Some more details : I was born in the city of Homs but spend the majority of my life in my father's home town of Damascus. My mother is a Palestinian Christian who came here as a refugee from Lebanon in the 1980s. I am a female. I am a university student. Ask whatever you want and please keep it civil :)

Comments: 2453 • Responses: 69  • Date: 

vanqu1sh_1339 karma

In your view, what's the biggest misconception that you feel Westerners have about the situation in Syria right now? I am sure that our media outlets don't tell us the full story, so it would be great to hear the opinions of someone who lives there. Thank you for doing this AMA!

Helloguys2252123 karma

Probably many people think life for a Christian in Syria is impossible or hatd. Like it really isn't lol, our lives are normal and we have almost perfect relations with our muslim neighbors.

neurophysiologyGuy253 karma

Only in Damascus. I'm also a Christian Syrian and I can tell a different story.

Helloguys225160 karma

I would say it isn't that different in other major cities. But I would love to hear your experiences, after all oppression and normalness are both relative

Troppin69 karma

No offense, but I don't think your experience of "almost perfect relations" is normal for Syria. The civil war has had battle lines mostly along sectarian lines. Assad's regime is pro-Alawite (a kind of Shia Islam) and has been opposed by the Sunni majority. Other minority groups like Christians have backed Assad mostly out of fear of a Sunni state.

But while Assad is pretty secular for a Middle Eastern ruler, religious tension is evident in almost every societal marker. Upper class Christian's (I'm assuming that is what you are) do well in the Middle East but lower class Christians face systemic oppression in the region, along with other minorities like Kurds and Druze.

Helloguys225180 karma

I mean even at the height of the war, most of the sectarianism was pointed towards Alawites, not Christians. Not to mention many Sunnis are on the side of the government, are we going to ignore that Assad's wife, prime minister, all vice presidents, the majority of his army and officials are Sunnis ? The war developed a sectarian aspect, that's for sure, but in the core, it really isn't. And I am not upper class, we are more like middle class.

Also Kurds and Druze being oppressed systematically ? I really don't think that's the case. These are the misconceptions I am talking about. Yes life isn't perfect for us and everyone has his own experiences, but I never met someone whose issues were really serious (other than refugees from ISIS areas, obviously)

KesterDraconis59 karma

I always understood that life in Syria was pretty good for Christians compared to many Muslim dominated countries. Assad has done a good job of keeping things fairly secular and fair religion wise.

No_Morals47 karma

It had nothing to do with Assad, it was already fine before he came along.

Clitorally_Retarded46 karma

You mean under his father, the prior dictator?

Helloguys22597 karma

It was the case even before. Back in the 19th century the ottoman army conducted a massacre of christians in Damascus (after a sectarian violence between druze and maronites in Lebanon) but arab muslims were able to protect orthodox christians (at least that's how the story goes)

kohygftfcr626 karma

What do you think of American involvement in Syria?

Helloguys2251327 karma

Not a big fan of most foreign involvements in the war including the US.

TTRO292 karma

Do you think a united Syria is the most desirable outcome of the war, or do you think some kind of federation would have ensured more stability?

Helloguys225480 karma

I want a united syria but I wouldn't have a problem with autonomy for the kurds as long as it isn't as extreme as in Iraq.

cuddlefucker170 karma

Could you elaborate on what makes the autonomy in Iraq extreme? I honestly don't know much about it

Helloguys225274 karma

They have an independent army and foreign policy, almost a country in all but name.

Chazmer87251 karma

If you were made leader of Syria tomorrow what changes would you make?

OujiSamaOG504 karma

I'm Syrian, and I felt OP's answer was weak, so here's mine.

The first thing I would do is end corruption and rampant bribery in the government, I would end the ruthless incarceration and torture of CIVILIANS who say anything remotely negative about the president, and I would allow freedom of speech. This is just as a start.

I would also set up a democratic system rather than the current monarchy in disguise.

Then I would lay out an economic and educational plan to lead the region in productivity, knowledge, and bring value to the world. Syria has plenty of really smart people, so we would be able to bring huge changes to the region, and we would be able to become a first world country.

Fun fact: Steve Jobs was a Syrian American. His parents were Syrian, and there's plenty where that came from!

Helloguys225120 karma

I gotta admit, your response is far better than mine

Helloguys225262 karma

I Try solving the peoblem of the high prices. Many Syrians are struggling because of that.

GeneralJustice21267 karma

Sorry for putting this here, but I think you are a liar OP. If I’m wrong, I’m sorry. My intention isn’t to troll or be mean.

Something about this ama seemed off to me. Your knowledge doesn’t seem very genuine and more pieced together. I have no idea what the intention could be though.

Your whole post and comment history is based around your identity as a Syrian Christian. Basically everything you ever commented revolves around that. That could still just be an alt for that topic, I know, but your profile seems far too aggressive in posts and only sporadically active in behavior, instead of all around active/inactive.

If I would guess, you are kind of pushing for an agenda that supports the opinion that live as a Christian is good in Syria and that it is in general quite well and peaceful there. I am absolutely no expert on any topic around Syria so I have no idea if that’s correct or not.

That is a wild guess anyway, I have no idea what you are really on about but something is fishy about this account.

Helloguys225164 karma

Bingo ! I have an alt that I use for other matters, this account is just for one purpose, trying to change the negative view that my country got in this decade according to my personal experiences.

neilabz237 karma

Realistically, is an end to the war in sight? What do you think the endgame looks like (for example peace talks, federation, breakup of Syria, single party victory)?
And on a less serious note, what are some of the must see places in Syria? Which food is your favourite? I would love to visit one day.
I wish peace and happiness for you and your family.

Helloguys225281 karma

Probably a united Syria with autonomy for the kurds. So some kind of a federation.

I would suggest Palymera and Krak Castle, both are absolutely stunning places and I love Kibbeh. You are welcome at any time :) thanks for your good thoughts.

Exoplasmic211 karma

Are Christians discriminated against?

Helloguys225558 karma

By the governement ? No By the general populace ? Generally no. I grew up in a very religiously mixed neighborhood and the relations between muslims and christians were very good, my bestfriend since childhood is sunni. This isn't true for all Christians but I would say that's the norm for the majority here.

Van_Vegten-Bisschop207 karma


What is your favourite food you can get in Damascus?


Helloguys225265 karma

Kibbeh, I never get tired of eating it

Very_uniqueusername173 karma

What is your major ?

Helloguys225237 karma

I study in medical school

Jeff-FaFa92 karma

How far along are you?

Helloguys225159 karma

This is my third year now

PurplishArcher51 karma

What are the odds, I'm also Syrian studying medicine and this is also my third year glad to have a fellow زميل who is also a Redditor btw which فئة are you in?

Helloguys22559 karma

Hi زميل you study in Damascus too ? I am in الفئة الأولى and you ?

PurplishArcher41 karma

I'm in what they call the محمدات group which is 8 and yes I do study in Damascus

Helloguys22564 karma

Intresting, it is very likely that we might have met once lol

Scutterbum144 karma

Did you witness any of the bombings and shootings etc over the last few years?

Helloguys225267 karma

In the heights of the civil war, yes, I remember I was nearby during the 18 July 2012 bombing (which nearly killed the entire government in a second)

TzunSu86 karma

So that means you've lived a very different life from most Syrians? I have several Syrian friends and they've all seen a lot more then that.

Helloguys225136 karma

I have seen more bombings and shootings, but nothing too dangerous like a battle or something as my area wasn't that effected by the war.

parguello123 karma

What are your views on Assad?

Helloguys225458 karma

Pretty complicated and mixed. On one hand he is a dictator (that's beyond dispute) and his methods in dealing with opposition are "morally questionable". But at the same time he (and his father) guaranteed peace, stability and propserity for the country for decades by this point, not to mention he promotes good relations between the different sects of the country and allows everyone positions in the governement no matter the religion or ethnicity. I defnietly support him in the war, both for the reasons already mentionned and the fact I doubt the opposition can provide all of those things ("a lesser of two evils" you may say)

justagirl829110 karma

Are you Orthodox or Catholic? How are people accepting you? What are some of the difficulties you had to face because of your religion? If you find any of the questions offensive, I apologize and feel free not to answer them. Wish you all the best. :)

Helloguys225207 karma

I am Greek Orthodox. Most people naturally accept me (we are a significant minority in the country, almost 15%, so everyone probably knows at least a few christians) and relations between us and muslims are super good. I didn't have to face any problem because of my faith, both from the governement and the people (my best friend is a Sunni)

PTguy77797 karma

Are the women forced to join the military?

Helloguys225194 karma

No. Men have forced conscription but for women it is voluntary.

philosopherrrrr90 karma

What’s it like living there? A normal day for you, things you do for entertainment, etc.

Helloguys225192 karma

Well, I am now studying so most of my day is spent in the university, I generally enjoy going to restaurants and coffee shops in the 12 AM's break with my friends but after I complete studying I go directly to home (with a few exceptions). I enjoy watching movies and TV in my past time and I might go out hanging with my friends in holidays. In summer I go to Latakia for the beach so we spend most of the season there.

marshallow69 karma

Lebanese here. What's your opinion on Hezbollah's involvement in Syria?

Helloguys22590 karma

Not a fan of their religious rheotic though they are pretty tamed for an islamist group. I don't really support their intervention but ... well what can we do !

AmihaiBA53 karma

What is the Christian community's general opinion towards israel?

Helloguys225194 karma

As a general rule, the same as Muslims, we dislike it and many of us were directly effected by it too (my mother's family was ethnically cleansed from their village in 1948 by Israeli militas).

RedditISanti-1A47 karma

How are the armenians that are still left in Syria? Are they as safe as the rest of Syrian Christians?

Helloguys22552 karma

Depends on where they are, Damascus doesn't have many Armenians but the ones here are safe, when it comes to Armenians in other parts of the country, some moved to Armenia but the majority stayed.

LionTR43 karma

What do you think about Turkey's overall approach to Syria?

Helloguys22587 karma

Really dislike it.

wannabecoder4243 karma

Would you think it’s alright if the refugees come back to restore the country or do you think it will bring civil disruptions and anger within the community ?

( would it be a good idea to sent refugees home to build up their own country )

If yes , would it be ok if foreign countries like the eu , US etc. construct a financial aid package ? Would the Syrians not approve ?

Helloguys225112 karma

I mean they should return (especially the people with high skills) as every hand is needed in the rebuilding process, but we can't force them to do so, it is their choice (even though I might dislike it) And any help is appreciated, but I fear foreign aid might be just a way to control our economy ans we defnietly don't need that.

elliotron43 karma

Hi, I'm also Syrian and Palestinian. My mother is Palestinian and says that my dad's (Syrian) parents weren't super enthused about them dating or marrying because of her ethnicity. Do you find that many Arabs have stereotypical views about Arabs from other areas?

Helloguys225111 karma

Oh yeah, defnietly, people think the Lebanese are girlish, Palestinians are beggars, Jordanians are crazy and Syrians are gay (because of our dialect). Stereotypes are pretty common between Arabs lol.

PikaPilot40 karma

I heard that a couple of years ago during the civil war, utilities like water and electricity were rationed, even in the cities. Was this true? Is it still the case? Has the civil war died down since?

Helloguys22558 karma

It is less so these days and we aren't facing the same problems as back then. But the prices are still high and power cuts are common.

FourChannel39 karma

Is being nonreligious an option ?

Like a real viable option, not just in theory.

Helloguys22560 karma

I can if I want, but it isn't a viable option in the society.

ryuuseinow32 karma

How devout are you and Syrian Christians in general?

Helloguys22544 karma

Very devout. Not going to Sunday mass without a valid reason is like heresy.

LionTR32 karma

How are you?

Helloguys22558 karma

I am fine, but bored, thanks for asking.

Natrounius27 karma

Hi, I'm the grandson of Lebanese Christians, Eastern Maronite Catholics. What denomination are you?

At Uni I in part studied the Ancient east, including Syria and the wider Levant and have always wanted to visit. What is the most beautiful/ amazing site you've been to in Syria?

Helloguys22532 karma

I am Greek Orthodox, my grandmother is Catholic too (though she is Melikite not Maronite).

Palymra was really beautiful, we went there on a school trip when I was in primary school. There is also the Krak Castle, it was super exotic for me (though I heard it was damaged a bit)

ChiminyKrickets24 karma

Lots of people here see it as a proxy war between Russia and the US. Would you agree that alot of the conflict is being funded by these countries that have political interest?

Helloguys22570 karma

An aspect of it is 100% a proxy war, but it is still a fight between Syrians over the future of Syria, great powers just support the side that suits them

olie48024 karma

With the pullout of American troops in Syria, how will that affect Syrians, for example, would quality of life OR fear, be worse, better, or the same?

Helloguys22590 karma

I mean the American troops were stationed in Eastern Syria (al jazirah) and I live in Western Syria (al sham) so the pullout didn't affect our lives to the most part. But from what I heard from people in the north east, the fact the pullout allowed the Turkish invaison made them fear for their life (no one wants to be part of an active war zone). I would say for them it is bad in the short term but good in the long term.

jad122323 karma

بتحكي عربي؟

Helloguys22537 karma

طبعا هو في شامي ما يعرف يحكي عربي ؟

IrohBelly21 karma

Hello. I am a Turkish dude who has no idea on foreign politics - just like our government. Can you tell me if Assad/Esad/Asad is evil or not? ( I despise Erdogan and everything he represents if you need to guess my moral compass btw)

Also I saw some photos of Syrian ppl chilling on the beach in Syria - then who are these 6 million ppl coming over here and also migrating to Europe? I have worked for UN HCR and learned that only, 20.000 young ppl got into universities in Turkey. Why is this number so low?

Just curious on your side of the story. No intention of political argument. Thanks and Goodluck with your medical career

Helloguys22520 karma

He is an authoritarian ruler and a dictator. He guaranteed stability and prosperity to the country but at the expanse of political freedom and a highly corrupt system which drained the economy. Some would say he is fine for the good things he did, others would say he is fine but his system is so corrupt that he wasn't able to heal the problems we really suffered from, others would disagree and see him as just a neccesary evil and finally others would consider him just plain evil. I am more between "he is fine but corruption" and "lesser of two evils" camp. I salute you for calling out that monster Erdogan, I really dislike him too.

The migrants are refugees who fled the war, some regions of Syria are untouched by the war, especially the coast, others were severly damaged that life is nearly impossible there, this is especially true for the regions near the Turkish border which might be the source of the immigrants. So although Syria is in war, not all of Syria is, people in Latakia probably are safer than me and people in Aleppo are (or were) in a worse situation than me, our experiences aren't all the same.

Thanks for your good thoughts

Skapis999917 karma

Was there an option to flee as a refugee in another country? If yes why didn't you do that?

Helloguys22557 karma

Generally refugees aren't really presetned with opportunities to flee the country, they most apply in other countries or get outside the borders with the specfic intent of applying for refugee status. We decided since the begining of the conflict that as long the war doesn't come to our door steps, we aren't moving away, so we didn't try to flee at any point in the war, but we have relatives in Lebanon we could have went to in case anything really dangerous happened.

fhanoun15 karma

Have you ever come to Lebanon? Did you feel that it's the same culture?

Helloguys22526 karma

Yes I visited Lebanon a few times before the war. Almost the same culture.

RedRox10 karma

I travelled through Syria a while ago. The people were very friendly. I remember in Damascus near the Grand Bazaar there was a church, which i found a bit surprising. How are Christians generally treated in Syria prior to ISIS and how are they treated now?

Helloguys22516 karma

Christians are almost 20% of Damascus population, churches are pretty common. We are treated well, relations between us and Muslims are pretty good both before, during and after ISIS. If you didn't live under ISIS controlled areas, their rule probably didn't effect you either.

thatshitcray1210 karma

What area did your mother come from? My great grandparents were Palestinian Christians that immigrated to the US but left plenty of family behind, and I’m a bit curious

Helloguys22510 karma

She was born in a refugee camp in Lebanon but her family came from a village called Suhmata in Upper Galilee.

kmvrtwheo988 karma

Hi, I'm Indonesian. I'm quite curious about what's going on in Syria. So here goes my question:

  1. How do average Joes view Assad? Do they view him in positive way?
  2. Do you have friends who migrate to Europe or the USA in the past few years?
  3. Is Damascus safe in general? Is tourist welcomed?
  4. How good is relationship between people with different religions, like have you ever had a brush with Muslims or Druze in your lifetime?
  5. How do you view Jews and Israel? For me, I don't have problem with Jews, but I don't really like Israeli government, that's it.
  6. Why do some Syrians migrate to the west while others don't?
  7. How do you view Indonesia in general? Do people view it as a Muslim country or Southeast Asia country? If Syrians don't really know anything about Indonesia (or worse don't give a shit about this country) then just lemme know. I'm just curious tho, no offense.

Anyway stay safe.

السلام عليكم

Helloguys22514 karma

1- opinions really vary. Some think he is an Angel on earth, some think he is a lesser of two evils, others hate the shit out of him, others don't know but support or oppose him for their own personal or sectarian benefit.

2- I have a cousin in germany, my father also used to work in the US.

3- Damascus is safe, absolutely tourist friendly these days.

4- relations are pretty good between different religious groups, especially on an individual level.

5- I don't hate jews, they are a people like every other. But I don't have any positive opinions about Israel as my family was directly affected by the war.

6- some can afford, others can't, others prefer to stay here.

7- probably most people think of Indonesia as "chinese looking muslims", I have seen their photos being shared online as an example of a highly developped country, not sure if that's true but I would say that's something to be admired. In all I love you guys

و عليكم السلام

syrswestu7 karma

I’m genuinely surprised there’s someone who uses Reddit other than me in Syria and I can’t imagine it’d be more than like 10 people...max, I am in Aleppo tho so I guess that explains it. Do you know of anyone else in your social circle using this platform?

Helloguys2258 karma

Other than one random guy in my university, no. You live in Aleppo now ?

thoroughbred_ofsin7 karma

Hopefully I'm not too late to this thread. Hope you and your family are doing ok considering the situation. My family is also Christian Syrian, from Homs. I don't know how close knit the community is but do you know a family by the name of Helwani? My mother has many cousins still in Syria and has little contact with them.

Helloguys2258 karma

Thanks for your good thoughts :)

Helwani ? I know a girl called Noura Helwani but she is Lebanese not Syrian, maybe I might know some of your relatives in face, do they live in Dummar ?

I love Homs btw, I was born there and I have a ton of good memories growing up there.

All_Things_Vain6 karma

How bad is it living under the Assad regime?

Helloguys22530 karma

Not bad, like life is pretty normal if you know what to not say

altbekannt5 karma

Do you have to wear a hijab or something similar to hide your hair?

Helloguys22520 karma

Outside of the church, no, I don't have to cover my hair (that's the case for all Christians and almost half of Muslims too)

rj_yul5 karma

I'm of Syrian origins and I grew up in the west. I had spent enough time in Syria to have vivid memories though before we immigrated. My life in Syria was in a half Christian half Muslim neighbourhood so I have friends on both sides and I respect both without discrimination. I am a hardcore anti-Assad and anti-Baath way before the war ever started and I think the war was the result of years of hatred, explicit injustice and hidden sectarianism favoring alawites over anyone else. My family suffered under the regime before the war but they also managed to get by just like anyone else and they were well off to a certain degree. We also lost many family members during the war so you can I'm not out of touch with the reality of the people's suffering. I won't ask you questions from a foreigner eyes, but rather from a compatriote who despite the distance and having grown in different political environnements, still would love to read your answer.

1- What do you think of the "We were living كنا عايشين" narrative? Were Syrians really well off before the war? Don't you think the country was slowly but very silently heading towards a catastrophe with the rabid corruption, gap between te rich and poor and the Makhloufs (Assad cousins) swallowing 60% of the economy?

2- Do you, or your entourage, really think Assad will protect the Christians or they don't trust him but they have no choice and think he's the lesser of two evils?

3- Do people talk and understand that Syria has a political history that extends far beyond Assads ruling and that we lived in harmony and had a form of democracy before the Baathists usurped power? Do they know that Syria was a modern ans upcoming country with knowledge, culture and innovation before 1970 and that the world does not revolve around Assad who literally transformed Syria to his own barn?

Finally, I wish you all the best. I also salute your courage and resolve and I envy you for being in Syria now because I, like hundreds of thousands cannot go back ever again as long as the current regime is in power. I wish nothing but peace and prosperity and FREEDOM for my country of birth. تحياتي لك و للشام

Helloguys2255 karma

1- I have mixed views about that narrative. A lot of the trouble that came after the war was a direct result of the war of the war itself, but I would the gap between the poor and the rich was indeed becoming larger and joblessness was on the rise (mostly a result of the reccession and drought but the higher ups defnietly didn't help either, they were always draining the economy). The idea of "the good old days" is mostly a cry back to the stability before the war, sure we were gradually becoming worse, but at least hundreds of thousans weren't dying with almost 5 milion displaced outside of the country.

2- During the early protests, we were pretty enthusaistic about the revolution, my brother even participated in many and many of my relatives and older friends did too (I was younger back then so I didn't want to involve myself in politics a lot). But the more the protests increased, the more sectarian it got, to the point where we entered the armed opposition phase, the FSA was pretty fine initially, just a group of young soldiers who rejected the authoritarian governement and wanted change. But it became more and more sectarian too. Tbh the rebels's sectarianism was always largely targeted towards Alawites, not Christians, I remember many even saying pretty good things about Christians and wanting to co-operate with us. The problem is many of us thought "what if we are next ?", sure we weren't targeted, but what if we would be targeted ? This was when Christians as a collective chose to "support" Assad (basically "lesser of two evils"), most of us recgonize the brutlaity of his regime, but we are left with no choice at this point in time.

3- I talked a lot with my family members about that, I remember Syria even had a Christian prime minister before the 1970s and he was pretty liked by the people, the government definitely promoted sectarianism while trying to prevent it. Trying for instance to over empathize how "they protect Christians" made us feel like "a protected minority" while it made others feel "we are cooperating with Assad". The same goes for Alawites too, most of them are after poor mountain farmers, but the way the government "tried preserving them" by gibing them almost all of the army officer positions made them feel like a "military caste" while it made others feel like they are just "brutal government thugs". I wish we could end these stupid conflicts, most of them don't happen on an individual level to begin with, it is more of a sub-consciousness collective idea and rarely does anyone come to terms with them, we try imagining that we are open and accepting (and we might geniuanly believe this) but are we truly ?

Thanks for your good thoughts my friend الله يحميك

btw where are you from in Syria ?

Skapis99995 karma

Would you like to visit a European country (like Greece or Germany) and if yes which one?

Helloguys22511 karma

Greece, I really wanna visit that country

AWifiConnection4 karma

What’s your thoughts on Kurdistan? And what are the thoughts of others around?

Helloguys22513 karma

I don't mind their autonomy in Syria, but I really dislike separatism.

Scoundrelic3 karma

Hello, thank you for your time and effort!

I your mind, is there a separation of Church and State in Syria? How do they exist?

Also, which version of the Bible do you use?

Edit: I read in another post you are Greek Orthodox.

Helloguys2256 karma

There is a de facto seperation of church and state except when it comes to the civil code, laws concering marriage and inheritane for instance are dealt according to your religion (so each religious community has its own laws in that regard).

And I am Greek Orthodox.

mynameiseddard2 karma

Are there any Christians in Syria that identify as ethnic Greeks/Rum? From my understanding there is a small community that even recently celebrated Oxi Day.

Helloguys2258 karma

Generally, no. We identify pretty strongly with our Arab identity though we do share some affinity with Greeks due to our shared faith. But we don't really think of ourselves as ethnic Greeks.

mynameiseddard2 karma

I'm sure you dont, but what I'm asking is whether or not a Greek/Rum identity still exists in Syria

Helloguys2254 karma

No. Some facebook pages poped out recently that call for a Rum identity but it really isn't that powerful of an idea.

ic0nforhire2 karma

One of my former coworkers is a Christian from Syria. He said the country is no where near the same and he said left before things got worse. He said he lived in an area known as “Christian valley,” which is by what he called the “safe zone.”

Do you know how safe that area currently is and is it presently in danger? I know he said he was trying to get more of his family over here, but they refuse to leave.

Thank you!

Helloguys2254 karma

Oh wadi al nassara, it is the only Christian majority area in the country (the rest of the Christians are evenly spread out through the country without making a majority in any other area but just significant minorities). The area is fine today to the most part, the violence of the war is pretty far from it now.

Mistacrumb1 karma

Have you ever been to Abu George?

Helloguys2252 karma

I have friends who go there regularly. I personally only went there twice.

gistya1 karma

Since 2011, around 400,000 to 500,000 Syrians are said to have been killed in the war (roughly 2% of the population).

Inside the USA, during that same time, there were appx. 62,000 homicides committed using firearms, and about 129,000 suicides with firearms, even though we have no civil war. Among those deaths were scores of mass shootings at schools and churches, almost none of which were considered acts of terrorism by the US government.

I’m not trying to compare the USA to Syria, but I just wanted to ask you, what do you think about that?

Also, Christians in the USA are generally opposed to laws that would restrict gun ownership in any way. As a Christian, what do you think of that?

Helloguys2252 karma

I guess you have a higher population so you would have more gun deaths, but the idea is crazy when I think about it.

Most people probably are surprised by how common fire arms are in the US. It is pretty hard (nearly impossible) to get obtain one here (if we ignore the civil war ofc)

grnd_mstr1 karma

شو اخبارك؟ كيف صحتك؟ طمني عنك و عن الي حوليك؟ شو عم تعمل هل إيام؟ كيف الجو بالشام؛ بلش البرد عندكن؟ كيف باقي المدن بسوريا؟ إن شاء الله كلن بخير و امان؟

Helloguys2252 karma

الحمد لله خيي العالم الكلوا تعبان من الإقتصاد البائس بس عم نتأقلم. الشتاء طبعا بارد و بصراحة الجو مو رائع كتير خاصة هوني بدمشق

Panthean0 karma

Do you have to be low key about your religion? I would totally act Muslim and keep it real with Jesus in private.

Helloguys2254 karma

I can get outisde with a cross on my neck and nothing would happened. So no, I don't have to keep my religious identity hidden.

dorvekowi-5 karma

Show proof of who you are before starting an AMA

Helloguys2254 karma

I was verified in other subs (including r/syriancivilwar) and I did a previous AmA here where I was also verified (you can't post here in the first place if you aren't verified). I can't present personal information publicly.