My short bio: US & Brazilian Citizen; NY and NJ Court Approved Interpreter; ATA (American Translators Association) Interpreters Division Administrator 2012 – 2014; Freelance interpreter for the UN, UN Women, Brazilian Permanent Mission to the UN, Angolan Delegation, and BRICS Academic Forums. Rio 2007 Pan American Games Translation Team Coordinator.

My Proof: @mariliavinson

Comments: 95 • Responses: 42  • Date: 

ViolinRookie8 karma

Do you prefer translating (written) or interpreting (oral), and why?

BrazilianInterpreter11 karma

I prefer interpreting because it brings you immediate satisfaction because you see the results immediately, with translations most of the time you don't get to see the final product.

sybaritic_footstool6 karma

Que tal achas que vão correr os jogos Olímpicos?

As notícias que correm sobre o ambiente por aí não são muito famosas, quanto delas é exagero e quanto delas é verdade?

BrazilianInterpreter13 karma

Acho que nos Jogos Olímpicos vai tudo correr bem porque o governo estadual e o federal colocarão todos os esforços e recursos necessários para que dê certo. O problema maior virá depois dos Jogos porque a partir daí é que a população vai sentir o abandono das autoridades. Muitas notícias são exageradas, como declarações de pessoas dizendo que os turistas estarão em perigo. Imagino que não estarão em perigo pelos motivos citados acima, as autoridades estarão fazendo o melhor trabalho possível durante os jogos. Mas a cidade e o estado estão de fato passando por sérios problemas de crise financeira.

[translating the question for non Portuguese speakers] How do you think the Olympic games will turn out? The news about what is going on there has a lot of media attention, how much of it is an exaggeration and how much of it is the truth?

I think that during the Olympic Games everything will turn out okay because the state and federal governments will use all required resources and make all required efforts for it to work out fine. The biggest problem will be after the Games because after that, the population will feel the abandonment of the authorities. A lot of what is in the news is an exaggeration, such as statements by people saying that the tourists will be in danger. I think that for the reasons mentioned above, the authorities will be doing the best they can during the Games. But the city and the state are indeed going through a serious crisis with serious financial problems.

sybaritic_footstool2 karma

Obrigado pela resposta, antes de mais.

Hum... Sim, o teu relato parece, deveras, bem mais sensato que muitas das lengalengas à velho do Restelo que se têm ouvido por aí.

Agora, num registo mais prazenteiro, há alguma prova ou evento dos Jogos que estejas mais desejosa por ver? Já costumavas acompanhar os Jogos antes? Ou não ligavas muito?


Let me just thank you, upfront, for your answer.

Yeah... Your relay of the facts sure does sound a lot more saine and well-rounded, than many of the doomsayer dribble that's been going around.

Well then, on a lighter note, are you particularly excited about any specific event or sport within the Olympics? I mean, do you usually follow the Games?

P.S. por pura curiosidade, o meu sotaque é difícil?

BrazilianInterpreter6 karma

Como espectadora, nunca liguei muito para esportes, mas acho super interessante trabalhar durante um evento desses. A experiência nos Jogos Pan Americanos em 2007 foi inestimável! Uma grande experiência. Vou a um jogo de basquete dos EUA, acho que vai ser incrível! Gosto muito de vôlei também. O Brasil é muito bom no esporte, mas tem tantos outros países que são ótimos também. Não é um resultado tão óbvio quanto o basquete, por exemplo, que está sempre praticamente garantido para os EUA. Adorei o comentário do sotaque. Seu sotaque é tranquilo. De onde você é?

As a spectator, I have never cared too much for sports, but I think it is very interesting to work in an event like this. The experience that I gained during the 2007 Pan American Games was invaluable! I am going to a US basketball game. I think it’s going to be great! I also like volleyball a lot. Brazil is really good at volleyball, but there are many other countries that are equally good. The results are not as obvious as basketball, for example, which is basically a sure victory for the USA. I loved the accent remark. Your accent is fine! Where are you from?

comradely5 karma

How do you think the social and cultural climate in Brazil is going to change after the Olympic games of concluded?

BrazilianInterpreter13 karma

I think it is going to be very negative because the only attention and improvements that have been made so far in the city have been for the events (World Cup and Olympics). These improvements have been superficial, they will not solve the transportation problems that the city has for example, they are only changing it so that is doable during the Games. The Guanabara Bay pollution problem wasn't fixed. There was a BTR line that was supposed to serve the population in Ilha do Governador, the neighborhood beyond the international airport, but they finished the line at the airport, so the people who live in that neighborhood won't really have access to that. A lot of things lie that are going on, State Universities and Hospitals are abandoned. The government doesn't pay civil servants. They have been doing enough to have a successful event, but after that I am pretty sure the situation will worsen.

troxil3 karma

Being an Interpreter is it mostly live translating? Speeches etc. Or do you also do a lot of post record translations?

How do the TV/Radio networks use your work ?

BrazilianInterpreter3 karma

An interpreter works with spontaneous or read speeches, usually live events, not recorded ones. Usually, there is a conference and as the speaker is doing his/her speech on stage, the interpreters simultaneously interpret it. It could also be trainings, like a classroom environment; or court, during trials. TV may use an interpreter during a live interview. For example, I have interpreted during Press Conferences with the NY Marathon runners. The American reporters would ask them questions and I would interpret the questions from English into Portuguese and their answers from Portuguese into English.

trckdsd3 karma

I've been dreaming of visiting rio for years, I've been obsessed with the music and culture. I want to visit sometime after the olympics, but how dangerous is it really for a white guy from the United States? I feel like I would be a walking target.

The Oi Rio Pro surf contest was recently in town and some of the athletes left before the contest started after witnessing a shooting at a gas station. I hear about lots of robberies, and unfortunately i just look like the kind of white guy that has money.

BrazilianInterpreter5 karma

It is certainly a dangerous city, but it is all about being a little street smart. My husband is a typical "gringo" looking person. Very white, light brown hair, blue eyes, tall, but after three years of living here, he has never been robbed. But he is very aware of his surroundings and he believes he has escaped from two possible robberies because of that, and I wasn't there with him when they happened. If you wear typical tourist clothes, and have wave an expensive nikon camera and iPhone in the air all the time, you will be an easy target. If possible, if you know someone, hang out with locals and if you suspect something strange is about to happen, don't hang around to see what happens. For example, once, I caught a bus and saw two suspicious guys get on, I immediately got off, when I got up to leave, a lot of people followed me. People have their suspicions but don't act on it. You must beware of your surrounding. It is a dangerous city, but at the same time it is fascinating and I wouldn't let the fear keep me from visiting it.

trckdsd2 karma

Thanks for answering! Can i ask a follow up?

What is the population of Rio listening to right now? What are the popular genres of music? Is there any great music that I should check out?

BrazilianInterpreter2 karma

If you look up at spotify's Brazil Top 50, you will find a lot of stuff. The most popular genres I"d say are international pop like Rihanna, and the local funk (which is not my cup of tea, but it is very popular). I think that funk is socially interesting, they call it "música de favela" slum music, and it is made by people who live in the communities; a lot of the lyrics are pretty degrading of women (like rap) and talk a lot about sex in a very explicit way. In this genre a very famous one now is "Bum bum Granada" by MC's Zaac & Jerry, e "Tá tranquilo, tá favorável" by MC Bin Laden. But, keep in mind, they are very popular among teenagers and young people, but they are not my thing. I like Seu Jorge, he is more like samba influenced pop music. Chico Science is a band that hasn't done music since the singer died, but it is very typically Brazilian, influenced by the Northeast and very different from the international trends, and I think it is worth checking out. Some of their best are Maracatu Atômico and A Cidade.

trckdsd1 karma

Lol at MC Bin Laden! What a name... I'm excited to check that out, I love funk and i'm obsessed with 70s era Brazilian Jazz/Funk so I'm hoping to find something like that.

BrazilianInterpreter2 karma

Yes, he is quite a character! But Brazilian Funk does not sound like American funk, it is more like hip hop, if you try to compare. If you like 70s funk, you may like Tim Maia and songs like "Over Again", "Sossego" and "Imunização Racional (Que beleza)". I also like Paula Lima's "Quero Ver Você no Baile" and Funk Como Le Gusta songs such as "Olhos Coloridos" (remake) and others.

[deleted]3 karma


BrazilianInterpreter12 karma

I have actually been to town hall meetings at the US Consulate and the crime statistics did not increase significantly during the World Cup, they seemed pretty confident that the same numbers will be expected during the Olympic Games. However, in my opinion, the situation is quite different now. We didn't have such a political crisis with a president about to be impeached, and the financial crisis hadn't hit the country yet because those were election times and they were holding it back as well as possible. But now, I would say, people are in much more disbelief than back then. I think that there may be more crime than in the World Cup, also the terrorist threat is worse during Olympic Games than the World Cup.

kevtroy133 karma

Who is the most famous person you have translated for?

BrazilianInterpreter7 karma

Bill Clinton, in the political arena. Also, in the political arena, I have interpreted for the interim president of Brazil, Michel Temer when he was a vice president. As for celebrities, I think that Fergie was probably the most famous one.

indietorch3 karma

What got you into translating?

BrazilianInterpreter3 karma

I have always loved languages and started learning English when I was 9, here in Brazil. My first motivation for learning English was cultural. I wanted to understand music lyrics and movies. First I studied Architecture, and then I moved to Graphic Design and graduated, but always loved languages. In 1996, I married an American and English became my daily language. I started teaching English because I was out of a job for a while and I started to like it. Then people started requesting translations because I taught English. I started with small projects such as translations of résumés and school transcripts. Then, I decided to specialize in languages. I took a Post Graduation Course in Applied Linguistics and later on decided to move into interpretation. I enjoy doing translations, but interpretation brings me more satisfaction. A lot of people who are successful in the translation/interpretation industry got into this job by accident. Most of us are naturally people who have a variety of interests, superficial and diverse, that is why so many people have background in other fields.

indietorch3 karma

Wow, it sounds like it fell right into place. I'm glad it's something you love to do

BrazilianInterpreter1 karma


vers_le_haut_bateau3 karma

Do you ever transform a statement when translating it? If so, when do you think it's fine to do more than just translating?

BrazilianInterpreter12 karma

That would depend on the field. If you are translating marketing material you have to change it in order to reach the target audience. When you translate rhymed poetry, you need to keep the general feel of the poetry, but keep the metrics and rhymes. However, in fields such as legal, you have to be very careful. You need to try to stick to the original as much as possible. But there are instances where you will say things differently for the sake of good communication. For example, once I was interpreting in Court and the lawyer asked the Brazilian witness whether he had done something,he responded "absolutamente", which if you translate literally means "absolutely". But in Portuguese it has the connotation of "absolutely not". I knew he had meant to say a negative answer, but in order to be safe, I asked him whether he meant no and he confirmed that. Had I translated it literally, I would have made a man confess something he hadn't done.

goatsgreetings3 karma

Are you a fan of Brazilian cinema/TV? If so would you recommend anything recent that is likely to be made available to international audiences?

BrazilianInterpreter6 karma

Recently I have been pretty much just watching the news in Brazil. I haven't been watching any real Brazilian TV, or TV shows. In general, I don't like Brazilian TV, except for a few comedy shows. I have to admit I am not that much of a connoisseur of Brazilian movies, I like Argentinian ones better (El Segredo de Tus Ojos, Nueve Reinas). For comedy, there are old shows I used to like such as "Os Normais", and a very old cult show called "TV Pirata". There are also more recent, interesting website based comedy shows that have some very good episodes and some not so great called "Porta dos Fundos"; but all these are shallow fun, nothing artsy. From the older movies, I like those that you probably already know "City of God", "Central do Brasil", and "Auto da Compadecida". From the most recent ones I liked a movie called "Dois Coelhos" even though I think that the ending could be better. But I may not be the best person to suggest Brazilian movies.

IAMmartinbrundle2 karma

I've always been amazed/impressed at people who can translate on the fly in interviews and the like.

When someone's answer is dragging on a bit, how do you go about translating it? Do you just summarise the general gist of what they were saying, or do you just have an incredibly good memory?

BrazilianInterpreter2 karma

There is a difference between simultaneous and consecutive interpretation. Simultaneous is when you listen to what the person is saying and immediately start interpreting; the speaker is not interrupted. Consecutive is when the interpreter waits for the speaker to stop and then renders his/her interpretation. If the answer is dragging on, it would be more of a challenge for a consecutive interpreter. As a consecutive interpreter you need to have good note taking techniques, but that doesn't mean that you will rely solely on the notes you took. The interpreter needs to be fast and therefore, can't write down every word the speaker says. He/she will write key words and rely partly on the notes and partly on their memory. Consecutive interpretation requires a whole lot of concentration. In the case of simultaneous, you don't need to rely so much on your memory because it is done practically instantly. But some note taking is required whenever you come across a list of items, numbers, names, and things that are too abstract to hold in your memory.

IAMmartinbrundle1 karma

Thanks for the answer.

The question stems from the translations that happen at UFC events post-fight, which would be the 'consecutive' type that you described. They manage to somehow do it without notes, which must make it even harder.

BrazilianInterpreter1 karma

Certainly! Not being able to take notes makes it much harder.

ViolinRookie2 karma

What is the most untranslatable word or phrase in the Portuguese language?

BrazilianInterpreter6 karma

I'd say that culturally based jokes are the most difficult thing to be translated into any language. Also slang can be difficult.

RockyVplusRockyII1 karma

Soooo many jokes about Bahinos.

Also, when I lived in Rio Grande do Sul for two years I ran into a lot of old gaúchos who slaughter the language. They'd contract phrases in crazy ways. For example, instead of saying "come está?" They'd say something like "comaque temo?" The best I can do to unscramble that is to think they are saying "como é que estamos." (Which in English is like "How are we doing")

BrazilianInterpreter1 karma

Yes, these crazy contractions can be pretty challenging too.

ShortyColombo1 karma

First thing that came to my mind was "eita/vixe", honestly LOL

BrazilianInterpreter1 karma

Yes, but there's always an interjection you may use like "Oh my!" or something like that

alphanum3rical2 karma

What did you study to get into interpreting? Language and/or something subject specific?

How do you prepare for jobs that need a lot of subject-specific vocabulary?

BrazilianInterpreter2 karma

First of all, I studied a second language very well. I started learning English when I was 9 and have been speaking it daily for 20 years; and I am still learning (both my first and second languages). It is a never ending process. The first thing you need to focus on is learning a second language (almost) as well as your first, and your first must be very good too because being the native speaker of a certain language doesn't necessary mean you will be a good linguist at that language. Then, I took a Post Graduation Course in Applied Linguistics, and then a one-year simultaneous interpretation course. The main tool that a interpreter may have (besides, of course, training and solid knowledge of at least two languages) is preparing a glossary. When you accept a job, you must request prep material. If you interpret during a conference, for example, you will request power point presentations, bios, and especially an agenda of the event so that you know who the speakers will be and may be able to research. Watch youtube videos with these speakers (if possible) to be familiarized with their accent (quite often they are foreigners speaking English), and read their publications. When you get this reading material, whether it is the power point presentation or material you searched on the internet, if you have time you may read it for understanding. If you don't have time, you may scan the document visually looking for specific vocabulary and terminology that may be potential problems for you while interpreting. Then you make a list with these words and prepare a glossary. It should not have more than 2 pages because you need to be able to check words quickly, on the spot, if necessary, and it should be in alphabetical order so that you may find words easily.

alphanum3rical1 karma

Thank you very much for your elaborate answer.

BrazilianInterpreter1 karma

You're welcome!

VanSensei2 karma

Are there certain dialects of Brazil that are harder to understand? I.e., São Paulo vs. Rio.

BrazilianInterpreter1 karma

Yes, but not as much as Italian dialects for example. Rio and São Paulo are easier for all Brazilian Portuguese speakers and I believe even Portuguese speakers from Portugal because they are in the media, that is what we hear as standard accents. The northeastern accent could be a challenge, but only if the person speaking is not very educated. I think that the higher the educational level of the person, the easier it usually is to understand them because they tend to utter words better.

mannyrmz1232 karma

Who was the person for which translating was the hardest and why?

BrazilianInterpreter5 karma

A Chinese doctor during a medical conference. Several reasons: His thick accent, he was reading a speech and we didn't have a copy of it, he was reading super fast because he had only five minutes to show the findings of his medical research, and in each 10-word sentence, five of them were complicated medical terms.

LimonadeTengu2 karma

Did you actually manage to successfully translate it or você só deu um jeitinho? haha

BrazilianInterpreter1 karma

Let's say that I did my best. :-) Sometimes you need to edit what they say and stick to what is totally essential.

N30G3N2 karma

I'm a college student studying Russian language and literature. How can I get involved in translating professionally after I graduate?

BrazilianInterpreter2 karma

You may start doing small translation jobs at the university for other students. Hang up posters and hand out flyers promoting yourself as a translator around the university campus. A lot of students there will need documents translated. Then, you may contact translation agencies, you may find them online, and offer your services. But to do that, it would help to have some previous experience. You should also take a translation course, not only it will prepare you to take jobs, but you will network, meet people, colleagues may refer you to jobs, the teachers may also offer you projects, etc. Lastly, attend translation conferences where you live. If you are based in the US, the ATA Conference may be a very good source of learning and networking

N30G3N1 karma

Awesome, thank you so much.

BrazilianInterpreter1 karma

You're welcome!

snakesnake92 karma

I'm coming to visit Rio for the Olympics and I've heard that it can be quite dangerous. How much of those stories about the dangers of Rio would you say are a myth vs reality? And how do you think the extra security on duty will change the safety of visitors coming to Rio?

Really looking forward to my trip regardless!

BrazilianInterpreter5 karma

If I can base my answer on what happened during the Pan American Games, I think it will be safer than traveling to Rio at other times of the year. During the Pan American Games, there was a very heavy presence of the armed forces, which minimized crime. In general, Rio is a dangerous city, but I think that a lot of things are exaggerated. For example, I went to a part of town through a tunnel at 7:00 PM, I didn't take long, about 30 minutes, then I came back through the same tunnel at 7:30 PM. I heard on the news that there had been shootouts in the tunnel and criminals had set fire to a bus at 7:00 PM. I was there at 7 and back again at 7:30. Did they clean the scene that fast? Call me crazy, but sometimes, I think that rumors are spread throughout the media. That doesn't mean that violence is not real. It is, but I think they want to sell newspapers too.

Ewals12342 karma

Who is the coolest person that you have met translating? Also NJ ftw (noticed that you are from NY/NJ area in your bio)

BrazilianInterpreter2 karma

I've met lots of great people, but perhaps one of the most interesting people I've met was a Waldorf School Method trainer who was very kind and had a great insight about life, I learned a lot from hearing him speak. I also had the privilege of interpreting for Brazilian civil rights advocate, Wanderlino Nogueira Neto, during his candidacy to join the UN's Committee On The Rights of the Child, which he won. Not only, it was great to see that I had an active role in such an important moment, but I got to know him up close and see how humble and nice he was. I lived in Astoria, Queens in New York City. Love that neighborhood.

FanOfGoodMovies2 karma

Can you request for a speaker to slow down or for a lecturer on a technical subject to give you their written notes beforehand?

BrazilianInterpreter2 karma

You can, but I avoid asking them to slow down for two reasons. - It doesn't look good, and a trained interpreter has techniques to deal with that, one of which is editing the speech. - It doesn't help in anything because they will slow down for five minutes tops and then they will go back to their fast-paced speech.

Requesting someone's written notes specifically may be a delicate issue because for personal reasons they may not want to share them or need to have them with them. But it would be advisable to request power point presentations, prepared speeches, scripts and such, in advance. You may also arrive early and talk to the lecturer.

Th3Arbiter1 karma

What was the hardest part about getting to where you are now as a translator?

BrazilianInterpreter3 karma

The interpretation market is very exclusive. It takes a lot of networking to be successful. Starting my career in the US was a great move because they are more open to the unknown, and they hire people they don't necessarily know that well, off the internet for example. In Brazil, it is all about who you know, so it is more difficult. I think that training a lot and showing how much potential you have as a student helps too. That's what happened to me. The place where I took the interpretation course saw my potential and believed in me, so after I graduated I got a lot of important jobs from them.

AnEnzymaticBoom1 karma

If one language had to be eliminated, which one should it be?

BrazilianInterpreter1 karma

That's a difficult question. I don't think any language should be eliminated, but I do wish that recently created languages such as sign languages could be more global, which is tough because language is a living thing and it constantly changes.

HolySquare1 karma

Do you ever walk around speaking English, to see what the natives have to say?

I always wondered if people who know Thai go into nail salons and play dumb to what they say behind your back for entertainment.

BrazilianInterpreter4 karma

That's interesting. I do speak English around Rio, but not as a social experiment, I speak to my husband who is American and my two daughters who are being raised as bilingual. We do get surprised looks from people, especially when my 3-year-old speaks perfect English. But, don't underestimate how much people understand. They may not be able to speak, but a lot of times, they will be able to understand what you are saying. Especially because English is studied at schools, so a lot of people have basic knowledge. It wouldn't be a good idea to speak English to make sure no one understands. But once, this happened to me in NY City. I was at the subway station and I had a horrible migraine. I felt sick, but used a trashcan so I wouldn't make a mess. A passer by made a horrible comment about me in Portuguese, as if I could control feeling sick. I gave him a sharp answer in Portuguese and he looked at his friend in shock!

MagentaLove1 karma

On a scale of 1-10 how scared are you of getting the Zika virus?

BrazilianInterpreter2 karma

I have to say 2. Not because there are no real reasons for us to get the Zika virus, but because in general I don't freak out too much about illnesses and things like that. The West Nile Virus has scared the population for decades and I have never gotten it. Also, we do our job keeping the mosquitoes away. We don't allow our house to have any standing water in empty containers, which is the mosquitoes breeding environment; and we have two bug zappers (one in the front yard and one in the backyard) which release CO2 to attract mosquitoes. This last precaution measure is the work of my American husband who probably ranks 7 in the scared-of-Zika scale. He works around the clock to keep bugs, except spiders, out of our house.

olucaspontes1 karma

Qual a coisa mais estranha que já te pediram pra traduzir?

What is the weirdest thing someone has asked you to translate?

BrazilianInterpreter3 karma

Na realidade foi interpretação. Um julgamento onde a testemunha tinha demência e tive que interpretar coisas que não faziam o mínimo sentido; e temos que manter a neutralidade, sem demonstrar desdém algum.

Actually, it was an interpretation assignment. I interpreted for a witness who suffered from dementia and said things that didn't make any sense; and you have to remain neutral and not show any disdain.

FairyOfTheStars1 karma

Are you scared or worried for your life at all? I know you've had a pretty positive and confident approach to the event and the statistics, and I wouldn't want you to approach it otherwise. I just wonder if there is that worry in your mind. Be well x :)

BrazilianInterpreter2 karma

Yes, I am a little worried. Not so much with the local violence (because the Brazilian authorities, even though they may be very passive most of the time, will do their best during the Olympic Games) but with terrorism. I worry a little bit about it because there has never been (I believe. Except for those promoted by the resistance groups during the dictatorship) a terrorist attack in Brazil, and the authorities may not have a lot of experience. But I think they may be coached by, and may be receiving intelligence information from allied countries, which will help a lot.

Birdwatchingyou1 karma

What is your favorite species of bird?

BrazilianInterpreter2 karma

I had never thought about that. I don't really have a favorite one, but I admire how beautifully vultures fly.

chocolatinedu751 karma

Do you sometimes lose your concentration or zone out while you are interpreting for someone?

How would you translate "saudade"? ;)

BrazilianInterpreter1 karma

No. If there is something you cannot do is zone out. That's why we switch every 30 minutes or less, to allow our brains to zone out during the break.

If it's used like a noun I translate it as "longing" and if it is being used like an action I translate it as "missing" for example "I miss my mom."

lostpatrol1 karma

Sometimes when I have a bad day I watch Germany v. Brazil 2014. Do you ever do that yourself?

BrazilianInterpreter1 karma

No. I'm actually not much into sports. I listen to good music. There's nothing like good music to turn a bad day into a fun one. :-)

Indian_thug1 karma

i know this is late but can anyone answer me, will there be Judo and Wrestling at the Olympics?

BrazilianInterpreter1 karma

As far as I am concerned there will be Judo. A friend of mine is going to watch it.

NotAnotherEllie1 karma

I hope I'm not too late to this. I am currently at university studying languages (French and Danish/Scandinavian Studies). I've heard from a lot of people that you need to have 2 foreign languages in order to be an interpreter/translator but from your responses to other questions I take it you only have 1? Does this mean it is slightly more difficult for you to find work? (sorry if too personal haha, it's a topic I'm quite interested in)

BrazilianInterpreter1 karma

Actually, I have four languages, but 2 of them are passive (Spanish and Italian). In order to claim that you actively interpret into a language, it needs to be native-like no less than that. So, usually interpreters have one A language (native), one B language (native-like), and C languages (passive ones) because even though you can speak them, interpreting into them is a whole different story. Most interpreters have only 2 working languages, it is not about how many you can speak, but how well you speak them and it is very difficult to find someone who can do an excellent job interpreting into more than 2 languages, so the other ones become passive ones. So, to answer your question, no, it is not difficult to find work if you have 2 active languages. At the UN the interpreters have only 1 active language. They are only allowed to interpret into their native language because they need to assure quality and there cannot be any misinterpretations there.

truthaboutcs1 karma


BrazilianInterpreter1 karma

Sorry, I've never seen it.

GGALLIN1776-3 karma

How's the hooker selection/prices down there?

BrazilianInterpreter1 karma

I have no idea because I am not familiar with that industry.