In honor of Migraine and Headache Awareness Month, here are 4 headache specialists to answer your questions about all things migraine. , they’ll be answering questions from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. ET. Ask them anything!


Your hosts

1 - 2pm ET Dr. Claire Sandoe

2 - 3pm ET Dr. Jessica Gautreaux

3 - 4pm ET Dr. Juliana VanderPluym

4- 5pm ET Dr. Rashmi Halker Singh

Update: Thank you so much for joining us for this Reddit AMA -- we loved taking your questions and giving you answers. As of 5:06pm ET, this thread is closed. See you next time!

The American Migraine Foundation (AMF) is a non-profit organization dedicated to the advancement of research and awareness surrounding migraine, a disabling disease that impacts more than 39 million men, women and children in the United States. The AMF was founded in 2010 to provide global access to information and resources for individuals with migraine as well as their family and friends.

Learn more at

Disclaimer: Information shared during this AMA should not be considered personal medical advice, nor is it intended to replace an in-person consultation with a qualified medical professional.

Comments: 184 • Responses: 44  • Date: 

Yasdaskafraz6942015 karma

I heard from somebody that a 1 time dose of magic mushrooms could cause a longterm, or permanent reduction in migraine severity or incidence rate. Is there any evidence that this is true that you are aware of?

MoveAgainstMigraine14 karma

There are some clinical trials assessing magic mushrooms for a few different types of headache, but for now we don't have good evidence and they aren't approved. -CS

Sartorius_112 karma

When does does a bad headache become a migrane, like is there any criteria?

MoveAgainstMigraine18 karma

Good question to start us off! Migraine is diagnosed with specific criteria, which include features of both the headache itself and some associated features such as sensitivities to light/sound or nausea. The pain of migraine is often on one side of the head, often throbbing, often worsens with activity, and tends to be bothersome. However, migraine attacks can look very different in different people, with some having very severe headache during attacks and others having milder attacks. Migraine is not just a headache and often includes a number of other symptoms which can be as bothersome as the headache itself - these can include things such as slowed thinking, irritability, fatigue...

To read in more detail about the diagnosis of migraine, you can read a longer article here:


bbbbaconsizzle10 karma

Are migraines related to glymphatic and lymphatic drainage?

MoveAgainstMigraine9 karma

This is a new area of research as we are only just starting to learn about the glymphatic system. There is a suggestion that it might be relevant to migraine but this is still an area in its infancy. Stay tuned! -CS

mykeuk10 karma

Why do some migranes start with flashing lights in your peripheral vision? Do they cause the migrane or are they caused by the migrane?

MoveAgainstMigraine9 karma

What you're describing sounds like a visual aura. Auras happen in about 25-30% of people who have migraine. The most common type is visual aura, where symptoms can include flashing lights, loss of vision, and visual distortions such as zigzags/kaleidoscope patterns. There can also be other types of aura, with the second most common type including sensory symptoms such as numbness or tingling, often affecting one side of the face or hand. We think that migraine aura is caused by specific electrical and chemical changes in the brain as part of a migraine attack. You can read more about aura here:


modembutterfly8 karma

I'm interested in the connection between hormones and migraine in both pre- and post-menopausal women. How does that change over time, and is there hormone-triggered migraine in older women?

MoveAgainstMigraine9 karma

Great question. Hormone fluctuations can be a big migraine trigger, so times when hormones change (such as puberty, pregnancy, and menopause) can be associated with changes in migraine. Many women with migraine also have a relationship between menstrual periods and headaches, with a migraine attack around their periods and sometimes also at ovulation, which we think relate to estrogen changes at those times of the menstrual cycle. Most women with migraine improve after menopause, once hormones stabilize, but it isn't guaranteed and the peri-menopausal period can be difficult. For longer reading you can check out this article:


aperfectsong8 karma

I routinely get vertigo and when it happens, I have head pain that isn’t a headache. It will hurt to touch my head, wear a ponytail or headband and lay back on a pillow. Migraine runs in my family. Sometimes I can help resolve my vertigo with head positioning exercises but sometimes, they have no effect. Could this be migraine or something else?

MoveAgainstMigraine10 karma

The sensitivity you're describing sounds like cutaneous allodynia, which means that things that shouldn't be painful to the touch cause pain. You can read more about allodynia here:

Allodynia can be related to migraine but you should speak to your doctor about your symptoms in more detail to receive a proper diagnosis.


Tswizz077 karma

I’ve been suffering from vestibular migraines since childhood. Most recently from around 18-23 they have been really bad and chronic for the most part. I’ve don’t everything on my part (diet, sleep, exercise, mindfulness, be hopeful) and have been super patient trying a multitude of medications to no avail. 1. How do I get out of this loop and live a “normal” life? 2. As there is no “cure”, how do get through college like this since I don’t know how long I will be like this ?

MoveAgainstMigraine7 karma

It sounds like you are doing your best! A headache specialist would be a good next step:


Sean_to_the_rescue5 karma

So i just started dating a girl who has chronic migraines. I have been trying to look into things that might help her and things that won't, so i don't do something on accident that triggers it or makes it worse.

Do you have any input for a new bf who had never had to deal with this before with a significant other?

(M29, F27)

MoveAgainstMigraine6 karma

There is a bit less focus on specific triggers currently as it is possible what we once thought of as triggers may actually be part of the migraine itself. A good example of this is chocolate. People may have noted that they consumed chocolate, then had a migraine after, therefor thinking the chocolate triggered the migraine. But current thinking is that it is possible that the person was actually craving chocolate as a part of the beginning of the migraine in the brain and not that the chocolate caused the migraine!

With that said though, there is likely benefit to having some healthy habits day to day! I'm including a link to some information that you might find helpful! This includes information on things such a sleep and exercise that might be helpful! - JG

bombaeyah5 karma

I don't get migraines, but I have a friend who does... do you have any advice for how to help someone with migraine?

MoveAgainstMigraine5 karma

It's great that you are trying to help your friend, and asking how to help is an excellent first step! You could consider joining the Move Against Migraine facebook group:

It's also helpful to educate yourself about migraine and the impact it can have on a person's life, since as an invisible illness it can be very hard to understand how disabling migraine can be. You can read more about how difficult this is here:


Darn_Mouse4 karma

Recently diagnosed with Vestibular Migraine and I am struggling. Any recommendations on how to treat?

MoveAgainstMigraine2 karma

It wouldn't be safe for me to speak specifically about treatment here in this setting since treatment depends on each individual patient and each patient's own medical history. I will include a link though that is the Find a Doctor tool for the AMF which might help you find someone in your area to help you! - JG

pnwgirl344 karma

I’ve had migraines since about 15. Sometimes my migraines are really painful, but sometimes the pain is low while the other symptoms (extreme nausea, black spots in my vision, “tightness” in my head) are really high. Why is that?

Also I recently read that having migraines that are triggered by light suggest some family medical history of epilepsy. Is this true? Light is my biggest trigger, specifically bright flashing lights. It’s almost instant.

MoveAgainstMigraine2 karma

Instead of thinking of migraine attacks as an all or none phenomenon (i.e. like switching on or off a light), I think of them more like a dimmer switch. This means that sometimes you may have a full blown attack with all of the symptoms and sometimes you may just get some of the symptoms in different combinations at varying severities.

Sensitivity to light (called photophobia) is a common symptom of migraine and does not relate to epilepsy. It is common that bright lights may appear to cause a migraine or worsen a migraine. The phenomenon you may be thinking of when someone is exposed to the flickering lights (like video games) and has a seizure, is something completely different than photophobia with migraine.


uber181333 karma

Hi! I’m wondering what the connection is between stress and migraines, if any. Is it a common trigger? Asking as someone who has a pattern of getting migraines over the weekend after coming out of a stressful work week. Thanks!

MoveAgainstMigraine2 karma

It sounds like you may be describing "let down" migraines where people get there migraine attacks after there stress has passed such as after their exams are over or at the end of the work week. When we think about migraine triggers, it is important to consider that each person with migraine has a "migraine threshold". This migraine threshold can fluctuate overtime and stress can affect this threshold. If our migraine threshold is lowered then being exposed to a trigger may tip us over into a migraine. There are a number of ways we can boost our migraine threshold including lifestyle measures such as SEEDS for success in headache management, including Sleep hygiene, Exercising regularly, Eating healthy and regular meals, Drinking water and maintaining a headache Diary, and Stress reduction. But also sometimes starting a preventive therapy can help boost our migraine threshold. I recommend you speak to your healthcare provider to see if there are preventive treatment options for you. If you don’t have a healthcare provider, you can use the AMF’s Find a Doctor tool to find a provider near you.


MrMuf3 karma

Can migraines be connected to the weather or temperature? I feel like I get them more in the winter when its colder and when it rains or something similar.

MoveAgainstMigraine3 karma

You're not alone in wondering about impact of weather on migraine! Many people with migraine are sensitive to changes in their internal and external environments, for example when barometric pressure changes. Weather and season change can also lead to other routine changes such as sleep pattern disruption or dehydration, which are both themselves also potential triggers. There are some suggestions about identifying and minimizing these other potential issues here, since most of us can't control the weather!


Conselyeal3 karma

I’ve recently been diagnosed with a migraine variant. Specifically, hemeplegic migraines. Any advice so that this doesn’t take over my life? I’m having a really hard time dealing with the fact that this can sometimes come out of nowhere and scare the hell out of everybody around me because it looks like I’m having a seizure. I am on medicine, and it is helping, I’m just looking for any other tips. Thanks!

MoveAgainstMigraine3 karma

I am going to link a "migraine essentials" page for you that is good information for people who have just begun living with migraine.

Hudsonsmom33 karma

Has there been any/enough research done yet on how covid affects people with migraine?

I’ve had migraine since I was about 8 years old and it’s always been decently managed. I contracted covid in December of 2020 and ever since I’ve had very few days without migraine/head pain and my symptoms have almost gotten worse. I have never vomited from the pain before but that happens now, my nausea is through the roof, etc. almost like everything was elevated.

When I had covid I had no respiratory symptoms, only neurological symptoms - lost taste/smell, constant headache pain, etc.

I am just curious if the 2 are connected or if it’s all in my head.

P.S. THANK YOU for taking the time to answer these questions! 💜

MoveAgainstMigraine5 karma

There have been people reporting worsening of their headache disorders after infection with Covid19 and also people who did not previously have a headache disorder that note new headaches after Covid 19 infection. This is actually an area of high interest in the field right now and many in the field are trying to look at the patterns that are being seen after Covid 19. Papers are just beginning to be published on this matter, and I suspect we will know more in the coming months. So I can't say that we understand exactly what is happening, I can at least say you are not alone and there are other patients who report similar things to your experience - JG

MoveAgainstMigraine5 karma

Great question. I recommend you speak to your healthcare provider given this change in your headache pattern. A few things may be at play here which are worth exploring with them. For one, headache has been a commonly reported symptom of COVID even in people who do not have a prior history of headache or migraine. Second, migraine is a condition that can be sensitive to any changes in one's life or health. A big health change, like having COVID, may have changed your migraine threshold and the symptoms you experience with your migraines. It would be worth exploring this all with your healthcare provider.


_xamas_3 karma

Can migrains go away by itself?

MoveAgainstMigraine8 karma

Migraine is a lifelong brain disorder, and most people are always susceptible to migraine attacks if they have migraine. However, many people do have headache improvement in later life. For example, many women have migraine improvement after menopause. -CS

HarshaModukuri3 karma

My migraine ranges from a mild headache to vomitings, lasting for a couple of days sometimes. I usually take paracetamol + caffeine and now I observe it doesn't work sometimes. I feel my migraine is pretty random and has no cause effect sequence. Is it possible? Also is there a way I can identify my triggers and avoid migraine altogether?

MoveAgainstMigraine4 karma

Most people with migraine find that, like you, they have different severities of migraine attacks. Not every attack has to have an identifiable trigger. Sometimes things people think of as triggers are actually just an indication of a migraine attack starting - for example, some people have cravings for specific food (chocolate is a common one) as a migraine attack is starting, and then afterwards think they triggered the attack by eating the food, while in fact the migraine attack made their brain want that food in the first place. Keeping track of headaches and any potential triggers with a diary can be helpful, but unfortunately this may not eliminate all attacks. A helpful article about triggers and why attacks happen is here:


blueseaso3 karma

Hi & thanks for taking our questions . It’s much appreciated. I tried zolmitriptan for the first time a few days ago. Within about 50 mins , I got this strange feeling in my head- very unpleasant headache but not my usual one / and have never had this before. I also got a burning sensation in my throat ( drinking a cup of tea that would not normally give me that / on my face ( while in shower- again would not do this & needed to turn the dial way down ) and my head ( drying my hair0 again at normal setting for me & had to turn it down to cool ). My face and neck area may have been a bit red ( uniformly - not a blotchy red / urticarial type reaction). I had no lip or tongue swelling / no shortness of breath. No wheeze / no palpitations etc . The burning sensation lasted a few hours . The headache was the worst I have gotten in about 5 years . My question is - would you consider the burning sensation to be an allergy type reaction or non allergic side effect? Would it mean that I would get this reaction to other triptans ? Should I avoid other triptans altogether ? The Dr advised if one didn’t work in aborting the headache , another triptan could . However, I would not try another one if I was at risk of an allergic reaction and possibly a more severe allergic reaction with next exposure. Many thanks.

MoveAgainstMigraine5 karma

I recommend discussing this with your doctor to ensure you're staying safe! -CS

ExtensionLake96683 karma

I’ve been having migraines for 37 years and I’m not sure what to do anymore to relieve pain? Any suggestions?

MoveAgainstMigraine3 karma

Hi! Have you seen a doctor that is a certified Headache Medicine Specialist? If not, you might consider using the AMF Find a Doctor tool (link below) to see if you have any physicians who are specialists near you that might be a good fit! - JG

Double_Fault_2x3 karma

Why do some people say migraine and some use migraines? What is the correct way of saying it? Thanks for doing this awesome AMA!

MoveAgainstMigraine3 karma

So there is a bit of difference in the way people use the term for sure! Many people use "migraine" when they are referring to the disease itself. Migraine is a neurological disease that is one of the many headache disorders that occur in humans, and it is typified by attacks with certain clinical features. The attacks themselves are often frequently called "a migraine". When people say "migraines" in the plural, they are usually referring to multiple attacks. I like to say "migraine" to refer to the disease state itself and say "migraine attack or attacks" to describe the individual episodes. - JG

RightNearDaBeatch2 karma

Why do so few doctors refer to acupuncturists to help with migraines, and what can be done to change that?

MoveAgainstMigraine1 karma

In my own practice, the biggest barrier for patients to see an acupuncturist has been 1) cost and 2) availability/accessibility. The fact that this therapy is not often covered by insurance has been difficult for many people to pursue when I bring it up to them as an option. A better understanding of integrative treatments and making them accessible for people who have migraine would be helpful, but might be a larger conversation. -RHS

ReddithPiaf_2 karma

I suffer from menstrual migraines. Could you explain why the sudden drop in estrogen and progesterone triggers a migraine every month? Are there any dietary changes you would recommend to regulate these hormones and—hopefully—prevent menstrual migraines?

MoveAgainstMigraine1 karma

We think that the estrogen drop at onset of menstrual periods is the biggest trigger for a menstrually-related migraine attack. Estrogen is important for pain signalling because it impacts pathways involving chemicals such as serotonin which are important for migraine, as well as the natural pain receptors the brain expresses. The attacks around menstrual periods can be more intense than at other times of month in some people for these reasons.

Unfortunately most dietary changes don't impact hormone levels, but some supplements such as magnesium can be helpful. There are some medication strategies such as mini-prevention with triptans or NSAIDs which are helpful for some women with predictable menstrually-related attacks, and in some cases hormone treatments designed to minimize periods or decrease the estrogen drop around periods can be helpful. You should speak to your own doctor about specific options that might be safe for you, but more details about these strategies in general can be found here:


Ghastly1872 karma

Can my chronic cluster headaches be the result of an undiagnosed blown out sinus that resulted from flying in an unpressurized aircraft and climbing and descending from heights of 8000 ft above sea level to near 100 ft above sea level?

MoveAgainstMigraine1 karma

Cluster headache-like headaches can sometimes result from structural causes. I would encourage you to discuss this question with your Headache Provider. If you don’t have a Headache provider, you can use the AMF’s Find a Doctor tool to find a provider near you.

Find a Doctor Database


ariavi2 karma

Why are so many people still being told they cannot take birth control with estrogen if we know that:

a) the research linking estrogen to an increased stroke risk if you have migraine with aura is outdated and likely irrelevant at low doses;

b) so many people misunderstand aura and likely are just describing photo sensitivity with 1-2 headaches per year?

MoveAgainstMigraine1 karma

Thank you for these thoughtful questions. Careful history taking is definitely important to ensure that the diagnosis of migraine with aura is accurate. The discussion regarding using birth control with estrogen in patients with migraine with aura needs to be based on the individual risk-benefit analysis taking into consideration the available research, guidelines and the individuals informed health wishes.


[deleted]2 karma


MoveAgainstMigraine1 karma

Migraine is more common in women, and many women experience a hormonal relationship with their attacks. It's not uncommon for women to experience a change in migraine frequency after childbirth and the accompanying hormonal shifts. - RHS

bazzalinch2 karma

Hi I get severe migraine caused by LCD screens and certain types of lighting(led and CFLs) I suspect it is flicker causing my problems. If you research older non energy efficient light bulbs they flicker less as the they are slow to turn on or off.

With LCD screens it seems to be the fast refreshing of picture that over stimulates my brain. I get dizzy, cannot sleep, jaw clenching, anxiety, joint pain and headaches.

I find probiotics and magnesium a good help.

Is it common to have problems with LCD screens and energy efficient light bulbs?

How do I know if I am suffering from migraine or if it is some form of epilepsy or something like that?

My symptoms are very severe. I have an appointment with a neurologist coming up but all help is greatly appreciated.

MoveAgainstMigraine1 karma

Migraine is diagnosed by formal diagnostic criteria. To meet criteria, people need to have at least 5 lifetime attacks, lasting at least 4 hours, with the pain having at least 2 of the following 4 features: 1) it's more intense on one side, 2) it can throb or pulsate, 3) it's moderate to severe in intensity, and 4) it's worse with activity. You only need to have 2 of those symptoms to meet criteria. In addition, with the pain, people need to have either nausea or sensitivity to light and sound. Many people who have migraine are sensitive to light. Seeing a neurologist to go over specific symptoms is a good idea. To best prepare for the appointment, the American Migraine Foundation has some resources that can be accessed here:


lemony_accio2 karma

A few months ago, I had a really bad headache that came on every day for about 2 weeks at about 5 PM and didn't go away til I went to sleep. It was focused around my right eye and temple. My doctor prescribed me Indomethacin and said to take it when it happens again to see if I have hemicrania continua. But it hasn't happened again. I still get baby headaches every now and then, but I'm not sure if they are "enough" or "the right kind" of headache to take the medicine to properly diagnose the hemicrania.

Do you suggest I just take the indomethacin next time I have a headache, or should I wait for that "particular" type of headache that felt more migraine-y?

MoveAgainstMigraine1 karma

We're glad you're feeling better! In terms of the future, being aware of "red flags" is a good way to assess whether you should seek help:

With as needed medications for headache, provided that there are no red flags present, in general they tend to work best when the pain is mild. However, using as-needed medications more than or 10 days per month can sometimes contribute to headache worsening. So if you find that you are needing to use something that's prescribed to be taken "as needed" more than 10 days/month, or close to that, it's a good idea to see your doctor for an evaluation of the plan.


Murmullo_De_Invierno2 karma

Hi! Thanks for doing this! I have a question regarding me: So I (F27) suffer from migraines since my early teen years, but this has happened to me only for the last two or tree years. My nose starts to itch some days, just one nostrill after an hour the itchiness travels all the way up the nose to my forhead and a Migraine starts. Some have told me this could be an aura, BUT the thing is that the itchiness is caused by something specific: the smell of humidity, not the humidity alone. So I thought it was an alergy.

So my question is: What do you think about it? Does it sound like an aura? Can allergies give you a migrane? And if it is an aura, should I take my medicine as soon as I start feeling the itchiness, to try to prevent the Migraine?

Thanks for taking the time to read this. Have a nice day.

MoveAgainstMigraine1 karma

Environmental allergies can definitely be a migraine trigger for some people. Nose itching does not meet strict criteria for aura, but could be a prodrome, as people can have a variety of warning signs that a migraine attack is coming, from fatigue, certain cravings, early nausea, among others. - RHS

[deleted]1 karma


MoveAgainstMigraine2 karma

There are several new areas of migraine treatment in development. Many of these are targeting the molecule CGRP which we know is important in migraine. Research into the mechanisms of migraine is always ongoing, and we keep learning about new areas to target all the time. There are also some new non-medication strategies that are up-and-coming, including some of the neuromodulation devices which are intended to change pain processing from the outside in. -CS

morifo1 karma

Why do I get really strong salt cravings when I have migraines? context: hemicrania + chronic migraine + have 1 kidney from birth.

MoveAgainstMigraine1 karma

There is something called a migraine prodrome or premonitory phase that people can sometimes get cravings in. This may be a helpful link to see if it applies to your symptoms:

SinisterCheese1 karma

What is it exactly that happens when the aura happens.

Because I only suffer from having the aura, it last like 30 mins, from start to finish. Why is it that it is only thing I get? It is officially diagnosed and all. But I just find interesting that I just get and bit of nausea and anixiety.

And how come that it follows strict pattern and schedule to almost a accuracy of a minute.

MoveAgainstMigraine1 karma

Some people who experience migraine have only the aura component without headace. We have an article on aura published just a few months ago on the American Migraine Foundation where you can learn more:


Olivia9951 karma

What is the latest research on the causes of Migraine? (besides the typical genetics, stress, lack of sleep ect.)

Pyriel1 karma

I get migraines about once a year, with full aura, word salad and mind fog for a day or two afterwards.

I was using sumatriptin, but now I recognise the early symptoms and an ibuprofen usually stops it in its tracks.

However, I rarely get any pain.

Is this unusual?

MoveAgainstMigraine2 karma

Many people note that when they have an aura before their migraine the actual pain is less than when they have a migraine that occurs without the aura. Patient who have an aura with their migraine attacks do not necessarily always have an aura, and this difference between the head pain in the different attacks has been described. - JG

Florida20001 karma

Can I grow out of my trigger being aspertame? I miss diet soda and foods with aspertame but everytime lead to a migraine. How do I get past this?

MoveAgainstMigraine2 karma

When we think about migraine triggers, it is important to consider that each person with migraine has a "migraine threshold". If our migraine threshold is lowered then being exposed to a trigger may tip us over into a migraine. There are a number of ways we can boost our migraine threshold including lifestyle measures such as SEEDS for success in headache management, including Sleep hygiene, Exercising regularly, Eating healthy and regular meals, Drinking water and maintaining a headache Diary, and Stress reduction. But also sometimes starting a preventive therapy can help boost our migraine threshold. I recommend you speak to your healthcare provider to see if there are preventive treatment options for you. If you don’t have a healthcare provider, you can use the AMF’s Find a Doctor tool to find a provider near you.


Commercial_Strength51 karma

Is it normal to develop new 'triggers' for migraines? I never had a problem with sleeping more than 7 hours before, but recently, my migraine trigger has been sleeping for more than 7 hours. I am just scared than eventually everything will become a migraine trigger

MoveAgainstMigraine1 karma

When we think about migraine triggers, it is important to consider that each person with migraine has a "migraine threshold". This migraine threshold can fluctuate overtime. If our migraine threshold is lowered then being exposed to a trigger may tip us over into a migraine. There are a number of ways we can boost our migraine threshold including lifestyle measures such as SEEDS for success in headache management, including Sleep hygiene, Exercising regularly, Eating healthy and regular meals, Drinking water and maintaining a headache Diary, and Stress reduction. But also sometimes starting a preventive therapy can help boost our migraine threshold. I recommend you speak to your healthcare provider to see if there are preventive treatment options for you. If you don’t have a healthcare provider, you can use the AMF’s Find a Doctor tool to find a provider near you.

Mesota221 karma

What can I do against my Tension headaches? They come from my Jaw, neck, shoulders and upper back area. Im still 15 and having those headaches 24/7.

MoveAgainstMigraine1 karma

I recommend you speak to your healthcare provider to find a treatment that works for you. They may also need to engage other providers such as Physical Medicine doctors and Physical therapists to help with neck and back concerns and TMJ specialists to help with the jaw. If you don’t have a healthcare provider, you can use the AMF’s Find a Doctor tool to find a provider near you.


ariavi1 karma

Given the significant population that suffers from both migraine and narcolepsy/hypersomnia, why do so few neurologists treat or work in practices that address both conditions?

MoveAgainstMigraine1 karma

Thank you for sharing this question. Unfortunately, there are very few Headache Specialists to start with so finding one who also specializes in sleep conditions can be even more difficult. Often a multi-disciplinary care team, including a Headache clinician, Sleep provider, etc, is required to be able to address all of the medical conditions for an individual patient.


Mortar91 karma

Hi, I've been taking teva-zolmitriptan to help with migraine attacks. While I don't have precise stats, I observed that I went from taking 0.5 per week to 1 per week the second year. (Sometimes I took like 4 in the span of two weeks, and than none for two weeks. My doctor gave me a prescription solely because I asked him about it but doesn't know much about it. Does its efficiency decrease the more you take them or is that just me?

MoveAgainstMigraine1 karma

The effectiveness of migraine treatments can fluctuate over time but it is not a rule that they will loose effectiveness over time. If you are finding that you are consistently needing to use a higher dose of your medication and also use it more frequently, it would be helpful to review with your provider if other treatment options may be better and depending on how often you get your migraines even considering a preventive treatment. I recommend you speak to your healthcare provider to find a treatment that works for you. If you don’t have a healthcare provider, you can use the AMF’s Find a Doctor tool to find a provider near you.

Find a Doctor Database


ariavi1 karma

Have you ever heard of someone with Chronic Daily Migraine (20+ years) developing sudden onset rocking dizziness (like being on a raft in the ocean, 24/7) with no vestibular origin (negative VNG)?

MoveAgainstMigraine1 karma

Yes. There are many conditions that can be associated with rocking dizziness but normal VNG such as vestibular migraine or PPPD (persistent postural-perceptual dizziness). I recommend you speak to your healthcare provider to see if any of those conditions may apply to you.


GoHawkYurself1 karma

I usually get migraines on the right side of my head behind my eye. Today I have an enormous headache on the back of my head with all my usually symptoms except eye pain and light sensitivity. Is this normal? Or is this not a migraine that I am experiencing? If it is just a normal, but intense headache, is there any remedies? I already took my migraine medication and it hasn't done anything, and I'm scared to take another.

MoveAgainstMigraine1 karma

People who have migraine can sometimes have attacks that feel different from what they are generally used to. However, if this pain feels very different, or has any "red flags," or your medication isn't helping, it's a good idea to reach out to your doctor for next steps.


kevinthecat101 karma

Is loss of feeling in your limbs normal? Happened to me once a couple years ago, I lost feeling in my hand after the loss of eyesight (conveniently on the same side)

MoveAgainstMigraine1 karma

People can sometimes have a sensory aura - that could be what you experienced, especially if a headache followed.


1lilsmurf1 karma

I have suffered with migraines for 12 years and get at least 1 per week. Ranges from severe bed bound and being sick with an aura before hand, to just mild discomfort (got used to them for the most part). I have been on 3 or 4 triptans and then given cocodamol as a pain killer, despite them being a cause of headaches but they are the only thing to actually help the pain (sometimes).

I saw a head specialist who said his research was into sleep patterns, but despite sleeping earlier, I still get these migraines. I have been tracking my sleep on my smart watch which seems to show I get less sleep than I thought and only have a lot of light sleep, with limited deep and REM sleep. Do you think my sleep could be worth looking into further?

MoveAgainstMigraine1 karma

Sleep can influence migraine attacks, but at the end of the day, migraine is a genetic problem. If you have had a thorough sleep evaluation but still have frequent migraine attacks, you might need a different plan, and perhaps even a preventive treatment.