There were so many excellent questions today, I wish I could have managed to answer more of them while we were live! I'm going to try to get to at least a few more of them in the next few days or so. If I didn't answer yours, have a read through the rest of the questions and comments here—I may have answered your question in another thread. If you can't find the answer you're looking for here, you might head over to the Pinterest Page ( or the website for Knight-Thompson Speechwork ( If you're really looking for something deep in the weeds, you might find it on the Knight-Thompson Speechblog (, which I edit and write for, along with many other brilliant teachers and coaches. (Warning: the weeds can get pretty deep over there!)

I've gotta run, everyone! Thank you so much for this—I had a blast answering your questions. (Great questions, people!) You made my first Reddit experience an incredibly positive one.

Just remember: Accent is identity. Accent is a layer of storytelling. It's (almost) never the actor's fault when an accent isn't what it should it be. It's usually about not having adequate prep time. (Tell the producers and studio heads!)

I'm a dialect and language coach for film, television & theatre productions, and a voice, speech, and text teacher. I'm also an actor (though mostly just v/o these days). From 2010 to 2013 I was the Associate Editor for the "Pronunciation, Phonetics, Linguistics, Dialect/Accent Studies" section of the Voice and Speech Review, the peer-reviewed journal of the profession. More information at

Watch me break down 32 actor's accents:

Proof I'm me:

Comments: 1989 • Responses: 67  • Date: 

failedprophecy980 karma

How often do you hear that you look like Dennis (Glenn Howerton) from Its Always Sunny in Philadelphia?

Erik_Singer657 karma

I'd never heard it before yesterday! I've actually never watched the show, but I'll have to check it out now.

blackwellbones636 karma

I'd love to know what you think about Danny DeVito's accent. Is it an accurate version of a very short one-time-pimp who eats cat food?

boxsterguy374 karma

I just want to know what accent pronounces "whore" as "hoo-er".

Erik_Singer627 karma

Irish accents, particularly older and more working class Dublin. (Any others in particular, Irish people?)

groceryliszt866 karma

hands down, who gives the most impressive accent performance in all of cinema, given all the factors surrounding the situation? btw thanks for letting me make this video with you! :-)

Erik_Singer1638 karma

Not sure I can pick one, and I certainly haven't seen every performance that's out there, but some of the best ones I can think of made it into the video. Idris Elba in the Wire, Meryl Streep and Sophie's Choice. Man, so many others. I'm always particularly blown away when someone nails an idiolect (the accent of one particular real individual). Streep's Thatcher in The Iron Lady is extraordinary, as was her Julia Child.

VodkaBarf919 karma

Meryl Streep is just a treasure.

JoshSidekick152 karma

Don't let Billy Eichner hear anyone say otherwise.

Erik_Singer287 karma

I coached Billy!

maux_zaikq75 karma

I was hoping you'd say Meryl Streep. She's wonderful.

Erik_Singer286 karma

She sure is.

Not every accent she does is as good as her best work, though. We actually had a few in the shoot that we found some fault with. One of the goals of the video was to show clips of the same actors doing both laudable and less-laudable work to underline the point that this is hard stuff and that the actors who do it deserve both our respect and more support and time to prepare!

himit2 karma

RDJ in Holmes was brilliant

Erik_Singer8 karma

Well, yes and no.

InevitableTypo836 karma

Why are fake New Orleans accents always so terrible? Is there something specific about the dialect that is hard for voice actors to replicate?

Erik_Singer735 karma

I think it's mostly exposure. So much depends on the individual, though.

powerful_clam677 karma

Hi Erik,

The WIRED video you were recently featured in was phenomenal. I did not know that there was so much that I did not know! Anyways, a reddit user pointed out that the Irish/Belfast accent Brad Pitt uses was indeed a Gypsy/Traveller accent. For my own curiousity, can you comment on that claim?

Erik_Singer1186 karma


The commenters who pointed that out are absolutely correct. I had actually always thought/known it was a Traveler accent, but a bit of hasty research before we shot turned up a piece written by Pitt's dialect coach on the film, Brendan Gunn, in which he wrote about how they started off with Belfast. Pitt came to stay with Gunn in Belfast as they worked on it. The piece does mention, glancingly, that they shifted to Traveler speak. There are some similarities, but obviously it's not the same accent. I should have known better, and totally my fault.

parkervoice564 karma

Erik, this is Jeff Parker. Just wanted to say thanks for the great video and welcome to Reddit!

How are you enjoying it thus far?

Erik_Singer559 karma

Hi, Jeff! Thanks for the welcome! I don't know, how'm I doing? (I'm new to Reddit, guys.)

Jeff Parker, btw, is a brilliant coach and teacher.

spinaltap540535 karma

When you hear made up languages from things like Game of Thrones or the LOTR, can you identify roots from actual languages/accents?

Erik_Singer855 karma

Sometimes. Depends. I love conlangs. I find the whole process fascinating, from design through execution with the actors.

Shout out to friend and colleague Jan Haydn Rowles, who does GoT, including all the Valyrian and Dothraki. She's brilliant.

spinaltap5401580 karma

Yeah I love conlangs too. I obviously know what conlangs are, but can you just say what conlangs are for the others who may not know?

Erik_Singer625 karma

Constructed Language. There's a long history here, from a 12th century nun named Hildegard von Bingen to Esperanto, Klingon, Dothraki, etc. Earlier impulses for conlangs were utopian and perfectionist—trying to improve on natural languages, help create world peace, find a 'perfect' philosophical language. These days they're mostly ones made up for fantasy and science fiction (books as well as film & tv). They're really cool, and usually pretty sophisticated, because they take everything we know about linguistics and create languages that feel like natural languages, 'imperfections' and all.

spinaltap540110 karma

Do you have a favorite?

Erik_Singer240 karma

Not really. I like them all, and especially appreciate the amount of work that goes into creating one. I've dabbled in it myself. It's super-fun, but you can imagine how many things you have to work out. It's way more just the sound system—grammar, syntax, morphology, semantics.

cutswift135 karma

It's a constructed language.

Erik_Singer121 karma


nathattack407 karma

What's your favorite type of American dialect?

Erik_Singer442 karma

To do, to teach, to listen to?

Bayren347 karma

All of the above

Erik_Singer727 karma

Hmmm. American accents...I have a lot of fun doing Ozarks accents. Teaching or coaching, wow, that depends so much on the actor, the script, etc. I like working with non-American actors on specific American accents. This is weird, coming from a white dude, but maybe especially black British (& other) actors working on African American accents. Listening: all of them.

Erik_Singer574 karma

For a great job with an Ozarks accent, check out Winter's Bone:

Jennifer Lawrence does a great job, as does the whole cast.

blackwellbones377 karma

I had a professor whose accent was Northern English by way of Brooklyn. How difficult is it to master the sort of Frankensteiny, "by way of" accents? What would the toughest combo be? Finnish Mississippi?

Erik_Singer500 karma

I'd love to hear or design Finnish Mississipi, that'd be awesome!

Yeah, hybrid accents are interesting. Much harder to find a primary resource, of course, so it's usually a design job. (It's always a design job, but more so in cases like this.)

smooth_jazzhands362 karma

Have you ever just spoken in a fake accent when meeting new people just to confuse them?

Erik_Singer913 karma

Not often! I'll sometimes answer the phone in a weird accent though My wife hates that.

PM_ME_YOUR_42336 karma

Do you speak any other languages besides English? Do you listen to other languages to gain understanding of different accents, or is the sound of a foreign language irrelevant to how its accent will manifest itself in English?

Erik_Singer657 karma

French, Italian, some Japanese. I used to speak decent Russian, but it's rusty. A smattering of Egyptian Arabic. A tiny bit of Swedish (my mother's Swedish.)

YES! It's crucial to start with the language itself when you're working on an L2 (second language) accent. The posture and intonation of your native language transfer to your L2.

I also work on teaching actors to sound like they're native speakers of languages they don't actually speak. One of my favorite things to do, actually.

strangebattery128 karma

I'm learning Swedish. Any chance you could give a quick tip on the "posture" of Swedish?

Erik_Singer346 karma

I love Swedish (my mother is Swedish, so I grew up hearing it a lot) .If you'll allow me to be a little Socratic (this is how you build up the skills, btw!) Check out this chart of Swedish vowel qualities and see what you can guess about posture from it, and then check your hypotheses by listening to Swedish.

(The vowel space is a schematic representation of the space inside your mouth. Dots represent tongue height and frontness. Symbols to the left of the dots represent unrounded vowels and symbols to the right of them involve some degree of lip-rounding.)

guesting334 karma

Can you enjoy TV shows / movies without being taken out of the show by bad accents?

Erik_Singer403 karma

Depends how off it is and how good the story and acting are, honestly. Most of the time I can be carried away if those things are really engaging. (There are exceptions, of course. And if the story and acting aren't great, yeah, it can be really distracting.)

kendamagic181 karma

So that means you loved The Room right?

Erik_Singer228 karma

I haven't seen it! I'm so sorry! I know I need to.

spinaltap540268 karma

Based on the the trailer for The Room, where would you say Tommy is from?

Erik_Singer581 karma

I truly have no idea.

SomeWeirdIrishGuy251 karma

Here in Ireland our accents differ immensely from county to county (Cork and Dublin -100 mile distance) is this common in other areas?

Erik_Singer399 karma

Yes, but it's much more true in Ireland and the UK (if we're talking about varieties of English) because of the long history of settlement. American and Australian (and other) accents are newer, in a sense, and haven't had as much time to diverge and differentiate.

AdilB101233 karma

Holy shit I watched your video and I loved it so much! I've never seen anything like it! I also read your website and how you used children as an examle for accents! Too good!

My question is What is the most well known movie actor, who performs an accent, you've worked with?

Erik_Singer140 karma

Thank you so much! Joe at Wired did an amazing job putting it together, didn't he?

Booktor175 karma

Hey Erik, loved your Wired video, I would watch hours and hours of that if it was available somewhere online. Is there any major success you've had in coaching that you'd like to talk about?

Erik_Singer248 karma

Let me talk about a near-success. I coached the accents and languages for a Jenji Kohan/Gus Van Sant HBO pilot called The Devil You Know about the Salem witch trials. It was an amazing script and cast, and the look of the thing was stunning. We made up an accent that evoked the sense of 17th century Salem but wouldn't be too weird or alienating for the audience. We also had a half English and half American cast, with a couple of Scots thrown in for good measure, so we needed to get them all on the same page.

There was also a Native American language called Passamaquoddy that we had a lot of dialogue in. That was super fun to coach.

musicaltables161 karma

would you please make more videos on your channel? That was super entertaining.

Erik_Singer224 karma

We've got some coming! Stay tuned!

cutswift143 karma

What accent should I imagine your AMA answers in?

wildcard1992120 karma

Hi Erik!

Are there any 'obscure' accents that you know of? I had a Welsh lecturer the other day and found his accent really unique.

Also I'm from Singapore, is there anything cool you can tell me about my accent?

Erik_Singer214 karma

Love Welsh. There are 7,000 languages in the world, so yes, there are plenty of obscure accents out there!

What sort of Singapore accent do you speak with? I'm interested in the accent/dialect discrimination in Singapore, with some really elitist attitudes coming down on 'Singlish.' I hate that kind of thing. There's no such thing as an accent that's 'better' or 'more correct' than another (when we're talking about native speakers of a language variety).

RetroSpock116 karma

Hi Erik. Oddly enough I watched that video earlier today and I was hoping to see you dissect Hugh Laurie's accent in House M.D. Could you possibly give your input? Thanks! And thanks for the video too... it made me pay more attention to dialect.

Erik_Singer171 karma

Laurie's good! He got better, too, once he really started to get comfortable in it.

quietly41115 karma

Hi, I really liked your video, your confidence as a professional really comes through in your genuine answers.

There was something you said about Joseph Gordon Levitt's french accent that I didn't understand. About his TH sounds, you said "He nails it, and it's too easy, that's hard for a french speaker" what did you mean by this exactly? Also, have you thought about making a youtube channel critiquing movie accents on a regular basis?

Erik_Singer174 karma

French has no dental fricatives ('th' sounds). English is kind of unusual in this regard, actually—they're uncommon sounds in languages in general (though Greek, Arabic, and Castilian Spanish have one or both of them). So non-native speakers of English often struggle with these sounds. Usually, even if they speak English really well and have mastered these sounds you can still here a kind of conscious carefulness in their realizations.

vu0tran111 karma

How does one find a good reference point for an accent? For example, if I wanted to learn how to do a Welsh accent, how would you recommend I source the audio / video to learn from?

Erik_Singer216 karma

Search Youtube for native speakers. There are tons and tons out there! You can also check out the wonderful International Dialects of English Archive.

There are tons of accent acquisition materials out there you can buy, as well. Gillian Lane-Plescia's are particularly good, as they include recordings of lots of native speakers.

TheJustinWoods101 karma

Hey Erik, Welcome to Reddit.

My question is, how did you get into becoming a dialect coach/teacher. What made you want to go into that profession? Were there any influences that helped you along the way?

Erik_Singer124 karma

Great question! There's no standard path, but most of us come up either through acting or through linguistics. I'm an actor with a strong and longstanding interest in languages and accents.

Influences: Check out For nitty-gritty phonetics, but also really clear and accessible, check out the late, great J.C. Catford's A Practical Introduction to Phonetics.

KidCopper91 karma

All my friends hate me because I have trouble enjoying Peter Dinklage as Tyrion Lannister as I think he puts on a bad accent. Am I right?

Erik_Singer138 karma

It could be better.

linkzorCT80 karma

Hi Erik, can you tell us more about Prosody?

Erik_Singer155 karma

Prosody or intonation is the music of speech. It encompasses rhythm, how we divide speech into chunks, and, of course, the rise and fall of pitch. It's often neglected in teaching accents, especially in written materials for actors (though phoneticians have done some brilliant work here). It's just as crucial to the believability of an accent as the other elements.

Classy_J78 karma

How do I do a convincing Australian accent?

Erik_Singer152 karma

Find a good coach you click with! Find a model you like, and listen to it a ton.

If you're interested in really delving in, break it down for yourself in terms of three basic elements: Posture, Pronunciation, and Prosody. Work on each of them!

Talking_Meat75 karma

Hi Erik!

Do you find that regional accents are becoming more homogenized in newer generations as technology brings those different regions together through various social medias, entertainment, and communication?

I feel like my own accent is not nearly as distinct as my parents' (north Texas).

Erik_Singer157 karma

This is a popular idea, but it seems to be incorrect. Most linguists think that American accents, if anything, are actually getting more differentiated. Google Northern Cities Vowel Shift if you're curious. NCVS is an ongoing 'chain shift' in the pronunciation of certain vowel sounds. The degree and pace of the change is relatively unusual—the last time English underwent an equivalent change was the Great Vowel Shift, back in the 16th century.

swervetastic56 karma

In your opinion, what actor had the worse accent in a movie ever?

Erik_Singer268 karma

I'd go with Micky Rooney in Breakfast at Tiffany's b/c of sheer offensiveness.

beepbeepboop1251 karma

why is a "southern" accent actually not in the southern part of the US? as a native of south Florida, I've always wondered why my accent is not considered southern.

Erik_Singer137 karma

Settlement patterns. You'll definitely hear accents with Southern US features in parts of Florida (panhandle...), but much of South Florida's population came more recently from Northern states (not to mention other countries).

adminsuckdonkeydick48 karma

Are Christian Bales accents really as good as people claim?

Erik_Singer105 karma

Depends. Some of them are pretty good. His 'General' American accent has gotten better and better.

pussgurka48 karma

What is the most difficult accent for American English speakers?

Erik_Singer112 karma

Entirely depends. Accents are identity. Imagination is a crucial element, as with anything in acting. If you have trouble imagining yourself as someone who speaks that way, you're going to have trouble. Sometimes cultural permission is an issue.

That said, accents that Americans haven't had a lot of exposure to are often tough. Welsh comes to mind.

MickTheAnt47 karma

Hi Erik-- I saw Jeff Parker left a comment here. Who is he and how do you know him?

Erik_Singer90 karma

Jeff is a brilliant teacher and coach, and a colleague in a methodology of speech and accent work called Knight-Thompson Speechwork. Jeff, you want to introduce yourself?

Venaxibene45 karma

Thanks for the video! Very interesting, though I still found it too short. As an Austrian t's really hard for me to identify the different accents. I bet my accent is all over the place from watching so many movies!

  • As a non english speaker I'd like to ask what you think about Marion Cotillards midwest accent in Public Enemies? It seems to be a hard thing to do for someone french.

  • Which actor do you think is the most consistent with their different accents?

  • Do you get hired from non-actors to help them perfect their spoken english?

Erik_Singer68 karma

You're welcome!

I haven't seen Public Enemies, but my brilliant friend and colleague Tanera Marshall coached it. From what I remember hearing, this was another (all too common) case of inadequate prep time. I believe they decided that the character worked just fine as an L2 speaker, so they focused mostly on intelligibility.

Yes, I work with non-actors, too.

sedemon45 karma

Why can nobody pull off a proper Hawaiian Pidgin accent?

Erik_Singer59 karma

I've never heard anyone try! Can you point me to a performance or two?

leostrauss44 karma

Is there any way a middle aged Pole can improve his English pronunciation to be more palatable to the native speakers? I mean given how fundamentally different the two languages are? For example Polish doesn't have long and short vowels and I still struggle to pick up the difference.

Erik_Singer68 karma

You definitely can. With adequate support and working in the right way (and also time, patience, and consistent work), you can most definitely achieve your goals.

You might start by checking out the Pinterest Page ( and the website for Knight-Thompson Speechwork ( If you’re interested in building a solid foundation for speech and accent work, look into taking a Knight-Thompson Speechwork workshop, either in-person or online. There's no better way to build a solid foundation for any kind of speech/accent work. And definitely get yourself a copy of Dudley Knight’s Speaking with Skill.

PhoenixGem43 karma


I'd love to know what you think of Hugh Laurie's accent in house vs Benedict Cumberbatch's accent in Dr Strange? To me they sound very convincing and quite similar, but that might be because I am a brit, and they might sound very different to you.

Erik_Singer86 karma

I thought Cumberbatch's accent in Dr. Strange (coached by my friend and colleague, the utterly brilliant Sarah Shepard) was excellent. Not 100% perfect, but many, many scenes were full-on great.

aaron65743 karma

As viewers, what should we listen for to determine if an actor's native accent is slipping through? Such as when a Brit plays an American or vice versa.

Erik_Singer104 karma

If you're a native speaker of the target accent, you should be able to tell pretty easily, even if you can't put your finger on exactly what doesn't sound right. One interesting 'tell' for both Brits doing American accents and vice versa is when some of those little, high-frequency function words like 'of,' 'was,' 'from,' 'what' slip out of place. They follow a different pattern in BrE than they do in AmE, so they're easy to mess up.

aaron65742 karma

Is there a specific language or language family that is particularly easy or hard to teach or master?

Erik_Singer85 karma

It really depends on how far the language features are from the actor's native language. The further away, the harder. Navajo and Pashto are two that come to mind as being particular impossible to acquire unless you grow up with it. Left to their own devices, languages tend to complexify, deciding to start requiring speakers to specify all kinds of seemingly unnecessary things. Most of the major world languages we've all heard of—English, Spanish, Mandarin, Farsi—have been learned by large numbers of non-native speaking adults at some point in their history, vastly simplifying their grammar, making them easier for adults to pick up.

tk421whyarentuatpost37 karma

I've seen a few other requests for it, so I was wondering if you had any comment on anything Tom Hardy has done? He's pretty well-known for doing accents/voices so I'm curious about a professional opinion. Some films I've seen that stuck out to me, voice-wise - Bronson (some kind of working class English), Child 44 (some kind of Russian), The Drop (some kind of NY), The Revenant (old-timey American).

Erik_Singer59 karma

I loved his accent in The Revenant. I actually haven't seen any of the other performances you mention, or really any other Tom Hardy besides Fury Road (in which I mostly remember him as just being pretty mumbly). Some of those other movies are definitely on my to watch list, though.

cutswift27 karma

Hey Erik. Thanks for doing this. What's your favourite part of the video?

Erik_Singer123 karma

I love the way Joe cut in actors commenting on my comments! I thought some of them were hilarious!

KodamaNuki23 karma

Do you do online lessons? I'd love to take them!

easyiris22 karma

I liked your video! I speak French and don't struggle with pronunciation as I grew up speaking some Welsh (similar sounds). However, my French friends say what gives me away when I'm speaking French is my inability to speak monotonously - I'm very lyrical and that's not French. Do you have any tips for sounding more monotone/French? Maybe it's a breathing thing? I'd love to hear your thoughts.

Erik_Singer36 karma

Not breath so much, just your native language's intonation pattern coming through. I wouldn't call any variety of French monotone, exactly, but yes—many fewer peaks and valleys than Welsh English! Spend a lot of time listening to recordings of French speakers and focus on the melodies specifically. Hum or whistle them instead of repeating the words (or at least before doing that). They'll start to go in before you know it.

OCogS20 karma

As an Australian, non-Australian actors attempts at Australian accents are never even remotely right. Does everyone have this experience for their native accent, or is the Australian accent particularly hard?

Erik_Singer35 karma

I think this is a pretty common thing for native speakers to feel. Which is totally understandable, but also all the more reason why we, as an industry, need to pay more attention to getting this right. Beyond (often) being a make-or-break matter for the integrity and texture of the story, it's a matter of basic respect.

captainlev16 karma

Have you ever worked with an intelligence agency?

Erik_Singer92 karma


Of course, if I had, I couldn't tell you. Or I'd have to kill you if I did.

5or5010 karma

Hi Erik, really enjoyed the Wired video. I have a few questions for you:

-How on earth did you get started in this line of work? It seems like quite the mishmash of different skills and background.

-What's your favorite accent to perform and favorite accent/impression performance of all time?

-Finally, Rhode Island accent -- John Slattery, 30 Rock.

Erik_Singer17 karma

I trained and worked as an actor. It is indeed a mishmash of different skills, many of them not at all related. I feel incredibly fortunate to have found a profession that feels like it suits my particular weird mishmash of skills and interests so well.

TheChosenArab9 karma

Any tips on how to lose my accent ?

Erik_Singer42 karma

Well, first of all, you might think in terms of acquiring an accent instead of losing one. (There's really no such thing as not having an accent.)

That said, if you want to work on any particular accent, find a primary speaker who you respond to. And you can't go wrong working with a good coach.

LateCheckIn7 karma

As someone who grew up in Colorado I've heard before that we pronounce English most closely to the way that dictionary pronunciations dictate. Is there any truth in this statement? What are the telltale pronunciations of the Colorado accent?

Erik_Singer12 karma


RobisaII5 karma

I'm from Alabama.. can you fix my accent?

Erik_Singer9 karma

Gee, why do you want to fix it? It's who you are and where you're from!

SwaySoHypnotic5 karma

Eric, your video was awesome! If you decide to do more, would you be willing to speak in said accent so we can be a bit more familiar with how it should sound? Thank you again for doing this AMA!

Also, how do you think the Irish accents were in Boondock Saints? It's one of my favorite movies. Love to hear your input.

Erik_Singer7 karma

Sure! I did a bit more of it in the shoot than made it into the final cut. We couldn't get everything in!

Though I always model the target accent extensively when I'm coaching, I'm a little careful to do too much of it in videos and the like. I'm pretty good, but actors should always work mainly from native speakers (except when there aren't any, cuz we made something up!)

matthew_trevino4 karma

Have you ever worked with someone who had no natural accent of their own, and was it harder or easier for them to pick up accents that they needed for roles?

Erik_Singer13 karma

There's no such thing as not having an accent! An accent is jut the particular way a group or an individual realizes the sounds of speech.

Kungmagnus3 karma

I never knew I was interested in movie accents until I saw the linked youtube video a couple of days ago. I've seen it three times since then and was led here from the video.

Do you have any examples of good a acting performance that you enjoy in spite of a really poorly done accent?

How did americans practice foreign accents back in the day when you couldn't get endless source material on the internet, are movie accents more accurate these days than pre internet?

Erik_Singer8 karma

Glad you liked the video!

Peter Dinklage in GoT.

From recordings, usually. Painstakingly recorded by hard-working dialect coaches! Yes, I definitely think movie accents are getting better, though there's still plenty of room for improvement!

HankTheFourth2 karma

I'm from Eastern Kentucky. I went to law school in Alabama and now I live outside of Cincinnati. In the past 8 years, I've been losing my accent. Is there anything I can do to keep my accent besides going home all the time?

Erik_Singer9 karma

Call home! Talk to friends from back home on the phone! Make a recording of yourself when you're really in your native accent and listen back to it when you feel like you're losing touch with it.

You could also work with a coach to identify some of the features that you tend to lose touch with and work specifically to retain them. Once you have some sense what they are, it should be as easy as falling off a horse.

Also, get drunk!

wesandersonsgf2 karma

Hey Erik,

I just came here from the WIRED video you were in, it was very interesting! Since you didn't talk too much about it, can you tell the difference between different Asian accents? And if so, what's the most chaotic "Asian" accent you have heard being portrayed?

Have a nice day!

Erik_Singer3 karma

That's a pretty big area! There are a vast number of completely unrelated languages in Asia, so there are simply no common factors. (Though you do find a large number of tonal languages. The only other places you get a lot of tonal languages are Africa and Native North American languages.)

ermergerdperderders1 karma

As someone who aspires to be a stage actor, how do you recommend I start off with learning other dialects properly?

Erik_Singer2 karma

Get good training!

Jim1051 karma

I want to sound like a eastern European slav. Any tips?

Erik_Singer3 karma

Find a primary speaker (live or recording) and listen, listen, listen!

(And hire a good coach if you really want to get it down!)