DEAR REDDITORS: As I multiple times in my answers, my english is not very good so this AMA is possible due to cousin in Canada who is translating and typing my answers for you people. I will continue to answer as many questions as I can for the day. I will unfortunately have to stop afterwards since he (my cousin) have a family and it's the weekend. Also, he has to go back to work as of Monday morning and I have language school. It was a great experience. Thank you all for your support and your kind words. Those who disagree, you are welcome too and that's the beauty of living in Europe, freedom of opinion, something I would have not been able to exercise in Syria. Thank you. For more answers, please refer to the AMA at the syriancivilwar sub.

My short bio: I used to live in the town of Jobar which is the gateway or the battle front to the Ghouta. After losing my mother, my sister and many more loved ones and friends to the bombardments of the Assad Regime as well as many who died under torture or simply vanished.

In May 2014, I was forced to leave Syria and head for Lebanon. From there, along with few friends we took a very risky and perilous journey to Germany. A journey that took us from Lebanon to Algeria in mid July 2014. In late July, we sailed on board those dangerous and very crowded ferries from the Libyan coasts heading for the Italian shores before being picked up by a NATO warship on duty in the Mediterranean. We spent five days on board the NATO ship until it finished its tour, picking up more refugees on the way before heading back to Italy.

My Proof: full album

Comments: 443 • Responses: 45  • Date: 

trajanconquers89110 karma

My intention is not to be rude or disrespectful but because you're a person of unique circumstances, I would like your opinion on this:

What do you think about people who move to Germany and Western nations from Islamic countries, use the services there to live fairly good lives compared to their countries of origin, and then bad mouth and disrespect these countries who gave them support and opportunity to live better lives?

ghouta2germany307 karma

Ungrateful ignorants. Sad reality but that's how it is. You live under the their sky, eat their food, enjoy their safety, profit from their wealth and then criticize them why?

As an Arab and as a Muslim we say: Him who does not thank the others, did not thank God.

kr613104 karma

Exactly this. I am an Arab Canadian. But every single day I thank my lucky stars that I am in Canada and I am pretty much the most patriotic Canadian you would find. I know that the opportunity I have here is greater than any where in the Middle East, and the way I was treated as nothing but an equal (for the most part). I would put my life on the line to defend Canada over any other nation on this planet. Anyone who bad mouths this country while reeling in the benefits needs to go, because they are clearly undeserving.

ghouta2germany7 karma

OP's cousin here (I'm the one handling the translation and typing the answers):

I'm also Canadian Arab here who grew up here. I totally agree with you.

-Cheers from Montréal.

Corgy30 karma

As a German (and fellow Hamburgian) I say: Good to hear that, thank you. Be welcome, and all the best!

Good luck with getting recognized and rebuilding your life. Feel free to contact me, if you need help or just someone to talk to.

ghouta2germany13 karma

Thank you very much.

trajanconquers8918 karma

Thanks for answering my question and good luck with everything.

ghouta2germany2 karma

My pleasure.

fauz8753 karma

Your English appears to be very good. Did you study it in school or did you have previous experience in the US, UK, etc? Do most of the refugees have skills needed for jobs in their new countries?

ghouta2germany98 karma

My english is basic. My cousin is the one taking care of answering this from Canada. We're doing this simultaneously. This AMA was his idea.

I don't know about the rest of the countries, but effectively there are lots of skilled refugees out there. Did they all find jobs. I cannot say for sure.

MuppetOSRS50 karma

How are you handling it so well emotionally?

ghouta2germany177 karma

Seeing so much death, destruction and injustice over the course of the war, you somehow develop an immunity after a while and a great appreciation for freedom and peace. So everyday outside of Syria in its current state is a gift and it's worth smiling for.

MuppetOSRS57 karma

You're a very strong person, keep it up. Good luck learning the language man.

ghouta2germany46 karma

Thank you.

ForgeIsDown42 karma

Do you regret being forced to flee? Will you ever go back?

ghouta2germany139 karma

How can I regret? I had no choice, and death was everywhere. I hope to go back one day to a peaceful Syria. Every refugee will tell you the same thing.

Ma3rabi21 karma

What are you currently doing in germany? Got luck with any jobs? I would love to meet you in person and get you some coffee.

ghouta2germany51 karma

Thank you for the kind offer. I'm currently aiming at going back to studies and getting a professional degree or certificate. Mashkour salafan for the coffee. Hopefully one day I will contact you. Thank you once again. Its very kind of you.

pharmaninja32 karma

I had the pleasure of visiting Syria twice before all of the trouble started there. I'd like to express how sorry I am about what has happened to your beautiful country. It is full of some of the loveliest people I've met on my travels and is/was in my top 2 of the best countries in the world.

ghouta2germany31 karma

Thank you for your kind words. It means a lot to me and all the Syrians everywhere.

-OP's cousin from Canada here (I'm the one doing the translation and typing the answers). Thank you from my part too. It's very kind and generous of you.

Ma3rabi11 karma

No problem, i'm always open for anybody.

You seem like you could use someone to talk to. Good luck with your studies!

ghouta2germany9 karma

Thank you very much.

Pigdog120641 karma

Do you see yourself ever returning to Syria in the future?

ghouta2germany80 karma

In my heart, yes I would love to go back, but not in its current condition.

L-Carnitin40 karma

Some people in Germany differ between refugees from war zones (eg Syria) and refugees driven only by poverty ("Wirtschaftsflüchtlinge"). There is a fair amount of people who think some or nearly all (depends on how racist they are...) refugees just want abuse the welfare-system and are not really escaping war/torture.

How is your view from the inside, both during your journey and now at your final destination. Do you think these refugees exist? And if, is there tension between these two groups? Do you noticed any criminals (eg drug dealing; pickpockets) among the refugees (this is another common stereotype)?

ghouta2germany47 karma

I've had nothing but good things to say about the treatment of the Germans to me and my friends. Considering where I was coming from, I could not hope for best. I have not experienced any form of racism so far. As far as criminality goes, I have not seen any till now. Some of my friends did and told about it but nothing compared to the criminality of the regime thugs.

igottashare37 karma

Congratulations on your successful voyage!

From your perspective, what were the events that lead to Syria's collapse and how much of it was due to foreign meddling?

ghouta2germany103 karma

Thank you.

I'm not going to talk about foreign meddling because it's a broad subject. I want to talk from my own perspective, what I've seen and felt. The collapse of Syria is a result of years and years of oppression, social injustice, planned humiliation and marginalization of the population by the regime and those who work hand in hand with it. The regime is simply harvesting the seeds it planted with the 1970 coup. They created a sectarian society and gave privileges to some and not to others. They instilled a climate of fear in the country Treated us as if we do not deserve democracy and only an iron fist could rule us. I dare any Syrian to say otherwise or to prove that if you are an Alawite, you couldn't get away with almost anything even murder at times depending on how high up you are connected. There are also some Sunnis, Shiites, Druzs, Christians, Ismaelis who are also equally guilty, I'm not saying only Alawites. But the most visible injustice came from those who were Alawites and closely connected to the regime or the armed forces.

Corruption was so high up and deep in all spheres of government levels. Cheating, lying, bribing and treachery are an everyday currency and found practically everywhere. Human lives have no value for those in position of power and authority and dignity is almost nonexistent. That's the initial cause. The rest.....ISIS, jihadists and so on are the results of the regime moving to plan B after it saw that it could not defeat the will of the people and put down the fire it lit in Deraa. Broadening the conflict and elongating it resulted in what we are seeing no on a broader spectrum.

Maslawi21 karma

In an ideal world, what political system would you personally like to see in Syria? Is this the view of the majority in Syria? If not, what is?

Thank you so much for all of your replies so far. Good luck to you.

ghouta2germany107 karma

DEMOCRATIC system where everyone is accountable and no one is above anyone else. One where I don't have to rot in a prison for 30 years because I criticized the government. One where I don't have to lie, cheat and bribe to get a simple paper done.

SeeThenBuild817 karma

I'm American, but my family is Syrian. They, and every other Syrian I meet in real life are Assad supporters. They say Assad wasn't perfect, but he provided fairness and stability, especially compared to the other Middle Eastern countries. They tell me that before this uprising Jews, Muslims, and Christians lived together in peace in Syria. They also say most rebels are hired mercenaries or ISIS members.

My family is Christian btw

ghouta2germany23 karma

This is true but this existed way before Assad, before Amin Al Hafez, before the union with Egypt, before Shishakli, before the French mandate and the Ottoman occupation. Christians, Muslims and Jews lived next to each other in harmony and never under threat and I defy anyone to prove otherwise. Assad has no credit in that.

When did the Syrian Jews leave? If you know any Syrian Jews ask them. They left in the late 70s during Assad rule. Why? When did the army become sectarian?

Assad followed the rule of: separate to dominate.

He is scaring the minorities to have their support.

Your family is Christian. How many Christians did Assad kill in Lebanon? Ask any older Lebanese guy and let's hear his answer.

Assad doesn't care about you or me or anyone. All he cares about is power.

That peace your family is telling you about was nothing but a facade, a mirage. If it was true we wouldn't have Christians in the opposition such as Michel Kilo and others.

zombiekidlikesturtle25 karma

are you isisdisplaced?

ghouta2germany78 karma

No. Isis was not that big when I left. I'm regime displaced.

blgeeder24 karma


I've recently been involved with my friends from high school (here in Germany, I live in Frankfurt area) in discussion on the asylum policies of the EU.

If you have developed any political thoughts or can share any experiences on how hard/easy it is to get into the EU (especially Germany) and what could be improved I'd love to hear them!

Also, to second my fellow Germans, if you ever need help with anything, even though I'm, as mentioned, still in high school, do not hesitate to PM me. :)

Lastly, I understand this is personal, so if you don't want to just don't answer, but would you mind saying in which area of Germany you now live?

Cheers and I really hope that people aren't as discriminating as the media likes to put it. :)

ghouta2germany21 karma

Thank you very much for your kind words and I appreciate the help offer. I will keep it in mind and will not hesitate to contact you if I feel the need to.

I'm currently in Hamburg.

FeIixBaumgartner19 karma

Willkommen in Deutschland!

You mentioned you are trying to integrate in our sociaty? This might be obvious but please take any opportunity to learn our language. We tend to be nicer to people from foreign countries who speak it. Sad but true.

This is a hard task but very necessary as it's the first step for integration.

Also: I wish you all the best and a good start in your new life.

ghouta2germany30 karma

Thank you. I think it's the least I could do to a country that agreed to take me in when I'm in dire need.

ev300019 karma

Wow, congratulations. I'm so so sorry you had to go through all that you did. But I'm sure now you know you can do the impossible!

What was the most difficult part of the journey for you? Did you ever feel like giving up? What inspired you to keep going?

Again, congrats, and I hope your life is happy and full now!

ghouta2germany89 karma

I must say that before the journey, you need to know that I was not able to bury my mother and sister. I was not able to attend their funeral and I was not able to say farewell to them in their grave. None of us, my brothers and I, were able to do so despite being less than 15 minutes from where they were. That was heart breaking and beyond stressful. They were at a hospital morgue inside Damascus and we were inside Jobar and there was no way we could cross the checkpoints. We had some distant relatives take care of the funeral. That I will never recover from.

Journey wize: The smugglers got lost in the Libyan desert for two and half days. We sincerely prepared to die then. Another truck filled with women and children flipped over. We had to muster whatever energy we had left, all of us young and able men to bring it back up.

There was no question of going back to me. I was dead anyways so its either you die now or keep going and hope for the best.

Inspiration: One day returning back and kissing my mother and sister's grave.

LailaBaby6719 karma

How does it feel when you hear people around you complain of "first world problems" (such as people saying they are depressed over nothing in particular, or they "hate" their office job)?

ghouta2germany36 karma

I get your question. It's sad but humans are like this, they always complain and never realize the value of things till they're lost.

ponte9211 karma

I come from a wealthy lucky country, in 2011 I was in Cairo when everything there broke out, I was stuck there for about 2 weeks. I was lucky that I was able to get out but some of the things I saw are things I will never unsee. When I got home I found it very hard to consolidate the two side of the world I had seen, how can I take someone seriously when they are complaining about their boyfriend troubles when there are people in the world being killed by their own government? I don't think I will ever be able to understand that side of humanity and it has taken me years to come to terms with vast difference, but how I see it now is that I am happy that those people have had such blessed lives that their worries are so small.

I am sorry for what you have experienced in your life and your losses, I am glad you have found a place to be safe and start again. Germany is a great country I hope you love your time there.

ghouta2germany5 karma

Thank you

BaiersmannBaiersdorf13 karma

Hey. :) How do you like Germany, now that you've spent a few months here? And how do you perceive the locals, are they friendly or hostile towards you?

ghouta2germany30 karma

Great people. Very good treatment and sympathetic towards me. Can't complain really.

I found them to be very polite, respectful and friendly at times.

TasteQlimax11 karma

Why Germany? How did you get from Italy to Germany? What is it like living in Germany? How do people react?

foobar56783 karma

Tl;dr He likes German cars.

Why aren't you required to stay in Italy? The law says you need to stay in the EU country you arrive at. I don't understand how you could possibly have ended up in Germany unless you refused to register in Italy and then ran away so you could illegally cross into Germany.

ghouta2germany2 karma

I've been asked this question repeatedly. You are right provided that you sign or fingerprint legal documents upon arrival. I was not forced, asked or incited to sign or fingerprint any document by the Italians. They asked me where do you want to go, I said Germany. That's it.

pm_me_yo_math_probs10 karma

Welcome to Germany! I wish you all the best for your future. If you have any questions or need anything feel free to ask.

What does it feel like walking the streets of Germany and seeing all these people so happy and careless and kids laughing without a care in the world while at the same time your home country is in ruins and you've lost loved ones? Does it make you sad? Happy? Angry? Bitter? Would you like people in Europe to be more aware and share your plight? Or do you think, good for them for being able to enjoy their lives?

ghouta2germany32 karma

Thank you very much.

Sadness. I still have kid brothers trapped inside Damascus. It shatters my heart. Really.

I just want the people of europe not to judge and understand that the only reason there are thousands of Syrians coming to Europe is because we are being forced to leave...we have no where to go. Many have lost dignity and are looking for some place to protect them and give them some form of legitimacy and not label them as second or third class citizens. Arab countries are not giving us any form of legal recognition. It hurts. It hurts more than you can imagine. No one like to feel that way. A lot of those refugees you see on the street and might hate have pride, but they have been broken and brought to the brink of insanity at certain points. Please don't look at them as parasites. They all have deep wounds that need years to heal. I dare anyone with a heart to take the time and listen to some of their stories and let's see if you could sleep at night. Not all refugees are bad.

Rudimon10 karma


I hope that I'm not too late for this and I have so many questions. The whole refugee thing is an extremely controversial matter at the moment and the mass media is perpetuating the hate from everyone against everyone.

I have to admit that I'm rather sceptical about refugees from the near east. The media is full of reports about radical Muslims that come to Europe and seem to try to establish their own islamic states within our countries.

My impression of most Muslims is that they don't want to integrate, that they want to force their beliefs and sharia laws onto the people of the country that feeds them and gives them shelter and that they actually hate the country and its people. Oppression of women, honor killings and racist behavior against Germans are a part of this country now just like the Islam seems to be a part of Germany, as the president said it.

All that we want is living our lives in peace and freedom. I don't want to walk through the streets and not be able to read any of the signs because they are in Turkish or Arabic or whatever. I don't want to get hateful looks and feel unwelcome in my own country.

I know that all of you just want to live in peace as well but for me it seems that religion and conservatism is always going to disrupt this freedom and prevent us from achieving a feeling of unity.

I hope that I don't come across too hateful, I really do wish that we can all live together peacefully but actions of minorities always get to separate our cultures metaphorically.

My questions to you would be:

How important for you are religious freedom and liberty? Do you think that religion goes above personal rights and do you think that religion can justify violence or killing?

What do you think of Germany and the people of Germany you have met so far?

How are the living conditions in the refugee camps and where you are at the moment?

What do you think about the situation in Syria and the surrounding countries in general. How do you think these problems could be solved?

Thank you for doing this and I really apologize if I come across hateful or prejudiced. I know that I have a rather negative perception against people from Islamic countries and I think the best way to get along better is getting to know each other and finding things we have in common.

ghouta2germany5 karma

Thank you for your question: 1- My religion is important to me as long as it doesn't bother the others. I keep to myself and I don't like or want to impose my views on others. Those are not the teachings that I learnt and those are not the values I grew up with.

2-If I'm living in a western country I must respect its values and rules that do not come in conflict with my religion and if there's conflict I will try to find a peaceful solution without necessarily bothering others. Example: If I work a job that requires me to work on Friday, I will try to see if I can take a break for the Friday prayer. If it's not possible and I really have no choice because I might lose the job and suffer from its consequences, then God knows that in my heart I did all I could to attend the prayer and could not and I'm sure he'll accept it as if I did. If people invite me over for dinner and cook pork and serve alcohol, I will not decline because it's rude. I will attend but I will explain that I cannot eat pork or drink alcohol and that I will eat and drink other things gladly. There's no harm in that, there are vegetarians and vegans who probably do the same and there are people who don't drink alcohol so I don't see a problem there.

Islam is very badly depicted in the media and unfortunately only the worst cases are put under the spotlight. Most of us are not like the media depicts us and those who do radical things are ignorants who misinterpreted the teachings. I did not flee a war zone to go to a peaceful country and start a war there, especially not an ideological war. Islam to me is not how many times you pray or if you fast. Islam to me is about how you deal with the others: you treat them with respect and good manners.

2- Germany is a beautiful country right how I expected it to be. I cannot complain about how nice and good the people were towards us so far.

3-It's not perfect perfect but definitely much better considering where I came from. I'm no longer in a refugee camp. I have my initial papers now and I'm free to go and do whatever I want.

4-Ah man.....that question is so complex. I cant really answer it now it will take too much time. Let's just say that we are nowhere near a solution at the moment. As long as Assad is in power and as long as ISIS is not dealt with swiftly, this is going to get uglier and uglier and the sad part is that it's the innocent people who are paying the price.

tachometr10 karma

May I ask, what is your religion if any?

ghouta2germany14 karma

I'm Muslim.

brieftraeger9 karma


i am glad to read that u make it to germany. Was germany ur favourite country to escape to? If Yes, why?

As a german i would like to help ppl that live in a refugee camp. What kind of help do you need? Money? Food? Clothes? German Teacher? Help with the community office?

ghouta2germany52 karma

Thank you for your question.

You may find this funny but I choose Germany because I love cars, engines and I love German engineering. Growing up in Syria, I was fascinated with German cars, so when I was asked by the Italians where I wanted to head to, I did not hesitate: Germany.

The German government is taking care of us in terms of money and food, and they are doing a great job by the way despite the huge number of refugees. What my friends and I are having trouble with is integrating in the German society. Language has also been a bit of a challenge, but I'm determined to learn it. It's not easy to be parachuted like this in country where you don't know the customs and language. But perhaps the most difficult challenge we are experiencing is finding decent and affordable housing.

robotsnowman26 karma

Hello. I am an elementary school teacher in the US, and our school is unique in that we have a newcomer population of students,and the majority of them are refugees - not necessarily from Syria, but some are. Can you please give me some insight into what the refugee camp experience is like for these kids? It would be helpful to gain more perspective/awareness for what they've been through. Most of them can't or won't talk about it. Thank you.

ghouta2germany17 karma

I have not been in contact with many children in the refugee camps. Very few. But if there any, they definitely had seen some traumatizing things. I have seen the worst case of traumatized children inside Ghouta after the chemical attacks and the heavy bombardments. Not random kids, my nephews and nieces!

I cant really give you any perspective on how to deal with them. I guess they need a lot of love and support. Us adults are barely getting through so imagine the poor kids.

I've seen kids who could distinctively identify which gun or artillery is being fired and know the type of aircraft or explosive charge from hearing the sound only. That was scary to me.

You need to talk to more specialized people than me. Those who are doing intervention withing the camps to get more perspective. I'm extremely thankful for your interest and thank you for the kind words.

East_India_Co4 karma

You passed through many safe countries to arrive in Germany. Why not apply for asylum there?

ghouta2germany3 karma

Thanks for asking. This question has been asked many times. There's a thorough examination of it in the AMA at /r/syriancivilwar

ashslingingslasher3 karma

Have you experienced any homesick feelings despite the state that Syria was in?

ghouta2germany3 karma

Everyday. Ask any Syrian and he or she will tell you. You can't escape this. Unlike my cousin in Canada who spent two third of his life in Canada for example, I spent 28 years in Syria. Every street corner and every shop along the main road has a story and memories with me. We saw many of our loved ones die there and many bled on my arms as we carried them away to safety. You cannot forget that!

qwertyerthanyou3 karma

How long did it take you and how many times were you almost caught?

ghouta2germany17 karma

It took six months to be able to escape from Ghouta to Beirut. I had to bribe my way and it was very very risky, but I was dead anyways.

Then from Beirut to Algeria by plane, one day. From Algeria to the Libyan town of Zawara on the coast of the Mediterranean about a week. Five days on board the NATO ship and another week to reach Germany after disembarking in Italy.

We were not really at risk of getting caught but the journey conditions were horrible and death was more on mind than being caught.

easyiris2 karma

What can I do to help the people of Syria? Thank you for this AMA, you are incredibly brave.

ghouta2germany11 karma

Raise awareness about Syria and please please please do not forget the root cause of the problem and the ones who were responsible for bringing Syria to its present state. The regime is the cancer at the core. The mainstream media concentrates on ISIS, which undeniably just as bad as the regime but if it wasn't for the regime, there would be no ISIS.

Please be patient with the refugees and try to understand that they are victims and we don't have to victimize them over and over.

arabic5132 karma

As another Syrian who believes out of the 3 large parties, Assad is the safest, do you agree, or still want to see Nusra/Daesh take over power?

ghouta2germany13 karma

I do not agree. I don't see any of them ever being able to rule. None. As for Assad, let's be honest, he doesn't control anything anymore. Not even his people. The effective ruler of Syria now and back when I left is Tehran.

arabic5133 karma

In terms of foreign policy, I can't help but agree.. But domestically Assad did rule Syria effectively and he did improve the education and health conditions in the country.

PS: الحمد الله على السلامة

ghouta2germany11 karma

That was his duty. As a president and as a ruler responsible for millions of people. Plus he did not pay for all that from his pocket, it was OUR money, OUR taxes.

What is wrong with the Arab population? When their president allow something as basic as education, mobile phones or Internet, they drop to their knees and praise him like a god!

ghouta2germany4 karma

الله يسلمك. مشكور.

tta20132 karma

Have you started taking German lessons since you settled?

I'm sorry for your loss. Wish you the best of luck.

ghouta2germany3 karma

Yes. Conversation wise I'm coming out OK. I'm equally doing good in writing and reading. It's not easy but I'm determined because I realize that I'm not going anywhere anytime soon and I better get in the system quickly before it's too late. Plus, talking and understanding German is the key to a successful integration and it will remove most barriers ahead.

30582511 karma

If you had massive sway with the United States, what would you recommend they do?

ghouta2germany5 karma

To be truthful for once and hold a sincere air embargo and let's see how long the regime will last!

penea21 karma

I really hope life is treating you well now. Hows Germany treating you?

ghouta2germany2 karma

Very good. Can't complain. Thank you.

dan_the_man85581 karma

who do you think is worse, the extremist rebels (nursa front, ISIS), or the Assad regime? I also understand that ISIS and al Nusra front are very different

ghouta2germany5 karma

There was no ISIS when I was there. It was starting to appear and it was far away from us. My understanding from other refugees is that they are just as brutal as the regime. Al Nusra was however in my area and like I said previously, they kept to themselves. I did not interact with them and they did not bother us. But I don't know about the Nusra in other areas. There are so many factions now that you don't know who is who anymore and money rules them all.

Myst--191 karma

What was the scariest part of your journey? And How close have you been to getting caught/ getting killed as you left?

ghouta2germany3 karma

Getting lost in the Libyan desert for two and half days. Ah man.....everyday was a close call for me. I'd say crossing the checkpoints from Ghouta to Damascus was the only time I was playing the russian roulette. I had bribed my way and made sure that I would get a free pass but they couldn't be trusted so I prepared to be arrested on the spot and get tortured to death or rot in a jail till.....god knows when or even get shot on the spot.

A_HumblePotato0 karma

How do you feel about how Western media covers the situation in Syria? Is it accurate?

ghouta2germany4 karma

Unfortunately no. They're giving too much attention to Isis while the regime is still destroying Aleppo and Ghouta as well as many many more crimes.

Whiskytoast-13 karma

Why not stay and fight?

ghouta2germany29 karma

I'm a pacifist. I marched with the masses at the beginning and we chanted: Silmia, Silmia (translation: Peaceful, Peaceful). We marched despite hails of bullets being shot at us. When the regime stepped up the repression and the conflict became armed, I stepped aside. I was never drawn into the armed conflict or solicited by any group to fight.

DeMedicis-18 karma

When a man (young, health) flees to the milk and honey land instead of staying and fighting for his country, his history (vide Daesh destroying your heritage) he's no longer a man, he's lower than a dog. Heck, even weak dogs fight for their territory...

Aren't you ashamed of yourself?

ghouta2germany7 karma

Absolutely not. Everyone contributes and help with whatever he or she could. You don't know me, you don't even know what I've been through and yet here you are regurgitating some ISIS pick up lines. Do you think you're going to make me feel bad? Talk of manhood? Why don't you go spend a day in a sieged town or try to cross some checkpoints or how about you spend few hours only at the hands of the regime henchmen and let's talk about those testosterones afterwards. I spent three years hearing nothing but bombs and bullets. Smelling sulfur, diesel and on occasion burnt flesh. Seeing nothing but destruction, blood and missing limbs. Eating grass and tree leaves from shortage of food!!! And you dare comparing me to a dog?