Signing off now - thanks for the questions ! I'll drop in tomorrow to see if I've missed any.

I'm Jesse Burks and I have a practice that focuses on surgical reconstruction of the foot and ankle. In 2011 my oldest son, Harley, showed an interest in acting. To support that interest, I bought a simple camera and we started making ridiculous home movies. Since then I've been fortunate to meet several amazingly talented people that have helped me create wonderfully odd, and frequently disturbing, little horror films - films that have played in multiple festivals around the world and on CryptTv. Horror icon Michael Berryman is in both of my films on CryptTv.

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Comments: 201 • Responses: 92  • Date: 

RamenKing136 karma

Cake or pie?

DrJBurks6 karma

Definitely pie - pecan, specifically. I can do red velvet cake if I'm forced:)

NozomiKuraiake3 karma

Awesome shorts ! Where did you get the inspiration ?

DrJBurks7 karma

THANK YOU SO MUCH ! With ONE PLEASE - I heard an ice cream truck for several days and it just morphed into something horrible. I thought "ok, what if slowly cutting things off doesn't even cause people to flinch?". With CURED - multiple cultures for years have performed "trepanation" to supposedly helped people. Headaches, seizures, mental illness - things they might not have been able to explain were treated by basically drilling/cutting/knocking a hole in someone's head. I had been thinking for several months "what if drilling hole in someone's head actually helped them"

NozomiKuraiake3 karma

Thank you so much for the reply ! Indeed everyday life and ancient cultures are the most common and great sources of inspiration :) Keep it up, I'll be waiting for the next ones ! -^

DrJBurks3 karma

Thank you for the question :) I agree ! Ancient cultures are incredible places to learn about and get ideas.

A new one coming this summer!

Chtorrr3 karma

What is the very best cheese?

DrJBurks3 karma

English cheddar (mic drop)

brokedownsouth2 karma

I just knew you were gonna go with a nice aged Limburger.

DrJBurks2 karma

Limburger is a strong contender

Chtorrr3 karma

First scary movies you ever saw?

DrJBurks5 karma

JAWS - first free weekend of HBO, 1978 - no one knew what "cable" was - they literally played the movie for 48 hours straight! I was afraid to take a bath.

The Exorcist - couldn't sleep for weeks

Joe4343 karma

What horror movies inspire you?

DrJBurks3 karma

I love so many different types of horror films - but I really love things that just creep me out. Remember when that black and red devil thing pops out from behind the guy in Sinister ?? THAT kind of stuff I love. But to answer your question, one of my biggest horror inspirations...PSYCHO. Regular, everyday people that turn out to be weird/evil

Crypt_TV3 karma

Always great working with you Jesse! What's your next big project??

DrJBurks4 karma

Thanks CryptTV !!! Such a great response to the films since you posted them !! Your fans are awesome !! I'm filming ODD HAPPENINGS IN A TINY TENT this summer - I actually have an authentic, slightly miniature guillotine for the movie....just big enough to fit a meaty little hand !!

DrJBurks1 karma

My newest short titled THAT UNUSUAL BRICK is just now starting it's festival ride.

N1nYo2 karma

how are you?

DrJBurks3 karma

feeling great !

Rachelle10162 karma

I'm a big fan of your films! Thanks for doing this AMA!

Who will be your newest cast members in the next film? Also, I love the look your films have. Who does your cinematography and photography on set?

DrJBurks2 karma

Thanks for the question Rachelle !! Michael Berryman will be returning for my next film - scheduled to shoot at the end of July. We still haven't cast everyone, but I'm very fortunate that my oldest son, Harley, will be in this film. He's been in Los Angeles studying acting for several years and It's been cool to see him be so dedicated to his craft. Acting is incredibly difficult and I'm fortunate that he'll come back to work with me:)

Gabe Mayhan is my cinematographer and is absolutely amazing !! So smart - such a talented dude. Brandie Maldonado is my still photographer. She's local to the area and is fantastic - she can be all over the shoot and we hardly know she's there until she drops a load of amazing photos for us!

ironman822 karma

what do you think of the situation in venezuela?

DrJBurks2 karma

it's horribly sad - as a physician, and just a normal human, I hate to see anyone go without basic necessities

CambodianThunder2 karma

Fuck, marry, kill.

Freddy, Slenderman, Babadook?

DrJBurks2 karma

Yeah - I looked up some more about Slenderman - really hate him

DrJBurks1 karma

First one is definitely out for Freddy - sharp knives and all - too dangerous. Slenderman I'd have to kill - I'm 5'7 & 1/8ths - he's tall so naturally he's my enemy. Guess that leaves me marrying Babadook

ThatOneBadUsername2 karma

Are you a fan of Lee Hardcastle?

DrJBurks2 karma

Took me a minute to check out his site - yes, yes I am a fan of Lee Hardcastle

ThatOneBadUsername1 karma


DrJBurks2 karma

you're welcome Lee :)

ThatOneBadUsername1 karma

thanks but I'm not lee. I'm not even British!

DrJBurks2 karma


iwas99x2 karma

Have you ever hear of Svengoolie? He hosts old horror movies from the 1930s to 1970s on Me-TV on Saturday nights. If not check him out.

DrJBurks1 karma

I have heard of him - and watched him !!!

Optimus_Trajan1 karma

Was there any particular reason why you got into the horror genre? Or is film making something that has always been a passion?

DrJBurks1 karma

When I started writing little scripts they just always seem to end up creepy and leaning more towards horror. I watch ALL types of movies, but I've noticed that especially when I watch horror films's almost like I'm taking notes:)

It hasn't always been a passion. In 2011 one of my oldest sons wanted to take some acting lessons - I bought a small simple camera so we could make horrible films. I never would have thought making films would be a passion, but I absolutely love it now. I can definitely see why people spend so many years in school/training learning.

brokedownsouth3 karma

My name is Josh Miller. I've helped produce a couple of Jesse's films. Even in his early work the stories were there. That something that can't be taught. He's very creative! As a producer it's fun to work with a director who knows exactly the story he wants to tell down to the smallest details. At this point, I can't imagine Jesse telling stories that aren't creepy.

DrJBurks3 karma

Thanks Josh !! I like creepy !

Kirsteb10161 karma

Has being a doctor helped inspire your horror shorts?

DrJBurks2 karma

Thanks Kirsteb ! It definitely has - if you've watched ONE PLEASE and CURED you'll notice that I stay completely away from my specialty (foot and ankle) - don't want to frighten my patients too much :)

TheProfessor_Reddit1 karma

How do horror films look before and after post? Also although I don't plan on making horror films in particular any tips for someone who is becoming interested in film making?

DrJBurks3 karma

I think you have to try and picture the end product. It's definitely going to a bit rough at the beginning of post - don't get discouraged - it will look completely difference once the edit flow, it's color-graded, etc. When I see the changes through the post period I realize what an amazing group of people that have helped me. Les and Russ Galusha have edited for me and I can't thank them enough for their work.

DrJBurks3 karma

Tips? Film, film, film - my first shorts were terrible, but are special to me - that's where I learned things - things that worked and things that didn't work. But I kept filming and they slowly got better. BUT my biggest tip would be - meet people - I have people around me that are so talented and each of them know their particular area so well. If you surround yourself with a solid crew you'll learn and your films will be better

TheProfessor_Reddit1 karma

Thanks a lot. Sorry to ask another question but what are some tips for getting actors? I have an editor and I'm happy to script write and direct but actors is were I'm having trouble. Again thanks for replying

DrJBurks2 karma

I am so glad you asked this question !! There are tons of wonderful actors and actresses out there that are eager to work. I have a son that's doing it - and it's such a struggle for them to get shots at even smaller roles in smaller productions. Here are my suggestions... 1.Contact any acting school (or acting program in a college/university) you are close to and let them know about your project. 2.Contact any local theaters/drama programs. 3.Never be afraid to reach out to an actual agent/manager of someone you might like to cast. Actors want to act ! and frequently they'll consider smaller films

MrKDilkington1 karma

Do your patients freak out when they find out you created such gory movies? I was in physical pain watching that woman cut off her finger!

DrJBurks2 karma

They don't seem to - quite often I have patients come in and say "dude! I heard you make horror films!" It gives me something besides medicine to chat with them about.

That was the goal - slow, painful, and absolutely NOT cutting to black - show the WHOLE horrible thing!

brokedownsouth2 karma

These stores are told visually, but the sound is so important! Dwight Chalmers is a genius sound designer. The sound of that finger getting chopped off is highly effective!

DrJBurks1 karma

Amos Cochran - plays essentially every instrument known to the world - has created the music for all 3 of my short films - music can completely change the mood of a short!

coryrenton1 karma

which horror movies have struck you as being medically highly accurate and also highly inaccurate?

DrJBurks5 karma

Human Centipede !! NO WAY AT ALL - I don't operate on butts or faces, but as a foot and ankle surgeon I'm certain of the following... Death from infection - way quick, not like weeks, like quick - sewing a butt and mouth together??- cool idea for a film, but in the real world you're not even going to have time to train them to crawl around!

I'm gonna come back to the highly accurate one in a minute

DrJBurks2 karma

SAW series ? Wickedly creative...possible? Maybe. Most of us would pass out - and subsequently bleed out, despite a make-shift tourniquet - about 3/4 of an inch into your ankle.

DrJBurks1 karma

But then even my films are medically/surgically inaccurate... You'd have to struggle to cut through that finger bone - it would come off at the knuckle fairly easily, but through the bone? She'd have to really lean into it.

liamquane1 karma

Hi Mr. Burks! Congratuwelldone on the films! How did you get the films onto crypt?

DrJBurks2 karma

Hi there ! And thank you ! I sent an e-mail after my films had run their film festival course. CryptTv has given me and my crew so much exposure ! They have so many great films on there - if you haven't seen MORDEO on there you have to check it out ! Gory, weird - hats off to the filmmaker

directorcreep3 karma

Hey Jesse. MORDEO Director, Ben Sottak, here. Thrilled to hear you dug MORDEO! I'm a huge fan of yours - the sound design alone in One Please gave me nightmares. Had no idea you were a practicing surgeon too. Makes perfect sense. Your horror films have an anatomical realism to them that is bone chilling. Can't wait to see more from you! :D

DrJBurks3 karma

Thank you Ben ! Dwight Chalmers has worked on the sound on my films and he has just taken them to another level - is that bone crunch he created not perfectly gruesome ??? LOVED MORDEO !!! Absolutely a perfect example of filmmaking - that "tugging" at the abdomen and his head and shoulders are wobbling back and disturbing. 5/5 stars Ben

directorcreep2 karma

Perfectly gruesome indeed! The whole rhythm of the sound design in One Please from the vegetable chopping to the Ice Cream truck is masterfully done. Kudos to you and Dwight. Such a fantastic short.

Thanks again for the kind words about MORDEO. It's a huge confidence boost getting praise from a filmmaker who's work I admire. Like I said, I'm a huge fan of yours and very excited to see what you do next! :)

DrJBurks3 karma

I'm excited about ODD HAPPENINGS IN A TINY TENT - my next little film: there's a baby in it, mimes, and a guillotine! Same awesome crew is helping me again!

What's your next one Ben?? Can you give us any hints on here?

directorcreep3 karma

Babies, mimes and guillotines Directed by Jesse Burks?? Sign me up! Cannot wait for ODD HAPPENINGS IN A TINY TENT!

Don't want to give away too much, but we may be seeing some familiar ANTLERS in my next short... ;)

DrJBurks3 karma

ANTLERS !! Can't wait - keep us posted on when we can look for it!

directorcreep2 karma

Will do! Keep an eye on Crypt TV's page. And best of luck with Production and Post on ODD HAPPENINGS! Kill it! :)

DrJBurks3 karma

Thanks Ben!

liamquane1 karma

What was it like doing festival rounds?

DrJBurks1 karma

It's so fun - I haven't been to a festival that I didn't enjoy. Big, small, medium - all festivals provide something unique and each time you see an audience watch and react to your film it's such a cool feeling:)

SlipperySteve891 karma

Did you always know you wanted to be a foot doctor or did it start off as some kinda weird fetish sort of thing?

DrJBurks1 karma

Nope on the fetish - just knew I wanted to specialize and its seemed to fit the kind of life I wanted. Helps people, hours are long, but not horrible

abireka1 karma

what are your favorite horror stories or novellas? which films inspire you most?

DrJBurks2 karma

Eraserhead - not a classic horror, but so wonderfully weird. Donnie Darko - not a classic horror, but also wonderfully weird and dark. Nosferatu - so creepy. Psycho - completely possible - that's why it's even creepier

2fly4wifi1 karma

Jelly or Jam?

DrJBurks1 karma

Jelly - no doubts at all.

Reiannon1 karma

Who wins? A silverback gorilla or a grizzly bear?

DrJBurks1 karma

AWESOME QUESTION !!! Heavily wooded area - gorilla, hands down. Open, grassy field - grizzly. I think tons of people have struggled with this question for centuries - so let me just settle it once and for all. The gorilla wins. Absolutely, positively no doubt that the gorilla destroys the grizzly. I've personally fought both and I promise you the gorilla was a hell of a lot tougher.

hbbarrington1 karma

As someone who lost both arms in two separate bear attacks I find this post extremely offensive. Bears are a far superior combatant.

DrJBurks1 karma

I fought both animals and won both times. You fought a bear... could be bear(s) since you did not distinguish if it was two bears attacking once or one bear attacking on two different occasions... twice, and lost an upper extremity each time. Clearly I am the superior combatant.

Hokutonowolfken1 karma

What's your favorite kind of sandwich?

DrJBurks1 karma

A reuben on marble rye - less sauerkraut, more corned beef

Jobatoussaint1 karma

Are you looking for any self-proclaimed thespians seeking exposure and a shot at proving himself?

DrJBurks1 karma

Absolutely! That's EXACTLY the talent we're looking for!

BohemeWinter1 karma

Any advice on how to handle being a different drummer but also wanting to succeed in the medical field?

DrJBurks1 karma

Yes. Need the definition of "different" to give adequate advice.

iwas99x1 karma

What is the longest time in duration you have had for a surgery and what all did you need to fix in that surgery?

DrJBurks1 karma

3 hours - a difficult total ankle replacement where I had to remove hardware first from an old fracture. I was sweaty.

iwas99x1 karma

What are your favorite medical TV shows? What are your favorite medical movies?

DrJBurks1 karma

Honestly, I really don't watch any medical TV shows

Gross Anatomy The Hospital Re-Animator

iwas99x1 karma

Which Michael Crichton books have you read?

DrJBurks1 karma

Sphere, The Andromeda Strain and Driving Miss Daisy

iwas99x1 karma

Which state do you practice medicine in?

DrJBurks1 karma


iwas99x1 karma

Worst injury you ever had? Worst illness you ever had?

DrJBurks1 karma

displaced fracture, left wrist


iwas99x1 karma

Do you watch the Discovery Life & TLC Channels for medical entertainment and the SyFy and Chiller channels for crazy science fiction and horror entertainment?

DrJBurks1 karma

Please let me rank them on how I watch them... 1.Chiller 2.SyFy 3.Discovery Life 4.TLC

I started watching the series "Chopped" but realized the title is VERY misleading. Hardly any gore.

iwas99x1 karma

What colleges did you graduate from?

DrJBurks1 karma

Des Moines University Post-graduate residency at Winona Hosital in Indianapolis Trauma surgery fellowship, Graz, Austria

iwas99x1 karma

What do you think of the works of George R. Romero?

DrJBurks1 karma

Awesome gore !

iwas99x1 karma

What is the most common injury that you treat?

DrJBurks1 karma

ruptured Achilles tendons

iwas99x1 karma

I've noticed over the last 10 years almost half of my doctors have come from Africa & Asia & South America. Why do so few American kids want to be doctors but would rather be nurses or medical assistants? Is it the amount schooling that scares American kids away from wanting to be doctors?

DrJBurks1 karma

I think that's part of it. I also think that the college debt you incur for 4 years of college and 4 years of medical school scares people away.

iwas99x1 karma

Have you had any minor or major celebrities asking to be in any of your movies?

DrJBurks1 karma

I haven't had any "asking", but I have had Michael Berryman and Scout Taylor-Compton in films and I've had Verne Troyer and Bill Moseley interested

iwas99x1 karma

Who are you favorite directors? Who are your favorite producers?

DrJBurks1 karma

Jean-Pierre Jeunet Eli Roth Joshua and Miles Miller Daniel Campbell Mark Theideman

iwas99x1 karma

Who are your favorite actors and actresses?

DrJBurks1 karma

Amy Adams David Gulpilil Daniel Day-Lewis Andrew Garfield Harley Burks

iwas99x1 karma

What is the cheesiest/corniest horror movie? And what is the most predictable horror movie?

DrJBurks1 karma

THE GREASY STRANGLER - awkward, weird, amazing THE GINGERDEAD MAN - I can't look away. We own 1,2 & 3

Any Friday the 13th

iwas99x1 karma

Who has the Best fast food burger?

DrJBurks1 karma

David's Burgers

iwas99x1 karma

What are your favorite pizza toppings?

DrJBurks1 karma

meat and veggies, but on different sides of the pizzas

iwas99x1 karma

Do you have any pets? If so, how many? What types? What are their names?

DrJBurks1 karma

3 dogs ; Butters, Tank, Zani 2 cats ; Toke and Jerry 2 birds; unnamed

iwas99x1 karma

How many horror/SciFi conventions do you go to and which ones do you go?

DrJBurks1 karma

will be going to Crypticon with my new film in a few weeks - first time !

iwas99x1 karma

How many medical conventions do you go to and which ones do you go to?

DrJBurks1 karma

one a year - usually in Los Angeles because my oldest son lives there

iwas99x1 karma

What was the Most gruesome injury that you have treated?

DrJBurks1 karma

open ankle fracture with pine needles wedged into the exposed bone

iwas99x1 karma

Do you play any sports? If so which ones?

DrJBurks1 karma

nope, but I try to workout and I finished an entire Ironman triathlon - even got the tattoo

iwas99x1 karma

Do you watch any sports? If so which ones?

DrJBurks1 karma

Yes , Football

xNeon141 karma

What is your favorite procedure to do? By the way I also saw Dr Bowen about a month ago, great practice!!

DrJBurks1 karma

A talonavicular fusion

LOVE being part of this group - great group of people to work with

iwas99x1 karma

Is it sometimes tempting to talk with friends and family about a local celebrity you treated but you stop yourself because of Hipaa?

DrJBurks1 karma

No - haven't really treated any celebrities

iwas99x1 karma

Red Bull, coffee, tea, how do you keep your self alert with long days of work at the office to also do horror movies?

DrJBurks1 karma

I try to sleep well and I usually get up at 4:30 am - even on the weekends - and have 2 brutally strong cups of coffee that no one else in my family can stand.

iwas99x1 karma

How many movie contests per year do you enter your movies into?

DrJBurks1 karma


iwas99x1 karma

Which magazines does your office subscribe to?

DrJBurks1 karma

Time, sports illustrated

iwas99x1 karma

What in News right now are you tired of hearing about?

DrJBurks1 karma

goat yoga - I don't want to hear another word about how wonderful it is

iwas99x1 karma

What current trend/fad do you not like and understand?

DrJBurks1 karma

skinny jeans - I'm VERY tempted - but they seem horribly uncomfortable

iwas99x1 karma

Roughly what percentage of your patients are Senior Citizens? Baby boomers? Generator X-ers? And Milenienals by percentage breakdown?

DrJBurks1 karma

Senior citizens/baby boomers 50% x-ers 25% Mills 24% Small babies 1%

iwas99x1 karma

Have you done any interview Q and As with your local community newspaper and community magazine? If not do you want to and plan to?

DrJBurks1 karma

I'd be interested in doing that. Hopefully, as our films pick up some traction (thanks CryptTv!) we'll some interview time.

iwas99x1 karma

Do you have a beard, mustache, both or neither?

DrJBurks1 karma

I usually keep about a 5-6 day beard

iwas99x1 karma

Are you married? If yes, Where and how did you meet your wife? And if yes, how many years have you been married?

DrJBurks1 karma

Yep, over 25 years, the US

iwas99x1 karma

What one activity is causing the most injuries that send people to you as patients?

DrJBurks1 karma


iwas99x1 karma

What was the last movie you saw and without spoiling the plot , how was it?

DrJBurks1 karma

Silence - amazing acting

iwas99x1 karma

Best recent medical invention?

DrJBurks1 karma

advancement? STEM cell therapy

invention? joint replacements

iwas99x1 karma

Why do you think so many people film videos on their mobile phones in portrait instead of landscape? Is it ignorance, they, don't know how to hold the phone, some combination or other reasons?

DrJBurks1 karma

I think it's easier to hold the phone BUT it drives me crazy

iwas99x1 karma

Who writes the script and story board for your movies?

DrJBurks1 karma

I do that and then refine it with my DP/producer(s)

iwas99x1 karma

What is your favorite beer?

DrJBurks1 karma

Don't care for beer. I like whiskey.

iwas99x1 karma

How many times do you work out at the gym in a week?

DrJBurks1 karma


iwas99x1 karma

If you were on America's got talent, what would you do for the judges?

DrJBurks1 karma

Karate moves

iwas99x1 karma

What are your fears & phobias?

DrJBurks1 karma


iwas99x1 karma

What are your goals with making horror movies?

DrJBurks1 karma

To make a feature

Adamj11 karma

Did they offer you literally a buck like they did my brother?

DrJBurks1 karma

They did, but, honestly, these shorts would have just been sitting around doing nothing. I was hesitant at first, but the exposure I've gotten through CryptTv, and the other doors it has now opened, has been uber worth it.

-Night_Wing-1 karma

How did you transition from being a doctor to also producing horror movies?

DrJBurks3 karma

Thanks for the question ! I still do both - I am still a full-time doctor and since I'm only working on short films at this point, I can usually work on them over long weekends/evenings, etc.

-Night_Wing-1 karma

Do you think you might transition to filmmaking full time eventually?

DrJBurks2 karma

Mmmm - I love being a doctor so much - can't see myself leaving it for film, BUT I definitely hope to continue making films...and maybe at some point a feature.

SpellingPhailure1 karma

Do your patients know about your films?

DrJBurks1 karma

Some do - if they ask about it I'm always happy to tell them!

wileyguy101011 karma

Which horror icon do you most identify with?

DrJBurks3 karma

Michael Berryman - but I guess that's because I've gotten to know him personally and professionally over the past 4 years.