My name is Alan Tudyk (pronounced Tyoo Dik). I am a Pieces, I love long walks in the mountains and short walks on the beach. I like medium length walks in fields of grain but medium short to medium-long walks among tuberous crops like potato’s or beets and sometimes carrots. I prefer sprints in bear infested forests and have written off chickens as stupid. My band’s name is Hot Gazpacho. I am currently seeking a replacement drummer, a lead guitarist, a base player, a lead singer, a few backup singers, instruments and a musical style loved by all. 


Comments: 4401 • Responses: 65  • Date: 

papaoso_5948 karma

Why did all those college kids keep killing themselves on your land?

wraynerely5717 karma

rewatch it. mainly they are stupid. they followed a killers instructions mainly. also stupid.

ehdottoman5696 karma

When was the last time you felt like a leaf on the wind? Also your acting in tucker and dale kills me. Bang up job, you're one of my favorites.

wraynerely5026 karma

when I was nominated for the Emmy. It required a mantra to calm me down.

SitDownRando4209 karma

Alan, thank you for all the work you've done, ranging from Firefly, to Tucker and Dale, Dodgeball, Moana, etc etc.

I was wondering which voice acting role you found the most challenging in your career?

wraynerely3073 karma

wish I knew. They all have their own challenges. Disney is really relaxed though so they are supportive of everything I do. Feels like that anyway. Con MAn. season one maybe. We walked a thin line with the stereotypical Vo roles. It was meant to be perceived as racist so I really had to push it to make the comedy work. It is one of my favorite episodes.

mugenhunt2703 karma

Was going to Julliard worth it?

wraynerely4526 karma

Absolutely. All my accents have benefitted from their dogged pursuit of vocal perfection. Hated it while I was doing it but have used it throughout my career.

Sykotik2262 karma

I always wanted to know how to properly pronounce your name. Thanks! Do you get that a lot?

wraynerely2100 karma

yes. it's not a common name

scrabs922088 karma

Which bawk was your favorite bawk to bawk when you were bawking for Moana?

wraynerely3367 karma

the middle one. The one right int he middle

dxsinner1974 karma

Alan, if you could green light any personal passion project, what would it be? And whom would you work with?

wraynerely4233 karma

I have to get back to you on that. I am about to do a play on Broadway written by Steve Martin. That feels like it.

ElCaz1648 karma

I love Death at a Funeral. What was it like being directed by Yoda? Also, how did you end up getting cast in a primarily British film? (You were awesome, btw)

wraynerely1794 karma

I sent in an audition. Frank Oz championed me. It wasn't easy. One the best jobs I have ever had.

musicman1161324 karma

Hi Alan! Thanks for doing this. My question is, what was your favorite voice acting role and why?

...Also we share the same birthday and I think that's pretty cool.

wraynerely2696 karma

March 16th! very auspicious if I do say so mine self. King Candy was my favorite. They really let me play and the character had a hell of an arc.

jaf271321 karma

Hi. What would be your dream film project?

wraynerely6052 karma

Serenity .05 - they early years where e everyone looks older

Eleos1262 karma

Did anyone explicitly ask you to reprise your role as K-2SO when directing you on The Tick as the rogue boat companion of Overkill?

I got a very similar vibe from both roles.

wraynerely1208 karma

me too. it wasn't till I watched it. they are very different in my head. I got to improve more in Rogue. The Tick is tighter on lines. I am voicing over after hey have already shot the scene. There isn't any reason to MoCap so I am not there when they film to add my two cents.

dgoforthedoggo1221 karma

Hi Alan! I'm curious, what is your go-to comfort food?

wraynerely2099 karma



Alan, congratuations on your (and Mindy's) Emmy nomination! I'm pulling for you both. There's a line in Con Man about reddit. My question is, do you browse reddit on a regular basis? If so, what always gets Alan Tudyk's upvote?

wraynerely1339 karma

I don't Reddit so much. I am always distracted by newsie things. That is a deep hole to travel down.

calgil976 karma

Hi Alan?

wraynerely1430 karma

Yes, calgil.

juche878 karma

Kraft reviewer?

Please provide your views on Velveeta.

PS You did a very nice job on Rogue One.

wraynerely1730 karma

Thanks on Rogue. Velveeta too velvety for me. I like a polyester cheese sometimes wool.

killagram797 karma

Hi Alan, I know this subject is beyond beating a dead horse but is there anything Firefly-related for you in the future (as in prequel related)?

wraynerely2280 karma

I hope for a prequel but animated. That is doable and can be good.

Blocktimus_Prime763 karma

Any chance we can hear your velvety voice in Wreck It Ralph Two?

wraynerely1164 karma

they have stated I am their lucky charm. I won't argue. Why would I? So it could be likely.

erikmc718 karma

Hi Alan,

Big fan of Strangers with Candy, How was your experience working with Amy Sedaris, Stephen Colbert.. etc?

Thank you Father!

wraynerely905 karma

I learned so much. I knew Amy from a few plays we did together back in the day. Colbert was always intimidating to me. He is so damned impressive. Amy too but Amy is Amy. I knew her ahead of time.


I know you have been a fan Halo. Any plans on playing Destiny 2? Bonus points for playing in a group with Nathan, Nolan, and Gina.

wraynerely876 karma

No. If they call I will come.

NJNeal17633 karma

Would you give some love to a Reddit friend of mine who hosts this sub: r/AlanTudykGifs/ as it's one of my fav to use on here? or not

Personally I don't have a whole lot of questions since I watch so many of the con panels on youtube where you get asked plenty lol so I'll just thank you for using our money so well on Con Man and ask that you do as many seasons as possible!(I'm with Stupid is amazing!)


Heyyyy...that's me. Thanks for the shout-out :)

wraynerely1147 karma

Thank you for supporting Con Man from the beginning. I love you more than other people for that. I just do.

Lighetto614 karma

How did you get into character for your roles in Moana?

wraynerely2345 karma

I lived in a chicken coop fro a month learning the ways of the chicken.

Heatstroke422511 karma

What instrument do you play for Hot Gazpacho?

wraynerely1064 karma

Guitar but poorly so I need two to three guitars to drown out my chord heavy strumming.

Demaj497 karma

Hi, Alan!

Long time listener, first time caller.

What do you look for in a script when considering a part? Which character would you most like to play again?

wraynerely737 karma

Wash. Wray Nerely. It's a toss up for obvious reasons. I like writing and directing. Wash because he's Wash.

nkleszcz491 karma

Hello Alan!

Loved you in Tucker and Dale vs. Evil. Can you share any interesting stories in the making of that seminal film?

wraynerely1061 karma

the seminal part was unforgettable.

coryrenton482 karma

What is the longest amount of time you have spent on a set to get a seemingly inconsequential shot?

wraynerely621 karma

The obstacle course in season two. It was expensive and took TIME to build. We shot half of what we had to play with. Wah wah

DasAlbatross475 karma

Why do I cry every time I hear the phrase, "I am a leaf on the wind. Watch how I soar"?

wraynerely1238 karma

because Joss is a brilliant writer and has a lot of practice killing your favorite characters.

denimdr473 karma

Please clear this up for me: are you British-American or American-British or Intergalactic-Chinois?

wraynerely1622 karma


shotteh22450 karma

kittens or puppies and why?

wraynerely1241 karma

puppies. I have two and they rule. me. they rule me.

HookDragger392 karma

Whats the funniest "oh shit, I fucked up" thing that's ever happened to you in your career?

wraynerely1314 karma

when I set out to write all episode son season one of Con Man and Direct all epodes of season one of Con Man, also when I set out to produce all episodes of Con Man and when I set out to act as the lead of all episodes of season one of Con Man simultaneously.

Murray96385 karma

Hi! What was your experience like working with Shia LaBeouf and the other actors on Transformers: Dark of the Moon?

wraynerely644 karma

We got along. I had a blest on that. I know there are crazy stories about many of the people on that movie but my experience was lovely.

jaf27378 karma

Hi. I was wondering what some of your toughest challenges were working on Con Man as a writer, director and actor simultaneously for the first time?

And congrats on your Emmy nomination-it's a brilliant show and well deserved by such an under appreciated actor.

wraynerely547 karma

Thank you. The toughest challenge was doing all those jobs at once. It took up every inch of my brain. I was like a broken robot that could only compute one thing. It changed my life. In a good way. I am so aware of peoples contribution to any project. Cut, crew, crafty, transpo etc....

caffpanda352 karma

Hi Alan, I wanted to tell you that you absolutely made the Dallas Fan Expo worth it for me. I wasn't that excited to go honestly, was more supporting my friend, and I had heard Saturday was an absolute crowded mess. I went Sunday and accompanied my friend in line for her to get your autograph and you were just so kind and friendly. I didn't want to take up your time because I didn't even pay for anything, I was just standing there, but you still talked to both of us and were incredibly nice, we talked about the Firefly board game and such. I was disappointed when we couldn't get in to the packed Mark Hamill/Kevin Conroy Q&A, but making it to your Q&A made me not mind so much. You were hilarious and really good with the audience, just made the entire day and ticket price worth it.

How do you keep your energy up at conventions like that? Three manic days, going to events at the con, maybe seeing friends and family while you're in your hometown area... I would be grouchy as hell and really not into talking to long lines of people. How do you maintain a positive attitude like that and keep so engaged with fans?

wraynerely709 karma

I learned form the best. Nathan Fillion. Also it helps to be genuinely happy to meet people. I hear great stories. Fans have changed my life for the better. There is a natural appreciation that comes with that.

ak_doug316 karma

Do you enjoy watching movies with yourself in them, or have you given up on watching any movies ever?

wraynerely1218 karma

Nah. I will with my wife if she hasn't seen it. Sometimes I turn on HBO or sorting and one is running and I will stay on it to watch. Firefly is the exception. I am not watching me I am watching the show. SO cool.

dobie1kenobi310 karma

My daughter wants to be Moana for Halloween and her little brother wants to be Hei Hei. What tips can you give him to get into character?

wraynerely764 karma

I can tell him not to eat rocks. Learn to send his eyes in opposite directions

TopherAU295 karma

How does it feel being one of the most handsome actors in the business?

(You were totally my teen crush)

wraynerely374 karma

Which business are you referring to? Nice of you to say. Thank you.

SarahNaGig286 karma

Helloo, so what is the thing most people say who recognize you, so I can avoid it if I should ever get so lucky? "Hey, aren't you the dude from firefly?" And what would you prefer? Gimme some tips for the least-annoyance factor please.

wraynerely476 karma

Say Con Man. I will love you more.

IScream_YouScream278 karma

Steve the pirate will forever be a legend, but my question is would you rather have teeth for pubes or pubes for teeth?

wraynerely504 karma

WHAT???? pass.

GodzillaFlamewolf255 karma

Thank you for the entertainment!

Can you come to Boise, ID, so we can take a medium-short to medium-long walk through a field of tuberous potatoes while I wax rhapsodic about how you are one of the few celebrities that I would really care to meet?

I promise to only look at you semi-longingly.

wraynerely239 karma

ha ha

asilverwillow243 karma

Hi Alan! My son Zander and daughter Kaeli are big fans. Would you mind saying hello to them? It would really make their day!

wraynerely525 karma

Hello you two. Your names remind me of a couple of characters I know. Have a great day.

Baridi241 karma

Have you fonged anyone lately?

wraynerely344 karma

I can't afford the jail time.

burntttofu230 karma

Who was your favorite character to voice and why was it Hei Hei?

wraynerely340 karma

It was a specific silly challenge. It was ridiculously fun

mamaof2boys226 karma

Do you feel like your life closely resembles Wray Nerely? I would like to think you're a bit more popular than that lol. I loved the short stint you did on Arrested Development. And of course Firefly and Tucker and Dale.

wraynerely627 karma

My career is much better than Wray Nerely's. I did a small role in Rogue One as a Emperial pilot. It was one scene. They were going to credit me as Wray Nerely. The scene was cut - that is a total Wray Nerely career turn. He gets in one of the best sc-fi franchises of all time and he gets cut.

Mattprime86212 karma

You're a pieces?

wraynerely538 karma

Did I spell it wrong? I am fish.


I'm excited for the Con Man marathon this Saturday night on Syfy. The gospel of Wray Nerely needs to be spread. Since they're just showing season 1, do you know yet if season 2 will be another marathon? Or are there plans for both seasons to air on a weekly basis?

wraynerely288 karma

Yes, season 2 marathon is in October right before NYC Comicon. I am not in control if when it is shown and how much is shown - which is actually a good thing since it would probably preempt every show on SyFy upsetting a larger percentage of SyFy fans

plards2192197 karma

What is the least exaggerated yet most unbelievable story that has happened to you while at a con? If that's too specific, weirdest real thing that's happened because you're a celebrity?

Thanks so much for Firefly and Con Man- both have been a great source of entertainment and joy in my life. I would probably faint if I ever met you, but I'll stop the fanboying while I still have some dignity.

wraynerely415 karma

I had a girl come into my room on accident. I answered the door and she came in not looking at me bitching about how her key doesn't work. I think she was drunk.

7hr0wn194 karma


Who would win in a fight: Sean Astin or Nathan Fillion?

wraynerely500 karma

Fillion. He has the reach and size advantage. It would be a blood bath or a puss shower

KevinToday189 karma

Favorite dinosaur?

wraynerely498 karma

T-Rex. He's such a dick it's funny.

meatwad75892178 karma

Hi Alan, huge fan here!

What is your biggest fear?

wraynerely935 karma

Nothing. I fear nothing. Not even death. You hear me God. Do your worst. Ha ha ha ha! I laugh in your undefinable face! I am most afraid of repercussions of what I have just written


Any plans for Con Man Season 3 yet? Or is it a wait-and-see thing with Syfy? The season 2 cliffhanger got me right in the feels.

wraynerely262 karma

Season three I think depends on the response of seasons one and two. If a ton of people tune in and also watch on the SyFy website it should be a green light.

HerooftheGrey137 karma

Hi Alan! Phenomenally huge fan. Got any tips on widening my character voice repertoire?

wraynerely249 karma

I found my way in through theater. The roles tending to be varied and with a long run I was able to perfect accents and the like.

Murray96135 karma

What is your favourite TV guest appearance you've made?

wraynerely371 karma

My favorite guest appearance on Con Man was Stan Lee. I mean come on how cool is that. For me, it has yet to come out I filmed it two weeks ago.

TheFrontCrashesFirst113 karma

Alan! Do you have any other pet projects coming down the pipeline? Also, was Amy Acker the first choice for Dawn? Any basis in reality there?

wraynerely217 karma

Yes. absolutely. Amy Acker is one of the best actresses working today. I am sorry to skip some questions I am trying to get all the con man questions. I'll come back for some.

Tranic108 karma

If you could instantly become a master at any skill, trade or discipline, what would that be?

wraynerely246 karma

Piano. Oh the music I could make.

Jbird11211104 karma

Hi Alan, did you get the inspiration for Hot Gazpacho from your medium-long walks among potatoes and beets?

wraynerely160 karma

Try it. You will see.

diegobb2104 karma

I love you, do you love me too?

wraynerely306 karma

of course. I will always remember that week-end in Zanzibar.

petite-acorn95 karma

What things can a director do to make an actor's job easier? On the other end, what can a director do to make your life more difficult on-set or in pre-production?

wraynerely229 karma

On Con Man I found that in all areas of production it was best to collaborate not to dictate. Except with budget people. Their job is to dictate to you. With them I pushed back. Also have fun. Have fun pushing back on the $ guys.

Final7C85 karma

What was your favorite bit part you ever played but never got credited for?

wraynerely296 karma

I don't think I was credited as playing the Mayor in the Rick and MOrty I did. I did two roles.

FUS_RO_DANK63 karma

Alan, as someone who has worn many hats in the industry, and to someone who is very new to a very small part of the industry, what sets apart a good producer from lackluster or terrible ones? From both the point of view of crew and talent as well?

Also, where can I get some sweet shirts like Wash had?

wraynerely126 karma

You need to have a way with people more or less. Know hen to stay out of the way and when to share your opinions. Terrible ones undermine the creative process. The Wash shirts belong to Fox. They aren't very cooperative.

Orphan_Babies56 karma

What would be the title of Hot Gazpacho's hit song?

wraynerely118 karma

86 Gazpacho

DontTellMeHowToFap12 karma

Hey Alan, thanks so much for doing this ama. I'm a huge fan and fellow Texan, and my question for you is do you still have ol' sock?

wraynerely15 karma

I wish. Sold in the 80's

jaf2710 karma

Hi. Who has been your favourite Con Man guest star so far?

wraynerely17 karma

Tyler Labine made me laugh so hard. He really took it to another level with such a limited role. The death of the dog in the Of Mice and Men musical is still funny to me after several viewings. Trisha Helfer really went way outside her comfort zone. Amazing. Leslie Jordan. You can point a camera at that guy say 'go' and it will be hysterical.

rontor8 karma

You are a great voice actor, and I enjoy your talent and range. Odd question I know, but has anyone else told you you sorta look like a muppet?

wraynerely22 karma

um no

morphinapg5 karma

Is dangerboat secretly K-2SO in disguise?

wraynerely10 karma

Sounds a little like him or a lot. the upcoming elides it he will begin to turn in a very non-K-2SO direction.

data_dawg2 karma

What did you dream about last night?

wraynerely4 karma

something frustrating the specifics are gone.