I am Danny, I used to live in Salt Lake City where they did a majority of the filming for the show Everwood that was shown on WB channels. I worked with and around Chris Pratt on a daily basis. I was an extra for a lot of the time and eventually they didn't want me on set as an extra anymore because Chris and I looked pretty similar. They had eventually gave the part to me as Chris Pratt's stand in. A stand in role does not actually give the stand in screen time like most people think, at least not in this situation. I was basically used to go through the movements of the actor so they could focus cameras and figure out lighting, the actors were called first team, we were called 2nd team. It was a great gig but eventually the show was cancelled and I stopped pursuing acting as I did not want to move to California so I only got about a year with the crew. The best proof I have is this video i put together for my family of me doing extra work on the set of Everwood. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JHMjemWAIRk Today http://imgur.com/XaxQzZf

Comments: 49 • Responses: 16  • Date: 

PM_MeYourGoalsInLife31 karma

When the pimps in the crib, do you drop it like its hot?

Krypson32 karma

What does this even mean?

TheRedComet20 karma



FoxyJustin9 karma

Pharrell is in everything.

Krypson11 karma

even your mom

MegglesRuth11 karma

Any good Chris Pratt stories?

Krypson24 karma

I was only on set for a year and nothing that really sticks out comes to mind, An interesting thing is that in everwood, Chris' charachter had a cast on for a lot of the last season. They wrote it off as some injury that happened in show.. It wasnt, he was hunting the week before and while skinning whatever beast it was that he kileld, he cut right through his own arm.. It was a long deep gash and messed him up pretty good, he showed us the cut once.. pretty awesome.

Krypson17 karma

I copied this from one of my other comments.... ......The only thing that he ever did that I would consider "asshole" Is one time we were going back and forth, 2nd team, 1st team, 2nd team, 1st team.. We were shooting a scene where he was laying in a hospital bed in a small room, we were the only two actors going into the room because it was being shot through a window. Well, when he was coming out one time, he let one rip as loud and as smelly as humanly possible, I had no choice but to have to sit there and deal with it.... It was a bad time for me, and I don't think the crew enjoyed me joking at him that he was a dick for doing it.

michigandad8 karma

Have you ever been confused for him by fans?

Krypson53 karma

No, I am fat now, he looks like a Greek god.

Velorium_Camper5 karma

I am Groot. I am Groot....I am Groot?

Krypson11 karma

We are Groot.

wisedom4 karma

How does one get into your line of work ?

Krypson9 karma

Well I don't do it anymore, but when I did do it, it was quite simple. I saw that a film was being shot in my area. I went there and asked one of the PAs where extras holding was. Went and found the woman in charge and she took my phone number and I became an extra that day. Becoming the stand in was a bit of luck, I happened to look pretty similar to chris at the time and was also the same height and build. One of the stand ins quit, the extras casting director got fired and someone from the production company called me and asked if I would do it. I definitely wanted to so of course I obliged.

dalybear3 karma

What do you do for a living now?

Krypson10 karma

Full time theater student.... I also wash dishes.

Shouldbeworking221 karma

Is Chris Pratt really an asshole?

Krypson20 karma

Is this a rumor you've heard or a general question? If you have heard a rumor, it is untrue. Chris was a great guy. He was super nice to all the extras, even ones who wouldn't stop bugging him to watch their little movies they make and girls who have little crushes on him. He was super genuine. Chris is an exact replica of his characters. I mean of course he dumbs up a lot for P&R but hes really close to what you see on screen. The only thing that he ever did that I would consider "asshole" Is one time we were going back and forth, 2nd team, 1st team, 2nd team, 1st team.. Well We were shooting a scene where he was laying in a hospital bed in a small room, we were the only two actors going into the room because it was being shot through a window. Well, when he was coming out one time, he let one rip as loud and as smelly as humanly possible, I had no choice but to have to sit there and deal with it.... It was a bad time for me, and I don't think the crew enjoyed me joking at him that he was a dick for doing it.

unsupported1 karma

You have had a little Chris Pratt inside of you?

Krypson3 karma

We all have some Chris Pratt inside of us.

two_off1 karma

Has it helped you get any other work?

Krypson2 karma

Unfortunately no, I actually landed a role for a student at the high school on Everwood through an audition. I got a call two weeks later that they already established me as a college student in the show as an extra so for continuity sake, they could not use me. It was a big let down but thats kinda how the industry works. Once the show was cancelled I had nothing but a few extra gigs here and there and I really didn't want to move to Cali to pursue it further.

corgiroll1 karma

What did you like best about being a stand in?

What did you like least about being a stand in?

Krypson1 karma

Being a stand in was a great experience. Once you become a stand in, you become part of the crew and are able to talk with and interact with the crew and cast members, have full access to catering and you get to joke around a lot more than when you are an extra. Being an extra wasn't as awesome as some might think. It is long days and when you aren't acting which is usually 8 out of 12 hours of your day, you are stuck somewhere far away from set so you don't disturb the crew. There are also a ton of strange, semi homeless extras who I have no idea how they got their jobs. What did I dislike about being a stand in? Nothing.. It was awesome, However if you forgot a position the actor did, you sometimes got yelled at by the Director of Photography... Which I guess is understandable.

IamAWorldChampionAMA1 karma

Since you're not Chris Pratt, how does it feel to be /r/iama 's silver medal?

Krypson2 karma

Well in order to have a medal, at least you have to be somebody.

synaesthetist1 karma

I made my husband watch all of Everwood even though even I was slightly older than it's target demo during it's original run. Tell the truth: what did the guys on the show think about being on a network geared towards 12 year old girls? Did your friends give your shit?

Krypson1 karma

Honestly in the year I was there, I don't think that subject ever came up once. We were on Television and getting paid to do it, nobody really cared who the audience was.

chrislovespizza1 karma

I also live in salt lake city. Did we just become best friends?

Krypson1 karma

Of course

Vector5ive-8 karma

Who is Chris Pratt? I have never heard of him.

Krypson6 karma

Google is a wonderful tool my friend.

But here, Click this http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chris_Pratt