Hi, there. This is Chris Markus and Steve McFeely, screenwriters of some movies you've heard of and some you haven't. You might know us from such family friendly movies as The Chronicles of Narnia and Pain & Gain. Cap 2 comes out tomorrow, April 4. We hear good things. Ask Us Anything!

Proof: https://twitter.com/IDTweeps/status/451768230499999744

EDIT: Thanks for all your support and for enjoying the movie as much as you seem to. We hope to keep bringing them to you as long as we can! This was awesome!

Comments: 254 • Responses: 91  • Date: 

StickleyMan26 karma

What are your thoughts on the Eastern European Porn Parody version of Captain America (and the other Avengers?

Are you upset that you didn't use that costume and actor instead?

MarkusAndMcFeely59 karma

C: Where did you get the advanced footage for Avengers 2?

dreamshoes21 karma


Thanks for doing an AMA! Two questions:

  1. The First Avenger is often cited as the most character-driven film in the Marvel canon thus far. Did you set out to write a more nuanced, character-based film, or did the character naturally lead you in that direction?

  2. Any advice to aspiring screenwriters, in regards to getting your scripts into the right hands?

Thanks again, I can't wait to see The Winter Soldier!

MarkusAndMcFeely23 karma

C: Yes we did, we always do.

MarkusAndMcFeely17 karma

S: That said, your first break in Hollywood isn't something you can control. We lucked out and found a sympathetic producer. But really, any connection you have as long as your script is absolutely air tight should be explored. You only get one first chance.

MarkusAndMcFeely23 karma

S: We thought you had to fall in love with Steve Rogers, the skinny kid, in order to follow him the rest of the way as a super soldier.

MarkusAndMcFeely20 karma

C: Also, re-write your screenplay again before you even try and put it in someone's hands. It's not ready.

busted_up_chiffarobe19 karma

Were there any moments in the script where you paused and said, '...nobody in the audience is gonna buy this...?'

Curious about how grounded you were in plausibility.

MarkusAndMcFeely20 karma

C: There's one point in the middle that we were worried about. We knew it was good and fun, but not everyone was going to be on board.

rtb22719 karma

Are there any cameos in Cap 2 that you can reveal?

MarkusAndMcFeely29 karma

C: Take a good look at those shield interrogators!

murdockmanila19 karma

I am in awe of what you've guys done with The Winter Soldier. Hands down the best MCU film Marvel has done. Congratulations to you guys for providing a solid script, to the Russo Brothers for handling that script with care, and to Kevin Feige for believing in his creative team.

I have to ask you guys:

  • The ramifications of the occurring events in this film affect the whole MCU in a huge huge way, within the film's narrative context and Marvel Studios itself. In short a total game changer for everyone. How much writing freedom was given to you guys with regards to affecting the MCU as a whole, considering how this story leads into Age of Ultron? Was there any pressure from Kevin and Joss?

  • Is there anything you wrote for The First Avenger that didn't make it into THAT movie, that made it into THIS movie?

Thank you so much!! I will be seeing the Winter Soldier for the 4th time next week! That's how much I love what you've done!

MarkusAndMcFeely16 karma

S: Without spoiling anything, some of the big decisions (as you can imagine) had to be cleared with Kevin and corporate. There's a lot of toys to sell.

MarkusAndMcFeely14 karma

C: We had a lot of freedom but we're constantly in communication with Kevin and the rest of the team. Really, Avengers 2 did not come up because we knew we wanted to make the best film we could. That's the next guy's problem!

leontes7 karma

This version of captain america is important to both of you: how did it feel having someone else take the reigns for a film. Do you have any concerns about them not getting the feel of the character right?

MarkusAndMcFeely14 karma

C: We are very protective of Cap, but we have far more opportunities to explore him than Joss does in a group setting. And he's pretty good, so we're not too worried.

karmanaut18 karma

Why do you think it is so difficult to adapt video game plots/franchises into movies?

MarkusAndMcFeely33 karma

C: Video games are fun because they're open ended and you have options. By turning it into a move, you're making decisions that are normally in the hands of the audience and that's no fun.

MarkusAndMcFeely24 karma

S: What he said.

kennyneth16 karma

Does Stan Lee ask for a specific cameo role or do you guys decide for him?

MarkusAndMcFeely26 karma

C: It's a given. He can play any one he wants.

Frajer15 karma

Was it hard transitioning from 40s captain america to his modern dialogue?

MarkusAndMcFeely24 karma

S: His 40s dialogue isn't all that 40s by choice.

MarkusAndMcFeely22 karma

C: His 2014 dialogue isn't all that 2014 either.

chooter13 karma

what would 2014 dialogue be, anyway? How do you define the era of words? Beyond really obvious things like "gosh golly" for 1940's type slang?

MarkusAndMcFeely28 karma

C: 2014 dialogue would be "Ask Me Anything" on Reddit. Also, Steve Rogers does not say "selfie."

charlesvanegas13 karma

Hey guys, describe Georges St-Pierre on set. Anything particularly peculiar you saw or learned?

MarkusAndMcFeely21 karma

C: He is a HUGE Star Wars fan and a very nice man who could kick you in half if he wanted to.

Leo413 karma

As writers, were you surprised with any of the casting decisions for any of your movies?

MarkusAndMcFeely32 karma

C: We were shocked to find Robert Redford in our movie. Who let him in?

tditz922312 karma

  1. What are your top 3 favorite movies of all time and why.
  2. Were you guys comic book collectors as children?
  3. Have you met any celebrities that made you "Star-Struck?"

MarkusAndMcFeely18 karma

C: 1. Chinatown, Shampoo, Raiders of the Lost Ark. 2. I was a comic reader. My collection was mainly a big pile of torn up comics. 3. When I first got to LA, I saw Sharon Stone walking down a hallway in the middle of the afternoon in a ball gown. She looked like how a movie star is supposed to look and never does.

MarkusAndMcFeely15 karma

S: 1. Casablanca, Empire Strikes Back, Raiders. 2. Not a comic book collector as a kid. 3. Redford on set was a little unnerving. Very, very cool.

LemonTeeth12 karma

Evening gents!

How do you feel about the new actor to play Johnny Storm being of black descent?

Do you think that this particular role is not race specific?

Are there roles that definitely not only are, but need to be?

MarkusAndMcFeely32 karma

C: I think it's a great choice. Johnny and Sue are brother and sister, but there's all kinds of families.

Mr_Weiss11 karma

How long does it usually take to write a screenplay? Whats the fastest writing you've heard of?

MarkusAndMcFeely13 karma

C: Eight weeks for a draft, two months for an outline.

AnonForSenate11 karma

I'm looking forward to seeing Captain America 2. I was actually pleasantly surprised by the first one.

Let me ask you this... in the first Captain America, I thought it was cute/clever how the super soldier was used to sell war bonds using silly plays and appearences to Americans.

Was that some kind of clever thing that paints Americans as money driven society instead of one that has heroes? Or something? Are you the right people to ask this question to?

Anyways as a non-American I was delighted to see that. If I was just reading too far into it then... well that happens sometimes. To be honest though, Captain America selling war bonds was my favourite part of the movie.

And thanks for coming here to make Reddit a better place!

MarkusAndMcFeely25 karma

S: The war bonds sequence is not a commentary, it was just a way to establish why he was dressed that way and called what he was called. But also to challenge his character, after he had been turned into a super soldier, he still wasn't being used the way he wanted to be used.

Mercurydriver8 karma

How did you go about setting the script for the new Captain America movie?

I know some directors like to read the comics and base plots based on the storylines of the comics they read.

MarkusAndMcFeely11 karma

S: We wanted to do "The Winter's Soldier" and once everyone at Marvel agreed, we were of to the races. It's the most emotional story for Steve at this time and therefore interested us the most.

MarkusAndMcFeely10 karma

C: We read as many comics as we can.

RaiderGuy8 karma


MarkusAndMcFeely9 karma

S: Do you mean published or produced?

RaiderGuy4 karma


MarkusAndMcFeely8 karma

S: As far as I know, the movie would have to be made before anyone would be interested in publishing the script (not a huge market).

ChuckEye7 karma

You two have been writing together for 10 years now. What processes do you use to write as a team? Does one of you do dialogue more, while the other is better at plot & story? Where do you work individually versus coming together on something?

Basically I normally see writing as a solitary pursuit, so I'm curious how the two of you work?

MarkusAndMcFeely15 karma

S: We outline it together. That's a long process and not all that fun. Lot of long days where it looks like nothing got accomplished. Then, we split it up and write the first draft separately. After about six weeks, we come back together and re-write that draft. So, we get both the pleasure of collaboration and the pleasure of solitary writing (and we've been writing together for 19 years).

123kahooza7 karma

Saw Captain America the Winter Soldier earlier today and it was very good. Will Emily VanCamp be playing a role in Captain America 3?

MarkusAndMcFeely7 karma

C: Certainly hope so!

Axel9276 karma

First, thanks for transforming one of my favorite story arcs into what from all accounts is a fantastic movie!

Cap is my favorite superhero by far. What draws you both to him? And did you guys read the comics growing up?

Also, did you guys fight at all to get Falcon's costume to include the plunging neckline from the original costume?

MarkusAndMcFeely16 karma

C: We tried the plunging neckline, but Anthony Mackie didn't have the cleavage for it.

MarkusAndMcFeely10 karma

S: He's an old fashioned super hero in a way. He's Gary Cooper. I find that refreshing.

chooter6 karma

Does it make it easier to work on a screenplay if you really love the material? How do you guys collaborate?

MarkusAndMcFeely6 karma

S: Yes to your first question.

MarkusAndMcFeely6 karma

C: We mostly spend a lot of our lives locked in a room together.

BrawnWithBrain6 karma

Hi !! I am an aspiring screenwriter. Can you recommend any good screenwriting books or self-teaching tools to help me with screen-writing. I know this is something which comes only with practice, but still I would like to have a good base to start with.

MarkusAndMcFeely6 karma

S: Syd Field's books were helpful to us. Also, Screenwriting 434 by Lew Hunter was something we read a lot.

Nelsnw6 karma

First of all I loved "You Kill Me". Very underrated.
Second of all, who can do more pushups, Markus and McFeely combined or Chris Evans? ;)

MarkusAndMcFeely11 karma

C: Evans by far.

Stoooooooo6 karma

Thanks for doing this AMA! I have two questions:

How much research goes into the writing? In this particular script (ane maybe Marvel in general) how much is taken directly from the comics?

MarkusAndMcFeely8 karma

S: We research as much as we can (sometimes just to avoid writing). In this case, we took a lot from Ed Brubaker's run of the comics. It's not a direct adaptation, but rather we chose the best ingredients and made a new soup.

opiate465 karma

Hi guys!

I have two questions:

What's next for you guys?

Any idea if they're going to begin working on the next Narnia movie?

MarkusAndMcFeely17 karma

C: Captain America 3 as soon as we're done here.

theArnoldFans14 karma

The film was great. If Schwarzenegger came back to comic characters, which hero or villain would you like to see him play in the Marvel Universe?

MarkusAndMcFeely21 karma

C: Wasp.

ChuckEye4 karma

Do you know if there are any plans to continue the Narnia movies?

MarkusAndMcFeely5 karma

S: I believe they are trying. It would be new producers, and I don't believe it has a studio yet. But, they do have a screenwriter and it seems to be moving along.

leontes3 karma

I know they brought Joss Whedon to consult for a couple of scenes of thor. Did he have any input in the script of Winter Soldier?

MarkusAndMcFeely4 karma

C: Just that end tag scene.

zacharywcox3 karma

How did you land an acting role in the movie? Is it some kind of common courtesy?

MarkusAndMcFeely9 karma

S: Talent!

Jingo563 karma

As an aspiring director, any tips for a director when he/she is collaborating with the screenwriter?

MarkusAndMcFeely9 karma

S: Bring cookies.

MarkusAndMcFeely6 karma

C: Just be open. Trust the writer and they will trust you.


Thanks for doing the AMA guys!

My question is, with all the hand to hand combat sequences in movies like TWS, how often do the actors engage in the "fighting"? And, in general, how often do they (actors/doubles) actually miss and hurt one another? I used to be involved with MMA, so things like this interest me, haha. Look forward to seeing the movie!

MarkusAndMcFeely7 karma

C: We have really great stunt coordinators and incredibly good stunt people. But even then, I think they come away with some bruises. Also, it doesn't hurt to hire Georges St. Pierre.

cossy843 karma

Have you watched community since working with the Russo brothers? And if so, Isn't it so awesome?

MarkusAndMcFeely6 karma

S: Yes and Yes. I was late to it and am amazed it's on TV.

noumenon_2 karma

The Smiths or Joy Division?

MarkusAndMcFeely6 karma

S: The Smiths.

adibidibadibi2 karma

Steve, what's the best pun on your surname that you have ever gotten? (e.g. McHandsy, McOverlyEmotional, etc)

MarkusAndMcFeely14 karma

S: McFeelme

Ninja_dwarf2 karma

Hey guys saw the film at the weekend and loved it! My favourite of the marvel universe so far! My question is this.

How hard is it making a film that has sooooo many ramifications for the marvel universe and do you work with the various writers from the different franchises to make it all come together in a giant pile of awesomeness?

MarkusAndMcFeely2 karma

C: I think everybody reads everybody else's script, but in the end it's up to Kevin to keep all the balls in the air.

15chainz2 karma

What do you s the most important aspect of a successful superhero movie today?

MarkusAndMcFeely4 karma

C: Respecting the character for what it is. If the character is successful in the comics, why change it?

Cobradactyl2 karma

First off, I think you guys have been doing great work, and Stephen was one the nicest people I got to meet while on set of Winter Soldier. But there's one thing about the movie that I don't fully understand. The stealth shield. Isn't there only enough Vibranium to make Cap's one shield? How could he have a color variant that is specific for covert ops missions? Does he have somebody give his shield a new paint job between missions? Am I reading too far into this and it just exists to look cool?

MarkusAndMcFeely7 karma

S: It's definitely the same shield. Probably just dulled down with some sort of camo rub. (and thank you).

Kknowsbest2 karma

What is the best advice ever given to you?

MarkusAndMcFeely3 karma

C: That working in Hollywood was better than blanking blank in a bus station bathroom.

Lord_Demosthenes2 karma

Any advice to an aspiring screenwriter? I'm still in college, and screenwriting has always interested me. I've made a few scripts, but nothing's been any good yet.

MarkusAndMcFeely4 karma

C: Keep writing bad ones until they get less bad.

MarkusAndMcFeely4 karma

S: Don't chase the market. Write the kind of movie you want to see.

FaceofMoe2 karma

Do you consider Cap the most morally clear of all the heroes in the Cinematic Universe? If so, how does that clarity inform his actions and character?

MarkusAndMcFeely4 karma

S: He's the least conflicted. That necessitates certain story lines specific to him.

aabbccatx2 karma

Are you happy with how the director and actors of the two Captain America films interpreted your script?

MarkusAndMcFeely2 karma

S: Deliriously so.

AgentPeggyCarter2 karma

I read somewhere that you guys were writing Cap 3. Can you write a part for this aspiring actress and Marvel fangirl? Please?

All kidding aside, I'm really excited to see Cap 2 tonight and thank you both for doing this AMA (and for writing such an amazing film)! I'd also like to thank you for showing so many different sides of Steve in the films. I love how dimensional he is. Lesser writers could have gone a very dull route with the character, making him only a stoic leader and not a multifaceted man out of time. Steve's story is so heartbreaking and I'm really excited to see what you do next with him!

MarkusAndMcFeely3 karma

C: Thanks! Everyone is multi-dimensional. You just have to look under their boring surface.

Sibbo942 karma

First of all I want to say thanks for creating the movie that beats the Avengers for me and my two questions are

  • Which character did you have the most fun writing

  • How easy was it adapting Brubaker's original work and making it fit with the MCU?

Thanks for doing this.

MarkusAndMcFeely5 karma

C: It's always fun to use Natasha to poke at Steve's weaknesses. Also, Sitwell oddly enough.

NerdSync2 karma

Are there any plans to make Captain America turn into a werewolf like in the Man and Wolf story arc? I just know that's what the fans are screaming for. CAP-WOLF!!!

MarkusAndMcFeely5 karma

S: Are you reading my email?

AndyWarwheels1 karma

how many tacos can you eat in one sitting?

MarkusAndMcFeely3 karma

C: Hard or soft shell?

OhNoRo1 karma

Was there anything that you want to put in the movie that you weren't able to add? Either due to time, cost or just something for the deleted scenes

MarkusAndMcFeely5 karma

C: Actually, no. This movie is remarkably almost exactly what it was supposed to be.

Bulveye1 karma


MarkusAndMcFeely3 karma

C: No, we're very fond of it as it is.

123kahooza1 karma

Loved Winter Soldier

Did you guys have any specific inspiration for it or was it simply something you came up with?

MarkusAndMcFeely3 karma

S: Inspired by conspiracy movies of the 70s and fed by Ed Brubaker's Captain America run.

OhNoRo1 karma

Have you ever watched Honest Trailers on YouTube for the movies you have been involved with?

MarkusAndMcFeely5 karma

C: Yes. They're disturbingly perceptive.

shr07351 karma

Hello! I just want to say 'The Winter Soldier' has become my favorite superhero movie. It is really good to watch a nice and exciting movie with such a depth in the story. It gives me an opportunity to think a lot of things around myself and the world, Thank you for your great work!

MarkusAndMcFeely2 karma

S: You're welcome!

red_honey1 karma

Hey Guys,

  1. Who handles the comedy aspect of your writing. If it is shared, how do agree on what is funny? Pain and Gain was hilarious.

  2. How do you handle getting rewritten by others in the Marvel Studios writing family? I imagine Joss is very involved due to Avengers and you had a new writer join your team on Thor 2. Who has the final word?

  3. What other property would you like to write looking forward? I think you guys would be great on one of those new Star Wars films.

I am seeing Captain America 2 tonight. It looks great! Thanks for adding Falcon to the team.

MarkusAndMcFeely4 karma

S: We were the only writers on this movie. On Thor, we were one team out of a number, so while we like Chris Yost we didn't exactly write with him. In general, we like being part of the Marvel family.

To your last question, if JJ calls, we will answer.

MarkusAndMcFeely3 karma

C: Disturbingly, we've been working together for so long now that we naturally find the same things funny.

letrashman1 karma

What does the future hold for Captain America? Will you adapt more plots from the comics, or will you try something new?

MarkusAndMcFeely2 karma

S: Little of both.

twogunsalute1 karma

Which other screenwriters do you most admire?

Any plans for more biographical films like The Life and Death of Peter Sellers?

MarkusAndMcFeely2 karma

S: Robert Towne, Lorenzo Semple Jr. (RIP), William Goldman.

MarkusAndMcFeely2 karma

C: We'd love to do another biographical film. We just need someone to lead the right life.

gabiet1 karma

Saw Captain America when it opened in my country last week, and since then, I've seen it thrice. I'm a big fan of Marvel's and I've truly been enjoying the MCU–largely thanks to you guys' work. I cannot even begin to tell you guys how great it was to watch Winter Soldier–it's my favourite MCU movie so far thanks to the great subject and story you guys decided to go forward with. Also, it's such a great way to set up the next conflicts in the MCU! Thank you for that!

Also, who is your dream collaborator, living or dead? Be it a Director/Actor/Caterer/anything. Who or what do you guys' believe are your major writing influences?

MarkusAndMcFeely3 karma

C: Hal Ashby would've been pretty great.

obtheobbie1 karma

I just have to ask, do you think that Red Skull will be brought back in the future? And if so, how would you write that kind of return for him?

MarkusAndMcFeely3 karma

C: You never do know. Knowing the Red Skull he'd write it himself.

leontes1 karma

I was really impressed with how you handled the first avenger. It was the first movie in the marvel reboot since iron man to really be exceptional, in my opinion, and set the tone for the avengers. If you could boil down all your intentions to a manifesto statement-- what was the guiding force in not screwing it up?

MarkusAndMcFeely3 karma

C: Make him a three-dimensional human being first and foremost.

FordyceRedbugs1 karma

When practicing with my Powell flute I have a problem reaching higher pitches. If I use faster air, tone suffers. Do you think this is caused by the custom soldered toneholes?

MarkusAndMcFeely3 karma

C: Yes. Have you considered sucking your reed?

CaptainChewbacca1 karma

How much did Marvel constrain your script? By that I mean, to what extent were you told 'this name, but not that name' or 'he wouldn't do that, have him do this'?

MarkusAndMcFeely2 karma

S: It's more like we suggest names and then they clear them.

NerdSync1 karma

I've been hearing a lot about some Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. things affecting/being affected by Cap 2. Is there anything you can tell us about that?

MarkusAndMcFeely4 karma

S: If you see the movie this weekend, you'll know they've got some explaining to do.

goldnuke1 karma

Hey fellas! Thanks for doing this AMA!

In regards to the Chronicles of Narnia, were you guys satisfied with ending at three movies, or would you like to have worked further into the book series?

MarkusAndMcFeely3 karma

C: Totally satisfied with our participation. It would've been nice to see them continue, but the books get increasingly weird.

sammygold131 karma

The winter soldieris super badass

MarkusAndMcFeely2 karma

C: Sure is!

PizzaComics1 karma


MarkusAndMcFeely5 karma

C: We knew they were thinking of doing a period Captain America movie and that really intrigued us. We then proceeded to bug them for months.

Articuno_Alt1 karma

I just wanted to say that I saw an advanced screening of the movie last Sunday and, as I expected, it blew me away. Easily the best movie of Phase 2 (and I say that, of course, not having seen GotG yet but I figure that's in contention with Thor 2 for second place).

Anyway, I just want to thank you for bringing the Winter Soldier storyline to the screen in such a powerful and compelling way. The moment of the "identity reveal" (something I was waiting to see the reactions of) was met with gasps from the audience who obviously didn't know ahead of time. I thought you'd like to know that.

Also, there were two things I wanted going in to this movie in regards to what happens with the Winter Soldier (character), and while I won't say them here (spoilers and all that) I just want you to know that I was thrilled to see that you gave me both of them.

So basically I want to both thank and congratulate you on this movie, and say that I can't wait to see what you come up with for Cap 3.

MarkusAndMcFeely2 karma

C: Thanks. What would you like to see in Cap 3?

jasonml1 karma

Was there a lot more pressure working on The Winter Soldier compared to The First Avenger seeing as the fanbase for the Marvel movies probably more than doubled after The Avengers movie? Did that make you guys work any differently, like putting way more thought into what goes through or did it not make a difference?

I'm going to see The Winter Soldier this Sunday and I can't wait, you guys did fantastic in the first movie, definitely one of my favorites from all the films!

MarkusAndMcFeely2 karma

S: We tend to put a lot of thought into all the movies. There's always pressure.

broncosfan1501 karma

Pain and Gain was a gala riots movie, what made you want to make a movie about that story though?

MarkusAndMcFeely2 karma

S: It was dark and compelling. We've always been drawn to true crime.

GuyLoki1 karma

I am curious... how long did you write movies before you started to be able to call it a career? Or... how long was it from the first time you started writing creatively and seriously to when you could depend on it as a way to pay your bills.

MarkusAndMcFeely3 karma

S: We met in '94, moved to LA in '96, quit our day jobs in 2000. Only got comfortable with the idea in 2006.

CherubAgent1 karma

How did you guys get matched up? How did you decide to start working together?

MarkusAndMcFeely2 karma

S: We met in Grad School (fiction writing). It was either this or starve.

ianminter1 karma

So did the Red Skull just teleport at the end of Cap 1 or did he really disintegrate?

MarkusAndMcFeely10 karma

C: There are nine realms.

gillyheartsyou1 karma

Hey guys. Can you confirm (for my dad) that the throwaway line from the first Cap about the Fuhrer digging in the desert was an Indiana Jones reference? It would make him happy.

Also Cap 2 is spectacular and made me cry, which I will publicly admit to.

MarkusAndMcFeely5 karma

C: Yes that is absolutely an Indiana Jones reference and any time we can make you cry in a good way, we're happy.

NerdSync1 karma

The Winter Soldier is a well-known character to some and a new face for others. What was your plan for tackling the secrecy behind his identity. Did you want to just come out and say it from the get go or keep it a mystery to be revealed in a twist moment in the movie? Hope that makes as much sense as it did in my head.

MarkusAndMcFeely2 karma

C: Basically, we took it from Steve Rogers' point of view when it would have the most impact on him to reveal the Winter Soldier's identity.

synsofhumanity1 karma

Just gotta ask, how many post credit scenes are there in this one?

MarkusAndMcFeely3 karma

C: Two. Stay all the way to the end.