When I was 3 they discovered that I had tumors on my optic nerve and optic chasm. I did a year of chemotherapy, then it came back when I was 10 and again I did a year of chemotherapy. When I was 25 they found a tumor on my brain stem, I had brain surgery and radiation therapy, when I was 26 I once again did chemotherapy, but I had a bad reaction to the radiation therapy I had a year prior, I passed out and was technically brain dead twice for 8 minutes a piece and paramedics couldn't find a pulse either. I was in the hospital for over 5 weeks. I now have to live with my folks again and I have to use a walker to get around

My latest MRI is on the left http://i.imgur.com/YCP91dI.jpg

Me getting radiation http://i.imgur.com/R6SClqX.jpg

Relay for Life http://i.imgur.com/8BZfJBo.jpg

Comments: 131 • Responses: 59  • Date: 

tmntnut20 karma

Has the cancer or treatment affected your memory or cognitive functions in any particular ways? Also, congratulations on your hit show Mythbusters, i'm a huge fan.

RJB133716 karma

Haha thank you, no, luckily for me it has not affected my memory or thought process

tmntnut10 karma

I'm glad to hear that, how has your family handled the situation? I imagine things have been tough, I lost a family member to cancer when he was only 14 years old and the process before and after was draining for everyone. It's nice to see someone kicking cancers ass instead of the other way around.

RJB133710 karma

I sorry for your loss, I am sure it was hard for them when I passed out last year, I was in the ICU for 5 days and unresponsive, I can't even imagine what was going through their minds

tmntnut5 karma

I'm sure they are happy to have you around and I truly hope neither you or your family have to go through anything like that again, congratulations again and best of luck.

RJB13375 karma

Thank you fellow redditor

auroragrrrl11 karma

Okay, another question: Is there one-upmanship among cancer survivors? i.e. do certain cancers have different cache? Is Relay-for-Life a cliquey scene based on cancer type?

RJB133710 karma

I don't think anyone else does but I do, luechemah, that's cute

misobird9 karma

What is your weapon of choice for such great battles?

RJB133724 karma

Faith, my faith in God keeps me going, that and a good blaster at your side

misobird6 karma

Very nice I have to say I disagree with one part... The blaster I think If I found my self in such a position, I'd have to reach for a good Ole bow staff.

On a real note, where was the cancer located? And and what was the treatment that worked?

RJB13378 karma

Agree to disagree

The first two times the tumor was located on the optic nerve, chemotherapy worked for 15 years, when I was 25 they found a tumor on my brain stem and radiation caused all the problems I am currently working with, so I guess chemotherapy was the best form if treatment

__dilligaf__3 karma

What is a blaster?

RJB13379 karma

Haha its a Star Wars quote

__dilligaf__6 karma

Ahh. Didn't catch that. May the force be with you.

RJB13377 karma

And to you as well

Davocado7 karma

Do you see yourself living a normal life in the future (being somewhat healthy, having a job, girlfriend etc) or is this an ongoing battle that needs all your energy? And what is the most valuable realisation you learned through cancer?

RJB133720 karma

There is always hope but honestly I don't see it, I think I will always have to use my walker and I think I will always have to live with my folks again, I see myself having a somewhat normal life but not the life I wanted for myself, I am just lucky enough to have a fantastic family support system, and all the strides I have made

Ganzi35 karma

I know this post is hours old and your long gone from this thread, but it's posts and comments like these that make me so grateful for all I have. I truly wish you all the best in the rest of your life and hope it's happy and as healthy as possible! God speed man :)

RJB13374 karma

Thank you dear friend, I hope the best for you as well, remember it can always be worse

tysnastyy3 karma

I know this is late, but I just had to comment on this. Amen, things can always be way worse, always. Keep kicking cancers ass. That's for the positive words

RJB13372 karma

Optimism is the only way to beat something like this

cliffkleven6 karma

I just found out my wife has a benign brain tumor. How worried should I be? Congrats to you by the way.

RJB13378 karma

I don't think you should be worried at all, just get regular check ups and I am sure she will be fine, I am sorry to hear that by the way

auroragrrrl5 karma

How good is your health insurance? Does your childhood insurance still cover this stuff? / Do you ever worry about affording stuff?

RJB133710 karma

I had really good insurance for a while, until I was 26 I was under my dad's insurance, and I had my own through work, but when I turned 26 I had to get my own and I live in Oregon and if you know anything about that you know what a fiasco that was

auroragrrrl5 karma

ugh, so sorry, the single payer dreams of the past have definitely been dashed on the rocks of government bureaucracy

RJB13372 karma

I agree completely, government should not be involved at all

TacticalVegas4 karma

Does the doctors know why you have had it four times and why do you think it is focus there?

RJB13376 karma

It's a genetic disorder, so it mainly is focused on the brain, and they have no idea why it has occurred so many times, just bad luck I guess

Marxora4 karma

How much has the way you look at life changes each time you face cancer?

RJB13376 karma

When I was younger it didn't really change anything, I knew I was sick but that concept never really occurred to me. When I had brain surgery when I was 26 though I had to make out a will, I wrote letters to all my loved ones, because the reality of me dying was extremely high

saltinado4 karma

What does it feel like when you pull through a big scare? Like after being brain dead, what does it feel like to know you were so close to death and then didn't die.

P.S I'm a neuro major, and that's a sexy MRI, sir.

RJB13373 karma

Haha thanks I think it's sexy too, it honestly took me a while to really figure out the gravity of my accomplishments, but now I am honestly scared to think how close I was to dying

__dilligaf__3 karma

Has the cancer ever metastasised elsewhere? Have you searched for alternative treatments? In dealing with my son's rare cancer, I joined an online group (which lead us to out of country treatment) I spoke to people who had travelled to India, Israel and Germany for treatment. So, I wondered if you or your parents had tried (or would try) anything exploratory. All the best to you! Keep kicking cancer's ass.

RJB13374 karma

They have found tumors on my bowels when they have done surgery but none of those were cancerous, I have not seeked any alternative treatment options, I did go to cancer treatment center, but they couldn't offer me anything substantial

Estherloveslife3 karma

I know it's been hours-but I'd like to know how you knew that your cancer came back? This is the second time I'm battling the same cancer and it was a fluke that they found it! Good luck to you in everything you do :)

RJB13372 karma

Sorry to hear that fellow redditor, I got really bad headaches, like every day for a week, I got an MRI and they discovered it

Estherloveslife1 karma

Did you go for annual or bi-annual tests at all?

RJB13372 karma

I was doing every 3 months for a long time actually

Estherloveslife2 karma

I've read that you have family support-I'm very happy for you! Family support is very important! When you did treatments-did you take anything with you-like a stuffed animal or a 'lucky' charm?

RJB13372 karma

The first two times I did, I had a stuffed King Louie that I took with me everywhere

Estherloveslife2 karma

Was it a gift?

RJB13372 karma

I can't remember honestly, I just really liked the Jungle Book

Estherloveslife2 karma

:) I'm a little older than you-I still take a stuffed animal with me to chemo :) That little stuffed animal helps us get through stuff!!! I wish that everyone who reads this-gives an adult or child going through treatment a stuffed animal! Is that too much to ask? Be well my friend, reach for the stars! Keep fighting your buns off! :)

RJB13372 karma

It's a way to cope, a security of sorts, even Linus had his blanket

Stillwatch3 karma

Did you beat it four times or lose three but won when it counted?

RJB13373 karma

Thats a very good question, I like to think I beat it 4 times, if the Yankees play the red Sox 4 times and beat them all 4 (which they obviously would) they won 4 times

fidopanda3 karma

What did you feel/think when you know you got brain cancer for the 4th time?

RJB13375 karma

More annoyed then anything, I really hoped I wouldn't be too much of a burden to my family

scratchbach3 karma

You have done chemo over and over again. What is the worse you have experience while undergoing it? Hey,continue being a good miracle for the world. :-)

RJB13372 karma

Chemotherapy definitely sucked, it could have been worse, but mostly I was just sick a lot, I missed school a lot but thanks I will

DebDecatur0073 karma

I'm really sorry this has happened to you. Two questions 1) how do you stay positive and 2) what's your dream trip when you are all better?

RJB13376 karma

Mt faith helps me stay positive, I would be nothing without it, it keeps me going through all the hardships, and probably my dream trip is that Star Wars cruise or maybe go back to Austin TX and have all that delicious BBQ

mvwinf2 karma

Have you developed any fears or phobias since diagnosis? I am also a cancer patient (thankfully in remission) and developed a sizable fear of needles and IVs - curious to see if anyone else has similar experiences.

RJB13372 karma

Nope not really, needles don't even faze me anymore, I am sorry for your fears but I am glad you are getting better friend

flash402 karma

What was being dead like? You know how some say they go to judgement day or purgatory and heaven or hell?

RJB13372 karma

I wish I had a better story, but I honestly don't remember anything, I was out of it for 5 days

TPBFanEnt2 karma

I know this is kinda late, but how do you feel about medical marijuana for cancer patients?

RJB13372 karma

I am all for it, I actually have my card, I am for anything that helps ease the pain

TPBFanEnt2 karma

Thanks for the response, and I'm glad to hear you've found relief.

RJB13372 karma

Anytime, take care dear friend

theblackbatcass2 karma

Has your vision been affected in any way because of this? Congrats on beating cancer yet again! I can't begin to imagine how much stress and pain you have gone through.

RJB13371 karma

I am actually blind in my left eye, they found out when I was 3 so there is no way of knowing if I was born with it or my tumor caused it

1TrueKingInTheNorth2 karma

Have you ever thought about trying to NOT get brain cancer?


RJB13372 karma

What a good idea, I should try that one

Shadeax2 karma

Did you do anything you wouldn't normally have done once you learned your life could be cut short?

RJB13371 karma

Eh not really, I wish I had but honestly I didn't

jedikendyl2 karma

I'm curious as to what was the worst experience you've had with a nurse (or other healthcare staff) and what's the best? Have you ever had one nurse that left a lasting impression and if so, what did they do to create that impression? I'm in nursing school.. but I would like to know from a patient perspective what to do and what not to do in the future.

RJB13372 karma

I had a nurse one time when I was in ICU, get mad at me and she even yelled at me because I wet the bed but she took over half an hour to respond to my calls

jedikendyl2 karma

I would have definitely mentioned her by name in the surveys they send out. I don't understand where people get off.. or why people who don't belong in healthcare stay there

RJB13373 karma

Oh I did for sure, I get it,no one wants to clean up pee, but shaming me isn't the answer, I was 26, I was already embarrassed enough, yelling at me isn't going to help

jedikendyl2 karma

Well it's not that NO one wants to. Did I want to clean up pee when I worked at Taco Bell and people were just inconsiderate? Hell no. But if it's going to help one of my patients, then I want to. Especially if they were continent and it was my fault because I didn't get there on time. Also, I wouldn't yell at my patient anyways even if something was their fault. I'm not in any position to do that.

RJB13372 karma

Well you are already a better nurse then her

JailerJunkie2 karma

Could you beat up Lance Armstrong in a fight?

RJB13379 karma

He'd probably be on drugs and he would cheat so probably not

alludoisdie2 karma

hey dude keep fighting! I don't know about your current situation but hopefully you'll be able to overcome it. My question for you is that, how did you feel when it was brought upon you that the tumor had returned? I know it must have been traumatizing but did you feel any other emotion?

RJB13371 karma

It wasn't really, I was living on my own, working, living a normal life, I kinda just thought this was another speed bump and I would be back to normal in a few months

antibubbles2 karma

Is there anything that it's like to be brain dead? Tunnel or any experience? (why do I feel like an ass for even asking this?)
anywho... I wish the best of luck to you

RJB13372 karma

Don't feel like an ass, I honestly don't remember anything, I didn't see a light or god, I believe in him but I didn't see anything, I remember kinda falling down in the bathroom and poof five days later I am in the ICU, hooked up to a bunch of monitors, breathing tube in my mouth

antibubbles2 karma

dang... i can't imagine what that must be like :'
well, thanks for answering. I'm always curious about out of body experiences and the like...

RJB13371 karma

No problem, I wish I had one to share but sadly I don't, I still believe though, and that's all that matters


This might be a bit of a daft question but how does it feel to hAve a tumour on your brain? Did it physically hurt? If so what kind of pain would ressemble it?

RJB13371 karma

The brain tumor on my brain stem I used to get really really bad headaches but that's pretty much it

zebradentist2 karma

Has the cancer treatment affected your memory or cognitive functions in any particular ways?

RJB13371 karma

No thankfully, that was a serious posibillity but through the grace of God I have no mental side effects

Dozed2 karma

I know this is late, so I understand if you don't answer. Since you've been battling cancer on and off since age 3, in a way, it's all that you've ever known. How do you think this has impacted you psychologically, when compared to school and work peers that haven't experienced anything like this, whether it's positive or negative?

I noticed that you said your faith has helped you in your journey, which is great, but have there been moments that you've been angry or bitter towards God? If so, how did you overcome those feelings?

Edit: forgot to say thanks for doing this ama.

RJB13371 karma

Honestly yes, I remember being in the ICU and being angry with God, here I was, hooked up to a bunch of monitors, I had a breathing tube, I couldn't walk, why didn't God just let me die? I was really angry for a couple of weeks, while I was in the hospital and rehab but then I realized, everything happens for a reason and it can always be worse

SilentlyCrying2 karma

If the cancer were to come back again would you want to continue to fight?

RJB13373 karma

Yes, always, like Tim Allen said in Galexy Quest "never give up, never surrender"

SilentlyCrying2 karma

Do the doctors have an explanation as to why the cancer comes back?

RJB13371 karma

Just really bad genes

SilentlyCrying2 karma

Is there a chance your children will have the same problem?

RJB13371 karma

Yes, 50 / 50 actually, which is why I don't want to have kids, I don't want to put them through that and I don't think I can afford it

SilentlyCrying2 karma

Has the cancer affected your relationships especially when it comes to dating?

RJB13371 karma

It didn't until recently, but now I don't feel worthy of love, romantic love I mean, I have nothing to offer a girl, I don't work, I use a walker to get around and I live with my folks, I am funny and smart and nice but I am already at a disadvantage now

SilentlyCrying2 karma

Using a walker and not being able to work due to a medical issue dont alter the person you are. Maybe the girl your ment to be with can’t walk herself or thinks she is flawed in a way that makes her unworthy of love. I think that your a very strong person, you have to be to beat cancer as many times as you have, and if you never want to give up the fight then I dont think you should give up on that area of life as well. Maybe you’ll find your talent in writing a book about your experience. Not all work is done by leaving the house and putting in 9 to 5.

RJB13371 karma

Thanks for the kind words fellow redditor, I hope so, I have a lot of love to give a person but either way I will keep pressing on

ProctologyDoctor2 karma

First off and foremost, my thoughts are with you.

What is your favorite thing - a beautiful sunrise or beautiful sunset?

RJB13373 karma

Thank you fellow redditor, I love a good movie honestly, Big Lebowski, Gangs of New York, Drive, No Country For Old Men, movies like that, they always put me in a good mood

ProctologyDoctor2 karma

We share the same taste in movies. :-)

You are truly an inspiration, I don't know if you know it or not, but you are.

May the road rise up to meet you, may the wind always be at your back and may you live a long and happy life. You are here for a reason my friend.

RJB13373 karma

Thanks for the kind words, I know I am, I am here for a reason and a purpose, I just have to figure out what that is

CampbellPlays2 karma

How many people know? Are you embarrassed? And what's your favourite sport? - My thoughts are with you ;)

RJB13372 karma

Know what? I like college football, I went to UOFO so the ducks are a big part of my life

chrisissuper2 karma

Hey! I just finished 6 weeks of radiotherapy for a Grade3 astrocytoma. Here's a pic of me and my mask:


What have you found the long term affects of radiotherapy to be, and when did you hair start growing back?

I am also 27!

Cheers Chris

RJB13372 karma

Well mine is a extreme case, but due to the radiation therapy I have to use a walker to get around and I live with my folks again, best of luck to you and congrats my friend

funkarama2 karma

What caused you to get cancer do you think? Nuclear plant job for dad? Chemicals in the water? etc.

RJB13371 karma

Bad genes mostly, my dad has Nuero Fibro Matosis and he passed it on to my sister and I, they don't have nearly as much issues as I do though

Bohr_research1 karma

Good sir, I have a lot of respect for you. Can you talk about the medical staff? I never get how people like that kind of job because you have to handle complex and personal situations every day.

RJB13372 karma

I have only had one bad experience with a nurse, most of the people I have encountered have been genuine and helpful, they have been understanding as well

RJB13371 karma

I have only had one bad experience with a nurse, most of the people I have encountered have been genuine and helpful, they have been understanding as well

kingcanibal1 karma

Did you ever considered committing suicide?

RJB13371 karma

Never, I have wished I was dead or that I had died, I hate that I am even a little bit of a burden to the people I love, but honestly they have been so willing to help I am glad and thankful I am not

kingcanibal2 karma

I am glad to read it I had a girlfriend who was diagnosed for the 2 nd time with cancer and she could not be this clear

2 weeks after she heard it I found her in her room she hanged herself at the age of 17 it still haunts me 5 years later I am 21 now I blame my self every day

RJB13372 karma

I am sorry to hear that, but honestly don't blame yourself, tragic as it was, ultimately it was her decision, there is nothing you could have done

monkeyseemonkeydoodo1 karma

Can't you take a hint?

RJB13371 karma

Sorry, I was never good with riddles