Hello. We are Ben, Duncan, Jonnie and Dave from THE BURIED LIFE along with @TorriBiddle. We travel the world helping people accomplish their dreams. You may have seen our MTV show, #1 NYT bestselling book or our love of sandwiches.

@TorriBiddle was born without a hand and we surprised her with a new bionic arm, she's legit: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QV0bdzQRBD8 *If Torri's vid gets 1M views Hanger Clinics will donate another bionic arm to a deserving teen so please help share!

proof: https://twitter.com/theburiedlife/status/464408910167019520

UPDATE: Front page!! Wow, guys. Thank you. We will do our best to answer all your questions.

UPDATE #2: here is more info on The Buried Life -

if you want to come to Italy with us: http://bit.ly/1ldV6ue trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iRexWE9yBVA site: http://www.theburiedlife.com fb: http://www.facebook.com/tbl twitter: http://www.twitter.com/theburiedlife TEDx Talk in Rome: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SVZ-9DBFN3w

UPDATE #3: Plane is taking off. We will try to answer any questions when we land. AMA vs. TCA twitpic.com/e3a4g8 Thanks for all your kind words. It means a lot. -the boys & Torri

Comments: 1160 • Responses: 106  • Date: 



The_Buried_Life246 karma

Hopefully soon! Thank you very much. - Duncan



The_Buried_Life311 karma

thanks giraffe boner. -ben

JBirdE1237 karma

I know I'm late to the party but I just want you to know that the Buried Life is one of the greatest shows I've ever seen. So glad to hear that it's not over. You guys are great! Thanks for the laughs and feels.

The_Buried_Life13 karma

cheers jbird, appreciate it. -ben

resident16156 karma

Was Barack dirty on the b-ball court?

The_Buried_Life327 karma

They had sniper rifles trained on us the whole time so it was kinda hard to push too hard, lol. -jonnie

The_Buried_Life311 karma

he's pretty smooth and he's a lefty. tip for when you play him: he's got a low release, if u want to block the prez. - ben

alisabel124 karma

Is Dave still married?

The_Buried_Life234 karma

no. they got it annulled the day afterwards and then dated for 6 months. they do still see each other time to time though. she is a good friend of ours now. (backstory: Dave got married in Vegas to a girl he'd know for 24 hours. it was #91 on the list: https://www.facebook.com/tbl/app_473611229379451) -jonnie

MuffinManx94 karma

Funny thing is I was in that episode and you two were talking right behind me at the pool. I must of been pretty hungover because I had no clue we were being filmed

The_Buried_Life183 karma

i must have been hungover too, i don't remember being in that episode either. -ben



The_Buried_Life290 karma

no, we left it up to dave, it's his life. his mom wasn't too happy about it.

also, good to see you again giraffe boner. -ben

rachaelwebsterr101 karma

Hey guys! I haven't seen you in over 2 years! I'm the girl who (unfortunately still) has the fear of vomit who used to come see you all the time when you were in the boston area. I'm still inspired by you guys all the time and still working on my BL...I've crossed off go to a live taping of SNL twice since the last time I saw you! I speak for many when I say you are still making a difference in peoples lives. Thanks for everything - @rachaelwebsterr (< my twitter)

The_Buried_Life78 karma

Amazing! Nice to see you, yes I remember. Congrats on all you've crossed off. Just followed you on twitter. - Duncan

michaelhj93 karma

Duncan, Did you ever get that date with Taylor Swift? If so how was it? Did you get any songs written about you? Do you guys keep in touch? Take it easy guys! Get back on tv soon!

The_Buried_Life145 karma

Yes, I did end up going on a date with T. She's a very sweet, nice gal. I donno about songs I haven't read enough lyrics but yes we stayed in touch. Thx. - Duncan

michaelhj35 karma

Thats awesome man! If you guys are ever in NC and need anything let me know dude!

The_Buried_Life51 karma

You're the man. Thanks. - DP

The_Buried_Life180 karma

Duncan, can I have Taylor Swift's #? - ben

IAmGnome91 karma

What has been the strangest request for help that you've received?

The_Buried_Life252 karma

Someone wanted to have a 3some while skydiving. - Dp

The_Buried_Life268 karma

Also, a guy wanted to start a real Jurassic Park

GearSegundo84 karma

Well, did you help him?

The_Buried_Life84 karma

I just spent 15 minutes trying to photoshop a pic of us with David Attenborough but failed. I will now samari myself in shame. -jonnie

The_Buried_Life24 karma

what do you think? http://bit.ly/1j758Ij

ijmolder9323 karma

Is that going to be on the next episode?

The_Buried_Life31 karma

Haha. Yes. We're partnering with Icy Mike

IAmGnome86 karma

Torri, your story is incredible, and you obviously have great people in your life. What has been the most positive or unexpected change in your life since receiving your new arm?

The_Buried_Life127 karma

Becoming more confident in myself, i feel like i can do anything now -Torri

panthers10568 karma

What's your favorite thing you have done so far that has helped someone?

The_Buried_Life136 karma

I'd say it's different for all of us. For me (jonnie) it was helping Lucas in DC who wanted to get a home for his dad, who became homeless after a fractious divorce. He's a good kid.

The_Buried_Life65 karma

for me, it's the first person we ever helped in Kelowna, BC. we helped a guy that used to be homeless get a truck for his new business. i still talk to him on fb 7 yrs later. he's in the first vid we ever made: http://bit.ly/1j5uugu -ben

panthers10535 karma

Glad to see people actually care, keep up the good work.

The_Buried_Life38 karma

Thank you very much.

ItsJarrit65 karma

I've been a huge fan of you guys since Season 1 and you guys inspired me to start up a fundraiser to purchase Bio-fuel conversion systems for a School/Orphanage in Tanzania, Africa. I've always wondered what inspired you guys to actually break the mold and set off for the adventure?

The_Buried_Life110 karma

This is so cool. Thank you for asking. It inspires me to hear that.

What motivated me to set off when we started in 2006 was a) I wanted to work with my brother b) I couldn't figure out why more people our age weren't protesting and c) I was unhappy with my life. It felt like we had all these problems in the world that weren't being addressed. Things like global warming that were too complex for any single leader to conquer. I thought to myself, how do I help? At the time my brother had lost one of his best friends to a drowning accident in British Columbia and it made me think a lot about death. I realized that mortality is a (maybe, the) most powerful motivator for our species. Then I thought, I wonder what people want to do before they die? Then, what do I want to do before I die? And I decided from there that I wanted to ask people and to learn what they had to say. I thought the soberness of it might help the conversation. It helps put all the bullshit to rest. That's kinda also why we called this The Buried Life. It felt like we get buried by day-to-day stuff that makes us forget what's truly important in life.

Then we decided to go after our list of 100 things (https://www.facebook.com/tbl/app_473611229379451) and to help a stranger each time we got one done. The name specifically I should add is courtesy of an 1852 poem called The Buried Life by Matthew Arnold. -jonnie


One of you guys banged my friend's sister. I don't know which one of you did it, but one of you. She looks like Mike Tyson punched her in the face a few times.

I'm just glad fame hasn't given you guys unrealistic expectations about the women you want to bang. Kudos.

The_Buried_Life76 karma

we love all god's creatures.

lightlysaltednuts56 karma

THE BURIED LIFE. There's a name i haven't heard in a long time. Glad to see you're still at it with a vengeance. I'm in a band that absolutely loves doing charity work and helping others. Any chance you guys need a theme song?

We would love to donate one to your cause. We can't offer much other than our music, but it's yours if you want it.

The_Buried_Life29 karma

cheers. send tracks to crew@theburiedlife.com we're making a lot of different stuff right now and would love to check it out. -ben

brockrocks146 karma

Hey guys! I remember watching one of your shows when you tried to make a million dollars. If you could redo that episode, what would you do differently?

The_Buried_Life114 karma

just don't go to the horse tracks. those horses are stupid. -ben

The_Buried_Life70 karma

Probably taken our time with it. Gambling was a quick chance to make 1Million but if we really wanted to make it, it would have been better to slowly build. Maybe use the money made on investing and keep slowly building. Thanks. - Duncan

Waitwhatlol42 karma

Has there ever been a situation where you weren't able to help someone? Or something went wrong in the process?

The_Buried_Life117 karma

We met a old man who wanted to reconnect with his long lost love, a woman named Joyce Hook, they lost touch in their 20s. We searched for 2 years but couldn't find any trace of her. - Duncan

MagwiseTheBrave89 karma


The_Buried_Life146 karma

Sadly, Bob, the elderly man who searched for her, has since past. He never gave up though. If you find the one, #takethechance -jonnie

ADGOfficial37 karma

What do you look forward to crossing off your list? And has it been harder to accomplish these tasks without MTV's help?

The_Buried_Life194 karma

MTV actually never helped us cross anything off, that was part of our deal with them. We wanted it to be like we'd been doing it the 3 years prior, 4 regular dudes. Cause what's the point if MTV's making all that stuff happen... we wanted it to be real. - ben

SlapChopMyShamWow35 karma

Did you ever end up actually getting to play basketball with Obama?

The_Buried_Life66 karma

Yes, we were actually surprised on the white house courts by Obama last year. He's got a good 3.

The_Buried_Life38 karma

here's a pic: http://bit.ly/RuFEi8

GoProKyle35 karma

What was the craziest/ most daring thing that you guys have done?

The_Buried_Life90 karma

Probably streak a field. We got arrested but it was fun while it lasted. Thanks. - Dp

The_Buried_Life39 karma

kimsognathus31 karma

What is the list item that will be the hardest to cross off? The one you're scared may never happen?

The_Buried_Life87 karma

95: Play Basketball with the President. That was tough. #100 Go To Space will be hard too, but we've been having some conversations with people about it.

The idea of never crossing off #78: Fall in Love used to scare me, but less so as I get older. I'm beginning to realize that love is all around you, you just need to be open to it. I hope that doesn't come off too cheesy. -jonnie

The_Buried_Life55 karma

Grow a moustache

The_Buried_Life27 karma

grow a moustache.

goldenalm31 karma

Hey guys, have you added anything to the list since you made it?

The_Buried_Life78 karma

Yes we add and remove things. The list changes and evolves with us. We really want to lower the suicide rate in North America, so we added that to our list last year. - Duncan

Goulding26 karma

Did Jonnie ever kiss Ben's sister at the prom? So curious!

The_Buried_Life31 karma

Jonnie? - Duncan

The_Buried_Life27 karma

No. No make out. We're just friends. -jp

The_Buried_Life55 karma

damn straight. -ben

StanleyMitchelI23 karma

When do you guys expect to have your bucket list complete?

The_Buried_Life80 karma

never! No.. people ask us all the time, "What are you going to do when you finish your list of 100 things to do before you die?" Die, we tell them. Die! -jonnie

soul_tevans19 karma

Do you have any advice as to what I can do to make sure I live life to the fullest and help other people as much as possible?

The_Buried_Life14 karma

yeah, we put a lot of time into writing this article for Tim Ferriss' blog, you should check it out: 6 Steps to Crossing Anything Off Your List: http://bit.ly/1hzXmr8

bigcaddydaddy16 karma

this question is 4 TORRI BIDDLE: are u wearing 2 pairs of pants? yes or no? i must know, I MUST KNOW

The_Buried_Life21 karma

Well no i am not sam -Torri

bigcaddydaddy16 karma

ok thanks bring two pairs on saturday

The_Buried_Life22 karma

ok mate peace love applesauce.

The_Buried_Life14 karma

  1. i'd like one. thanks. -ben

avocadoclock15 karma

Are there any things you were unable to air that you would like to tell us about?

The_Buried_Life37 karma

Yeah we played basketball with Obama, finally, on the white house courts, we weren't allowed to film but we snuck a camera in anyways. We now have footage but aren't allowed to air it. We will one day ;) - Duncan

cwadden14 karma

When was/is the deadline for submitting an entry for the #5thmember contest?

The_Buried_Life16 karma

we're picking them tomorrow, u can enter as many times as you want.

lyric_sunshine14 karma

You guys are honestly the best. What inspired you to start The Buried Life? Also, what's your go-to happy song?

The_Buried_Life19 karma

We just had a desire for more from life, we were bored. Buried Life came from wanting to prove to ourselves and our friends that anything was possible. Thx for watching it! - Duncan

The_Buried_Life17 karma

mik54814 karma

Big fan! Can't wait to see more of you guys! How did you feel after loosing so much money as the casino?

The_Buried_Life33 karma

Thanks, mik. Like idiots.. haha. In the end though the casino did donate a good portion of it to charity. (Backstory: we lost 250k on one roulette spin while attempting #71: Make a Million Dollars. It's been called 'the biggest roulette spin in vegas history')

p.s. not sure what music you're into, but this flight facilities decades mix is really good: https://soundcloud.com/flightfacilities/sets/the-decade-mixes-1

The_Buried_Life28 karma

Not good! Although we did get the record for the single biggest roulette spin in Vegas history which was nice. - Duncan

The_Buried_Life17 karma

i feel good about it, it was a rip!! -ben

J-J-J-J-JENGAAA11 karma

Hey guys! I don't have a question right now, but I just want to say thank you for all that you do. You've inspired people to take chances and LIVE instead following a straight line into normalcy. You've inspired me so much, and I really just want to say thank you from the bottom of my heart.

The_Buried_Life14 karma

thank you, jenga. genuinely. we do this for you guys. where abouts in the world are you? -jonnie

J-J-J-J-JENGAAA9 karma

I left the lifeless state of Delaware and now I'm living in Nashville, TN - living my dream of working in the music industry! =)

The_Buried_Life11 karma

right on. I hear wonderful things about Nashville. congrats. -jonnie

J-J-J-J-JENGAAA5 karma

Thank you guys, come down and relive Boone McCaw any day!

The_Buried_Life4 karma


johnnyvogel11 karma

  1. What is your advice to those who are suffering with depression?

  2. Do you expect to ever have a TV show again?

The_Buried_Life25 karma

  1. hey johnny. first remember that depression doesn't last forever and everyone goes through things like this, so you're not alone. one thing that may help is to try to do little things that make you happy, take small steps. when i was feeling depressed after high school, even though it was hard, i tried to stay active, force myself to hang out with people that i loved and made me smile, eat things that i liked, etc. sometimes it's good to do things that push u out of your comfort zone, even if you don't feel like it because it brings you out of your head. important thing, as i said before, is to remember that you're not along. a lot of people struggle with this, and you will get through it. a great site to check out is To Write Love On Her Arms: http://twloha.com/ stay with it mate.

  2. we hope to have a show again but only if it makes sense. we were executive producers of our last show and were involved in every aspect of making it so it's important that we have a say in what it looks like. regardless, we'll still be putting out videos like Torri's online and helping people do things they want to do before they die. The Buried Life started in 2006 as a documentary project, long before the tv show, and we're just going to keep doing it. - Ben

thatsmyjam2310 karma

Hey guys, can I get a shout-out to my sister? She is a huge fan of yours and is currently living her dream of traveling around Europe.

The_Buried_Life14 karma

Whats her name? Does she have twitter?

thatsmyjam2311 karma


The_Buried_Life41 karma

12 tweets actually. We are friends now. - DP

SoulMeetsBody910 karma

What inspired you guys to start looking for a 5th member in Italy?

The_Buried_Life15 karma

We partnered with Contiki Tours (who do travel trips for young people across the world). They said they would help us help fans cross off list items in Italy so we came up with @5thmember. You can still sign up: https://s3.amazonaws.com/cdnpromo.promojam.com/clients/buriedlife/index.html

cwadden10 karma

If someone doesn't win the contest, can they still come and cross off something from their bucket list with you guys in Italy? Huge fan.

The_Buried_Life14 karma

Are you in Italy? Yeah come meet us why not. ; ) - Duncan

Sprunt210 karma

No questions thanks for making me cry jerks...

The_Buried_Life3 karma


ktmontreal10 karma

I am a very big fan! and I love everything you guys do. What was your favorite thing to crossed off your list?

The_Buried_Life13 karma

I think it's different for everyone but for me it was probably 'Streaking a Field'. My favourite help story was when we reunited a father with his son after 17 years. Thanks - Duncan

sheldynshipley9 karma

Hi Torri! Hows life? Also, would you rather fight 1 horse sized duck, or 100 duck sized horses?

The_Buried_Life9 karma

hello and life is great -Torri

The_Buried_Life11 karma

and i would fight 100 duck sized horses lolz -Torri

J-J-J-J-JENGAAA9 karma

What's the most inspiring story that you guys have heard from someone you've met along your travels?

The_Buried_Life34 karma

We met a woman named Trudy who was just diagnosed w breast cancer and was told she had 6 months to live. when we asked if there was anything she wanted to do before she died, she said yes but not for her, she wanted to help kids born w cancer - cause she had had 52 great years of life. we linked up w a group of kids under 12 with different types of cancer and took them on a shopping spree. trudy was one of those woman who had awesome energy, lit up a room when she walked in. she was very cool. here's shot of the kids: http://farm3.staticflickr.com/2060/2178985059_7e117e1e3b.jpg


sammysantangelo9 karma

How did you guys find the courage to stray from "normal life" and follow your dreams? I'm searching for that same type of courage right now.

The_Buried_Life10 karma

it helped that we started it with our friends, it's always good to work with people you like. they pick you up when you're down. and honestly, we didn't think about it too much, we just took a road trip and starting crossing off list items and helping people and it grew from there. if you just start doing it, taking small steps, you'll figure it out. good luck and have fun. -ben

Averagwhitemale8 karma

Hey guys just wanted to say my mom and I watched your show religiously thank you so much for giving us that. I also have 2 questions and the first one is for Duncan. Can I snag Taylor Swifts number from you? My second question is how did you guys get your start and turn it from something so small to such a huge movement. Thank you all much

The_Buried_Life10 karma

i'll answer 2nd: we just started doing it. we asked people for help, and they helped us. we didn't know what we were doing but we figured it out as we went. we believed in ourselves and the project and we didn't take no for an answer.

cwadden7 karma

Are you guys going to start touring Canada again?

The_Buried_Life15 karma

We love Canada, we go back a lot. Where are you from? - Duncan

cwadden11 karma

Waterloo. Awesome, looking forward to it!

The_Buried_Life21 karma

Love Waterloo, have friends at school out there. Whats up Canada!?

IAmGnome4 karma

Yeah, if you guys could come to Edmonton soon, that'd be great...

The_Buried_Life3 karma

Duncan and I grew up in Edmonton. Butter Dome!

tvafi7 karma

Finally made a reddit account just for this! You guys are great- can't wait to see more of your accomplishments. Right around the same time as your show began, my friend Matt and I had a similar list with similar goals of traveling the world and doing amazing stuff. At first we were pissed because you beat us to the punch, but after years of seeing your show, we're glad you guys made it and can inspire so many people to be great, ourselves included. What was your first official cross off, or first thing you put on your list?

The_Buried_Life17 karma

That's great. Thanks, tvafi. The first one we crossed off was #34: Be a Knight for a Day. We traded beer for a restaurant voucher for a suit of armor rental at a costume shop (it's the only way we could afford to do it). Then we told the press in our town to come see it and kick off our "tour" To our surprise/horror.. they showed up. The next day it was on the front page of the newspaper and that was the 2nd thing off our list. There's a story somewhere out there you can see. +1 point if you can find it. The newspaper was the Times Colonist in Victoria, BC Canada. -jonnie

dollerz6 karma

Duncan, you planning on getting the new Smash Bros? If so, make your way back to Victoria and we'll have another match. (HSkey) Congrats on all your amazing success.

The_Buried_Life8 karma

HSkey, haha. Lets do it! Good to hear from you old boy! Hope things are great for you. - Duncan

kimsognathus6 karma

If you weren't doing The Buried Life, what would each of you be doing now?

The_Buried_Life29 karma

Dave would be a stuntman, Jonnie would be doing political activism/filmmaking, Duncan would be hiking mountains and Ben would running a wee pie shop deep in the Himalayans named "Mountains of Joy"

rdpotter5 karma

Where's Dave?!

The_Buried_Life14 karma

he's diving for giant pearls in Afghanistan

The_Buried_Life16 karma

No I heard he was air ballooning in Mongolia rehabilitating wingless camels. - DP

ktmontreal5 karma

what are you guys currently working on?

The_Buried_Life6 karma

we started a production company and have been creating new tv shows, living and working in Venice, CA. we're going to Italy tomorrow and bringing someone with us (http://bit.ly/1ldV6ue). we're doing a lot of speaking at colleges, helping ppl and making vids like the one we made with Torri. we're working on #100: Go To Space. i'm working on my biceps, a little bit of tricep work, but mainly biceps. -ben

StanleyMitchelI5 karma

Would you guys be down to have a guest (like me) travel with you this summer and help out people in need? I love what you guys do and I would love to be on your team!

The_Buried_Life7 karma

Actually yeah we are doing a contest right now to take a #5thMember on the road with us. Come on down bit.ly/1ldV6ue

The_Buried_Life2 karma

Yeah sure come along! Or enter our 5thmember contest and come cross things off with us in Italy. Today's the last day to enter but you can still enter:


kimsognathus5 karma

What's the next big thing on the horizon for you guys?

The_Buried_Life25 karma

100: Go to Space and #26: Tell a judge, "You want the truth, you can't handle the truth!"

To be honest, for me personally, my latest goal has been to direct the first feature length film with a 360 degree camera. I've been into this oculus rift stuff and have been working with a company called Centre Cam (Kickstarter Page: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1307511016/centr-interactive-panoramic-video-in-the-palm-of-y). It's a game changer. VR just opens whole new realms of possibility for story telling. -jonnie

Laurenazevedo4 karma

Hi, I'm Lauren. I've met you a few times and I sang you the Star-Spangled Banner at Northeastern and Imagine by John Lennon at SNHU. I don't know if you remember, but those meetings met the absolute world to me. The things you said to me gave me the confidence and the push I needed to go after my dreams of being a singer and I am pursuing those dreams today. I've been making big moves in crossing off singing the national anthem at a Bruins game. I love you guys so much, thank you for everything you've done for me. I apologize for any typos, I'm supposed to be doing a group project haha. My twitter is Lauren_Az :). Love you so much, thank you, thank you, thank you.

The_Buried_Life3 karma

hey lauren, I remember you. you have a beautiful voice. excited for you, keep going after it :) -ben

Kknowsbest4 karma

If they made a movie about your life, who would play you (other than yourself)?

The_Buried_Life8 karma

jonnie: harry potter duncan: james dean dave: anyone from a Sunny D commercial ben: amy adams

The_Buried_Life3 karma

Morgan Freeman. - Duncan

Thehunterforce4 karma

It looks like it is the same, but does it feel different to have a bionic arm to a normal arm?

The_Buried_Life10 karma

i don't really think so it might be heavier than a normal arm but it's not to bad- Torri

eatingscromp4 karma

I ordered a copy of your book when you said you were signing the preorders but when it showed up it wasn't signed. Who do I call crying to?

Also, you guys are truly inspirational. I started watching you do what you do when I was a Sophomore in high school and it helped me grow drastically. It changed the way I thought about the world, people, life and myself. Thank you so much. I owe you guys so much. If you're ever in either eastern washington or northwestern washington, you have a place to crash and a plate of food waiting for you.

The_Buried_Life9 karma

Thank you so much, would love to meet.

Oh no about the book! Can you email crew@theburiedlife.com? We'll try to send you a signed plate or signed version. Thanks!

modernmermaid3 karma

Hey guys! Tell us your favorite food from any of the cities you've been to..

(Especially Chicago!)

Keep doing what you guys do, maybe even another trip out to Northern Illinois University!

The_Buried_Life5 karma

Chicago has that great deep dish pizza. They also have amazing steak restaurants. Cheese steaks in Philly obviously. We had these calzones in Michigan that were so good. Every school we speak at we ask for their best local spots and eat there. We love food! And sandwiches. Thanks. - Duncan

DonDom3 karma

What has been your favorite city so far and why?

Also what unusual advice would you have for a college student today? I know you guys decided to start your adventure around this time in your lives.

The_Buried_Life20 karma

We love America! Chicago's really cool, probably because we got to go on Oprah there and eat deep dish Pizza.

Best advice would be if you have an idea or dream you want to go after. Don't think about it as a dream, think about it as project. Dreams have a way of staying dreams but projects get accomplished. And dont ever give up!

bmraovdeys3 karma

Any advice for asking t swift out? I've written songs about my exes so I guess I've got that going for me.

The_Buried_Life6 karma

Become a fake country music star.


Just would like to say me and my friend tell girls all the time "my name is Christian Ronaldo" in Bens Ronaldo voice. It doesn't work. Keep doin what you guys do!!

The_Buried_Life4 karma

just would like to say, that's amazing. -ben

fearnowka3 karma

Any good tips on how to travel in Europe for cheap? I'm from U.S. and have never been. Love the show and love telling people about your adventures!

The_Buried_Life7 karma

Yes come to Italy with us and Contiki Tours. We are bringing one person along to cross off list items. https://s3.amazonaws.com/cdnpromo.promojam.com/clients/buriedlife/index.html

Jgarza3612 karma

I hate giraffes. They think they're all high and mighty with their long necks and such. Who the hell do they think they are?! What's your take on this issue?

The_Buried_Life24 karma

I hate them, takes them so long to swallow their pride.

conanabanana2 karma

Hi Torri. 6 weeks ago our daughter Isla was born with a shortened ulna and a severely under developed hand, but she is absolutely perfect in every way. Do you have any advice for us on how to be the parents she will need us to be?

The_Buried_Life2 karma

What my parents did for me that helped the most is that they didn't treat me differently than my brother and sister. Being raised that way it helped a lot, and just be positive! :) -Torri

TheyCallMeAHuman2 karma

How does the bionic arm feel like, Torri?

The_Buried_Life5 karma

At first it was really heavy because i was not use to the weight but now it's fine- Torri

Nemphiz2 karma

Man, you guys were the only reason I would tune in to MTV. You need to get back on Tv ASAP.

The_Buried_Life5 karma

You're the shiz, Nemphiz! We have some exciting projects coming up so stay tuned.

darklydreamingdonnie1 karma

Please say hey to me!

The_Buried_Life2 karma

hey bud-tor

myreal_name1 karma

Hey guys,

As a Montrealer, I was quite proud when I heard that you guys studied here for a while. I've been a fan since the start (we're talking blog days). I'm involved with a Montreal cause that fights the high dropout rates in rougher neighborhoods. I'm sure they could use your inspiration /wisdom. Let me know know if you'd like some more details.

The_Buried_Life2 karma

hmm. first off, much love to Montreal. That's my favorite city in the world. Romados chicken!

I would ask them, "What do you want to do before you die?" Encouraging them to make a life list might be a small start to widening their self-confidence. I've also heard (but don't have the research in front of me) that putting the benefits of education in financial terms improves turnout. For example, getting your high school diploma makes the difference between owning this car or that car. I'm not big on materialism or consumption for the sake of consumption, but I do believe in getting an education. Hope that helps. Good work out there. That is a very noble pursuit. -jonnie

Sooner2581 karma

You guys are awesome! Any chance you would ever do a 50 state tour and cross off one thing from the list in every state?

The_Buried_Life2 karma

Good idea!

The_Real_Alan_Alda1 karma

What's your favorite kind of chocolate?

The_Buried_Life4 karma

72 percent dark chocolate w almonds. also: salt chocolate -jonnie. you?

The_Real_Alan_Alda2 karma

Those are good choices.

I prefer 90%, plain.

The darker, the better.

The_Buried_Life2 karma

Milk chocolate all the way! - DP