Hi Reddit, I’m excited to be hosting my first AMA live from E3 2017.

I’ve been working in video games for the last 31 years, and I’ve been lucky enough to work with some of the most talented people in the industry. Not only are video games the fastest growing form of entertainment, they’re beloved by communities of players around the world and we believe that they can enrich peoples’ lives.

Beyond games I’m passionate about new technology, new methods of managing creative talent and new types of transportation… and chocolate!

Yesterday we held our annual E3 conference where we announced what I think is one of our strongest lineups of games in recent years. If you haven’t seen it yet, I won’t spoil it for you, watch it here >> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Q1s3lOzQ1A

Edit 1 - I'll start answering questions at 10:30am PT keep them coming!

Edit 2 - Thanks so much for your questions, I really enjoyed hearing from you all, unfortunately that is all the time I have for today. I hope we can do this again soon!

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Comments: 844 • Responses: 49  • Date: 

EggMcMuffin243432 karma

Whats the deal with the rainbow six siege servers man?

YvesGuillemotUbisoft494 karma

Bonjour… I am very much aware of the issue and it’s a personal priority for me. Whenever the servers go down, I know within about a minute. I am working with many different teams to solve those problems as I know that this is as important to your enjoyment of the game as the gameplay itself. We are already rolling out fixes like Operation Health that is all about improving the core infrastructure and we hope that this is a step in the right direction.

YvesGuillemotUbisoft31 karma

Bonjour… I am very much aware of the issue and it’s a personal priority for me. Whenever the servers go down, I know within about a minute. I am working with many different teams to solve those problems as I know that this is as important to your enjoyment of the game as the gameplay itself. We are already rolling out fixes like Operation Health that is all about improving the core infrastructure and we hope that this is a step in the right direction.

[deleted]3 karma


Digging_For_Ostrich50 karma

Ok, I'm switching off a bit!

YvesGuillemotUbisoft7 karma

Sorry about that!

quack_quack_mofo214 karma

Do you feel like Ubisoft has improved their reputation lately?

YvesGuillemotUbisoft461 karma

Hi there, that's a good question. I think yes and no, we have encountered some problems recently and we have some work to do on improving our services. It's a tough learning experience but I think we are progressing well. At the same time I'm very proud of the games we've released over the last few years and the success of live games like Rainbow Six Siege, The Division, For Honor, The Crew and Steep I also am incredibly proud of what we showed yesterday at our E3 conference.

TheNastyJ203 karma

Any word on a splinter cell game in the works. What can we expect ?

YvesGuillemotUbisoft274 karma

Hi! Splinter Cell is a brand we talk about a lot. It's also personally one of my favorite series. We don't have anything specific to share at the moment but teams are working on different things, so stay tuned for more.

Sticker704184 karma

What's the most difficult thing you've had to do as CEO?

YvesGuillemotUbisoft346 karma

Hi there, it would probably be decisions about which projects to persue and which ones to cancel. Telling a team who've been focused on a project for several years that they won't be able to continue it is very tough. However what I have seen is when we do cancel projects it is almost always for the best, it gives us an opportunity to learn to refine our ideas and come up with better games.

putin_putin_putin111 karma

When one of your teams has been working on a game for years, what would make you change your mind and come to the decision that the project has to be stopped? I'm only asking out of curiosity!

YvesGuillemotUbisoft199 karma

Changes in the industry either competition or technology are definitely a factor. Similarly the breakthrough that we thought we had may no longer be relevant and sometimes we do realize that we are unable to execute what we had hoped to achieve.

notamith184 karma

Do you enjoy games other than the ones made by Ubisoft?

YvesGuillemotUbisoft365 karma

I travel a lot for work, but thanks to the Switch I’ve been able to play Zelda. It’s a great game and we can learn a lot about how we make games by looking at what Nintendo has done.

For Ubisoft games, Rayman will always have a place in my heart because of its importance in Ubisoft’s history and because I played it a lot with my kids. I’m still playing From Dust, and I’m excited about all the different motor vehicles you can play with in The Crew 2.

noel3679181 karma

Are you the Grand Master of the Templar Order?

YvesGuillemotUbisoft326 karma

I believe in free will...

Shacken-Wan127 karma

Comment comptez-vous lutter contre Bolloré dans le futur ?

How do you intend to deal with Bolloré/Vivendi (a French industrial group which planned to takeover Ubisoft) ?

Source : https://www.gamespot.com/articles/vivendi-will-reportedly-pursue-a-ubisoft-takeover-/1100-6449572/

YvesGuillemotUbisoft253 karma

Freedom and independence are key to what we do – they are what allow us to take risks, try new things, and create games like the ones we showed during E3 this year. We will fight to continue to be able to keep doing that in the future.

Surcouf125 karma

Is there a decision as a CEO that you regret or wish you could've done better?

YvesGuillemotUbisoft253 karma

Thanks for the question. I would say we were very strongly investing in MMOs in the late 90's/early 2000s and we stopped that side of the business because it wasn't performing well enough and we should have continued on with that.

ZelGamers118 karma

What is it like working with Shigeru Miyamoto?

YvesGuillemotUbisoft189 karma

Hello! What is fantastic about working with Nintendo and with Miyamoto in particular is that you are working with the best. It's easy to work with the smartest people in the industry and they have a great understanding of what works and we are very often on the same page about how to solve a problem.

mombo2811106 karma

Proudest moment in your career?

YvesGuillemotUbisoft250 karma

Thanks for the question! I would say the launch of the first Splinter Cell and the first Assassin's Creed were both amazing. They were the culmination of a lot of work and were both great successes. These were both fantastic moments for me as they represent turning points for Ubisoft and a great pay off for big risks that we took. And of course yesterday with Miyamoto was pretty special as well :)

Uncle_Jonny_100 karma

How do you deal with the negative comments from so many players about your games?

YvesGuillemotUbisoft214 karma

Hi there, first things first I read them! I very often dispatch and share them with our teams with my comments and I think they help us prioritise what we need to fix and get a good insight into the biggest concerns of our communities.

mikeverwegen96 karma

What is your personal opinion on Rainbow Six Siege?

YvesGuillemotUbisoft195 karma

I love it! It's the first time that we have seen that level of engagement and passion around a game we've created.

NigerianMessi78 karma

How do you buff a god?

YvesGuillemotUbisoft128 karma

You'll have to ask the team here >> https://www.reddit.com/r/Rainbow6/ ;)

Camsy3467 karma

What are some of the key things you look for when being presented with a new game idea?

YvesGuillemotUbisoft131 karma

Thanks for your question. I look for a few important things. I want to know what I’m going to learn about myself and the world by playing this game, is the game rich enough that am I going to want to play for a long time and that it’s engaging enough that I’ll want to progress. I also want to know if I can play with my friends and in a way that each person can bring something unique to the experience. Lastly I look for an innovation brought by the game that has the potential to disrupt the industry.

Snugsbug42 karma

Quick follow-up question to you saying you look for unique multiplayer experience, does that mean you aren't necessarily interested in pursuing any style of single player and or campaign heavy titles? Also thanks for taking time to do an AMA

YvesGuillemotUbisoft74 karma

One of the things I am proud of is that we have something in our line-up for many types of players and this is something we will continue to develop. We will still make games that are only solo or only multiplayer as long as they provide super rich and engaging experiences.

noxstreak66 karma

How does one become a CEO? What was your early life like?

YvesGuillemotUbisoft102 karma

To become a CEO I would say pick a fast growing industry you are interested in, surround yourself with the best and work hard!

Marbi_62 karma

Hi Yves,

what old game would you want to be remastered with today's graphics ?

YvesGuillemotUbisoft165 karma

I would say Far Cry 3 on the Xbox One X would be amazing :)

PM_ME_Determination40 karma

I've heard it said multiple ways. I'd like to know from the source. What is the correct pronunciation of the word Ubisoft?

YvesGuillemotUbisoft112 karma

Hi... we actually made a video about this last year, you can see it here >> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IU61WkEVFWY

RealBichStewie37 karma

What are the requirements if I wanted to be a game designer for ubisoft?

YvesGuillemotUbisoft98 karma

If you don’t have any experience in the industry a great way to start is as a game tester. After that, more and more we are seeing the emergence of game design as something that can be formally studied. Since the video game industry moves so fast, keeping an eye out for what new skills are required can also be a good strategy. Lastly, for Ubisoft, we look for people who are enthusiastic about games and dedicated to their work. In other words, we look for passion, imagination and expertise.

szogyenyi33 karma

What is your most beloved franchise within Ubisoft? (Not just now, all over the past 30 years)

YvesGuillemotUbisoft83 karma

It's tough to choose by I would say Assassin's Creed because it gives me an opportunity to explore history. But I love all our games so it's very tough to pick.

Applepton31 karma

Don't your fists hurt of knocking the shit out of all your competitors at E3 this year? Also what's the name of your dog we saw in a video a couple years ago?

YvesGuillemotUbisoft42 karma

Thanks very much, it's great to see such a positive response to our conference. My dog's name is Buddy!

DLG_Nathan31 karma

Obviously a long shot, but would it be possible to meet you at E3?

So excited to see all of Ubisoft's projects at E3!

YvesGuillemotUbisoft70 karma

If you see me on the booth please come say hello!

movielover9930 karma

Google has this thing called Google 20% which is set up to allow to spend 20% of employees time to work on their own projects and ideas instead of what they're hired to do. This encourages innovation. Does Ubisoft have anything in place for encouraging innovation?

P.S Not just for employees, do you allow other people to pitch you ideas and how have you made it easy for them to do it. Do you try and do anything to make their ideas or projects a reality? what's the best way to approach you with an idea?

YvesGuillemotUbisoft65 karma

Thanks for the question! At Ubisoft what we try to do, when we can, is take ideas that people have and then try to make that 100% of their job. For instance Star Link which we announced yesterday came out of a Game Jam we had in Toronto and we were able to make that into a full project, For Honor was also a passion project that we were able to turn into a reality. And it has happened for many games we've published over the years!

squishynurse30 karma

What's your favorite kind of cheese 🧀?

YvesGuillemotUbisoft69 karma

I would say Époisses de Bourgogne! You can see it here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%C3%89poisses_de_Bourgogne

Syndane_X26 karma

After Berlin, do you have actual plans to open further studios globally in the nearest future?

YvesGuillemotUbisoft58 karma

We have to go where we can find the best talent! We're always looking for very talented engineers, so I would be happy to open a studio anywhere we can find great people :)

mrbubblesisalie18 karma

Hi Yves!! I love watching you speak at E3, your enthusiasm for your company and games in general really comes out!

What would you say is the most important quality in a game? Story telling? Mechanics? World-building?

Also, AC: Origins looks incredible!!

YvesGuillemotUbisoft26 karma

For us the world, systems and the gameplay mechanics are key to building a great game!

Eggabooha17 karma

Hello! You guys rocked E3 this year, the only one who did better IMO is nintendo, really good work :) now, I have to ask: Do you play other games in your free time? If so, what is your favorite non-ubisoft game that you are playing at this time?

gonapster17 karma

Is there any moment during the day when you don't think about Ubisoft? What else do you think about?

YvesGuillemotUbisoft61 karma

My family and friends of course… and when I need to clear my mind I love to get on my Harley motorcycle and do road trips in Europe and the US.

Ieffow16 karma

What is your most played game? (ubisoft game and non-ubisoft game)

YvesGuillemotUbisoft35 karma

I travel a lot for work, but thanks to the Switch I’ve been able to play Zelda. It’s a great game and we can learn a lot about how we make games by looking at what Nintendo has done.

For Ubisoft games, Rayman will always have a place in my heart because of its importance in Ubisoft’s history and because I played it a lot with my kids. I’m still playing From Dust, and I’m excited about all the different motor vehicles you can play with in The Crew 2.

MeenaBeti16 karma

Thank you for hosting this AMA!

Did you ever think that when you first came into video games over 30 years ago, video games would become this big? (esports etc)

YvesGuillemotUbisoft34 karma

I thought it would be big, but not this big. What is amazing with this industry is that technology is always giving us fantastic new opportunities to disrupt different genres and segments of games and to create new ones. I believe interactive entertainment is the future of entertainment, and we still have huge opportunities in front of us.

Punkcolts16 karma

How are you doing today?

YvesGuillemotUbisoft44 karma

I'm doing well, a little tired after yesterday's conference but very happy with the response what we've received!

Surcouf14 karma

Which chocolate do you prefer?

  1. Swiss
  2. Belgian
  3. Whatever's melting on my tongue
  4. White, because I don't know what I'm talking about ;)

YvesGuillemotUbisoft38 karma

  1. Swiss Dark Chocolate! I always have a stock on my desk for long meetings.

Aerialist_SS12 karma

I saw the gameplay for Assassin's creed origins and it looked amazing. Can't wait to play it! But can you please tell me as why the pirate aspect of assassin's creed was removed and made into a seperate game (skull & bones) ?

YvesGuillemotUbisoft42 karma

Hi there, for Skull and Bones it really needed a full team dedicated to that specific type of gameplay to create the best pirate game possible.

Lacro2311 karma

Anything interesting on the horizon that most people don't know about yet?

YvesGuillemotUbisoft24 karma

As video game creators we have the fantastic power to anticipate and build games that allow us to experience what the world could look like in ten years-time. Playing these games is a way to test and learn and this I believe will have a positive impact on the world.

hnglmkrnglbrry9 karma

What do you see as the next big leap in gaming technology?

YvesGuillemotUbisoft22 karma

I think streaming will be the next big thing, but it will take time before it is ready. Streaming will totally change the way we create and play games, and will again positively disrupt how we think about gaming.

Ieffow9 karma

What is your favorite collectors edition?

YvesGuillemotUbisoft22 karma

I really liked the For Honor collectors edition with the 3 helmets.

UnchainedMexican9 karma

What game are you most excited about?

YvesGuillemotUbisoft5 karma

I'm very excited about all the games we announced at our conference yesterday!

walidaud7 karma

Thanks for the AMA! What would you say is Ubisoft's greatest masterpiece?

BVB_Lover6 karma

Can you tell those of us who couldn't be at E3 today what's comin' down the pipe from Ubisoft? Please and thank you!

YvesGuillemotUbisoft10 karma

We have plenty coming, if you haven't seen it yet I hope you can watch our E3 conference from yesterday >> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Q1s3lOzQ1A

KiloMegaGigaTera6 karma

What's the first game you've ever played?

YvesGuillemotUbisoft10 karma

The first game I played was a Space Invaders arcade machine, which I loved!