Episode list:

Swarm of the Century

Sonic Rainboom

Cutie Mark Chronicles

Return of Harmony

Luna Eclipsed

Secret of My Excess

Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000

It's About Time

Ponyville Confidential

Magic Duel

Magical Mystery Cure

The Cutie Map

Slice of Life

Amending Fences

Proof: https://twitter.com/M_A_Larson/status/1151298927372562432?s=19

Comments: 589 • Responses: 92  • Date: 

WaylandTaylor393 karma

Where can I get aftermarket parts for my Hyundai tiburon?

Eiriksen137 karma

If you could put wings on every single character would you do it?

AMAMALarson194 karma

No! I would take all the wings away. Especially Rainbow Dash

D_Tripper125 karma

If you sign my fanfic at Bronycon, does that make it canon?

AMAMALarson175 karma

I believe those are the rules, yes

Meganought111 karma

Did you ever think the show would be as big as it has become? Would you have changed anything about what you wrote had you known?

AMAMALarson148 karma

I never could have predicted it. And I think that's one of the reasons the show worked so well. No one expected much from it, so we really had the freedom to just be loose with the characters and entertain ourselves. And then it became this big thing and blew my mind. Continues to do so. I still get chills when I meet people at conventions and hear their stories and have them quote my own lines to me and stuff. I wouldn't change anything, really. I do believe that sometimes when things get worked and re-worked they can lose some of their charm. So flaws that are there, I'm okay with them.

Spydude8471 karma

Hi Larson,

I was just curious what your feelings were towards not getting to write Season 8 Episode 11 Molt Down, the episode where Spikes grows his wings. Do you only give out pony/princess wings?

AMAMALarson83 karma

Fun fact, they asked me to write that episode, but it didn't work out.

WhoElseButKanyon60 karma

Hello, Mr Larson! Just wanted to say that as a massive Rarity fan, I really appreciated the last line in the picture you posted to Twitter!

As for my question, if you could have voiced any character in My Little Pony, who would you have chosen?

AMAMALarson71 karma

Ooooooo, fun one. I think I'd be best at someone like Silver Spoon, or some fancy shmancy pony. I do a mean Jeremy Irons.

kaylana11552 karma

Why is Rarity your favorite pony?

AMAMALarson90 karma

It's a cheat, but she's the most fun to write for. I also love characters with clear flaws -- she's arrogant and pompous -- but she's also one of the kindest and most generous with her friends. She's popular, but also a champion of the underdog. And writing her scenes with Sweetie Belle in Ponyville Confidential was one of my favorite moments in the show.

BigHuntraps52 karma

Hey there! What was your work regarding the 100th episode, Slice of Life?

AMAMALarson105 karma

I wrote the whole damn thing. That one took more work than any other episode because it was so crammed with characters and moments and references, and the swirling "storylines" (in quotes because the story doesn't really matter in that ep) had to all come together in the wedding. So, yeah, that one was a ton of work. But also probably the most rewarding.

calmbrony49 karma

What are your thoughts on the MLP Movie (the 2017 one, not the 80's one) ?

AMAMALarson63 karma

It was good. The look took awhile to get used to since I'm so used to how the show looks. But some of the new characters were really fun and it was a blast to see the girls on the big screen.

Plus I love Kristin Chenoweth

VinylTastic49 karma

Pineapple on pizza. Yay or neigh?

AMAMALarson63 karma


(unless it also has peanut butter)

mylittlebrony300045 karma

What is your favorite episode of MLP? (Episodes written by you count)

AMAMALarson54 karma

Best Night Ever!!!

My fave of mine is Return of Harmony

BokoHarambae145 karma

Are you pleased with direction the show has been going?
Was it true that you tried to pursue a full-time lead writing job for the show, but Hasbro denied you?

AMAMALarson56 karma

Haven't been keeping up with it, to be honest.

No, it was always the plan that Meghan would come back for the end of season five. The half season I did story edit was really difficult for several reasons, so I think they didn't ask me to story edit later seasons because they knew how much I didn't enjoy that.

Tandril9143 karma

Hello, Mr. Larson! I love the show and I’m so grateful for you and the wonderful staff for helping to build this fantastical world full of so many lovable characters. Thank y’all so much for all the smiles and tears over the years! I have three questions, if that’s okay.

  1. Which finale is your favorite?

  2. Which character’s development have you most enjoyed?

  3. If you suddenly gained Discord’s powers, what would be the first thing you’d do?

AMAMALarson68 karma

Thanks for your kind words!

1) Best Night Ever is my favorite episode of the whole series, so I'd have to say that one

2) Celestia's

3) Exactly what he does. I would troll Twilight SO HARD

ShokBox43 karma

Hey Larson!

You and Scott Sonneborn both received writing credits for the season 5 opener "The Cutie Map". Just how much of the writing for that opener was you and how much of it was Sonneborn's work?

AMAMALarson41 karma

It was a combination of Meghan, Scott, and me. I wrote the script based on work they had done.

master_Derek11840 karma

How do I get my wings?

AMAMALarson52 karma


PotluckPony38 karma

Was there ever a reason why we never got any further examination or exploration of the Zebras? I always felt that Zecora and the zebras in general weren't given the screentime or attention they aught to have received. Most people just assume it's because Zecora (and by extension, all zebras) speaks in rhyme which is hard to write for, but that explanation just feels unsatisfactory to me I guess.

AMAMALarson35 karma

Not that I know of. Could have been a pretty amazing little avenue to have gone down, storywise. Doing something like that is tough on production (all those zebras would have to be designed, along with a whole new land), but they've done stuff like that before with yaks and whatnot. So I don't really have an answer. Maybe it's one of those things that better left to the imagination of the fans?

Masterofknees38 karma

Hey Larson, thanks for your fantastic contributions to the show, your style of humor was always right up my alley.

How much influence did Faust have on Season 2? I know she worked on a good deal of its episodes before departing the show, but I've long wondered how big a part she played in the latter part of the season, as she seemingly left while the season was still being worked on. You wrote It's About Time and Ponyville Confidential, two episodes that aired pretty late on in the season (and they're both hilarious btw), so I guess a good question would be whether her fingerprints were on those episodes, or if at that point of the season she didn't have as much direct involvement anymore.

Season 2 was one of my favorite cartoon seasons ever, so I'm just asking out of curiosity of some of its inner workings.

AMAMALarson52 karma

It's interesting, everyone always says she had nothing to do with season two, but it's just wrong. I didn't even know she was leaving the show until deep into Ponyville Confidential. She was in all the story meetings for my episodes in season two, and she gave notes all the way through. So from a writing perspective, she was every bit as involved as season one. That being said, from the production side things might have been different, but from my perspective she was still very much involved.

kTdBPM37 karma

Hello Larson. You've always been a great MLP writer. Loved Slice of Life.

I know you never worked on the Equestria Girls part of the franchise. But if you did, which ideas would you have come up with and what changes would you have made if you wrote an episode, film or short?

AMAMALarson28 karma

Hard to say since I've never seen EQG and don't really know the universe at all

Wackydude123436 karma

What's your favourite part in slice of life?

AMAMALarson49 karma

I'm a huge fan of how that episode came out. I love the wedding part the best, where the fireworks start to go off. With such an insane episode, to have it end with such heart, I love it. And Peter New's delivery of "It takes love to make them ignite!" is an absolute joy.

ZizzyDizzyMC4232 karma

Hello Larson. Since late 2015 I've dedicated much of my life to building the largest archive of My Little Pony content in the world. I personally started out because creators were deleting content when they abandoned the fandom. This kinda upset me as the very stuff that got me into the fandom were being deleted. I've archived upwards of 3,000,000 fan works including images, videos, fiction, designs and other misc things.

This leads me to ask - of every fan work out there that you've seen, what would you say is your personal favorite? If you haven't seen much at all that's totally understandable.

I can't wait to say hello at Bronycon!

AMAMALarson27 karma

This is an incredible undertaking and I'm glad you're doing it. What a shame if it all vanished.

I've seen so much fanwork I couldn't possibly choose. It all still blows my mind. The sheer creativity of the fandom is jaw-dropping.

And yes please say hi at BronyCon!

AMAMALarson31 karma

lol I have no idea how to add an image but it's me you guys

Salty_Limes31 karma

What is your favorite background pony?

Do you have an OC?

AMAMALarson62 karma

My OC is a batpony called Sharpie Fume

My favorite background pony... hmm... tough one. I like the classics, so I'd say Derpy. She's just so endearing.

SpikeFiremane30 karma

Hi Mitch how are you?

AMAMALarson30 karma

Great. Yourself?

PeterHrod27 karma

Will I become an Alicorn in future?

AMAMALarson30 karma

How's your singing voice?

CMC-Dash27 karma

What day at Bronycon is your actual birthday?

AMAMALarson35 karma

August 3, which I think is Saturday?

Shemx323 karma

How did you feel when you first found out about the brony fandom?

EDIT: And I would like to thank you for your amazing, feathery contributions to the show, and I do not know what we as a fandom would do without you! :)

AMAMALarson58 karma

I couldn't believe it. Like, actually couldn't believe it. We were in a story meeting in the crappy, windowless back room at Hasbro and Lauren showed me a video of these Russian teenage boys at some sort of day camp or something. The camera is moving around, people are speaking in Russian, then the cameraman comes to these two guys with guitars and they start playing "Winter Wrap Up." I must have had my jaw hanging open. I really didn't understand it. Some day I'll find this video and post it...

BCTalos22 karma

Hey Larson, great work you did on the series we all know and love. I have a few questions:

  1. What advice do you have for those yearning to write their own little universes and work like where does one start and how should they approach it?

  2. What was one moment in the series that had the most impact on you, emotionally or otherwise?

  3. In the episode "The Cutie Map - Part 2", when Double Diamond threw the staff of sameness at the cutie mark bins, I saw that the staff resembles the Lance of Longinus from End of Evangelion quite a bit. Coincidence or nah?

  4. For "Return of Harmony", what was it like working with the legendary John de Lancie for that episode?

AMAMALarson34 karma

1) Really hard question. I guess I'd say that you shouldn't get bogged down too much in the lore or the minutiae of the world, at least not in the beginning. Think of an overarching world and something hooky, something that will make a reader or viewer say "Ooh, that sounds cool!" A lot of times the research and minutiae seem so important to a creator, and sometimes it really is, but it's so important to keep the average viewer in mind and serve them up something that makes them say, "That sounds cool! I want to see more!"

2) Great question. I guess I'd say the ending of Cutie Mark Chronicles. It was sort of cheesy message, "we're all looking up at the same rainbow," but after I wrote it, it kind of struck me how true it was. These ponies all came from different backgrounds and walks of life, and we all know them as one unit of six, but it was cool to see them individually before that and see how they were connected before they even met. I love that one.

3) Total coincidence on my end. I can't speak for the art team, who may well have been fans.

4) It was awesome, though I didn't actually get to work with him. But I watched every minute of his Star Trek work and had his voice deeply embedded in my head while I was working. So I'm grateful to him loaning me his voice for awhile in my brain, and then it blew my mind when he actually did the role. None of us planned on him playing Discord, but then he did!

TMan6421 karma

If Fluttershy makes a noise, and no one's around to hear it, is it still adorable?

AMAMALarson19 karma

I think we all know the answer to that one

ValraBellkeys20 karma

What's your favorite part of being apart of the series?

AMAMALarson31 karma

The world was such an extraordinary place to work in. Equestria is magical, the characters are so beautifully designed, and the freedom to incorporate humor and heart into what was largely a toy commercial was so unexpected and wonderful.

The fandom, though, is something I couldn't possibly have prepared for. To travel the country, the world, and meet people who have turned a show about friendship into real-life friendships is astonishing. Still, after 9 years and who-knows-how-many conventions, it still gives me chills.

kTdBPM19 karma

New question. What do you hope for MLP Generation 5 to be like? (I know you won't be working on it. I just want your opinion)

AMAMALarson29 karma

I just hope it goes back to basics. The simplicity of FiM was one of its greatest strengths. We got to play around with the characters and really get to know them while the fans were creating this entire universe out of the background ponies. That was such a magical thing to experience from the writing side of things. I think it would be a shame if it was too dependent on lore or rules. Just let the characters run things.

NoraMermaid17 karma

Okay I'm just curious. Why do you sign everything?!

AMAMALarson26 karma

It's an addiction

ColeTrain4EVER17 karma

Heya Larson! You've developed a character / personality online around the community. Have you ever felt that people who meet you at the cons think they know before they've ever even met you? And was there a moment early on during the fandom's life-cycle where this first happened that you can remember?

AMAMALarson20 karma

Hahaha yeah, that's true. It does often feel like people know me before we've even met, but I love that. I like that I can walk around a con and be surrounded by people who I can just walk up and chat with or write on or photobomb. I'm quite an introverted person in real life, but something about going to cons and people recognizing me brings out my extroverted side.

It was strange being at my very first con, Midwestria, and hearing people mutter my name to their friends as I went by. It felt like I was pretending to be famous or something.

But I love this fandom so much, and going to cons is a genuine joy that I never take for granted.

NiteAx17 karma

What's your ideal sandwich?

AMAMALarson15 karma

Anything with peanut butter. That's my desert island food. I would eat a sandwich with peanut butter, hold the bread

D_Tripper14 karma

If you sign a piece of food and I eat it, do I gain your powers?

AMAMALarson15 karma

Yes. Sharpie powers work best when digested.

Kodiologist14 karma

What exactly is going on in that scene in "The Return of Harmony" where Discord brainwashes Fluttershy, compared to what he did to AJ, Rarity, and Pinkie? Is it that Fluttershy was too pure to be corrupted in this fashion, that Discord wasn't perceptive enough to realize her true vulnerabilities, that Fluttershy's failing was that she was too much of a doormat to resist, or something else?

AMAMALarson22 karma

I LOVE THAT MOMENT! You're right with the first part. He's never met someone this pure and he can't do the mind games he really wants to do, so he just gets frustrated and snaps his fingers.

Duel_Monster13 karma

Is there any episode that you did not write, but wish you could have written?

AMAMALarson25 karma

Wish my version of "Rarity Investigates" would have seen the light of day. I did a reading of it at Bronycon last year and it made me laugh. There's a courtroom scene that I still think has some of my funniest stuff in it.

BlazeWolf1613 karma

So are we starting now?

AMAMALarson15 karma


Heir_of_Rick13 karma

Yo Larson, been a super big fan of the show for nine years now, it's literally my favorite show of all time, in no small part thanks to writers like yourself.

I've attended so many Pony Staff Q&As over the years, so I feel like just about every question I've had about Pony has been answered. But there is one thing I've wondered; Do you feel like there's any common misconceptions from laypeoples you'd like to clear up, whether it's about writing TV shows/novels generally, writing for MLP specifically, or even something unique to yourself?

AMAMALarson17 karma

Thanks very much, appreciate that.

Yes! I constantly see people talk about "the writers" on MLP, but that's not really a thing. A lot of shows do have writers rooms where they really do work as a collective on the stories, but MLP was always very separate. In fact, most of the writers on MLP I met through conventions! So when people like or don't like things "the writers" are doing, it really doesn't work that way. I had zero influence on Griffon the Brush Off or Hurricane Fluttershy or any episode I didn't write, and vice versa. Thank you for asking this, that's always bothered me how wrong people were about this.

Oh, one other thing I could add. Be very careful about things you read on the internet. I've seen people claim things with great authority that are just flat-out wrong. I saw someone say something happened at a meeting I was at. So yeah, people tend to misconstrue things or just straight up make stuff up. Take it with a grain of salt.

gamedude8812 karma

What was/is your favorite thing to autograph?

AMAMALarson18 karma

My favorite thing I've signed is an on-duty cop. She popped into the autograph room, I asked if I could sign her, and she marched across the room and said "Sure!"

beastgamer913612 karma

Favorite moment at a bronycon, since it's the last one?

More openly, favorite moment at a con in general?

AMAMALarson28 karma

Favorite moment at a con in general was probably watching "Slice of Life" with a packed house at MLP-MSP. There was standing room only and you couldn't even hear some of the jokes because of laughter and applause. Maybe the most rewarding moment of my career.

Favorite BronyCon moment... gosh, there are SO MANY. I love BronyCon so much because I can just walk around and talk to people. I love photobombing random people, giving hugs, chatting. I love it all. A specific one? This is super vain but when I came into the building a few years ago with John de Lancie and GM Berrow, everyone waiting in line started chanting my name. I was sort of embarrassed at first, but then I was like, "Don't these guys recognize De Lancie?" they did, and they chanted for me anyway. Not gonna lie, that was pretty cool.

JessicaCruz11811 karma

Hello Mr. Larson. I'm a big fan of your work. I have 2 questions.

  1. What My Little Pony episode that you wrote are you most personally proud of?

  2. What drew you to work on DC Superhero Girls?

AMAMALarson16 karma

1) Slice of Life. It came together really well and I think it accomplished what it was meant to accomplish, which is just be a really entertaining 22 minutes of TV. As a bonus, it has a genuinely heartfelt ending. Plus it was by far the most work I ever did on the show, so I'd say that one.

2) Lauren Faust. She asked and I said yes, because she's Lauren Faust.

StormySparkler11 karma

Opinions on Male Alicorns?

Can you assure us there won't be one at the end of Season 9?

AMAMALarson12 karma

I can assure you of nothing!

Sylverstone1410 karma

Hey Larson, all I can really say is thanks for the great memories made from MLP - enjoyed a lot of the moments, made great friends with the fandom, etc.

Will you be at the final BronyCon next month in Baltimore? Also, as a real question, were there instances of alternate endings to the episodes you wrote for?

(also can you add wings to this post, thx)

AMAMALarson17 karma

I will absolutely be at BronyCon next month! I agree with everything you said, it has been an incredible experience for me as well, something I never expected, and an unbelievably good time.

As for alternate endings, I'd say Fame & Misfortune is the one that springs to mind. I wanted to end that on a much more uplifting, heartfelt, MLP kind of way, but I was overruled.

Your post has to sing a few songs before I'd consider wings

AMAMALarson10 karma

Thank you guys so much for this, what a great time! So sorry that I have to run, maybe I can come back to some of the ones I missed later. And I'll see you all at BronyCon 2019 in a few weeks, right?

Jaqwon1410 karma

Will you ever post your original script for fame and misfortune?

AMAMALarson15 karma

There is no original script. There's about a one-page proposal for what I wanted to do, but that got rejected so I wrote what they wanted.

sonic_tower10 karma

Do you know about how employees at Google troll each other with MLP memes?

AMAMALarson15 karma

I know nothing about that. Tell me more....

misscellanio10 karma

If you were to write the series finale (regardless if you know what's going on in the show right now), what would you make it about?

AMAMALarson21 karma

I did write the season finale. It was called Magical Mystery Cure. And then they decided to continue on. In my original script, Twilight earned her wings and flew across Equestria with Rainbow Dash visiting characters we'd met along the way. Then she has a super heartfelt moment with her friends, then the book closes, just like it opened in the pilot.

As for doing it now, I have to confess that I haven't been keeping up on what they've been doing the last few seasons, so I'd probably be the wrong one to do it. But it would definitely involve Winona being the one true ruler of Equestria.

aashactarl10 karma

Did you voice act in any of the episodes?

AMAMALarson19 karma

Nope, I'm not Canadian enough.

Xlerb089 karma

What was your inspiration for Basil in Pennyroyal Academy?

AMAMALarson9 karma

Gosh, great question. When I was writing him I always had Freddie Highmore in my mind for the voice and look. I guess I just really liked the idea of a boy being forced into it, feeling humiliated and wanting nothing more than to be sent home, then really falling in love with it, with the friends and the values of being a princess. I love the idea of a guy who is in what would be a traditionally humiliating experience, and he just gets on with it, does his best, and doesn't let it get the best of him. And is, in fact, very good at it.

jasonbice159 karma

Why does it take you two days to answer your brother's texts?

AMAMALarson9 karma


mylittleyuri9 karma

Do you know the way to get to Equestria?

AMAMALarson16 karma

Through the Everfree Forest!

AlanLacard9 karma

Would you ever come back to the franchise in the future if hasbro came a knocking?

and is there any luck of getting the film adaption of your book series off the ground?

AMAMALarson7 karma

Depends what they're offering...

Yes, stay tuned on that front. Things are happening...

Itoruna8 karma

You ever considered having Tirek’s front hooves being used as a second pair of arms?

AMAMALarson12 karma

I've never written that guy, but if I do I will make this happen!

romulus44448 karma

Who is your favorite pony from G1 and from G3?

AMAMALarson10 karma

😬I don't know them at all

iRaven45228 karma

Should I buy your book in 2 weeks?

AMAMALarson12 karma

YES. And every day between now and then.

A2Rhombus8 karma

Which episode or episodes did you not write that you wish you had been part of?

AMAMALarson12 karma

First of all, I never would have brought Discord back. But if he did have to come back, I would have liked to have written his follow-up episode.

fillydashon8 karma

Quick question for you: what would you say is your favorite classic slasher film?

I want to guess...Scream?

AMAMALarson13 karma

Halloween is the 🐐

AMAMALarson12 karma

(But Scream is great too)

Ctoacu7 karma

Can you sign me at Bronycon?

AMAMALarson8 karma


Kamunami7 karma

I'm a huge fan of your episodes, your writing always stood out to me and I consider Return of Harmony the best episode(s) of the series with It's About Time as my personal favorite. I remember seeing the pre-season 5 animatic for The Cutie Map and thinking "Wait a second, is M.A. Larson back??"

As for my question, Amending Fences is by far one of your most popular episodes, but I always thought the ending didn't seem to match up with the rest of the episode. Was there some earlier draft where Twilight was actually wrong about causing Moondancer's seclusion by not attending her party? I fully expected the twist conclusion to be that Twilight only assumed she was the cause when nothing in the episode actually suggested she was, and she'd learn a lesson in humility and listening to others before trying to solve their problems.

AMAMALarson12 karma

Thanks for your kind words, much appreciated.

No, that ending was always the ending. To me, the concept was that Twilight really was a bad friend before Celestia tasked her with going to Ponyville. So I always thought that, yeah, she didn't treat Moondancer very well and had to make amends to her in this episode. What I like about it is that it is so thematic to the entire series -- if Twilight wasn't a bad friend, she wouldn't need to learn about friendship. So to me it always made sense that she really did mess up in the old days and now she's learned enough to see that and try to make it right.

SadTrooper7 karma

Hello Larson!

Was Trixie planned to be some kind of villain before you writed Magic Duel??

AMAMALarson9 karma

No, I don't think she was intended to be anything more than she was in her first appearance. She became such a fan favorite that I think Meghan wanted to find a way to bring her back. So we came up with this idea that someone who made her whole career on her reputation wanting revenge on the ponies who showed her up as a way to bring her back. Then she just became obsessed with her power. I'm thankful because it let me write the line, "The Great and Powerful Trixie doesn't trust wheels!"

uigsyvigvusy7 karma

Favorite color?

AMAMALarson12 karma


ShippingIsMagic7 karma

Were there any particular MLP episodes or scenes that you didn't like how they turned out, and wish you could go back and have another crack at them?

AMAMALarson5 karma

Fame & Misfortune 🙄

NanotechNinja7 karma

Do you have any thoughts or opinions to share about Fallout: Equestria?

AMAMALarson6 karma

Sorry, I don't really know much about it

Apple-Fritters7 karma

Also, I ship Rainbow Dash and Rarity hard. If I give you a 20, can you make something happen in the show?

AMAMALarson12 karma

Yeah, $20 should cover it

tar-x7 karma

Do you think tv animation generally is going in a positive direction and we can expect more hit shows with similar strengths to MLP over the next few years?

AMAMALarson22 karma

Unpopular opinion, especially for such a twitter fiend as me, but I don't necessarily thing the social media component of animation is a good thing. I love that fandoms can spring up and create whole universes, as happened with MLP, but I think there's a real danger of creators becoming too influenced by the fans. And of fans becoming accustomed to loud voices having an effect on shows. I think the best case scenario is to make the shows you want to make and then have a disciplined social media presence where you don't let that stuff affect the show. Fan interaction has to be a one-way street that should not leach back into the production. That's where I think things can go wrong.

SwagGurlBois6 karma

Got any tips for aspiring writers?

AMAMALarson16 karma

FINISH. This is the hardest thing for a writer. Whatever you're working on, you've got to finish it. Don't let it linger, don't let it be "something you're working on." You are so much more likely to sell whatever you're working on if it's a finished product.

Also, learn to take notes. Lots of people put so much of themselves into whatever they're doing that they get defensive at any critiques. Even if you don't agree with the critiques, you've got to be able to hear them and investigate if there's any validity to it.

Supupippo1016 karma

Can you sign my guitar at bronycon?

AMAMALarson8 karma

Check and make sure I haven't already

JessicaCruz1186 karma

  1. For DC Superhero Girls, which of the 6 heroines do you feel best reflects who you are as a person?

  2. For Littlest Pet Shop, if you could write one more episode focusing on a character dynamic you haven't worked with, which one would you choose?

  3. I assume this was intentional.


AMAMALarson7 karma

1) Weirdly, I'd say I'm somewhere between Kara Danvers and Karen Beecher.

2) The Biskitt twins and Russell forced to work together. That would be such a fun episode.

3) Hell yes it was.

ralanr6 karma

How did you get to write on the show? How’d you get into this career path?

AMAMALarson7 karma

It's a long story that people ask quite often. I'm going to make a post about it that I'll link to.

GhuntzWazabi6 karma

What’s a crazy concept for a story you’d wish to write but can’t for some reason or other? A simple logline would do, I love your settings and would love to see what other wacky things you’d be able to come up with.

AMAMALarson17 karma

Always wanted to do an episode where Flam is elected Mayor of Fillydelphia and as his first act he outlaws cider. So Applejack has to become a bootlegger to bring cider into town under his nose. But it was deemed "too adult."

foalpapers6 karma

Why is “The Big Lebowski” far and away the best Coen brothers film?

AMAMALarson11 karma


Adorable_Octopus6 karma

Hey Mr Larson.

I was wondering, do you feel it's been difficult to move on from MLP and work on other projects?

AMAMALarson14 karma

I don't know that I've moved on necessarily. I don't work on the show anymore, but when I get to talk to someone about Sonic Rainboom or Luna Eclipsed or any of the episodes I worked on, it's just pure joy and fun to me. I don't feel sad about not working on it, or sick of talking about old episodes. I genuinely love the show and talking about the episodes I wrote.

Sometimes it's hard to work on other things just because I knew MLP so well, but that's the nature of having written so many FiM episode.

PurpleSmart46 karma

You ever written an episode on a hangover or lack of sleep/any drugs? If so is there anything that made it into the show that is a result of that?

AMAMALarson6 karma

Not telling

hiero_6 karma

Would you rather fight 100 duck-sized ponies, or 1 pony-sized duck?

AMAMALarson9 karma

This was asked at my very first MLP Q&A!

youyangsninja5 karma

Hi Larson! Thank you so much for helping make the show what it is today. Mlp would not be the same without your input.

What advice can you give to someone about to go to their first mlp convention?

AMAMALarson8 karma

Don't stress about anything! Pony cons are places of pure joy where everyone is your friend, everyone has the same interests as you, and you can just relax and be yourself. And come and say hi to me so I can sign you!

Logarithmicon5 karma

One of the things that always struck me about some of the earlier-season writing is that the antagonists often had understandable, even sometimes sympathetic underlying cause to their choices. Even if their actions put them in the realm of villainy, we as viewers could connect with wanting to prove something after being struck down, or feeling lonely and slighted. To me, it was one of the more driving elements of the show. Was this something that was deliberately done - spoken about at the planning meetings, discussed between staff? Or just an unconscious theme shared between writers?

I've also heard some discussion about how much effort went into making the ponies' actions "horsey" to fit in with the setting. Were you ever conscious of this being a thing, or was that more on the animation side?

AMAMALarson7 karma

We were definitely supposed to keep in mind how horselike the ponies are. It was always on the mind.

Yeah, I think in the early years we weren't so much into the "pure evil" sort of antagonist. It just wasn't that kind of show. In my opinion (so take it for what it's worth), it can flatten things out if there's a pure evil antagonist because it turns the good guys into pure good or pure righteousness or whatever. Sometimes that works really well, but in an episodic show where you've got 22 mins to explore a character, the more nuanced villains work a lot better.

ChibiShibe5 karma

Quick question:

Are you bringing a case of sharpie's to the final BronyCon. If so what's the estimated count of shapries?

AMAMALarson13 karma

I only need one 😎

TheKnackerman5 karma

Now that the series is drawing to an end, was there a story idea that didn't make it into gen 4 that you wish had and what was it about?

AMAMALarson7 karma

Lots. I always wanted to do a day in the life of Celestia. A really low-stakes episode where we see behind the crown.....

Inf3rn0d5 karma

Hi ! I'm a huge fan :D

Random question about the production itself: how is it to work in such a system ? Is the global "lead" of an episode decided before you even start to write it (for consistency?) Do your texts get revised a lot (are you asked a lot to change stuff) ? Were you given some no-go ?

Best of luck in your next projects <3

AMAMALarson10 karma

Can't speak to how things have been run the last few seasons, but in the early days Lauren and Rob (story editor) would come up with the premise for an episode, which is only a sentence or two. For example, the only thing we had to work with for Discord on "Return of Harmony" was that he was "the mythical spirit of chaos." No description, no personality, nothing. So then we go to the story meeting where we flesh all that stuff out. After that, we had a lot of freedom to develop the character voices and humor and world, as long as we kept it all reasonably within Lauren's vision.

Things seemed to get a LOT more note-heavy as the series went on, but I digress...

SteamyLemons5 karma

Not sure if someone asked this already, but who is your favourite character?

AMAMALarson16 karma

Rarity of the mane six

Celestia of the princesses

Winona of the pets

And Stephen Magnet as overall favorite

MacAndSwiss4 karma

I've seen quite a few comments IRL and online about you and your sharpie-based signing addiction. How did that start?

AMAMALarson9 karma

It started in a charity auction at MLP-MSP. I was auctioning off a galley of my first book and I said that as long as bids were coming in, I would walk around and sign random stuff. That's where I signed my first baby. And then it just sort of took off from there.

snowshredder094 karma

What's your favorite bird?

AMAMALarson8 karma

Off the top of my head, big fan of the toucan

Shadowking784 karma

Were you hoping to at least be able to write one more episode before the end of the series?

AMAMALarson18 karma

Would have been nice, but it didn't work out. I also love Amending Fences so I'm happy to go out with that one.

DashIsBestPony2 karma

Who is Best Pony?

AMAMALarson3 karma


Or possibly Celestia

AcceptablePariahdom2 karma

I have a question, but that's not the main thing of this post.

Since it's required: Given the opportunity, would you work on/write for the next Generation of MLP?

But like I said, that's not the crux of this post (which will be gigantic).

Mitch I mostly just want to say thank you.

MLP:FiM, and a lot of the people that it drew in, have quite literally saved my life. Twice.

I tried to kill myself in 2012, but I chickened out right at the last second. My friends knew something was up but I never really opened up to them. But a couple thought that a certain show might be right up my alley and I could certainly use some cheering up. They started me off with Season 2 because they (uncharitably imo) billed the pilot as "very meh." And I was hooked from Return of Harmony.

It was just such a.. not "kids show for girls" kind of thing, and John de Lancie freaking owned Discord. Like, the kind of meshing of actor and character on the level of RDJ and Iron Man owned. I'm sure writing for Q himself had to be a blast.

And I just devoured Season 2, and then Season 1 and... it was like the world had color again (I'm not pandering, you're pandering). I had something I could be unrestrainedly joyful about again, and it was enough to get the ball rolling. It sustained me through two long years of therapy.

But things got bad again a few years later. I lost all my grandparents and a young man who was like a little brother to me all in the span of 3 years. I had used myself up trying to hold my family together during that time. Eventually I had to build myself back up again. But everything was wrong. I had near constant anxiety for 2 years. I was getting to that place again.

When you are afraid to the point it almost feels like you're having a heart attack almost all of the time, eventually it starts to feel like there's only one way out.

I do a little fanfic writing and I think that was kind of my therapy, and it was all that kept me going for a long time. But I keep coming back to this show and how it makes me feel, and how the girls make me feel, and how I feel for them. And while I can't say it was the show, or FiMFic, or any one character that did it, there were a whole ton of factors, they definitely helped me with the realization that literally washed away my anxiety in one fell swoop.

I'm trans.

I don't just identify with Twilight because we're both giant book-nerds who desperately love their friends. I don't just identify with Rarity because I want to be perfect at my job and be generous with my friends. And on and on. But it really was Twilight that did it. Specifically early Twilight. Who is seriously so much like me it's actually terrifying sometimes (particularly the "books are my only friends" phase).

And I'm not being hyperbolic when I say I don't think I could have broken out of my decades long repression without these characters, without this show, and while it was a whole host of people (obviously) your hand in it was very important (think about Twilight in Luna Eclipsed).

I'm going to be corny, and I'm going to be pandering, and I don't care:

Thank you Mitch. I'm not there yet, but I hope one day to get my wings, thanks to people like you.

AMAMALarson5 karma

I'm going to read this carefully when I'm finished with the AMA because I can tell it deserves that, and I'm frantically trying to get through as many of these as I can right now. But thank you for writing it, and I will give it the attention it deserves in a few minutes. ❤️

Dalek_Kolt1 karma

What's your favorite superpower?

Either one that you wish you had, or one that you love seeing in fiction?

AMAMALarson2 karma

I'm pretty new to the whole superhero thing, so I've really enjoyed getting to know some of the more obscure powers. One of favorites is Kite Man. What did this guy go through in his childhood to become so obsessed with kites??

sprankton1 karma

Of the episodes remaining in the series, which is your favorite?

AMAMALarson4 karma

Don't know anything about any of them, sorry

pleximind1 karma

What's your drink of choice?

AMAMALarson2 karma
