I’ve been working at McDonalds as a first job for the past 2 years. It is as trash paying as it is boring.

Proof : https://imgur.com/gallery/Xjafhu2

Comments: 342 • Responses: 69  • Date: 

myjawbepoppinnnn100 karma

Is it true that asking for fries without salt means you get fresh fries since they have to cook a separate batch?

ethancaseroll78 karma


Froggy219228 karma

What if you just ask for fresh fries?

ethancaseroll42 karma

You will get a fresh batch of fries dropped.

FlyingSpagetiMonsta11 karma

On the floor?

gmacedo942 karma

I think he means you will get the last dropped fries in the container. Even if that means it was dropped 10min ago.

ethancaseroll3 karma

No no, when i say freshly dropped, I’ll take out a fresh batch of uncooked fries and drop em in the fryer.

grizu3412 karma

I use this one alot, whilst most workers will just empty the freshly cooked fries into the trays and just fill your cup, the great employees will place burger sheets down on the metal empty the fries and load your cup, either way its fresh

Krynn7110 karma

Do you add salt afterwards or something?

ethancaseroll2 karma


jpeterson91681 karma

Ex McDonald's manager here 16 years ago. Why are employees so stingy about giving out sauces for nuggets and salsa for burritoes? Is it because they don't want to have to restock the bins?

Edit: they should also bring back big and tastys for a dollar.

ethancaseroll46 karma

I work in Australia, so we don’t have burritos, unless that’s ur fancy way of saying wraps. regardless it all depends on the employees attitude - a good talk to the manager should help, but the amount we get paid doesn’t help us adjust or moods.

Disneyland_isHaunted43 karma

You mean your mcmoods

ethancaseroll57 karma

Our McAttitude

jpeterson9167 karma

We have breakfast burritos

ethancaseroll6 karma


burpymcgurperson6 karma

It’s Spanish for wraps

ethancaseroll4 karma

Thanks, I wasn’t aware!

dobdobdob13 karma

Fun fact: the direct translation of “burrito” is “little donkey”.

ethancaseroll2 karma


MikeyLikeyIt36 karma

Are the ice cream machines REALLY down when you say they are?

ethancaseroll46 karma

Kinda~ish they usually have scheduled maintenance, otherwise we’ve probably just ran out sundae (ice cream)

ethancaseroll29 karma

Pro-Tip aswell, order without ice because you get more ;)

WinterText29 karma

what should we stay away from? And what is your favorite menu item?

ethancaseroll47 karma

Ice for your drinks, order a water with ice and look into ur cup. And you’ll get a feel for what I mean - also thanks for asking. I asked for a personalised meal which is a Big Mac, but I get it all put in a wrap.

marcoroman317 karma

Could you maybe just tell us what us wrong with the ice? I'm not planning on going to McDonald's any time soon.

Kveldson27 karma

I used to manage a Subway and I've worked in many restaurants in my life. If you don't clean the ice machine every other day ( which will never happen it is time consuming and when you do it it takes hours for the ice machine to replenish the ice you had to throw away in order to clean it) ice machines will build up all manner of mold and slimy gunk very quickly. I always request no ice from anywhere I go. Unfortunately, I also have to suggest staying away from drinks in restaurants and other fountains in general including tea and unsweet tea. The nozzles on Fountain machines or supposed to be cleaned regularly, but most places do not and you would not believe the disgusting slimy Gunk inside of those nozzles, nor the types of mold and stuff that will grow inside of the nozzle for a tea dispenser.

ethancaseroll11 karma

I can ensure my restaurant gets the hoses and nozzles cleaner every Sunday.

Kveldson3 karma

I don't doubt it, there's always going to be exceptions to the rule but my experience and everyone I nose experiences that they don't get cleaned in the vast majority of restaurants

ethancaseroll3 karma

Thanks for your comment!

wagon15311 karma

Most restaurants don't clean the ice machine very often, if at all. This isn't limited to McDonalds either.

ethancaseroll3 karma

That’s very true.

ethancaseroll7 karma

There isn’t much cleaning or filtering, so it’s dirty water that gets frozen.

lkeels2 karma


ethancaseroll2 karma


WinterText14 karma

thx, dude. I know it's a hard job and people treat you like shit. appreciate your service.

ethancaseroll8 karma

your very welcome!

dirtymoney2 karma

Then I get the "you're a cheap fuck!" look when I do that. I AM cheap, but I order no ice for a practical reason. So I don't have watered down soda by the time I get home. I don't drink in my vehicle.

ethancaseroll2 karma

I’m sorry to hear the rude attitude being presentes by front counter.

metallicash22 karma

Do you guys get sick of the food? Do you not want to eat there because you’ve worked there?

ethancaseroll52 karma

Depends on how you feel about seeing uncooked raw meat and what not. for me, I’m fine with eating the food, but god help you all if you drink your drinks with ice, those Ice machines are cleaned on a rare basis, and the amount of floaties you’ll get in ur water cups is atrocious.

sephstorm10 karma

Honestly I get it, but I don't think its going to get you sick. Ive eaten ice in many places that are just as bad.

ethancaseroll30 karma

but you see a trillion dollar industry could afford some filters for an ice machine

ethancaseroll12 karma

In reality, you probably wouldn’t get sick, also I should point out how undercooked the meat can be, without us even noticing before it gets served.

Redhook4207 karma

You wouldn't say that if you've seen the mold that grows in ice machines that aren't regularly cleaned.

ethancaseroll2 karma

I’m confused at ur point?

ethancaseroll4 karma

Fair point.

DrDizzle9321 karma

Favorite Nickelback song?

ethancaseroll150 karma

Africa by Toto

Shtacyvega20 karma

Great song, they named a whole continent after it

ethancaseroll12 karma


GraveyardNiko19 karma

What's the most interesting thing that has happened while you worked there?

ethancaseroll29 karma

A coworker got accused of blowing on eggs.

4rp4n3t21 karma

Not his load, I hope.

ethancaseroll26 karma

Grow up silly.

idkjustmake15 karma

care to elaborate?

ethancaseroll14 karma

He jokingly blew a kiss to a manager.

Zer_03 karma

Does blowing on eggs mean blowing a kiss in slang?

ethancaseroll22 karma

No he literally got accused of blowing on an egg, by a lady who ordered a bacon and egg muffin, when in reality he blew a kiss to a manager as a joke.

srcar17 karma

Thank you for doing this! Very interesting and eye opening. What is the grossest thing you’ve seen regarding the food? Thanks!

ethancaseroll12 karma

You’re very welcome! I’m happy to answer all the questions I can!

succulent_headcrab41 karma

You forgot to answer his question.

ethancaseroll5 karma

Oh yeah, I cooked meat that we find thawed under the freezers when we drop them.

giganticsquid14 karma

Who would win in a fight between the Hamburglar and Grimace?

ethancaseroll15 karma


kriyabutterfly14 karma

What’s the most annoying thing customers do without knowing it?

ethancaseroll8 karma

Order with a steamer bun. It’s very inconvenient - yous don’t even understand.

Mousseymou3 karma

McChicken's are pure disappointment without a steamed bun.

ethancaseroll2 karma


nuggetboob13 karma

How do employees feel about working Christmas Day and other big public holidays? Is it worth the pay?

ethancaseroll23 karma

Most of us have matured and have gotten over the enjoyment of things like Christmas and what not, so it’s no biggy.

kingxks11 karma

Would you genuinely recommend someone the food there?

ethancaseroll21 karma

It’s probably better to eat at more smaller businesses as they don’t buy in bulk and usually there food is local.

neutrosophic10 karma

How do I ask a worker to fill my drink or Mc Flurry up to the top the way it’s meant to be served without feeling guilt?

This one time I got a McFlurry that was literally less than half way filled up

ethancaseroll17 karma

We have to say yes too you, it’s a policy.

neutrosophic8 karma

Who created the policy where you do the drinks first and let them sit in the counter while the food gets made? My frozen coke always turns to shit or the ice cream melts. I wish you did drinks and frozen stuff after the food.

nderTheInfluence15 karma

You really have to look through the eyes of the employees and put urself in their shoes. Their one goal is to construct YOUR order, and to prepare what drinks you have while they're waiting for the grills (or microwave ;) will always be an efficient move in their minds. I don't know how long your drink would be sitting at the counter for, but it can't be for so long that it melts and becomes diluted. And you might as well read other comments pertaining to the quality of McDonald's ice in the first place, anyway

Edit: Typos

ethancaseroll6 karma

Thanks for your input, this is a good way for customers to view this.

solanki_harsh10 karma

How good/clean are the milkshake machines? I’ve heard a few rumors that they are barely clean and have been recommended to not have the shakes. Is this true?

ethancaseroll18 karma

I can guarantee at our restaurant it gets maintenance every Saturday.

Shtacyvega10 karma

Whats the number one thing you would never eat at mcdonalds because of how gross it is?

ethancaseroll14 karma

Ice - but if you wondering about actual food, probably a filet. That’s just a gross burger.

arcticmusings9 karma

When I tell them I'm allergic to eggs, are they making a good faith effort to prepare my food without cross-contamination?

ethancaseroll27 karma

No, we use the same tongs to pick up the eggs and the meat, although we are provided with a seperate egg tong. No one really is bothered.

Rem694206914 karma

Well shit thanks for being honest

ethancaseroll15 karma

I’m sorry, but it’s brutal honesty and it’s not meant to sound rude to you.

Jumlee779 karma

How’s School?

ethancaseroll16 karma

I’m on school break.

ethancaseroll8 karma

It’s more convenient for us.

coolkidweednumber7 karma


ethancaseroll3 karma


MyHairItches8 karma

I have allergies to dairy, nuts, and seafood. How worried should I be about cross contamination?

ethancaseroll11 karma

if your ordering a burger you should be fine, maybe don’t have any filet burgers and stay away from ice creams and sundaes.

Dan_got8 karma

What's your favorite fast food restaurant?

ethancaseroll16 karma

probably KFC

pinklove957 karma

Can. You give us a range of the pay?

ethancaseroll7 karma

15 year olds get roughly $11.80 AUD 16 year olds get $13.30 AUD

novisibirsk957 karma

Do you or anyone you work with do nasty stuff to the food of rude customers? 😏

ethancaseroll10 karma

We don’t really know who ordered what, because we don’t always look at the front counter.

OverBeingSober7 karma

Can McD's rename & bring back the Third Pounder burger? I liked them, but refused to put anything in my mouth that rhymed with turd pounder.

ethancaseroll21 karma

If your name suggests you hate being sober, shouldn’t you stop drinking beer since it rhyme with rear? jokes aside - a piece of Angus meat alone is a quarter of a pound, so a Classic Angus should do the job.

NewYorkJewbag6 karma

Yeah, but a third of a pound is more than a quarter pound, which I think is the point of their question.

ethancaseroll7 karma

oh I mean a piece of Angus is a third, my apologies for the miscommunication.

Dugsnotdrugs6 karma

Hey, I also work at an Aussie Maccas. Do you work front, drive or kitchen?

ethancaseroll6 karma

back area (kitchen)

superapplepro6 karma

Why is the ice cream machine always down?

ethancaseroll8 karma


saugoof6 karma

Do you get used to the smell? I'm not a big fan of McDonald's for starters, but that smell in the restaurants is really off-putting.

ethancaseroll6 karma

When I get sick the smell makes me wanna vomit. But no it doesn’t bother me other than that.

KazKant5 karma

How come my McDonalds always gets orders wrong? I understand it once in a while but it’s every single time for me. I ask for a burger without cheese but they always put it on there. Somehow they also forgot an entire milkshake? (and still charged for it)

ethancaseroll7 karma

That’s usually lazy working.

Brek_Shea5 karma

Has there ever been talk about sweet potato fries?

AdamTheGinger13 karma

McDonald's in Israel has sweet potato fries!

ethancaseroll1 karma

That’s great to hear!

ethancaseroll3 karma

nope, not that I have heard of.. but McDonald’s is very spontaneous with there choice of specialty items. so don’t get ur hopes down.

Tis_A_Rando_Account5 karma

What's the best thing (personal opinion) to order from McDonalds? Oh, also when you work there, do you get free/discounted food? My friend said he gets to bring home food after he has a shift from (insert time) to closing (they aren't a 24 hrs)

ethancaseroll7 karma

50% Discount - and Big Mac on a wrap, we aren’t allowed any more free food due to how much money the store lost.

sephstorm4 karma

WTF happened to the fries? They used to be delicious. I always assumed they cut the salt for health reasons, but that should be an option, not default. And they cant even make them right if you ask.

ethancaseroll11 karma

There’s no wrong and right with out cooking - the we place the food and it is set on a timer, once the timer is up we have the cooked food ready to serve, it isn’t the employee’s fault for bad quality food. Thanks for your response.

ethancaseroll2 karma

I don’t know if this is true for my restaurant.

ethancaseroll3 karma

It’s all room temperature.

ethancaseroll3 karma

Indeed, but it’s not an ethnically divided word in Australia.

Vallendraugh3 karma

Where do you work?

ethancaseroll10 karma

Not telling due to the risk of me getting fired.

ethancaseroll2 karma

Any rumours about McDonald’s anybody would like me to elaborate on?

BalognaMacaroni4 karma

Is it really possible to win anything substantial from the monopoly promos?

ethancaseroll4 karma

Yes, but you can’t have any relevance to the McDonalds franchise - for example, you cannot be friends or related to a McDonald’s worker.

BalognaMacaroni3 karma

Is this because there’s any way for employees to potentially rig the system, or to avoid the implication altogether?

ethancaseroll8 karma

Yes, I won’t lie - I’ve stolen hand fulls of hash brown packets with monopoly stickers

Unhappy_Poet2 karma

I used to work at McDonald’s. Can you describe the craziest middle aged white man customer you had to deal with?

ethancaseroll6 karma

Crackhead at the front asking for free food, he left after two hours of begging. He came back later with a bible. Dunno where he got it from.

ethancaseroll1 karma

It’ll be clear I promise