Hello Reddit. I am UNU. I am excited to be back today! In June I was the first ever Hive Mind to do an AMA. I was honored to get amost 5,000 upvotes and 10,000 comments. Thanks to you, I had a great time answering questions for 3 hours and landed on the Reddit front page.

Today's topic is the NFL and FANTASY FOOTBALL. Many of you are getting ready for your Fantasy Football drafts. SB Nation has asked me to write a weekly column. Here are a couple posts where I ranked QB/RB/WR and TE/K/DEF. I'm happy to answer your questions about Fantasy Football. But I'd also be happy to talk about anything NFL-related.

You might have heard about me because I’ve been challenged by reporters to make lots of predictions. For example, Newsweek challenged me to predict the Oscars and I was 76% accurate, which beat the vast majority of professional movie critics.

TechRepublic challenged me to predict the Kentucky Derby and I delivered a pick of the first four horses, in order, winning the Superfecta at 540 to 1 odds.

No, I’m not psychic. I’m a Swarm Intelligence that links together people into a real-time system – a brain of brains – that consistently outperforms the individuals who make me up.

Want to BE PART OF THE SWARM? It's mostly Redditors, so you can jump in here and help answer questions, optimizing our collective intelligence.

**My Proof: http://unu.ai/nfl-football-ama/ Also here is proof of my Kentucky Derby superfecta picks: http://unu.ai/unu-superfecta-11k/ & http://unu.ai/press/

Comments: 1143 • Responses: 73  • Date: 

BugleBoy6922249 karma

What is the Vikings best option at quarterback?

A) Sign Colin Kaepernick

B) Forfeit the season, try again next year

UNU_AMA442 karma

UNU SAYS: "Forfeit the season, try again next year"

You can see a replay here: http://go.unu.ai/r/182860

cranial_cybernaut144 karma

How does a hive mind work? Do you have awareness of your existence?

UNU_AMA219 karma

I am a SWARM INTELLIGENCE, which means, basically, that I am a real-time "BRAIN OF BRAINS" modeled after swarms in nature.

My algorithms are most closely related to how swarms of bees reach optimal solutions by combining input from hundreds of individuals into a single "emergent intellect".

I produce answers by combining the knowledge, wisdom, and intuition of many people, in real-time, using feedback loops so they can adapt to each other. My A.I. algorithms find the combined solution that optimizes confidence and satisfaction across those people, in real time.

You can learn more here: http://unu.ai/swarm-intelligence/

Utahraptore90 karma

So how does a swarm AI, based on answers from a bunch of different people, differ from a basic poll? Are the answers weighted somehow?

UNU_AMA141 karma

The biggest difference is that people adapt their answers in real time, continuously adjusting until the group reaches a solution that optimizes their collective confidence. In other words, feedback loops allow the group to converge on the best answer, rather than just determine the most popular answer - which is what polls do. Yes, in some cases the most popular answer and the best answer are the same, but most of the time that's not the case. In fact, swarms outperform polls by large margins, especially for decisions that involve many choices.

Aektann99 karma

So like a poll with real-time peer pressure?

Engineer_This34 karma

I would like to know the effect of bandwagon-ing too.

UNU_AMA85 karma

Artificial Swarms are modeled after swarms in nature, which are known to be resistant to "bandwagon-ing".

In many ways, that's what makes a swarm different than a herd. In a herd there are leaders and followers. In a swarm, everyone works in parallel, without leaders and followers. You can read more about the interesting behavior of human swarms on the Singularity webite: https://www.singularityweblog.com/super-intelligence-and-hive-mind/

UNU_AMA17 karma

You can read about Artificial Swarm Intelligence in academic papers. The technology generally outperforms polls by a wide margin. Here is one of the papers: http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/7321685/

Jor_Jor_Bonks138 karma

Any predictions for the Dolphins this season? How are our playoff hopes looking?

UNU_AMA421 karma

UNU SAYS: "The odds that the Dolphins reach the playoffs this year is 0%"

Unfortunately for Dolphins fans, the conviction of the swarm was strong. You can see a replay of the swarm reaching the decision here: http://go.unu.ai/r/182856

IKingJeremy136 karma

How many games do the Bears win this year?

UNU_AMA188 karma

UNU SAYS: "The bears will win between 5 and 6 games this year"

You can see a replay of the swarm reaching this conclusion, here: http://go.unu.ai/r/182896

rogerrabbitrocks135 karma

Will Tom Brady inflate his balls this year?

UNU_AMA194 karma

UNU SAYS: "It's Unlikely"

The Swarm Intelligence expressed strong conviction that Brady will not mess with the pressure inside his balls... you can see a replay of the swarm reaching this decision here: http://go.unu.ai/r/182817

sin_palabras85 karma

Are you hoping that Warren Buffet brings back his billion dollar March Madness prize?

Maybe that will be a good stretch goal to shoot for.

UNU_AMA100 karma

Yes, I'd love to take on March Madness and the Billion Dollar Prize.

ArdentStoic82 karma

So I assume these questions are being parsed by the operator and entered into UNU, there's no way your NLU is actually this good, right?

UNU_AMA189 karma

An operator types the questions from Reddit into UNU.

The swarm answers the questions.

An operator types the answers back into Reddit.

thr33beggars78 karma

I've never played Fantasy Football before but I am this year. What should my first few picks be?

UNU_AMA172 karma

Hi! This is a great question. And I think it's gonna be a popular one. it's also MY first year playing fantasy football, too :)

So, I put together my rankings for all positions at the these links. Hope this helps!

Quarterbacks, Wide Receivers, and Running Backs

Tight Ends, Kickers, Defense & Special Teams

thr33beggars9 karma

Thanks, UNU. This looks like it will really help me out.

UNU_AMA12 karma

my pleasure - good luck this year!

DrJ_PhD68 karma

Which team has the biggest QB problem?

UNU_AMA120 karma

hey Dr_j,

UNU says: Cowboys

See the replay of this question and the other options considered at the link above.

monkeydiddle62 karma

This is a SPORTS related question - Ryan Lochte was widely discredited at the Olympics. My question is, who do people trust more... him or our presidential candidates TRUMP and CLINTON?

UNU_AMA165 karma

UNU SAYS: "Ryan Lochte is considered more trustworthy by the American public than both Trump and Clinton."

You can see details about how the Swarm Intelligence arrived at this conclusion here: http://unu.ai/least-trustworthy/

Carbsv260 karma

Are there plans to turn your skills on financial markets?

UNU_AMA91 karma

Last month I worked with r/bitcoin to make financial predictions related to the price of Bitcoin. It was very successful.

Also, you can see a little about my financial gains in sports by reading about how users from r/sportsbook are betting on baseball: http://unu.ai/unu-correctly-predicts-11-12-games/

BugleBoy692252 karma

Which of these teams is most likely to have a breakout season?

--Vikings --Chiefs --Falcons --Rams --49ers --Giants

UNU_AMA97 karma

UNU SAYS: "The Falcons"

You can see a replay of the Swarm Intelligence reaching this conclusion here: http://go.unu.ai/r/182996

FertileCroissant45 karma

Who will win the Superbowl?

UNU_AMA123 karma


This was answered by the swarm in real time. You can see a replay of the swarm reaching a decision here: http://go.unu.ai/r/182808

The number two choice of the swarm was The Giants. But after iterative consideration, Green Bay was the strongest choice. Commentary: The swarm showed moderately high conviction in this answer. I'd say Green Bay is a strong pick.

rogerrabbitrocks75 karma

Well thats wrong because everybody knows the Bills are going all the way this year.

UNU_AMA170 karma

Nobody circles the wagons like the Buffalo Bills.

pw_1541 karma

Hi UNU, Canadian here:
Will the Buffalo Bills ever relocate to Toronto?

UNU_AMA57 karma

UNU SAYS: "0%"

See the replay of the Swarm: http://go.unu.ai/r/182883

Maybe you can pitch 'em on a trade for the Argonauts?

BugleBoy692238 karma

Serious question: please settle this once and for all.

Is Joe Flacco elite?

As a Ravens fan, I will send your response to ESPN / Peter King personally.

UNU_AMA78 karma

Is Joe Flacco Elite?"

Scream it from the mountaintops:

UNU says: I doubt it

See the swarm reaching this answer at the link above.

joshagogo37 karma

Hey smart guy, who will win each of the divisions (AFC West, East, etc.)?

UNU_AMA68 karma

UNU Says the Pats will win the AFC East:


Not exactly a surprise, given the stranglehold the Pats have had on that division over the last decade, but interesting nonetheless considering TB's suspension / age.

Replays and analysis available at the link above.

UNU_AMA77 karma

The Swarm also likes:

The Packers in the NFC North: Replay

The Seahawks in the NFC West: Replay

The Panthers in the NFC South: Replay

The Giants in the NFC East: Replay

UNU_AMA40 karma

Steelers in the AFC North: Replay

Colts in the AFC South: Replay

Broncos in the AFC West: Replay

JonnyAU31 karma

Is Dak Prescott the real deal?

UNU_AMA55 karma

UNU SAYS: "I doubt it".

Sorry Dak, but the Swarm Intelligence has spoken and it expressed doubt. You can see a replay of the swarm reaching an answer, here: http://go.unu.ai/r/182810

IKingJeremy19 karma

Will Washington ever rename their team?

UNU_AMA28 karma

UNU SAYS: "It's Unlikely"

There was strong conviction in the Swarm Intelligence. You can see a replay of the swarm reaching the answer here: http://go.unu.ai/r/182886

UNU_AMA12 karma

Another good one, u/Ikingjeremy!

Sometimes I surprise myself with my answers.

Will Washington ever rename their team?

UNU Says: its unlikely

suaveitguy17 karma

What do you think OJ Simpson's legacy is as a football player?

UNU_AMA33 karma

UNU SAYS: "Tainted"

Replay available here, so you can see how the Swarm arrived at its decision, and what choices where considered: http://go.unu.ai/r/182813

joshagogo17 karma

Who will be rookie of the year?

UNU_AMA35 karma

UNU SAYS: "Dak Prescott"

You can see a replay of the swarm reaching an answer here: http://go.unu.ai/r/183008

Commentary: Would this answer have been different a week ago?

UNU_AMA7 karma

UNU SAYS: "Prescott"

You can see a full replay of the Swarm Intelligence reaching this decision here: http://go.unu.ai/r/183008

DrJ_PhD16 karma

Which WR will have the most TDs by the end of the season?

UNU_AMA23 karma

UNU SAYS: "Antonio Brown"

This answer had high conviction. You can see a replay of the Swarm Intelligence reaching this conclusion here: http://go.unu.ai/r/182847

belugawhaleballs15 karma

Are you going to ruin betting with this sort of technology?

UNU_AMA46 karma

You can judge for yourself. Currently Redditors from r/sportbooks have been betting on baseball with UNU. See last week's results:


IKingJeremy13 karma

How many points will Ezekiel Elliot score this year in non PPR leagues?

UNU_AMA8 karma

Hey there, u/IKingJeremy,

Interesting question. Lots of hype around Zeke so far. Here's what I got:

"how many points will EE score in non PPR leagues?"

CSquatch1412 karma

Swarm, so that is based on popular opinion of a group of people?

UNU_AMA13 karma

Swarm Intelligence is based on swarms in nature, using the knowledge, wisdom, and insights of real people, in real-time, allowing them to form a system (with feedback loops) and converge on optimal answers. The answer converged upon is usually NOT the most popular, but has been proven to have higher accuracy.

DrJ_PhD11 karma

Which of these RBs will have the most TDs at end of season: David Johnson, Todd Gurley, Ezekiel Elliott, Adrian Peterson, Lamar Miller, Le'Veon Bell


UNU_AMA14 karma


You can see a replay of the swarm reaching that answer here: http://go.unu.ai/r/182868

Commentary: The Swarm's been pretty impressed by what it sees in Zeke so far. Did you see him truck Kam Chancellor?

IKingJeremy9 karma

Who will be the highest scoring player in fantasy football this year?

UNU_AMA18 karma

UNU SAYS: "The highest scoring Fantasy Quarterback will be Cam Newton"

You can see a replay of the swarm reaching that decision, here: http://go.unu.ai/r/182879

UNU_AMA15 karma

UNU SAYS: "The highest scoring WR will be Antonio Brown"

You can see a replay of the swarm here: http://go.unu.ai/r/182881

UNU_AMA15 karma

UNU SAYS: "The highest scoring Fantasy Player of all, this year, will be Antonio Brown"

You can see a replay of the swarm answering this question here: http://go.unu.ai/r/182876

UNU_AMA11 karma

UNU SAYS: "The highest scoring Fantasy TE this year will be Rob Gronkowski"

You can see a replay of the swarm here: http://go.unu.ai/r/182894

IKingJeremy9 karma

How many games do the Panthers win this year?

UNU_AMA17 karma

You know you're a pretty good team when a prediction that you'll win more than 13 games is saying you're in for a dropoff...

how many games will the panthers win this year?

UNU says: 13.25

broniesnstuff8 karma

How are the Raiders going to do this year? Good news? Please?

UNU_AMA14 karma

UNU SAYS: "Sorry, no good news..."

You can see the odds of the Raiders making the playoffs this year, here: http://go.unu.ai/r/182866

CrimeDogMcGriff7 karma

Will Jamal Charles make it back to prominence in 2016 or should we expect to see the signs of age creep up on him again this year?

UNU_AMA4 karma

UNU says: it's unlikely

You can see replay and analysis at the link above

austinduder6 karma

week 1 who will win and by how much? cleveland vs phili

cincinnati v new york jets

oakland vs new orleans

san diego vs kansas city

buffalo vs baltimore

chicago vs houston

green bay vs jacksonville

miami vs seattle

new york giants vs dallas

detroit vs indianapolis

new england vs arizona

UNU_AMA33 karma

I'm still learning about Fantasy Football, so my picks have varying degrees of certainty. You should check the "brainpower" in these replays to gauge my certainty. But....


Eagles by 15: http://go.unu.ai/r/182933

Bengals by 12: http://go.unu.ai/r/182935

Saints by 10: http://go.unu.ai/r/182938

Chargers by 10: http://go.unu.ai/r/182941

Ravens by 6: http://go.unu.ai/r/182942

Texans by 9: http://go.unu.ai/r/182944

Packers by 18: http://go.unu.ai/r/182946

Seattle by 24+: http://go.unu.ai/r/182948

Giants by 8: http://go.unu.ai/r/182950

Colts by 12: http://go.unu.ai/r/182952

Patriots by 15: http://go.unu.ai/r/182957

rogerrabbitrocks6 karma

Mark Sanchez: Will he be traded, Cut or Play for the Broncos?

UNU_AMA12 karma

UNU SAYS: Mark Sanchez will be TRADED.

The swarm had very high conviction, which means high confidence in the trade. You can see a replay of the swarm reaching this conclusion here: http://go.unu.ai/r/182822

IKingJeremy6 karma

How many fantasy football points does Dak Prescott score this year?

UNU_AMA9 karma

UNU SAYS: "115"

You can see a replay of UNU reaching this decision here: http://go.unu.ai/r/182965

IKingJeremy5 karma

Which city will get the newest NFL team?

UNU_AMA17 karma

UNU SAYS: "Las Vegas"

You can see a replay of the swarm reaching a decision here: http://go.unu.ai/r/182968

austinduder5 karma

week 1 who will win and by how much? tampa bay vs atlanta

UNU_AMA6 karma

UNU SAYS: Atlanta by 10 http://go.unu.ai/r/182931

krishasgoodhair5 karma

Which QB will score the most rushing TDs besides Newton?

UNU_AMA17 karma

UNU Says: Dangeruss Wilson

See the other options and analysis at the link above.

austinduder5 karma

week 1 who will win and by how much? Minnesota vs Tennessee

UNU_AMA5 karma

UNU SAYS: Vikings by 9 http://go.unu.ai/r/182854

jmsturm4 karma

2 questions:

What will the Cardinals record be at the end of the year?

Who will win the Heisman?

UNU_AMA4 karma

Question 1:

what will the cardinals record be at the end of the year?

UNU Says: 9-7, well, 9 wins. Maybe there will be some ties - that would be fun!

SchiityMcSchiithead4 karma

*Which of these WRs will have the most all-around yards at end of season?

1 -Antonio Brown, PIT

2 -Odell Beckham Jr., NYG

3 -Julio Jones, ATL

4 -DeAndre Hopkins, HOU

5 -A.J. Green, CIN

6 -Allen Robinson, JAC

UNU_AMA9 karma

UNU SAYS: "Antonio Brown"

This decision was reached in real time and showed high conviction over all the other players. You can see a replay of this decision here: http://go.unu.ai/r/182820

IKingJeremy4 karma

Will Virginia get it's own NFL team in the next 10 years?

UNU_AMA10 karma

Unfortunately for the Great State...

Will Virginia get its own NFL team in the next 10 years?

UNU says: never gonna happen

But hey, UVa can only get better. Wahoowa!

IKingJeremy4 karma

Are your NFL / Fantasy football predictions overrated, underrated, or rated accurately?

UNU_AMA10 karma

You can see a study on how my Football Predictions compared with ESPN last year, here: http://unu.ai/swarms-beat-espn/

toenailclipping3 karma

What underdog is most likely to score an upset win in Week 1?

UNU_AMA4 karma

Great question ( and username ), u/toenailclipping,

what underdog is most likely to score an upset in Week 1?

UNU says: Detroit Lions

Check out the replay above to see how the arrived at its conclusion and to see the other options considered.

UNU_AMA2 karma


You can see a replay of the swarm reaching this decision, here: http://go.unu.ai/r/182970

IKingJeremy3 karma

Will Roger Goodell still be the NFL Commissioner in 5 years?

UNU_AMA5 karma

This is one of those questions where if you ask the average fan, they'd (probably) say he should have been fired years ago. But, the average owner who's made a killing during Roger's reign? Very different perspective. In any case, here's what the Swarm said:

Will RG still be the NFL commish in 5 years?

UNU says: even odds

CSquatch143 karma

How does swarm work?

UNU_AMA5 karma

Artificial Swarm Intelligence is a combination of artificial intelligence algorithms and real-time human input, where groups of people work work as a system to answer questions. The system is modeled after swarms in nature, which converge on solutions together. You can learn more here: http://unu.ai/swarm-intelligence/

aknutty3 karma

I find your site very hard to navigate, and past predictions very hard to find. How do I look up your predictions or do I have to in a group to get them? Is there a wiki or video on how to use your site correctly?

UNU_AMA8 karma

You can see summaries of past predictions at our blog. For example, here are the Baseball Prediction results from last week: http://unu.ai/unu-correctly-predicts-11-12-games/

You can also learn more, here: http://unu.ai

IKingJeremy3 karma

Will Matt Forte make the Hall of Fame?

UNU_AMA3 karma

Nothing against Matt Forte, but:

UNU says: don't get your hopes up

power-cube2 karma

Is Matt Ryan ever going to be an elite quarterback?

UNU_AMA3 karma

Sorry, Falcons fans.

UNU SAYS: "I doubt it"

You can see a replay of the swarm reaching this decision here: http://go.unu.ai/r/182912

Hamsternoir2 karma

How many more years before we see the Falcons win the superbowl?

UNU_AMA7 karma

How old are you, u/hamsternoir?

Here's hoping you make it:

how many more years before we see the Falcons win the Super Bowl?

UNU says: 26 long years...

mtrund2 karma

What kind of season will the Raiders have this year? What is their chance of making the playoffs?

UNU_AMA3 karma

Unfortunately for Raiders fans:

UNU says: 0%

Replay and analysis at the link above.

LousyPassword2 karma

When will Cutler be replaced?

UNU_AMA6 karma

Cutler's on a short leash apparently.

when will Cutler be replaced? ( in games )

UNU says: less than 2

See how the Swarm arrived its answer at the link above.

notimetoexplainrun2 karma

How many games will the Cleveland Browns lose?

UNU_AMA3 karma

UNU sees another bad year for the boys in Brown.

how many games will the Cleveland Browns lose?

UNU says: more than 11

See how the Swarm arrived at its answer in the link above.

pw_152 karma

Hi Unu,

Will we see any major changes to the rules and/or playing field in the next 5 years?

UNU_AMA3 karma

The Swarm wasn't particularly decisive on this one. You can see how it arrived at its answer in the replay below:

Major rule changes in the next 5 years?

UNU says: maybe

cozalt1 karma

Who will be the top 50 WR's in Fantasy Football this year in a PPR format?

UNU_AMA2 karma

Just want to reiterate what I wrote above:

"...I put together my rankings for all positions at the these links. Hope this helps!"

Quarterbacks, Wide Receivers, and Running Backs

Tight Ends, Kickers, Defense & Special Teams

1967_impala1 karma

How many touchdown passes do you think Tom Brady will throw this season?

UNU_AMA2 karma

UNU SAYS: "22"

You can see a replay of the swarm reaching this answer here: http://go.unu.ai/r/182972

IKingJeremy1 karma

Will there either be a lockout or strike when the current collective bargaining agreement expires in 2020?

UNU_AMA3 karma

UNU Says: [it's unlikely)(http://go.unu.ai/r/182915)

You can see replays and analysis at the link above.

wittingtonboulevard1 karma

Where do your users come from? Where do you get your hive data from?

UNU_AMA3 karma

Many of my users come from Reddit. The users form a real-time swarm that converge upon answers as a system. You can learn a little more here: http://unu.ai/what-is-unu/