Why? Every day imagine this feeling.

You arrive at school and head to the breakfast line to get some food. You are so nervous about the day already starting out terrible due to the Bully and his posse. But you're lucky today - no outbursts.

You get your food, and sit down with your best buddies. You start to take the first bite of your food, and before it even entering your mouth it's smacked out of your hands, and you're called a queer, faggot, retard, loser, waste. Every day it was different.

There was pain in gym class which i had to retake my senior year due to FEAR in my freshmen year of taking it.

I even was in this program called "Shop". It's where kids went to another facility on a bus to learn a trade. I had to use the same bus as him due to our last names being close. Alphabetical order (Even if i tried sneaking on the other bus i'd just get in trouble)

When the kid would get on, or off the bus i'd get physically slapped, punched or pushed along with tons of name calling that was just hurtful. I remember specifially these things they would make with soda bottles where they would let all the air out, twitch it up to an extreme amount, seal the bottle and launch the cap off VERY hard hitting me in the back of the head.

Now recap that from your 6th grade year up until your senior year, and yes I tried talking to councilers who had it written down that I'd receive some sort of help - but it seemed like nothing helped. I had told the crooked principle, dean and numerous teachers, and with the exception of a FEW teachers it just seemed like me saying anything just got myself into more trouble with them.

With what? A friends pocket knife

Did he live? Yes I stabbed him in the lower part of his neck, his shoulder, and his side.

My consequences? I was under house arrest a month, probation 6 months, 6 years of hell on earth and not being able to even attend my graduation.

Did he bully me again? Nope - never saw him again after that day.

It happened like this..

During 7th period (Our final period) he kept throwing paper at me and cutting his throat with his finger. I kept looking away from him and holding onto that knife in my pocket... We get up to leave, and I'm thinking to my self "This shit is crazy, i'd never actually do something like that, haha"

Then all of a sudden he turns around, talks some shit and before I even have the chance to say anything he kicks me VERY hard in the nuts, and punches me so hard that my tooth actually goes through my lip. At that time I'm pushed backwards on my best friend into a door, he pushes me up and says "Get him!"

I black out there, but after I come to I'm standing there with blood on the floor, lockers and knife screaming "You will never bully anyone else again, you're done" and I just kept saying "You're threw with this shit!" "You're Done!" over, and over.

There were 50 or so kids circled around us in the hallway after it was done.

The most horrible experience of all was missing out on 99% of social activities during my middle, and high school time. I didn't even get to walk the stage during graduation, or even ATTEND it for that matter. I was the bad guy.

edit 1 I Just want to say thank you to everyone giving me their support, and kind words. It truly means a lot to me. I hope anyone else going through the same things I went through can get SOME SORT of help. Better help then I received at least.

edit 2 WOW this blew up WAY bigger then I thought it would have! I am taking a small break (11:48AM EST) Right now, I'll answer some more questions in a little bit.

edit 3 I'm back shortly - I'm answering as many questions as I can!

edit 4 Okay I have things to take care of - I have to call it quits for today. If this is still up tomorrow i'd be happy to answer more questions, and feel free to privately message me if you're being bullied, and just need someone to talk to. Have a nice day.

Comments: 3112 • Responses: 49  • Date: 

El_Daniel332 karma

Did you stab when he was bullying you or did you came to him? Were there people around?

Accident_Pedo689 karma

It happened like this..

During 7th period (Our final period) he kept throwing paper at me and cutting his throat with his finger. I kept looking away from him and holding onto that knife in my pocket... We get up to leave, and I'm thinking to my self "This shit is crazy, i'd never actually do something like that, haha"

Then all of a sudden he turns around, talks some shit and before I even have the chance to say anything he kicks me VERY hard in the nuts, and punches me so hard that my tooth actually goes through my lip. At that time I'm pushed backwards on my best friend into a door, he pushes me up and says "Get him!"

I black out there, but after I come to I'm standing there with blood on the floor, lockers and knife screaming "You will never bully anyone else again, you're done" and I just kept saying "You're threw with this shit!" "You're Done!" over, and over.

There were 50 or so kids circled around us in the hallway after it was done.

JODY_HUSKY141 karma

Had you considered before the stabbing, or even after, to press charges on the bully? A kick to the nuts is very clearly assault.

I went through a similar amount of bullying through middle school. I was constantly being harrased, spit on, pushed around, punched, and "peter tapped" (the bullies' friendly way of saying punched in the balls). Most of this happened during gym class due to lack of proper supervision and I started to get really afraid and anxious on the days I had gym class, wondering what they would do next to hurt me. It's hard for me to support stabbing someone as I'm very against violence, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't seriously consider doing something similar, or even worse. The psychological effect that constant bullying has is really frightening. I'm still dealing with after effects today, and I only dealt with that mess for three years. I can't imagine what it would be like to have doubled that time.

So how are you doing now? I know you said you have a lot of mental anguish from the whole ordeal, but I hope things have gotten somewhat better for you.

Accident_Pedo117 karma

So how are you doing now? I know you said you have a lot of mental anguish from the whole ordeal, but I hope things have gotten somewhat better for you.

It seems like i've been in a 'funk' ever since high school. Don't know what else to really say.

DannyJamesWard212 karma

You said you went through rehab etc.....if you were to be faced with the same situation again, would you do the same thing? Do you think the current methods of punishment are effective?

Accident_Pedo274 karma

No I would just bare through it if I could choose to do it again. I bared though it for almost 6 years, but in the end I just cracked.

I'm not one to say about other states, but in West Virginia - No I don't believe bullying is taken serious AT ALL! At least it wasn't when I was in school. I'm 23 now though, but I doubt things have changed.

friardon121 karma

Did anyone, at anytime ever stick up for you? A friend? Stranger?

Accident_Pedo185 karma

No one stuck up for me...if you stuck up for someone you were just ASKING to be on the food menu. Maybe if someone did stick there neck out for me before it got to that point things would of turned out different.

friardon161 karma

Hey man, I will make sure to raise my boys (I got three of them) to help out those in your situation. I want my kids to be those who help others in need and never take advantage of or bully others. I believe it is up to those of us who can help to do just that. Thank you for sharing your story.
I believe this story is more than just about your revenge, but more so something many of us need to think about as we go through life.

Accident_Pedo110 karma

More respect to you man - but keep an eye on them. Be sure they don't just become victims, because it's hard to cry for help when you're being treated like trash everyday.

It almost seemed hopeless in my position, everytime I did, and believe me I did... a lot... enough to learn that it just lead to the teachers writing up some shit on paper, and me exiting the room to get my ass kicked. Over, and over.

mamadeej39 karma

Dude. You need to move. See some better places, to restore your faith in humanity. That is a fucked up story.

Accident_Pedo80 karma

Dude. You need to move.

if only it were that easy man

Voyezlesprit30 karma

Out of interest, what's keeping you where you are?

Accident_Pedo44 karma

Money mostly.

Accident_Pedo250 karma

Wilma Zigman - what a bitch. She acted like she knew like nothing was going on the ENTIRE time to save the BoE a few extra bucks.

thedeejus233 karma

Anyone else going through this - DOCUMENT EVERYTHING. Bring an audio recorder to every meeting with the principal. Record every time the bully fucks with you and exactly what he does. Cover your ass.

Accident_Pedo137 karma

Best advise on the thread. Document everything if you can!

Highsenbong193 karma


With what?

Did he live?

What were the consequences?

Did he ever bully you again?

Accident_Pedo356 karma

Why? Every day imagine this feeling.

You arrive at school and head to the breakfast line to get some food. You are so nervous about the day already starting out terrible due to the Bully and his posse. But you're lucky today - no outbursts.

You get your food, and sit down with your best buddies. You start to take the first bite of your food, and before it even entering your mouth it's smacked out of your hands, and you're called a queer, faggot, retard, loser, waste. Every day it was different.

There was pain in gym class which i had to retake my senior year due to FEAR in my freshmen year of taking it.

I even was in this program called "Shop". It's where kids went to another facility on a bus to learn a trade. I had to use the same bus as him due to our last names being close. Alphabetical order (Even if i tried sneaking on the other bus i'd just get in trouble)

When the kid would get on, or off the bus i'd get physically slapped, punched or pushed along with tons of name calling that was just hurtful. I remember specifially these things they would make with soda bottles where they would let all the air out, twitch it up to an extreme amount, seal the bottle and launch the cap off VERY hard hitting me in the back of the head.

Now recap that from your 6th grade year up until your senior year, and yes I tried talking to councilers who had it written down that I'd receive some sort of help - but it seemed like nothing helped. I had told the crooked principle, dean and numerous teachers, and with the exception of a FEW teachers it just seemed like me saying anything just got myself into more trouble with them.

With what? A friends pocket knife

Did he live? Yes I stabbed him in the lower part of his neck, his shoulder, and his side.

My consequences? I was under house arrest a month, probation 6 months, 6 years of hell on earth and not being able to even attend my graduation.

Did he bully me again? Nope - never saw him again after that day.

mamadeej398 karma

So our lesson from this guy's school is, kids, if someone is bullying you, you will have to stab him to get him to stop. Because we don't give a fuck. Wow.

Accident_Pedo177 karma

That's a good summary. My state is backwards as fuck, if you aren't into sports, like nascar or go fishing/drinking every day and night you're not important.

JDH75259 karma

So basically: The only way for bullies to stop bullying you is for you to get arrested. What a wonderful world.

Accident_Pedo199 karma

I'm sure other places do things a little better then my state.

I remember actually telling the principle "I only got on the other bus because John Doe was hurting me." and him replying "Son we'll take this up in my office later, I don't want to hear anymore! Now get on that bus!"

I actually got 3 days of inschool suspension because of that...but that was great...I didn't have to see the ass hole John Doe for 3 days. It was okay in my mind at the time.

itsnotwhatyouthought227 karma

File a lawsuit. I'm not kidding - the principal was negligent in his duties, and the school system will have repercussions if you take it over his head.

Accident_Pedo237 karma

We did, and had a very intelligent lawyer.

Sadly politics control this state HEAVILY, and we lost. Well, we won, but I was estimated to get in the six figures, and received 2,000$.

karmanaut192 karma


Accident_Pedo85 karma


Whyku98 karma

I kind of want to know how you verified... did you show him the knife?

Accident_Pedo128 karma

articles and ID.

motiv8or87 karma

Oh man, thats retaliation if I've ever heard, was the feeling after doing it a load off your shoulders and you felt great? Or did you/do you feel bad about it?

How was he bullying you?

Accident_Pedo196 karma

Do I feel bad about it? Not at all. The person that I won't name still seems like the worst person I've ever met in my entire life.

I honestly don't remember doing it either - I remember everything before, and after the stabbing. When I actually did it - I feel like I may of blacked out during it. Maybe some smart person on here can explain to me what happened.

He would physically, and mentally hurt me 5 days of the week. I had missed so much school that my mother was going to get in trouble if I kept missing. She had snuck over to the principles office many times because I told her if anyone seen her i'd get the shit beat out of me by the kid.

By physical I mean - punches/slaps to the face for NO reason at all. Pushed into people, tripped while walking down the two flight staircase, or hallway. I even had my nose busted once in the bathroom, and the kid didn't get in trouble. I'll go ahead and mention I live in a really backwards part of west virginia...

Mentally? My dead dog became a real hit with the kids to make fun of - that was really great. "Gay" actually rhymes with my first name so you can imagine. "Queer" "Retard" "Waste" "Idiot" the list goes on.

_unkarlfarbmanlike_111 karma

I had a similar bullying situation in middle school. It only ended when I stabbed my bully in the stomach with a sharpened pencil when the teacher wasn't looking.

As far as I know, it was a pretty minor wound, because he just slunk off back to his desk and never said a word to me or hit me ever again. I had actually brought a pen knife with me a couple of days in a row, thinking I might use that, but opted for the sharpened pencil and, boy, I'm glad I did. I can't imagine what my life would be like if I'd actually done permanent damage to him, gotten caught, etc.

There's only so much a kid can take and he/she doesn't really have the cognitive skills to think through all of the consequences of his or her actions. Anyways, I just thought I'd share.

Accident_Pedo63 karma

Sorry you had to go through hell as well - hope things are looking brighter now, my friend.

motiv8or55 karma

Damn. That sounds rough. It's a shame that there will always be people like that in highschool somewhere that have had lack of proper nurturing or parenting or some past event that affected their development negatively. It's not fair for others to pay the price.

What seems like happened though is called "Tachypsychia" and is here if you want to read about it. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tachypsychia That might explain some.

Accident_Pedo28 karma

Sadly that's is the truth, and I do not have a solution for it.

I appreciate the article, I'll give it a read.

ReRedacted85 karma

What were the ramifications of said action?

Accident_Pedo133 karma

I served 6 months probation, a month of house arrest and a week in a juvenile detention center, and a lot of mental anguish.

ReRedacted73 karma

Did anyone stand up to him before the stabbing?

Accident_Pedo128 karma

No. No one ever stood up to him.

TornixDM64 karma

Wow! After getting stabbed in the lower part of his neck, his shoulder, and his side what was his condition? Hospital? Stitches? Scarring?

Accident_Pedo83 karma

I'm sure there was scarring I never actually saw him again , but I know he had stitches because I overheard the judge talking about it - and I was charged with "Malicious Wounding"

GringoJones51 karma

What was the school's reaction? Was there any recognition that they had failed you leading up to this point? Also, any media coverage?

Accident_Pedo115 karma

I don't know about any videos, but here is an article I can share.


Also - They acted like they knew NOTHING was happening. This was because I had opened up a court case vs the BoE to try to get back something for losing 6 years of my life to an ass hole. Sadly I only came out with 2,000. This was a blessing REGARDLESS seeing as I come from a very poor-modest family.

It baffled me how much they lied though, even though there were numerous teachers testifying for me, and written agreements it would be STOPPED that my mom had got the teachers/principle/dean to write. I guess politics run my state though.

Spartanc965731 karma

What is something about bullying that you think everyone should know?

Accident_Pedo109 karma

Stop doing it.

TornixDM9 karma

I'm about to go to bed but wanted you to know I'm really sorry to hear about the 6 years of bullying. I really don't like how it turned out. But you've got a future ahead of you that I'm sure will be brighter and better than anything you've experienced thus far (which I'm sure wouldn't be hard to beat).

Accident_Pedo13 karma

Thanks man - I appreciate it the hope. Sleep well.

matt-piles9 karma

Before the stabbing did you ever try to tell a teacher/principal/administer about the person that was bullying you? If so what did they do? Edit: grammar

Accident_Pedo42 karma

Yes. A LOT! My MOM even did a buncha times!

Nothing happened, they PROMISED things would changed, but they never did.

lalallaalal8 karma

Why didn't you try to sucker punch him and beat him with your bare hands instead?

Accident_Pedo9 karma

I don't know, I snapped.

DaxShark3 karma

Would you recommend this method after encountering the consequences, both the positive and negative? Would you still do it again?

Accident_Pedo6 karma

I wouldn't do it again - no way no how. But I don't regret doing it.

No I don't recommend stabbing someone in school though, I'm lucky he didn't die. I was I think a milometer away from his jugular vein

Digitaldude5552 karma

What facial expression did he make when you stabbed him?

Accident_Pedo14 karma

Don't remember during the stabbing, but after.. he was in tears and SHOCK that it happened. He probably thought I was going to keep butchering him, but I stopped and just started screaming at him.

I calmly handed the knife to a teacher, and waited to be arrested.

agb5252 karma

Hey..that's seriously rough, but thanks for doing this AMA.. I'm just wondering, since you've experienced this, what advice would you give to kids out there that are dealing with the same thing? Would you urge them to stay away from retaliation on the level you did?

Accident_Pedo3 karma

Would you urge them to stay away from retaliation on the level you did?

Well yes

But it's hard to give advise on such a sensitive topic. I don't want to just give generic advise like "Buckle up, Son, It'll get better" I honestly don't know - I DEFIANTLY don't feel like my way was the proper way to deal with this though.

primetimemime1 karma

Since this has happened has your school taken any steps towards figuring out how to handle bullies to avoid similar situation?

Accident_Pedo1 karma

I'm sure bullying still happens, but I have no idea honestly. I've been out of that hell hole since 2009.

soliquius1 karma

Did your parents ever have options for other schooling given to them?

Accident_Pedo1 karma

not that I know of

theoryG351 karma

Are you worried about retaliation in the future? If I was a raging bully, like this fellow, and I was stabbed I might come after that particular person. I hope he doesn't and I feel sorry you had to endure all he put you through. But are you ever like...worried he might come back after you for revenge?

Accident_Pedo4 karma

It's been a really long time, so no i don't believe he will. But if he brings his stupidity on my families property attempting to hurt my animals, family or my self, I'd have no problems with calling the police, or taking things into my own hands.

Kentrei1 karma

After all of this, have you considered getting involved in the anti-bullying campaign at all if you are able?

Accident_Pedo1 karma

I haven't considered it, but given the opportunity by someone if presented properly, I'd maybe consider it. I unfortunately don't have a car.