
Comments: 665 • Responses: 49  • Date: 

Sir_Pod281 karma

What's the general feeling about the UK? Do people generally feel that the UK has a role to play to help fix the situation? Or that it has absolutely nothing to do with it?

lawfulsinner441 karma

Some of the younger generation believes that the UK will be able to offer support and "freedom" but to be quite honest it doesn't seem that the UK will really offer any tangible support. There have been rallies in support of the protestors in UK for sure, but there is no expectation whatsoever. Most citizens believe that it's our fight to fight—while outside support is welcome, there is no reliance on the outside world at all.

Sir_Pod103 karma

That's interesting, thanks. Do you think people expect China to start getting more aggressive?

lawfulsinner201 karma

Definitely a fear, considering the photos of tanks assembling near the Shenzhen border and accusations of Mainland police interference, seen during the airport attacks the day before the injunction was signed.

APater607644 karma

Standard practice to take police and military from elsewhere in riots etc. Using locals means you get the 'these are my people, the guy who served me lunch last week, the student in the college I went to, why am I fighting them?' effect. Use military and police from elsewhere and you get none of that.

lawfulsinner44 karma

Fair enough. Not sitting well with the people though.

Ulysses892 karma

Didn’t the British use Hong Kong as port of entry for Opium from British Raj to mainland China then fought not 1 but 2 wars over their access to getting Chinese people addicted to drugs?

lawfulsinner2 karma


CthulubeFlavorcube-27 karma


lawfulsinner3 karma

Sort of but not really. Hong Kong can never fully emancipate from China like the UK emancipated from the EU. But definitely comparable.

ByMAster2246 karma

  1. Do you want Hong Kong to become an independent country?

  2. How do you see the current protest ending? Will the gov accept their demands?

lawfulsinner318 karma

I don't think HK can ever attain true independence. I was fine with "one country, two systems" and I always believed that the terms would be re-negotiated with "good behaviour" in the future. Think the protests will not end since we're in a stalemate anyway—either it'll die down or government will shelve the bill for good.

trucorsair143 karma

Hong Kong resident? Okay then Fairwood or Cafe de Coral? And why.

lawfulsinner184 karma

Cafe de Coral; best fried chicken leg!

jezebel_jessi113 karma

Have you been out protesting? Why or why not?

Do you believe the actions of China that caused the protest was a direct result of the UKs withdrawal from the area?

What do you think the solution to the unrest is?

lawfulsinner186 karma

I protested back in June, when the protests were focused on only the extradition law. Now I personally feel the reason behind protesting has become muddled—hence my lack of presence in the recent demonstrations.

Back in 2014, China conceded during Occupy Central/Umbrella Revolution and that directly solved the mass demonstration. Now in 2019, it feels like the US/Taiwan want to get involved in order to utilise Hong Kong as a pawn; US using Hong Kong to leverage against the trade war, and Taiwan to leverage against their own extradition laws. I personally think China is in a delicate situation since if they directly attack Hong Kong they'd be infringing on a lot of economic sanctions that Hong Kong enjoys and frankly, face a lot of shit from the rest of the world—something they don't want right now.

Currently it feels like the city is at a stalemate (albeit a sadly violent one) in terms of Chinese movement, but I am fearful of PLA interference, especially with the movement around the Shenzhen border. But definitely—I think if Carrie + Chinese government had shelved the bill in April, Hong Kong would not be here right now.

Edit: wording

aamfs9489 karma

As a layman in the U.S. I feel like the reasons for the protest are clear. Everyone is saying that there is no stated objective or shared, specific goal. But I feel like it's obvious why there is so much outpouring of anger, so please correct me if my analysis is incorrect.

The extradition bill and police response to dissent just precipitated a more deep-seated anguish: the knowledge that Hong Kong's autonomy and self-governance are soon coming to an end.

It's the realization that their China is encroaching on their Democracy and will soon subsume it which underlies everything. There is no stated objective because people are simply angry and scared for the future of their Democracy, and rightly so. The bill just catalyzed these fears.

Am I wrong?

Edit: Corrected error

lawfulsinner54 karma

Definitely. I think it's quite clear why the reasons of the protest are clear, I just meant that in the sense that it has diverged from the original goal of protesting just for the extradition bill.

The objective goal is to protect whatever's left of our democracy, agreed, but the fears have grown uncontrollable and arguably radical (when looking at certain protestors actions, i.e barricading and destructing public property. Definitely not "peaceful".) The anger and fear is certainly justifiable. I agree with you.

unclemosaic6 karma

Agree that the protest is now not mainly focus the bill, but the demands right now does help solving the bill problem if it happens again

lawfulsinner15 karma

It does and it doesn't. From the past we've seen Carrie Lam be extremely stubborn on her policies even as Secretary of Development and I don't think her attitude will be changing anytime soon. I would argue that the government is certainly a bit fearful of imposing anything hard (bill/law related) for the time being, but it isn't a strict solution for the future.

EddiOS4286 karma

Correct me if I'm wrong. So UK gave Hong Kong back to China in 1997. Now Hong asking established their own government and stuff and it holds for 50 years. In these past months, China seems to edge towards and take control of it back little by little starring with the extradition laws.

So the thing that's wrong is that the 50 years aren't up yet right? And eventually, China has the right to take Hong Kong back. Is that right?

lawfulsinner87 karma

China is edging towards it. In 2014, it was national education and now it's the extradition bill, namely the independent inquiry aspect. The 50 years aren't up, correct. Eventually, Hong Kong will "belong" fully to China.

digitalpencil23 karma

This is the part i've struggled to wrap my head around.

Are the protests surely not impotent given China will simply, lawfully be able seize complete control in 2047?

I can fully appreciate and support the notion of HKers vying for democracy but without gaining complete independence in the process (which is completely impossible), is all of this not just putting off the inevitable?

China will surely seize complete control of the country and it will simply become another province.

Can you explain more on what people are hoping to achieve as I can't really understand it? I keep thinking that if I was in HK, i'd be simply planning my escape about now, like how to emigrate to somewhere democratic in the next 10 years type thing.

lawfulsinner16 karma

We know that China will eventually seize control, but the larger question is how much control? Don't think HK will be a province since our economic standing in the world is simply much more valuable than China probably anticipated back in '97.

The issue of the protests are mostly to reject China up until the absolute last minute.

FunkyFlies49 karma

Do you think the actions of the protesters in Hong Kong will inspire people in mainland China to make their own demands against their government?

lawfulsinner84 karma

Definitely not. HK was much more liberal to begin with and have certain freedoms that the mainland people never enjoyed to begin with. Don't think this would be enough to cause another civil riot in China.

immerc9 karma

Does China censor HK's internet at all? It seems like the people in Mainland China probably don't even know what's going on in HK, or if they do it's a heavily spun version of the truth.

lawfulsinner15 karma

No, China does not censor HK's internet.

Jevans710241 karma

I’m a US citizen and a member of my local Amnesty International chapter

My question for you is, what do you think the US should do, if anything, what would benefit you the most ?

We stand with you!

lawfulsinner37 karma

From an economical standpoint I wish the US would still give leeway for Hong Kong in regards to previously approved sanctions. I think indirect US interference will further fuel the conspiracy that the US has CIA members planted in HK to mess with China.

honeymooner12312332 karma

Please forgive my selfish question, but I have a honeymoon in Hong Kong scheduled for mid-October. We are beginning to doubt whether it will be a safe, secure place to visit. Do you have any advice or recommendations for [American] tourists like us? Do you still view Hong Kong as a safe place to visit?

lawfulsinner3 karma

It depends on what happens in September. Honestly I think it will be okay and October in Hong Kong is one of the more pleasant times to visit. I assume most of your trip will be filled with sight-seeing and partying at LKF or Wanchai—in that case you should be fine either way. Party never stops in HK!

fuck_orangereds29 karma

Why are the protests still ongoing despite the suspension of the China extradition bill? What is the new goal of the protests?

lawfulsinner23 karma

In light of police brutality and triad/police collusion claims. Also reports claiming that the bill hasn't been truly shelved and will reignite in the near future.

KnifeEdge2 karma

What good is withdrawing it now going to do?

The same (or very similar) terms can be brought up in any subsequent new bill someone else drafts up.

I'm an Hker too, I've just been flabbergasted by how much people are harping on the "withdrawal" when it literally doesn't prevent this from popping back up in the future.

lawfulsinner3 karma

Temporary peace of mind and knowing that China won't instantly reclaim Hong Kong (or attempt to again) before 2047.

tsu102828 karma

Excuse my bluntness, but from the outside looking in, what were the HKers expecting out of this 50 years of 2 country 2 systems deal?

Like was China gonna just let HK do it’s own thing until 2047 then overnight switch it to a communist system?

And even so, what are HKers planning to do after 2047?

As an outsider, everything that’s happening was so predictable. Does this come as a surprise to residents of HK?


lawfulsinner17 karma

Large conspiracy that China has been slowly edging into Hong Kong (seen in 2014 Umbrella Revolution and now this) even though they've claimed to steer clear. And even small interferences, like the bookshop incidents in 2015-7. I think most of the masses believed that China would concede and show leniency towards certain policies. It's not a surprise to residents, hence the mass movements to attempt to stop it now.

gstormcrow8017 karma

Which politicians best represent the goals of the protestors, and what is the smallest/nearest success they could have that would be considered a victory for the movement?

lawfulsinner17 karma

Honestly, none. Each political group represents a different sector of HK's protestors and none of them really encompass a whole view. Arguably Demosisto has really represented the younger generations' views on the political climate. There is no "small victory"—right now, it's really go big or go home.

maftyycs13 karma

HKer overseas here.

What do you think of the slogan "光復香港 時代革命"?

I've been reading your replies, you seem very level-headed. You have my respect.

lawfulsinner20 karma

I don't think it's entirely accurate as Hong Kong truthfully doesn't have anything to restore. China has always been an influence in Hong Kong, just to what degree.

WTK558 karma

Ive heard and seen a couple pictures that protesters are using the American flag as a sign of freedom. Are a lot pf protesters using tje flag or is this just a couple people using it?

lawfulsinner3 karma

Not a lot of people. Earlier it was the British flag,,, so ...

drum_playing_twig8 karma

What are you protesting?

(Serious question, I haven't followed anything except seeing pictures on reddit)

lawfulsinner8 karma

Fear of democracy being taken away even before 2047 (intended handover date), claims of police brutality and triad collusion, and the extradition bill.

Sayziel7 karma

How do you feel about the presence of Chinese military forces on the border of Hong Kong?

lawfulsinner10 karma

Very uneasy. It doesn't make me feel good at all and the rising PLA powers and what they are capable of doing. A lot of the older generations (especially those who have seen what happened at '64) fear that this will be an echo of those events.

LemonBao5 karma

Will you guys be occupying the airport again or any other major platforms anytime soon? I can make a lot of money buying put options on Hong Kong stocks if you guys do so.

lawfulsinner2 karma

Injunction currently active. Probably won't occupy the Airport in a while.

tinhtinh5 karma

How long do you think the protestors can keep up the protests, taking into account costs?

Also, best dai pai dong in your opinion?

lawfulsinner10 karma

There have been rumours about outside funding of democratic parties—hence the consistent number of people showing up, the people who knew how to cut out electrical wires in the traffic lights. I think for a while, taking into account the civilians who are willing to put aside everything to sacrifice for this movement.

Bing Kee and Keung Kee are quite good!

Atraidis5 karma

Where's a good place to get baked pork chop rice now? Places seem to be using cheaper pork chop and not making the authentic tomato sauce. Taste almost like canned tomato sauce on bland egg fried rice. I used to get good one from ngan lung but didn't go there on my last visit. Your thoughts?

lawfulsinner9 karma

Honestly am into sandwiches (From places like Dairy Company or Yee Shun), or just chasiufan from 深井燒鵝. I really don't get baked pork chop rice at all but most of my childhood was spent eating Cafe de Coral, haha

sixesand7s4 karma

During day two of the sit in at the airport, my buddies sister flew from Amsterdam to Hong Kong then from Hong Kong to Canada, she said the airport was almost empty and couldn't see any protestors, how could this have happened? I thought all flights were cancelled?

lawfulsinner5 karma

There was an emergency injunction.

Eleazaras4 karma

What fundamental impact(s) on the daily life, of the average HK resident, will Chinese governance change? What are the most significant changes to public policy that will come as a result of Chinese governance?

Edit: changed a few words for clarity

Edit2: I am not trying to be insulting in the assumption that the Chinese government will eventually be in control, but rather looking at it as a reality that the Chinese government are unlikely to back down.

lawfulsinner7 karma

Less privacy and all things that relate to that. Ban on Google/Facebook, and Chinese propaganda plastered all over the place. I assume public policy will remain mostly the same but will shift to mimic China's as time passes.

mexicanred13 karma

How far do you think the Chinese democracy will go to keep from having another Taiwan on their hands?

It seems only a matter of time before the violence gets extremely bad and all the cards will be down.

Who is going to help HK? Taiwan? UN? USA? UK?

lawfulsinner6 karma

Currently seems at a stalemate. I think UN will just release a statement of some sorts, but Taiwan, US, and UK will definitely (even if inadvertently) have to intervene if China does blatantly get involved.

WhatsUpB1tches3 karma

I am flying to Hong Kong on the first week of September, from Boston for a 4 day stay. Simple question....Should I? I am having meetings in Shenzhen during that time. I'm nervous.

lawfulsinner4 karma

I think flying to HK will be okay, crossing the border to Shenzhen will have to depend on what actually is happening closer to the date. Should be okay.

HencheyLoL3 karma

Hey, thanks for doing this. I’ve planned to come to HK a few months ago at the beginning of September for work before the protests had escalated. I’ll be on Lantau island and I’m coming from Canada. How concerned should I be at this point with the protests escalating?

lawfulsinner3 karma

Lantau is fairly safe (because nothing really happens there honestly) and the quality of life is quite good. Cleaner air than the most of HK and everyone who lives there (as a resident and not a tourist) is quite close with one another. I think you should be concerned as in keeping track with recent developments, but not so concerned as to completely shut down the opportunity to move.

revolsami3 karma

how do people make a living in the current situation?

lawfulsinner5 karma

Jobs are still running, stocks are just tanking a bit compared to the usual.

Nikkiestables2 karma

What do you think will be the outcome of the whole movement? Hker here too :D Hong Kong yan gayau

lawfulsinner3 karma

I hope that the government will eventually interfere and shelve the bill for good, throwing China off our backs for a while. Idealistic though.

GenericKen2 karma

How do the cops feel about this whole thing?

lawfulsinner5 karma

No idea. Not too good, I would think. Not every member of the force supports the contant teargassing.

Leutemetzler12 karma

We mostly only see pictures and videos from the harshest parts of the protest.

How wide spread are the protests throughout the city?
And, since all this has been going on for quite some time now, how have people had to adapt their everyday live to accomodate the chaos?

Thanks for your time. Stay save.

lawfulsinner3 karma

Quite widespread actually. Hong Kong is really quite small, so for example if a protest was going on the Eastern District, it would really hinder 4 areas and cause an actual blockage along our MTR line.

On some days the protests only occur in certain areas (i.e Shatin, Yuen Long, Central) so coverage is narrowly focused there and that's what people see. There were a few days that the protests blocked out 7 major districts in Hong Kong and most of the city was honestly paralysed.

On an average day the MTR and public transport systems run well. On the days where protests are happening in ONE location, it clogs and sometimes the stations close. In general not hard to get around and out of civic duty, most people respectfully just go out of their way to get somewhere, even if it means inconveniencing themselves.

NotCrispTofu2 karma

as a Hong Konger myself, I'd like to ask who you think here is in the wrong. I've seen for myself how most 外國人think its a black and white conflict but I think it isn't.

So my question is: What side are you on, why, and do you think it's possible to be in the morally grey area?


lawfulsinner3 karma

I certainly wished the government would concede because the bill definitely shouldn't have been even brought up. It's a blatant disrespect of HK's rule of law and jurisdiction. However I don't support the constant acts of violence. Regardless of protestor or police, the violence (moving barricades to obstruct, tear gas, etc.) shouldn't be condoned hence my divergence on "picking a side".

In short, yes it is definitely possible to be in the grey area.

lemon_bowling2 karma

What does success look like? At what point does a collective cheer from the protestors erupt and everyone goes home?

lawfulsinner4 karma

Don't think they feel success has been attained yet, hence the ongoing protests. The protestors really haven't cheered at all and have just gone home from fatigue late at night and have gone home with fire in their bellies, really.

IIamII2 karma

Are there tendencies to concert the money into Bitcoin, to be economically independent from any state? Thanks for the ama :)

lawfulsinner5 karma

Bitcoin is not viable in HK and is considered "sketchy" so in short, no.

Deadmeat5532 karma

Do you believe that anything positive will come of these protests?

From an outsider's perspective, it seems to me that the only likely product of any of this is a decrease in what little autonomy Hong Kong has had. Don't get me wrong - I don't like the Chinese government and I support Hong Kong autonomy, but I just don't see anything good coming of this.

lawfulsinner3 karma

Mostly hope that the government will take us seriously enough. As a supposedly democratic society, the government has shown a lack of ability to protect citizens and hasn't really put our best interests in mind. Firstly they'd have to fully shelve and discard the bill though.

ihateparsley2 karma

Please don't take offense, I am genuinely curious about this – my question is: Hong Kong was ceded over to the British due to China losing the Opium War and being forced to sign the Treaty of Nanking. To summarize, the Opium War was started because the British started smuggling opium into China to make up for trade deficits and China retaliated by destroying all the opium, which essentially sparked the war.

Now, China is slowly reclaiming Hong Kong, which was always a part of China before the British basically took it away in a giant dick move. However, why don't the HKers feel like they are being rightfully made part of China again? Why don't they feel like the British were the bad guys who caused the rift between China and HK? Am not a Mainland Chinese citizen btw, just confused why there isn't any happiness/nationalistic pride at the prospect of HK rejoining China as one country, as they were before the Opium War happened. Thank you!

lawfulsinner4 karma

The British reformed Hong Kong and brought us liberties while the Chinese continued to oppress and terrorise their own state, so slowly people began to shift stances and embrace democracy.

ImGuts1 karma

This is a question about Internet. How many chinese use American Websites? Is this Common?

lawfulsinner5 karma

In Hong Kong it's quite common. Not sure about Mainland China.

immerc1 karma

Do you know anybody who lives in the extremely small apartments that are the homes for some residents?

Are they happy living like that? Are they jealous of the way some Americans live? Do they want to emigrate so they can afford something bigger?

lawfulsinner1 karma

Yes and no. HK is actually quite popular with expats—in fact, Central and beyond is basically for expats, especially Kennedy Town. I think there is a certain degree of jealousy in terms of yearning for a bigger space but it isn't directed at a certain country, mostly just wanting the whole "picket fence green grass big backyard" package.

intelligent_chimp1 karma

When is the protest gonna end? And what if the square incident happens again

lawfulsinner1 karma

Not sure when it'll end. If '64 happens again, it'll blow up and I'm fairly certain the US and UK will have no choice but to involve themselves.

Marthiiina1 karma

What do you want and/or a expect the rest of the world to do in response to what is happening in Hong Kong?

lawfulsinner2 karma

Not entirely sure myself, since Carrie Lam seems to grow into a Chinese abiding rock day by day. I hope that world powers will intervene when the time comes though. If it does.