From left to right- Zach, Grace, Erin, Kaycee, and Kyle are a team of Admission Counselors who read applications, host daily visits, travel to college fairs, and assist prospective students through their application process. Guilford College is a small, private Quaker liberal arts school in Greensboro, NC.

We'd love to share with you some pointers about what makes a good application, the features and experiences of a liberal arts education, what a Quaker is and what Quaker-based education might look like, the ins and outs of Guilford College specifically (i.e. we are a Test Optional school!), and whatever else might interest you about the application process.

Please refrain from asking us about your chances to get in or to review anything specific from your application (i.e. your entire essay). Ask us ALMOST Anything!

FB: /guilfordcollege

Twitter: @GuilfordCollege

IG: Guilford_College

Snapchat: guilfordcollege

My Proof:

EDIT: Thank you SO much for all your questions. But alas, it is almost 5pm and time to pack up for the weekend! Please do not hesitate to find us in the Guilford College website directory or post more questions here and we can check back here periodically in the future. Come visit our campus anytime. Cheers, Friends!

Comments: 149 • Responses: 54  • Date: 

urohpls17 karma

Well, Zach, I'm fairly certain you are dating my older sister, will that help my chances at all?

But on a serious note, what kinds of extra curriculars would be better on an application, or does each have their own equal merrits?

GuilfordCollege11 karma

Thank you for this question, I think this one is truly valuable. I do not believe this will increase your chances of being accepted any, however you do get imaginary bonus points for having a great older sibling and Guilford College employee!

Extra curricular activities come in all shapes and sizes that almost always hold equal merit. The things that shine most are service based organizations, when students are committed to their clubs and orgs for more than a year or two, and when students hold leadership roles. Hope this helps! -Zach

urohpls4 karma

Would service based extra curriculars make more of an impact by being school or community based? Or is that subjective to the specifics of the service?

GuilfordCollege6 karma

A little subjective (for example obviously being an Americorp member will outweigh you volunteering once a semester at a soup kitchen) however, any service is a positive. No amount of service is too big or too small!

color30015 karma

What's the order in which you read through an application? Do you first look at GPA? Then essay? Then extracurriculars? If a students grades are high enough do you ignore their essays entirely? Thank you for the AMA!

GuilfordCollege19 karma

Great question! We read the application (essay included) first, then the SSR, transcript, test scores or writing portfolio (we are test optional) and any letter of recommendation submitted. Since we are a writing intensive institution, and we really do read holistically, we never ignore the essay!

AnArcher5 karma

DO you believe that the order in which you read applications is replicated at other small LACs?

GuilfordCollege6 karma

I hope I understand your question; if not please correct me/follow up with clarification.

It is my educated guess that most LACs will be reading applications in very similar orders; there are deadlines in the fall who get priority (Early Decison (which is binding) and Early Action) and then we are rolling admission after January- these will typically get read in the order we have received 100% of the student's documents.

AnArcher5 karma

Oh, sorry! No, I meant: reading essays first, then looking at GPA, with letters of rec last. that sort of thing. I ask because my daughter, a junior, has great grade but serious problems with standardized tests. I know Guilford is test-optional, but the LACs on her current list are not.

GuilfordCollege4 karma

OH! Gotcha! I think each counselor in the office will take their own approach because we never skip an item on the application; everything gets read in great detail. We spend a ton of time on each application. That being said, I cannot speak to the other LACs.

SheilaScribbles8 karma

What does being a Quaker school mean?

GuilfordCollege14 karma

At Guilford being a Quaker school means your education will be guided by our seven core values (equality, diversity, integrity, stewardship, excellence, justice, and community), you will engage with faculty--who you will call by their first name--and peers in honest conversations about the world, you will be challenged by and inspired to see what every student offers to the classroom, and our Quaker-man mascot will represent the school!

5andaquarterfloppy6 karma

I've noticed religion was completely left out. I live very close to George Fox, who also pride themselves on being Quaker, but have a heavy christian influence. I also noticed below you mention LGBTQQA and other items in your multi culture studies. What is your schools foundational beliefes when you teach these subjects? Are they from a religious point of view first?

GuilfordCollege10 karma

I admit, this is challenging and delicate. While we have Quaker roots, we are not formally tied to a religious body. Our perspective first and foremost is about acceptance and inclusivity. While this is our interpretation of Quaker origins (that there is something in everyone which deserves respect), it is expressed mostly securlarly on campus. Five percent of our students identify as Quaker. Many are bringing other religious beliefs and still more do not announce a connection with a religion. We know that we learn more about the world when people are bringing all parts of their identities into the classroom. Our education is based on posing challenging questions in a diverse setting and letting students discern for themselves how they react. Again, this is Quaker influenced but not expressed religiously.

pwnofark7 karma

Hey! Thanks for doing this AMA! What was the topic on the best essay you have ever read?

GuilfordCollege12 karma

After asking the group, we cannot agree so here you go: Grace loved one this year about how intimidating writing a college essay was. She said is was beautifully written and honest. Zach's favorite was about a student who led an expedition down a mountain and they encountered some bad weather and delays and almost didn't make it. Kaycee's favorite was about a student who encountered a shark in the ocean, but loved it bc they way it was framed was clever and unexpected. Kyle's favorite essay was about a student who was the caretaker for his large family and the sense of pride he felt when he put his youngest sibling on the bus to Kindergarten.

GuilfordCollege4 karma

After asking the group, we cannot agree so here you go: Grace loved one this year about how intimidating writing a college essay was. She said is was beautifully written and honest. Zach's favorite was about a student who led an expedition down a mountain and they encountered some bad weather and delays and almost didn't make it. Kaycee's favorite was about a student who encountered a shark in the ocean, but loved it bc they way it was framed was clever and unexpected. Kyle's favorite essay was about a student who was the caretaker for his large family and the sense of pride he felt when he put his youngest sibling on the bus to Kindergarten.

Domokun2287 karma

I'm a junior in high school. I go to a high level charter school. My weighted GPA at the end if sophomore year was a 3.05, unweighted was a 2.98. It should significantly increase at the end of this year. Assuming I do above average on my ACT and Sat, What would you say my chances of going to a non-community college would be? Do college admissions tend to care more about weighted or unweighted GPA? ACT or SAT?

GuilfordCollege6 karma

Hello! Each college and university is different. At Guilford we look at the whole student, not just the GPA. We also look at your test scores (or an academic writing portfolio), the types of courses you are taking, and what extracurricular activities you are involved in (clubs, sports, part-time jobs, etc). Keep working hard! :)

BlueberryButtLick7 karma

What the fuck is a Quaker?

Beau_Heeka6 karma

Who would win in a fight? George Fox or Mary Dyer?

GuilfordCollege13 karma

Neither! Both are pacifists.

odd846 karma

Why is "small-private" hyphenated in this submission's title and body, and why is the author of said grammatical aberration involved in evaluating the writing of others?

BarrelRoll19964 karma

Why is "small-private" hyphenated in this submission's title and body, and why is the author of said grammatical aberration involved in evaluating the writing of others?

GuilfordCollege4 karma

HA! I-deserve-that-one.

N_Wiggles5 karma

I have been accepted to the college and I applied for the honors program. How does the honors dorm work? I've heard that any student can live there, regardless of if they are in the program or not. Are there a significant number of non-honors students living in the honors dorm, or is it mostly just honors students? Thanks for taking the time to answer our questions!

hersom5 karma

As a tag-on to this question, is there a date that we should expect to hear back about our applications to the honors college?

GuilfordCollege5 karma

Congratulations on your admission! We're also very glad that you chose to apply to the Honors Program. Applications are being reviewed as we speak! You should be hearing back the first week of March.

As a first year, you will live in a residence hall with other first years. In your later years on campus, you can apply to the Honors Dorm (called English Hall) through our housing selection process. The emphasis of English Hall is really to create an academically-focused living environment. While honors students are given priority, all students are allowed to apply. Right now, out two-thirds of the students living in English Hall are part of the Honors Program.

SailorOmicronPersei85 karma

How many of your graduates are currently employed in their fields?

GuilfordCollege3 karma

73% of our 2014 graduates are working in a field related to their academic major!

Kajel-Jeten5 karma

What percent of students live on campus?

GuilfordCollege5 karma

Currently we have 75% of our students living on campus.

Jack_Off_All_Tradez9 karma

What percent lives off campus, and are the math requirements hard? Asking for a friend.

GuilfordCollege1 karma

The remainder (25%) would live off campus, either within a 30 mile radius with parents/guardians or in nearby housing. As part of the general education requirements, students must fulfill the quantitative literacy requirement (aka math), which is 1 course. Depending upon major, you might be required to take additional courses.

neonchickenwings5 karma

What sets your school apart from earlham?

GuilfordCollege4 karma

Location, location, location! Greensboro is a city of 282,000 and the metro area has 1.6 million people. The greater area, called the Piedmont-Triad, is home to over 13 colleges and universities. In other words, there's a lot going on! Huge musical acts (from Bruce Springsteen to Taylor Swift) sporting events (like Olympic trials), and major speakers (George Takei is coming in March) come through Greensboro every year. You can find almost anything you would want or need right here.

The other part of this answer is really about YOUR "fit." While many of the values and much of the history is similar, some students react differently to the feel of each campus. Come visit! See for yourself how what feels right.

GuilfordCollege5 karma

From left to right- Zach, Grace, Erin, Kaycee, and Kyle are a team of Admission Counselors who read applications, host daily visits, travel to college fairs, and assist prospective students through their application process. Guilford College is a small-private Quaker liberal arts school in Greensboro, NC.

We'd love to share with you some pointers about what makes a good application, the features and experiences of a liberal arts education, what a Quaker is and what Quaker-based education might look like, the ins and outs of Guilford College specifically (i.e. we are a Test Optional school!), and whatever else might interest you about the application process.

Please refrain from asking us about your chances to get in or to review anything specific from your application (i.e. your entire essay). Ask us ALMOST Anything!

FB: /guilfordcollege

Twitter: @GuilfordCollege

IG: Guilford_College

Snapchat: guilfordcollege

My Proof:

GuilfordCollege3 karma

Not sure the issue with our content being visible or not but here is our blurb! Ask away!

frank_abernathy4 karma

Hey guys!

I work as a college advisor at a small non-profit that serves low-income students of color. For many of my students, they have few family members who went to college, or any of the cultural knowledge that is helpful in applying to college.

My question is: What advice would you give a high school student who has no knowledge of higher education, little family support and limited finances about applying to schools like Guilford?

(I went to a college a lot like Guilford - another "College that Changes Lives" - and I think it would be a good fit for my students, but I never know how to sell it)

GuilfordCollege3 karma

Erin here! I also went to another CTCL school and love that you did too! I am a first generation college student from a small town in Ohio, so when I was looking for schools I thought large, public and state which was the wrong direction for me. My parents were fantastic (bc I didn't have a college counseling office or a local CBO that I could work with) and took me to visit a variety of schools and I found my small, private, liberal arts school (which took my poor father a few semesters to understand) where the intimate relationships, small classes and people throwing opportunities at you constantly were exactly what I needed.

Your students are lucky to have you as a resource and they can use you as a reference point. It is important for them to do research on their own and visit! Many schools offer fly-ins, drive in, reimbursements, etc. to make the campus visit accessible. And please tell them never be afraid to contact the school and ask questions! Taking initiative in this process is a huge plus for admission offices to see!

No-Time-For-Caution3 karma

The College promotes 'Multicultural learning' according to your website. What does that mean? And how does it benefit people?

GuilfordCollege3 karma

Guilford has seven core values, one of which is diversity. We promote learning within a diverse-multicultural environment. We have a Multicultural Education Department (MED) on our campus. The MED offers the following programs: the Africana Community, the Latin@ community, LGBTQQA, and the Native American Program. The MED promotes the creation of a liberated, empowered, equitable, and inclusive environment at Guilford College. All of this and more can be found at:

JMCrown3 karma

I imagine that like a lot of other private, SLA&S schools, you have more applicants qualifying for need-based aid but do not have enough financial aid resources to fund everyone. How do you address this problem: are you need blind in the admission process but that might mean students you admit might not receive the full amount of aid they qualify for or do you take need into consideration in the admission process and then fully fund students who qualify?

GuilfordCollege3 karma

This is tricky! Less the 100 schools in the country claim they meet 100% demonstrated need and unfortunately we are not one of those schools. We are need blind in the admission process and do, in fact, have a large population of students that are high need and to be transparent, we are unable to cover their full need. That does not mean that our financial aid awards are not competitive and aggressive, especially when you are comparing us to other SLA schools. Here is an article ( that says 62 or the 1,136 that submitted need data meet full need. Hope this helps.

Kajel-Jeten3 karma

The school website mentions students taking bredth courses for one of each division (arts, business and policy studies, humanities, natural sciences and mathematics and social science). Could you go into more detail about what that would look like?

GuilfordCollege5 karma

Of course! A great place to see the breadth requirements is our online catalog:

Often time you can take courses that will double count, fulfilling two requirements at once. Many of our breadth courses are also great ways to explore different areas and find a major for you! You might also place out of some courses like English, math or foreign language due to AP/IB/Dual enrollment courses or taking our placement tests. You also don't have to take all of your general education requirements in your first two years! You might take some in your junior and your senior year.

snipperts3 karma

As a parent, I've heard a lot about large aid packages at "small liberal arts schools". I don't recall that happening in my own experience, but instead, the aid only made up about 90% of the difference, leaving the overall price tag higher.

Can you talk about how your school would be accessible to high performing, but not tippy-top (say, 20th percentile to 5th percentile) students from the middle class, whose parents may not be able to fully fund their education?

Do you feel you can compete with in-state tuition within North Carolina and beyond?

Do you have any thoughts about long-term funding changes as we see people calling for big changes in how college is funded, as the children of Generation X go to college?

Edit: You didn't say ask you only one anything.

GuilfordCollege3 karma

We pride ourselves on taking a holistic approach when we read applications. With that being said, the "numbers" are important, but we also look at what else applicants are involved with inside and outside of school. All of these factors play a role in the merit scholarship process. We feel that we can be competitive with state school pricing once everything takes it's proper course. Regarding long-term funding changes, each and every family is a different situation. Our financial aid counselors do a fantastic job working with all of our students throughout the process and laying out any and all options.

8BitBrews3 karma

Broadly speaking, what do you look for in a transfer student? How heavily do you weigh HS performance for someone who has completed an AS?

GuilfordCollege2 karma

When applying as a transfer students, the requirements differ depending on the number of credits you have completed.

If you have less than 30 credit hours from other colleges/universities, we require your college transcript(s), as well as your high school material (high school transcript and your test scores/academic writing portfolio).

If you have 30 credit hours or more, you will only need to submit your college transcript(s). We are typically looking for a 2.5 college GPA. Having completed your AS, this should apply to you! Feel free to contact us and we can get you in touch with a transfer admission counselor! :)

I (Kaycee) was a transfer to Guilford myself!!

VolantVelociraptor3 karma

If you had to pick your favorite part of Guilford, what would it be?

Also, what department do you think produces the best graduates as far as the job market is concerned?


GuilfordCollege2 karma

When the team comes back from lunch I will see if they want to answer this one as well.

For me, my favorite aspect is also what drew me to come here: the values in which the school was founded upon and lives by. Being at a place where everyone can identify a different way and are accepted for who they are in a special thing to have, especially on a college campus. Everyone here is super friendly, affirming, and actively inclusive. Having gone to a Quaker summer camp growing up which also has these characteristics, this place is home. Additionally, it is easier to conduct research, show up to class, participate in discussions, and get my work done when there aren't silly distractions like "I don't want to talk for fear of people thinking I am a weirdo."


hersom2 karma

What resources do you provide to students applying to grad school?

GuilfordCollege4 karma

Great question! We have a state of the art facility with some of the friendliest staff members you'll ever meet called The Career Development Center. They do a number of things but specifically when it comes to assisting our students applying to graduate school they will provide you with the resources you will need to conduct the proper searches to find the school that best fits your needs, help connect you with admission test resources (GMAT, LSAT, GRE, etc.), provide you some guidance on what courses would be wise to take as prerequisites to grad school, help rework, refine, and format your resume, and to draft a Statement of Purpose. Hope this helps! Please do not hesitate to explore our website following the link above or ask any follow up questions!

JohnQuicyAdams2 karma

Do you give preference to people that are Quaker? What about if you went to Friends schools?

On a side note, as a Quaker myself, people think I'm Amish or something. Also, there are many elite schools in America that were founded by Quakers, and some are still affiliated with them.

GuilfordCollege6 karma

We do not take religious beliefs into consideration when reviewing. Students who have attended a Friends School have the advantage of knowing the culture of a Quaker community and college, therefore may have a closer interaction with members of said community (such as ours) but it will not give you an advantage when it comes to being admitted. I will say that formulating a positive relationship with our admission staff will be beneficial to give us a better sense of who you are and what you will bring to our community. Quakers are notorious for cultivating those relationships!

P.S. I sometimes get asked if we have electricity in the dorms...I tell families once a month we are not Amish.

fpzero2 karma

Do you ever get grief from other offices on campus if a batch of students doesn't pan out?

I work in the Registrar's office in a small college in the midwest and I am always giving our admissions people a hard time. I know they have goals to meet, but boy to they know how to choose them.

GuilfordCollege2 karma

Sometimes, yes! Hopefully admissions also gives you a few really great students too :) - Erin

fpzero2 karma

Most of the time they are fantastic! We know your job is hard and nobody would have a job without you!

GuilfordCollege1 karma

Thank you! Your position is not easy either. I hope that your year is going well so far.

filthy_tiger2 karma

Yall still play wink?

GuilfordCollege4 karma

This wink is for anyone who still plays wink!

filthy_tiger3 karma

I'm not quaker myself, but alot of my friends are and I met my wife at SAYMA on Warren Wilson's campus 14 years ago. Played wink there. Bloody noses, rug burn, scrapes and bruises. The whole time I was thinking "you call yourselves pacifists?" Good times.

GuilfordCollege8 karma

This made us all smile! Funny enough we have men's and women's rugby and a nationally recognized football program! Some folks refer to us as the ironically claimed "Fighting Quakers." Our ultimate frisbee club even uses a cheer: Fight! Fight! In the Light! Kill Quakers, KILL! Knock 'em down, beat them senseless! Do this 'till we reach consensus!

Collieflower_2 karma

How many incoming freshmen are coming from Maryland? I notice there isn't a meeting for students in Maryland, am I the only one?

GuilfordCollege2 karma

We don't know yet how many students from Maryland will be in our first year class this fall. Hopefully lots! I can tell you that last year it was our 5th most popular state with respect to recruitment. When we started school in the fall, there were a total of 67 Guilford students (all grades) who graduated from Maryland high schools.

What do you mean by a "meeting" in Maryland?

Collieflower_2 karma

The "Amitted Student Receptions"

GuilfordCollege2 karma

We have an Admitted Student Reception in Bethesda! :)

SayerApp2 karma

Hi there! Do you think admissions is getting harder for students? Do you see stress in young people when they look at how they're going to pay for college?

GuilfordCollege1 karma

I don't think it is getting harder for students, but I do think certain aspects of the college process are being emphasized. Many students are considering colleges for their name brand, rather than considering if the college is the right fit for them. And of course students and their families experience stress in regards to paying for college, especially is they are considering a private institution. We as a staff are available to help make this process less stressful!

TroyAlexandros2 karma

How did you all end up on the admissions team? I'm curious to know how one becomes qualified/is selected for the job.

GuilfordCollege2 karma

We have all taken very different routes to end up in the admissions office. Personally, I was a tour guide while I was a student at Guilford and my admissions counselor was also instrumental in my decision to attend Guilford. Being in college admissions calls for long hours, hard work, passion for helping students find the right fit and HIGH ENERGY. - Kyle

ihatecats182 karma

How does a gulliford degree hold up to other local private schools?

GuilfordCollege2 karma

In what regard? In terms of reputation? I can only really speak to my personal experience and what I know which is Guilford.

allieeeeecattt1 karma

Do you have to commit to Guilford before applying to be a Bonner Scholar?

GuilfordCollege1 karma

No, you do not.

[deleted]1 karma


GuilfordCollege2 karma

It is great to hear your GPA and that you are challenging yourself! At Guilford we look at the whole person. We want to know more about you than your GPA. If you're a senior you can still apply for this fall. Go to

It is always free to apply!

8fft1 karma

How many students apply to the Bonners program and how many get accepted? Can you expain the benefits of being a Bonner?

GuilfordCollege1 karma

In the past over 50 students have applied for the Bonners program. There are only 15 spots available in each class. Bonner applicants should have a strong record of previous community service experience and must demonstrate a high level of financial need as determined by the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid). Therefore, there is the benefit of scholarship funds, but it goes beyond that. Bonner Scholars are required to complete 140 hours of service each semester, getting to make a difference in the local Greensboro community. You will develop important leadership skills as well that will benefit you during your time as a student and after Guilford as well. You also get to be a part of the Bonner community, working together with your peers both in the program and at Guilford who are passionate about service. You can email me, Kaycee, at, with any other questions! :)

8fft1 karma

When will we be notified if we are accepted into the honors program?

GuilfordCollege1 karma

The first week in March. The committee is busy reviewing the record number of applications we had for the Honors program this year. so you will here very soon!

ekillefer1 karma

Why have I not heard back about my application if I applied in October?

GuilfordCollege2 karma

I cannot tell who you are with just your username, so if you email me directly at I would be happy to help.

YourPassportNumber1 karma

What's the best way to explain a pass rate GPA and a few failed topics on your transcript?

GuilfordCollege2 karma

A few ways:

  1. There will be a space for additional information on your application. Use this to explain any oddities- interruptions from school, weird trends (maybe you moved or were sick) for a semester), struggles in areas of study, etc.

  2. Provide explanations during your admissions interview on campus.

  3. Just be in contact with and formulate meaningful relationships with the admission staff. We are approachable and reasonable- let us know what we need to know!

all1g4tor1 karma

What would you say is the defining characteristic of Guilford as a school?

GuilfordCollege2 karma

It is so difficult to choose just one! As a former student and current employee, EQUALITY is the most prominent and unique core value at Guilford. After going to high school in the south and addressing all adults by "yes sir" or "yes ma'am" it was definitely a transition when I arrived at Guilford where it is the norm to address adults by their first names. After a month or so, I realized that this community is all about building relationships. Especially in the classroom, it is crucial that everyone is comfortable and willing to share their views. When everyone is on a first name basis with each other, people are more likely to be participate in classroom discussions and ask questions without feeling intimidated. I hope this is somewhat helpful! - Kyle

Musiclover_1 karma

Is Guilford really haunted?

GuilfordCollege2 karma

So we've heard! Some folks say that Dana Auditorium is haunted.. but who knows! :)

8fft1 karma

What kind of support do you have at the school for students that are homesick?

GuilfordCollege2 karma

It is totally common and normal for students to feel homesick. If a student comes forward, we have a fantastic staff of Resident Advisors and Community Directors in our residence halls who will always be a shoulder to lean on. As admission counselors, we are always checking in with students as well, even after they have enrolled at Guilford. Also, we have a first year year experience program at Guilford that helps assist students with the transition into college and also connects first-year students with resources on campus.

sirjc1 karma

Does Guilford have a high proportion of International Students? Are there any specific organizations for them to partake in? And what does Guilford look for in International students?

GuilfordCollege2 karma

Unfortunately, we have a small proportion of international students, but they represent 20 countries!! We have an International Club that students can be a part of, where they can share their culture with their peers, etc. But, we encourage all students to join any club they are interested in! As for the application process, student must demonstrate English proficiency and submit a certificate of finances, aside from submitting the common application and high school transcripts. You can find more details regarding application requirements and how to demonstrate English proficiency here:

sirjc1 karma

Hey, I am an International student who applied for fall 2016 through the early action deadline, when shall I recieve a decision?

GuilfordCollege3 karma

Hi there! You should hear by March 1.


8fft1 karma

Do you know if there is any kind of car pooling for the students that live in Pennsylvania? Or does Guilford offer a bus? And how many freshmen have cars on campus?

GuilfordCollege1 karma

Three things.

  1. Some of our students have recently began a ride share forum on Facebook which allows students to request rides, offer rides, etc. This becomes very popular on either side of break times.

  2. Being a Quaker institution we have a large number of students from PA. You are guarantee to know someone from their with a vehicle!

  3. We even have a place in our daily email bulletin (students, faculty, staff can read/post events, things for sale, new classes, happenings, etc) where folks can post requests for rides and carpools.

There is no specific bus system for Guilford but we live 15 minutes from a train/bus depot and 8 minutes from an Airport (PTI). As for cars, we do not have a specific number but you can have a car here all 4 years!

8fft1 karma

What happens when a student is sick? Is there a Dr. on campus?

GuilfordCollege2 karma

Services for students are provided by Eagle Family Physicians. Their facility is located adjacent to campus. You can find the list of services offered at no charge here:

PlanePat231 karma

What's the student life like at your school?

GuilfordCollege3 karma

Super community oriented! Our students are very engaged and involved inside and outside the classroom, have really strong and interesting passions, and pour their heart and souls into what the do and create. Social gatherings will mainly consist of fun and games rather than the raging party scenes you see in the movies. We have roughly 45 very active and inclusive organizations and clubs and 20 varsity athletic programs- there is always something going on. We are also 12 minutes down the street from downtown Greensboro where there are community events, festivals, shopping, clubs, restaurants, 4 other colleges, and art and history museums (we are home to the International Civil Rights Center and Museum!)

allieeeeecattt1 karma

When calculating financial aid, do you include housing in the cost of attendance?

GuilfordCollege1 karma

We do! Included below is a link to our Tuition and Financial Aid page via our website. This will give more of a comprehensive breakdown.