Hi. I'm Adam Rahuba. According to The Washington Post, I'm "The Troll."


For years, I've been fucking with pedophiles, right-wingers, and other undesirables on the internet. My most recent hoax was a fake Facebook invent - a flag-burning in protest of police brutality at Gettysburg National Cemetery.

The event was very obviously fake. Details included, "Antifa face painting" and "small flags for the kids."


It's been a wild week. Most of my friends and family have been supportive.

Proof: https://twitter.com/adam_rahuba/status/1285331322412638208?s=20

In addition to fucking with conservatives, I don't have much going on. I'm a DJ. I deliver for Postmates with a friend's car that I borrow. I'm broke and stay with a friend. I spend a fuckton of time in treatment for a laundry list of mental illnesses and trying to be less shitty.

EDIT: The Gettysburg Prank had a special phone number for people to call and ask questions. You could guess the kinds of calls I received... but you don't have to. I saved all of them. I uploaded a batch to YouTube and have PLENTY MORE (like 10,000+) to go through. TW: (bleeped) racism/homophobia:


Comments: 677 • Responses: 73  • Date: 

dazedan_confused197 karma

Was a billionaire running for president another of your hoaxes? If so, when do you intend to stop?

AdamRahuba176 karma

Just wait until November 2028 when the general election is Don Jr. vs. Elon Musk.


DICKTracey89 karma

What do you think about the idea of you organising something like this and then a whole lot of people getting hurt because it escalated? Would you feel responsible? Given that none of the events would have transpired if it wasn't for your initial invitation? This feels like you're playing with fire, but you are not the most likely to get burned

Not_Sarkastic42 karma

I'll be surprised if you get an answer here. I went from being interested and somewhere sympathetic to OP, to downright concerned and realizing he needs much more mental help than he's currently getting. While I personally get plenty of joy out of putting MAGA on blast for it's stupidity, OPs unwillingness to see how he's part of the problem here and lack of responsibility is infuriating.

AdamRahuba25 karma

Your assertion seems to be that the "problem" is divisiveness.

I disagree with that notion. I think "the problem" is a constant eagerness to compromise with the right - who is continually moving closer to full-blown fascism.

I think the solution to the "divisive" problem in America is complete alienation of the other side. Boycotting their businesses. Moving from their neighborhoods. Gerrymandering the fuck out of their districts. When they go low, we beat them in the gutter.

As to my personal responsibility - a bunch of adult men dressed up like G.I. Joe and drove to rural Pennsylvania hoping for the chance to shoot their "antifa" enemy to protest "Antifa Face Painting."

I think that these goons, their parents and teachers, and society bear a share of the blame.

AdamRahuba38 karma

If you're dumb enough to show up to an "Antifa face painting" with guns then maybe you're the one to blame.

urallterriblepeople9-3 karma

As someone who struggles with depression, you’re digging yourself a hole you’re never gonna get out of. This is all just a distraction so you don’t have to focus on your real issues.

Get actual help

AdamRahuba48 karma

This particular "distraction" took maybe 2-3 hours before the Post caught wind.

I'm in treatment multiple days per week, and I'm very open with my therapist. In terms of my "problem behaviors," trolling Nazis is pretty low on the priority list.

bombayblue54 karma

What do you actually hope to accomplish? How does trolling extremists help the general political discourse in America?

AdamRahuba126 karma

I don't want to help political discourse in America.

I want to point out the obvious: that discourse with the far-right is absolutely pointless.

intensely_human17 karma

What’s the alternative to discourse?

AdamRahuba65 karma

Complete societal alienation. Other suggestions aren't worth talking about.

intensely_human14 karma

Yeah by definition alienation is the opposite of discourse. So no relating at all. That’s the plan. What if they’re mixed into your society. Then what?

AdamRahuba64 karma

We make our society very uncomfortable for them.

Boycott MAGA-owned businesses. Ignore MAGA neighbors in need (that's what they'd do). Protest in front of their megachurches for spreading hate. Begin protesting police brutality in rich suburbs instead of urban areas.

WubbaLubbaDubStep3 karma

This is so ineffective. How do you not know by now that doing things like that pushes people more radically into their corner?

AdamRahuba1 karma

I'm not trying to win them over. I think they're too far gone.

urallterriblepeople910 karma

Then you’re part of the fucking problem

AdamRahuba21 karma

The problem is willingness to compromise with a group that includes nationalists.

urallterriblepeople94 karma

The problem is chalking up anyone who doesn’t agree fully as a nationalist or racist and refusing to have discourse with anyone

AdamRahuba18 karma

Kind of how chalking up everyone to the left of Mitt Romney as a communist is a problem.

Here's where I stand:

  • Fuck Nazis.
  • Fuck Nazi sypmathizers.
  • Fuck anyone who votes for the same people as Nazis or Nazi sympathizers.

bombayblue6 karma

If discourse is pointless then why engage at all? Part of the reason these radicals exist is because they think they are needed to counter “another” threat. If you are trolling them by pretending to be Antifa you are inadvertently justifying their existence in the first place.

AdamRahuba76 karma

No one is pretending to be Antifa. Antifa isn't a group.

Also, engagement is important for the same reason that it's not enough to be silently anti-racist. We have to actively combat racism - even when it makes people uncomfortable.

SMALLWANG691 karma

What about discourse with the radical left? Do you agree with Antifa teachings?

AdamRahuba11 karma

There is no substantial radical left in America. I know this because I'm about two clicks short of a full-blown communist and I'm politically pretty lonely.

Is there a book where I can read about some of these "Antifa teachings?" Perhaps something written by the leader of Antifa?

That's right. Those don't exist. Because "Antifa" simply means antifascist, which should be the default. If you're offended by Antifa, that says more about you.

c4virus52 karma

Do you think conservatives are more dupe-able than left-wingers? If so, why?

AdamRahuba165 karma

I think so - for two reasons:

  1. Conservative brains are predisposed to fear and anxiety relating to politics. Turns out the people who call everyone "snowflake" are pretty fragile.

  2. I've tried trolling Democrats repeatedly (from the left). Instead of taking the bait, they'll usually accuse me of being Russian, call me pro-Trump, etc.

Vandechoz47 karma

“For over a year now, I’ve been unable to work due to intensive therapy after a suicide attempt,” he wrote. He said he needed money for a new car to help rebuild his life. Donors gave him $560.

Rahuba told The Post that most of the money was used to license graphics from a stock website for use on his next hoax in Gettysburg.

Any plans to reverse this, and start a "troll the nazis" donation collection, but give it all to a mental illness charity of some kind?

AdamRahuba20 karma

Maybe if I can ever land on my feet, yes.

doubleflusher40 karma

How do we know this ama isn't just some set up for one of your bits?

AdamRahuba36 karma

Honestly, you don't?

It isn't really though. Right now would be a really difficult time to pull once considering the media scrutiny.

mwthecool26 karma

What's the deal with the GoFundMe thing? You posted that you needed the money to put your life back together, under a pseudonym, and then WP says that you actually used it for stock footage. What was the impetus behind that choice?

AdamRahuba11 karma

Fair question, that WaPo didn't cover my entire answer to.

The stock site that I use costs like $30/month. The rest was used to get myself into a position where I could start delivering for Postmates (I fixed a friend's broken car and I'm paying her to use it).

That's gotten me into a slightly better position. I have a bedroom and an air mattress on the floor. I'm still broke as fuck, but I did upgrade some, and I'm making enough to give my roommate a few dollars every month.

totalynottedcruz25 karma

Do you plan to continue doing these sorts of things even though your identity has been made public?

AdamRahuba107 karma

Probably. I have a few ideas.

I also think it'd be sort of interesting to see that if I did get caught during the early stages if people would still manage to fall for it.

The Gettysburg thing was a hoax to anyone with a brain. The local police put out a statement that it's a hoax. My accounts were pulled two weeks before the event and I couldn't "promote" it.

500 dupes still showed up ready to shoot.

1decentusername76 karma

"Antifa face painting" is one of the funniest things I've ever read.

AdamRahuba88 karma

I really thought that'd put it over the top.

Instead that got conserva-mangled into, "Antifa using children as human shields against patriotic militia."

Krakenate5 karma

That was a special touch that should have put it over the top - and did, perfectly. It was the bat signal that told me it was a hoax but obviously didn't red flag for anyone who wanted to believe.

Well done.

Vandechoz25 karma

How much of your success do you attribute to the news media being tools of sensationalism instead of journalism?

AdamRahuba44 karma

95%... maybe a little bit more.

chikenjoe1724 karma

As a couch surfing 38 year old with mental issues, do you think this is the best thing you can do with your time?

Also do you think this is helping the political divide of this country, or could it just be making things worse?

AdamRahuba37 karma

The best thing? Not at all. Considering that 12 months ago, I couldn't get out of bed without smoking a blunt and was casually trying meth, it's a hell of an upgrade.

And I don't want to help the political divide. I want to get this shit over with. There is no unity to be had with the far-right.

IronSkywalker18 karma

Do you think people can be right leaning and not braindead idiots?

What is your opinion on left-wing extremism?

AdamRahuba46 karma

It's getting harder not to paint the entire right with a broad brush, considering that this November there will DEFINITELY be QAnon'ers in Congress.

My opinion of left-wing extremism is that it's often in response to systemic oppression and aggression. Left-wing violence is almost always in direct response to state violence or capitalist violence, thus just.

mayormcskeeze17 karma

How did this "fuck with conservatives?"

AdamRahuba40 karma

500+ of them wasted their holiday, and made their "cause" look stupid as fuck in 100 degree heat over an obviously farcical event.

mayormcskeeze11 karma

Lol. Fair enough. That is pretty good.

Do you ever worry that (kinda like with pizzagate) there are more morons out there who will believe this, and then use it as a rallying cry/recruitment tool?

In other words, that I may do more harm than good in the long run?

AdamRahuba16 karma

Honestly, no.

I think by making them look ridiculous on the regular, it harms their recruitment.

schmoob10 karma

Can you please keep fucking with Doug Mastriano and the FB group ALL About Hanover? Thanks.

AdamRahuba22 karma

I need to figure out how to get back onto Facebook. I think they've figured out how to keep me out (without having to jump through VPN/fake phone number hoops).

I just need some inspiration.

phoenixtart9 karma

As a troll, how do you feel about The Satanic Temple?

AdamRahuba50 karma

An absolute inspiration.

1decentusername8 karma

Do you have a steady place to stay now? Has being "outed" helped or hindered your life?

AdamRahuba34 karma

I'm still staying with a friend, though a roommate recently left and I upgraded to a room of my own. I'd like to get into my own place in the next few months, once my therapist and I agree that I'm good.

I'd say it's been a 50/50 mix. My friends and family have been super supportive/amused. My resume is now a perma-nightmare, though... I have picked up a couple of freelance design jobs.

tabascodinosaur6 karma

Are you in the Gettysburg area?

IJS my employer doesn't care about things like being an internet troll.

AdamRahuba16 karma

I'm in Pittsburgh. I am actually working (Postmates pay is okay during COVID), though I'm looking to upgrade always.

zipzap218 karma

Are you looking for your "big break"?

AdamRahuba64 karma

Absolutely. I think that by trolling Nazis and pedophiles that I'm going to be buying a yacht and 1/3 of the Portland Trailblazers in a few months.

I don't know. I'm some asshole who fucks with less savory assholes and got outed by the Washington Post. If people are interested, cool.

holdthedoor4447 karma

Are you worried that you'll be targeted by crazies now that your name is out there?

AdamRahuba43 karma

Not particularly.

Though I'm sure a bunch of boomers are going to tweet pictures of guns, Punisher logos, and "MOLON LABE" stuff at me.

OhSoScotian7 karma


AdamRahuba34 karma

I was bored. I made a fake Facebook event that trolled a few hundred psychopaths into showing up. The Washington Post covered it and put it on the front page of their site. It was weird. I don't know.

QuayleSpotting7 karma

I actually was at Gettysburg on the 4th, but not for any political reason. Wife and I were driving home to DC from Harrisburg and had a few hours to kill, so we decided to just pull in and drive around the battlefield. We had no idea what was going on, but were shocked by how many hard core Trumpers were there with guns. My wife is very liberal, I'm fairly middle of the road, and I got worried that she would eventually say something too loud and get us in a fight. Do you think there is a risk to random bystanders who happen to end up in extremely tense situations you help to create, and how would you cope if something did happen to hurt someone in that situation?

AdamRahuba9 karma

If someone attacks another person, the attacker is 100% to blame.

We didn't blame the people who built Columbine High School for the massacare just because they built the building.

PhatJohny5 karma

There's enough hate in the world. Why do you feel the need to create fake hate?

AdamRahuba91 karma

You know, /u/PhatJohny, I think that inciting hatred against Nazis is just fine.

swampcholla5 karma

Given the armed morons that sowed up, and the potential for encounters with people that don't think like them, as well as people that may have left the park because they didn't feel comfortable around a bunch of armed rednecks (some of those perhaps having a vacation ruined as a result), do you feel any responsibility for putting people unnecessarily in harms way?

AdamRahuba57 karma

Avoiding the COVID-why-the-fuck-are-you-on-vacation of it all.

I didn't put people in harms way. I created an event that you'd have to be braindead to believe. Braindead idiots with guns put people in harms way.

Suckonmyfatvagina32 karma

Braindead idiots with guns put people in harms way who also vote.

Please go out and fucking VOTE, everyone

Or we are all fucked.

AdamRahuba52 karma

Sound advice from /u/Suckonmyfatvagina

jaybeas0 karma

Didn't a priest in a BLM shirt get surrounded by these braindead idiots and forced to leave for his own safety because they figured he was part of the flag-burning event? That could've escalated quickly. I'm glad it didn't, but doesn't this show that you were in a sense putting innocent people in harm's way?

AdamRahuba5 karma

I didn't surround a priest, and whoever removed him should have instead removed the people harassing him.

I didn't tell crazy gun nuts to show up. In fact, my posters often called for the exact opposite.

PoonKnight3 karma


AdamRahuba9 karma

I'm not sure exactly how my therapists take it personally. From a clinical standpoint, I'm just asked if I think what I'm doing is constructive. And I do.

Then we move on to talk about how the only memories I have from before 8 years old involved my mom's overdoses, my best friend getting blown up in Iraq, or (if it's a good day) my own history of suicidal ideations and attempts.

chillinois3093 karma

Are you spooked that all these crazies know your name now?

AdamRahuba22 karma

Not really, no. I kind of think the death threats are funny.

Koma793 karma

Do you see this as an artistic endeavor ? being that some art (at least) is holding up a mirror to society.

stay safe !

AdamRahuba5 karma

Maybe? I've called it a form of "performance art" in the past, but that feels super pretentious.

My goal is to make them look absurd. I don't know, maybe it's akin to comedy writing with a very niche audience?

FatCommuter3 karma

How much did George Soros pay you?

AdamRahuba40 karma

Liberals: This guy is obviously paid by Putin. Conservatives: This guy is obviously paid by Soros. My Bank Account: This guy needs to get paid.

Chuck_E_Trees2 karma

What kind of music do you play out as a DJ?

AdamRahuba7 karma

I have an emo/pop punk night that I do monthly (when the world isn't a diseased mess).

We did a couple of "house party" editions, but it didn't feel right and people (me included) are shitty at social distancing while drinking.

Only4DNDandCigars2 karma

What are some of your favorite threats/hate mail/etc you received?

AdamRahuba9 karma

I posted about 10 of the voicemails on YouTube (and they're some of my favorites):


Now that I'm "outed," I expect some creative ones.

5_sec_rule1 karma

Are those voicemails for real? I'm so ashamed for whoever left them. I also feel sorry for whoever has to live with them.

AdamRahuba2 karma

I'm trying to come up with an effective method to sort through the 12,000 more that I have.

If I had to guess, 70% are going to be dead air.

I'll be releasing a ton of them over time.

jjjiiiomn2 karma

Adam - what do you want to be remembered for?

AdamRahuba12 karma

Honestly? I don't care. Life is temporary, and you have no say over who tells your story.

Edit: Yes, I'm listening to Hamilton.

stehmansmith52 karma

When I read articles about this, I assumed the "face painting" and "handing out flags for kids" was intended to make it so when people showed up and saw benign Gettysburg Independence day stuff going on, they'd assume it was part of the antifa rally. So they wouldn't just show up and leave; they'd feel like their motives were justified when they saw random kids doing normal July 4 stuff and stay.

Was this your intent or was it just a byproduct of a random idea?

AdamRahuba10 karma

My intent was to create an event that was so over-the-top that only the stupidest would believe it.

tehngand1 karma

What's the next hoax? You got my support

AdamRahuba15 karma

All I can say is that it can be REALLY good, and is unlike anything I've done before.

OneAndOnlyJackSchitt6 karma

Please don't do that prank where you hype up a terrible/great/terribly great prank and the big reveal is that there is no prank.

I'm partial to setting up Facebook groups in support of hate, getting a following of 30-60 people then outing some of the better posts to their friends, family, and employers.

AdamRahuba9 karma

That's lazy. The things I have planned are the opposite of that. :)

zipzap211 karma

So it's gonna seem totally legit?

AdamRahuba7 karma

At the rate I'm going, I could do 10% legit and people would be foaming.

AdamRahuba25 karma

I think it's goddamned hilarious.

Punisher_2080-1 karma

When someone gets killed because you find ways to get these idiots out of their houses with loaded weapons, will you feel any guilt or will it be a LUL I TOLD YOU SO situation?

AdamRahuba19 karma

Conservatives have been telling me for years that it's the fault of the person who pulls the trigger...

Scoundrelic-3 karma

Do you watch Jimmy Dore?

AdamRahuba3 karma

I haven't.


Would you rather fight one duck sized horse or 100 horse sized ducks?

AdamRahuba7 karma

The duck-sized horse, hands down.

100 horse-sized ducks is absurd. Those fuckers can be mean. And it's not cool to bribe them with bread. I'd team up with them to fight 10000 incel-sized MAGAs though.

NDakotaFarmer-14 karma

Do you understand that most people think you’re a jerk and a troll, from all sides of the political spectrum? I hope you get banned from the internet?

AdamRahuba16 karma

Yes. I do understand that. I also don't much care.

mrsuns10-27 karma

Why are you contributing to the further division of our country? You realize if people from the other side showed up, it could have led to an ugly incident right?

AdamRahuba71 karma

I'm going to answer your question with one of my own:

Why do you think that there can be unity with the types of people who show up armed to protect kids from Antifa face-painting?

Divisive with white supremacists? Good. Divisive with Confederate sympathizers? Good. Divisive with science deniers? Good.

Notice that no one from the other side DID show up? Because the event was so obviously fake that only the dullest bulbs took the bait.

mrhouse11018 karma

I agree. Unity-for-unity's sake is futile. Ultimately, some ideologies are just pose too much of a threat to our society for us to accept.

AdamRahuba17 karma

Paradox of intolerance.

mrsuns10-32 karma

I would rather take the approach of educating these people and show them why racism is wrong and counter their views with facts. Yourself said they are the dullest bulbs and you are right, thats why educating them should be an approach

AdamRahuba34 karma

A not insignificant of them believe that JFK Jr. is still alive and has been circling the globe in an airplane for like 20 years, helping Donald Trump and Jesus take down a Democratic sex cult that eats kids and maybe pizza?

I think we've lost the education battle.