Edited: Hey guys, I'm back and ready to answer some more questions! Shameless plus: if you feel like checking out the graphic novel(Genesis II), you can download the first chapter for free on the website: https://genesisiicomics.com/

Can't wait to keep chatting with you guys, this has been such an awesome experience so far!

Hey everyone! I’m Allen Ling. I am a physical therapist in the Bay Area but I had a passion for comics that eventually drove me to create my own graphic novel, Genesis 2 (https://genesisiicomics.com/).

I partnered with an amazing artist, Christian Boe, who illustrated most of the story and we got placed in Comic Con, booth 835! I wanted to do this AMA because I’ve been touched by the overwhelming amount of support I’ve received from the various artistic communities such as r/comics, r/graphicnovels, r/sculptures, and r/comiccon just to name a few.

I’m currently setting up at Comic Con this week and I figured while I have the time, I’ll answer questions from interested people. So please, ask away!!!

P.S. I have some of my friends helping me out as they are fielding some questions but I will be answering them from 3 - 6 today and 3 - 5:30 tomorrow.

Proof: https://imgur.com/a/QoJa1bz, https://imgur.com/a/bcs1qGW

EDIT: Thank you everybody for the questions, I had so much fun talking with you all! If you're attending SDCC I hope you'll drop by the booth and say hi, and if you want to check out Genesis II the first chapter is available for free download here: https://genesisiicomics.com/

I'd love to do this again some time Reddit, thanks for making it a great experience!

Comments: 92 • Responses: 42  • Date: 

InterestingCurrent6 karma

If I clean your car can I get a free copy of the graphic novel? Asking for a friend...

Genesis2Comic2 karma

Haha yes! I clean it one a year so it’s a big job !!

YayKittenz5 karma

Do you have any tips for students aspiring to be physical therapists? Also, what do you think is the hardest aspect(s) of PT?

Genesis2Comic3 karma

You need to shadow a great local physical therapist! He hardest aspect of PT is documenting for patients and the emotional issues that many of them have when they lose function and have pain.

Hallonsorbet3 karma

Do you start with the pictures or the t3xt when making a new comic story?

Genesis2Comic5 karma

Pictures following a rough synopsis

jakesmom13 karma

How did you end up partnering with your artist?

Genesis2Comic3 karma

I was introduced to him by my combat instructor Matt Lucas who is a stuntman in the AMC Martial Arts Fantasy TV series “Into The Badlands.”. I liked him and his artwork. We are still great friends!

jakesmom13 karma

Awesome, thank you for the reply! Do you have any suggestions for someone who hasn’t been introduced to an artist?

Genesis2Comic1 karma

I’d try to put the message out somehow or go to the local art schools to search for one!

strider_14563 karma

My dream is to make my own comic/webcomic/illustrated story of some kind. I am practicing drawing every day. Any other tips for someone looking to make it happen? I may be too late for the AMA...haha

Genesis2Comic1 karma

Keep on it and don’t quit! Persistence is everything! And get help when you need it!

JebbieSans1873 karma

1.Are you prepared for con? I remember it was just me working my booth and it was four very long days.

  1. Did you draw the novel yourself?

Genesis2Comic2 karma

  1. I got like 2 paid booth assistants and like 3 of my friends helping including my GF and brother. I also have my co creator Christian, editor Mel signing autographs and sketching . I couldn’t imagine doing it by myself.

  2. I had a ton of help. I always get help. See www.genesisiicomics.com for more details. I did 1/2 the storyboards but on the next installments it’s me doing all the storyboards and story, Zac Atkinson doing the lines and colors and John Hageman lettering.

coryrenton2 karma

what do you think would be the perfect size for a comic con?

Genesis2Comic1 karma

200,000 in a space twice as large

coryrenton2 karma

wouldn't that be a town more than a convention then?

Genesis2Comic1 karma

Haha yes! NY ComicCon is 200,000 attendees!

TheAppleJacks2 karma

Current PT student, was there a final straw that broke the camels back to make you want to leave the field?

Genesis2Comic2 karma

I’m still the CEO at Physical Therapy Innovations and see patients 3-4 days a week! www.ptinnovations.com

Keeps me grounded !! So I never left! I also continue to produce music!

TheAppleJacks2 karma

It’s refreshing to hear that you’re still in the field! You really are a jack of all trades! Good luck with pursuing your dreams!

Genesis2Comic1 karma


jimmiego2 karma

Wow Congratulations ! What an amazing feat ! Do you feel a greater sense of freedom since creating your own graphic novel and now getting into Comic Con ?

Genesis2Comic2 karma

I feel free and also more charged up to do even more! I’ve already started the second installment! I’m more confident as a storyteller and collaborator with my artistic team!

burnt_chipmunk2 karma

Congratulations, Allen! I left a career in finance to pursue a start-up that builds technology for the physical therapy and athletic training space (we have developed a system that quantifies movement and tracks physical health of patients and athletes). As the CEO of a PT chain, do you have any thoughts on the direction of the physical therapy field and also any advice on how to find practitioners who would be good early adopters of new technology? Thanks and have a blast at Comic Con!

Genesis2Comic2 karma

Send your info over to me. We tried to use motion capture but had difficulties integrating it. Billing for PT services can be problematic with new technology.

keepingthecommontone2 karma

Congrats, Allen! As a graphic-novel-loving music professor whose married to a PT who does home health, I feel a weird kinship to you. I have a finished novel which I think has a lot of potential but hasn’t been picked up by an agent yet, and I’ve often thought of turning into a graphic novel... the only problem being I can’t draw.

Any advice for finding a collaborator and beginning a relationship? What types of costs should be expected up front, if any, or is it reasonable to expect to work up a contract for splitting revenues upon completion?

I’ve thought, if I went that route, that it might be effective to put the story out as a webcomic, creating a page once a week or so and splitting ad and/or merch revenue from the site (assuming things go well) as well as eventual publishing revenue after the story is completed. Good or bad idea?

I realize that it’s not all about the money but I also know that everybody has bills to pay. Good luck with the booth!

Genesis2Comic1 karma

Start with a newly minted artist from a school who also loves comics. Pages colored and inked can be $150 to $500 depending on reputation and experience. I love your web comic idea but not sure about the financial end of doing that. So far I’ve sunk a boatload if cash into this but nothing back yet . Critically it’s been very well received!

Thanks for your support and good luck on finding the right collaborator!

original_greaser_bob2 karma

Did you tell people you were cosplaying as a graphic novelist? Congrats on following your dream my friend! Good luck and hopefully you will never have to fall back on your degree for gain full employment ever again.

Genesis2Comic2 karma

I still love being a physical therapist so I might do both more equally. Thanks so much for your kind words!

coryrenton2 karma

if a new comic con were to start up, what would you make different about it form SD comic con that would entice you to attend?

Genesis2Comic1 karma

They pay my way!!!

coryrenton1 karma

Do you think fellow boothers would feel the same way -- for example if someone set up a con in the middle of nowhere but they paid travel, and set you up in a nice room/board -- would that be reason enough to go?

Genesis2Comic1 karma

If you helped defer the cost in any way that would entice people to come. The issue I have is my giant models being transported and assembled. It costs thousands actually 5 figures to move and assemble and store them. They come in 5 crates that weight a total of over 3000 lbs.

I bring 2 paid assistants to help with sales transactions and put them up for room and board. It’s a major production !

coryrenton1 karma

Can you redesign your models to be assembled more cheaply? What if the con provided stagecraft and production services to help with this sort of thing?

Genesis2Comic1 karma

The Gorilla Eagle Egor is just huge. And it takes a lot to crate the models to protect them. It’s about 3000 plus pounds of stuff to move. The transport alone is about $9000 to and from storage.

CDeltonWalker2 karma

Don't know much about the graphic novel scene, although love comics, but have you subscribed to r/AutoDetailing ? You'll go so much further down the clean car rabbit hole! Start watching AMMO NYC's videos on YouTube. Also any suggestions on choosing a physical therapist?

Genesis2Comic1 karma

I haven’t subscribed to auto detailing. Thanks! Choosing a PT is tough. Don’t rely on the Internet reviews! Look at websites and make calls.

1342822 karma

...what kind of cars?

Genesis2Comic2 karma

Tesla X, Honda Accord Hybrid, H1 Hummer Yeah makes no sense for the Hummer but I don’t drive it at all.

lukeCritchley2 karma

What's the graphic novel about?

Genesis2Comic4 karma

Hey lukeCritchley!

Genesis II is a story set in near-future San Francisco. It takes place in a world where humans have achieved space travel gene splicing. Governments are in shambles, and corporations operate as nation-states with private militia.

Lisa, a scientist researching ground-breaking – and potentially world-ending – technology, has attracted the attention of a malevolent corporate tyrant. Daniel, along with his GMO animal hybrid guardians, fights to rescue Lisa and prevent global genocide.

NumerousPanda2 karma

How hard was it to get into Comic Con? Asking for a friend...

Genesis2Comic9 karma

It’s either a 5 year waiting list and MAYBE you get in year six or....

You work for 30 years in a day job, work 5 side jobs, get really lucky in real estate and unlucky in love , then decide to sacrifice about 10% of your retirement to make an Graphic Novel that takes three years and produce life sized museum quality models that create such an impression at WonderCon that the Comic Con international staff put you on top of the waiting list of SDCC just on the chance that someone would cancel and BOOM you are in!

So yes....it was hard!!

rngtrtl1 karma

sounds more like luck to me.

Genesis2Comic5 karma

Luck is opportunity meeting preparation. I totally believe in that.

dashzed2 karma

Do you have any tips on world building? I do some screen writing myself, and that's always been one of the toughest parts for me.

Genesis2Comic5 karma

Get creative help from some really crazy futurist friends who have possible irreversible brain damage from drugs

Man_of_Prestige2 karma

Hey, I resemble that remark!

Genesis2Comic2 karma

Nice! Reach out to the screenwriter in need!

FoxieCoach2 karma

What is your favorite KBBQ joint in the Bay Area?

Genesis2Comic2 karma

Noel’s Korean Rice Bar, Albany CA

thedarksprite2712 karma

So... Marvel or DC?

Genesis2Comic1 karma

Both ....Batman and Spidernan!

Eclogites1 karma

What is that cat thing on the cover of your novel, and how friendly is it?

Genesis2Comic1 karma

It is a human friendly cat until its master is attacked! It destroys furniture instantly.

Genesis2Comic1 karma

More jnfo re: the cat on www.genesis2comics.com

Eclogites1 karma

Lol, I like the css transitions

Genesis2Comic1 karma

css stands for ?

Genesis2Comic1 karma

Ahh yes I didn’t do those but thanks !

Genesis2Comic1 karma

It does destroy furniture as a given

Platinumsteam1 karma

Well,shit. I got one for both. doctors fucked up my surgery on my forearm twice (it was a "simple break"),and now my wrist doesn't bend as far back as it used to. Like,by a couple inches. And it hurts if I put weight on my wrist. I've been trying to make it more flexible for 2 years,just by bending and holding,but that doesn't work.every time i went to the doctor,he says I don't need it, despite the above mentioned issues,and crackling whenever I rotate it. With the doctor saying I don't need it,my mom refuses to even let me try.this wrist thing is especially worrying to me since I want to be an artist. What do you think I should do?

Genesis2Comic1 karma

I broke my wrist in 20 pieces 10 years ago and had 7 screws and a plate installed. I can do everything but it hurts to bend it too far but I can do almost everything. Get some really really good PT who can also work on it manually (intelligent massage) and give you the right exercise program.

Eclogites1 karma

Have you been inspired by any manga? If so, which ones? I love JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure btw!

Genesis2Comic1 karma

Yes many Manga films from the Guyver series to super old animated ones to Ultraman!

BreakingBrak1 karma

So does your obsession with clean cars only relate to the inside of the car or also the outside?

Genesis2Comic1 karma

Mostly outside. I clean the inside when I have friends or dates.

Sweetragnarok1 karma

I forgot to ask how much did they charge you for your Exhibit and how long was the process? My buddy has a huge comic book store locally in SD, in fact they are part of the SDCC outside events for signings.

They cant get a booth because the asking price was 10K for a small space :( They havent tried applying for a booth since then. Would love to get tips on the process.

Genesis2Comic1 karma

Well it’s about $7000 plus for a 20 x 10 booth . I mean you have to be serious. I’ve been asking to get in for 6 months. But that’s me. I worked really hard to get it and I had industry veteran vet for me .i used connections.

Sweetragnarok1 karma

Thats lower than what they asked last time. Not a bad space size. i was inside a while ago, didnt get a chance to drop by. maybe later.

Genesis2Comic1 karma

Please stop by and introduce yourself. I’m rarely away from the booth but Sunday I’ll be looking around more!

Genesis2Comic1 karma

Hey guys, I'm back and ready to answer some more questions! Shameless plus: if you feel like checking out the graphic novel(Genesis II), you can download the first chapter for free on the website: https://genesisiicomics.com/

Can't wait to keep chatting with you guys, this has been such an awesome experience so far!

Genesis2Comic1 karma

I’d get some serious training. I am self taught but I always drew comics since I was 4!

bishopcom1 karma

I realize this is late and you might’ve answered this already, but any pointers on creating your own graphic novel or comic?

Genesis2Comic1 karma

Get expert help! Stick with it! Pace yourself. Get feedback.

wellhelloitsdan1 karma

Are you an APTA member?

Genesis2Comic1 karma

Yes ...since (GASP) 1986!!!

growyourfunnel1 karma

What are your all time favorite movies? Did any of them inspire stuff in your comic?

Genesis2Comic1 karma

The Matrix and Saving Private Ryan. They inspired me but none of the content got into Graphic Novel.