead is going since you left? And how did you react when you first read the script to the episode where T-Dog died?

_IronE80 karma

Yes! And it seems that the fans are pleased b/c the viewership keeps growing. I was pleased with the heroic death the execs. granted T-Dog.

TomAss88649 karma

We're you surprised at the uproar and attention you saw/received after T-Dog's death? He was one of my favorite characters and an obvious fan favorite.

_IronE62 karma

Yes! Another wow moment. The love that I received as T-Dog from all over the world was very overwhelming.

FannaWuck49 karma

They killed you off of Walking Dead too soon! And that cut you got during the 1st episode of Season 2 was gnarly! What is you favorite memory from working on The Walking Dead series?

_IronE48 karma

Thanks. Too many great memories to count. Out of 3 seasons, I NEVER had one bad day.

Huginkyss34 karma

What is the grossest thing you've smelled on the set of Walking Dead?

_IronE64 karma

Poop from S3 Ep1 when we were in the house. Reedus and Lincoln stepped in it. hahahaha

_IronE33 karma

Thank you Reddit family! It has been a true pleasure spending time with you, reading and responding to your wonderful questions. Please come out to see me live in my one man show Blindsided by the Walking Dead. My next performance will be Saturday, December 7th, at the Rylander Theatre in Americus, GA. Get your tickets today

For those not in the Americus area, please visit my website on or after Friday, November 15th to submit a request to bring the show to your city for my 2014 tour.

Also grab a copy of my book for a great read or stocking stuffer :-)

I love you all! and hope to see you soon. IronE - PEACE!!

fatgoat1728 karma

Dear IronE Singleton,

When I first started watching The Walking Dead, I had no idea that T-Dog would become my favourite character of all time. Looking back, I think that the turning point was the scene in season 2 with Dale where T-Dog says to him that the group think they are the most expendable persons. That scene made me realise that that was the way I felt with my friends and made me connect to T-Dog even more. I too was always the silent outsider, occasionally making jokes, but who stood up for himself and his friends when he needed to. Needless to say, I cried when T-Dog got bit saving Carol.

I want to thank you for emotionally connecting me to a character in a way that I never thought possible. Keep up the good work!

_IronE28 karma

Wow! Thank you so much. Continue being who you are and many blessing will continue to follow.

TheMurdocktor25 karma

Please answer this...

Was it T-Dog, or T-Dogg?

_IronE51 karma


SirReginaldQuilsbury22 karma

Is there a story behind your name? Because it's awesome.

_IronE35 karma

Thank you! IronE (Irony) which means that which is not expected. I've termed to also mean, "an Eagle in flight with an unbroken spirit." Statistics said that because of my background I would be dead by between the ages of 18 and 21 but destiny/fate begged to differ. I elaborate in my book: and my one man show:

Daily_Newspaper21 karma

Hey IronE, I know you from The Walking Dead as T-Dog, and I have a few questions.

• What was it like being on the show and being around the other actors?
• What did you like best about working on the show?
• Do you still keep up with the show?
• If "yes" to previous question: How many walkers have you killed? How many humans have you killed? Why?

_IronE25 karma

Thanks. Too many great memories and people to count. Out of 3 seasons, I NEVER had one bad day.

Yes! I love the show. It's my favorite TV show.

Sorry I don't understand the last question. :-(

insaneroadrage19 karma

Do you like to do stuff and things?

_IronE18 karma

Sometimes. It depends on my mood. I'm a simple dinner and movie type of guy, though. I let my wife tell me what she wants to do and I do my best to acquiesce.

GeneralEmmaLee15 karma

Did the zombies ever scare you on set?

_IronE25 karma

When the director yells...ACTION! Yes! When she says... CUT! No! I guess because I know a bunch of them, personally.

corey1031d14 karma

Did you know when you joined the cast that you would be killed off in season 3? Also, is Andrew Lincoln always in character on set, or do you hear him speak with his gnarly accent when you're not filming?

_IronE24 karma

I thought I would be killed in season 1 but lasted until season 3 which was a blessing. Early on Lincoln stayed in character on set a lot more than he did later.

Azeleon13 karma

Out of all the deaths in TWD, I feel as though yours was the least expected. Was there much surprise among the other cast members as they found out that T-Dog was being killed off (and heroically I may add)? Also, is Norman Reedus as good with the crossbow as he seems, or did he have to take multiple shots for some of those more badass zombie kills throughout the series?

Also, have you played Telltale Games' The Walking Dead? If you have, what are your opinions on it?

Lastly, if T-Dog got added into the TWD Comics, how would you feel? How would you like his role to play out?

_IronE33 karma

Thank you! Whenever there is a death, cast members are shocked. Reedus is good at everything...

necrokitty12 karma

IronE! <3

How did you do your transition from football to theater? Was it a "burning bush" moment where you realized that you wanted to do acting instead of sports?

_IronE17 karma

No. The plan was to do both. Use my football money to invest in my acting career. But the former never happened, so I had to take the "scenic" route. hahaha

TehLoneWanderer10111 karma

Be honest. You dropped the keys on purpose, didn't you?

_IronE20 karma


_IronE21 karma

hahaa. It was probably Merle's karma. Never any intent to drop the key... maybe subconsciously... we (humans) are a very complex species.

VanillaIon11 karma

T Dog! What was your initial reaction when you read/heard that you were going to be killed? How soon did you know?

_IronE27 karma

Numb but not surprised because I was told I would only do 1 or 2 episodes but I ended up going into 3 seasons. So I always felt that T-Dog was living on borrowed time.

I knew a month in advance.

Conbut0710 karma

We all enjoyed you in The Walking Dead, is there anything you're working on right now?

_IronE29 karma

My book, Blindsided by the Walking Dead ... and my one man show, inspired by my book where I play 18 different characters and touch on topics such as: • Relationships; the tendencies and thought process of a man • AIDS awareness and prevention • Coping with adversity • Cultural differences and adaptation • Social and self awareness • Leadership & responsibility • Communication alternatives to violence

Which are my most meaningful projects.

amandatickles10 karma

Good afternoon, Irone, I love, love, loved you as T-Dog, one of my favorite characters in The Walking Dead! You're awesome!! :-)

  1. On set, are you serious or a prankster?
  2. Are you a ticklish guy? If so, where??

I love you! Cheers!!!

_IronE13 karma

Thank you!! Both. I'm pretty well rounded. Yes! it varies. I'm laughing now.

I love you!!

martlet19 karma

T-Dog! Loved you in the Walking Dead. I was so mad when they killed you on the show!

What was your best memory of doing the Walking dead? It seems like it could be a blast to work on! Good luck on your book!

_IronE16 karma

Thanks. Too many great memories to count. Out of 3 seasons, I NEVER had one bad day.

Rockdio7 karma

Good afternoon!

What was it like working with the cast and crew on the set of The Walking Dead?

How were each of the actors that you worked with, personally?

_IronE19 karma

Splennificent!!! (Splendid&Magnificent)

_IronE15 karma

I love them all with their unique and individual personalities.

Cylinsier7 karma

Do you keep in touch with the cast from Walking Dead? Do you still watch it?

_IronE15 karma


rosieiwin7 karma

Did you ever have the chance to wear Dale's hat when working with the cast of The Walking Dead? Did it make you feel euphoric?

_IronE16 karma

Hahahaha I'm sure I did. It felt euphoric just being around Jeffrey Demunn...hat or no hat. I love that man.

MXBM6 karma


_IronE7 karma

Yes. Not swai or flounder , though.

pojut6 karma

How did you feel about playing a character named T-Dog? Do you think the name fit with the character, or do you feel it was a bit too goofy given how the character is portrayed?

_IronE20 karma

T-Dog is short for Theodore Douglas. He got it during his college football days from his teammates. So...not goofy at all.

Rob_Saget6 karma

  • What got you into acting?
  • Moment in your career that made you go "Wow, I never would have dreamed I'd get to do this"
  • Would love to have you be a guest on an episode of my podcast to nerd out about tv, film, etc. Can we make this happen?

Thank you again for this AMA and look forward to your responses!

_IronE7 karma

Destiny. We chose each other. It was a part of a vision I had as a little kid that stuck with me.

I don't know about "wow" moments. The viewership for The Walking Dead was a MAJOR "wow" moment.

Please contact to make it happen.

Rach_InColor5 karma


_IronE10 karma

Yessss!!!! The Rookerholics! My favorite is interacting with and giving and receiving love from the fans.

ColbysGotMoore5 karma

Wow thanks for doing this AMA! Did you think when you signe on to do the walking dead that it was going to be as big as it is today?

_IronE12 karma

Nononononononono ...ooohhhhhhhhhhhhh never!!!!!

platypus1244 karma

is the only way of the walking dead death? been a question floating around a whole lot.

_IronE10 karma

We don't know, yet. We will know when the final episode airs...which is, hopefully never.

Buttertoaster104 karma

What where you feelings when you got your last script for The Walking Dead

_IronE7 karma

Numb but not surprised because I was told I would only do 1 or 2 episodes but I ended up going into 3 seasons. So I always felt that T-Dog was living on borrowed time. It was truly a blessing to have been a part of the biggest show in cable television history. It presented an opportunity for me to write my book, Blindsided by the Walking Dead ... and my one man show

choboy4564 karma

Who is your favorite Walking Dead character?

_IronE19 karma

Can I say T-Dog? hahahaa

mikeybotz3 karma

Can we set the record straight here. Is Glen not Joseph Gordon Levitt?!

_IronE6 karma

Hahaha... Slight resemblance.

tr1p13s1x3 karma

Did you see The Walking Dead Bad Lip Reading on youtube?. How is your friends foot doing after he got it in his Juicy? Chavi Chav Chav!!!

_IronE9 karma

Hahahahalarious! Goldfish know what you're thinking just before you sneeze. hahaha

snowtard3 karma

I hear Marvel is going to start a Luke Cage TV series on Netflix, when do you start filming?

_IronE3 karma

hahahah...Funny! Let's pray and hope soon. hahahaha

Apex-Nebula3 karma

Do you keep up with The Walking Dead episodes? If so, what do you think of the new series so far?

_IronE3 karma

Yes I love it.

rodthedrigo3 karma

What's your favorite movie and/or TV show? And what upcoming projects are you most excited for?

_IronE5 karma

Rocky for movie. Too many TV shows to count in my past but TWD is my favorite today.

My book, Blindsided by the Walking Dead ... and my one man show, inspired by my book where I play 18 different characters and touch on topics such as: • Relationships; the tendencies and thought process of a man • AIDS awareness and prevention • Coping with adversity • Cultural differences and adaptation • Social and self awareness • Leadership & responsibility • Communication alternatives to violence

Which are my most meaningful projects.

syzick3 karma

What did you think of the person you portrayed in The Blind Side?

_IronE4 karma

I think he emulated bad behavior he had seen as a child. He was a product of his environment who could have turned out much differently given better circumstances/opportunities such as those given to "Big Mike." Given the environment I'm from, "Big Mike" could have easily been the character I played and the character I played, just as easily could have been "Big Mike." Therefore I have decided to do my part in partnering with a theatre group, Young Voices United, now entitled "IronE presents...Young Voices United" to see that others are given opportunities to help broaden their minds and don't waste their lives on the wrong influences and become frowned upon like my character "Alton" from the Blind Side.

ARuss12 karma

IronE, Do you have an tips for an aspiring film actor? Any tips would be greatly appreciated!

_IronE7 karma

Know that the formula to success is when preparation meets opportunity. It is all about your drive, talent and ambition. Don't just wait on others to provide opportunities. You create them for yourself as well. Write, produce, direct, act...whatever talents you have, put them to good use and find a way to get exposure. Never quit and do it all with truth and love in your heart.

tiger_lilly2 karma

T-Dog! Who is your favorite TWD character since you departed?

EDIT - Missed words!

_IronE4 karma

They all are for different reasons because I know them, personally.

MuzzFury2 karma

Too many questions to ask! But here's the 2 off the top of my head:

1: Who was the best actor to work with in the Walking Dead? Why?

2: And if you can answer this one, who do you feel was the worst actor to work with? Why?

_IronE4 karma

All for different reasons. Different unique personalities which I consider all to be special to me. Neither. They are all great.

JIC4_JIC52 karma

First off, thanks for the AmA!

What is it like being part of something so big What do you think of the recent developments in the show, and do you think the group would be in better shape if T-Dog was still alive?

_IronE5 karma

Thank you!! It's an incredible feeling. Especially when you didn't see it coming. I love the show! I think they would be in better shape if everyone were alive. Power is in numbers. The more people the more protected we are against the zombies.

Turkualien112 karma

What was your favorite episode to work on?

_IronE5 karma

S1 - Ep2 and 4 S2 - Ep1 and 13 S3 - Ep1 and 4 + the rest. :-)

Chazwozel2 karma

IronE! Big fan of your work in both blindside and WD.

Did you know they were killing off your character in season 3? What was shooting that scene like? Did the cast give you a fond farewell?

_IronE6 karma

Thanks! I found out a month in advance. Emotional. It was an AWESOME farewell. They gave me my autographed shield and my body cast.

daniel_decrissio1 karma

I loved you in the Walking Dead! 2 questions- What is the coolest thing you got from a fan since working on the show? and were you happy how T-Dog died (heroic as fuck)?

_IronE5 karma

Thanks. I think the spot on drawings of T-Dog are really cool. The fact that fans are thoughtful enough to write me inspiring notes and give me other gifts is really cool, as well.

meywallti1 karma

Do you still follow The Walking Dead? If yes, which is your favourite character?

_IronE3 karma

Yes. They all are for particular and personal reasons.

tentonbricks1 karma

Damn. I'm late to the game.

Awww... hell naw!

T-Dog got killed off way too early. Just as his story was starting to get interesting (we finally get back-story!), and then you're zombie-chow. Sad times indeed.

What's in the works for you now that your zombie-slaying days are done?

_IronE2 karma

Thanks. My one man show and book are, from what I've been told, AMAZING!

Dollarama1 karma

Hey thanks for the AMA! What hAve you been workin on recently? Any upcoming projects we can be excited about?

_IronE1 karma

Thanks. My one man show and book are, from what I've been told, AMAZING!

Je-an1 karma

Hey T-Dog. I miss you in The Walking Dead. My question is what was your best experience thus far in the show?

Thanks, an avid fan!

_IronE3 karma

Thanks. Too many great experiences to count. From cast to make-up to wardrobe to transportation, etc. I had the best time of my career.

[deleted]1 karma


_IronE3 karma

Truth and Love... Always be truthful in ALL your expressions and convey them with love. There can't be one without the other. Everything else will fall into place.

carrigura1 karma

You were by far one of my favourite characters on TWD. When your character dropped Merle's keys down the drain pipe, my heart stopped a little. I love how the repercussions of those actions carried over into the next episode and the rest of the seasons.

Everything was done so well, and you did such an awesome job acting as T-Dog, so thank you for doing this AMA.

My question is:

What is something that most people don't know about you?

_IronE3 karma

Thanks! I was a mascot for a professional baseball team for 9 years.

WhiskyBraj1 karma


_IronE4 karma

Wow Thanks! Perhaps his heroic death has a lot to do with it. T-Dog took on the everyman/underdog persona that lots of people could relate to perhaps.

potowski1 karma

Hello, while in Atlanta were there any places you especially liked?

_IronE3 karma

HI! I'm from Atlanta and I love my city. Atlanta, GA made me who I am today.

SpaceJews1 karma


_IronE2 karma

Thank you! IronE (Irony) which means that which is not expected. I've termed to also mean, "an Eagle in flight with an unbroken spirit." Statistics said that because of my background I would be dead by between the ages of 18 and 21 but destiny/fate begged to differ. I elaborate in my book: and my one man show:

leiurameshi1 karma

Hello, Mr. Dog, how's everything going for you right now? My (other) question is, if you were the one to choose how TDog 'died', how would you want it? Thanks for your time doing an AMA!!!!

_IronE1 karma

Great!! Thanks! Couldn't have chosen a better death for T-Dog. :-)

DoktorSteven1 karma

I went to the Walking Dead season 4 premiere party and was very disappointed you weren't there. Chad Coleman, while very cool, is no substitute for T-Dog.

_IronE2 karma

Awww. Thank you! I had a prior engagement. I wish I could've been there.

quappucinno11 karma

How do you like the new season so far?

_IronE1 karma

It started off slowly and now it has kicked into overdrive. I love it! INSANE!!

CleverPhil1 karma

IronE, first off I want to say that I'm a huge fan and I met you at FandomFest in Louisville this past summer, and I was astonished at how warm and welcoming you are, especially due to the fact that you took the time to talk to my brother on the phone (he really appreciated that, by the way). You mentioned earlier in the comments about doing spiritually uplifting projects, can you extrapolate? Thanks!

_IronE2 karma

Thank you so much! It's all about helping to create the world you want to live in. My goal is to do that by inspiring others weather it is through a simple phone call to your brother or a movie that is viewed by millions. Every little bit counts. Truth and Love!

SideshowBobLoblaw1 karma

Hello Mr. Singleton!

I'd love to know how you felt about the direction and general writing of your character, T-Dog. Also, if given creative control, what would you have done differently? And, if you have time - what're your thoughts on Season 4 so far?


_IronE2 karma

I loved the direction that T-Dog went and his heroic death. T-Dog said it best when he said, "This is God's plan." Everything happened the way it was supposed to happen.


thatguy0781 karma

How did you react when you found out they where going to kill you off?

_IronE2 karma

Numb but not surprised because I was told I would only do 1 or 2 episodes but I ended up going into 3 seasons. So I always felt that T-Dog was living on borrowed time. It was truly a blessing to have been a part of the biggest show in cable television history. It presented an opportunity for me to write my book, Blindsided by the Walking Dead ... and my one man show

2017moscatoa1 karma

If you could expand one thing on t-dog's character, what would it be? Also can I get a shoutout?

_IronE6 karma

His spiritual attributes. ...Shouts out to 2017moscatoa!!

jackcolours1 karma

Hi IronE, loved your character and you were so heroic when you saved Carol. One question, when they decided to kill you off, were you sad or were you happy that you survived three seasons?

_IronE2 karma

All of the above. It was bitter sweet.

kevinm5181 karma

Sweet Prince!

_IronE2 karma


shtaaap1 karma

T-Dog! favourite character from the walking dead just one question, Whats your next project?

_IronE2 karma

Thank you. It was truly a blessing to have been a part of the biggest show in cable television history. It presented an opportunity for me to write my book, Blindsided by the Walking Dead ... and my one man show

Miniduffa1 karma

What's your opinion on @TheTalkingT_Dog on Twitter?

_IronE2 karma

I love him just as I love everyone else in the world. However, I do not acknowledge nor condone ANY negativity that might surface in the world. It is counter productive and takes away from my mission in this life. And that is to live a life steeped in truth and love.

apricot_rainbow1 karma

Huge fan, my sister shed tears after your death on TWD. When does your book come out? Also who was your favorite actor to work with on the show?pleasesaynormanreedus

_IronE3 karma

Thank you!! It was truly a blessing to have been a part of the biggest show in cable television history. It presented an opportunity for me to write my book, Blindsided by the Walking Dead ... and my one man show

Reedus is one of my favorite!! :-)

Shamebowdash1 karma

IronE I met you at Xcon Myrtle Beach and I just have to tell you, you are one of the nicest and most pleasant people i've ever met

_IronE2 karma

:-) Thank you !!

redvelvettrifle1 karma

What projects would you like to work on in the future?

_IronE7 karma

Spiritually uplifting projects and some super hero stuff, too.

josephine_amos1 karma

Hi, Irone, I'm a big fan, loved you in "The Blind Side", you're very talented and I love your smile! :) Silly questions:

  1. What makes you laugh?
  2. Are you ticklish? If so where are your tickly spots?

I hope this makes you smile! Love & light Jo X

_IronE9 karma

Thanks!!! Almost anything. It's all about perspective. Growing up in the projects I had to laugh to keep from crying. Given that situation I think I adjusted my perspective to where laughter was the remedy for all my pain.

Yes I'm ticklish if I want to be. It varies. Hahahaha ... Yes it did and lol
