I will keep my name anonymous but im a young man who lives and works on Barcelona (Catalonia) yesterday I went to vote and I was wondering if some redditors are curious how things are from the eye of a common citizen

Photo I take yesterday when I went into the electoral college


Photo of the ballot

As further proof here's a photo I just took of a ballot I kept as a memoir, both options are crossed I dont quite know why I did it


EDIT: Changed pic, after arriving at the electoral college

EDIT 2:Whew this blew up, thanks for all the questions I will be afk for a few hours now cya!

EDIT 3:The mods removed the post because of lack of evidence, no problem, I will send it to them in a few hours, now im unable too, thanks for all your questions I will keep answering them as long as I can

EDIT 4: Added further proof

EDIT 5: As for now I close the Iama, I have a lot of things to do and I dont want to leave you guys hanging

I want to thank everyone who posted questions and the civility and support I got, as a final note I want to state that whatever your political convictions or cultural bagagge is no country or power should censor the freedom to decide own's own future, or at least to answer a question, the independence of Catalonia is a complicated issue that is made worse by political corruption, intolerance, bigotry and plain obscure intentions by both sides, that keep confronting brothers and sisters which are not different, I dont want the independency of Catalonia, I want the independency to have an opinion and to be heard as freedom of speech is one of the tennants of a mature democracy.

The EU has demostrated once again it's profound ineptitude to protect the rights of its people, I hope fellow europeans can see this and challenge their politicians on ways that neither I or my fellow countrymen couldnt.

I thoroughly enjoyed trying to explain the reality of living here, Spain is a great country filled with great people, from Canary Islands to the shores of the basque country, I know the majority of them mean no harm, sadly the politicians of a country that never quite ended the transition do not represent the beauty and good spirit of its people.

If you want to know more ask a fellow Catalonian, or keep the discussion below with some people that very probably know more than I do, im not a politician im just a citizen and thank you for listening to me something that the government didnt want to do.

Thanks for all the support, Viva España, Visca Catalunya and long life to democracy

Comments: 2073 • Responses: 60  • Date: 

killertomatofrommars2015 karma

Could you explain a bit about why you guys want to be separated from Spain?

Sorry kinda oblivious from what happened until I saw the reddit posts.

Diamond_Otter2443 karma

Some have historical claims, the crown of Aragon (wich Catalonia was a part of) and Castilia (former Spain as we usually name it) were united back in 1469 and since then cultural differences always had a part on nationalistic claims.

More recently since the instauration of the parlamentary monarchy (after franco) the spanish territory was split into "comunidades autonomas) which everyone of them has different autonomic competences, Basque Country had more economic privileges than Catalonia and that inspired some turmoil within the population

Back in 2006 the spain government destroyed "the estatut" wich was a sort of declaration of competences by the Generalitat, that was a big mistake since "the estatut" didnt infringe any known law and even was similar as other bills in vigor by other "comunidades autonomas"

Years of political immobility by central government and impoverishment of the general population made that independentist and nationalist parties gain support within the "non-political people"

As for me I am not independentist but I am for democracy, and the measures PP (governing party) took in Catalonia are unacceptable.

(excuse my english, if you have any more question or want a clarification please do)

theBloodedge1031 karma

Just a detail, Aragon and Castilla were NOT united in 1469. They only shared kings, but remained separate entities.

The final union was a couple of centuries later, and by means of violence.

Diamond_Otter37 karma

thanks for the addition, I was at work and didnt have it very fresh

Diamond_Otter13 karma

also I will extend my explanation later, now I will be afk for a bit

nycnola-6 karma

Your statement reads like a political party talking point list.

Diamond_Otter4 karma

But I voted no, I just explained different positions

clippervictor939 karma

I am a Spaniard. From Madrid, so you can imagine my views on this matter. I was just passing by to thank your for being so moderate and sensible in your comments. That's all I wanted to see yesterday. Whether you vote yes or no, the kind of sensibility you are showing in your answers is what we all need (independentists and not). Thank you, if I am honest I was expecting some sort of radical answers here, but I have been pleasantly surprised and I wanted to thank you for that.

Now the question: as a catalonian, where do you think your leaders are headed now in terms of negotiations with the central government? What are your views on the future of Catalonia in the near future?

All the best fellow citizen.

HugeMongo411 karma

I am a Spaniard. From Madrid, so you can imagine my views on this matter. I was just passing by to thank your for being so moderate and sensible in your comments. That's all I wanted to see yesterday. Whether you vote yes or no, the kind of sensibility you are showing in your answers is what we all need (independentists and not). Thank you, if I am honest I was expecting some sort of radical answers here, but I have been pleasantly surprised and I wanted to thank you for that.

This. As a fellow Spaniard against Catalonian independence myself, I got into this thread expecting a radical view on the issue and fallacies left and right, and found a moderate rational person, with a very understanding view of both sides. This is the kind of people we need in this country.

Diamond_Otter363 karma

wow im blushing

Diamond_Otter383 karma

Thank you for your words, love Madrid, I go twice every year.

As for your question, Puigdemont & friends might use the bad response of the government to push a negotiation leaning on the words of EU (excessive use of force and so on) they might try to establish the DUI but I think that will be most unreasonable.

My views on the near future is of unrest and increase on independent backing, I wish they sit to talk but it seems so unlikely

Valdrick_98 karma

One of the things that surprises me the most is how biased big part of the Spanish media is. I did read things like "Unacceptable aggressions from the catalans to the national police", "Separatists spread out fake pictures about injured in the media", "Catalan police colluding with separatists", etc. instead of what the rest of the media in the world showed. If Spanish people only feeds from these media, I can understand that you think that Catalans pro-Independence are radicals and uneducated people that will jump to your throat if your name is "Garcia". But believe me, this is a very civic and peaceful movement. Unfortunately, nowadays, everybody with a political opinion will get insulted, threatened or worse in the social media by a minority of assholes that feel safe hiding behind their computer, no matter what side of the political spectrum they are.

So, my point, don't be surprised about "moderation", most of us Catalans are.

Diamond_Otter156 karma

polarization is an absolute cancer, I find very healthy to turn off the TV

cornisgrass426 karma

what do Catalonian participants think is going to happen next?

Diamond_Otter702 karma

Well the Generalitat (catalonia government) has as next step to execute the DUI (unilateral independence declaration) as it was stated if the referendum ended with a YES majority

The Spain Government could execute the article 155 of the constitution which would render la Generalitat without power

I doubt they both will do anything of that, if both governments have a bit of political wisdom they might start negotiations in the following weeks if not we might be in for some tumultuous days

As for now there are general strikes convoked for tomorrow.

Eissbein397 karma

How are your thoughts on the national police after the way they acted to the voters yesterday?

Diamond_Otter1098 karma

Horrible, but I will take the opportunity to explain something.

Some years ago I was protesting against the increase of university prices in Barcelona and the "mossos de esquadra" (catalonian police force) charged at us unprovoked and injured a lot of people

By this im not taking heat off the national police actions, they had absolutely no place in a first world country but I dont like the narrative of "look at these bad spanish dudes" when some years ago I was being beaten by Catalonian policemen.

We cant forget that they were sent with aggresion in mind, the spanish government (Partido Popular, the remains of the franco party, but this is a discussion for another day) knew they would strike people, with this I want to say, those policement were given orders, and they abide them

Eissbein143 karma

Thank you for your answer. My sympathy goes to all the people demonstating for independence.

Diamond_Otter111 karma

thank you, it means a lot

Reginald002381 karma

What is the rational behind a separation which would immediately remove Catalonia from the EU and it would be a small country without any diplomatic links ?

Diamond_Otter434 karma

Now that is a hard question.

While some independentist have economic reasonings behind them (wich Im not sure they are quite right) the majority of nationalistic spirit comes from cultural heritage and rejection of the idea of Spain.

As for being outside the EU they (us? I dont know) allegedly have a plan to become a member after the separation (wich I dont know how will they do it with Spanish veto but wtv)

Also last actions taken by the spanish government puts Spain in a bad position infront of the EU so the discussion of the relationship of a theoretically catalonian republic is kinda a bogus point right now

But good question! I might complete my answer later

Stiltonrocks519 karma

This is one of the threatening points used against us the Scots, vote for independence and you’ll be out of the EU, ironically we are being dragged out of the EU, against our wishes, anyway.


CaptainGoose27 karma

Better together, until we are together then it's better apart.

djazzie46 karma

Sounds almost like my marriage.

Diamond_Otter40 karma


L4MAT296 karma

As a Spaniard from southern Spain (heritage from basque Country, Galicia and Catalonia) I don't believe in the Catalonian Independence whatsoever. The claims for independence imo are simply not there, the claims for reform, absolutely there. Our conservative party has basically ruined any possibility of dialogue and diplomacy with the Catalonian government by sabotaging any attempt of reform. That has been a huge push towards independence.

Having said that, I am for the right of the Catalonian people having a say in what they want. It doesn't have to be a binding referendum, but beating the shit out of people who just want to go to a public building to say whether or not they would like to be an independent country... makes me so ashamed! I am so ashamed of our government, I am disgusted, my great grandparents from Barcelona never once in their lives considered themselves Catalonian and not Spanish and if they were alive today to see police officers drag and push elderly people across the street, they would think we were back in the times of Franco.

A lot of people think that voting the subject of independence makes you a 'separatist', not at all! I know so many people that want to vote and say NO.

It is just unfair, the treatment Catalonia is receiving is simply unfair. No reform, no dialogue, not allowed to vote (even if it is a non binding referendum), not allowed to use public institutions to ask what people want. How are we a democracy? The central government keeps finding shelter in the constitution, saying it is anti constitutional. Constitutions have been reformed and changed everywhere, dozens, hundreds of times. The Basque Country has a better economic deal with the central government than Catalonia, why not allow them to have a better deal too?

We were very close to achieving this when we had the PSOE (socialist party) but the conservatives came in and took several steps back in this matter.

Many friends of mine said to me, 'you know what, I had my doubts whether to remain or leave, but after I saw a mother and her two kids be rugby tackled in the middle of a street by police... fuck this. I want out of this'. Whether that is true or not, I don't know, but the sentiment is there.

EDIT: The heritage part is relevant because Basque Country, Galicia and Catalonia are basically the three major states with some to a lot of independence mentality, as well as separate languages etc. My basque family has in the past expressed they are not Spanish, but Basque, yet my Catalonian family never once mentioned not being Spanish and wanting to be independent.

EDIT 2: Vasque country --> Basque country. Sorry for the typo. In Spanish we say, Pais Vasco, I often get this mixed up when I write it down in English.

Diamond_Otter161 karma

Thanks! I voted NO, as you said, also I want to take this moment to apologize to all southerners for many of henious and devil things some (a very small minority) of Catalonians say about the south of Spain

I think its time for the democrats to unite, whether they are pro or against independence

L4MAT97 karma

Likewise! Here in my town, I hear constant comments of 'A Por Ellos!' (Go Get 'em) being chanted to police officers that went to Catalonia. What the fuck is going on? I saw fascists waving their flags on their way to Barcelona to defend the kingdom and the integrity of our country. What integrity is that? People coming on holiday to the south and being scared of speaking Catalan in public, people going north and being scared of speaking Spanish. We are more divided than ever, there is a huge fascist and repressive cloud over our country right now. in 1978 90% of Catalonians voted for our Constitution, thousands of catalonians and basques were killed fighting against fascism in the civil war, alongside republicans, alongside socialists, alongside those that were for freedom. I don't know where the heck we are going, but we won't go far on our own. That's for sure.

Catalonia deserves a better treatment for sure. I just can't wait until this piece of shit government is replaced.

Diamond_Otter29 karma

I find it very hard, I dont know how people keep voting for them

mcajoo208 karma

Is it true that the polls before the vote showed that probably the 'no' (as in we don't want independence) was gonna win? If that's the case, wouldn't you say that what the Spanish govt did was particularly stupid?

Larrikinlover0309 karma

Not OP but yes and yes. I don't have access to the exact figures right now but I believe they were about 41% yes and 47% no. They were also only expecting around a 40% turnout but estimates place turnout post Spanish response at approximately 60% (though counted votes ended up being around 2.2 million of a 7.5 million population with exact numbers unknown due to polling station closures and ballot box confiscations.

I also believe that regardless of yes / no intention 89% or so of Catalan people want to put the issue to rest via vote.

Essentially they made terrible decisions every step of the way.

Living and working in Barcelona (not a Spanish or Catalan national myself, but with all my friends and family being so) I saw a large amount of people have their vote swayed in the space of a week in response primarily to the behaviour of the Spanish government.

Apologies for the lack of sources (I am at work) if anyone sees anything incorrect please feel free to address it.

EDIT: please see below for extra / more accurate information for u/alvarosv and u/hughie-d

Diamond_Otter155 karma

I would answer you but Larrikinlover0 put it perfectly, I suscribe every pointg

AlienPearl116 karma

If what most of you guys want is to manage your own money and send less taxes to Madrid, why don’t you go for an agreement like the one with the País Vasco autonomous region where they basically can be financially independent from Madrid (things like manage their own money and taxes) without being strictly a independent country? as I understand (by a friend) Catalonia was offered a similar deal 30 years ago but they rejected it.

Diamond_Otter235 karma

Because we cant, we tried to have these privileges in 2006 but the government nullified it without proper legal backing, that is one of the points that increased the indepententist lines

DeathRebirth108 karma

Dude I have to say that as an outsider, who lives in BCN.... What was negotiated for those regions is an aberration. It should never have happened and is probably a big driver for this whole mess. You can't have a unified country where everybody acts for themselves. Not attacking you, but just stating my opinion on what I think is unrealistic from catalan nationalists.

Diamond_Otter129 karma

Yeah, I agree, its spanish political tradition to make things half-assedly and then deal badly with the consequences

sup3r_hero79 karma

Did you vote yes or no?

Diamond_Otter270 karma

I voted No, Im not convinced of the independentist claims and some of the politicians invested in it are plain corrupt, so is the PP (spanish government) though.

I voted as an exercise of democracy and defiance against oppression

canesfan819368 karma

Have you seen any voting fraud?

Diamond_Otter172 karma

Not personally, but some friends saw members of scc (catalonian civil society) voting "No" several time, mind you that group has ties with neonazis so yeah...

I also saw pictures of a thicc boy voting yes many times, that is what an irregular referendum gives :/

Creativity_Rater57 karma

Does thicc stand for something, or are those boys just cute?

Diamond_Otter312 karma

the ass was fat

DriftWoodBarrel21 karma

Vape nashe boooiiiii

Diamond_Otter43 karma

Hila Kleiners represent

Sojoez50 karma

Who do you think stands to profit most from an independent Catalonia? Surely not the common people with all the travel and commerce restrictions that will come with it?

Diamond_Otter81 karma

Bourgeoisie, primarily and independentist politicians and friends, I dont see clear advantages on the short or mid term

throwawayswede12344 karma

how do you feel about the low participation? I know that it's because the police stepped in, and I understand that it would likely still have been very far in favor of Yes, but still. Do you think the information gathered in the refendum is enough to base a declaration of independence on? do you think it could lead to unrest in catalonia?

Diamond_Otter95 karma

I know that it's because the police stepped in

Not really, the referendum was called quite irregularly, even in relation with the Generalitat norms, so most of the "no" voters just stayed at home because they did not recognize the referendum as valid, as of today if everyone voted I think the NO would win with a low margin.

Do you think the information gathered in the refendum is enough to base a declaration of independence on?

No but I think it serves as a proof that Catalonian people want to have the right of a legal, pacted and supervised referendum with all democratic securities.

do you think it could lead to unrest in catalonia?

Sadly yes, but I think that the unrest comes more of the police repression, catalonian independent movement was characterized (at least until last months) with "seny", "seny" in Catalonian could be translated to "level-headedness" as we (the Catalonians) always acted peacefully and with moderation in mind.

Thanks for your questions!

N4m3r32 karma

Fellow spaniard here, im from Galicia and i love Cataluña (im a Barça fan and i've been multiple times to the Pirenees and to Barcelona).

I saw that you voted No on some of the responses you made, and i want to know the opinion you might have regarding some questions, so...

  1. Why did you vote instead of staying home?
  2. Is it true that the Generalitat has done close to nothing in the last 2/3 years besides from working towards this situation? (Political Parties like C's and PP have said this multiple times)
  3. Do you think that making Catalonians vote for a reelection of their regional government would be a possible solution to this conflict?

Diamond_Otter55 karma

1-I was not going to vote, but after seeing how the police charged and beat people I decided it was a statement for democracy and defiance against those measures.

2-As far as I know in the last years the Generalitat booked many appointments to discuss the issue and the central government never answered.

3-Yes, if it is done correctly

Thanks for your questions!

I want to visit galicia sometime soon

Wikilord14 karma

Hi there. Why would any educated, emancipated and prosperous society chose for its own isolation, as we are all aware that success can be achieved easier and steadier with cooperation in a larger (and of course functional) group. I am aware that Catalunya has good GDP, but is comparable with Madrid's GDP. You have good tourism stats but also great debts, and, lately, you developed some sort of alergy to tourists. In the era of globalisation, you consider that new borders are your best defense...To what? Your biggest partners are Spain's other regions. Do you think that an economic blockade from them may be compensated by international deals? My opinion is that cooperation with Madrid should have continued and I am writing this from the perspective of an atheist globalist, capitalist but waiting the stop of the oil flow, witness of the last days of right nationalistic struggles to maintain a world order in dissolution.

nobwak24 karma

Why can't they do everything you suggested without being part of the Spanish state?

I understand that it's unlikely that Spain would allow them to leave the state and continue to trade freely with the remaining regions, but IMO that's on Spain.

If they are isolated, it will be due to the bloody mindedness of the state they're removing themselves from, and not a completely necessary and unavoidable result of their independence.

Why do independence and co-operation with Spain need to be mutually exclusive?

Diamond_Otter8 karma

thanks, I agree with this

Diamond_Otter13 karma

Hi there. Why would any educated, emancipated and prosperous society chose for its own isolation, as we are all aware that success can be achieved easier and steadier with cooperation in a larger (and of course functional) group

I dont know, I dont agree with that part of the independentist agenda, it is true though that is not everything about money, for example the generalitat wanted to shelter syrian refugees (as the UE mandated) but the Spanish government PROHIBITED (as of today, spain only sheltered 17% of all the syrian refugees UE called for, among a lot of other things like non functioning public services when they depend of Spain and not the Generalitat.

You have good tourism stats but also great debts, and, lately, you developed some sort of alergy to tourists.

That makes me so sad :( , most of those great debts come from incompetence for the (yes) party that now pushes for independence but is not a structural problem, as for the tourists it's only a violent minority which most people here despise (CUP) think violent antifa.

In the era of globalisation, you consider that new borders are your best defense...To what? Your biggest partners are Spain's other regions. Do you think that an economic blockade from them may be compensated by international deals? My opinion is that cooperation with Madrid should have continued and I am writing this from the perspective of an atheist globalist, capitalist but waiting the stop of the oil flow, witness of the last days of right nationalistic struggles to maintain a world order in dissolution.

I agree with you 100% on that, I dont know what to say about that, mind you I voted "No" but I did vote while policement beat elderly people on other voting colleges :(

thanks for your questions!

Chatsubo_65711 karma

Could this lead to ETA-style violence from the more radical / extreme nationalists?

Diamond_Otter40 karma

No, ETA spawned from some very specific situation that are not happening right now, Catalonia had a terrorist group (terra-lliure) but thankfully the cultural motherships of catalonian independence always had as essential tennat the non-violence, as it shows on every 11September

thanks for your question

Portarossa24 karma

For anyone wondering, September 11th is the National Day of Catalonia. Among other things, it's a big day for demonstrations and calls for independence.

Diamond_Otter19 karma

thanks for the addition, I forgot explaining it

cyborg52711 karma

Anyone else see a pattern of larger organizations disbanding? Trump and Russia want to disband NATO, there's Brexit, Greece, and now Catalonia. Is Russia planning to divide and conquer the west?

Diamond_Otter29 karma

imperatix11 karma

Did you get hassled by the police?

Diamond_Otter34 karma

No, thankfully, but a few hours after I left the ballot a few citizens were sent to the hospital because the police charged :(

notabluesmurf9 karma

How do you feel about the fact that being independent means you won't be an EU citizen anymore? And the fact that this will make you a potential target to be annexed by a different larger country?

Diamond_Otter17 karma

If the Generalitat declares independency I will still be a Spanish citizen as it is stated on Spanish laws that I cant lose it this way, and in consequence I will still be European, I think a transition or double nationality process would be put in place, I hope i knew the specifics though

Space_raver129 karma

Looking at how the spanish government has acted the last few days. . Do you think catalonia will be pressing harder for independence?

Diamond_Otter26 karma

Yes, I hope they do it wisely

yawnityyawnyawn9 karma

I plan to visit Barcelona as a tourist from Wednesday to Sunday - is it safe?

Edit because ITT people assuming I’m American and sending unhelpful condescending responses: I’m not American and I’m not old enough to have ever witnessed such events in my own city (thankfully) so that’s why I don’t know what to expect and was apprehensive. To those that gave helpful and informative answers about the real state of events, bless you!

Also, TIL people are fairly biased against Americans asking questions, I didn’t know this until I read some of the responses.

Diamond_Otter10 karma

Spain is a very safe country, and it still be, enjoy your stay!

If I have one warning is to stay away from demostrations and check your wallet on the metro.

catbotherer6 karma

Do you feel let down by the lack of criticism the central government is receiving from other european leaders?

Diamond_Otter14 karma

yes, a lot

thejosephfiles5 karma

Do you think that the vote was realistic with only a forty three percent turn out, and do you think another referendum with a hopefully higher turnout is in the works?

Diamond_Otter11 karma

I hope that a new referendum with democratic guarantees is on the works yes.

I see yesterday more as a statement of the people that we want to be able to vote, and not as a independence choice

graebot4 karma

Did you die?

Diamond_Otter23 karma

Yes, I will now haunt your fridge eternally

220pounds4 karma

Hello fellow Spaniard (sorry had to rub it in a little), I am from Valencia. First of all let me say that your answers are fairly grounded and unbiased, which I appreciate a lot, thank you very much for keeping composure as I feel international coverage has been very one-sided (yes, the violence was terribly unnecessary, but the press seems to have forgotten that the 'referendum' was illegitimate and ultimately an attempt to rupture Spain - which is very important to keep in mind. Nonetheless violence was unnecessary)

My question goes in line with my last thought. As a supporter of leaving, can you understand how breaking off from the country is massively unfair to the rest of us as we get no say in the matter? I mean, by leaving you are talking away from me, a big (and frankly very important) part of my country, and I am getting no say... is it not understandable that Madrid defends the rest of the Spanish people?

Can you understand that ONLY Cataluña voting on wether they leave is almost as ridiculous as my household deciding we want to be independent, holding a 'referendum' then claiming that because it was 'democratically' decided (within my household) we have the right to leave?

I get you have cultural differences. But frankly all of Spain is different to the rest of Spain. Galician tradition is nothing like Sevillan and neither of those are like Canario, and those are all different to Valencian...

I get in recent years you have had a few "benefits" taken away from you, but you are in no way "picked on" by the central government- in fact for years you were treated especially well to keep Cataluña happy and quiet ... (please correct me if you think I'm wrong on that one)

I know my tone may seem a bit serious , but it's lack of time rather than me being acusative . As I said I really appreciate the way in which you are answering, will be interested to her back from you!

Edit: "quite" to "quiet"

Diamond_Otter2 karma

Hey! I agree with you wholeheartly, I think all Spain should have a saying on the matter, that's why I support an agreement born from the central government.

The problem is that im not for the independence so I cant give you good answers to your questions ):

My answers are being very short because I have to go to work soon and I will not be able to answer all sorry about that, hit me on private message if you want a bigger explanation

thanks for your question!

sds_5793 karma

Do you reckon it's safe to say you guys deserve to be separated when just over 42% of the population voted?

Diamond_Otter4 karma

No I dont, I think we deserve to vote in proper conditions though

OmegaBaronSamedi3 karma

Sup fellow nationalist (Scotland) here.

Do you guys actually think you could manage to function as an independent nation?

Has consideration been made for things like economic policy and social policy / law?

Diamond_Otter6 karma

Im not very into that, I doubt it.

Have in mind that this is not a thing of a few months, this has been brewing for decades so I HOPE they have a plan about it

auurevoir3 karma

Since, you guys voted to leave Spain, what will the process be to create a new country? Will it be deemed illegal? What if another wave of military act is used against doing so?

Diamond_Otter8 karma

Im ignorant about that, you should ask the Generalitat

Will it be deemed illegal?

I dont know how you deem a country illegal

What if another wave of military act is used against doing so?

As in yesterday? people might react violently, I hope not

Incontinentiabutts3 karma

If Catalonia became i depemdent what rralistic chance would it have of being economically independent?

How can Catalonia survive without Spain's help?

Diamond_Otter12 karma

Barcelona (as in the city) has many business and foreign investments, I dont know the specifics tho

LorenzoPg3 karma

Civil War when?

Diamond_Otter4 karma

I dont know Marvel didnt say

drchopsalot3 karma

Pineapple on pizza or no?

Diamond_Otter3 karma

No, never

essjay712 karma

What other futile time-wasting activities do you do on Sundays when there aren't any illegal referendums?

Diamond_Otter2 karma

I answer asshats on reddit


do you think voting for this "wall" will solve any issues? why not riot for changing the leaders of the country instead?

Diamond_Otter1 karma

We tried, Spain had a quite big movement of renewal of the political climate some years ago that ended with you guessed it, police charges

Podemos was born from that movement and since it entered the congress, while I do not agree with them in many things is something that happened

landback2 karma

How does this attempted dissolution compare with the Balkanization of Eastern Europe such as the breakup of Czechoslovakia?

Also, I’ve read that the government overriding certain provisions of the unifying agreement is a large reason for the succession movement, what provisions have the government eliminated?

Diamond_Otter3 karma

How does this attempted dissolution compare with the Balkanization of Eastern Europe such as the breakup of Czechoslovakia?

None I think the motives and geopolitical situations are quite different

Also, I’ve read that the government overriding certain provisions of the unifying agreement is a large reason for the succession movement, what provisions have the government eliminated?

Fiscal and law-making benefits within the "comunidad autonoma"

Uncle_Washington2 karma

From what I know Spain is a huge catholic country. What is the Church's take on the events?

Diamond_Otter3 karma

this is a great question, part of the cleric has always defended the independence of Catalonia, and the bishop of Montserrat made quite a strong statement for the referendum to be as peaceful and effective as possible

thanks for your questions

Joseph_Gerbils2 karma

But isn't the Spanish tax system screwed up? Anyways, I can still smell a Francoist or two in there.

Diamond_Otter3 karma

? tell me more about the tax system

?francoist? haha

amurph1001 karma

Is this being treated as legitimate? Is Catalonia now a separate state that just has yet to be recognised by the Spanish government or was it more of a symbolic gesture?

Diamond_Otter2 karma

No, for that the unilateral declaration of independence should be stated and I do not see that happening right now

Also Spain wouldnt recognize it

iLiveEvil1 karma

How do you think the move will economically impact the new nation?

Diamond_Otter2 karma

Can you re-structure that question please? I dont think I quite understand it :(

jackcykalyat1 karma

Have there been any shooters or murders?

Diamond_Otter2 karma

NO! please and I hope there are none in the future.

And old man died yesterday of a stroke, was the cause of it the police charges? maybe I think is quite a stretch and a dangerous point to have

cracklovelove1 karma

Do Catalonians speak a different language? Are there are other differentiations between Catalonians and other Spaniards?

Diamond_Otter1 karma

We speak Catalonian, yes it is different and is also talked in some regions of south of France, it's really easy to speak and understand not so easy to write.

Apart of that there's not too much differences, im closer to a dude with my age born in the same socio economic class in Madrid that to my neighbour probably

chrish_850-12 karma

What did you last eat before you went to vote? Did it also cross your mind that it might be your last meal?

Diamond_Otter11 karma

mushrooms with chicken, peas and carrots, with a side of mashed potatoes, as for the last meal I think it every time, you never know when the stroke may hit