My short bio: My artistic name is Lila Tirando a Violeta. I am an experimental musician from Montevideo, Uruguay. Since a very young age I started travelling and living all over South America and Europe. I became obsessed with synths at the age of 15. And been playing gigs ever since I was 16. Shared stage with Ariel Pink's Haunted Graffiti and many more other bands from Uruguay, Argentina, US and UK. Currently living in my hometown Montevideo and about to release a new album.

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Comments: 75 • Responses: 31  • Date: 

Dark_Spectre22 karma

Do you always lead with your female gender as the primary element of importance when defining yourself?

lilavioleta3 karma

Well no. But its very important for me and in my home country is very hard to be a female and a musician. Specially with my type of music. Thanks for the ask!

lilavioleta2 karma

Well no. But its very important for me and in my home country is very hard to be a female and a musician. Specially with my type of music. Thanks for the ask!

ciphilly5 karma

Where did you try the most interesting food that you actually enjoyed?

lilavioleta2 karma

In Spain! I love Spanish food :) Thanks for asking.

GrayGreyMoralityFan2 karma

What kind of food was it?

lilavioleta3 karma

Tortilla de Papas! (potato tortilla) . Its different than regular us tortillas, spanish ones are completely made of chopped potatoes and eggs, they are awesome!!!

liveontimemitnoevil5 karma

Since I was a young age

And how old are you now?

lilavioleta3 karma

I'm in my early 20's. Very young age still, but by I very young age I mean I started travelling around South America when I was 5 years old :)

notgarysmulyan4 karma

Are there traditional styles native to Uruguay like Argentina has tango and Brazil has samba (and forro and choro and...)? Do you incorporate any of it into your music?

lilavioleta3 karma

Hello, I'm afraid I don't use many styles similar to my native ones, but sometimes when I make electronic dance music I try to add drums like candombe and salsa. Thanks for asking! :)

mrlavalava3 karma

Hi! What are your favourite synths? Do you have a preference for analogue or digital in general?

lilavioleta3 karma

My favourite synth is the Korg MS 20 mini (awesome for its price) Jesus, there is no analog synth I don't like. I love everything about them. I quite like the volca series by korg aswell. And I love and is my weapon of choice when I play live my Novation xio synth! I can go on and on talking about synths and drum machines. But hey, digitals are good as well! Haha. Thanks for asking!

gladashell3 karma

Now that you've traveled many places, how does your home country compare? What do you miss most about it when you are away?

lilavioleta4 karma

I miss the simplicity of everything in Uruguay. You ALWAYS have something going on near you, you always meet people you know anywhere. You can walk 20 minutes and you're on the seaside from almost every part of town. I love that really, and also its not a cliche saying that people here are really warm and nice! Thanks for asking :)

SayerApp3 karma

Which country offered the most influence for you?

lilavioleta2 karma

Well, I must say England, despite my last time there wasn't the best. Its the culture that influenciated me most in the world. Their music, books & history are just unique. Thanks for asking!

hugthemachines2 karma

Hi Lila! Did you first play some instruments? How did you learn basic theory of music? Things like notes, rythms etc. Did you have that already when you found out you liked synths?

lilavioleta1 karma

Hey. No I actually know ZERO music theory! But I play by ear. And I didnt . I started improvising with synths and then learning about it! Thanks for your question!

lilavioleta1 karma

Hey. No I actually know ZERO music theory! But I play by ear. And I didnt . I started improvising with synths and then learning about it! Thanks for your question!

DeadSeriousNotReally2 karma

What types of electronic music genres do you make and play?

lilavioleta1 karma

I play lots of future funk and plunderphonics. In the past some synth pop and glitch! Thanks for your question!

lilavioleta1 karma

I play lots of future funk and plunderphonics. In the past some synth pop and glitch! Thanks for your question!

catli2 karma

Have you had the chance to meet anyone from the major names in electronic music, like Depeche Mode or Kraftwerk? If not, do you want to?

lilavioleta1 karma

Hey! Well Ive seen many live electronic bands but never met them in person! I would love to meet Brian Eno or any Kraftwerk member. Or more contemporary Blank Banshee or Vektroid! Thanks for the question!

lilavioleta1 karma

Hey! Well Ive seen many live electronic bands but never met them in person! I would love to meet Brian Eno or any Kraftwerk member. Or more contemporary Blank Banshee or Vektroid! Thanks for the question!

y6y6772 karma

Is there any commercial electronic music artist that you like?(Not stupid EDM and retarded things called "drops". Personally I like deadmau5.) :)

lilavioleta1 karma

I like Vektroid, Blank Banshee, Hot Sugar, Daniel Lopatin, and many more! Deadmau5 is good but not my kind of music really! Thanks for your question.

theobligatoryginger2 karma

Are you influenced by any guitar music?

lilavioleta1 karma

YES! I love guitar music. I love post punk and alternative rock. One of my favourite bands ever is Joy Division!

lilavioleta1 karma

YES! I love guitar music. I love post punk and alternative rock. One of my favourite bands ever is Joy Division!

snowhoody2 karma

Which country do you enjoy most?

lilavioleta1 karma

The border between Argentina and Chile! The Andes mountains there are AMAZING!!!

lilavioleta1 karma

The border between Argentina and Chile! The Andes mountains there are AMAZING!!!

TalkingBackAgain2 karma

Who has been the best guy/girl to have sex with in all your travels around the world?

lilavioleta3 karma

Haha weird question but of course my actual boyfriend. He has been my longest relationship. Yesterday I just got back from a trip to Buenos Aires and provincia in Argentina with him :) Thanks for asking!

Darkchyylde2 karma

How did you get started?

lilavioleta2 karma

When I was very young I decided that I would go to Europe for my 15th birthday instead of making a big party like girls usually do here. When I was there discovered as many underground bands as I could and as soon as I got here bought my first keyboard and started playing music! Thanks for your question.

therealandrew1 karma

What is your favorite DJ software to use when on touring?

lilavioleta1 karma

A very simple one. Virtual dj ! Thanks for your question.

lilavioleta1 karma

A very simple one. Virtual dj ! Thanks for your question.

TermyYT1 karma

How long do you think it will take for me to make electronic music using some simple iOS apps such as Music Studio and Garage Band? I'm getting into electronic music making myself, but I don't have money to buy any professional equipment, nor do I have any space in my house to place them in. :P I've seen many people make incredible songs using simple apps such as these. One person made a really good sounding orchestral tune in only 8 minutes.

For the record, I aim for mostly orchestral music and SOME techno music, and (don't laugh at me, but...) I have no experience with music making. I'm just starting out. =)

lilavioleta1 karma

Hey! Well garage band is awesome! Also you should try audacity or FL studio to start! They are simple and awesome. Professional gear isnt always necessary to be honest! I wish you the best with your upcoming music! Thanks for the ask!

lilavioleta1 karma

Hey! Well garage band is awesome! Also you should try audacity or FL studio to start! They are simple and awesome. Professional gear isnt always necessary to be honest! I wish you the best with your upcoming music! Thanks for the ask!

EricT591 karma

Anthony Bourdain was in Uruguay and ate at this awesome looking grilled meats in the Merato (sp)? Have you eaten there? Was it as delicious as it looked?

lilavioleta1 karma

Ohh asado (grilled meat) its a tipical food here and I love it! But never eaten there unfortunately! Thanks for your question.

lilavioleta1 karma

Ohh asado (grilled meat) its a tipical food here and I love it! But never eaten there unfortunately! Thanks for your question.

SoYoungSoHigh1 karma

Helli Lila, as an producer of electronic music using an actual instrument, have you ever listened to/heard of the group Goldfish from South Africa? They are a electronic duo who actually use and play instruments live during their sets. One plays the saxophone and flute while the other plays the keyboard and double bass. They like to poke fun of the electronic industry and how a majority of it tends to shy away from playing actual instruments.

lilavioleta1 karma

Oh! Never listened to them. But sounds awesome. I will sure give them a listen.

CivilityBeDamned1 karma

Listened to a few tracks. Are you actually playing any of the music in them? I can't tell. It seems like its all computer generated or samples.

lilavioleta1 karma

Lately I been into plunderphonics and vaporwave. I use tons of samples but add lots of synths. In my soundcloud you can find also lots of completely music made by me. Also with my vocals. Kindest regards!

lilavioleta1 karma

Lately I been into plunderphonics and vaporwave. I use tons of samples but add lots of synths. In my soundcloud you can find also lots of completely music made by me. Also with my vocals. Kindest regards!