Here is some junk about me. My Acting Website My Music Website My Kickstarter My Brain Surgery and my big fat head You can google "Guy plays guitar during brain surgery" and see what pops up. It's crazy. I have also done a good bit of stand-up and been in 28 national commercials. Here is my imdb if you wanna ask about other shows. imdb I am also in a documentary called "Kickstarted" coming out later this year. Check it out.

I hope you guys will sign up at my website for my mailing list so I can let you know when my album is ready. Im really proud of it and it is really special to me. And I don't suck. or you can go directly to

Ok guys, I'm gonna sign off of here. Thanks for all the great questions and kind words. I wish you health and happiness. BC

Comments: 641 • Responses: 139  • Date: 

wordfiend99541 karma

"talking bout, she met 'a king'."

you crushed that role bro. held the screen with a couple of giants!

bradcarter73231 karma

Thank you!

papasmokes87 karma

This was the most memorable line in the season. Thank you for making it awesome.

bradcarter7384 karma

Thank you for that.

Cindy0606288 karma

Yeah, your accent was probably one of the best in the show. Did you work with a dialect coach or just pick that up on your own?

bradcarter73258 karma

Thanks! I just figured it out. I tried to do my best to keep him regional to a specific place in my mind. The writing helped as well., Nics writing helped lean him that way and I just took it further.

WildGinger70191 karma

Look man, Reggie's crazy like for real!

bradcarter7380 karma

ha! He's actually a really cool guy in real life. Charlie Halford. We became friends on twitter and actually watched the show together.

WildGinger70131 karma

I wanted to get my mother interested in the show but she's not a fan of Woody or Matthew McConaughey (can't say I was until recently either). Your scenes really captured her. She loved your character and thought you did a great job with it. We watched the rest of the series together and obviously now have elevated opinions of Harrelson and McConaughey.

bradcarter7359 karma

Oh thats great! Thank her for me! I'm such a Mammas boy. ;) Both those guys are hitting a new prime.

AliveInTheFuture67 karma

That's impressive. I thought they had picked up a L'eesiana native and let him riff on some of the scripted content. You did an awesome job convincing me!

bradcarter7369 karma

Thanks very much. That is a great compliment for an actor!

Bombingofdresden13 karma

I donated to the video! Lookin forward to it!

bradcarter7323 karma

Oh wow! Thank you very much! it hasnt posted yet but I appreciate it!

Bombingofdresden8 karma

I did it a while ago. We shot some tweets back and forth. Glad to see this AMA get some traction. It'd be bad ass to see Nic Pizalozatlotazolo(not even gonna act like I know how to spell it) use you and a lot of the other supporting cast in completely different rolls for the second season. Any chance of that?

bradcarter7312 karma

I would love that but aint countin on it.

skenn024105 karma

What was it like being able to work with Woddy Harrelson and Matthew mcconaughey?

bradcarter73229 karma

The BEST! Working with them was like going to a master class in acting and professionalism. They are so seasoned and it makes you step your game up, or crumble. I hope I did the first.

skenn02498 karma

i think you did man. I liked your small role in the show alot

bradcarter7380 karma

Thanks very much!

airbrushedvan35 karma

I know you probably won't see this as your AMA is long over but I just wanted to say that your whole look and performance is a joy to watch, I love it when you show up in a role because you always are incredible.

bradcarter7395 karma

Im still here. Im really sick in bed so just hanging out with you guys on here. Thanks for the nice compliment. I try.

DoesHeL00kLikeABitch26 karma

Seriously man, you killed that role. I was just talking with my boss about the awesome acting in the show, and we both thought you were one of the best. You made that character want to be seen more in the series.

Edit: I hope you feel better and we see you in more stuff soon!

bradcarter7337 karma

Dude great! Thanks! Tell HBO! lol

Habbeighty-four10 karma

Yours was the one role in the show (other than Harrelson/McConnaghey) that I'll remember. You fuckin nailed it.

Like she could duck hunt with a rake.... HIGH.

bradcarter736 karma


eldrizzy100 karma

Hi. Just wanted to say, you were incredible in True Detective! And to hear what you recovered from is amazing as well, props to you! To my question, did you ever legitimately feel scared/intimidated when Matthew McConaughey or Rust interrogated you? He scared the crap out of me when I watched the show.. Thanks! :)

bradcarter73188 karma

Thank you! No I wasnt scared, but what you didnt get to see was the takes where Woody beats the living shit out of me. lol We were like "lets go for it" and I was head butting him in the stomach and he was slapping me around and twisting my ear. for like 2 hours we did that, and wound up not using it. Im sad.

eldrizzy37 karma

Ahhhhh you just made this guy squirm like a little fan girl. Stayed up all night (its 3am here) just to ask you. Why wouldn't they use those clips, they sound hilarious! Will rewatch the show another 50 times after this moment. Can't believe I got to directly ask an actor on my fave tv show from across the world. What an age we live in hey?

bradcarter7360 karma

Yes very cool! I guess they just didnt serve the vision in the end. I hope to one day get my hands on em, but aint holdin my breath. Thanks for staying up! Please sign up at my website so I can let you know about the album! Thank you!

Vachementbon20 karma

That's terrible they cut it out. I would have loved to see it (poor you, though). Do you know if there will be a lot of deleted scenes on the DVD?

bradcarter7332 karma

I have no idea what to expect on the DVD. I doubt they will show that though.

Shonuff897 karma

Having married into a Louisiana family (I'm from Washington, DC), I always hear complaints about Southern accents in movies and tv shows. When you appeared on the show, my wife turned to me and said "this guy nailed it." Her father said the same thing too, and he refuses to watch House of Cards just because of Kevin Spacey's accent in the show.

No question today, just wanted to say thanks for bringing a small character to life so vividly with such a great attention to detail. It's just one of the numerous small examples of why the show looked and felt so great.

bradcarter73333 karma

THANK YOU! I cannot tell you how much I HATE that about this business. The south gets little respect as it is, and to think anyone can paint on a "Gone with the wind" drawl and get the subtle nuances correct drives me crazy. I can't watch "Walking Dead". Hollywood seems to think that if you aren't from Australia, or England that you aren't southern. There are thousands of great southern actors who get passed over constantly for roles. It's a problem. One of my goals is to bring authenticity to southern roles. Kevin Spaceys accent is horrible I agree. In "Midnight in the garden of good and evil" his character is supposed to be from Macon, Ga. Well, I am from Macon and his accent is shit. I sat beside him in a restaurant the other day and he spilled a whole glass of water in his laptop and i wanted to say "Thats what you get for that shit accent".

Xeuton50 karma

Doesn't get much more candid than that!

Thank you very much for that, as a West Coast fellow I never considered how distressing it must be when someone gets an accent WRONG. We're quite spoiled here in Cali, that's for sure.

bradcarter7355 karma

haha., can you tell it's a peeve?

corpus_callosum38 karma

I'm a Louisianian and I thought you were a native up until this AMA. I also complain a lot about the depiction of Southern accents, and that stereotypical Scarlett O'hara drawl in TV and film. True Blood, for instance. The lead actress is British and her plantation era drawl was probably actually taught to her by some voice coach.

The accents throughout True Detective were great and you did an excellent job. I loved how your speaking the name "The Yellow King" rolled off the tongue. Great moment in the show.

bradcarter7339 karma

Thanks very much. That means the world to me :)

bradcarter7329 karma

if you scroll down a bit you will find my answer to a question about accents and my feelings on it.

Shonuff89 karma

I'm dying here! This is awesome, and so true. I will say that, thankfully, Hollywood seems to be in the midst of some sort of Southern Renaissance, and is finally looking to cast shows and movies based there with real local talent, of which there really is no shortage.

bradcarter7321 karma

yeah, now I have to worry about the competition;)

valentinerrainbow94 karma

Do you feel like your personality changed after brain surgery?

bradcarter73185 karma

Great question, No for me it didnt, but I hear that it happens and I was worried about it. Hopefully I didnt turn into an asshole and no one told me. lol

mrdude81716 karma

But did you notice any minor changes? Like, did any foods taste different post surgery?

bradcarter7364 karma

No everything was good except my speech as a little funny for a bit.

GalbartGlover71 karma

Hi Brad, you were one of the stand outs among the bit players in the show. Your accent was brilliant and you brought a lot of intensity to the character, I cannot imagine any other actor playing the character the same way as you.

My first question is how did you land the role? Did you read one of the scenes you were in?

Second question is how long did you have to prepare for the role? Like I said above, it was a really impressive performance you gave.

Final question is how long did it take to film your scenes?

That video of you playing your custom guitar while doctors are poking around in your brain is pretty astounding. You seem pretty lucid, so I take it you weren't too doped up, but you also don't seem to be in any pain. What was that like?

Glad everything seems to be working out for you, you are a talented and gifted guy.

bradcarter7398 karma

THank you! I auditioned twice over a 2 month period. I found out on my bday Dec. 5th 2012 that I got cast. I read both scenes. It was a very long audition. Nic, and Cary were both there the second time. They asked me to make an adjustment so I did the scenes twice. so as you can imagine it was a long one. Nic said he knew I had the part from the minute I opened my mouth. We shot in feb of 2013 so I had a while to get to know my material. However it was rewritten here and there which was tricky after I had learned it another way. Actually some of the original writing crept in to my takes and they kept some of it. It all started getting mixed together in my head. lol 14 hours. we did both scenes in one day. I was on set a total of 17 hours. In surgery they have to keep you awake and lucid so you arent drugged, but you are given a type of sedative to relax you. there are no pain receptors in the brain so they can poke around. it did however hurt horribly when they pierced the Dura (Sack around the brain) AWFUL

GalbartGlover30 karma

Thanks for answering, I have actually one final question.

How was the script treated on the show? Nic wrote it all himself, so were you guys forced to read exactly what was written or were you allowed to express your character using words not exactly written down?

I don't know why I didn't think of this question before.

bradcarter7383 karma

Nic was really great about letting me reword things in a way that felt more authentic to me. SO you got some adlibbing on my part here and there to make the character more realistic. THis WAS GREAT! Usually on scripted TV they want you to stick to the writing no matter how wrong it might feel. This felt more like doing a film.

drewdistilled30 karma

Brad I really appreciate your answers to this comment. Awesome insight.

bradcarter7338 karma


cmyk300022 karma

We JUST learned about the meningeal layers covering the brain. That is fascinating that you felt that part. I am going to ask my anatomy instructor about that. I've seen specimens of it and the dura is REALLY tough and fibrous.

Enjoyed your performance in True Detective and really happy for your procedure and recovery. That's awesome! So what part of the surgery were you unconscious for? If it was in the beginning, was it disconcerting being woken up in that halo/head brace?

bradcarter7336 karma

I was in twilight for the drilling of the hole. I went out sometime during the screws being placed. When I came too it was just so strange and surreal that I kind of can't describe it. Sorry. Its like nothing else I know to compare. It's kind of like Im in this club of brain surgery people and were the only ones that understand what were talking about. My Surgeon thinks my particular spot where they went nto the dura happened to be a cluster of nerves that were particularly sensitive. Worst thing ever.

bradcarter7329 karma

I actually have a picture from that exact moment.

Edgar4llanPwn9 karma

a picture of your brain or a picture of your face while they were poking through that thing?

bradcarter7324 karma


White_Sox58 karma

This last scene in prison is an example of top notch acting from you. I rewatched a couple of times. Very powerful! Congratulations on your performance and wish you all the best.

bradcarter7349 karma

THank you!

Kerbobotat29 karma

McConnaghy says in that scene "We aint gonna give you the oscar no matter how hard you try" But you should get it. Fuck McConnaghy.

bradcarter7344 karma

Bahahah! Well, If only they gave Oscars for supporting characters on mini series. Thanks man

Gnovaa13 karma

They are actually submitting to the golden globes as a tv show - drama. Not a mini series. We should start a campaign to get you nominated!!.

bradcarter7316 karma

hey I like your attitude!

ReggieLeDrew49 karma

Do you still have the naked pictures of Dora?

bradcarter73133 karma

Hahah! Reggie stuck them all together.

WestLoop42 karma

Did you know how the season would end ahead of time? Did you have theories?

bradcarter73100 karma

Nope, I only got to read through first 5. I was glad so that I could be a fan with the rest of you guys. :)

WestLoop4 karma

oh thats cool! so since you had to watch the finale like the rest of us, who did you suspect was the real killer?

bradcarter7313 karma

I actually never had a suspicion. My GF thought it was Marty for a while, but I didn't think that was right.

Samuel_L_Blackson39 karma

What's the funniest thing that happened on set?

bradcarter73168 karma

Matthew kept telling me strange facts about Macon Ga. where I am from and I was believing him because he never cracks. I was all like "Really?" and then Woody busted out laughing and said "He's Bullshittin you man".

fuckitthatswhy12 karma

Were you super happy about Mercer's win against Duke?

bradcarter7328 karma

pretty great! I have some best friends that went to Mercer.

NaughtyPine38 karma

Hey Brad, I just wanted to say that watching your portrayal of Charlie in TD might have been the first time in my life I've ever said "wow" out loud regarding someone's acting. Would have loved to see more of him! Definitely one of the highlights of the show, and my favorite character.

bradcarter7333 karma

WOW thanks!!!!

KristineUlanowsky35 karma

how long did it take to shoot your scenes overall? Ive been rewatching these over again, and only enjoying more and more, your character has been portrayed so real, i just cant stand it, haha.

bradcarter7355 karma

Hi Kristine! Guys this girl made an awesome painting of me! GO check it out! It took 14 hours :)

KristineUlanowsky19 karma

Hi Brad! I can only thank you for the inspiration, and rephrasing Nic Pizzolatto, i cant start the painting till i know im in love with the idea and a character, sure you're familiar to this, as musician and creative person yourself as well!

bradcarter7319 karma

Thank yoU! I get it ;)

choppersmash32 karma

I challenge you to a duel of your choice. Which is it and why?

bradcarter7398 karma

Well I used to be a good shot till my tremor got bad. So maybe the first one to make out with Mila Kunis wins?

choppersmash53 karma

Oh fuck you.

bradcarter7364 karma


Frajer30 karma

What was it like working It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia?

bradcarter7360 karma

THE BEST!!!! Actually it was my 2nd TV show ever and was really cool getting to see them all work up close. They are like an amazing well oiled machine. Actually Glen tweeted me not long ago during True Detective and was very complimentary. my twitter is @TheBradCarter

AwkwardMongoose27 karma

Your performance had me looking you up on IMDB right away. You were great.

bradcarter7321 karma

Thank you so much!

Mikester4625 karma

You were superb as Charlie Lange as were all of the key supporting players...would you agree that TD reinvented television to a certain extent?

bradcarter7357 karma

ABSOLUTELY Already I am hearing our show referenced when people are pitching new shows. I think it raised the bar for what scripted TV should be. I for one am extremely proud to be part.

BorgBorg108 karma

I love the set up of the shower. Each season is different, so you know that anything can happen. The biggest pitfalls of my favorite shows (Dexter to be specific) is that they run too long and nose dive. TD stayed fresh and provided great closure.

bradcarter7320 karma

agreed. England seems to have a better grip on having a show go out on top than we do.

brendacloser19 karma

Hi there. Charlie Lang was a great character! You made him so real--like we would have liked to watch his whole story as well. What is it like working on a TV show--how many takes do you do in a role like Charlie Lang? How often did they make you freak out about Reggie LaDoux? :)

bradcarter7324 karma

THanks! We shot both my scenes in one day. It was raining in New Orleans so they were trying to do as many interiors as possible. I was on set a total of 17 hours. We shot around 14 of that. I was in EVERY scene so at the end you can imagine was quite exhausting to freak out about reggie for that long. I gladly earned my stripes that day. :)

brendacloser6 karma

That is a long day of LaDoux freak outs! Thank you for doing this AMA--so cool to "talk" with you and to hear about the show. Will be following your work (music and acting) for sure. Glad you are doing well post-surgery. Thank you!

bradcarter7314 karma

THank yoU!

teleekom3 karma

Damn 17 hours? That's an awful lot. Is this common to shoot conversation scenes so long?

Also thank you for your amazing portrayal of Charlie. I'm rewatching your scenes quite regularly

bradcarter737 karma

I would say we shot 14 hours., there is a lot of work that goes into getting all the angles and each persons coverage. this however is not common in quick turn around shows like CSI, they just dont have the time.

redder2318 karma

Brad, you were great in TD! And i just found out recently you were in one of my favorite games of all time RED DEAD REDEMPTION....awesome! How different is the experience of voice acting for a game compared to acting on TV or in a movie. Also what is/ or some of your favorite movies or tv series? Thanks man!

Edit: I also followed you on Twitter a while back, and you actually followed me back..never had a celebrity do something cool like that before. Thought that was great!

bradcarter7320 karma

Wow thanks! Yeah I did that in 2009. It was so fun! It is AWESOMW wearing the motion Capture suit and seeing yourself up on the huge screen walking around as little balls. They would put boxes and stuff around and say, here is the door,. here is your cell, here is the horse. and you look up on screen and can see those things. CRAZY It is different for sure, but you are still acting and reacting to other characters. just in a whole different environment with other dudes with beards wearing tights. lol

bradcarter7322 karma

I loved Breaking Bad Boardwalk Empire The Americans East Bound and Down Squidbillies Intervention Game of Thrones

I always loved the original star wars and Indiana Jones movies. They were the first movies I ever saw at a theater.

redder235 karma

Wow thanks so much for the response and insight Brad, I really appreciate it! Keep up the great work man ..I'll keep watching and supporting! Cheers

bradcarter739 karma

THank yoU!

bradcarter737 karma


bradcarter7310 karma

Your welcome. I suck on twitter and trying to get better at it. whats your handle?

minkyhead9517 karma

My dad's having the same surgery you had in about a month. Any advice on how to prepare or knowledge about what the doctors don't tell you?

bradcarter7319 karma

whats his condition? ET or Parkinsons?

minkyhead9516 karma


bradcarter7378 karma

ok well that involves the Subthalamic nucleus. STN. I just want him to know that I am proud of him for doing what he can to get some relief, even though it is scary. I have said before, I would rather risk something going wrong to try and help myself over always wondering because I was scared. tell him I had to do it twice because it didnt work the first time. But dont let that scare him. had I not tried again I wouldnt have the good success I am getting now. Its not perfect but its sssoooooo much better. In fact if you write me at I will take more time to answer this for you and he.

Rules_row16 karma

Who smells better, Matthew or Woody?

bradcarter7359 karma

haha. well I know matthew gets a lot of grief for not using deoderant but I didnt notice.

Pierk15 karma

Who was your favorite character in the show besides Charlie Lange obviously?

bradcarter7330 karma

I loved both of the lead characters. I thought they had so many layers and it sucked me in. I really LOVED Shea Whigham as the Preacher. if you didnt see his full sermon uncut you should.

u_f0kin_wot_m815 karma

I heard you and Reggie Mutherfuckin' Ledoux watch True Detective together. Is this true? If so, does he whisper weird shit to himself? I seriously hope you two are back for season 2.

bradcarter7329 karma

Yep that's true. We became friends on Twitter after the first couple episodes. Charlie is actually working on a pilot in atlanta right now so we didnt get to watch the last ep together. He's a great guy we wont be back. :( All new cast.

jimmypopjr15 karma

You were one of the stand-out characters on the show, and I loved the scene where you were chained to the floor screaming about Reggie. Thanks for taking the time for an AMA. As both an actor and a fan of the show, what did you think of the one-take heist scene?

bradcarter7333 karma

Thank you! I loved that scene! I was on the edge of my seat holding my breath and stressed out. Thats how you know somethings good.

jimmypopjr8 karma

I'd honestly never seen something like that on TV before. The intensity and the action, all flowing smoothly and uncut. I can't imagine how much work goes into something like that.

What kind of prep work did you do for Charlie? Your performance felt so natural and grounded - I honestly think you stole the scenes you were in.

bradcarter7324 karma

Thanks! Nic and Cary left the accent up to me, so I struggled back and forth with doing a deep south accent closer to my own or more of a white trash with a sort of cajun influence. When I went to the table read a month earlier in new orleans I walked around talking to as many people as possible. Hoping to run into some of that amazing accent. I found this girl who blew my mind with her accent and I just tried to soak it up. In the south accents vary literally from county to county and Im used to that. In new orleans however they varied from person to person. It was AWESOME


Damn I'm late, but man, a New Orleans accent rolls over my ears like butter. It's like Brooklyn hooked up with Clarksdale, MS. You (and Rust) were my favorite characters. You fucking nailed that accent. My favorite line was, 'I mean he get you high man, but he's a creep. I ain't wanna know him". From another southerner from the delta, you nailed that shit.

bradcarter734 karma

Thanks brotha

soopaman2013 karma

Hi Brad,

Did you want the first season of TD to go on forever like me?

I don't think I've seen a show which is as compelling for a very long time.

bradcarter7332 karma

yes I was sad to see it over so soon. Me an the guy who play Reggie, (Charlie Halford) became friends and actually watched together at my place. I think we both agreed that it was better to have a show like this with an ending. THere is a satisfaction in it that you dont get when show goes on and on and loses steam. This is why Im so glad breaking bad always had an ending in mind. It left me satisfied and not bitter. :)

soopaman207 karma

Yeah, on second thoughts. I can't remember too many series that I have watched until the end.

Fine line between longevity and dragging it out I suppose. Either way I didn't want it to end and waited a week before watching the last two episodes as I knew there were no more after.

I will check out your music now that I am aware of it. Which do you recommend to check out first?

I am also a massive David Gilmour and Pink Floyd fan.

bradcarter737 karma

Great! Please sign up on my fan club botton and I will let you know when the album is available. Its going great and Im really excited about it.

RedPeril13 karma

Hey fellow Texan! Just wanted to say I thought you were awesome on True Detective, you were one of my favorite characters. Hope to see you in more stuff soon!

And PS you did do a phenomenal job on the dialect in that role. I had to go back and watch with the subtitles on just to catch everything you said!

bradcarter7311 karma

Thank you!

bennyshilling12 karma

Hey there. Great spot on True detective!

This might be a weird questions, but after having brain surgery where you were able to play guitar (which is awesome), do you believe that your brain is the same thing as your mind?

bradcarter7320 karma

whoa! well I think that the brain is the most amazing thing on the earth. I feel like the "Mind" is more a figurative term we use to explain how we feel, think, etc,. Like saying "my heart aches". So I guess I would say they are sort of separate.

bennyshilling5 karma

That is actually a fantastic answer! Thank you for replying

bradcarter735 karma


JojoWang11 karma

Hey,there.When you showed up in True Detective,I recognized you are the one who played Felix in Smashed(I have a good memory:)).Both of the works are excellent and thanks for your great acting!Here are my questions:What's your most impressive memory in True Detective?Can you describe the scene when you are acting with Matthew and Woody?

bradcarter7317 karma

hey well Thank you first of all. My most impressive memory is of how much I LOVE New Orleans, Mardi Gras, and getting to work with those 2 guys all kind of blurs into one great memory. They were 2 of the nicest guys there are. I can't say enough good things. Woody was really kind and complimented me many times. He even shared his RAW Vegan concoctions with me :)

JojoWang6 karma

Thanks for your replying.I am looking forward more works of you.Wish you luck all the time:)

bradcarter735 karma

THank you! please check out and be sure to sign up at the fan club so I can let you know when the album is ready :)

StephenNotSteve10 karma

I had a 4.2cm meningioma removed from my right parieto-occipital 13 months ago. You're a champ and an inspiration. Great work in True Detective and way to crush those surgeries!

bradcarter7310 karma

holy crap! right back at ya. yikes. and THanks!

AlienCatcher9 karma

how many ping pong balls can you fit in your mouth

bradcarter7318 karma

2, definitely 2

NinaBambina8 karma

Hi, Brad—glad you made it through your surgery and are doing well! I started playing guitar when I was a kid and am still not great at it. How old were you when you started playing guitar, and what's your favorite song to play? (Great job in True Detective, by the way; I loved your performance).

bradcarter7316 karma

Hey! Just keep it up! I started playing in 1988 when I was in 8th grade. I learned by ear and am self taught. cant read music regrettably. I would spend 4 or 5 hours in my room every day playing along with my favorite influences which at that time were, Cream, Clapton, Pink FLoyd, Zeppelin, Jimmy Page, Van Halen when they were still worth a shit. I would say I was at my peak when I was 18. lol

Ou812icRuok8 karma

Did you experience anything strange during the surgery? Changes in perception or consciousness? Shit like that... Thanks!

bradcarter7315 karma

I had 2 surgeries. The first one that got famous was not as successful as they hoped. SO had to do again 4 moths later in sept 2013. both were around 7 hours long. It is surreal. its a long time to have your head in a HALO and not move it. it all becomes rather strange. I lost my speech many times and impaired it many different ways. This is the scariest thing. It was just straight up horrible. Since they are working in my Thalamus, the movement spot is beside the speech spot and a few micro meters too far and you get speech impairment. After the surgery they start dialing and tweeking the controler in my chest. This sometimes causes impairment as well.

Ou812icRuok10 karma

I am Brad's dodgy thalamus. Seriously though, glad you are fine.

bradcarter7325 karma

Actually a funny story is I named my cat "Thalamus" 4 years ago before I ever even knew that my movement disorder was in the Thalamus. True Story.

sleepyhouse8 karma

Is it weird that I found you so attractive as Charlie? I don't know what it is, but there's something about a deep fried accent and neck tattoos. Loved your character, you were great!

bradcarter7311 karma

Hahaa, well thanks! I know my Mom is glad those tattoos washed off ;)

Hurley8147 karma

Brad! Huge fan of yours man; I was on deployment during your live surgery and we all watched in amazement as one of our officers told us about this amazingly brave man who was fighting an essential tremor. I couldn't believe what I was seeing and we watched an hour or two of your surgery in between working. Firstly, you're a huge inspiration for me; the fact that you get up every morning and do these things that you love just blows my mind; I stay so busy that I can't find time to write poetry or paint anymore and I hate that, but when I look at you I tell myself that I can't afford to have excuses. Secondly, I'm a huge true detective fan and although you didn't have the biggest role, your performance was spectacular! I'll definitely be following you more often online, and supporting your cause any way that I can.

You keep rocking and working hard man! Much love!

bradcarter733 karma

hey man! Thanks so much! This is really great to read. Thanks for taking the time to write. That's amazing! where were you deployed? I would love to let you know when the album is done so be sure to sign up at the fan page button on my site!

Hurley8144 karma

I will definitely be buying the album brother; I was in the Navy deployed to protect the convoy around Syria when the Russians started forming up against us in the Mediterranean. It's so exciting to hear back from you, thank you for taking the time

bradcarter733 karma

wow man! Thank you for all you do! That is a damn real job right there! Crazy to think my surgery was being watched in Syria.

Mc_Sqweebs7 karma

Could you feel them working on your brain? And thanks for being here love the show by the way XD.

bradcarter7318 karma

yes you can feel it. its crazy. there are no pain receptors but you can feel sensations. you can feel pain when they enter however. AWFUL. like an explosion.

Mc_Sqweebs9 karma

Your a trooper dude and thank for the reply.

bradcarter737 karma


mikeydahost7 karma

If you were trapped on an island and could only bring two people you've worked with, who would it be and why?

bradcarter7332 karma

Mary Elizabeth Winstead. She's smart and kind. Jes Macallan because she is gorgeous and funny and a great friend. See? if I bring 2 women we can populate the island with our children. Not bringing a dude!

VerticalVideo7 karma

Will you stab me with a key?

bradcarter739 karma

Haha. Sure, get in line.

Inthe7136 karma

Great job in TD! Sorry to parrot everyone else but you nailed it when you played Charlie.

How does it feel to have your own catchphrase ["Reggie motherf***ing Ledoux"]?

bradcarter738 karma

Hahah! Well pretty great considering that was just an improv on my part. I was surprised people like it so much

fuckswithfire6 karma

As a Texan with a lot of shady family in Louisiana, I just wanted to say that is the first time I've heard authentic Coonass on a TV show.

I'm curious, your character will always be bound to Reggie Ledoux but did you ever actually get to meet the actor who played him?

bradcarter735 karma

yes we became friends on twitter and decided to start watching the show at my house. He is a really nice guy named Charlie Halford. He is in Atlanta working on a pilot called Constantine.

_Ka_Tet_6 karma

First, you were great on True Detective. It seems like HBO shows always have lots of talent in supporting roles.

On to the question. I saw in one of your earlier responses that you didn't know how the season would end. What were your thoughts on the finale? Did you feel that there could have been a better ending? Did it feel fitting? How did it mesh with the expectations that you built up?

bradcarter7322 karma

THank you! Well I think that a show like this sets expectations so high that its almost impossible to please everyone with an ending. The show was never about the case so much as how the case affected these to men and their lives and relationships over the 17 years. This is why I loved it. It was character driven and didn't rely on a crazy twist or anything at the end. Everyone was expecting something at the end but I think the show was never about that. My friend writer Susan Burke said it best, "I wish True Detective had a twist ending" sounds the same to me as "I wish this finely prepared steak came with never ending nacho sauce." @ThatSusanBurke

Wicked816 karma

You ROCKED Charlie Lang ~ sorry to hear about your cold and THRILLED to hear you are doing better after your brain surgery - you are so talented & gifted, please keep it up!!

bradcarter738 karma

Thank you very much! I hope you will sign up at my website for news about my album! :)

holasoyfito5 karma

How great is Alexa Fogel's taste in actors? Awesome as Charlie Lange!!!

bradcarter739 karma

The BEST! Are you an actor?

theredditoro5 karma

Hi. Loved you on True Detective. What was it like working on the show while trying to manage your music career ?

bradcarter7318 karma

THank you! Well we filmed in feb of 2014 and at that time I had not had my brain surgery. So I had zero music career because my hands were too shakey. I am so grateful that I am given a second chance. :)

todd_tomorrow4 karma

Mike or Joel?

bradcarter736 karma

GREAT QUESTION I loved Joels sleepy childlike approach and Mikes biting sarcasm. They both hold a special place in my heart. Did you know they are hosting Nat Geo all day on April fools?

kyzylionaire4 karma

First of all, awesome show, TD was the best thing I've seen recently. Your haircut in that show was unstoppable! Were you happy with how the series ended? I felt like everything worked out a bit too well in the end. Also, who would you pick for Brad Pitt's partner next season?

bradcarter734 karma

THanks! For Brad Pitt? I would go with Ashton Kutcher. Kidding. Hmmm. well I think Ian McShane from Deadwood would be BOMB. I was happy. I answered a similar question somewhere below. I felt satisfied in the end. I would have like to see Rust die though.

15chainz4 karma

Harrelson or Mcconaughey?

bradcarter7313 karma

Depends on what the rest of that question is...

15chainz1 karma

Who would win in a fight?

bradcarter736 karma

Well Matthew was coming off of Dallas Buyers Club so he was really skinny, so I would have to give it to Woody.

Kknowsbest4 karma

What is the best advice ever given to you?

bradcarter7315 karma

"Success is when opportunity meets preparation." Told to me by my acting coach. "Don't shake it more than twice or youre playin" Told to me by some stranger at a urinal when I was 5.

ndodpgk164 karma

Hey! who are your biggest musical influences? Anyone you're listening to now you can recommend?

bradcarter7317 karma

hi! Well in my life, the biggest influences were Led Zeppelin, and Pink Floyd. I am a HUGE David Gilmour fan. I used to only do electric guitar but I hurt my shoulder when I was younger and started playing acoustic more so I could sit down. So I just became an acoustic guy. I played in bars and clubs in bands and solo for many years in the south before becoming an actor. Right now Im really into Nickel Creek Tom Brosseau Avett Brothers Wood Brothers Jamestown revival and of course BLACK KEYS

dralios4 karma

Congratulations on your job on true detective, it was very well executed. I seriously thought you weren't a trained actor, and that's a hard feat to accomplish.

bradcarter734 karma

Wow thanks!

sounds_like_a_plan4 karma

Honestly I don't know all that much about you (hoping to change that) but I loved, loved, loved your accent in True Detective. How did you make it sound so authentic? You were the only one who actually sounded like you were from rural Louisiana.

If that's how you normally talk, I'll be regretting not making a throw away account for this...

bradcarter737 karma

Thank you! Im from Georgia. I just studied up on some people in the area and talked to as many as I could., once in a while I would luck up and here that sweet cajuny accent and soak it up.

meow_muaha3 karma


Yeah I went around repeating that line in your brilliant accent for a couple days after that episode haha great acting, great show. Congrats!

bradcarter733 karma

Thanks! That part was a total improv.

reluctantraiderfan3 karma

A 'hella' cold? Are you from the Bay Area?

bradcarter735 karma

No I got it from Cartman on Southpark and my GF who actually if from the bay area.

reluctantraiderfan3 karma

Cool. Great job on the show!!

bradcarter734 karma

Thanks !

bloodbarn2 karma

Hi, great work on the show ! Did Nic Pizzolatto was present on the set of TD ? would he and the director interact a lot while filming ?

EDIT: any info on season 2 you can share ?

bradcarter738 karma

Yes he and Cary the Director were there. Nic was also the showrunner so he was very hands on and he and Cary worked together. Nic, is an amazing writer and was a college professor before screen writing. He is a badass.

drag992 karma

Hey, you were my favorite character on True Detective outside of MM and WH. Do you have a funny or interesting story you could share with us about the making of True Detective?

bradcarter736 karma

Thank yoU! Well I was telling someone else earlier that Woody beat the shit out of me and none of those takes got used. So the scenes you see are after me having my ear twisted off and my face smacked around for 2

Camp_Anaawanna2 karma

Why why and why? Not going to lie that is awesome. Glad you are doing better.

bradcarter735 karma

THank you!

mrdude8172 karma

Prior to True Detective, I wouldn't have known who you were, or that you had a voice role in Red Dead Redemption.

That game is totally awesome.

Also, I like you're music so far. Keep it up.

bradcarter732 karma

THank you!

redyellowand2 karma

Would you rather fight 100 duck sized Matthew McConaugheys or one horse-sized Matthew McConaughey?

Would you rather fight 100 duck-sized Woody Harrelsons or one horse-sized Woody Harrelson?

Seriously though I'm glad you've recovered from your surgery and you were amazing in True Detective. Very chilling character.

Last question:

I'm totally fascinated with the Tuttles; was there any more information that got left on the cutting room floor?

bradcarter733 karma

Well I did not get to read the last 3 episodes so Im not sure what was left out. I guess we as the viewer are left to imagine more. I like the duck idea better.....

jmaxcpr2 karma

Hey Brad - I hear you're going to be in a documentary? What's that all about? ;)

bradcarter735 karma

yep I better go add that to my list. I knew I forgot something. Its a documentary called Kickstarted! go check it out!

child_of_lightning1 karma

Great work on True Detective.

I think I also saw you on Longmire. How does the guest actor process go on a show like that? Do you enjoy it?

bradcarter735 karma

thanks! yes Longmire was my first job after Brain surgery. Being a guest is a great privilege and you just hope to show up and do a good job. Its a little strange because you are new and everyone else knows each other. You are odd man out. sometimes you are made to feel welcome. sometimes not.

child_of_lightning1 karma

Thanks for answering. I'm a fan of that show too so I hope you were made to feel welcome.

bradcarter732 karma

Absolutely! They were great! And Santa Fe is beautiful!

_aladynevertells_1 karma

Hi Brad! Sorry to hear about your cold!

If your name was the answer to a crossword puzzle clue, what would the clue be?

What's your favorite hobby that most people would be surprised to hear about?

bradcarter733 karma

"Was lasts nights musical guest on CONAN OBRIEN"

Hobby: I love photography!

_aladynevertells_1 karma

Hey congrats on being Conan's musical guest! That's awesome!

What's your favorite thing to shoot?

How do you take your coffee?

bradcarter732 karma

well I havent been his guest yet, it was more a fantasy answer :) People! No coffee. Caffeine does not mis well with Tremors.

waltz_minutiae1 karma

I thought your role as Charlie Lange in True Detective was top-notch, a real stand out in an already well cast show so, Thank You! Charlie was kind of a skeeze - where did you pull his character from?

bradcarter731 karma

THanks! From just white trash folks I knew growing up in Ga. and really all around. Just with a Louisiana flare :)

MightyQuinn68911 karma

This is such an honor, I loved your character in True Detective. Any upcoming film or TV projects in the works?

edit: Any projects you're feeling especially excited about?

bradcarter735 karma

THank you! I am recovering from a motorcycle crash so not at the moment. BUT I am talking to a production company about possibly hosting this AMAZING show. I cant say more but if you sign up at my website I will be sure to let you all know. :)

Peevish-Runt1 karma

How do you like working for an HBO series?

bradcarter7310 karma

its the BEST! HBO has the best shows in my opinion and to be in one is a great thing for an actor. Very grateful.

CaptBDunn1 karma

How's the record coming along? Do you have any tv or movie projects in the works?

bradcarter734 karma

Great! got 7 songs done so far! Please sign up at my website so I can let you know more! No TV right now., I wrecked my motorcycle and am on crutches a while. BUT there is something AWESOME in the works and I will know more next week. I could very well be the host of something AMAZING.

BarbaGramm1 karma

Hi Mr. Carter. Great work on TD; you're performance was equal in quality to the critical weight it carried in the show's overall plot and truly deserving of the spotlight your character received both in the show and from fans.

Question: You mentioned elsewhere in this AMA that you watched the show with Charles Halford. I'm curious whether you both sensed that there was something special about the series, and, if so, when did that occur to you (i.e. was there a feeling on set that you all had hit a home run, or did you pick that up while you were watching the final project, or is it still settling in?)

bradcarter735 karma

Thank yoU! I knew this was gonna be amazing from the time I read the first episode in preparation for my audition. Because of the actors involved and it being HBO which is known for high quality shows, I knew this would be special. I was ecstatic to be cast in it and so grateful.

BarbaGramm1 karma

Thanks for the response...I look forward to your future work!

bradcarter735 karma


thanksgivikka1 karma

How did you get casted for the part?

bradcarter737 karma

I auditioned for Alexa Fogel at HBO here in Los Angeles. After a month I got a callback. After another month I got cast. I found out on my birthday. :) Dec, 5. 2012

OperatorM1 karma

What's your drink of choice?

bradcarter738 karma

Well I cut out liquor in 2004 because it absolutely turned me into a bad person. BAAAAAAAADDDDDD So I'm a beer guy now. I love a good HEF, or a nut brown ale. Really love Hoegarden, Im always trying new beers at my spot up the street. Thats why I can't get rid of this beer GUT

DJBJ1 karma

Hey I just wanted to say you were awesome in True Detective. Why were you playing guitar during brain surgery? Also did you feel anything during the surgery? Not in your brain, but in how you felt emotionally or how playing guitar felt?

bradcarter734 karma

I brought my guitar because I wanted to see it work in real time . The Dr. thought it would be a good idea. We had no idea that it would get so famous and viral. Emotionally it is all quite draining. You dont know if its going to work and its a lot of prep and just really draining.

VincentGrimore1 karma

Just wanted to say that your performance on True Detective was amazing! Seriously impressive. Keep it up and I hope to see/hear you in more stuff going forward.

bradcarter733 karma

THank yoU! please sign up at the website so I can let you know about the album release!

bloodbarn1 karma

What can you tell us about season 2 ? Anything ?

bradcarter738 karma

I can honestly say I have no idea. Nic is hard at work writing it up. It's going to be completely a different story. Cast.

bloodbarn2 karma

Thank you for your honesty and quick response !

bradcarter736 karma

youre welcome

digilover1 karma

I really liked true detective, did someone else write episode 7? it was like a different show.

bradcarter732 karma

No it was all nic.

Stroomis1 karma

Brad, you did a great job on the show. My question is, when you were filming the show, did you have any idea it would be as good as it was? Could you tell this show was going to become a big hit did and receive the widespread critical acclaim that it has?

bradcarter734 karma

Thank yoU! I knew when I read the script for episode one for my audition. I knew with these 2 actors attached and it being HBO that it would be special.

dragondan371 karma

Any funny off camera moments you could share while you were working on True Detective?

bradcarter736 karma

I was saying earlier that Matthew kept telling me weird facts about Macon Ga. where I am from, and I was all "Really? WOW! I did not know that."Then Woody busted out laughin and said, "He's just bullshitting you man"

Cindy06061 karma

Your bio says you are from Ft, Worth. Did you live there long? Did that help you get the TD job? I noticed a lot of people in TD were from TX or LA.

bradcarter734 karma

I was born there, but only because my father was attending seminary there. They moved back to Georgia when I was 1 so really I claim Ga. as my home. There were a lot of local hires from the Louisiana area.

botanyisfun1 karma

Hey Mr. Carter, thanks for the AMA!

My question: Do you enjoy doing music or acting more? Would you prefer to hear your music used on a TV show/movie or acting in one?

bradcarter736 karma

Well I love acting and alway wanted to be an actor. I didnt start till I was 29. I played music since I was a kid so it is closer to my heart. it is personal. it is something where you have total creative control. Its true art and expression at it's core. To be able to have this surgery and be given more time to do this thing I had been missing is a miracle and a blessing. I don't plan on wasting a moment of it. I wasted a lot of time not doing my music before and I don't plan on letting that happen again. I would LOVE to hear my songs in TV/Film!

rhythmismt1 karma

You seem like a cool dude. You're into acting, music, stand-up--and having success in all of these.

I just want to ask, if you could eat one thing right now, what would that thing be? (cold notwithstanding)

bradcarter734 karma

ha! Thanks well I havent had breakfast yet and its 12pm so really Ide eat the ass end out of a dead horse right now.

todd_tomorrow1 karma

Banana or Plantane?

bradcarter734 karma


lordgregory0 karma

How close is the album to competition? You don't have any acting credits before 2005, did you have any other jobs before this or was that when you were doing the commercials?

bradcarter734 karma

THe album is 7 song in! Im so excited! its going great. I am working with a cool producer named Jim Roach and he has his own label called Red Parade. We are looking at doing about 12 songs. You can sign up for a news letter about it on my website. I booked my first commercial in november of 2005. I moved to LA in 2003 having no acting experience. Before that I graduated in 2007 with an art degree from Valdosta State University in south Ga. I played in bands and solo to make money in shithole bars for years after that to live on. I worked at Toys r us, Red Lobster, waited tables at a mom and pop place, A gym, a convenient store, construction, was a radio morning host for a bit till I got fired. lol ( It was hard doing that at 6am when I had played guitar till 2 AM.