Hi reddit. It's been 2 years since my previous AMA, and since then, a lot has changed. But one thing that hasn't changed is my commitment to removing predators of all sorts from the streets and internet.

I've launched a new campaign called "Hansen vs. Predator" with the goal of creating a new series that will conduct new investigations for a new program.

You can help support the campaign here: www.hansenvspredator.com

Or on our official Kickstarter page: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1606694156/hansen-vs-predator

Let's answer some questions. Victoria's helping me over the phone. AMA.


Update: Thank you for asking me anything. And for all your support on the Kickstarter campaign. And I wish I had more time to chat with all of you, but I gotta get back to work here - I'm in Seattle. Thank you!

Comments: 8226 • Responses: 47  • Date: 

Kurtomatic4104 karma

Have you ever considered doing a "Follow Up" episode on certain of the caught predators? I'd like to think that some of them learned their lesson and came out of it better people. Obviously, none of them are happy to be in the position they were in they met you the first time, but some of them might appreciate the opportunity to show how much they've grown/matured/changed. Or is that something that would get shot down by 100% of the individuals?

OfficialChrisHansen4853 karma

I think that's an excellent idea.

In fact, I'm going to give serious thought to reaching out to some people who could take part in that.

I think it would be fascinating.

kidamy3007 karma

Hi Chris! How did you feel about the South Park episode that had you as a character?

OfficialChrisHansen4651 karma

It finally made me look "cool" to my teenage sons.

daluq2823 karma

What was the most unexpected item brought along to one of the bait houses?

OfficialChrisHansen4396 karma

OH, god.

A predator brought along their 5 year old son.

bwaltens2713 karma

Love the show, and glad to see it coming back! In your observation, is Mikes Hard Lemonade the choice beverage amongst predators?

OfficialChrisHansen4655 karma

We actually got a call from the lawyers at Mike's Hard Lemonade asking us to not use their product anymore.

Brobeens2474 karma

Hi Chris!
Do you ever wake up and say to yourself, i'm Chris Haaannnssseenn?

OfficialChrisHansen3851 karma

Every morning.

full-bodied laugh

sharkuppercut2463 karma

Was there ever a reaction that a predator had that you were surprised by?

OfficialChrisHansen4340 karma

Before I could say a word, one of them looked at me and said "Oh, you're Chris Hansen."

I said, "How did you know that?"

And he said "I watch the show all the time, and when I miss an episode, I download it from the internet."

Lazicful2255 karma

Will Hansen Vs. Predator feature the same creepy chat log voice actor that we all know and love from TCaP?

"4 realz?" "YEA"

OfficialChrisHansen2056 karma

Um... possibly?

ReadMeDoc2219 karma

Hey Chris! In your new series, "Hansen vs Predator", can we expect the same "why don't you have a seat over there" catchphrase?

OfficialChrisHansen3208 karma

Yes, of course.

But I'll also have some new catchphrases as well.

bwaltens1860 karma

How many people take the cookies/tea offered? I've always found it odd when they do

OfficialChrisHansen2993 karma

Probably... 30%?

Although one night, the brownies were left out overnight, and the first predator the next morning almost broke a tooth, they were so hard.

Frajer1528 karma

On To Catch A Predator were you ever worried about the predators considering how violent they could theoretically be?

OfficialChrisHansen1793 karma

Yes, but we took a lot of precautions with our security, and I'm confident that we have & will be as safe as possible.

CrucialXP1156 karma

Has any predator ever got in contact with you after the show and tell you how their life is going?

OfficialChrisHansen1566 karma


I can't think of a case where that's happened.

Drunken_Economist1015 karma

Welcome back to reddit!

What's a project that you were passionate about, but never really took off?

OfficialChrisHansen2229 karma

Well, I could tell you right off the top of my head, it was a story involving US government contractors using slave labor at government bases overseas.

It didn't take off. We weren't able to infiltrate it at a level where we could get video evidence where we knew what was going on.

The other one was we were going to set up a "predator house" to capture Chinese spies. That never got off the ground either.

corby3151004 karma

What was the worst scenario you have encountered? The one that made question humanity the most.

OfficialChrisHansen2258 karma

When the guy walked in, naked... and wanted to involve whipped cream and a cat in the sexual scenario.

ricemaster4000774 karma

Hey Chris,

I was wondering why you're doing a kickstarter for this? Surely lots of companies would be happy to fund this project.

Also did you like The Boondocks parody?

OfficialChrisHansen994 karma

I would say to that: I'm going this route because I want to have creative control, and control of distribution, and to be honest with you, I've never seen the Boondocks Parody! I wasn't aware of it. It's been described to me, but I haven't seen it.

pennyxwise726 karma

Hey Chris. I'm excited about the prospect of this new show. I'm a fan of TCAP.

What would you say to those who view what you do as entrapment?

OfficialChrisHansen1823 karma

It's not entrapment. Because the decoys never make the first move. Nor do they raise the issue of having sex. It's always the potential predator that does that.

oscarveli688 karma

Why don't you take a seat over there?

OfficialChrisHansen1007 karma

I'd like to, but I've been driving around working on a story all day and I need to stretch my legs.

BettiePlague676 karma

What inspired you to continue doing To Catch a Predator online, instead of on regular television?

OfficialChrisHansen1332 karma

The plan is to do it originally online, and repackage it for broadcast, so we want to do both.

And it's because that's the way people are receiving content these days. And audiences are there to consume the show.

Clarck_Kent532 karma

How did the idea for "To Catch a Predator" come about?

Did you learn anything unexpected while conducting these stings over the years?


OfficialChrisHansen929 karma

The idea grew out of a conversation I had years ago, with a fellow reporter, a friend of mine. We learned about the online watchdog group, Perverted Justice, and I figured if we could combine their talent posting as decoys with our hidden camera technology, it could be pretty compelling.

And what surprised me most is that these guys come from all walks of life. They usually don't stand out of a crowd. Doctors, clergymen, military people, teachers...

_Dayresi412 karma

Will you create the show regardless of the Kickstarter goal being met?

OfficialChrisHansen804 karma

I'm confident we'll surpass our goal.

Duthos405 karma

Time and again it has been revealed that pedophiles seek positions of respect and authority. Priests, politicians, police, etc..

Will you ever pursue such monsters who have the means to make your life... uncomfortable? Or have you tried such things in the past and encountered enough resistance to force you to back off?

OfficialChrisHansen806 karma

We've never backed off, with anyone, no matter what their position is in society.

smp1006359 karma

Hi Chris! Big fan. I used to wake my roommate up with the "I want to wrestle you so freaking bad" soundclip over our speakers.

My question is whether doing the show has made you feel better? Obviously, you have done a lot of good getting predators off the internet, but it must be incredibly sad to interact with them and realize just how dangerous the world can be for young people

OfficialChrisHansen486 karma

Well, that's very true.

It is sad.

But at the same time, I know that by exposing these people, we're creating a dialogue and awareness that didn't exist before. So it remains important work.

platysaur347 karma

What will you change about the show this time around if your crowd funding is successful?

OfficialChrisHansen761 karma

We would change the way that we communicate with predators, because there are so many more ways to communicate online than there were when we began. When we began, we used chatrooms on AOL and Yahoo! and nowadays, we have dozens and dozens of ways to communicate.

Technology has improved - for everything from the cameras to the microphones. It's a whole 'nother playing field now.

And we also have means to find out more about these people before they actually show up.

I think it's going to be a more sophisticated program. Because we'll have more space to tell the story.

Zephusa321 karma

Do you at all find the sheer amount of websites where adults can chat online with children, overwhelming?

Facebook, snap chat, twitter, just to count a few.

Do you think you are going to tap into all of these sources in order to bring people to justice?

Edit: You know what? I'm adding Reddit on this list of websites too.

OfficialChrisHansen345 karma

Well, you're absolutely right that it's going to be a challenge, but we're going to use the best technology available to do just that.

SharathCK279 karma

Chris, how do you choose the decoys for the show? How involved are they behind the scenes?

P.S. Here's Chris watching a friend of mine audition to be a decoy: https://youtu.be/sASeFRKHoZM

OfficialChrisHansen437 karma

Decoys are chosen because they look young, but have the maturity to play the part in a responsible and safe way. They are only involved behind the scenes in that they need to know as much as they can about the potential predator they're going to be talking to.

hak091262 karma

What do you think of the idea that there are lots of people who think "you are the last person on earth they want to see"?

OfficialChrisHansen602 karma

You know... I suppose, concerning what I do for a living, that could be considered an honor!

TheHansBecker147 karma

Chris -- Huge fan of your investigatory work and I'm excited for your new kickstarter project! I still watch your Dateline re-runs on YouTube and MSNBC religiously. 2 Questions.

Question (1): On To Catch a Predator, on at least one occassion/stop, didn't the majority of your suspect's cases get thrown out due to some legal technicality?

Question (2): Now that we've evolved from AOL/AIM/Yahoo Chatrooms, where is the new mainstream venue for online child predators? Dating websites? Facebook?


OfficialChrisHansen249 karma

1.) There was only one investigation where some of the cases were not prosecuted. And that resulted from a disagreement between a police department and a prosecutor's office. The reality is some of the people who were in the investigation were arrested in similar stings later. And that former prosecutors said that every one of those cases could have been taken to court, should the prosecutor have chosen to do so.

2.) Kik... Interactive gaming, Instagram, Snapchat - anywhere where potential targets or victims could be online!

Dworkinator141 karma

Are you going to use reddit to find predators as well? Anytime a user hints that they're a woman on reddit, especially a minor, their inbox is flooded with sexual solicitations and dick pics.

It'd be like shooting fish in a barrel here. It might even make pedos afraid of using reddit as a place to groom little girls.

Also, if people wanted to get involved in some way other than donating to your kickstarter, is there a way to do so?

OfficialChrisHansen138 karma

We're going to explore using all forms of social media in our investigation.

And the best way to support us is through our Kickstarter campaign.

kweeche131 karma

Do your friends invite you to "have a seat over there" when you go to their house? And are you tired of hearing it?

OfficialChrisHansen282 karma


Only about 12 times a week.

OfficialChrisHansen288 karma

And it never gets tiring.

ASTU1048 karma

Chris, what's your favourite cheese?

OfficialChrisHansen133 karma

Hot Jalapeno Jack.

Hicrine38 karma

Hi Chris,

My com tech class was just wondering what was the best excuse someone tried to give you when attempting to get out of the sting operation?

OfficialChrisHansen93 karma

"I just came over to keep the girl company, and protect her until her parents got home."

Zaahah20 karma

Chris, what is necessary to elevate awareness of this issue? It seems attention is now directed towards online bullying instead of online predators.

OfficialChrisHansen24 karma

Online bullying is a huge issue as well. But the truth is predators will try to figure out ways to connect with targets online. We think it's important to continue to pursue online predators even as we deal with bullying as well.

dp2915 karma

Hey Chris, I am a big believer in what you do. Have you ever gotten any sort of threats or possible danger after the fact from one of the people you have helped apprehend?

OfficialChrisHansen25 karma

You know, I've gotten numerous threats over the years. But I think I have a pretty good security protocol in place to stay protected.

komocode14 karma

will there ever be a release of all of the investigations you've done for NBC?

OfficialChrisHansen20 karma

No, but that's a pretty good idea.

jelacey6 karma

Hey Chris!

Do you ever reach the point where you think you just can't deal with this anymore? How, if at all, has your approach changed over the course of the program?

OfficialChrisHansen13 karma

You know, I've seen - it's true, I've seen my fair share of disturbing things. I think it's important to expose them. And so I will continue to do so.

RomaTorres5 karma

Hey Chris, huge fan! I'm a psychology student and I wrote one of my final papers on "To Catch A Predator".

Will you (or do you currently) have official merchandise for sale? I think I'd get a kick out of placing a "Have a seat" sign in my kitchen.

OfficialChrisHansen9 karma

Ironically, you can get some of that very merchandise by getting involved in the Kickstarter campaign: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1606694156/hansen-vs-predator

raylirts5 karma

Mr. Hansen, There's something you should know... I'm a backer on your kickstarter, I love all your reports on Dateline. My question is: Do you ever feel like you could be hurt or even killed while you're talking to these dangerous people?

OfficialChrisHansen6 karma

First of all, thank you for being involved and your kind words.

A lot of thought goes into security whenever we do one of these investigations. And I feel confident we're as safe as we can possibly be.

slimshadygrimgravy5 karma

Hey Chris, I'm a big fan of your work.

Since you have children of your own, what do/did you do to protect them online?

I imagine having Chris Hansen as a dad would mean pretty strict computer rules.

OfficialChrisHansen8 karma

My guys are college-aged now, but when they were younger, I would limit their time online. Which made them, you know, focus on talking to their friends, downloading music, and checking movie schedules - leaving them less time to loiter in places where there could be a threat. But it's a different time now. They didn't have smartphones when they were young.

BrodyApproved5 karma

Marathoning TCAP has always been a past activity my roommates & I do. Thanks for being so entertaining.
I have to know though, what is Chris Hansen's ideal breakfast?

OfficialChrisHansen9 karma

Let's see. My ideal breakfast is a cup of hot fresh coffee in my signature mugs (which is a reward on my campaign ).

But really it's kale / apple / ginger juice.

bobbymonday5 karma

Chris, will you join me for some sweet tea? I'm curious though, are predators prone to enjoying sweet tea?

OfficialChrisHansen13 karma

You know... sweet tea definitely became one of the signature drinks of the Predator investigations, mostly because those are investigations that were in the South, where sweet tea is very popular.


Have you ever had an event that couldn't be aired due to it going wrong/was to explicit?

OfficialChrisHansen11 karma


But obviously, you know, certain things were said that we didn't feel comfortable putting on the show. But there was nothing that was held back because it didn't "go right" or anything like that.

StantonMD4 karma

Thanks for the work you do, i'm glad people are trying to do the right thing, and get a message out there. Did u like working on Arrested Development? Will your new show do more to hunt down predators that are active, rather then trapping just internet predators?

OfficialChrisHansen13 karma

Yes. But the reality is no matter what kind of a predator, most of them are using the internet to help carry out their schemes.

I was on 30 Rock?

terattt3 karma

What's the usual interaction you have with fans approaching you in public? Any stories of weird fan encounters?

OfficialChrisHansen6 karma


Even when I'm unshaven and wearing a ball cap, expecting anonymity, my voice gives me away.