Hey reddit, my new film DELIVERY MAN opens November 22nd. Here's a behind the scenes look: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZzJ_pMPG5VI

Proof: https://twitter.com/deliverymanfilm/status/402503645570146304 + http://i.imgur.com/BrJmcve.jpg

Excited to do this! AMA!

FINAL EDIT: Thanks guys, this has been fun. Stay sweet.

Comments: 2290 • Responses: 58  • Date: 

fa532664 karma

When are you going to settle down and make an honest man out of Owen Wilson?

Vince_Vaughn1932 karma

Owen's doing just fine...

dilldozer123961 karma

Do you still have that painting Todd painted in Wedding Crashers?

Vince_Vaughn1343 karma

I'm not sure where that painting is. But it will always be in my heart.

BrightenthatIdea944 karma

Jennifer Aniston's bare ass in 2-d was amazing, what was it like on the set in real life?

Vince_Vaughn1902 karma

equally amazing.

Turnit858 karma

Have you ever donated sperm?

Vince_Vaughn2936 karma

I’ve practiced, but I’ve never actually donated.

TomRalphio828 karma

Can you tell us anything about the Dodgeball sequel?

Vince_Vaughn1640 karma

I heard that they're working on a script for it. That's all I know. But if you can dodge a wrench you can dodge a ball. Never a truer statement ever said.

IceCreamBallBag672 karma


Vince_Vaughn1154 karma

Who hasn't?

ZuluPapa649 karma


I just wanted to say that you and Jon Favreau in Swingers got me through some rough times with past break ups. I still make friends watch it when their relationships go to shit.

You're like a bear man.

Vince_Vaughn492 karma

Glad to hear it.

PygmyMarmoset627 karma

What is the most expensive thing you bought when you came into a lot of money that you regret now?

Vince_Vaughn2093 karma

I don't spend my money on a lot of things, although the seven sex slaves I bought have become very expensive.

lilyandthefire564 karma

Would you ever consider reprising your roll as Luke Zoolander?

Vince_Vaughn580 karma


spawnofreddit553 karma

You vs. Will Ferrell who wins in a real game of dodgeball? Also congrats on your 533 kids.

Vince_Vaughn1070 karma

I'm insulted you have to ask.

Kribobo478 karma

Hi Vince. Do you have any good inside jokes from the set of The Lost World: Jurassic Park? Working with Jeff Goldblum must have sparked a hundred!

Vince_Vaughn833 karma

Goldblum is very funny, I enjoyed being around him. When we were flying from LA to Hawaii to film I would take the plastic from the headphones and put it over my face to look like I was hyperventilating to have some fun with the flight attendants. And Jeff found that to be a particularly interesting choice.

Edit: typo!

Chazwozel418 karma

Hey Vince. I noticed in Wedding Crashers Owen kept calling your character "baba ghanoush." At one point Isla Fisher's character even does it.

Inside joke or part of the script?

Also, Old School 2? Maybe? Please...

Vince_Vaughn608 karma

Baba Ghanoush was an inside joke. Old School 2 nothing immediately planned although there is a script.

etotheeipi351 karma

Is it true that you don't own a cell phone? Is your wife okay with this? How do you look up random pieces of information throughout the day?

Vince_Vaughn593 karma

I was late to the party but now I'm the last one to leave. I do currently own a cell phone.

yes_im_at_work349 karma

If you had the chance to motorboat any person in the world who would it be?

Vince_Vaughn980 karma

At this point it would be my wife.

TahoeTweezer706 karma

Very PC answer, you motor boating son of a bitch.

Vince_Vaughn1438 karma

Gotta go home at night.

nicklink10311 karma

When did you and Owen become such great bros?

Vince_Vaughn533 karma

Owen came to a boxing gym that I used to work at. That was the first time that I met him.

ClearEyesxFullHearts304 karma

Hi Vince, I’m a big fan of the French-Canadian film Starbuck. Had you seen the movie before signing on to do Delivery Man? Are there many differences between the two films?

Vince_Vaughn381 karma

We have the same writer-director who did the US Version. When DreamWorks came to me to do the movie I was excited to know that it was the same writer/director, and I asked him why are you wanting to do this movie again. He's a very passionate filmmaker, he was very excited to tell the story here. There are some differences between the film but the core of the story is the same.

cooldie303 karma

How much of Couples Retreat was a vacation as opposed to actual work? Filming in Bora Bora must have been tough.

Vince_Vaughn446 karma

it was a beautiful place to film. No complaints.

thetruepunk222 karma

I am really looking forward to your new movie. As I have 4 kids and I love them all.

What was it like being with the Anchorman crew again?


Vince_Vaughn343 karma

It was fun! And Dorothy Mantooth is a saint!


please tell me more about how awesome it was to be in The Lost World: Jurassic Park.

Yeah. I bet a lot of you nerds forgot about that one.

Vince_Vaughn690 karma

I had just come off Swingers which was a small movie that Jon and I did and the biggest eye opening was that the food budget for The Lost World was bigger than the entire budget for Swingers.

ajb1990197 karma

While being one of the funniest people in the world today, I always thought you were very effective in your darker, villainous roles in the likes of the Psycho remake, Clay Pigeons, South of Heaven West of Hell, and Domestic Disturbance. Did you enjoy playing those parts?

Vince_Vaughn239 karma

I did enjoy playing those parts. As people you many sides to yourself. So it's fun to get to explore those in a role. And that's what's fun in the Delivery Man film, it allows itself to be funny and touching and dramatic under all one roof.

AstronautDrunk181 karma

Any plans to open a Speaker City near Denver?

Vince_Vaughn284 karma

Denver needs a Speaker City!

sbarocio164 karma

Hey Vince, huge fan of your work. Any chance we'll see you in the Anchorman sequel?

Vince_Vaughn417 karma

I can confirm. Yes.

zennk154 karma


Thanks for doing this AMA!! What were your best memories growing up in Lake Forest?

Vince_Vaughn315 karma

Lighting off fireworks in cornfields.

49togo150 karma

Do you hate Steve Bartman, or do you feel bad for him? There is no middle ground...

Vince_Vaughn283 karma

You cannot make up the rules of the universe. We're moving past that unfortunate incident.

Indiesol148 karma

How much of the dialogue in Swingers was improvised?

I've always wondered how much of the "...and she's this little bunny..." speech was off the cuff....

I've enjoyed watching your films.

Vince_Vaughn212 karma

A lot of the lines were things we said in our daily lives and Jon used them in the screenplay.

xopherus143 karma

How was it working with Chris Pratt?

Vince_Vaughn260 karma

Chris is great. Genuine guy. Funny. He’s going to be around for a long time...

wangydang133 karma

What's it like to anchor the number TWO rated news station in San Diego?

Vince_Vaughn241 karma

Gives you something to strive for.

local_anonymous105 karma

Have you ever considered directing? You're associated with other actors who have also directed (Jon Favreau, Ben Stiller) and can see them acting as great mentors/influence if you were ever interested in the idea.

Vince_Vaughn150 karma

Would be open to it. I've collaborated on some films which have been fun but no plans right away.

Sehs99 karma

I just realized how tall you are, has that ever given you problems with casting because you might tower over other people?

Vince_Vaughn232 karma

I've been known to have to take my shoes off occasionally on set.

Dododude297 karma

Hey Vince! Thanks for the AMA. I don't really have a question, but my mom thinks you're super hot and we both love your movies. I was wondering if you could give a shout out to my mom, Amy?

Vince_Vaughn233 karma

What's up you and mom, Amy!

poppycrunch92 karma

what is your fantasy role as an actor? if someone gave you unlimited funding and no creative boundaries what kind of movie would you write/direct?

Vince_Vaughn337 karma

Strength and conditioning coach for the Swedish Women's swim team. And don't crowd my creativity with a time table and budget.

KungPowChicken89 karma

If you weren't an actor, what do you imagine you would you be doing right now instead of this AMA?

Vince_Vaughn207 karma

Foot masseuse.

Tanthony280 karma

I just want to say I loved you in Return to Paradise

Vince_Vaughn95 karma

I love Return to Paradise as well. One of my favorites...

BobC81373 karma

What's the worst question we could possibly ask you? But don't give us the answer.

Vince_Vaughn147 karma

Do I sleep naked in the snow?

alexzandra1368 karma

If you could sum up Delivery Man into 5 words in order to get me to go watch it, what would you say?

Vince_Vaughn245 karma

You’ll be glad you did.

Kirstylpool67 karma

What's your opinion on internet dating?

Vince_Vaughn199 karma

Whatever works for you.

patanwilson63 karma

I'm early for a great AMA? What to ask you Vince!!??

What do you do on a typical Saturday morning?

Vince_Vaughn211 karma

Fight crime and hang glide.

BlackMambaJuice61 karma

Any plans to work again with Jon Favreau? Big fan of Swingers and Made. Be great to see you two again

Vince_Vaughn72 karma

You never know. Nothing planned as of now.

utterfuckingtwat61 karma

Do you feel like you've done everything you wanted to do careerwise? If not, what do you still want to do?

Vince_Vaughn187 karma

Go to the moon.

ringman9760 karma

Any advice for young actors?

Vince_Vaughn143 karma

Love acting.

thestonedballerina57 karma

Swingers was and still is the fucking best. That is all.

Vince_Vaughn87 karma


Coveiro52 karma

Hello vince,

What's your favorite movie of all time? What bands/artists are you currently listening to?

Vince_Vaughn137 karma

Have you heard of this guy called Mozart?

Vertigo-8450 karma

Hi Vince! You are working on another movie with Ken Scott.

  • What did you like in him as a director?
  • Can you tell us a little bit about Business Trip?

Vince_Vaughn97 karma

Clean breath. Well showered. Business Trip is bad ass.

dayofthedead20447 karma

Hi Vince,

I’m a big fan, you’ve brought a lot of happiness in my life with your amazing career so thank you. My personal favorite role you performed was in “Made” – watching you fight with Jon Favreau for an hour and a half was hysterical.

My question is your friend Jon Favreau has said that “Dungeons and Dragons” has influenced his storytelling and imagination - have you ever played D&D with him?

Vince_Vaughn56 karma

I never played D&D with Jon, but he has a great imagination and always has a fun way in to story.

Myfriendgwen35 karma

What scene in any film took the longest to film from cracking up so much and why?

Vince_Vaughn101 karma

The yoga scene in Couples Retreat.

s_c_w35 karma

Hey Vince as a big fan of your films and a diehard hockey fan I’m excited you’re doing this AMA. I’ve always thought it was really cool how much of a Blackhawks fan you are. Two questions

Do you have a favorite current Hawks player?

Do you still wish you could bitch-slap Wayne?

Vince_Vaughn62 karma

That was a fun scene in Swingers but Wayne truly is the great one.

scsm20 karma

You're from Chicago, but it doesn't look like you ever studied at one of the improv comedy theaters that so many other famous comedians and actors have come from. I've always wondered why and if wish you had.


Vince_Vaughn39 karma

I did study with Del Close who started Second City when I was a kid for a few months, and I did perform live in high school in bars that I wasn’t old enough to be in.

mmacpuguy16 karma


I was won over by Ron Paul’s straight talk and solid ideas. Who do you think is going to be able to take the mantle for Libertarian leaning folks?

Vince_Vaughn37 karma

I as well am a fan of Ron Paul.

JBATL6 karma

When you wake up:




Vince_Vaughn11 karma


trublonderocker5 karma

my best friend Amanda and I have seen all of your films, we'd spend saturdays in high school doing straight "vince vaughn marathons," and frequently say the phrases "lock it up" and "Money" to each other still today is her 25th birthday and I know a shout out from you would mean the absolute world to her!

Vince_Vaughn13 karma

Happy birthday!

yes_im_at_work3 karma

Vince! I'm a big fan of yours! thanks for the AMA.

In hindsight are there any movies where you think to yourself "why in the hell did I agree to be in that movie"

PS: I am beyond jelous of the fact you got to see Jennifer Aniston romp around naked

Vince_Vaughn5 karma

As an actor, you’re always fitting into a director’s movie. Sometimes you go in expecting the tone to be one thing and it turns out to be something different.

minusthelela2 karma

Hi Vince,

Thanks for doing this AMA! I doubt Four Christmases will get a reference from any other Redditors but I love that movie. Why? Your character portrays the brutal nature of what I have to endure with my family and my fiance's family EVERY year. Any tips on how I can better handle family time during the holiday season?


Vince_Vaughn4 karma

Pick your fights.

hooshtin2 karma

Hey Vince, I really liked some of your serious roles, like in Mr. and Mrs. Smith and Into the Wild. Both roles still have some comedy intertwined with your character. Is this something you always bring to your characters, or was it specifically requested by the director?

I really would like to see you in a dramatic role without any comedy whatsoever. Until then, thanks for the laughs!!

Vince_Vaughn3 karma

It’s nice to get a chance to do different things. That’s what’s great about Delivery Man. It’s very unpredictable and has a wide range of genres under one roof.

ForcedZucchini-9 karma

Hey Vince,

In September of 2011, I saw you at a house party and you were absolutely shitfaced. I had a zebra on my shirt and you went absolutely crazy when you saw it. You kept asking me 'why do you have a zebra on your shirt? Who would buy that piece of shit?' etc. Do you remember this at all?

EDIT: Here is the picture I snapped of you when you were leaving. http://i.imgur.com/RFIhEXK.jpg

Vince_Vaughn85 karma

I don't recall. But a zebra does seem like an odd shirt.