Worked in McDonalds 2+ years. Feel like i've seen every kind of customer. Feel free to ask me anything

UPDATE: I have to go to work now, I will try to answer some questions during the shift, if not I will answer all when I finish. Have a good night everyone

UPDATE 2: If I haven't answered your question chances are it was answered in a previous question.

Comments: 3881 • Responses: 79  • Date: 

chainggangtrainbang3339 karma

Do you have to actively hold the burgers against the grill so they don't fall to the ceiling since you're in Australia?

Edit: please downvote me. It means upvotes in Australia.

mrsbass792571 karma

Yes, we hire a person solely for that purpose.

beejamine1313 karma

Why the hell can't I get a thickshake at night. Is the machine really being cleaned?

mrsbass791616 karma

The machine is programed to go into heat treatment so yes it is in cleaning. It does it every morning around 1-2 am. If you can't get a shake during the day then sorry but I don't know anything about that

Winterplatypus1116 karma

Some girl got really really pissed at me because I asked for a shake and she pressed something on the machine when it was cleaning and the machine sprayed her with watery milk.

mrsbass791371 karma

It was in heat treatment and she didn't notice.

TheRealChocolateFrog206 karma

The machines have a 24 hour timer and will literally shut down until you set it on a clean cycle. Then once a fortnight they're pulled apart and all the mix is thrown out, and then replaced.

mrsbass79187 karma

It's called a brush clean.

Lauie221066 karma

what are the letters on your badge for? q, s, c, m, x?

mrsbass791316 karma

As answered before.

Quality, Service, Cleanliness, McCafe and then X what you get after you receive the other 4

BabyWaiter1035 karma

The X star is actually when you've had a 100% performance review.

mrsbass791262 karma

Well there you go. After I got the other 4 a manager gave me the 5th. I kinda just assumed

Divine_Bear153 karma

Is it not a tad redundant having a badge to signify that you have all the other badges, when you still have all the other badges on there?

mrsbass79150 karma

I dont know. Its their policy i guess

PhantomBumHugger1019 karma

Would you rather eat 20 cheese burger sized horses or 1 horse sized cheese burger?

mrsbass79735 karma

1 horse sized cheeseburger probably. May need some help from friends though

horselover_fat882 karma

How many times a night do people walk through the drive through?

mrsbass791155 karma

Hardly any anymore. Its banned

the_seven870 karma

What if I came thru in a trolley?

mrsbass79825 karma

still no

Captainbosspirate943 karma

Even if I had a witches hat on my head whilst in the trolley?

mrsbass791836 karma

we'd laugh at you and still not serve you

mrsbass79294 karma

No. Sorry

gloriouspenguin155 karma

What about a bicycle? As we're legally considered a motorist on the road.

I've been wondering this for a while, wouldn't do it normally anyway.

mrsbass79259 karma

Theres bike racks out the front of stores so you can come inside

treasurebum812 karma

What is the craziest order you've taken?

mrsbass791532 karma

Personally, 12 large big mac meals and 12 cheeseburgers at 3am Tuesday morning.

DeliverinSigma1880 karma

I work at BK in Arizona. If that's your craziest order, you're living the mild life brother.

mrsbass79319 karma

Thats at 3am though during the day its worse but im not working

TheCrimsonWave724 karma

Is Australia scarier at night time or day time?

mrsbass79877 karma

It can be scary at anytime, theres definitely a different kind of crowd that runs at night though.

Christmas11513 karma

We have both diurnal and nocturnal creatures that can kill you.

Good, or bad?

mrsbass79739 karma

You gotta go sometime.

ewokalpyse417 karma

How do you feel about the all-day breakfasts? Has it made life easier or harder?

mrsbass79486 karma

I finish work at 7am so it doesn't bother me. From what I hear from other crew it doesn't bother them much, we don't have the full breakfast menu just select items

wowbagger4242311 karma

As a fellow nightshift worker, and someone that's not really into breakfast food at any time of day, why can there not be a limited amount of non-breakfast food available during breakfast hours? Would gladly stop at Mcd's at 8am for a few double cheeseburgers.

mrsbass79190 karma

Not sure a few people have asked. The company has the final call on that

kotlSpirit359 karma

Do you get eat whatever you want ?

also, what happens to wrong orders that get back to you ?

mrsbass79488 karma

I don't eat mcdonalds much on shift. During a break if you want something you pay half price.

When an order thats wrong gets returned we replace the order and the old food goes into a waste bin to be counted.

_rya_233 karma

you're a crew trainer, why aren't you getting a free meal on your shift? Other crew trainers I know get it free

mrsbass79363 karma

I do. I answered as a general. The only free thing I get is a coffee in the morning I use my free meal for that. All crew though, not crew trainers pay half price. And when they aren't working its 20% off.

telepath_2000353 karma

from Singapore :

Do you serve mayonaisse (for fries)?

mrsbass79386 karma

We serve it in little sachets. You can ask for them

telepath_2000277 karma

They stopped serving these in Singapore...

...and since then, I've never been able to look at fries the same... (sniff)...

mrsbass79338 karma

You can ask for mcchicken sauce in a lid.

FecklessLeft115 karma

How much does that cost in aus btw?

mrsbass79189 karma

40 cents I believe

the_last_moose332 karma

Hey there. I've worked in overnight shifts at Kmart for a few years. I know what type of people go shopping at 3am.

We used to get a lot of hookers and a lot of baked people. One time, we got a group of hookers who were all high, and a dude dressed in a purple suit - likely their pimp. He paid for all their shopping in $100 notes.

So I'd like to ask. What do hookers order for food at ~3am?

mrsbass79454 karma

Not hookers, at least if they are they dont dress that way. We get alot of trannys in our store at night due to our location theres apparently a club/place they go to after dark. We have one guy come in short skirt who always has his testicles out. We've pointed it out that he cant be in the store if he doesn't cover up. He doesn't care.

They generally buy alot of breakfast foods and apple pies

IAmDaBadMan177 karma

I hope that chair gets cleaned after he's done eating.

mrsbass79268 karma

It does. trust me!!

Crabtasticismyname102 karma

Mc Nuggets or Quarter Pounder?

mrsbass79167 karma

nuggets probably

muzzawood310 karma

How many people are there all night? And how much equipment is left running?

mrsbass79400 karma

On weekdays (which I work sunday - Thursday) theres the manager, one kitchen person, maintenance and myself.

As for equipment everything is on but we need to clean them at night so they may not be running for a while eg. Shake/sundae machine

Shockwave0304566 karma

Woo! Someone actually mentioned the maintenance person (me) lol even in the McDonald's subreddit nobody talks about us

mrsbass79500 karma

I love our maintenance guy.

Fashim281 karma

My friends always told me that you could order a "pounder" (as opposed to a quarter pounder) but you needed the manager to verify that you're over 13 years old to buy it, always cracks me up when I hear it but is it true?

mrsbass7989 karma

Not true where i am

TheIllusiveGuy33 karma

Not true that you can order a "pounder" or not true that you needed to verify that you're over 13?

mrsbass7992 karma

true you can order it. not true you need to verify age

hybridadam1386267 karma

Bro, I did that in Canada about 10 years ago.

Do you hate cleaning the fry vats as much as I did, or do they contract that out?

mrsbass79295 karma

I do hate it. We don't contract it out :(

raytaylor165 karma

If I come over to australia, can I get a kiwiburger?

mrsbass79122 karma


Eatsleepravereapeat160 karma

Any secret menu items that you can list for us???

mrsbass79348 karma

We don't have a secret menu.

SimonButcher506 karma

Yes yes, it wouldn't be secret if you just told people willy-nilly on reddit, right? * WINK WINK * ;)

mrsbass79184 karma

True true!

PyrosVengeance169 karma

What about the land, sea, and air burger? Cheese burger, filet-o-fish, and mc chicken mixed into one?

mrsbass79190 karma

No one has ever ordered. I've never even heard of it but love the name

digbus155 karma

Which state? Is there plans for Mcdonalds delivery in Australia?

weapon66143 karma

I was one of the drivers for Maccas Parramatta (NSW) Delivery AMA?

mrsbass79103 karma

I'd read that. Probably ask some questions too :)

mrsbass7971 karma

Victoria. From what I heard there is I'm just not sure when that'll be. Sorry I couldn't be more helpful.

_rya_56 karma

It's already a thing at some McDonalds!

mrsbass7991 karma

We got forms about it from the union but nothing has come of it yet.

yourefuckedintheface154 karma

Why did I get mayonnaise on my quarter pounder one night? I hated it.

mrsbass79169 karma

Did you accidentally ask for it? if not, i'd say it was an honest mistake with the sauce guns. You can always take it back and they'll replace it for you

nazismulligatawny118 karma

which store are you at? Can you hook a brother up with a late night cheesy, im starving.

mrsbass79968 karma

I'm not going to tell you what store im at sorry. I can always hook people up with late night cheesies. The key is buying the cheesy in exchange for money

Renoguy2793 karma

How many mcflurries have you eaten?

mrsbass79124 karma

Hardly any. I don't eat Maccas that much

Putnum79 karma

Why are mcflurries fucking ruined? I ordered a creme egg mcflurry and they put it in a crappy cardboard fold-up cup and didn't even "flurry" the ice cream. The topping barely tasted like creme egg (the warm caramel topping would do a better job) and the broken up chocolate tasted cheap and was pretty hard. $4.40 I won't be spending again in a hurry!

mrsbass79123 karma

they removed the machines that use to mix the ice cream and toppings. not our fault

Matti_Matti_Matti54 karma

Have you ever had a flurry with half Oreos and half m&m's?

mrsbass7964 karma

Yes. And with toppings

iam_w0man92 karma

Why is it so hard to remember to put my sweet n sour sauce in the bag?

mrsbass79101 karma

ask the drive thru presenter. just double check the bag

EdFricker51 karma

Do you get paid extra on weekends? Has your salary increased from the starting salary? Has anyone been underpaid/ripped off?

mrsbass7992 karma

I don't work weekends but I believe you do. Your salary increases every year due to age. I haven't heard of anyone being underpaid/ripped off at least not from my store.

froasian43 karma

is crew training all you do for your whole shift everyday? do you work in the same store all the time? what's your wage like?

mrsbass7964 karma

Unfortunately I rarely train anyone due to me being the only front crew person on an overnight. I am only at the one store. My wage is ok, doing overnight theres penalties and loading.

sisman6142 karma

10 to 1, 4 to 1 or 3 to 1?

mrsbass7966 karma

4 to 1 angus

darcy01041 karma

Can I buy sweet and sour sauce in bulk? It's too good.

mrsbass7956 karma

probably its 50c each though. there's 250 in a box

IAmDaBadMan41 karma

Do you have contests like Monopoly?

mrsbass7962 karma

we do have monopoly, once a year I think

dracbrax25 karma

Is Hungry Jacks better than Maccas? Why is the $2 Ice Cream cone so goddamn hard to eat?

mrsbass7940 karma

I didn't realise it was hard to eat. You're the first person to say that

mrsbass7915 karma

I don't eat enough of either to choose really.

MimonFishbaum24 karma


mrsbass7989 karma

australian slang

Minimanbear21 karma

On a scale of 1 to "to hell" how bored are you?

mrsbass7946 karma

3 - I'm currently getting ready for work so just waiting for time to pass

Ristake19 karma

Do you also have beer bottles thrown at you, cars driven into sides of buildings, doors ripped of hinges, windows smashed, people making out on counters while customers try to order, multiple fist fights, drunk drivers bumping into each other in the drive through, people stealing food from the out going heated pan so you have to meticulously go through each cell to get things re-made and more?

Oh and calling the cops doesn't do anything because theyre sick of getting calls from McDonald's so they won't show up until 2 hours after the bar rush?

mrsbass7926 karma

we are in between two police stations, they make regular drive bys to check on us.

bottles thrown at us, food. people stealing food. weapons. pretty much everything you wrote

Christmas1112 karma

Few questions:

  • How do you deal with seeing morbidly obese people eating lots of fast food. Have you ever tried to cut someone off or not taken their order?

  • What made you want to do an overnight shift? How do you manage the interference to your social life?

  • Do you think you'll stay working at McDonalds indefinitely? Have you ever been critisize in a meaningful way for working at McDonald?

  • You said you don't eat much McDonalds, do you just avoid junk food or is there a different reason? What is good food in your books?

  • If you could change anything about McDonalds, what would it be?

  • Have you ever been to USA (or anywhere overseas for that matter) and had McDonalds? How do you think it compares?

  • Have you ever been working when the place has been robbed? What do you do in that type of situation? What about if/when fights break out?

  • What's the funniest thing you've seen working at McDonalds?

  • Do you agree with me that Breakfast at Tiffineys by Deep Blue Something is a fucking terrible song with completely pointless lyrics?

mrsbass7922 karma

How do you deal with seeing morbidly obese people eating lots of fast food. Have you ever tried to cut someone off or not taken their order? We don't deal with it unfortunately we can't tell people they can't order food

What made you want to do an overnight shift? How do you managed the interference it must have with your social life ? I work overnight so my kid doesn't have to go into before/after school care.

Do you think you'll stay working at McDonalds indefinitely? Does anyone critisize you for working at McDonald? No I won't be here forever, people critisize it all the time, at least im earning money.

You said you don't eat much McDonalds, do you just avoid junk food or is there a different reason. What is good food in your books? I don't eat it much becuse i'm around it 40 hours a week.

If you could change anything about McDonalds, what would it be? Being able to bring your kids in at 2:30 for food. they should be sleeping Have you ever been to USA (or anywhere overseas for that matter) and had McDonalds? How do you think it stands up? I have, wasn't a fan.

Have you ever been working when the place has been robbed? No I haven't thankgod.

What do you do in that type of situation? What about if/when fights break out? We call the police.

What's the funniest thing you've seen working at McDonalds? drunk people getting mad at chairs/windows

gooneruk42 karma

Making it a bit more legible:

  • How do you deal with seeing morbidly obese people eating lots of fast food. Have you ever tried to cut someone off or not taken their order? We don't deal with it unfortunately we can't tell people they can't order food

  • What made you want to do an overnight shift? How do you managed the interference it must have with your social life? I work overnight so my kid doesn't have to go into before/after school care.

  • Do you think you'll stay working at McDonalds indefinitely? Does anyone critisize you for working at McDonald? No I won't be here forever, people critisize it all the time, at least im earning money.

  • You said you don't eat much McDonalds, do you just avoid junk food or is there a different reason. What is good food in your books? I don't eat it much becuse i'm around it 40 hours a week.

  • If you could change anything about McDonalds, what would it be? Being able to bring your kids in at 2:30 for food. they should be sleeping

  • Have you ever been to USA (or anywhere overseas for that matter) and had McDonalds? How do you think it stands up? I have, wasn't a fan.

  • Have you ever been working when the place has been robbed? No I haven't thankgod.

  • What do you do in that type of situation? What about if/when fights break out? We call the police.

  • What's the funniest thing you've seen working at McDonalds? drunk people getting mad at chairs/windows

By the way, kudos on choosing to do night shifts so you can take/pick up your kid from school.

mrsbass798 karma

Thankyou for doing that. Im on my phone I didnt know how to do it

Haus425 karma

Say you were a visitor from North America who really wanted 5 packets of ketchup (tomato sauce) to go with your fries. (I know, I know - it sounds like sheer madness.) How would you phrase your request?

My current routine starts with "I'm sorry love, I'm a bloody seppo, and we have this thing with tomato sauce..."

mrsbass797 karma

Just place your regular order then ask for a few extra ketchup packets

Bucketlink3 karma

Why the longer wait for wholemeal muffins? Does nobody order them?

mrsbass794 karma

Not everyone orders them no and we don't want them to go stale in the trays so we mostly toast them to order

wuey3 karma

How hard was it to get the job? I've heard Mcdonalds and supermarket jobs are the 'gold standard' these days for casual/part time work

mrsbass795 karma

i'm full time as am of mature age so I could work overnight. it was easy for me

Bluelogic322 karma

What kind of personality and skills do you think you need to have to work at mcdonalds?

mrsbass792 karma


-izac-2 karma

Does an Australian McDonald's serve anything diffrent on the menu than the American version?

mrsbass796 karma

We've had a look a few times. I feel like our menu is quite smaller to the one in the US. this is our menu here

-izac-8 karma

Whaaaaaaaaaaaat?! Salsa and guacamole loaded fries??

mrsbass797 karma

also cheese and bacon

pewpfeast4202 karma

How come mcdicks never has the double hamburger on the menu? Its like $1.29 here in Canada, shits great but I've never seen it listed as a value pick or anything.

mrsbass791 karma

Just add an extra patty

senorderp892 karma

Are you in Adelaide? Was thinking of doing a maccas run but then I saw this!

Is there anything you refuse to order because you know what's in it? I know you've said you don't eat maccas much, but just wondering if there's anything on the menu that is actually pretty nasty?

mrsbass792 karma

I'm not in adelaide. Theres nothing nasty I just don't eat it much because i'm around it all the time

Winterplatypus1 karma

What are the inside tricks for things to order/not order etc to get decent food?

For example: From 10pm - midnight you order something that everyone orders so it's freshly made. At 3am you order something rare so they have to make it to order. I know there is some policy dictating how long something can be in the warmer before you make a fresh one, but the store I go to.. I'm pretty sure they don't follow that policy.

Do you know any other tricks like that?

mrsbass791 karma

We cook to order mostly throughout the night so there isn't much waste left.

bleeeer1 karma

mrsbass79, were you born in 1979? Are you 37 years old?

mrsbass791 karma


[deleted]1 karma


mrsbass791 karma


PoopsicleMan1 karma

How many customers do you get that come in high with late night munchies?

mrsbass791 karma

Quite alot.

bo2b1 karma

Hey occasionally when I'm at peak slobbiness, I'll stroll through Maccas at 2-3 am to get a large McFeast meal with a bottle of water. Just wondering why the McFeast meal is so good in the very early hours of the morning?

mrsbass791 karma

Meats fresh.

regulatororiginator1 karma

Best custom burger that isn't a create your taste?

mrsbass791 karma

read above please

CswBizzel1 karma

Why don't chocolate milkshakes taste like chocolate?

mrsbass791 karma

They don't? news to me.

grawsby1 karma

If I were to order a Sausage McMuffin right now (9pm) would I be getting the spicy sausage patty or a normal cheeseburger patty?

mrsbass792 karma

The sausage patty