Hello there reddit!

My name is Sean Azzariti and I was in the Marines for six years, was named "most influential individual 2012" by the Cannabis Business Association and recently had the honor of being the first person to legally purchase cannabis for recreational purposes. I am here to answer any questions you have about the cannabis industry, legalization, or anything else you can think of!

I am new to reddit so it may take me a short while to get the hang of things but I will be answering as many people as I can. I hope you are all having a great evening and I can't wait to hear your questions!

My Proof: http://i.imgur.com/B2y0VLP.jpg

Comments: 504 • Responses: 75  • Date: 

panjialang168 karma

I believe that this picture of you will be remembered for a long time as a historical landmark of the 21st century. To me, your smile expresses so much, and not just "cool! I'm getting high legally," but the exercising of personal liberty, and a strong blow against drug cartels, as well as amazement that this is finally happening. What exactly where you thinking/feeling at that moment, other than elation? Thanks for the AMA!

edit: Question 2: Hi, this is my second question if that's OK! I'd like to know more about PTSD, how you got it (if you want to talk about it) and how exactly cannabis helps with that. I've never been in combat and know nothing about PTSD, but I do know that weed can make one paranoid, so I would think it would just exacerbate PTSD from what I understand about it. Thanks! And does it matter if it is Indica or Sativa?

Sean2401273 karma

haha that picture is great. Have you seen the awesome artist interpretation of that picture by Jenny Stout? It went viral on here shortly after the purchase was made http://www.csindy.com/imager/marijuana-madness-denver-councilman-retracts-weed-fears-stocks-and-price/b/original/2808386/d156/rkr9exh.jpg

Sean240174 karma

I deployed to Iraq twice. Once in 2003 and also in 2005. Over the course of those two deployments, there were events that caused me to have ptsd. Cannabis helps me by calming my anxiety, stress, nerves, and generally makes me a more functional person. Some strains can absolutely exacerbate the symptoms of my PTSD. Mostly those would be Sativa dominant strains. Those are the more racy, make you want to clean your house kind of high. Indica strains do the exact opposite for me, they calm me down, make me want to relax, chill on my couch and basically make it to where I need no prescription medication to help my symptoms. Hope that answer helps

Sahmylee123 karma

How high are you right now?

Sean2401189 karma

Pretty high.

I ate a 100mg Sweet Stone Claudiebear (which are amaaaazing) as well as a few dabs.

guccisosa66 karma

Wash Uffizi drive me to Firenze?

Sean240158 karma

Boy. Man.

samdr62 karma

Why did you have that honor?

Sean2401133 karma

I was very active on the official "Yes on 64" campaign. I did a commercial which aired all over the state asking people to vote yes because PTSD was not a qualifying ailment to obtain your medical card. I also did a lot of speaking engagements, press releases, and documentaries advocating for the cause. The heads of the campaign thought I would be a good representative for the movement, and it was definitely something that I ever expected.

Misspliff38 karma

How did you become so active in the campaign? I'm dying to get some things rolling here in Texas, and I don't know where to start. What kind of advice would you give to someone wanting to raise more awareness in their communities?

Sean240139 karma

I would start by reaching out to your local NORML chapter, or whatever pro marijuana groups you may have in your area, and let them know you'd like to do whatever you can to help. Social media is how I linked up with pretty much everyone through the campaign

Pjrat11110 karma

Do you find that consuming marijuana that is high in CBD helps with your PTSD?

Sean240124 karma

Some do, it really depends on if it's indica or saliva dominant. Some high CBD strains can be either, and I really can't smoke sativas as they usually exacerbate my symptoms, where as Indica strains will help alleviate them.

CBD strains are great for my back pain though

btek158 karma

Did you get all the green lights on your way to the store?

Sean240195 karma

I did actually, it was mostly highway though, and it was 7am on new years morning, not many folks out.

Romantics55 karma

What is your favorite Phish song?

Sean240159 karma


bonyhawk43 karma

Has Cypress Hill or Snoop Lion contacted you yet?

Sean240148 karma

I wish.

StareyedInLA39 karma

I've got so many questions I want to ask: 1) When did you first smoke weed? If it's actually under illegal circumstances (underage), you can skip this one if you want. What was it like for you? 2) Did you ever get in trouble with the Marines for smoking weed? Or did you never smoke weed while on duty? 3) What made you join the Marines? Did you ever serve in combat? If so, where were you stationed?
4) How does it feel to be on TMZ [http://www.tmz.com/2014/01/02/america-first-legal-weed-purchase-sean-azzariti/]?

Sean240144 karma

  1. I smoked weed a few times in high school, but not more than 5 times or so.

  2. I never smoked weed while I was in the Marines, they have a strict no drug policy, and it wasn't something that was even on my radar of things I wanted to do while I was in the military.

  3. I joined the Marines in August of 2000, I primarily joined because I did not want to burden my parents with the cost of putting me through college. I served in combat twice. Both times in Iraq. 2003 in Al-Qaim, the 2nd in Al-Asad in 2005

  4. Pretty neat. I talked to one of their producers for about 30 minutes on Jan 2nd about weed, and just geeking out in general about the whole situation. They are cool folks, and seemed generally excited about this event

Justvotingupordown38 karma

I don't have a question, I just wanted to tell you how awesome your face is.

Sean240148 karma

::high five::

YouHaveSeenMe28 karma

Did you ever expect to see legal Marijuana purchasable in a store? How were you picked to be the first one?

And the smart ass in me has to say... So your the first person to purchase marijuana legally, kinda like Christopher Columbus discovered America? Hundreds of years later..

Sean2401110 karma

Legal marijuana is already available in stores now, that is why we're here.

That was the smart ass in me :)

I haven't even opened the bag of the 1st purchase. I am planning on auctioning it off in the near future to help pay for medical expenses of a very sick 11 month old suffering from extreme epileptic symptoms

startin-over38 karma

i hear weed is good for epilepsy in kids. Seriously.


Sean240137 karma

Thank you for posting that. It really is proving to be a miracle drug, and like i said before, in time it will be undeniable how helpful this plant is to us.

equus00721 karma

Just the first this century.

How many plants are you growing and how long before everybody else does it too to avoid the 100% tax?

Sean240117 karma

I don't grow at the moment.

Not sure how on the 2nd part

jake44m17 karma

Do you think marijuana could eventually become legal nation-wide?

Sean240126 karma

I hope so. That's the goal that myself as well as thousands of others are working towards. I think if Colorado, and Washington do this properly, and have the right folks leading these movements that it will only be a matter of time before other states see the success and follow suit.

funkboxing17 karma

What are the biggest pitfalls that must be avoided to prevent opponents from using this to point out the potential problems of recreational usage and setting back the effort to expand legalization into other areas.

For example the idea that this may 'increase usage among teens'. What can we do to head off potentially bad publicity early and prove that legalization is in fact a positive step.

Sean240132 karma

I think one of the biggest will be people keeping it in state. When we see people crossing state lines, sending it out of state, and stuff of that nature is when I think we will start to see a lot of negativity pointed this way.

One thing we are doing, is making labels for edible not as appealing to children (i.e. taking cartoons off, bright colors, see through packaging) as well as all of the cannabis has to be in sealed containers that you can't see in. Honestly, I think talking to teens, just like we do when it comes to alcohol will be huge in that area. This is something that is becoming less taboo, and I'm not a parent, but I definitely think it would be a good idea to educate teens on what marijuana is.

poopsmells16 karma

What gender is fluffhead?

Sean240121 karma

Fluffhead was a man

with a horrible disease :/

Soruger10 karma

Well, how was it?

Sean240114 karma


Pretty much the best feeling ever

massmanx9 karma

given that legal use in CO is limited to being consumed on ones property (apartment/house/etc)... how do you see the "Tourist 420" industry working? Are coffee shops in Colorados future?

Sean240119 karma

This is a great question.

There is a lot of talk about coffee shops coming back, and this was actually a thing for a very brief time here in denver. You were allowed to consume on property (mostly at dispensary lounges, I don't recall any coffee shops) but the new laws changed that very quickly. I would hope they would revise that law now that rec is legal so that coffee shops and what not could tap into that market. It would solidify Denver as the new Amsterdam

dwreckk9 karma

What was your first purchase?

Sean240124 karma

1/8 of Bubba Kush and some Dixie Elixir truffle

RhymesWithPagina8 karma

What is your favorite method of smoking? Or are you a vaping kind of guy?

Sean240111 karma

I usually smoke concentrates, or dab if you will.

I have a mobius Matrix that I smoke flowers through

and the nice folks at HotBox vaporizers just sent me a sweet custom vape , so I will probably use that for a while when I get it

panjialang3 karma

How is your vape customized? Can you show us a picture?

Sean24018 karma

I can once I get it. They just said they were sending me my own custom vape box, I didn't ask to see it, I'm kind of looking forward to the surprise


How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

Sean2401138 karma

bout tree fiddy

NewOrleansTaints7 karma

Who do you want to win the superbowl?

Sean240119 karma

The Patriots of New England

TheEducatedEspeon13 karma

Seattle Seahawks*

Don't get me wrong man, Tom Brady is an AMAZING QB but I am from Seattle. Thank you for your service btw. :)

Sean240129 karma


ziggypwner7 karma

Person you'd most like to smoke a joint with?

Sean240119 karma

Trey Anastasio

Sean24017 karma

I have to work until about 7:30pm mst this evening, then I will come back home and field some more questions. Thanks for the overwhelmingly positive responses and questions. Reddit is awesome!

NavyOtter6 karma

So, did you actually smoke your first purchase? Or did you save it?

Sean240130 karma

I have it saved. I am planning on auctioning it off in the near future to help fund the medical costs of a 11 month old girl with sever epileptic symptoms. She's a real sick little girl, and I'd love to be able to keep paying it forward, and use it to help her, instead of just sitting on my couch smoking it.

Manzigod6 karma

Are the CO dispensaries selling concentrates to the public; or are they reserved for medicals patients?

Sean24018 karma

Some of the recreational shops are selling concentrates, but the ones that do, are not keeping it on their shelves very long. Last I heard wax/budder was going for $70 a gram at a rec store

SaltyJeffery5 karma

How long have you used marijuana before the legalization of retail if you don't mind me asking?

Sean24013 karma

I've had my Medical Marijuana card since 2008

iwantmikeshair5 karma

oh hay sean! can you please make a PT reference in here at least? :)

in all honesty, i'm proud to know you and i don't even smoke weed anymore!

Sean24017 karma


AWildFuckOffAppeared4 karma

What would you say to those who believe marijuana is a gateway drug?

Sean240115 karma

I think that stigma will soon pass. We are starting to see cannabis as something that is actually saving lives in ways that most people never expected. If you don't know what I mean, google Charlotte's Web high CBD. It's amazing, and I think over the course of the next few years the proof will be so overwhelming that people will have no choice but to acknowledge it's awesomeness when it's keeping their grandma coherent, or keeping their baby from having seizures.

I think it will soon be seen as the gateway to saving lives

SuckForLuck20124 karma

Were you surprised about all of the press that showed up when you bought it?

Sean24019 karma

To say the least. I never thought in my life I would be on the cover of the Washington Post, USA Today, and countless other news outlets. Ever. Especially since this ALL started because I was simply trying to help some folks, thats it. But yes, it's been a little overwhelming

PirateKilt3 karma

Every time you hear a knock at your door now, do you worry that it is the Feds coming to make an example of you?

Sean240117 karma


pucketpossy3 karma

While its obvious youre proud to be the first, how have others around you thought of it? parents and friends?

Sean240111 karma

The love and support has been absolutely overwhelming. My parents, friends, and family couldn't be more proud.

YoungCubSaysWoof3 karma

Hey Sean. Here are my 5 Questions:

1) How did you get involved with the Amendment 64 campaign? Who found you?

2) Before Amendment 64, what were you doing professionally? With your life?

3) You're a veteran (USMC). The VA provides protection for legal medical marijuana (MMJ) patients, but not recreational users. Are you concerned about "outing" yourself and losing your VA benefits?

4) Can you give people a glimpse into why PTSD is so hard for veterans to talk about?

5) What's your favorite color?

Sean24018 karma

  1. Mason Tvert, the had of Safer and Marijuana policy project saw my activism for trying to get PTSD added as a qualifying ailment to obtain your red card, and from then on we started working together on various projects for the campaign

  2. I have worked in the Medical Marijuana industry for the past 2 years, working as a grower, and as a concentrate maker at the World's largest indoor medical marijuana grow (livwell) for quite some time, before leaving there to work for Kind Love where I currently work.

  3. No, I think what I did is bigger than me (as cheesy as that sounds) and am willing to deal with those reprecussions in order to help lead a movement, and show other veterans that there are safer options out there to treat their PTSD than what they may only have access to now.

  4. I've always said that trying to describe PTSD is like trying to describe blue to someone that is blind. It's something that changes your whole outlook on life, and your entire way of thinking. It takes someone like me that is generally a very outgoing, caring person, and can make me into a mean introvert that doesn't want to even see another person. it's quite terrible.

  5. Blue :)

gregm9703 karma

Were you asked to be the first person to purchase, or did you volunteer?

Sean24015 karma

I was asked if I'd like this huge honor because of the amount of work I have done advocating for veterans with PTSD within the cannabis community.

AWildFuckOffAppeared3 karma

What are some of your favorite songs to listen to while high?

Sean240115 karma

I really enjoy listening to the Phish from Vermont

AWildFuckOffAppeared3 karma

How often do you go to Chipotle high?

Sean24014 karma


AWildFuckOffAppeared2 karma

Well, what's your favorite place to eat?

Sean24015 karma

My favorite restaurant right now is Charcoal here in Denver

DlmaoC3 karma

So did you really smoke the bud you bought or framed it like you thought about?

Sean24017 karma

Neither. I've been talking with a lot of really great people, and we are working on a way that we can auction off the entire 1st purchase (sealed herb, edible, receipt, brochure, and bag) with all of the proceeds going to a help the medical care of a very sick 11 month old girl that suffers from severe eipleptic seizures. She's a sweetheart, and I feel like its something that would be really helpful, and possibly a huge lifesaver.

Tyler12433 karma

What was the first thing you consumed?

Sean240120 karma

Gingerbread waffles with a apple puree from City Oh City here in Denver

_killer3 karma

Favorite cheeseburger? If I could be famous for anything it would be for what you are.

Sean24017 karma

Man, that's fought. I feel like I haven't had it yet, but I dig the Cherry Cricket burgers here in Denver. Also, thanks, that really is a cool thing to hear.

Moodapathetic2 karma

How long do you think it will take for Legalization to spread state to state?

Sean24014 karma

Hopefully in the coming years. Other states will be silly not to do the same once they see the revenue it will generate

Sean24012 karma

Thanks for all the great questions, and support, folks of Reddit! You guys are rad. I'll keep checking in on here for any more questions that may pop up.

One marijuana please!

ragingummybear2 karma

Do you have the munchies?

Sean24016 karma

Not really. I am however drinking some really good nice lemon zinger tea with honey, and eating some cookies….I suppose I do have the munchies.

woodchuk252 karma

Where did you get it? I need this, you know, for science and shit.

Sean24014 karma

3D Cannabis

StandingByToStandBy2 karma


Sean24014 karma


My view is to see it the same as it is here nationwide. My big fight is I want vets with PTSD to have safer access than the copious amounts of prescription pills they are being force fed. I fully understand and acknowledge marijuana will not be for everyone, but my fight is I want them to at least have that other, safer option.

My mom told me to smile, and she was standing next to me, so I kinda had to. It was staged to the point where I was appointed to be the first purchase, I wasn't just the first guy in line, everything after that everything is very real. my friend

SurpriseButtSexMan2 karma

Thank you for your service in the Marines. You gentlemen are truly heroes.

Where do you hope to see the culture of cannabis and the general norm in 4 years? Also have you seen what's been going on here in Portland, ME? Legal within the city but outside of it it's still illegal. Any thoughts on that?

Sean24013 karma

Thank you!!

I see the culture exploding, if you are any sort instagram, twitter or any social media site really, you can see that this is a culture that is on the verge of exploding nationwide. Do a hashtag search for #weed #420 #Dabs #710 or anything of that nature and you'll see it's not something that is localized to legal states. I believe it's only a matter of time before the domino effect starts nationwide, especially in places like Portland, ME where they are already on the verge of being where we are.

ph1asco2 karma

Why did you not pick your username to be Sean420 instead of Sean2401?

Sean24015 karma

Good question. 24 is my favorite number, and 01 was the year everything changed for me.

maryizbell2 karma

Hey! What was the quality of the weed you bought legally compared to the rest of your stash?

Sean24018 karma

Recreational quality is nowhere near the quality of good medicinal marijuana. I think however, the Bubba Kush I bought was pretty good.

MeanOldMatt2 karma

Do you personally feel that the legalization of weed will promote youths to refrain from it because it no longer is "edgy" or a "rebellious thing to do" or will they keep using the drug because of its affect?

Sean24017 karma

I feel that it will definitely take some of that stigma of wanting to do it because it's an illegal drug will away, but teens are teens, and I think they will experiment regardless

prisoner2162 karma

So what's your favorite kind of bud?

Sean24014 karma

I like OGs

Tahoe is what I smoke most

Alien Rock Candy is my favorite strain

VoldemortsNipple2 karma

Favorite way to enjoy marijuana? Like edibles, etc.

Sean24013 karma

Dabs, or through my Mobius

I like edibles a lot, too.

tosbigtree2 karma

Have you gone to get more since?

Sean24012 karma

I work at one of the best dispensaries in Denver, and get employee pricing there so I have no need to go back unless it's to say hi to Toni Fox and give her a big hug :)

That_Urks_Me1 karma

Did you plan to be the first, or did it just kind of happen?

If yes, were you expecting the media turnout and to be interviewed, etc.?

Sean24013 karma

I definitely never planned on this ever happening to me. However the powers behind the campaign asked me to be the 1st person about a month prior. They asked me because of the amount of work, and advocacy I have done over the last few years.

Not like it has been. It's been quite overwhelming

gregm9701 karma

At what age did you start smoking?

Sean24013 karma


luxavior1 karma

Hi Sean, It is a true honor to have you in Colorado. Thank you for everything you did on 64 and it's truly fitting that you were the first person to purchase recreational marijuana. I really like that picture Jenny Stout made that's freaking awesome. I hope you like being in the history books because you are a part of world history now.

Sean24012 karma

Thanks! I can't wait to get my copy of that awesome rendition that Jenny Stout did. It's pretty much the coolest thing ever

albinoplaydoh1 karma

Can an employer choose to not hire someone or to fire someone if they tested positive for weed on a drug screening? This questions only pertains to where weed is legal.

Sean24013 karma

Absolutely. Just because it is legal, that does not change your companies drug policies

AllegedAllegory1 karma

What effects do you believe legal recreational use will have on the 'underground' marijuana market? Will people go the legal route, or will they still be purchasing from a street dealer for less?

Sean24012 karma

I think with the supply and demand spike with recreational cannabis you will definitely see the underground market circulating once again. If dispensaries are charging between 400-600 an ounce, there is no way it won't.

tree_dweller1 karma

I didn't have access to higher quality bud until recently and can finally feel the differing effects between different strains -back in college I would just ignore the names because it was usually a lie. So now of course, I try every new one I can find. What's your favorite Indica and favorite Sativa ?

Sean24012 karma

That's awesome to hear! I primarily use Indica dominant strains, as Sativa dominant ones can exacerbate my anxiety and PTSD symptoms. I do however love me some Golden Goat.

I love OG's. Tahoe, Kosher, and Master Kush being a few of my favorites.

Alien Rock Candy is my all time favorite. There is nothing like it

goldgecko41 karma

It's okay if you don't want to go too deep in to this question, as it does deal with PTSD, but if you can provide some information, we'd be grateful!

1) How did you discover that marijuana has a healing effect for your symptoms?

2) How does that healing effect work? I have friends that have a prescription for MMJ for chronic anxiety, is it a similar relief?

3) Have you seen an improvement in your symptoms since beginning marijuana treatment?

I'm sorry if some of the questions are worded poorly, the medical marijuana field is something I have little experience with, but am very curious about. Also, a kinda fun question:

a) Aren't the names for all of the MJ products kinda silly (bubble kush, sweet stone claudibear)? What's the silliest-named thing you've purchased yet?

Sean24013 karma

  1. I started doing research once I was diagnosed with PTSD. Then I started experimenting with different strain types to see which ones best help alleviate my symptoms of PTSD

  2. Don't get me wrong, I didn't just light up a bowl, and BOOM I was healed. I also went through therapy to help me guide me through the process, but cannabis was the constant relief, and still is. It is definitely a similar relief, I have anxiety due to my ptsd, so I use a lot of indica dominant strains to help with those symptoms.

  3. Yes

  4. Silly yes, but at the same time they serve a purpose. Some folks come to recognize certain strains with being able to cure or alleviate certain ailments.

Silliest name? We have a strain at my work that is called Heisenberg because it is a Mob Boss and Blue Dream cross. Silly? maybe. Nerdy and awesome. Definitely

Joeyboots001 karma

How much weed do you see yourself smoking now since the legalization?

Sean24014 karma

No more than before.

Are you the real Joey Boots? If so this AMA just became the coolest thing ever.

jinglyjangly881 karma

I am also someone who smoked occasionally in high school , then joined the military (army, 10th mountain) and didn't smoke. Then, I got out and turned into a total pot head. I have quit smoking since then, but it's a strange feeling of solidarity to hear your story. Press on , brother. You are doing god's work.

Sean24011 karma

Thanks for sharing your story. Hope you're doing well, my friend.

derek4201 karma

Oh god, I don't even know what to say. Uhhh.. from everybody in Philly we regard you as a hero. Best of luck in life, you literally are history. Weed history at that, I'm sure you never saw this coming 6 months ago. Well thanks for reading this dude! Bowl of kief for you.

Sean24011 karma

Thank you, Sir! Definitely never expected it, but couldn't be happier!

Reticent_Monkey1 karma

Sean congrats sir, you are truly an inspiration to scene. I can imagine that it's a lot of pressure to be the first to actually plop your cash down on the counter for some weed. That being said how did you prepare mentally for the actual purchase? Did the amount of press surprise you?

Sean24013 karma


It was quite overwhelming, but a true honor. Honestly, I just had to take some deep breaths, try and relax, and understand what I was doing was a lot bigger than me, and had to try not to throw up on national tv

cannothita2iron1 karma

How long would it take you to chop down a redwood with an axe?

Sean24013 karma

we talking about Giant, or Coast redwoods here?

cannothita2iron3 karma

Come on now, no one cares about Coast redwoods. And if it helps, the axe is from Home Depot.


Sean24013 karma

7 hours, 6 1/2 if I eat a sativa edible before

Poopmasher-2 karma

Um, I purchased legal marijuana way before you did. 1996 Tempe, Arizona. Outside of the IHOP. A cat named Richard Davis used to hangout on the ASU campus with his traveling marijuana museum. He had a state issued dealers/importers license from the state of Arizona. He used to sell legal marijuana by the gram. Each gram had a state issued one gram tax stamp affixed to the bag. He had three kinds of weed he sold. High Times profiled him in their January 1996 issue. So, while you may be the first in Colorado history to buy legal bud, you are certainly not the first guy to do so in America. I have a picture of me holding the bag with the tax stamp too. I believe it was Northern Lights.

Sean24018 karma

I love northern lights

Sean24013 karma

We have a double northern lights backcross at my work called the Aurora Project. It's ridiculous