My short bio: My name is Remy. I run Trivia Hawaii, Hawaii's only 100% local trivia league. I pay my rent by writing questions and hosting events throughout the work week.

Full disclosure: we don't currently have a televised product, so "game show host" may be a smidge misleading.

My Proof: Visit our web site, or attend any of our events. If further proof is needed, I'd be happy to provide it. Additional proof: recent FB post here.

Comments: 97 • Responses: 45  • Date: 

mnl28 karma


TriviaHawaii18 karma

Aside from posing as a Nigerian prince, I tend to enjoy spam with eggs and rice. It's sometimes considered a generic Hawaiian breakfast, but simple is occasionally best.

Comicspedia2 karma

The parents of my childhood friend came to the US from China, and his mom always made fried rice with Spam.

I am forever a convert, it's the only way I make fried rice at home. I cut up the spam into little pieces, fry it up in butter until it browns a bit, then toss it in with everything else. Soooooooo good!

TriviaHawaii4 karma

Can't argue that. I practically avoid fried rice here UNLESS there's spam involved.

mnl2-1 karma


TriviaHawaii1 karma

I have no sense of smell, so I'll take your word for it.

You as well!

Lolkaholic7 karma

Hi, Hawaii you ?

TriviaHawaii3 karma

I live in Hawaii, yes!

Lolkaholic5 karma

Oh, I was trying to make a pun. (How are you)

nevermind lol

TriviaHawaii5 karma

Eek. I was wondering why that comment was so grammatically different from your regular ones.

Haw! Ai is good. :)

JustNotGrunge6 karma

What's your favorite random fact about Hawaii?

Also, what's your most INTERESTING fact about Hawaii?

TriviaHawaii14 karma

I haven't read the actual law for it, myself, but supposedly it's illegal in Hawaii to put a coin in your ear. According to the Internet, doing so suggested that you're a drug dealer.

As for my most interesting fact? Well, we get false ballistic missile alerts on occasion. That's something.

JustNotGrunge2 karma

That's hilarious, l know what I'm going to do in a police station if I ever visit. So were you there when that happened?? What were you thinking, and what did you do before everyone found out it was a false alarm?

TriviaHawaii6 karma

I was idly Internet-ing at home when it happened. In chronological order: I accepted death, I texted my girlfriend, answered a call from my mother, put on clothes (nudists aside, who wants to be naked when the bomb hits?), then refreshed our local news sites until Twitter (of all things) gave the false alarm announcements.

Here_for_th3_party1 karma

Did you contribute to pornhubs massive usage drop when the ballistic alert was sent out, or were you one of the savages who decided to go out on your own terms...

TriviaHawaii1 karma

Amazingly, PornHub isn't my favorite source, so…

Fairyburger5 karma

What’s your favorite random fun fact about Hawai’i? Favorite and least favorite thing about living there?

TriviaHawaii12 karma

We have the highest life expectancy in the U.S., though given my eating habits that may change.

Oahu (the "main" island, where I live) has an amazing public transportation system. Coupled with a recent bikeshare installation in Honolulu, getting to/from work is stress-free. For me, at least.

The least favorite thing? Everything is expensive, often times prohibitively so.

Here_for_th3_party1 karma

When I moved the rail system was juuussssttt crossing over my exit fort weaver.... how far has it gone..?

TriviaHawaii1 karma

You know, I'm not even sure. All I've heard about the rail in the past, well, always is that it's not done yet and it'll cost more money than expected.

tom40701 karma

What are some examples of things that are overly expensive? I am planning my first Hawaii trip later this year. Any tips on things to do?

justaregularthief4 karma

When I lived there I only bought what I called “large fluffy items” on sale. Bread, chips, and cereals were notorious offenders since they require a certain amount of space while shipping on containers to the islands, or else they would be crushed or ruined. For example, most of the time I’d wait for a box of cereal to go on sale from $8 to $4.

TriviaHawaii3 karma

This is my life. I refuse to buy any cereal over 30¢/ounce.

TriviaHawaii3 karma

Food, drink, rent - you name it. There probably isn't anything cheaper here than on the contiguous U.S.

If you're looking to shop, definitely visit Oahu (where Honolulu and, more specifically, Waikiki is) and fall in love with Ala Moana, the International Marketplace, and so on. Oahu has its share of scenic places, but the neighbor islands are much better suited for photography.

rabidstoat1 karma

Are pineapples cheaper? What about fish?

I had a friend go on TDY to Hawaii for a year, he and his wife and his dog moved from the East Coast to work with PACOM. He is very disappointed in the quality of pineapple back on the mainland now that he's living here again.

TriviaHawaii1 karma

Honestly, I’m not too sure. I haven’t been on the mainland long-term in some time. I’m inclined to say yes on both, though.

wapz1 karma

Pineapples aren't cheaper. I don't know the "going" rate in the states anymore (moved to Japan almodt 5 years ago) but when I went to Hawaii this past summer the pineapples we're $5-7 each. I used to buy them in the SF Bay area for 2-4 bucks each. I went as a tourist though so maybe I didn't know the places to shop.

TriviaHawaii1 karma

Thanks for the info! :D

Fairyburger1 karma

Good to know! I went there about 2 years ago and used the bus to get everywhere; it was super convenient! That’s awesome that they have a bikeshare too! I’d love to live in a place someday where I don’t have to drive [as much].

TriviaHawaii2 karma

To be fair, the farther away from Honolulu you go, the less convenient the bus system winds up being, but luckily for me most of my work is within an hour's bus ride of where I live.

Fairyburger1 karma

Thanks! That’s definitely good to know! I’m eventually planning on moving back to the SF Bay Area but part of me would love to move out to Hawai’i, hence the questions. 😅 General consensus for everyone I’ve asked definitely seems to be that they love it there but that everything’s super expensive.

TriviaHawaii2 karma

In a couple of years, that'll probably become our state motto.

Fairyburger1 karma

Noooo, I’m holding onto a glimmer of hope that I could survive because I’m super frugal and have been hearing that there’s a shortage of primary care doctors out there! 😭

TriviaHawaii2 karma

I'm pretty sure we still need doctors. Also, if you're a doctor you could definitely afford living here. … right?

Fairyburger1 karma

That’d be the hope! I’m in residency right now and my student loans are just a tad depressing to look at.

TriviaHawaii3 karma

May the odds be ever in your favor.

ThaDong1 karma

Just moved from Hawaii after being there for a couple years. Super expensive. Now im in Oregon where I could rent a 2 bedroom house for as much I was paying for a studio. And now I dont have sales tax except for my pot.

TriviaHawaii1 karma

That's insane. Same line of work as when you were here?

theWet_Bandits4 karma

What percentage of teams do you think cheat with their phones?

Favorite team name of all time?

TriviaHawaii10 karma

In my 5+ years of hosting, I've only seen or suspected maybe three or four instances of cheating. We're lucky to have a community of genuinely talented teams. That, or I'm far too trusting. :)

"Balsamic Missile Warning" is a recent favorite.

__the_alchemist__4 karma

Since my comment was removed I'll try again, have you ever thought about expanding to the big island? Because if you do I'd make a damn good host. I have no game show experience but give me an interview and I'll show you. I need meaning in my boring life

TriviaHawaii4 karma

We'd definitely like to expand to the neighbor islands! If you can recruit a new venue for a weekly trivia night, I'd love to have you on board! Message us on our Facebook!

__the_alchemist__1 karma

I don't have a Facebook but I'll DM you my email.

TriviaHawaii1 karma

Works for me!

Nickyjha2 karma

What's a typical day look like for you? Where do you get information to make questions?

I asked the second question because I'm the president of my school's Quiz Bowl team, and we're forced to reuse questions from previous years to practice (which sucks because people remember answers). I've been planning on making my own questions instead.

TriviaHawaii1 karma

I wake up, run logistics for our league, eat lunch, go online, spend 2-3 hours writing questions and making the visual elements for the day’s shows, go to host trivia, then come home and sleep.

I usually use Google and Wikipedia, but I’ll try to double-check with other sources (official web sites, iMDb, etc.) when possible. If you want more detail about the question-writing process, let me know!

Nickyjha1 karma

reddit never sent me a message saying you responded, so I didn't see this until now. Thanks for the answer!

TriviaHawaii1 karma

My pleasure!

SnailMaleMan1 karma

Do you have a catchphrase?

TriviaHawaii2 karma

Our company used to brand our trivia nights as “Eat, Drink, Think,” and occasionally we use “Get your think on” as a slogan of sorts, but nothing official.

As for a personal catchphrase? I tend to say “fair enough” often, but nothing too exciting just yet.

SnailMaleMan1 karma

As long as people remember it everything is good.

TriviaHawaii4 karma

Fair enough.

borzee1 karma

How did you end up in your job?

TriviaHawaii2 karma

I was an English major, and was basically out of options.

Just kidding. About that last part.

I was living in Tokyo for a few years, and when I came back a friend introduced me to, at the time, Honolulu's only regular trivia night. We placed third that week, won the next, and simply kept playing after that. The more we played, the more I realized how god-awful I am at trivia, so I asked the bar manager at the time if I could host once a month. Once a month became twice a month, and after a year and a half I decided to try to make this my life.

It's pretty fun. I get to meet hundreds of ridiculously smart people. I avoid burnout by systematically forgetting all of the questions and answers after each night. That way, every night feels fresh.

geordiegill1 karma

Do you like pineapple on pizza?.

TriviaHawaii1 karma

I don’t like pineapples in general.

vihshus3 karma

I didn't either growing up, but try it with lihing mui. That's my preferred way of eating pineapple.

TriviaHawaii1 karma

Challenge accepted.

Connect_The_Thots1 karma

What did you do during the missile crisis?

TriviaHawaii2 karma

In chronological order: I accepted death, I texted my girlfriend, answered a call from my mother, put on clothes (nudists aside, who wants to be naked when the bomb hits?), then refreshed our local news sites until Twitter (of all things) gave the all-clear. Once the all-clear was given, I texted my girlfriend and mother, then went about my day as if nothing had happened.

To be fair, I did spend a minute or two somewhere in there just shaking, softly.

zilbeas1 karma

What’s the reason you decided to become a game show host? It seems like such a cool job!

TriviaHawaii3 karma

I was an English major, and was basically out of options.

Just kidding. About that last part.

I was living in Tokyo for a few years, and when I came back a friend introduced me to, at the time, Honolulu's only regular trivia night. We placed third that week, won the next, and simply kept playing after that. The more we played, the more I realized how god-awful I am at trivia, so I asked the bar manager at the time if I could host once a month. Once a month became twice a month, and after a year and a half I decided to try to make this my life.

It's pretty fun. I get to meet hundreds of ridiculously smart people. I avoid burnout by systematically forgetting all of the questions and answers after each night. That way, every night feels fresh.

japdaniels1 karma

What is it like living in Hawaii, with all the scenery and stuff?

TriviaHawaii2 karma

It's pretty fantastic, though Honolulu is almost too urban these days. It's easy to fall in love with the beaches, mountains, and everything else here, though even Hawaii falls victim to "grass is greener" thoughts on occasion. I still wonder why I didn't visit the Grand Canyon when I went to Vegas last year.

FuzeGreen1 karma

I've actually met you before as I too live in Hawaii.

Can you tell about your favorite memory when hosting a game?

TriviaHawaii2 karma

Ooh! Nice to re-meet you!

This is incredibly self-serving, but on one Halloween, one of our regular teams all dressed up as me, complete with matching blazers and printed-out face masks. It was simultaneously the most beautiful and most disturbing thing I had seen in some time.

r1ngr1 karma

What’s your business model? Cover charge for contestants or do the pubs pay you directly?

TriviaHawaii1 karma

The pubs pay us directly! We tried a cover charge model years ago, but that didn't quite work.

freedef1 karma

Which Mafia game you liked most ? 1 2 or 3 ?

TriviaHawaii1 karma

I'm incredibly backlogged when it comes to video games (and everything). I haven't played any of the Mafia games outside of, well, Mafia (as in Werewolf, etc). I've played several Yakuza (Ryu ga Gotoku) games, though, if that helps any.

freedef1 karma

Are there any famous/good boxers from Hawaii ?

TriviaHawaii1 karma

Jesus Salud, Brian Viloria, Bobo Olson, and Breeanna Locquiao, to name a few.

In more recent years, we've become known for our MMA talent, in particular the recently injured Max Holloway.

cynicyni1 karma

Fellow Redditor from Hawaii here! Any new themed trivia nights that you have planned for the future?

Btw, when is anime trivia coming back? I wanted to go to that one, but life happened :(

TriviaHawaii2 karma

Our upcoming theme nights this month include Mardi Gras, U.S. Presidents, and The Hunger Games!

We'll hopefully have another anime trivia night coming up this season! If you can't wait that long, I'll be running a small trivia game at tomorrow's Taku Taku Matsuri event at Aiea Public Library, and a certain "Feud" panel may be making its reappearance next month at Kawaii Kon! :)

ChopperDave921 karma

What's the correct amount of furikake to put on poke?

TriviaHawaii3 karma

Don't you mean "what's the correct amount of poke to put under furikake"?

we_willsee0 karma

How long have you been Dog the Bounty Hunter?

TriviaHawaii1 karma

About as long as I’ve been Tila Tequila, which thankfully is never.

pussgurka0 karma


TriviaHawaii1 karma

I sent you a direct message! If I should provide even more proof, please let me know! Thanks for your patience!

derrhurrderp-1 karma

(Dickish comment removed)

TriviaHawaii2 karma

You know, for a second there… yeah. I kinda did.

derrhurrderp1 karma

My comment was very dickish. I apologize.

TriviaHawaii3 karma

No worry, beef curry!

Great, now I'm hungry. Apologize for that, if anything. ;_;

derrhurrderp2 karma

I won’t apologize for anything naan-offensive.

TriviaHawaii1 karma

You'll roux the day you punned with me. :p

AutoModerator-1 karma

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TriviaHawaii2 karma

Duly noted. Thank you, automated post!

bobdole12122-3 karma

I mean, are you just here for free advertising?

TriviaHawaii2 karma

Not really, though I definitely understand why someone would feel that way! I'm very new to Reddit, so if there's any way I can modify this post to make it not seem like I'm just here to market our brand, I'd be happy to do so.