I'm the guy from "Workaholics". I have my own STAND UP hybrid show on Comedy Central thurs 12:30/11:30c called "Adam Devines House Party" I'm also the new manny on Modern Family. I've been caught starring at Sofia Vergara breasts 11 times. PROOF: https://twitter.com/ADAMDEVINE/status/402490239538589696

Comments: 2904 • Responses: 53  • Date: 

fa532572 karma

Do you get fan mail from dyslexic Maroon 5 fans?

WorkaholicsAdam2537 karma


WorkaholicsAdam2462 karma

I thought 14 year old girls just thought I was the sexist dude with an amazing voice for awhile

MariaShavesHerPova1116 karma

How much pot will you and Seth Rogan smoke in your upcoming film?

WorkaholicsAdam1712 karma


aLiveOstrich877 karma

How have you liked working with Sofia Vergara on Modern Family? Also is she that hot in person?

Edit: fixed

WorkaholicsAdam1896 karma

Very hot. Eric Stonestreet straight called me out for starring at her butt.

WorkaholicsAdam804 karma

AHHH! I have to go! I wish I could stay on here all day but I gotta go record Uncle Grandpa. Thanks for all of your smart/dumb/funny/stoned questions. You guys are da best.

JohnWad758 karma

Can you discuss the movie you guys are gonna be doing with Seth Rogen?

WorkaholicsAdam1891 karma

A little bit. Its a big action comedy movie. Seth is helping us produce it. which basically means he helps us talk to dudes in suits that we're to immature to talk to and he also will help us sell our movie to the studio. ALSO, also, Seth and Evan have given us notes to make our movie more movie-ish. It's NOT a workaholics movie but it is starring the three of us.

Beastydrummer453 karma

57 seconds ago and you already have gold. What is this sorcery?!?

Acidyo344 karma

He bought it to himself.

WorkaholicsAdam1396 karma

I dunno what that even is

tomalva497 karma

On a scale of 1 to tight butthole, how cool is it working with Seth Rogen?

WorkaholicsAdam1267 karma

The tightest. The dudes funny and real and not hollywood douchey.

MushroomMan64697 karma

Hey Adam, on workaholics you guys incorporate drug use that i haven't really seen depicted on tv before (whippets etc.) Do you guys get any shit from comedy central about that stuff? Workaholics and house party are great, glad to see you made it. Keep up the good work man.

WorkaholicsAdam1897 karma

Thanks man. Naw, Comedy Central are like your buddies cool parents that your parents hate because they let us smoke weed in the basement.

wheredidjp643 karma

Any sitcoms within the last five years that you'd sacrifice a small-to-extra medium sized person to write for?

WorkaholicsAdam1651 karma

EASTBOUND AND DOWN is the funniest rawest show to come out in the past... forever.

incredibadass544 karma

Any news on Season 4??

WorkaholicsAdam1511 karma

It's coming back in JANUARY!

upsafe461 karma

You want to shut down Reddit? You think you're God bro?

WorkaholicsAdam1414 karma

naw, i dont got those big god titties.

worstdeafpersonever427 karma

Dad Dicks...when does that happen? the moment you impregnate a woman? or when the child is born? because I'm still waiting for my dad dick.


WorkaholicsAdam1020 karma

I believe you don't get your fully grown dad dick till you're about 10. You have to have swung on a man regarding a bad little league pitch for your dad dick to fully unfold.

Debo9414 karma

What was it like being asked personally, through his assistant, to sing backup for John Mayer's new album?

Also, do you say "collar-less leather jacket" or "color-less lather jacket"?

WorkaholicsAdam491 karma

I was suppose to say "Collar-less" but my mouth wasnt working well that day...

ihateworking20402 karma

Hey Adam is it possible if I could i get a copy of your workout video so I can turn bi's into tri's possibly perhaps turn my tri's into god-knows-what?

WorkaholicsAdam759 karma

Dude... I wanna make a workout video. I think workout videos are the funniest things.

Danwithtwoears364 karma

How does blake do his hair?

WorkaholicsAdam1129 karma

Nothing but a sorcerer did put a spell on his scalp at birth

jocobh22362 karma

MARRY FUCK KILL: alice, jillian, blake

WorkaholicsAdam713 karma

I would Marry all of them.

gcta333357 karma

Were you there when Blake broke his back?

WorkaholicsAdam906 karma

yes. it was at our house we lived in together. we were throwing a holiday party. we had a meat and cheese try so you know its real.

WeedSandwich330 karma

What is your favorite 90s nickelodeon show?

WorkaholicsAdam1200 karma

I liked boy meets word, and doug, and rug rats, and california dreaming, and scrambled porno

leinahtan25281 karma

Who is the one Actor/comedian that you consider to be your biggest influence? Who got you into comedy?

WorkaholicsAdam913 karma

I literally cried when Chris Farley died. I did impressions of him on the radio in Omaha where i grew up. They would pay me in concert tickets and Matchbox 20 cd's. When he died I was devastated. I thought he was the funniest man in the world. Sadler was also a comedy super hero.

Rapevan420278 karma

How do porn stars have anal sex and her colon looks as clean as her vagina? How much prep does that take? Am I correct in assuming that 'spur-of-the-moment' anal can be risky?

WorkaholicsAdam461 karma

I'm guessing they clean it really well with moist toweletts (sp?) and prob dont eat anything for awhile bf.

sushibob275 karma

Adambraj I'm a huge fan of both your shows and your stand up. My question is about the unique references you guys make on the show, do you think you're lucky to have found other people with such a niche sense of humour and reference level, could you do workaholics with anyone else?

(P.s. my favorite scene in workaholics is a toss up between you almost hanging yourself from a tree or you telling Blake to grab his air force ones, when he responds with "I have g-unit shoes")

WorkaholicsAdam676 karma

I'm wildly lucky that people like my sense of humor. I think i'm a 90's kid and I just let that hang out and try not to be anything I'm not. I also think it helps to have gotten "famous" with my best friends so we can call each other out for wearing shiny pants or fedoras or any other pretentious bs.

54321_fap268 karma

Is it true that you were at the same brothel in Brazil as Justin Bieber?

WorkaholicsAdam573 karma

I wish

Mawngo247 karma

Thanks for doing this! What kind of advice can you give someone who's looking to make it in the acting world?

WorkaholicsAdam717 karma

Don't be a pussy about it. If its something you want. go for it as hard as you can.

Sweg_Lord278 karma

Ok. What color are your farts?

WorkaholicsAdam546 karma


Hannah0913240 karma

When do you plan on doing another stand up tour? We saw you in Nashville, and you were amazing!

WorkaholicsAdam290 karma

I'm hoping to go back out in jan or feb.

colkurtz7228 karma

What is the creative process on Workaholics like? Is it mostly scripted or is there a lot of improv on set?

WorkaholicsAdam513 karma

We write full scripts but when we're shooting we cut loose and get weird. We like to have fun on set and thats the best way.

vankann201 karma

Hey Adam I am a big fan. Any advice for an aspiring stand up comedian? Also do you guys get as weird on drugs as much as portrayed on the show?

WorkaholicsAdam504 karma

Just do as much stand up as you can. More than what seems normal. Become an addict to it. AND no I dont do that many drugs. The characters on workaholics are real dummies.

l_eat_mop_who195 karma

Yo Adam whats your stance on OTPHJs and the girls who give them?

WorkaholicsAdam335 karma

They're rough...just take it out the pants, ya know?

cuntpunting187 karma

What's been your favorite project to date?

WorkaholicsAdam637 karma

WORKAHOLICS seasons 1-4

LalaDoo163 karma

How much fun was it filming "Pitch Perfect"?

WorkaholicsAdam327 karma

It was truly one of the best times of my life. Louisiana is my second home.

nekiddo143 karma

How often do you attend Nebraska football games?

WorkaholicsAdam334 karma

once a year. I'll be at the IOWA game.

hellert140 karma

Urrr...yeah we're gonna need to see some proof that you've been caught peekin at Gloria's boobs...some sort of description should suffice

WorkaholicsAdam443 karma


Satchmo84125 karma

Huge fan of the show, my best friend introduced me to it.

  1. Do you have a favorite episode?

  2. Do you have a favorite beer/liquor?

  3. Out of all the famous people you've met, which one was the coolest?

WorkaholicsAdam242 karma

1) Um... I like real time, business trip, checkpoint gnarly (B-rad) I dunno... I really like workaholics. haha. 2) Vodka, bud light 3) Seth Rogan is pretty cool. I also met wesley snipes which was insane.

Afdalia1986100 karma

You're a little older since your last AMA. During that time are you any closer to attaining dad dick status?

WorkaholicsAdam260 karma

nope...no one is pregnant as far as I'm aware

RickeyB99 karma

if you could star in any movie ever, what movie would that be and what role would you have?

WorkaholicsAdam411 karma

RUDY as rudy

noddingacquaintance84 karma

Erik Griffin was asked in his AMA a while back about who he thought was the most like their character on Workaholics and he said that you were. Can you confirm this? and if asked the same question, who would you say is most like their character on the show?

WorkaholicsAdam178 karma

Um... maybe me. I'm slightly less stupid tho.

DavisAg71 karma

Hey Adam!

Who has been your favorite person to work with on Modern Family?

WorkaholicsAdam210 karma

Everyone is cool but RICO and I are homeboys

danglebot71 karma

How disappointing is it that the moderators at Wikipedia are mistakenly accrediting your life work to Denzel Washington?

Edit: Sitting at 69 upvotes now. Nice.

WorkaholicsAdam174 karma

I think that shit is so cool.

bass_master_general69 karma

Can you make me a hemp necklace?

WorkaholicsAdam269 karma

yES and i'M WILDLY GOOD. YOU want beads? you want it to swirl ??


Did you ever doubt that you'd make it to where you are now.

WorkaholicsAdam139 karma

Ugh...yeah, but those moments we're fleeting.

Jewshavehorns62 karma

The Adam Devine's House Party is pretty tight butthole. I'm a big standup comedy nerd. But I've never heard of these people. Where do you find these Mr. Adam Sir?

P.S. I'm your biggest fan, Please let me suck your dick? I give the best toothy bj!

WorkaholicsAdam123 karma

A lot of them are my buddies from stand up that haven't been on tv and the rest we're guys that showcased and I thought they were funny. I wanted the show to give new coics the chance to do stand up but also something a lil weird a diff

kristopherw2859 karma

great show love you guys but i was wondering how much actual writing is involved in the show do you guys just get a plot and just go from a to b what has your favorite thing to improv on the show

WorkaholicsAdam156 karma

No, we write a script and take it pretty seriously. sometimes when our shooting call is 5:30 am you don't wanna/cant improv so it's nice to have a funny script to fall back on.

aReallyBigSandwich57 karma

How is Alice in real life? Does she still want to strangle the shit out of you three or are you guys friends?

WorkaholicsAdam104 karma

Maribeth Monroe is a sweetheart and nothing like alice but she is wildly when being so mean.

onepecwonder47 karma

Hey Adam! You are awesome and great and all of that. Do you ever hang out with anyone from workaholics off the set? Who do you hang out with the most?

WorkaholicsAdam158 karma

All the time. they are my best friends.

MBMinor146 karma

I saw Erik Griffin do stand-up comedy at a college last year, and he was funny as shit...I distinctly remember him talking about a 18-year old couple up front and how she was probably terrible at dick sucking. They ended up leaving, and I ended up on the floor laughing.

He then took some questions afterwards and he said that you were probably the funniest person in real life that he's ever met, and that Jet Set would always sell Workaholics t-shirts on a beach in Cali when y'all weren't filming.

Anyways, 2-part question: I've noticed a lot of Chris Farley influence in your comedy, have you ever thought about joining SNL?

And, do you have any advice for aspiring comedy writers?

WorkaholicsAdam71 karma

Just do it dude. you cant get experience doing something without doing it. You'll suck for awhile but if its something you really wanna do, stick with it and you'll get better.

deucepolice39 karma

Go Big Red?

WorkaholicsAdam59 karma


obomberthebomber17 karma


WorkaholicsAdam20 karma

Santino is a buddy hes a really funny and good dude

CatsWithGats15 karma

Adam! Loved the into skits for House Party. Question though, how much creative freedom do y'all have in Workaholics?

Btw I'm doing my first bodybuildin competition this spring and want to work some of your posing routine into it. Might be too meta, but it's time to get weird

WorkaholicsAdam23 karma

They let us basically do what we want. com cent has been very cool to us.

luckyredhat15 karma

Adam! When are we going to get another tight butthole party here in Austin, Texas?!

WorkaholicsAdam17 karma

We wanna come back for sxsw but we we're shooting this year!

chilledeggnoodle11 karma

Not a question. Just wanted to share my serving book with you (I'm a bartender/server) and tell you I love Workaholics. Later, brah! Check it.

WorkaholicsAdam18 karma


BarnabyMoo10 karma

Who are you?

Genuine question, am British.

WorkaholicsAdam77 karma

I'm the lead singer of Maroon 5

WatchOutRadioactiveM6 karma

I hope this doesn't make me sound like a dick, but it seems like you play the same character on most shows you're on. Obviously, on Modern Family you're basically the opposite of your crude Workaholics counterpart, but you still have that dopey quality. Do you feel like you're being typecast or setting yourself up to be typecast?

WorkaholicsAdam35 karma

I think you just do what you do best. will ferrell, ben stiller, Seth Rogan, sander, black, sasha baron cohen, all those guys do the same stuff. You just do what you do to be your funniest. I'm not Daniel Day Lewis and I'm not trying to be.