
Comments: 209 • Responses: 58  • Date: 

karmanaut22 karma

For those of you looking at the album of proof, the person with the blacked-out face is /u/Archiduke5, who has previously done a verified AMA about his experiences in Ukraine and is assisting with this AMA.

unfuzzy3 karma

I haven't really seen many orphans, but the kids all look pretty good! Well fed, fairly well dressed etc. I'm curious how are/were you managing it, where do you get the funds to run it?

Ukraine_Orphans0 karma

There are about 20-30 children in these photos, not all, and most of them are old enough. We are taking care, and have explained that we have just the money for helping them, food, shelter etc. until 1st week of September...

Ukraine_Orphans2 karma


Techre0 karma


Ukraine_Orphans-2 karma

Just didn't see the sense to it.

We sent completely unedited photos to mods, so that they can verify its /u/Archiduke5 in the center, with Reddit sign and children and staff manager around. And actually we asked the mods advice if that'd be ok to black out for the public.

Techre0 karma


Ukraine_Orphans13 karma

Probably it might sound harsh but I absolutely do not see any reason whatsoever to reveal my identity to a random internet username.

Mods are here to verify the identity, they have seen my identity documents, and there's a level of confidentiality which is expected. With them, I also shared unedited photos etc., told them exactly what we are sharing with public, and asked for advice if to blacken face or not.

I am here, because I chose to help and present them to Reddit. We faced some skepticism previous time, but now people have seen photos, documents, our budget planning and it suffices.

And like I said, we're doing this campaign for not for 'me' or 'you', but certain young individuals who will greatly benefit from it.

Only handful people and trolls might be overtly skeptic and suspicious about everything, but that's their nature.

HakunaMatata55519 karma

Just $100 added today? U guys have given proof and still? What the hell Reddit!

I have seen lot of shitty kickstarters getting complete, if they can get money for fun and stupid ideas, then u guys are here for good casue.

I m going to become a patron of child on you're campaign, become their penpal and get letters ! Who'll join me?

Ukraine_Orphans2 karma

Thank you... :)

BTtje16 karma

Do you accept Bitcoin or another Crypto Currency? I would like to donate but I don't have any hryvnia or dollars and I also don't like to give up a lot of personal information. You can receive donations instantly by just posting your donation address or holding up your addresses QR-code in a picture. Just like the protesters did last february. You'll get donations instantly when you post it on /r/bitcoin and /r/dogecoin. If you like it and dont know where to start, just ask in the subreddits.


  • you're able to receive donations from all over the world in a few seconds.
  • Almost no thresholds for people to donate who are considering it.
  • no exchange costs, only about 5 or 0.5 $cents transfer costs for the spender.

Cons: You'll need to find a place to spend it or change it for your local currency, but just ask in the subs an people will help. localbitcoins.com is a place.

Here, have 2 smiles for the children from me /u/changetip

Ukraine_Orphans7 karma

Thank you...once again

Here is our BitCoin wallet address: 1G3vRZ6KEMvCM59MADcaNmFhmrJ8pThMFF

But we request everybody to use Indiegogo campaign, it's embarrassing but we are not very technical and additionally do not know much about BitCoin to Dollar conversion...

But thank you, that was very kind

iuROK3 karma

/u/changetip 10 mBTC

Ukraine_Orphans2 karma

Thank you

Ukraine_Orphans2 karma

We thought about have Bitcoin wallet, but we are not at all technical to understand about it.

Also, donations can be made anonymously as well, even if you use Credit Card.

But now that you've suggested, let us do it!

chrisrico5 karma

I hope this is able to be of use to you in rebuilding!

/u/changetip $80

Ukraine_Orphans4 karma

Thank you kind Sir :)

BTtje4 karma

Wow fast reply :P The anonymity is not really the thing I have a problem with, but I dont like it when banks take a cut from my donation and I also dont have a creditcard. There is no need to understand it all technical for accepting. In fact most people don't, including me. I think multibit.org and multidoge.org are the easiest and most secure for you. I know nothing about the bitcoin adoption and distribution in Ukraine, but there are probably others who will and can help you with it when you ask.

BTW I just sended you $5 in btc through changetip ;)

Ukraine_Orphans-1 karma

Yes, we understand, but probably bitcoin fluctuates often and the distribution systems will also take some cut and overall probably it is not too big difference in transfer. But maybe I am wrong. We just opened Bitcoin wallet, and yes, were asked for Dogecoin too.

BTW I just sended you $5 in btc through changetip ;)

That's very kind of you. Thank you, and please spread the word...

schism15 karma

You can view the Bitcoin donations here https://blockchain.info/address/1G3vRZ6KEMvCM59MADcaNmFhmrJ8pThMFF

Over 1 BTC so far...

Ukraine_Orphans1 karma

Thank you...

BTtje5 karma

Nice I see my changetip worked (Never used that before :P)

I posted it here on /r/Bitcoin and it exceeded the 1BTC ($590) already in 1.5 hours! :D I don't know if you have a USA bankaccount (because of the indiegogo in USD). In that case you can easily convert it on Coinbase and ad them to your Indiegogo.

Ukraine_Orphans1 karma

No, we do not have US bank account unfortunately. This advice about Bitcoin is very useful. Although we seek how can we transfer Bitcoin in our Changetip to here, in Ukraine.

AlLnAtuRalX3 karma

https://localbitcoins.com/country/UA has a lot of information on local sellers who will be able to assist you in cashing out Bitcoins in Ukraine. They can either send you cash to PayPal or if you are in a city you can find a local seller to meet with in person (bottom of the page).

Once you do it once and understand the process it should be very easy for anyone with moderate technical ability, since you are posting a reddit AMA I think it should be doable.

Let me know if that sounds OK because I'd love to send you a few dollars in Bitcoin.

You can also use an exchange like http://bitstamp.net/ to sell the Bitcoin and withdraw to any bank account with an IBAN.

Ukraine_Orphans1 karma

Wow, thank you, that site has solved our problem of finding someone nearby. We were just searching more about Bitcoin and trying to understand it. It is indeed a very good currency without much fuss.

Please, we'd be glad if Bitcoin community helps us bring closer to our goal - that'd be the first time ever in history of campaigns in Eastern Europe.

Thank you once again :)

AlLnAtuRalX3 karma

No problem guys, thank you for having an open mind and trying something new :). Localbitcoins is a bit of a process, I'm sure you'll understand it fine but if you have trouble cashing out at any point please send me a message on here (click my username above the comment and click send message) or an email to phil@linux.com. I will be glad to help you use either Localbitcoins or Bitstamp to cash out at a good rate, or if you have any other questions about Bitcoin.

In the meantime I'll also be sending a few dollars your way (to the Bitcoin address). Cheers!

Ukraine_Orphans2 karma

That'd be gracious!

We're impressed by Bitcoin and Bitcoin community. Hope it helps us further :)

Ukrain11 karma

In what city are you right now? Who can I call to get a proof that you are not trying to scam on reddit?

Ukraine_Orphans8 karma

We are in Kharkiv.

We have gathered a lot of proofs for this reason which we have posted here and have really tried our best to prove here with photos and documents and support letter.

If you still insist, we can talk and arrange a meeting and see

Ukrain4 karma


Here it says that Топольок has 30 kids with special need and you say that "More than 116 children have become homeless overnight". Youtube video description is wrong?

Ukraine_Orphans3 karma

30 kids with special need

30 kids who have neurological diseases.

Moreover, later on we were handed over even more children from many other children's homes etc. And the number we tell is from June.

Ukrain3 karma

Okay, thank you. One more question, do you think national guards destroyed orphanage or it was rebels? Did you supported rebels?

Ukraine_Orphans7 karma

Military shell destroyed the orphanage but they said it was collateral damage or accidental. It may be true, as many separatists take cover often behind such buildings.

No, we support Ukraine.

relgan7 karma

Few questions from the Donetsk, my friend.

  1. Are you sure children on the photos in the gallery are not from Kharkiv Harmony?
  2. Are you sure those children agreed to be photographed for your IndieGoGo campaign?
  3. Why isn't your name mentioned anywhere?
  4. Why are you obscuring your face?
  5. Why did you initially used fake press release with the stamp of AIESEC Kharkiv without any rights on it and not having their permission?

Ukraine_Orphans2 karma

1,2. Yes, and they did. They were told and they were excited about it. We also told them about other plans, like Skype conversation, pen-pals etc.

3,4. Because I am just helping them out and communicating for them. My role is nothing more than that. I do not see why I should show myself in public, when my only role is as a supporter. Still, I sent the unedited photos to the mods and they confirmed who I am, since I have done another verified AMA here couple months ago.

And, http://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/2c8ipz/we_are_back_we_are_a_ukraine_orphanage_from/cjd4quw

I understand your skepticism - lots of scams do happen in this country, but we have been in scrutiny by mods from several subs already and have provided them with all the relevant information, proofs, etc, that are necessary.

Shouldbeworking225 karma

What would happen if you don't reach your Indigogo goal?

Ukraine_Orphans2 karma

We have mentioned it on the album: If we do not reach our goal, then we will need to heavily cut down costs, for example training programs and excursions of the children.

We'll need to find some other way to fund for building then, but we do not have anything in hands right now about that.

They get very few excursions throughout the year, and with training programs we hope to provide them with good professional skills so that if somebody wants to become a sportsman, then they can get training for that and become so.

samarras4 karma

Another one, about Girkin's force that was occupying Slavyansk. Did you see them engaging in crime (robbery)? What did the locals really think about them?

Ukraine_Orphans4 karma

We are not politicians but we can offer some thoughts -

No, we did not see them directly engaging in crime. But there were lot of guns, and grenades thrown around which is scary.

Locals just want to live in peace. There are few who support Girkin, because they are not happy with Ukrainian government. They think Donetsk region gave more than it took from Kiev, and budget have been unfair to regions. But majority just wants this to end and live normally like before.

blacksmithroad4 karma

Ukraine_Orphans, one questions: according to this article: http://www.radiosvoboda.org/content/article/25473493.html

Most of the kids from Orphanage Topolek are in Svyatohirska, not in Kharkiv! Svyatohirska is NOT a major city but a small town few kilometer north of Slavyansk. Are Radio Svoboda wrong?

Ukraine_Orphans0 karma

Родинам, чиє житло зруйноване, влада пропонує тимчасово виїхати в Святогірськ, Ізюм або інші міста, де з житлом можуть допомогти волонтери.

They are offered to by authority, but most children are here...

Zsymon3 karma

Did you ever give an explanation for the document with the seal and addendum that said Help Us that everyone was saying was fake?

I believe if you can sort that out for people, they will be much less skeptical and willing to donate.

Ukraine_Orphans2 karma

OK so just so you know, I am communicating and translating for people from the orphanage.

When I found this comment by the people, I couldn't understand much myself and met some other staff managers yesterday who told me they basically needed somebody in journalistic style to press release about the incident - and I am pretty sure they got some young person who probably was kind enough to volunteer but not very good with journalism or language per se.

That seal and other things are from Kharkiv region, naturally, since they tried contacting any organization when they arrived here - youth, voluntary - etc, and spread word about themselves.

Using that as a proof here... well, lead to a great skepticism. They probably gathered everything or anything they could find to show they exist - except that this is Reddit, and of course if somebody is contributing, they want to be sure.

Several people asked about more photos etc, but it was already midnight then.

Yesterday I went myself to the children and printed this paper and clicked photos, and so on - gathered everything and that's it...

samarras3 karma

What is their opinion of an average Ukrainian (out of the ATO zone) about the civilians of Slavyansk? Are they treated with empathy or with suspicion?

Ukraine_Orphans6 karma

No. We are citizens of one country, and I have not seen any suspicion from people from other places. In truth, they were more caring of us.

Rusty_The_Taxman3 karma

When your orphanage was still based in Slavyansk at the time it was held by separstists, were you guys harrassed, threatened, or bribed by anyone during that time? Or even after that when you guys left to Kharkiv?

Ukraine_Orphans1 karma

Our orphanage was near the Military checkpoint and was never held by separatists. It was destroyed though, when separatists were taking cover and Ukrainian army fired a shell. It has been completely destroyed now.

Area of control of separatists was a littler farther from us.

Rusty_The_Taxman2 karma

I see, it really is sad to hear that your orphanage was basically right on the frontlines of a separatist assault on an Ukrainian Army checkpoint, but its good to know that you guys were at least able to evacuate that situation too.

I commend both the children and their caretakers for pulling through these trying and dire situations, when there is a glimmer of hope for civility amidst chaos and war, i don't see how anyone wouldn't support it. You have my donation, that's for sure.

Ukraine_Orphans1 karma

Thank you... please spread the word...

XDeus3 karma

Do you belong to a larger organization for Ukrainian orphans? I imagine that this war will unfortunately produce many more orphans that will require assistance. Also, thank you very much for providing additional proof. I hope you reach your financial goals much faster now.

Ukraine_Orphans7 karma

Thank you.

I want to answer as /u/Archiduke5, as I am communicating for this children's home.

As a foreigner, I have witnessed a lot of scams in Ukraine - in every field - dating, driving, renting a home, or even charity. Unfortunately those who really need help suffer because they cannot raise their voice among so many scams and issues.

I have been in Ukraine for a while and am in touch with some genuine people and communities - those who work with honesty.

This war has undoubtedly produced many orphans who require assistance. Just day before yesterday, for instance, 60 orphans came from Donetsk from children's home.

Other than that - as I see there are so many people on Reddit who care about Ukraine and situation here, I hope that there could be a way to connect them with those who need help here - often times they don't need much more than few clothes, school products etc.

This children's home I am communicating for right now is in dire straits, unfortunately and they require much more help than just clothes or food - they are practically without their own shelter.

That's why I am here.

MobSpec2 karma

OP do you expect to crosspost this in other sites aside from Reddit? Maybe start a facebook page so people can share photos and videos more easily.

Also, In case anyone missed it, here are the photos of the kids.

Ukraine_Orphans0 karma

We have established twitter and are planning to post on some Bitcoin forums.

We thought we might not need a Facebook page, but do you think it'd be a good idea?

thefloatingboat2 karma

Have you appealed to the members of the media in UK or USA? I imagine a small write up about the situation and the war would get you to your goal.

Ukraine_Orphans1 karma

Yes, we have been recently approached by some journalists from western countries and we would be glad if they write about us...

SitYoureLegosTheir1 karma


throwup324 karma

because it smells like ascam. We have the right to make sure this is legit before donating money.

SitYoureLegosTheir0 karma


throwup323 karma

People have the right to confirm they are donating to a legitimate charity. There have been many discrepancies and forgeries being made and things aren't adding up. When asked about those forgeries, they ignore or pretend they can't understand. I'm sorry if I don't blindly donate my money, I like to make sure my money is being spent on people who really need it. Are you going to back them, and when it comes out it was all a scam, are you going to pay everyone back?

Ukraine_Orphans0 karma

People have the right to confirm they are donating to a legitimate charity. There have been many discrepancies and forgeries being made and things aren't adding up. When asked about those forgeries, they ignore or pretend they can't understand.

Where do we ignore or not pretend to understand? Can you point it out?

Ukraine_Orphans0 karma

We are tired and disappointed with the few troll accounts and throwaways we see... it's just disheartening to us.

Thank you for the support...

AkitaBijin1 karma


Ukraine_Orphans1 karma


We partnered with Institution of Ministry of Social and Labor Policy. But they are busy with finding funding for Ukrainian Army.

There is also Humanitarian and Environmental Initiatives - many of their members have agreed to help us in finding proper meals for the children, and support staff.

In September, we'll also meet one person from the Netherlands who has an organization of their own and are very active about humanitarian help and although not financially, but he said they can help with finding more trainers and teachers for our orphanage.

Also, we partnered with an Information technology training company, and they said they can teach information technology and programming to our kids 13+.

We tried writing to the mayor of Kharkiv but he himself was shot couple months ago and we don't know if our letter reached him.

Unfortunately, everybody agreed on some 'partnership' or 'coordination' basis, but critical for us is finances, and such big finances is something which probably one organization cannot give.

And so we came to Reddit, as we hope that many people together can at least help us out.

AkitaBijin2 karma


Ukraine_Orphans-1 karma

No, we have not yet approached such a big organization. They are hard to reach actually, and the process to contact them and partner with them is not as transparent as in the western countries.

Also, different organizations have their own rules. Red Cross does not simply have funding sitting with them to help some orphanage, and they usually have a relationship with the Ministry of Health.

AkitaBijin2 karma


Ukraine_Orphans-1 karma

I'm asking if you have approached any third party organization, preferably a well known nonprofit organization, to serve as your fiscal sponsor.

Do you mind explaining about this? We did mention about many organizations etc, but such a funding is very complex to give as also we are new here now in the city, hence we sought crowdfunding and believe Reddit could help us.

FondleOtter2 karma

I think they're asking if you'd contacted a group like the Christian Children's Fund or World vision maybe, who can then collect and make regular donations to your orphanage.

Ukraine_Orphans0 karma

Firstly, this is Russian Orthodox Church here in abundance, so we're unsure as to how these other religious organizations might want to deal about it.

Also, this is for something continuous - and not when we have less time and lesser options available.

Still, that is something interesting and we'll definitely look into it - thank you...

FondleOtter2 karma

Right on. Good luck in your campaign! Pay day coming up, I'll see what I can put together to donate :)

Ukraine_Orphans-2 karma

Thank you...

MonarchToBe1 karma

Putin has banned all adoptions of Russian orphans to American individuals. How has this affected Russian orphans and do you see any chance of similar legislation being passed in Ukraine?

Ukraine_Orphans1 karma

No, we don't think so.

iainabc1 karma

Neighbors of mine adopted twin Ukrainian girls. It's highly unlikely that Ukraine would pass such legislation against Americans. There's simply no motivation to do that. Unfortunately, orphans are usually better off adopted, even if it means living in a faraway country, than living in an orphanage, no matter how good.

Ukraine_Orphans3 karma

orphans are usually better off adopted, even if it means living in a faraway country, than living in an orphanage, no matter how good.

We in reality agree with it... Two people who decide to give their complete love, attention and parental care, not to mention with their better financial and social standing is actually something very fortunate for a child.

cmardeezy811 karma

This may have been asked but did any of the administration have to deal with any of the rebels first hand such as did they demand things like payments for "protection", Also how was the children's morale during and after the conflict in Slavyansk? I hope their lives are returning somewhat normally since relocating to Kharkiv. All the best to everyone!!!

Ukraine_Orphans1 karma

They were obviously very scared especially until two weeks ago. Now they are more normal, which is a good thing, as they find peaceful here. Young children still have some difficulty due to adapting to new place. But children need a proper shelter and we hope they'll get it soon...

two_off1 karma

Are you hoping for any major political or geographic change as a result of this conflict?

Ukraine_Orphans1 karma

No, we do not wish or hope for that. There is a big economical problem in the country right now and any political problem will make it even more bad.

MonarchToBe1 karma

How proficient are the children in English? Does your orphanage help the kids learn english to prepare them for possible international adoptions?

Ukraine_Orphans2 karma

Well... their level is not very good. Teaching of English language is poor in Ukraine and other CIS countries. They may learn it several years in school but still not have a decent level. This is because they just do not get to practice more and are taught in a rote learning method at school.

We want to hire a dedicated English teacher for the kids, and of course also were glad when people asked us about Skype conversation with children and becoming penpals, so that it could help them.

Yesterday when we told the children that there are many foreigners who want to talk with them through letter and Skype... they were delighted. And then when we added ... naturally in English language they all became silent and embarrassed... :)

professional_giraffe1 karma

If you have a computer, I would assume you have email?

Email is global, instantaneous, and free (per use). There are so few things I use stamps for that I would have to go buy stamps to send a letter. But I would love to communicate with the children since they seemed so happy at the thought of getting letters.

With Google Translate I could write whatever I want to in English and translate it into their native language. (I'm assuming Ukrainian? Or something else?)

It would be a poor translation, certainly nothing like a natural speaker. And it can't handle more difficult language concepts, but they would likely still know what I'm saying. I could also put the English version in the letter so the children could see the English too.

Ukraine_Orphans0 karma

Actually, we talked about emails only. Google Translate works, but then they use only that. As if thinking and doing everything in Russian, and inputting it into Google Translate and sending it away.

Side Note: That is what mail order brides websites also do here.

But then again, probably your advice is right, and this could be like baby steps for children to learn. If they become curious about another person and culture and their country, they will want to communicate more, and at least this will motivate them more when they come more across English text.

raga_lover2 karma


Ukraine_Orphans1 karma

Thank you...

neko_in_box1 karma

Thank you for providing decent proof, the thing is there is a lot of frauds related to fundraising (donations for wounded or refugees, army support,etc) in Ukraine. The people need to be cautious and make sure their money will go to the right hands. So how long are you planning to stay in Kharkov? Do people provide you with enough food/toys/etc?

P.S. Also I would like to suggest to add some links from Ukrainian news sites (like this one: http://espreso.tv/news/2014/05/20/dytyachyy_prytulok_u_slovyansku_pislya_strilby_fotofakt), because currently lifenews has a reputation of constantly lying propaganda machine, so it basically doesn't look really reliable.

Ukraine_Orphans0 karma

We are establishing ourselves here now.

Yes, people here are kind and have helped with lots of things, especially with toys etc. Currently it is summer, so many people have free time to spend and think about what they can give us as well.

We are preparing a list of the most important amenities that we need, apart from the monetary help, so that those that might have spare can send.

We just hope our campaign finishes successfully so that we can move to our new shelter...

We, unfortunately, didn't find many big links on Ukrainian site. Many Russian websites covered this incident, although taking opportunity to blame Ukrainian government and military of course...

DParren1 karma


Ukraine_Orphans0 karma

Can you specify which news?

Edit: If you mean western news, then yes - it is very sensationalized. Similarly Russian news are sensationalized heavily in their own way.

LovePeace3000Angels1 karma

I was adopted from an orphanage in china when I was a kid and doing rather well in my life right now and always imagined giving back later to some orphanage later or something. If you could private message me if it is private information, could you let me know what your operating costs are? I am curious about how much money it costs to run an orphanage... because I want to start one or adopt one (adopt an orphanage, not an orphan) in the future.... :)

Ukraine_Orphans0 karma

Thank you...

Kindly PM us your email, since it is a long process to explain...

cylee0 karma

I hate to point out the obvious: 1. op can't prove if the so called proofs are not photoshopped. 2. scammer usually doesn't show their face for obvious reason. 3. only the op is holding the reddit sign in group photos. 4. where are the 116 kids? or is op lazy to photoshop more? 5. you have internet access why not upload a video instead of easy-to-photoshop material? 6. certificates, letters are even easier to make up than photo. 7. op wears shoes, mismatch to the kids clothing. 8. no landmark being shown 9. racial skin color mismatch (im not racialist, just want to point out the fact that most scammers are from india) 10. no responsible person contact number. I am getting tired of stating the obvious.

Ukraine_Orphans0 karma

  1. op can't prove if the so called proofs are not photoshopped.

We did. Even before you asked. FotoForensics link has been posted precisely for this reason

  1. scammer usually doesn't show their face for obvious reason.

We do not see why I must show the face, but then again, we have posted unedited photos to the mods, asked them advice and worked accordingly.

  1. only the op is holding the reddit sign in group photos.

No. Please see a photo where one another person is also holding sign up.

  1. where are the 116 kids? or is op lazy to photoshop more?

Because at some time, there are lots of them who are sleeping (young babies), or busy in other things. There are over 30 kids in these photos and we think that is a decent number.

  1. you have internet access why not upload a video instead of easy-to-photoshop material?

We do not have a decent camera per se. We did talk about Skype live feed with some people.

  1. certificates, letters are even easier to make up than photo. See point one.

  2. op wears shoes, mismatch to the kids clothing. 8. no landmark being shown 9. racial skin color mismatch

I honestly don't even know what to say. wears shoes, mismatch to clothing? what does that even mean?

So this is the last time we are responding to you or any troll accounts since we do not want to feed you. I've taken all arguments you presented, and refuted them.

If you cannot or do not want to help, at least do not jeopardize us...

iainabc0 karma

Thanks for doing this second AMA. It will really help me to get my employer to send some money, too.

Apart from money, is there anything else you need? Would you be happy for me and a Ukrainian colleague to visit you?

Ukraine_Orphans3 karma

Yes, we need clothes and amenities. Also, please spread the word as we are still very far away from our goal.

We would of course be very happy if you would come to us! You can PM us and share email, and we'll write you with contact.

throwup320 karma

This is a scam. So many forgeries and when they are questioned about it, they suddenly can't understand english and go on a totally different topic. Every time they are questioned or need proof they immediately claim troll or lack of english. This is highly suspicious and then their are random redditors with the same poor english skills admonishing us for not donating.

Ukraine_Orphans2 karma

So many forgeries and when they are questioned about it, they suddenly can't understand english and go on a totally different topic

People asked us for proofs, and we have done our best.

Reddit for 17 hours, things check out completely. Sorry, but this time we are not feeding the trolls.

absolutspacegirl0 karma

What do you and others where you live think about Vladimir Putin?

Ukraine_Orphans11 karma

He probably is a strong leader, and helped grow Russian economy, but he's old and losing his mind now.

trappist_monk4 karma


Ukraine_Orphans2 karma

Thank you

Tyrx0 karma

Why are you avoiding explaining why one of your original pictures had the flag of a popular Western Ukrainian neo-nazi organization called Svoboda in the background? There's literally no reason why any Eastern Ukrainian would be using this flag, and they would probably be mobbed by the locals if they did.

Ukraine_Orphans3 karma

Actually we did explain, in case you didn't pay attention.

There's literally no reason why any Eastern Ukrainian would be using this flag, and they would probably be mobbed by the locals if they did...

May I ask you where are you from, and from where did you form this opinion?

Because if this is the kind of expert opinion you've formed just by reading news, then we have nothing to say.

There are lots of such flags here, and they are not only flown by Svoboda - they've a long history behind them.

They are generally popular in the West but it's not so abnormal to find them here. We'd prefer if you visit the country and then look for yourself.

Tyrx0 karma

You would be hard pressed to find any Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA) or the OUN flag that is being actively supported in the area in which you cited the orphanage being located in... I'm not going to take this with you any further though. Anyone that has read non-partisan sources on the origin of that flags know very well it means.

Ukraine_Orphans1 karma

that is being actively supported

adding few words here and there does change the meaning.

I rest here. You've been explained things from this side of the planet.

blacksmithroad-2 karma

This is fraud! No doubt! BetterUkraine Foundation is unknown. There is no home page, email contacts and even names. A photo of a sign is grabbed from an internet news video! A person's face is mask on several photos! Why? You can't see the kids on the photos actually are the orphans from Slavyansk! Why is the reference/support letter only partially photographed? Why not the whole letter? Documents are in foreign language - I can't read it! All this sounds not serious! If you want to help orphans in Ukraine, google "sponsor an orphan in Ukraine" instead.

Ukraine_Orphans7 karma

After wondering for a while, I decided to answer:

Do you belong to a larger organization for Ukrainian orphans? I imagine that this war will unfortunately produce many more orphans that will require assistance. Also, thank you very much for providing additional proof. I hope you reach your financial goals much faster now.

This war has undoubtedly produced many orphans who require assistance. Just day before yesterday, for instance, 60 orphans came from Donetsk from children's home.

Other than that - as I see there are so many people on Reddit who care about Ukraine and situation here, I hope that there could be a way to connect them with those who need help here - often times they don't need much more than few clothes, school products etc.

I chose the name Better Ukraine Foundation since Indiegogo asked for name of parent organization or something - please, there is absolutely no discrepancy about this.

You can't see the kids on the photos actually are the orphans from Slavyansk!

The only way to see if somebody is from Slavyansk is to see their documents probably. We were not asked to photograph their internal passports and documents of these orphans as well... That is actually forbidden by law to do that.

And honestly, we looked through the examples and genuine photos, hi Reddit, should suffice we though.

Why is the reference/support letter only partially photographed? Why not the whole letter? To put their as an image. Otherwise we can show you the PDF file as well.

Documents are in foreign language - I can't read it!

We did asked any Ukrainian to read what is written, and also messaged the /r/ukraine mods.

We posted over 22 images with photos, documents etc, with all the relevant details and we believe they should have sufficed anyone now.

blacksmithroad-2 karma

Sorry, but the posted photos, documents etc. shows really nothing!

The whole reference/support letter in a PDF-file linked here would be fine. I just wonder why the Youtube links in the letter don’t works?

And some relevant details are missing here: What address has "Better Ukraine Foundation"? What is "Better Ukraine Foundation" official email address? Who run this project "Better Ukraine Foundation"? Who is the President of the "Better Ukraine Foundation"? Who is the treasurer anyway? What is yours real name and background Ukraine_Orphans?

Sorry, but "Better Ukraine Foundation" sounds not serious.

Ukraine_Orphans4 karma

Many people asked us for our contact information here, and we mentioned them with the name Better Ukraine foundation. It's just a name, rather than "Pomoch dlya Topol'ok Ditechniy Budnik". We even told that you'll receive invoices etc if you send the clothes or other amenities, we'll send the photos etc. as well. And after we were asked to bring proofs, we didn't just run away but promised to return within 48 hours and show something concrete. I just don't understand...

I just went to your comment history, Reddit for 1 hour and only posts are on this AMA. Is this some way to downplay us?

blacksmithroad0 karma

Yes, I'm new. I just wonder why information about who is behind the "Better Ukraine Foundation" must be so secret! If you really want to help orphans in Ukraine, why all the secrecy about yours name?

Again: What address has "Better Ukraine Foundation"?

What is "Better Ukraine Foundation" official email address?

Who run this project "Better Ukraine Foundation"?

Who is the President of the "Better Ukraine Foundation"?

Who is the treasurer anyway?

What is yours real name and background Ukraine_Orphans?

Ukraine_Orphans0 karma

Even though it sounds like borderline trolling, just to answer:

No, there is nothing called 'Better Ukraine Foundation' - it's just a name we chose for this campaign. We decided it'd be better for international readers, rather than Комунальний Заклад Донецький Обласний Центр Соціально-Психологічної Реабілітації Дітей "Топольок", the real official name.

All other relevant proofs have been provided here. Only difference between proof submitted to the public and to the mods on AMA is that the photos to the mods were not blacked out, which they could verify it is /u/Archiduke5 - they have had my identification documents already.

As for who is Ukraine_Orphans, it is the staff manager(s) of this Комунальний Заклад Донецький Обласний Центр Соціально-Психологічної Реабілітації Дітей "Топольок" (if you prefer that way), and I, /u/Archiduke5, am just sitting and communicating for them in English language, speaking what they're asking me to say, helping them negotiating with some small foreign business and organizations here.

Arthourus-5 karma

do you think that there's a possibility to a nuclear attack on ukraine?

Ukraine_Orphans5 karma

I don't think anybody in today's world is stupid enough to start a nuclear war