Hello Reddit! Tylerand Jon here from The Head and the Heart. Our third album 'Signs of Light’ featuring “All We Ever Knew” was released today.

We’re off this week before getting back on the road for our Signs of Light Tour. Instead of stressing about packing we figured we’d spend some time with you.

Have a listen to our new album and feel free to ask us anything at 1pm ET today.

We're real, we promise - @headandtheheart

EDIT: Kenny couldn't make it. We'll try to have him hop on later.

EDIT #2: Thanks for hanging with us. Appreciate the questions. We'll see you soon on the road!

Comments: 204 • Responses: 50  • Date: 

Pwningo13 karma

Would you mind sharing the influence behind the song "Honey Come Home"?

The reason I ask is because, 4 years ago I was a pretty shoddy husband. I treated my life poorly, and one day while I was at work she told me she was going to get a hotel and spend the night away from our house. I knew that if she left, she would never come back. So I sent her the link to the video for Honey Come Home, and that night we went to the hotel together and started to rebuild our relationship. A few years later we both got tattoos that say "I want to die with the one I love". Whatever the reasoning behind that song, I just want to thank you guys for your music. We attended your show at Red Rocks in August and you were awesome!

headandtheheartband6 karma

Amazing story! Josiah wrote that one. Not sure of the story...

yd-oc9 karma

I saw James Joiner's instagram post with a list of songs that didn't make the cut for the album. Is there a chance we will hear these songs or will they stay in the 'vault'?

headandtheheartband10 karma

Definitely! We have some plans for next year...a session release if you will.

TheRealBasilHallward8 karma

Hey guys - I know Josiah had to step away for personal reasons but do you think his absence changed the finished product? Did he write/help write any of the songs on the album? Finally, is he doing alright / have a plan to return?

headandtheheartband15 karma

Josiah was there for the creation, the writing and added his voice to the record. Not sure if his situation changed the direction of the album but it definitely gave us more stuff to write about. He's doing great! Thanks

Prestler65 karma

Call me crazy but at first I thought that was Josiah in the beginning of Signs Of Light

headandtheheartband7 karma

It is!

JVincent107 karma

Jon, will "My Days Are Heavy" ever make it onto an album or "Ever Since"? Those two are a couple of my favorites and I would love to hear them on an album. Also, y'all are my favorite band and I'm stoked to see y'all play in Austin at stubb's!

headandtheheartband5 karma

Maybe a future release! Who knows... could be a b-sides release or something?

sarabee3296 karma

Richmond VA is sadly missing a tour stop. If I bring tequila will you bring down the house at Scuffletown?

headandtheheartband6 karma

Remedying this shortly.

SweetCreamOnNipples5 karma

Hi guys, huge fans of your music. I've been listening to the new album, and I'm really loving the new blend you guys are putting together. I know you'll probably get this question a million times, but do you guys have any interest in acoustic sets in the future? While I love your new album, "Lets be Still" and "10,000 Weight In Gold" are some of my favorite songs of all time, and truely taught me a lot about music. I learned to harmonize by listening to Charity in "Winter Song" and such. What I'm getting at, is I just wanna let you guy know how much I appreciate your music, but I would love to hear some more Acousitic sounds from you guys in the future. Keep making great music guys!

Edit: Jon I'm growing my mustache for you. Please rock the stache forever

headandtheheartband2 karma

Thanks, I don't think we have any plans to not do anything acoustic in the future!

tehsaltyberber3 karma

Hey guys,

Just wanted to start by saying congrats on the new album. "All We Ever Knew" was the song of my summer and each subsequent release I've really loved. Can't wait to dive into the proper album today!

My question would be do you have any tips for bands starting out? You guys famously DIY'd your first album (which blew me freaking away back when I first found it). How were you able to swing that into such incredible success?

Thanks guys, much love.

headandtheheartband4 karma

Seattle was a great city for music at the time we were starting out. Really just played every opportunity we could and tried to help build a community of music listeners with the same tastes.

throwaway122119903 karma

Hi Guys! I am a huge fan of your music! I have been to every one of your concerts in Boise and even one in Portland! With that being said, do you ever recognize your devoted fans? Do you ever go to certain cities and see someone in the front row and think "Oh hey, there's so-and-so with the crazy red hair!"?

Edit: The song 'Christmas Morning' that you have played at several of your shows is one of my favorite songs of all time. I keep hoping for the day when I can download it and listen to it forever and always.

headandtheheartband4 karma

Oh totally. We see people sometimes at 6 six shows back to back on the west coast and we kinda become buds after that. You're like sharing beers with them at the end of the run ya know? Like these people CARE and it's awesome to see.

CharityRoseWhereUAt3 karma

It is obvious that you all had an incredible time creating this new album and I am so happy about that! Given the change in sound that comes with this album along with the theme of this sound being more true to who you all are as a band, is there anything that you wish you did differently in your first two albums? Anything you hope to do differently in the future?

headandtheheartband3 karma

Can't really say we would wish things were done differently on any record. It all happens for a reason and we've come to terms with the fact that looking back, you know how much youve grown musically, mentally, everything but not everyone else does. Just gotta say fuck it and put your vibes out into the world!

CalAmmons2 karma

Salutations my friends,

The lyrics in your first two albums helped me through some of the most difficult times in my life and have propelled me further as a singer/songwriter. Johnathan and Josiah's voices contributed enormously to finding my own. Everyone's instrumentation, as well as harmony, is phenomenal and carries everything like a somber symphony movement.

How did the sadness and feel you captured in those first two shape your present mindset/s on Signs of Light; do you still feel the same emotion when you play those songs? My lyrics are very sad and dark, but I hope that I will soon find resolution in my personal life by forming emotion into a first album; leading to sharing a message that will help others through their dark times...as you all did for me.

Thank you for everything

headandtheheartband2 karma

We alway found hope and optimism through the sadness, it was our way of relieving the anxiety we felt at those moments in our lives. With Signs of Light, we weren't anxious and we were in a happier spot. We got the bummer stuff out of the way, if you will.

The songs still resonate with us because we know the experiences that helped create them.

MyNameNotGeorge2 karma

Hey do any of you guys have other music recorded outside of THATH? I love your guys' music so much I just want to listen to everything that's recorded by any of you!

headandtheheartband2 karma

Avers -T

Silent Film Star- T and J

elderberry862 karma

Hey all, love your music. Who are you guys listening to right now?

headandtheheartband4 karma

Bat for Lashes, Lucy Dacus, Angel Olsen. Lots of great women making excellent music!- T

I just bought the Rihanna record. -J

yarnskeinporchswings2 karma

Hi guys, thanks so much for taking the time to hang out here for a while today. I love your music, preordered the album and was listening to it at midnight. I'm looking forward to really going through the lyrics in the new songs, and to seeing you live in Raleigh next month. On first listen, this album feels like a journey, which I think was your intention.

I've heard that your personal tastes in music vary widely. What genres and artists were you listening to as you wrote these songs?

This album is definitely a departure from your previous work, and I think it'll take some adjustment on my part to emotionally catch up to where you are now. I understand you worked with a label and a producer this time, and I can hear it in the sound. It's more polished, but that makes it feel less organic. I can tell, though, that as I dig into this album it'll begin to speak to me the same way your previous work has.

This album seemed to pull away from the busking-style unplugged instrumentation you highlighted and accomplished so well. Also, Charity seemed to take a backseat vocally this album--can you tell me what led to those decisions? Is that just part of the natural progression of growing into your success, of making the big time?

I'm super attached to your work, and appreciate all you do. Give me some time to catch up!

Edit: Has there been discussion on Josiah's return? Where is Charity today?

headandtheheartband3 karma

The sound is more complex yet everything is still there, in more of a capacity then before. Albums take time to grow on people, it took time for us to grow to make this record. We don't expect anyone to get it right away.

deepjayrao1 karma

Which current artists do you look to for inspiration the most / which current artists are you enjoying these days? Really wondering what's on your guys' playlists. Love the new album!

headandtheheartband2 karma

Angel Olsen, Tame Impala, Whitney, Kendrick, Lucius, MMJ

mmmardybum1 karma

Hello from Manila! Just wanted to say I totally LOVED the new record! Any chance of Asian tour maybe next year? Really wanted to see you guys play!!!

headandtheheartband2 karma

We would love to come to Asia absolutely!

MalBaez31 karma

Hey guys! I am a huge fan, and have had the chance of seeing you guys three different times. I'm seeing you again in October, but I've always wondered if you guys have ever considered doing meet and greets? It would be awesome to just get a sec to hangout with you guys!

headandtheheartband3 karma

We try to do as many meet and greets as possible. Maybe there is a way to open them up to more fans, we shall look into it and make a plan!

CyanideAndMysery1 karma

Hey guys! Saw you at bluesfest when you came to ottawa and that was the best show I've ever seen, so thanks for that! Huge fan and I love you guys!

my question(and my friend's) is what were some of your inspirations when writing the songs in Sings of Light? was there something in particular or was it go with the flow? did everyone have their own reason or was it a group thing?

anyway thanks for the ama, please keep up the amazing work!

headandtheheartband2 karma

We just all felt really connected after having some time off so it was refreshing to have everything click so immediately. We were inspired by this little clam shack in Stinson Beach, CA.

Headandheart691 karma

sup nerds, Benji here. I see Jason Aldean is still holding down the number 1 spot on iTunes. Do you guys plan on fist fighting him or what? I'm trying to get tickets to that muscle show.

headandtheheartband3 karma

Jason Aldean? He's the dude who wore blackface to Halloween last year or something right?

crispysardine1 karma

Your music kept me great company during a week-long road trip across the southern coast of Iceland. It was awesome! What's your favorite music to listen to while on the road?

Thanks for making great music! Hope you make your way to Copenhagen someday.

headandtheheartband3 karma

I really like Midlake for long road trips, anything that feels like trees, mountains, nature. -T

Neil Young. -J

The_VirginSlayer1 karma

For most of my friends and I, Rivers and Roads is a really powerful and emotional song. It's the first song I've heard from y'all and what got my friends and I into listening. What was the inspiration and motive for y'all to write it? It is truly the most pivotal and inspirational song I know and it'd be really interesting to see what y'all made of it. Keep up the great work!

headandtheheartband3 karma

Josiah had that song in his pocket and we had already recorded the first album without it! The first time we ever played it(or heard it) was in a parking garage in tacoma after a small warehouse show. It was amazing.

ShavingRyansPrivate51 karma

Which is your favorite song to play live on the new album?

Can't wait to see you all in Austin!

headandtheheartband2 karma

Rhythm & Blues! City of Angels!

For now...

CMK8111 karma

I love the new album! It's so different than your previous 2. Were you worried about how fans since the beginning would react? What if they didn't like it? Congratulations guys, so glad to have you back. PS loved Red Rocks and so excited to see you in Austin!

headandtheheartband2 karma

We don't really worry about anything other than how we feel about the songs. Not to be selfish, but it is our job to take you all to new places and not rehash old stuff that other bands are now doing.

ultimatemusefan1 karma

i first saw you guys at the flying m in 2011, last saw jon at treefort 2015 (in boise!) when i managed the venue. I've seen you play huge sold out venues but will always cherish getting to watch you in smaller, more intimate spaces. do you ever miss solely playing shows like that? is there a deeper connection to the crowd, and does that affect the way you play? i think the more personal connection to the room changes the entire atmosphere.

headandtheheartband2 karma

It's definitely a little scarier when it's so intimate. The personal connection is deeper but it's also harder to get into a rhythm, a zone... They each have their own pros and cons. I'm digging playing large rooms lately! -T

Greased_Lightnin_x1 karma

Hiii. Hope your days been well!

You guys are gonna be playing in Seattle in November! Are you excited to be returning to the city where it all started?

Cant wait to see you guys in Eugene. Lots of love. x

headandtheheartband1 karma

For sure. Much love for Seattle!

eduardobessa961 karma

Hey Tyler, I waited for so long for signs of light and I loved it! I enjoy your work since 2012, are you guys planning to come to Brazil sometime? Please say yes

headandtheheartband1 karma

Looking like next year!

ashpotatoess1 karma

Studying abroad for a year in Copenhagen and super bummed I won't be able to see you guys at the Greek :-((( will you guys do another North American tour next year??? PLEASE SAY YES I HAVE BEEN DYING TO SEE YOU GUYS FOR THE PAST 2 YEARS.

Also your music is what fills my heart with happiness when I'm feeling down. Thank you. Thank you so much.

headandtheheartband1 karma

Why don't we just come to Copenhagen?

g_saunders_1 karma

What would you say is the biggest misconception of the music industry that you've seen?

headandtheheartband3 karma

That the industry people are greedy bastards who only want to ruin the music. It's the most outdated bullshit thing ive ever heard...they're some of the best, most passionate, caring people. At least the ones on our team are.

coldplaying1 karma

Will you guys come play a concert in my backyard? I go to college in a small town in Ohio and we've never had a decent concert around here. I'll provide the booze and snacks.

headandtheheartband2 karma

make it happen.

octoberbaby291 karma

Do you have a favorite venue to play?

headandtheheartband3 karma

Red Rocks-T The Gorge-J

Anywhere in Australia- Both of us.

Neithan911 karma


I enjoyed Josiah's AMA from years ago so much. I read through it every once in a while (Shakey Graves has great AMAs too).

Since seeing you at Coachella (my backyard) many years ago, I just want to say thanks. Amongst others, my faith in modern music was restored with you guys (non-gender descriptor). You fucking rock. I moved to Seattle for a while sort of because you and your associated acts (BJA, too!).

I love your fall tours because you always play LA right before or right after my birthday (Oct 6). I saw you a few years ago at the Wiltern on the 5th, and this tour I will see you at the Greek on the 7th.

I love your album and I love the way the group is evolving. I can't WAIT to experience the live show again.

Here's my question: I am drawn towards albums which you have to listen front-to-back, rather than shuffled (a la Pink Floyd). I do this with your albums every time. Notably the debut...there is no other way to listen to it for me. Now I ask you, is this semi-intentional? Obviously tracks are placed in a specific order for reasons, but do you feel your albums have a "concept" or necessary flow to them? Thanks.

On to listen three!

headandtheheartband2 karma

Always. It's one of my fav parts of making a record- the sequence has to flow right and it has to tell a story, musically and lyrically.

jhalz1 karma

hi guys! love you all and your music, the album is AMAZING. My best friend and I just saw you at red rocks and we're seeing you again in Boston! my question is kind of random but just out of curiosity, what are your favorite movies?

headandtheheartband1 karma

Vanilla Sky, Say Anything, Scream, Mighty Ducks, Indiana Jones- Raiders, Sandlot, Eraserhead, Waking Life, Lost Highway

talleyleigh1 karma

Hey guys- Big fun of your music and all the work you've done. Congrats on the new album, I've had it on repeat all day! Are you planning on coming to Michigan on your Signs of Light tour? I'd love to be able to see you live for the fourth time :)

headandtheheartband1 karma


FaithAldenBarker1 karma

I have two tiny questions. What is your favorite show you've ever played? And also, does playing rivers and roads so many times ever become repetitive? How do you keep the passion?

headandtheheartband2 karma

My fav show was Red Rocks two weeks ago! Wish I could relive it every night... so fun to debut new stage production and new songs. we're like, a real band now or something. T

headandtheheartband3 karma

Rivers and Roads will never get old, Goonies never say die.

Zembob1 karma

I love all the new influences it seems you guys have gotten over your break, in particular Dreamer and Oh My Dear feeling bluesy with that great groove to them. What were some of both of your major new influences coming out of Let's Be Still into Signs of Light?

Digging the record guys, it's gonna be blasting through my car on my drive back to University next week. Also that vocal melody in False Alarm is absolutely sublime, truly amazing.

headandtheheartband3 karma

Time away was a huge influence! We just felt renewed and refreshed, like a new band. We shook off the old ways and were open to new ideas. T

sstro231 karma

What's your favorite song that you have? Why is it your favorite and what is the story behind the lyrics?

headandtheheartband8 karma

My favorite song is "Dreamer" right now. It's my personal favorite because the lyrics describe how I feel about a lot of situations and I didnt write them. Song shows our growth well. -T

Jon's fav is False Alarm. He loves the melody to death and it's a song our friend, Matt Hopper wrote.

Grundle_Poacher1 karma

What is the biggest difference between the new album and your past albums?

Saw you guys at Nelsonville Music Festival a few years ago out in the field and you blew my mind.

headandtheheartband7 karma

We had a lot more time off to make this one and it feels more celebratory, uplifting, sunny. Like a party. It makes us feel good.- J

The last two we recorded without a producer, this one we wanted to explore more unique sounds. We aren't really listening to what may be described as "folk" these days, lots of diff inspirations. Tame Impala, Kanye West, experimental noise, Mavis Staples. Lots of stuff- T

eklxtreme1 karma

Favorite Kanye album?

headandtheheartband5 karma

YEEZUS. Wish he kept going, couldve reinvented hardcore.

LiirFlies1 karma

What's the craziest thing you've seen a fan do?

headandtheheartband5 karma

Someone tried to hop on the bus in Madison WI. Just like opened the door and walked on as we were leaving, weird times.

Jon says "Where are the naked stage dancers?" a la the Eagles.

fusionbringer1 karma

First of all, I'm a huge fan. I discovered you guys after hearing Rivers and Roads during the series finale of Chuck. Your first album was a huge comfort to me during a difficult time in my life, and it remains one of my favorites to this day. I've seen you guys multiple times in Salt Lake City, including a small show Josiah did in Provo, and they have been some of the best shows I've seen. Because of you, I've been introduced to other favorites like Blind Pilot, Blitzen Trapper, Bryan John Appleby, and Hey Marseilles. So needless to say, you've been a huge influence in my life, and I appreciate the comforting sounds of your music in my family's home.

Okay, now down to the question(s). As a screenwriter, I know how random the artistic process can be. The genesis of an idea can come from just about anything, but how it forms into a full and complete idea does have a process. I know for me, this process is different when I'm by myself, than when I'm presenting the idea to my writer's group. So I'm interested to hear more about how this works for you guys musically both from the genesis of the song when one of you first forms an idea, and how it transforms once it is brought to the band. Is there a particular song that had an interesting process from start to finish? One that maybe underwent quite a few changes and is almost unrecognizable from when it got introduced to the band (whether that's a good or bad thing)? I guess in my rambly roundabout way, I'm not looking for anything specific here, just a little insight into the songwriting process both individually and as a band.

Also, hope Josiah is doing well. Thoughts/prayers/good vibes are sent his way. You guys are the best, and hope you have a killer time on your tour!

headandtheheartband3 karma

There's a major difference especially the longer you sit with a song, the way you play them without a band gets engrained in my brain and it becomes tougher to let the songs get harassed by other members haha. Turn It Around is a good example of the different stages it went through- so many phases. It changed so much. Finding a good balance between what the songwriter wants and what the full band wants is hard but its good when it feels balanced. -J

marksoderberg1 karma

Hello THATH! I am concerned about Josiah. Is he doing okay? And what do you think is different about the music that you made with him away? Has he maybe participated in writing lyrics? Thank you and I wish you well. You are making great music, keep it up!

headandtheheartband7 karma

Josiah's doing great. He had his hands all over this album!

persondude271 karma

Wow! Congrats on the new album. Loving it!

What's it feel like to write a song, and then hear someone else's take on it? What it's like to have someone ascribe their own meaning to something that you built?

Similarly, what's it like to play a venue like Red Rocks and hear 9,500 people singing your music back to you?

headandtheheartband6 karma

Over the years, I've gotten better at not taking things personally. Once you release a song into the world, it's no longer just about you. It could mean so much more to someone else so you can't view it as something you created but more of a thing that just now exists out there for everyone.- J

TheBlackKnight221 karma

I've been a long time fan of you guys, definitely my favorite band for the past four years. I've appreciated every album so far and signs of light has some really great work in it. I look forward to digging deeper into the album. That said, you have evolved tremendously as a band and I've read about you all wanting to change your sound. How would you describe the direction your sound is going and would you ever consider revisiting significant elements of the first album?

Thank you so much, I can't wait to see you on tour this fall!!!

headandtheheartband8 karma

The first album exists the way it does because of the time and situations. We never consciously said, "We need to change." It's a product of evolution and growth as people. No I don't think we could ever go back to trying to make a record like the first, doesn't make sense to our lives.

joshsneeder1 karma

Really enjoying the new record guy! Love the new sound and growth on the record. "Take a Walk" is the early favorite but they're all growing on me more and more. What did you guys pull inspiration from and what music are you currently listening to? Looking for some new or old school tunes to check out. Trying to make it to the Ryman on Oct. 15th for the birthday but its looking sold out. Hope to see y'all then. Keep up the amazing work, always a pleasure to listen to.

headandtheheartband3 karma

Locations played a large role in this record. Influenced by nature and the beauty of California, lots of time spent drinking wine and having conversations overlooking the Pacific Ocean. We were hugely influenced by Fleetwood Mac, Peter Gabriel, Bruce, Paul Simon. Classics. Right now, we were listening to old Saves The Day. So just getting nostalgic up in here.

Prestler61 karma

Dudes! First off congrats on your album release it is absolutely fantastic. Do you (Jon) write most of the songs or does everyone else help out? Have you always wanted to be a musician or is that just how things panned out after you guys started to grow? You're guys' music has inspired me greatly and has got me through a lot so I must say, THANK YOU SO MUCH! Last question.... When you come to The Ritz in Raleigh can you play Gone? :D Thank you so much for doing this AMA for us fans and send my love to the rest of the band! #signsoflight

headandtheheartband2 karma

It depends on the stage of the song, they usually originate from any given songwriter in the band and some songs take longer than others to develop but it is eventually a full band process. Definitely not a songwriter with a backing band sort of thing. -J

kimfreakinb1 karma

If you had to pick one song from Signs of Light that would be your favorite to perform, which would it be?

headandtheheartband2 karma

Right now, it's City of Angels for me! I dig the uptempo vibe and the middle break is so cooooool to feel live. -T

Rhythm & Blues, duh. That song is a party onstage, esp when the bridge hits. Feels like I' in Elvis' band. - J

andreialuka1 karma

Hey guys. Big fan here :) When are you coming to Portugal? :)

PS: love the new album! But I have to say, "Let's be still", holds a special place in my heart!

headandtheheartband2 karma

Can't wait to make it to Portugal! A record that has been out for only hours cannot replace an album that you've had for 3 years, we're just excited to give you new music so that in 3 more years, Signs of Light will have all new meanings and emotions attached to it.

happymille1 karma

First of all, the new album is GOLD. Secondly, would you ever be willing to do a concert in Tallahassee, FL? There's a small (but fantastic) amphitheater that has your name all over it!!

headandtheheartband3 karma

My entire family are Seminoles fans(F those gators...) -J