Hi reddit! It's me, Tim Dodd, the Everyday Astronaut. You may know me as the guy who vacuumed NASA's vacuum chamber, or the guy who took my guitar into NASA's loud chamber. You may also be familiar with my Instagram pictures or my YouTube channel where I teach rockets science in a really smelly space suit for some reason.

Well I'm excited to announce I'm the host of a new show with space.com on Facebook Watch called "Spacing Out." The show was a lot of fun to shoot and I can't wait for you to see all the episodes. They're free to watch here, follow to get notifications when new episodes come out.

Our first episode, "Walking on Mars" is live to watch now!

I'm joined by Space.com's managing editor, Tariq Malik, /u/tariqjmalik to answer your questions about spaceflight, NASA, tomorrow's Mars InSight mission, or anything else space related! We'll be answering your questions starting at 1:00 p.m. Eastern until about 5:00-ish p.m. Eastern (17:00 UTC - 21:00 UTC)


May the fourth be with you.

EDIT: (5:21 PM eastern) Thanks reddit!!!! I'll pop back here maybe tomorrow to answer a few extra questions! Thanks for saying hi and have a fantastic weekend! And tomorrow, GO NASA, GO INSIGHT, GO ATLAS!!!!

Comments: 180 • Responses: 51  • Date: 

dustycloudzzz22 karma

Tim, since Elon Musk is pushing through to Mars as fast as possible I can't help but feel like they haven't solved the solar radiation problem yet. It also seems like many of the other barriers to space travel have yet to be overcome. What are your thoughts on progressing as fast as we are to try and get a man on Mars (from the civilian sector) while disregarding safety that we know humans need?

everydayastronaut24 karma

Great question /u/dustycloudzzz !

Personally... I think this where NASA, ESA, JAXA etc should really be focusing their efforts. I just posted a few videos about the relationship of NASA and SpaceX and I think that's really a problem that those agencies need to be investing in.

I personally am in the boat that I think SpaceX's primary role should be making space accessible by making it cheap (which is what they're doing), and then allow non-profit agencies to continue to do (and focus on) the cutting edge science and problem solving of humans living in space.

I don't think SpaceX will shoot people off on a 2 year radiation stricken mission with out some serious consideration and help from other agencies.

rspeed22 karma

Were you approached by FB, or was there some other process?

everydayastronaut19 karma

I signed a development hold with a producer in February of 2017 to develop a series. We shot a demo and then he shopped it around. We signed with Facebook in November. We really liked the fact that the platform is free to watch, has a great social aspect, and they really gave us a lot of creative freedom. They trusted our vision, which was important!

ragnarokrobo53 karma

Also will offer great data collection on your viewers.

stpq_adm9 karma

Do you have to have a FB account? If yes then exactly as u/ragnarokrobo says it's not really free: (

everydayastronaut22 karma

Pro tip: You don't need to be signed in ;) shhhh

stpq_adm5 karma

OK, makes it a bit better.. And don't take me wrong, love everyday astronaut content a lot. Thanks Tim!

everydayastronaut8 karma

I mean I know everyone has their opinions about Facebook these days, but really, this content is full blown big budget well produced and the consumer genuinely gets it for free. So I'm always a little confused why any of my fans would have a problem with bonus content. It's not like anything changed on my channels outside of that one month of low activity. The work is done, at this point, it's just bonus material.

Mockarutan15 karma

Hi Tim! Just have to say that your videos always takes me to a good mood and makes me forget about stuff that bothers me, something about your positivity, thanks! :)

  • Q1: Are you as interested in the nitty gritty physical details about rocket science and physics in general as you are in the rockets them self?
  • Q2: Do you own a VR system (Vive or Oculus), and if so, would it interest you to try out a to-scale-solar system simulation? (It's something I'm working on and would love to get other enthusiasts impressions!)

everydayastronaut10 karma

Awww dang! Thank you :) that means a lot!

A1: Just like all hobbies/passions, I think it was the rockets themselves that got me interested at first, and now as the passion deepens, I keep grasping for more and more of the nitty gritty. I'm personally not good at math and physics, but I'm still trying to learn all I can about expansion ratios, ISP, gravity loss etc etc as humanly possible just to get my fix :)

A2: Not yet... I hope to get something this year though. 2018, year of VR :D Sounds exciting!!!!

Know_a_Haggerty13 karma

Hey Tim! As you know, SpaceX plans to send humans to Mars within the next decade, far sooner than anyone else, yet they’ve said little about who they are sending and how many of those people will be engineers and scientists. Who do you think SpaceX will send and who would you want them to send? Additionally what do you think the “game plan” will be when they get there?

everydayastronaut17 karma

Great question!!!

One thing that will be wildly different from this generation of explorers compared to the last generation is that there is virtually no need to be a pilot to be an astronaut in this day and age of automation (see SpaceX's Dragon 2 capsule).

Of the 12 people sent to the moon, only one, Harrison Schmitt, was a civilian scientist and not a test pilot. I think this will be the exact opposite ratio in this new generation of moon and Mars walkers. It should primarily be filled with scientists, engineers, journalists, artists and even musicians with a high inclination for problem solving, but also have a few proper pilots and mechanics as well.

I think the game plan should ALWAYS be to have a return mission baked into every human mission. There should be AT LEAST one fully fueled and operational craft awaiting any incoming crew. I don't like the idea of living off of the Mars environment as it SUCKS, but I do think relatively long stays are feasible. We should definitely have advanced autonomous robots pre-build habitats and set up power, ISRU (In-situ resource utilization), etc well before we actually set foot on Mars. I think this will be a critical first step before THE first step.

EsCaRg0t10 karma

How do you feel about the label of “NASA groupie”?

My buddy works for NASA and says it’s a real thing that employees label civilians who get way too involved and even sometimes for personal gain.

everydayastronaut22 karma

I personally feel like it's not an insult per say. The fact that they're getting people SO EXCITED about space exploration that people are willing to do PR work FOR FREE... should really be a compliment for both parties. I quit my job as a full time professional photographer to pursue full time science communication. It was a terrifying transition with literally zero financial stability. But I treat it as my job to inform people about all the exciting things NASA and the space industry is doing.

There's something interesting that happens as soon as you tell someone you work for NASA or any well regarded institution. The general public seems to put you up on a pedestal and often might fear asking "stupid" questions. Well that doesn't happen when you're an "everyday person" who is seen as a peer.

Stirlling7 karma

As everyone is leaving Facebook, why are you adding a show to this platform?

everydayastronaut8 karma

We signed the papers in November because we really liked the freedom they gave us over creativity, we like the social aspect of new media, and we really like that it's free to watch!

ATLBMW6 karma

Hi Tim,

What do you think is the most exciting potential thing to come of the new space race? Mars colonies? Exploration of a Jovian moon? Mining asteroids?

everydayastronaut9 karma

I think the new space race will finally actually open up space for "normal" people. Not necessarily for everyone yet, but at least real true space tourism where people don't need to train for 6 months and spend millions and millions to hang out in space for a bit.

I really think within a decade there'll be a proper space hotel or two. It's really a matter of economics and the commercial industry has been driving that cost down like crazy, which is super super exciting to me!

kd7uiy5 karma

The space suit. What's the deal with it? Where did you get it, or did you make it? Etc etc.

everydayastronaut10 karma

Finding myself the lone-bidder of a Russian High Altitude flight suit on a website called RRAuction.com, a very large box arrived at my doorstep. After a few moments of “What on earth did I just do?!” naturally the first thing I did was put the suit on. Since most second hand Soviet era flight suits don’t come with instruction manuals, I forced the neck ring on, and eventually the helmet until I got it to lock. Little did I know, once the helmet was locked, it would be completely air tight…. which means of course, I almost became the Darwin Award recipient for the year. The headlines would have read “Idiot dies in space suit, in living room, alone.” Due to the quick thinking nature of a plucky photographer (ME), I followed the air hose to the plug that was inserted in the end of it. A quick removal of the plug returned air to my face, which in turn, let me live another day. Thereby making the “Everyday Astronaut” more than a quip at the end of a premature obituary.

The suit and I now have a long history together, and it started as an art project on Instagram. So when I started doing YouTube last year, I continued with the suit since it’s been my brand and identity online. The suit is awful and I despise it, but it’s sort of the bane of my existence. I have done a few polls and the overwhelming majority think I should keep the suit, so I do.

If you want to know more about it I have a video titled - How a space suit almost killed me


Hi Tim!

Love your channel & the content you produce. My question for you is where do you see the room to improve & grow (if any) for your channel going forward? Anything specific you would like to continue improving on; such as scripting, graphics, additional shooting locations/sets, etc.

Thanks & cheers for the AMA, have a good weekend

everydayastronaut9 karma

Hey /u/honest_abe_approves thanks for saying hi!

Thank you very much, that means a lot! I recently addressed investing in a new computer set up which improved my editing time by A LOT, but I think the next big step for me is getting a proper studio space. I'm weighing out those options now, hope to have a better solution than an office/bedroom by the end of the year.

Other than that, there's always better gear to be acquired... either that or I suffer from GAS (Gear Acquisition syndrome)

Have a good weekend too!

BalzacTBaghar4 karma

Hi Tim, thanks for doing this. Really want to ask you this question. Ever since I was a kid I’ve been perplexed by the idea and existence of space. Its infinite nature makes it difficult to wrap my head around, as do the number of stars, galaxies and galaxy clusters. My question is, what happens if I were to go up into space and accidentally poop my pants, and the poop was diarrhea? This would happen because of my poor diet, which is primarily made up of McDonald’s, candies, cookies, cakes and dairy product (even though I’m lactose intolerant).

everydayastronaut8 karma

Hey /u/balzacTBaghar, this is a fantastic question.

Well, a few things. You mention pooping IN your pants. Well this is actually the way an astronaut on an EVA (Extra Vehicular Activity) would go about defecating. They wear essentially space diapers because it takes far too long to put on and take off the space suit. So really, you'd just be going about with business as usual.

Now the real question is what would happen if you pooped WITH OUT pants on in space. Well, let's not say out in the vacuum of space because you'd boil, burn, freeze, and have a lot of other problems to deal with, so let's pretend you were to have explosive diarrhea inside a large space craft.

Well, we know by newton's third law, the ejecting mass coming out of one end of you would push you in the opposite direction. You'd essentially turn your anus into a thruster. Awesome.

Then there'd be a lot of clean up. I think that's what would happen.

12lubushby3 karma

Hey Tim

Where are your binoculars from? You always have them on. Did they come with the suit?

Also why are your videos under the gaming category?

PS - Thanks for all the videos

everydayastronaut12 karma

FIRST OFF HOLY CRAP! Thank you for pointing out gaming!!! WHAT?!?! I never noticed that! I wonder if it's because my default upload settings were from like a year and a half ago when my channel was only Kerbal Space Program.... ok... fixing that now!

As far as the binocs... Their optics are simply unmatched! Actually, the whole Everyday Astronaut thing started off as an art project on instagram. Me running around taking pictures dreaming about being an astronaut. The project was whimsical and silly and often meant to express my inner child love of space. When I was little, I used to look at the moon through those binoculars and have a sense of awe for the cosmos. They stay with me to remember what it’s like to want to explore and to want to find my place in the cosmos. There’s a video more about the origins titled “How a spacesuit almost killed me” check it out if you’re so inclined EDIT: fixed link

dapperdan19953 karma

Hey Tim,

What is your background like? How did you become an astronaut. Like what degree did you graduate with, where did you go to college, what did you do from there?

everydayastronaut9 karma

Howdy /u/dapperdan1995

First off, I'm definitely not an astronaut. I'm just a regular guy in an old Russian high altitude flight suit who fell in love with space.

I'm a prolific college dropout. I initially wanted to go into engineering (like my dad), then teaching, then art... I kept dropping out (and failing out)...

I'm one of those self taught people. I'm a self taught guitarist, self taught photographer, and now self taught rocket obsessee.

sgtrock893 karma

Hey Tim, If you could collaborate with any other youtuber or scientist or person in the industry today for a video, who would it be?

Keep up the good work

everydayastronaut15 karma

Oh man. I think my all time favorite YouTubers that I've been meaning to work with is Simone Giertz. We've ALMOST worked on two projects together but they've fallen through. Her humor and the way she interacts on camera seem like a perfect fit for my character and she always makes me laugh.

Other than that, of course I would love to work with Elon Musk, but I wouldn't want to do a sit down interview... I'd really want to do something interactive with him. Even if it's just playing Kerbal Space Program.

0x4f0x770x610x690x732 karma

Given the oppurtunity, would you rather live on Mars or on Titan?

everydayastronaut3 karma

Do I have to LIVE there? Or can I visit? Purely visiting-wise, I for sure would have said Mars before I researched and shot a video about the Titan drone "Dragonfly". After that, I'm 100% sold that I want to be on the surface of Titan and look up and see Saturn fill most of the sky. Titan looks INCREDIBLE!!!

That being said, I have a hard enough time living in Iowa where it can get well below zero... I don't really want to live where it's -250.... But visit for a bit, yes PLEASE!

blurrsequence2 karma

What is Facebook watch? Can you please switch to a reputable service?

everydayastronaut1 karma

Facebook produced the content, just like if it were on YouTube RED, Hulu, Netflix, etc etc. So it's their content for the foreseeable future.

BUT... Pro tip... you don't have to login to watch... ;)

can_I_have_a_do_over2 karma

If you get the chance, will you move to mars once a colony is established?

everydayastronaut2 karma

I don't want to live there... but I would LOVE to visit. Like count me in once a round trip vacation is less than a year for under $100k. I also don't want to be an explorer, just a casual tourist :) That would be the trip of a lifetime!

donfelicedon22 karma

Has anyone ever seriously tried to convinced you that the Earth is flat or accused you of being part of a cover up? What did you answer them?

everydayastronaut6 karma

Yes. ALL THE TIME. My YouTube channel and livestreams are chalked full of flat Earther's. I used to engage. Mostly asking "how would someone benefit from hiding that the Earth is flat..." but now I just ignore them.

The amount of misinformation on the internet is terrifying and I know how the next generation of learners will base so much of their knowledge off YouTube videos. That terrifies me. That's why I think it's as important now as ever to get people excited about actual science and space exploration so they can champion scientific literacy instead of peddling conspiracy theories.

overwatch1 karma

There's always some one in the stream talking about Antigravity cover ups, or Nibiru or some other nonsense. I don't know how you manage to keep a straight face half the time, Tim.

everydayastronaut2 karma

You're absolutely right. It's difficult at times haha.

Also, happy cake day!

overwatch2 karma

Didn't even realize it was my cake day! Twelve years of reddit. With a username so popular Blizzard even named a game after me.

Thanks, Tim, you just made my weekend. I'm planning to watch your show as soon as I get home from work. Thanks for getting people excited about space!

everydayastronaut2 karma

Ahh yes! Well thanks for saying hi! Have a great weekend too!!!

lawlzilla72 karma

Hi Tim, What are your opinions about private companies developing their own spacecrafts and launching them.

everydayastronaut3 karma

In space or in general? (thinking)

Let's start with space. I'm really really excited about fully and RAPIDLY reusable space craft. I definitely see this as being the key to actually making space more accessible and opening up new opportunities for exploration and industry. From there, I hope things like nuclear propulsion, space hotels, solar sails, moon bases etc etc actually have a feasible chance of seeing the light of day!

In general, GIVE US ALL SELF DRIVING CARS PLEASE. I'm ready for that. Too many people texting and driving. I do a lot of highway driving and am often behind a car that is ALL OVER the lanes. It's appalling. That can't come soon enough.

Falcon33332 karma

A question for both Tim and Tariq,

Can we expect SpaceX's BFR to grow in size to approach the original concepts dimensions and power as it gets developed after its first flight like we saw in the Falcon 9 through its life?

Or do you think it'll just be off to the next big rocket? (Suppose we'll call that one the E(xtra)BFR)

everydayastronaut2 karma

Yes. haha

Knowing SpaceX, I don't think they ever really settle down. They're continually refining and tweaking. I'm assuming the BFR as it is now will either grow (mostly taller due to 9m tooling diameter), and/or they'll out grow that platform some day and want something even BIGGER. I can't imagine something larger until we're literally ferrying humans to and from the Moon/Mars etc frequently. That's mid century in my opinion. I think the BFR will be sufficient for most needs for a while. But make no mistake, those methane powered Raptor engines will continue to be refined much like the Merlin has been and someday will probably be at least 2x more powerful than it will be when it first flies. This will add a lot more capability to the BFR.

kd7uiy2 karma

Was the loud chamber at Goddard more then a few years ago? If so, I think I heard about you from there...

everydayastronaut3 karma

I believe that was almost two years ago now :)

ZeroFlame0072 karma

Super excited for the show Tim! Now that you've had some experience working with a film crew and understand how it works, do you have any ideas for other space shows that you would like to work on / be a part of? Also, who would be the best co-host for that (or those) show(s)?

everydayastronaut4 karma

Thanks /u/zeroflame007 and hi!

Oh man. Great question. Shooting with a real crew was SO wildly different than shooting in my bedroom office. It was a HUGE learning experience and very humbling too. Having been a professional photographer and having shot 150 weddings in 8 years, I was very used to "running the show." For the first day or two I continually asked "are you recording?" or "Should we do this and this and this" which was very undermining of the crew and the process. I learned pretty quickly that everyone knows what they're doing and they didn't need (or want) me to direct haha

I have a few ideas churning around in my head now :) My development producer, Josh Murphy and I are already in talks for a new idea.

I think personally, I hate shows where a host who may be knowledgeable about a subject plays dumb. I'm definitely not an expert in the field, but I'm not entirely a bumbling idiot either. "Spacing Out" found a nice blend where I could interact with out having to ask questions that I knew that answers to. That being said, my dream co-host would be average people who are asking lots of questions and then I can either answer, or help answer the questions.

jaredmanley3 karma

Tim- from my experience on the shoot, you were one of the easiest and most fun hosts I’ve ever worked with (maybe because you don’t know what you can get away with yet). I hope we can get a season two out of this, and I hope they can release some of the outtakes! We shot so much great and hilarious content, but that’s the biz.

everydayastronaut1 karma

JARED!!! HEYYYYY!!! Miss you man! That was sure crazy!

SpacecadetShep2 karma

Any advice for becoming a public advocate for human space exploration ?

everydayastronaut1 karma

PERSISTENCE, dedication and enthusiasm. But really, persistence. It's been a TON of hard work to be taken even 1/4 seriously by anyone, and not that I need to be, but to gain things like credentials and things, it's important to at least have a valid platform and audience.

If it weren't for sleepless nights, hare-brained schemes, and a surprising amount of energy, I would've been back to the day job by now.

I'm personally in the view that in this day and age of misinformation, there's INFITE room for good science communicators, so please, by ALL means, invest in yourself and a future generation of scientific literacy!

SpacecadetShep3 karma

Thanks for the advice! I've been doing work in the non-profit world and I just gave a TEDx talk titled "Make America Space Again". My goal is to become an advocate for both space exploration and scientific literacy. Lord knows we need it!

everydayastronaut1 karma

Well that's fantastic!!! Please keep it up. YES, in this day and age, we need YOU now more than ever.

Also, ignore the negativity and nay sayers. They don't go away, so just get used to it. BUT do channel their opinions and feedback into something constructive. Even the most vile and hateful youtube comments often have a little nugget of truth that we can learn from... so be careful reading too into it all, but grow thick enough skin to find the value in it.

_No_No2 karma

How important do you think near Earth object (NEO) detection is, and why doesn't this get more attention and funding?

everydayastronaut2 karma

I think it's EXTREMELY important and I'm genuinely shocked we haven't collectively treated it as more of a priority. I hope within the next decade we get several dedicated systems in place to detect potentially catastrophic objects.

My guess as to why it doesn't get more funding is it might seem a little too "doomsday-ish"... But we definitely should be taking it seriously in my opinion.

The_Rex421 karma

Hey big fan of the channel and space in general!

What are your thoughts on the upcoming block 5 falcon launch and the touted "rapid reusability"?

everydayastronaut2 karma

Why thank you!

I think Block 5 is really truly the biggest step SpaceX will have made. All this landing and re-using to date has been proving grounds and stepping stones for reuse as a whole.

It will be game changing once there's a small fleet of boosters that can service the entire industry's demands. That will be amazing!

ASchway1 karma

Have you or any other astronauts that you know of had sex in space?

everydayastronaut3 karma

I'm definitely not an astronaut... BUT I don't know of any cases of in space copulation... YET

The_Rex421 karma

I could be wrong but I heard that it would actually be impossible to get hard in space due to 0g

everydayastronaut3 karma

I really am not sure if that's true... I can't imagine why it would be to be honest... erections aren't due to gravity, they're blood pressure related... and although your heart doesn't have to work as hard in zero G, I still think it can get the blood flowing.... I'm sure there's an astronaut out there we could candidly ask...

MaliciousMango11 karma

Hey Tim, Thanks for doing this, I love your YouTube channel. I was wondering if you have heard any updates about the bigelow inflatable thingy. I remember them attaching a module to the iss, but that seems like it was years ago now. Do you know if their tests were successful and if there is any future for the bigelow company? Sorry if this question has been asked already.

everydayastronaut2 karma

Why thank you /u/maliciousmango1 !

Great question. You're right, the BEAM went to the ISS over two years ago... I know Bigelow had plans to send up their big huge unit, the BA330 on an Atlas V someday, but I haven't heard anything about it in over a year. I hope they're doing well, I really really like their concepts. I'll ping them and see where they're at and follow up!

EricT591 karma

Ever Read Voyage By Steven Baxter?

A well researched alt history where Nixon focused NASA on a Manned Mars mission rather then the Shuttle and unmanned probes.

They use existing 70s and 80s tech with a new lander and Saturn second stage boosters to go in the early 80s. Very detailed and fascinating. He has another book called Titan where the alt history has NASA Scrapped for military LEO operations but as a last gasp they again re purpose Apollo and Saturn Tech to go to Saturn's Moon Titan on a one way mission.

Both fascination in dealing with the grimy realities of extended interplanetary missions. Titan takes 6 years just to get there

everydayastronaut1 karma

No I haven't but I LOVE the initial concepts for using Saturn V's for Mars missions. I would really enjoy that, is it on audiobook? (I never read paper books unfortunately)

Allycat19791 karma

Hi Tim, I love your Channel van you tell me what benefits Patreons get if they subscribe?

everydayastronaut2 karma

Patrons receive exclusive hang outs, livestreams, news, access to an exclusive subreddit and discord channel as well! I couldn't do what I do without my patrons!

TheBlacktom1 karma

(Just your guesses on these)

Moon first or Mars first?

When will people walk on the Moon again?

When will people first walk on Mars?

everydayastronaut3 karma

the /r/tmro questions I see :)

Whichever happens first is the right one (JUST GET TO EXPLORING DANG IT!!!)

BUT I do think the moon is just more tangible and we can do it again even cheaper, easier and safer. There's something more relatable too to us here on Earth looking up and knowing there's people right there on the moon rather than some distant little dot in the sky and same to the people on moon, knowing they're only 72 hours from home instead 6 months at best... So yeah, moon might happen again in the mid 2020's (I hope)

Mars I don't think will happen until late 2020's, or very early 2030's.

snevah1 karma

Hi Tim, my friend from Iowa said he knew you before you became the Everyday Astronaut, and you had a great and positive personality much like your videos. Do you alway keep up a positive outlook on things? And how do you deal with challenges from life that don’t go your way?

everydayastronaut1 karma

No way! That's crazy! Who's your friend?

I'm way too overly optimistic. I take everything and make it a positive, even when it shouldn't be or often will harbor my true emotions if it means making an experience better for someone else. It's not always a good thing, but I guess it's just my personality.

I always see challenges as having a solution. Even if it's not something you can get back to square one on, addressing the issue and seeing what CAN be solved and focusing on what you have control over instead of dwelling on what you can't control.

kevin-chen141 karma

Hello, if you could go to space, would you bring your orange spacesuit and would you replace your orange spacesuit with your spacesuit from the flight?

everydayastronaut1 karma

Great question!

I would LOVE to take my ratty, smelly, falling apart high altitude flight suit up to space just to have the ultimate laugh in how far the dumb thing has taken me. I think the real space suit would be hung up inside a cool display in my house, because that would actually be super bad ass.

SloppyTop231 karma

Hey Tim! I have seen people ask this question before. Is EverdayAstrowife as excited about space as you are?! Thanks for all your content and amazing sense of future. I appreciate the information and hard work you put into your content for everyday people to get excited about space! Cheers on the new show!!

everydayastronaut3 karma

Audrey is definitely not into space... but she's very supportive of me and my passions. She went to her first launch in April, so she at least got to finally experience that first hand, which helped.

I sometimes feel like I pulled a fast one on her since as soon as we got married I switched careers to being a full time genuine fake astronaut... but luckily it did work out.

SloppyTop231 karma

Tory Bruno seems to be very open and outgoing with people in the community. Along with Musk being very open communication with followers. Have you ever thought about reaching out (if you haven’t yet) to do some sort of video or interactive live stream with one of them? Thanks.

everydayastronaut2 karma

I think I need to wait a while before I have that kind of "clout" to really reach someone like Musk. He gets stuff thrown at him literally non-stop. I don't want to bother him unless I have something actually worth his time and effort. He's got more important things to do.

That being said, Tory Bruno is definitely more "down to Earth" and human, I would love to have a beer with Tory. He seems like such a great and passionate guy. 10/10 would do something interactive with him.

AReaver1 karma

For clarity, facebook will be the only place to watch the show?

Since you've talked about signing papers seems safe to assume you're under contract with them. Might the show be able to be released elsewhere at a later date?

everydayastronaut1 karma

Faceboook Watch is Facebook's original content like YouTube RED, Hulu, Netflix, Amazon etc. They own exclusive rights to this show for now.

bend13101 karma

Hey Tim, how did your working relationship with NASA begin?

Really enjoying your instagram feed!

everydayastronaut1 karma

I think my first official contact with NASA was from some Instagram pictures or a reddit post or something. It was a group working on the Orion Spacecraft and they invited me out to see some of their facilities.

To be perfectly honest, working with NASA can be frustrating since it's a government agency. For instance, when working on this show, despite many people at Kennedy Space Center signing off on us showing off upcoming SLS hardware and their launch pad 39B, one person put the kibosh on us for whatever reason. It was at that point a closed door. So we had to talk about a different rocket and a different provider instead of NASA... which was fine by me, but NASA's still stuck thinking things are "just social media" not necessarily realizing some fo the reach on social media can be much much greater than traditional networks like say Discovery or Science.

But I do agree that not everyone with an Instagram account should be given the same access, time and personnel as say CBS, but the mindset does need to evolve as the platforms and numbers change. That's my personal opinion.

blindfoldedbadgers1 karma

Hi Tim, two questions

  1. Is that a real spacesuit you wear in your videos?
  2. If it is, where can I get one, if not, where did you get it from?

everydayastronaut2 karma

Finding myself the lone-bidder of a Russian High Altitude flight suit on a website called RRAuction.com, a very large box arrived at my doorstep. After a few moments of “What on earth did I just do?!” naturally the first thing I did was put the suit on. Since most second hand Soviet era flight suits don’t come with instruction manuals, I forced the neck ring on, and eventually the helmet until I got it to lock. Little did I know, once the helmet was locked, it would be completely air tight…. which means of course, I almost became the Darwin Award recipient for the year. The headlines would have read “Idiot dies in space suit, in living room, alone.” Due to the quick thinking nature of a plucky photographer (ME), I followed the air hose to the plug that was inserted in the end of it. A quick removal of the plug returned air to my face, which in turn, let me live another day. Thereby making the “Everyday Astronaut” more than a quip at the end of a premature obituary.

The suit and I now have a long history together, and it started as an art project on Instagram. So when I started doing YouTube last year, I continued with the suit since it’s been my brand and identity online. The suit is awful and I despise it, but it’s sort of the bane of my existence. I have done a few polls and the overwhelming majority think I should keep the suit, so I do.

If you want to know more about it I have a video titled - "How a space suit almost killed me"

rckkpeterson1 karma

Tim, how long do you think a human can survive outside the earth's magnetic field, constantly bombarded by radiation? Now factor in zero gravity into the equation

everydayastronaut1 karma

Well I don't personally have any good data on this matter, but I know the people at the US National Library of Medicine would sure have some better insight than I do.

From what I've read though, a 2 year trip to Mars isn't much worse than smoking a pack a day as far as potential cancerous effects from Galactic Cosmic Rays.

Zero gravity has no inherent effect on the bodies ability to deal with radiation outside of the magnetic field, but it's effects on bone density and other factors do come into play.

We know for sure people can spend a year in space thanks to Scott Kelly and cosmonaut Mikhail Kornienko... we're still studying what effect space had on these two, and granted, they don't receive as much GCR as one would outside of the Van Allen belts, but they're a good baseline study.

I still think several years if put in the proper habitat/space craft that takes the necessary precautions for radiation, but we do have to study that further and take more data along the way.

neoian1 karma

Hi Tim, I saw you shooting at the SpaceX CRS-14 launch and were grabbing some shots out on the Causeway. I was wondering what the most difficult thing is about shooting in an uncontrolled situation like that? I noticed the announcements kicked on over the PA and you had to stop filming for while.

everydayastronaut2 karma

Oh awesome! I can't wait for that episode to air! :)

It was a learning experience for sure. I found out I'm actually a fairly patient person and don't really stress out too much when it's just a hurry up and wait situation. Maybe having photographed 150 weddings taught me that practice though.

Just do what you can with what you've got I guess :)

mrdr891 karma

As long as the show is on Facebook Watch, I won't be watching. Any chances it will come to YouTube?

everydayastronaut1 karma

Facebook produced the content, just like if it were on YouTube RED, Hulu, Netflix, etc etc. So it's their content for the foreseeable future.

BUT... Pro tip... you don't have to login to watch... ;)

overwatch1 karma

Are you planning to do a BFR series as the rocket is developed? Any chance you'll be able to tour the factory once things are underway? Check out the testing location when ti comes time, etc? It would be fun to track the progress from inception to launch.

everydayastronaut2 karma

That would be amazing, but in general, SpaceX is VERY closed doors... so it'd be extremely difficult and there's SO MANY people chasing that down too

MrFlagg0 karma

Who is your favourite Hulk?

everydayastronaut1 karma

The... ummm... green one? (I honestly have no idea)

kgthegman0 karma

Why are all of the photos of outer space photoshopped?

everydayastronaut2 karma

There's a few reasons and the term "photoshopped" can be misleading. The term SHOULD be "processed."

First off, basically EVERY photograph you see today is processed/edited to some degree to be more pleasing but this is ESPECIALLY true when your image is taken in say the infrared spectrum like it may be coming off of a scientific instrument. If we were to show you a picture unprocessed it'd be a black screen despite the sensor picking up BEAUTIFUL images. Those images are then processed to be in the visible light spectrum. So it's not like the images are just being made up, it's just the data is interpreted to be visible to us humans and our eye balls in particular.

But of course there are "artist renderings" which are entirely works of art based off data and no pixels share a direct correlation to said data per say.

Does that make sense?

kgthegman-1 karma

why would the image be completely black if you can see what you are taking a picture of?

In other words, if you can see the earth to take a picture of it, why would the picture be in a non visible part of the spectrum?

So, you use "scientific instruments" to take pictures in "say" the infrared spectrum, why? of course the obvious reason is picture quality.. but people want to see raw footage, not photoshopped or "processed" images and artist renderings.

The point is when we are looking to study science we don't want fake evidence, we want real evidence, normal people like to study and do research as well you know? and it is impossible for me to look at real photos of space because they literally do not exist.


Also how in the world do all of the constellations look the same for thousands (or you might say billions) of years if the earth is spinning at 0923230948 mph, and orbiting the sun at 2309482034 mph and the sun is moving at 2309482304830284 mph?

sorry my numbers are obviously not exact but you get my point?

everydayastronaut3 karma

I see you already have your conclusion predetermined. Anything I say at this point will lead back to your narrative no matter what, but please allow me to answer this.

You're wrong to think that they're ALL infrared, as a matter of fact, the Hubble space telescope shoots in a similar spectrum. You can see what's it's "raw" images look like here. They just aren't pleasant to look at and you can see the "processing" process take place which stitches the images together and puts them stacks the layers of images shot through different color spectrums for proper data analysis.

It's nothing crazy. You can take pictures of say the Andromeda Galaxy yourself in your own backyard with a normal camera. Just check out /r/astrophotography sometime. It's a great hobby and there's no crazy conspiracy for space photos when you yourself can take pictures of space that are invisible to the naked ye.

everydayastronaut2 karma

well, you're right about us spinning. Again, with your own eyes, you can watch the stars and constellations rise in the east and set in the west. So they don't necessarily "look the same" as you say, they move through out the sky, through out the night, which is because of the Earth spinning. As a matter of fact, purchase a flight to the opposite hemisphere (north and south) and you'll see the stars rotating in the opposite direction due to our earth being a globe.

Relatively speaking, just because we're moving crazy crazy "fast" our distance traveled is relatively little compared to the distance between us and the stars. That being said, you can still see a parallax (seeing something move in front of something else) when you study the night sky for say an entire year and is a great way to measure the distances of stars.