I'm voice actor Seth Hendrix! Here's my (very slim) IMDb. I've also done Give Me Shelter.

I'm trying to make a professional career out of my voice acting and thought I'd have some fun with some reddit comments. If you or anyone you know needs voice acting work, I'm your guy! My dream is to make this my 9-to-5.

I'll be setting up my studio and back to voice act comments at 5PM EST in hopes this post catches ground. I'll work top down until my voice (or my brain) gets exhausted.

Proof! Serious tone, silly stuff, character voices, whatever! Ask Me to Say Anything!

EDIT0: All done for today! Hopefully this gets better traction next time!

EDIT1: Anyone new to this post, it's no longer active. I'm getting added to the IAmA calendar for next Saturday (8 October) at 3PM EST. Keep an eye out for the next one!

Comments: 78 • Responses: 31  • Date: 

solofatty098 karma

Can you say this quote in your best Morgan Freeman voice?

SethHendrix_VA24 karma

My Morgan Freeman impersonation is embarrassing.

SethHendrix_VA8 karma

I'm grabbing things out of my pantry now.

SethHendrix_VA8 karma

SethHendrix_VA8 karma

SethHendrix_VA6 karma

SethHendrix_VA6 karma

SethHendrix_VA6 karma

SethHendrix_VA6 karma

SethHendrix_VA5 karma

SethHendrix_VA5 karma

Verpous5 karma

When you listen to a character you voiced, does it feel weird? Does it feel like you're the one who's talking, not the character? If yes, does it ruin your ability to enjoy anything you've voiced?

Please say "Are you feeling it now, Mr. Krabs?"

SethHendrix_VA2 karma

I can hip back in the studio a bit later today and voice that for ya!

The first year or so, you hate hearing everything you voice act, even if it's good quality, because everyone hates the sound of their own voice.

After several years of hearing myself, you get over that and focus more on creating a perfect product: emotion conveyed, rhythm, speed, pronunciation, emphasis, etc.

SuperboTyrrano4 karma

If you could voice one established character from any cartoon universe, who would it be?

SethHendrix_VA9 karma

I'm not sure why (and I'm including video games here) but I'm obsessed with James Hong as Covetous Shen in Diablo 3. The accent plus the acting make me want to listen to it over and over again.

Dominator273 karma

Whats it like voice something and How do you feel about your past voice acting was it good or bad?

Can you say "gee I love reddit a whole awful lot".

SethHendrix_VA5 karma


luvBaconcheeseburger3 karma

Where have you had the Best Bacon Cheeseburger?

SethHendrix_VA2 karma

Kickin Chicken is kind of a chain (which I'm a little against in regards to a good burger), but it's cooked to perfection EVERY TIME. It's their parmesan ranch bacon cheeseburger (medium rare by choice).

clemsongoat2 karma

With your background, do you think it's easier to pick up women?

Dominator272 karma

Can you say "The world is but a illusion created by our minds in reality we are but a small part on A creature much bigger than us And in the years to come technology will allow to see the entire creature and we will be destroyed when we do so to see or not to see that is the question"? Please say it in a deep narrator voice

mgrass2 karma

What has been your most memorable voice acting so far? And, what kind of equipment is required to get into the industry?

Ninja edit request: Please say "Franky says relax." I tell so many of my co-workers this lately and no one seems to catch the reference. So sad.

SethHendrix_VA3 karma

Give Me Shelter most definitely. It was the first big break for the production company which put my voice acting to a higher degree of scrutiny. Lots of back and forth!

For equipment, that takes some research. Start with a good mic. I use a Neumann TLM102. That isn't required for the industry but you need to look for something you won't have to replace any time soon. A good vocal booth is necessary to reduce ground noise and external noise. I use a RealTraps Carrel. This keeps your voice "trapped" and eliminated vocal reverb. It's also beneficial if no one is leaf blowing outside.

Amber23912 karma

How did you get into voice acting?

SethHendrix_VA2 karma

After a long amount of time doing impressions and unique voices, people passively stated I should get into it.

I got my first few clients through reddit, actually, through a different account name. I would voice act comments I deemed worthy here and there and the appropriate eyes saw it.

Social networking is a powerful tool, but word of mouth gives me my most work. There are "pay to play" websites that I didn't think we're for me, so I've settled on networking myself (and why I'm here doing this).

Mainly, getting decent equipment and jumping right in and working hard is the solution.

Ehh_Embb1 karma

Who wrote your IMDB page?

SethHendrix_VA6 karma

I provided the text. I had NO IDEA what to put in there. I'm surprised I didn't include my high school team mascot and my mother's Maiden name.

40sleeps1 karma

Could you please record something in your best foreign accent? Any country you choose of course!

SethHendrix_VA6 karma

I don't even know what this is.

xandizzle1 karma

sounds like idubbz's fake accent (pardon the slurs in title)

SethHendrix_VA1 karma

I definitely felt like I was ripping off idubbbz when I was recording that. Bad Unboxing is one of my favorite series on YouTube!

Mysticpoisen1 karma

What microphone do you use when you work from home?

SethHendrix_VA2 karma

Neumann TLM102. It's a higher end mic I bought after saving up for a while. I started with a Shure $60 mic in my early days.

Chiptehubah1 karma

Who would I talk to to get into voice acting?

I have a clear toned articulate voice but I figure I can't just go get a bachelor's degree in voice acting. Or can I?

SethHendrix_VA3 karma

If I could go back in time, I would have saved up money and blindly moved to LA; that's where the entire industry is as well as voice acting schools and mentoring.

Throw_Away_2071 karma

Been trying to get into voice-acting, been applying to read audio books for audible. How did you get your start? What do you think a person should do to get started? Thanks!

SethHendrix_VA1 karma

Here is an earlier reply.

anchoricex1 karma

As someone interested in hiring a narrative voice over in a film, I understand there is some sort of "guild" or union or something where voice actors band together so they, I'm assuming, aren't constantly undervalued by production companies.

Where do I go find voice actors where they can be paid what they believe they're valued at? Seeing creatives get absolutely trampled in the industry is devastating to me, I make a lot of money where I work and I want to make films for fun. Just kidding I want to make films for life, I'm quickly moving that direction. Regardless, I just want to do my part to contribute to the good.

SethHendrix_VA1 karma

I'm a little biased but I think a direct line of communication with the voice actor him/herself is the best way to get a perfect product.

It's either that or you're working with an agent or "voice actor lotto" where you're dealing with a middle man.

I'd be willing to give you some samples if you want to work with me 😉

Beastleh1 karma

How does one start in the direction of becoming a voice actor? I have amazing vocal skills, I love accents, impressions, voices, characters.. But I donno how to become a voice actor of any sort.

SethHendrix_VA1 karma

Here is an earlier reply.

Huntylicious1 karma

I've been wanting to get into voice acting, but I've no idea where to start (aka who would need my voice?). I've no good idea what way to go, yet. Any advice?

SethHendrix_VA1 karma

Here is an earlier reply.

themysticthoughts1 karma


SethHendrix_VA1 karma

Unfortunately I haven't had any professional work for character voices, only narration. If I did, yes, I would rehearse and talk like that character over and over all day, in the car, and in the shower. The pros say if you can sing in that character's voice, you've got it down.

themysticthoughts1 karma


SethHendrix_VA1 karma

I sing on my way to work and I sing on my way home before doing recordings. Personally, I think singing warms up my voice more than any other method.

[deleted]0 karma


SethHendrix_VA1 karma

Yes! I completely agree. What I was getting at is that I'm trying to get enough steady clients to replace my current day job as opposed to trying to be a voice actor.

I do appreciate the constructive criticism!