
I mostly work in the Home Delivery side of things, but I have experience doing ground, unloading, etc. AMA


Edit 2: I won't be checking back in as frequently for a while. Have a battle royale while I'm gone.

Edit 3: Reddit detectives keep messaging me trying to guess which location I work at. So far 0% are right.

Comments: 1974 • Responses: 94  • Date: 

FedArrowExEmployee3719 karma

What's your favorite work related joke that you like to tell your wife, even though you've said it so many times she just gets annoyed?

FedArrowExEmployee3761 karma

ay bby my badge says package handler but u can handle my package

FedArrowExEmployee3712 karma

Wow! That's hilarious and would never get old.

I love you.

FedArrowExEmployee3593 karma

I love you too <3

JakeSLac136 karma

I love you too, I am happy I took your (gold) virginity.

FedArrowExEmployee188 karma

Aww shucks, thanks mister.

SCUBAGus501 karma

are you drunk?

FedArrowExEmployee1150 karma

Nah, I loved that AMA though.

I figured this would be the only way to tell my shitty joke, though.

jthomp000932 karma

Do stickers that say "Fragile" "Glass" etc really work or do they put a bullseye on packages to be jostled more than others?

FedArrowExEmployee1251 karma

Most employees will care and be gentle with them. Sometimes when unloading the trucks people will slam packages onto the belt too aggressively, but I've personally never seen one get damaged while unloading.

In home delivery we put fragile stuff on top of other packages or to the side of our pallets to avoid them being crushed.

Overall people care, but the ones who don't will deal with management.

salvation122385 karma

Former FedEx Memphis Hub worker here: while we certainly didn't intentionally throw stuff marked "fragile" around (or anything else, for that matter) there are SO MANY packages coming down the line that we typically didn't even notice whether or not something was marked "handle with care" or whatever.

"This End Up" notices got followed as much as possible, but when the can started getting tight they were often ignored in favor of getting the box in the can.

FedArrowExEmployee302 karma

This end up is probably the most forgettable/unnoticed part at my location as well. Honestly a lot of packages that have that are irrelevant to which side it's actually facing as long as it's packaged correctly.

Euchre176 karma

Having worked unloading trucks for retail, people don't understand that slamming box after box down on the conveyor (roller in my case, belt in yours) just leads to a lot of wear and tear on the equipment you have to use every day, and if its a moveable conveyor it makes it walk its way out of the place you want it. Way better to develop a motion that starts the box on its way down the conveyor.

In my experience, boxes get broken more when they are pushed together, trying to get things going faster. Softer, smaller stuff gets crushed, and stuff falls off the conveyor.

FedArrowExEmployee129 karma

Our long trucks have a nice conveyer, our short trucks have rollers, so I know what you mean.

Yep, smalls (especially bagged things) are somewhat tough, but they can easily tear if aren't careful with them. I personally put bagged stuff on top of another box so it won't get caught in rollers and tear.

We have a couple rollers that are dents in them from slamming too hard, it just makes you work a bit harder in the long run because replacing one metal roller probably isn't worth it to management until it becomes a bigger issue.

Crap_MSPainter747 karma

Welcome to Reddit

Have you ever opened a box out of curiosity of what was in it?

FedArrowExEmployee658 karma

Damn dude, thank you for the painting! Technically it's just this account that's new to Reddit, though.

I've opened boxes in QA/Repack to well, repackage them. I never have when it wasn't required though. None of the repack ones were interested so far. I remember getting cat litter in one, a radio in another, random other stuff.

Last week a 3D printer came down my belt and I really wanted to open/play with it, but I don't want to get fired.

LeChefromitaly886 karma

Dude. You should've printed a second 3D printer with the stolen one and ship it to the guy. You missed an opportunity there

FedArrowExEmployee631 karma

God damn it. This is why we need more people like you at our facility.

Spider-Ian605 karma

I shipped beer with the appropriate forms filled. The box said clearly "Beer" on it's way to the Sam Adams brewers competition. Are you the "genius" who decided they were Sherlock Holmes uncovering the mystery of why this package felt like it might contain beer and should be opened and sent back to me? (Now I just don't fill out the forms and put it in boxes labeled "Hot Sauce")

FedArrowExEmployee490 karma

Hahaha, that sucks. Nope, I'm not that guy.

In my state shipping booze is completely legal as long as it says it contains alcohol, must be 21 to sign for, blah blah.

Brewers competition though, huh? Are you a brewer? I want some good beer.

Spider-Ian191 karma

I've been home brewing for a while, only recently started entering competitions though. Depending on your state I might enter a competition there.

FedArrowExEmployee195 karma

Wasington. We do have a lot of good craft beer here, but I'm always up for trying another.

Awbade141 karma

Ooooh. You're from Washington.

Where's my damned packages.

where do you deliver at in WA? I'm in Tacoma, and My FedEx guy is pretty awesome.

FedArrowExEmployee129 karma

I'm not a driver, so I don't come to your place :(

Technically I am touching your (literally) packages, so I'm just going to say I'm your awesome FedEx guy.

Awbade95 karma

Well, if you touch my printer that's supposed to be arriving from amazon next week, give it an extra love tap for me K?

FedArrowExEmployee121 karma

Amazon has terrible tape, so I'm sure I'll have to tape it up extra good anyway!

Trill-I-Am354 karma

I'm starting this same job this week. Am I going to die?

FedArrowExEmployee397 karma

Nah. Our jobs are pretty simple, just physical at times. If you have problems lifting and aren't good at physical labor ask to be put on home delivery or smalls.

There's a few learning curves on how to be more efficient and do things properly, but you'll catch on fast. Hopefully your trainer is competent and your co-workers are helpful.

However, it is peak season, so do be prepared to get kind of overwhelmed your first few days.

freetoshare81313 karma

Have you noticed the subliminal arrow in the FedEx logo?

FedArrowExEmployee720 karma

Every single god damn day.

Lumber-Jacked272 karma

My dad, who is a UPS driver always, and I mean always makes the joke that the arrow is how FedEx drivers tell the difference between the front and back of the truck.

Do you have any jokes about rival companies? Like for UPS you could be say "why would I trust a delivery guy with the word 'oops' written on his shirt?"

FedArrowExEmployee202 karma

Not really, lol. Since before I started working here if UPS fucked up I'd call them "oops".

Your dad (most likely) makes more money than FedEx drives. Give him a solid handshake and tell him FedEx guy hopes his shifts are too long this money.

Slappo86105 karma

What about the spoon?

FedArrowExEmployee154 karma

There is no spoon.

FedArrowExEmployee460 karma

God fucking damn it.

YaketyMax263 karma

Hypotheicallly, if you were to steal a package off the assembly line, do you think you would be able to get away with it? How long before it got back to you and how would anyone know?

FedArrowExEmployee793 karma

Absolutely not. It would be extremely difficult.

There are cameras everywhere. Security is lazy a shit, but wouldn't let somebody steal. Management walks around helping lines and making sure everything is going well.

Plus, if an employee reports somebody stealing and it turns out they were right, they get an extra $5000 on their next paycheck.

Euchre575 karma

if an employee reports somebody stealing and it turns out they were right, they get an extra $5000 on their next paycheck

SHIT! Now that's an incentive! Kinda tells you how much they save by weeding out the thieves.

FedArrowExEmployee324 karma

Definitely, I've kind of been hoping that I'll catch somebody steal, but I haven't gotten the chance.

They save much more money doing it this way. Everything gets scanned so if an item just goes missing it's the company's job to replace it, let the customer know, the company that sold the product know, etc. etc. I assume lawsuits have been filed from missing stuff before, and avoiding those costs by giving an incentive will help.

It also really makes sure people won't steal because who is going to turn down a chance for $5000 just to let you get away with stealing something some customer out there paid good money for?

Rens199747 karma

What happens if an employee was not right about someone stealing a package?

FedArrowExEmployee110 karma

If they had a legitimate reason then most likely just a thank you from management for trying to help. If they are doing it without actually knowing just to make money or get somebody in trouble they'd most likely have a chat with management or get fired.

joZeizzle71 karma

Dude, get in good with someone and just as you decide to quit, "steal" something in front of him. He tells management. You get fired (YOU CAN'T FIRE ME, I QUIT!). He gets paid. Boom. $2500 severance package.

FedArrowExEmployee79 karma

We joke about this all the time, even with managers. They're all very cool people.

alreadyfukdher230 karma

Do they train you to look for specifics that might indicate drugs or contraband in the boxes? Do they employ any sophisticated technology to find weed for example?

FedArrowExEmployee285 karma

There aren't many signs of drugs or contraband by the packages themselves, most of that would probably be caught before it actually reaches our facility.

However, we are trained that if something does seem suspicious, dangerous, or illegal we notify management immediately and they head over to the repack/QA area and inspect it.

I've smelled weed a couple times while handling packages, but it's never been more than a slight whiff where I'd notify management.

TyrrTheWook29 karma

Hey, I would like to expand on this, at the ramp sort facility I work at (SDFR) we have federal agents come in every few weeks to inspect things. I don't know if they have been tipped off, or not, but they end up brining at least two dogs in to sniff things out.

FedArrowExEmployee65 karma

They're onto you bro, hide your drugs.

sedwards3205174 karma

How does your team handle the all the Holiday delivery?

FedArrowExEmployee197 karma

There is a LOT more work to do. We have hired about 10 new people and are still working on getting more.

For unloading there isn't much more you can do, with more people comes faster unloading. QA/Repack gets more backed up because the volume is increased as well as there being wet weather.

Trailer trucks get here a little later sometimes, so we have to take a lunch (this is a part-time job, we try not to take lunches unless we have to).

For home delivery we quite literally have more than double our normal work-load. On my belt we currently have 4 people and if it gets rushed we've had up to 7 at a time. Normally it's 2 people and a "floater" who goes around and helps each belt.

Usually only has 4 belts, but we had to do 5 during this season. Somebody always has to be at the start of the belt to sort or it will get jammed and boxes will get crushed. This takes away the 4-6 HD vans/trucks that the sorter is usually able to cover. So, that leads to our line being backed up as well.

Overall this time of year is stressful at times, you definitely get a workout, but it's somewhat of a "work mode" feeling. I don't typically get overwhelmed because I know what to expect, and rushes are going to happen. We always clear them out though.

There's a bit more changes, but this post is already pretty long. I can expand if you want!

sedwards320565 karma

No need man. Thank you for the reply and good luck to you and your team this Holiday. You guys are the the real-life Santa Claus! :)

FedArrowExEmployee179 karma

Thank you!

I try my best. I don't want some little kid's present to be messed up because we didn't do a good job.

techsin10128 karma

I am college student, do you think i can get somehow normal pay job, part time. I really need to work, but moved here 5 years ago got no connection or friends. Live in nyc but my community is very small and is very hostile within for some reason sadly. My parents got no connection they are in same boat as me. if you could provide me hints and tips or refer me to a someone that'd be credible. I've applied to sears, khols, bestbuy, walgreen, dunkin donuts, starbucks, and 100s more on craigslist so far got only one day job. That's it. In months...I need money..but imagine if i was supporting myself fully and needed money i'd be homeless and dead by now.

FedArrowExEmployee144 karma

I'll copy/paste a response from earlier. However, I definitely recommend you going to FedEx's website and looking at their package handler careers, that's where you'll find a position.

For a part time job, it's a dream.


10/10 with rice.

I started at $12.something/hr. Raises are scheduled 1 month, 3 months, 6 months, 9 months, 1 year, and then every year after that. After 200 (I think) hours worked you get up to $15,000 tuition reimbursement, so it's perfect if you want to also take some classes.

Benefits start at 1000 hours and include medical, dental, vision, etc. I'm not sure of the extent since I haven't hit that 1000 hour mark yet, sorry.

I get discounts on a ton of cool shit. Some things make sense (75% off fedex express, 50% off fedex ground) some don't (Disney World, Others include Verizon, Sprint, T-Mobile, I think every major cellular provider actually.

Our bosses are about our safety (warning - I've heard from people who worked at other locations that some bosses only care about saving/making money, but I suppose that goes with any chain) and are understanding of sick time, time off, etc. Starting at some point I know we get paid sick/vacation time.

Once the 1000 hours kicks in you also get 3x pay for holidays if part-time, and 7x pay if full-time (there aren't many full-time positions that aren't management though).

Some dislikes are just personal. I drive 30 minutes to work which is kind of lame, but I carpool so gas is split and I have somebody to chat with. I work "inbound" starting at roughly 3am - 8am with schedule variances. Overnight is kind of weird, but I've gotten used to it. You will be sore the first few weeks if you don't regularly workout.

If you get injured or aren't able to lift heavy things there's still some jobs you can do, I won't get too much into that unless you're interested more. However, most jobs can really be done by anybody since you have people to help.

The schedule is pretty much set. It's the best part-time schedule I've ever had. Tuesday - Saturday, although now it's Monday - Saturday for peak season.

The hiring process is rather annoying. You have to "watch a sort" which you schedule online then attend. It takes about 20 minutes then they email you an actual application. After the application they do a phone interview, which is basically asking if you're willing/able to pick shit up and move it around. After that you get another call scheduling for orientation. Then before your orientation you fill our a W-2 or W-4, I don't even remember.

My whole process took about 10 days, but it was worth it.

TL;DR: It's a great part-time job with good benefits.

SMStanton132 karma

What's the weirdest thing you've seen/ heard about getting shipped overnight?

FedArrowExEmployee225 karma

Overnight? No clue.

I once had to move a huge metal box that said meteorology test kit or something like that. I was so curious about what was inside...

We've had shipments of lady bugs that are popular here as in Reddit.

One of my co-workers claimed he once got a package full of baby chicks. I don't believe him, or at least I don't want to. It's very loud, constant moving around, getting flipped around, etc. The thought honestly makes me sad.

CallmeTex248 karma

Hatcheries ship day old chicks, ducklings, etc. to farmers like myself. Right after they are born they have a 2-3 day window where they don't have to have food or water because of reserves of energy from the egg. This year we received 125 day old chicks with only 1 casualty. Pretty good numbers there.

FedArrowExEmployee204 karma

Huh, interesting. As long as they aren't getting hurt while shipping I don't really care. I just didn't like the idea of throwing a box o' chickens around.

SMStanton23 karma

You might like visiting the unclaimed baggage center in Alabama- They're also on instagram,

FedArrowExEmployee20 karma

I found the homepage background videos/gifs rather creepy for some reason.

tragic-waste-of-skin109 karma


FedArrowExEmployee118 karma

It's pretty good. He should have opened the box, I would have.

One of my co-workers transferfed here from another FedEx and the management would play Cast Away as a joke on the TVs.

ProfessorFlange109 karma

Will you handle my package?

FedArrowExEmployee151 karma

I would love to handle your package, professor.

juicejug91 karma

What are three reasons I should choose FedEx over the leading brand?

FedArrowExEmployee272 karma

  1. Look with your special eyes.

  2. I work at FedEx, yo.

  3. There is no three.

Really UPS/FedEx/DHL/USPS are all pretty much the same. They're all pretty reliable, just go with your preference.

FedEx trucks are ugly as shit, so I prefer the style of UPS. However, UPS doesn't pay it's part-time employees as much as FedEx from what I've looked into. For you as a consumer though, that probably doesn't really matter. Their drivers typically earn more than ours, though.

Euchre79 karma

Do you ever notice when the same recipient gets a lot of packages from the same place?

I can just imagine you running into a 'Bob Smith' on the street, and remembering seeing lots of packages from something like

FedArrowExEmployee115 karma

I don't even look at their names for my job, they have route numbers (910, 912, 920, 934, etc.) However sometimes I see route getting a ton of the same package and get curious.

Once there were at least 30 smallish boxes all going to the same route, so I looked at the name and they were all going there. I had so money questions. Why didn't the company just put them inside a bigger box? Why did he need 30 of these things?

PuppySnuppy76 karma

As far as employers go, how would you rate your experience? I'm interested in a career with FedEx, but am curious about the benefits, work structure, etc. Is there anything you extremely like or dislike about your job? Thanks for the AMA!

FedArrowExEmployee210 karma

For a part time job, it's a dream.


10/10 with rice.

I started at $12.something/hr. Raises are scheduled 1 month, 3 months, 6 months, 9 months, 1 year, and then every year after that. After 200 (I think) hours worked you get up to $15,000 tuition reimbursement, so it's perfect if you want to also take some classes.

Benefits start at 1000 hours and include medical, dental, vision, etc. I'm not sure of the extent since I haven't hit that 1000 hour mark yet, sorry.

I get discounts on a ton of cool shit. Some things make sense (75% off fedex express, 50% off fedex ground) some don't (Disney World, Others include Verizon, Sprint, T-Mobile, I think every major cellular provider actually.

Our bosses are about our safety (warning - I've heard from people who worked at other locations that some bosses only care about saving/making money, but I suppose that goes with any chain) and are understanding of sick time, time off, etc. Starting at some point I know we get paid sick/vacation time.

Once the 1000 hours kicks in you also get 3x pay for holidays if part-time, and 7x pay if full-time (there aren't many full-time positions that aren't management though).

Some dislikes are just personal. I drive 30 minutes to work which is kind of lame, but I carpool so gas is split and I have somebody to chat with. I work "inbound" starting at roughly 3am - 8am with schedule variances. Overnight is kind of weird, but I've gotten used to it. You will be sore the first few weeks if you don't regularly workout.

If you get injured or aren't able to lift heavy things there's still some jobs you can do, I won't get too much into that unless you're interested more. However, most jobs can really be done by anybody since you have people to help.

The schedule is pretty much set. It's the best part-time schedule I've ever had. Tuesday - Saturday, although now it's Monday - Saturday for peak season.

The hiring process is rather annoying. You have to "watch a sort" which you schedule online then attend. It takes about 20 minutes then they email you an actual application. After the application they do a phone interview, which is basically asking if you're willing/able to pick shit up and move it around. After that you get another call scheduling for orientation. Then before your orientation you fill our a W-2 or W-4, I don't even remember.

My whole process took about 10 days, but it was worth it.

TL;DR: It's a great part-time job with good benefits.

queenmaeree32 karma

are understanding of sick time, time off, etc.

My experience regarding this was wonderful. I was seasonal QA last year and ended up with the flu and walking pnuemonia. First thing one of my supervisors said once I got in touch with them after the doc was, "Well, don't bring it to us! Take care of yourself and keep in touch." No getting ugly, no drilling me. Seemed to legitimately care. Given that a lot of my background is in retail where people come to sick throwing up, this was refreshing to hear.

I really miss that job. Lunch was catered in at least once a week and I had 401K/sick pay/holiday pay after only being there for like a month or two. The week I missed from being sick? Sick pay. No wonder it can be difficult to get on with the company on a permanent basis.

FedArrowExEmployee35 karma

I'm lucky enough to be a permanent hire. They really do seem to care about their employees. One of my first weeks I had to take my pet to the emergency clinic. When I called my boss he said it's no big deal and that I need to take care of what I needed to and not to worry about it.

PuppySnuppy6 karma

Wow. Firstly thank you for the detailed answer. It is really good to get an inside perspective on the company. I've heard that there are some complaints because FedEx isn't unionized and that truck drivers and other employees are incorrectly mislabeled which in turn means employees miss out on some benefits. It's good to know that schedule raises and are more safety conscious for their employees. Thanks again for the answer!

FedArrowExEmployee7 karma

No problem! Also I forgot to mention the inbound shift makes a little bit more than outbound. Also, if deciding between UPS and Fedex - If you're going to be a driver I'd say UPS if you're going to be a handler go FedEx

Drkwing_Duck46 karma

Is there a way i can just pay for shipping, but not handling?

FedArrowExEmployee34 karma

Yes, by doing it yourself. Or telepathy.

beckoning_cat45 karma

Do you have any tips for getting something through customs in under 2 months?

FedArrowExEmployee156 karma

Make sure you write "There's heroin inside this package" on the box.

redeyemoon40 karma

With all your experience handling packages, have you ever thought about getting a second job with the TSA?

FedArrowExEmployee31 karma

Talk about a dream come true!

ILoveToEatLobster40 karma

What changes when I select 1 day shipping and pay the extra money? Does it really cost the company that extra $20 to go from standard 2 day shipping to one day?

FedArrowExEmployee42 karma

That's above my pay unfortunately. I assume they have some sort of queue when they have a lot of packages to be sent out. Paying the extra probably just bumps you ahead of the other packages.

dickvandike37 karma

'ey brotha man UPS package handler here, hows peak going for you guys? What shift are you working? 4am-9am? Stay safe man.

FedArrowExEmployee30 karma

Lately we've been starting at 2:15am and working until around 7:15am.

Peak's pretty stressful at times, lots and lots of work. I assume it's about the same for you.

You too man! get those extra peak hours.

Achievement_Haunter35 karma

Are you excited for the Chevy Chase AMA?

FedArrowExEmployee61 karma

It'll be interesting. Apparently everybody in the industry thinks he a huge dick.

SuicidalNoob33 karma

Why do employees ask for your last name during delivery?

FedArrowExEmployee36 karma

I'm not a delivery driver, but I assume it's just a verification thing. If you know the last name it's supposed to be delivered to you probably are the one who ordered.

That's just my guess, though.

VBeauregarde23 karma

I know a few people who work in delivery, and they all seem to have back/knee problems. How's your health, and do you feel like it's been negatively impacted by your job in any way?

FedArrowExEmployee36 karma

Mostly stuff like that happens from improper lifting (which I'm guilty of doing sometimes). I strained my sciatic nerve (muscle?) once which sucked because it made my left leg basically useless while bending. I saw the doctor and he said it was mild enough where ice and aleve would fix it, and it did.

At our facility safety is really important and we have daily messages/goals regarding it.

Personally my health has improved since working here. I've lost some weight and gained some muscle. I have more energy and stamina now.

brucebwang22 karma

Have you ever banged someone's housewife and if not can you pretend you did and make up a good story about it?

FedArrowExEmployee72 karma

I bang my wife.

awkwardtuna19 karma

Hypothetically if I wanted to ship some wine across the country in a Christmas gift, what would be the best way to disguise it?

FedArrowExEmployee35 karma

If you're in a state that allows shipping of alcohol, then don't worry about it. I won't give out illegal advice... but what I would do hypothetically is package it really well. How much wine? A bottle? A case?

A case would be harder to get away with, so I don't even recommend doing that. Using enough packaging so glass doesn't clink around and so that nothing breaks is pretty much essential.

If you get a styrofoam container that'd be better. Nutrisystem ships all their crap in those and they're a decent size for wine. It also won't matter much if rain gets on it so you won't have to worry about QA/Repack needing to put it in a different box. Use enough tape. Use packaging tape.

awkwardtuna10 karma

Just a bottle or two. I haven't checked to see if it is legal in my state but I doubt it since everything is illegal here. Thank you!

FedArrowExEmployee15 karma

You should be totally fine then! Do you live in Utah?

GayAndAllergicToNuts18 karma

Ever gotten any gnarly papercuts?

FedArrowExEmployee51 karma

No, but I've gotten some shitty cardboard cuts.

ThatPhoneGuy16 karma

So I've recently been buying bulk amounts of ammunition for my competitive shooting classes.

Does the FedEx guy think I'm a terrorist? What should I do? Haha

FedArrowExEmployee28 karma

Nah. I load bullets on to pallets all the time, I don't give a shit.

recoveringpillpopper15 karma

I've read a number of articles about how drives get screwed, like being classed as independent contractors (hence no benefits), buying their own vehicle and being micromanaged by FedEx. Do you see that from where you are, or can drives make a successful living if they go about things the right way?

FedArrowExEmployee21 karma

The drivers are contractors. They have their own bosses, so I don't really know about benefits and what not for them. I think it may depend on their bosses for how much they get paid. They get a bit more freedom with how they do their routes this way, rather than UPS, but I'm not quite sure more than that how it all works out.

From my side I hate that they are contractors. Their bosses and our managers clash on how they want things done and it causes some tension at times. I've never personally had a problem with drivers, but they expect things done the way their boss wants it done, but we have to do it the way our bosses tell us to. It's inconvenient at times.

ThatGuyGetsIt14 karma

Did you know that there's an arrow in your company's logo?

Edit: Note to self - always read usernames. Idiot.

FedArrowExEmployee23 karma

I can't get it out of my head and it drives me fucking insane.

Cleo_Blackwood13 karma

Can you tell me where my package is now?

Also, what are the chances that you have touched my stuff?

FedArrowExEmployee97 karma

No, but my package was in your mom last night.

If you live in the pacific northwest there's a decent chance I've touched your stuff.

stGrumbles19 karma

Dude you must touch my stuff all the time.

I do a lot of internet shopping.

FedArrowExEmployee41 karma

Thank you for the job security!

AliasWolf12 karma

You just touch the boxes that holds our stuff though right?

FedArrowExEmployee24 karma

About 99% of the time, yes.

There is a repack area (I've only worked there a few times) where packages that are ripped, overly wet, or crushed go. There we just get a new box for you, put the items in the new box and put the label on it then send it back where it's supposed to be.

Underwater_Grilling11 karma

Ever find drugs?

FedArrowExEmployee29 karma

Sometimes I catch a small whiff of weed while moving boxes. I'm sure I've been somebody's indirect drug dealer while working here, though.

PatrickBecerra8 karma

My package was picked up at 12:00 on 12/04, then arrived at a FedEx location at 16:44. Since then it hasn't shown up on the tracker at all. Is my package sitting somewhere, or do they not get scanned every time they enter/leave a truck/plane/whatever?

FedArrowExEmployee11 karma

They get scanned every time something different happens. When we unload there's a designated scanner, then when a driver puts it in their truck it gets scanned again.

In home delivery some of the guys get here pretty early, so when they scan it it might still be a couple hours before they even take off to start their route. During this time of year some drivers end up working 14 hour days, so it's most likely in between someplace and another.

For the trailers though nobody here unloads or anything on Sunday. If it arrived on Saturday a bit too late for the night crew to take care of it'll just be stuck until Monday when overnight crew takes over.

OverzealousCop5 karma

How often do you get recognized by your regular customers when you're off-duty?

I used to work the front desk for a law firm, and the FedEx guy who came in every day was the chillest guy in the world. Always stopped to make conversation and ask me how my day was going.

I ran into him at a local bar one time and I bought him and his buddies a round of shots.

FedArrowExEmployee5 karma

Never, since I'm not a driver.

funkyjesse5 karma

So my girlfriend tired to FedEx me a birthday present nearly a month ago and paid extra to deliver it on that saturday, but it still hasn't shipped. Anything we can do to get reimbursed and get it shipped?

FedArrowExEmployee5 karma

Hmm. Did she buy it from a company or did she actually go to FedEx and ship it? If I were you I'd call customer service and file a report pretty much right now. If she has any verification/tracking number that would help your case.

That's pretty much just standard advice though. If I were higher up on the corporate ladder I'd help you out.

Eladnitram5 karma

Since you handle my packages, can I handle yours?

FedArrowExEmployee4 karma


ChrisDornerLAPD5 karma

What would be the best way to ensure a large package (say 24x24x24 and 50 lbs) would be handled as carefully as possible. Assume this package is full of glass and needs to be upright.

What I'm really asking is, what stickers/indications can I make on the outside of the package to ensure the greatest number of handlers actually heed the 'fragile, glass, this side up, etc' stickers?

FedArrowExEmployee14 karma

Yellow/red colored big ass signs, arrows pointing to which side needs to be up. If you can do a hand-written "fragile glass" that would help too. It's more noticeable to me at least when the shipper actually writes on the package. Makes it seem more personal.

Most employees will care about your package not being damaged. You can't corner the dorner.

Nondailyuser4 karma

Weirdest experience while delivering a package?

FedArrowExEmployee4 karma

I'm not a delivery driver, so unfortunately I can't answer that one.

finelife3 karma

Hello Mr. Ex. Out of everyone's package that you've handled, whose package was the biggest? Whose package was the hardest when you handled it? Whose package was the most fun to handle?

FedArrowExEmployee2 karma

I handled a 3D printer that was fun. I wanted to take it home.

Biggest? Hmmm, I've had some weird boxes about 12 feet long that took 2 big boxes to actually package it.

The hardest packages are heavy and weird shaped. Too long or too wide, but also very heavy. In those situations I either slide it where needs to go or get a co-worker to help.

I've moved a couple of grills that are a pain in the ass to get around.

hmmwhatsthisdo3 karma

On the Express labels, there's always a group of 6 letters (two and four, separated by a space) right above the biggest barcode. I know the last four indicates the sorting facility it's going to, but what do the first two mean?

FedArrowExEmployee4 karma

Express is actually a whole other operation from ground (where I work), so I have no clue.

ferrariletigre3 karma

I just shipped a bottle of my homebrew out to someone earlier today via FedEx. What constitutes a repack? Kinda nervous now.

FedArrowExEmployee3 karma

If it's heavily leaking, if the package got wet during transport, if there's a giant hole in the side, etc.

pattitude3 karma

At almost every one of my previous employers we would have Fed Ex dropping off or pickup up packages. Every single time the driver would open up the back doors, there would be a complete mess of all the boxes as if a hurricane had formed in there. The driver would spend a lot of time picking up and looking for the correct package to be delivered and sometimes it was still the wrong one. This happened with different drivers at different locations all the time. I'm sure I wasn't the only one to experience this.

So my questions are, why was this common in numerous drivers and how is Fed Ex actually still in business?

FedArrowExEmployee3 karma

This could be caused by a lot of things. For the Ground side of things we have employees load trucks according to a very set in stone numerical organization chart. If the employee is lazy or just shitty they might not care or just screw everything up. Sometimes the drivers are lazy and won't put the bungie cords on that are supposed to keep everything in place.

If it was home delivery, those drivers are contractors and are in charge of loading their own trucks. Some of the are bad at it, but there's nothing we can do since they're contractors. If one of us even helped load them we'd be fired or warned before getting fired.

frogpelt3 karma

I've heard that FedEx will pay college tuition for employees. Is this a true fact?

FedArrowExEmployee4 karma

Yes, up to $15,000 a year reimbursed. It's a great job for a student.

billbrown962 karma

I ordered a package from China last Monday - when should it be here given the holidays and Epacket ship times?

FedArrowExEmployee1 karma

Shit man, I have no idea.

rageharles2 karma

In what city are you located?

FedArrowExEmployee1 karma

No comment. I live in Washington, though.

Vitkop2 karma

Why do you cocksuckers steal so many packages?

FedArrowExEmployee6 karma

To suck more cocks with, obviously.

JewishEasterBunny2 karma

Did you ever handle anything that was very obviously dildos?

FedArrowExEmployee4 karma

Your mom's dresser.

rayraytoday2 karma

What are your experiences with stolen packages after you've delivered them? I had an issue last month and the FedEx lady on the phone (she wasn't very nice) told me it was the responsibility of those shipping the package to indicate signature required at delivery, but that costs extra.

If I put a sign on my door "please do not leave package on the step" will the driver be obligated to leave it anyway? Is there something I can do to prevent a package from being delivered, so I can just pick it up from the local FedEx site?

This only happens around the holidays :(

FedArrowExEmployee1 karma

I'm not a driver, so I don't really have experience or help with that.

If you live in an apartment you could leave a notice to leave your packages at the office, that's what my apartment complex does.

Sam72762 karma

Have you ever seen a package label that said "dildo" or adult toy and offer to help the recipient use it?

FedArrowExEmployee4 karma

Ha, well I'd have to stalk the delivery drivers on their route and find the place where they drop it off and then ask the recipient. Seems like too much work.

Sounds like a good story for a porno, though.

stGrumbles2 karma

How often do bananas come through?

FedArrowExEmployee7 karma

We get a weekly shipment of bananas for when we need to use them as a reference for scale.

Really though, I don't know man. For all I now every single box has been full of bananas. Maybe it's just a big banana shipping company.

stGrumbles4 karma

Haha shit, I just realized I got FedEx and USPS mixed up.

I would like to think that everyone uses you guys only for bananas though.

FedArrowExEmployee4 karma

Actually last week we had some bananas for lunch from management. So, I guess we do get bananas there.

trexpar2 karma

What kind of animal issues do you run into? Like being chased by dogs- and do you carry anything around with you just in case?

FedArrowExEmployee2 karma

I'm not a driver, so nope. One of the driver bosses (drivers here are contractors, so they have their own bosses) brings in her little dog sometimes. I have no fucking idea why. She has to hold it the whole time and it's really loud. I feel bad for that dog.

glahtiguy2 karma

I just mailed a computer to my dad. It's boxed up in the box the computer case came in, in the foam with additional bubble wrap around the sides. What's the chances it makes it there in once piece? Weighs about 40lbs all total.

FedArrowExEmployee2 karma

It's most likely going to fall off a truck and explode like Michael Bay was directing a FedEx movie.

In reality, I'm 99% sure it'll get there just fine.

omgwtf23942 karma

Do you guys load up UPS trucks too? I work for ups ( also a package handler !) and ever time i load up trucks i see fed ex trucks there. i always wonder why is it there. Also how are you guys handling the Christmas peak ?

Also, Does Fed ex have a requirement on how many boxes YOU should be able to unload and load?

FedArrowExEmployee1 karma

I'm not too sure, some of our temp drivers or drivers who can't afford a real FedEx truck drive U-Hauls or other renter trucks (our drivers are contractors and must buy/have their own vehicle).

The peak is intense, gets stressful at times. The extra hours are very nice though.

UWtoker1 karma

How often do you guys find drugs in the packages and if its often, how do you find them and what happens to them?

FedArrowExEmployee2 karma

I'll copy/paste a related answer from earlier.

There aren't many signs of drugs or contraband by the packages themselves, most of that would probably be caught before it actually reaches our facility.

However, we are trained that if something does seem suspicious, dangerous, or illegal we notify management immediately and they head over to the repack/QA area and inspect it.

I've smelled weed a couple times while handling packages, but it's never been more than a slight whiff where I'd notify management.

UWtoker2 karma

Thanks! Sorry for the similar question.

FedArrowExEmployee1 karma

No problem!

kbuck20001 karma

How do you feel abouts dogs in people's yards? Both my FedEx guy and the UPS guy love my dog (golden retriever). They both bring a treat for the dig when they stop by. When they have time they'll kick his soccer ball across the yard a few times. Prettly cool people IMO.

FedArrowExEmployee1 karma

I'm not a driver so I can't really answer that. If I was though and the dogs were friendly and not aggressive I'd enjoy it. I mean, personally I'd rather pet a cat than play with a dog, but I'd be fine with seeing a friendly dog on my way around.

LukeCool1 karma

What is the worst thing that a package recipient has done to you and how can we not make your job harder?

FedArrowExEmployee2 karma

I'm not a driver, so can't really answer this one.

To not make my job harder, hmmmm. I suppose if you package things yourself use the right kind/enough tape. I end up taping together packages that weren't well enough taped before.

Amazon uses the worst fucking tape I've ever seen on their larger packages. It has to be about 4/5 large Amazon packages I get I need to re-tape before I can put it on a pallet. The tape they use feels like paper and is brown, just in case you were curious.

zionzar1 karma

Dear FedEx guy, Why does my dog hates you so much? Sits down with a bowl of popcorn and tell us your worse case with dogs?

FedArrowExEmployee1 karma

Not a driver, so I don't think your dog would hate me. I'd play with him/her.