Sorry for the last post, I didn't realize it would be removed, just thought I would get more questions to reply to later on... Lets Do It Live!!

"You were born to win, but to be a winner, you must plan to win, prepare to win, & expect to win..."

Jeffrey Michael Jordan.... Son of Michael Jeffrey Jordan ,co-owner of Heir513, former University of Illinois/University of Central Florida basketball player, creator of

...In need of some inspiration to help me write my up coming book.Aiming to release it before the end of the year!

help?---> AMA!!! - @Heirjordan13 @heirjordan513

Comments: 514 • Responses: 23  • Date: 

Helpful_Table_Maker1107 karma

Question Answer
Why did you leave the team? Did you want more focus on academics, or was there some other reason? Honestly, there was no negative tension, action, conversation, etc. that occurred between myself and The UCF Basketball program. Mainly, I came to a point in my life where I wanted to focus on things outside of basketball and to explore the opportunities beyond the sport. After talking to my parents, I felt that in order to reach my full potential as a person, I needed to step away from the game and give more thought to my future.
What are your plans after school? What do you want to be when you grow up? Honestly, I have many interests in many subjects and would like to be some sort of a modern day renaissance man.
What made you decide to do a Reddit AMA? Are Marcus and AJ secretly Redditors as well? S/O to my man @kypade on twitter for putting me on the reddit game.
What did you like most about the school? I enjoyed and continue to enjoy the people involved within the UCF Knight family, mainly I noticed the professors/teachers were very different then what I was used to coming from the University of Illinois... but in a positive way where they were more accessible and easy to talk to... *(beautiful campus, beautiful people, welcoming atmosphere)
What did you like about it the least? i would definitely say the 30 min-2 hours parking search issue was the first thing that popped into my mind. I just feel like there should be better ways for the students of UCF to travel across campus on a day-to-day basis.
What's the best advice your father ever gave to you? " Play for the love of the game. The day the game stops becoming fun... stop playing."
Have you ever felt that you'd be living in your father's shadow playing basketball? Never thought about that when I started... I began playing at 3 so I didn't realize what would come in the future.... I just loved the game.
Were you recruited by or did you have any interest in playing at the University of Michigan? I was never officially recruited by UoM, I received letters of interest. My brother Marcus (@sasbmj) had more interest in going to UoM than I did--yet, I do have a lot of friends that go there and love the school.
What are you studying at UCF? I began studying Psychology for three years at the University of Illinois. I transferred into UCF as an Interdisciplinary Studies Major, Which included Behavioral Studies as a Major, Communications as a Minor, and health as an area of study.
When do you plan on graduating? I plan on graduating in the Fall.
What is the single most important thing you want to accomplish in your life? Wow...choose one? I don't know, I would say to be successful number 1, but number 2--make change(s) in the world that are meaningful and long lasting, if not permanent...
How much time do you spend with your dad? Its always a roller coaster when it comes to being able to spend quality time with him. Timing-wise, he's got a lot going on, I have a lot on my plate with projects that I am pursuing, and obviously Marcus has to deal with his duties as a teammate and as a student--so this makes it pretty tough. But we usually try to take one guys trip with all of us together at least once a year...
How much does your father contribute to the UCF basketball program as morale is concerned with you attending there, and Marcus as a big face there. My father prefers to work more behind the scenes... he would give us advice after games that he was at or watched on TV, but besides that he just wants us to have fun.
What do you think of Shaka Smart as a coach, and their run to the Final Four? I've never gotten the chance to talk to Coach Smart personally but from what I've seen in games and interviews, I think he is a great coach who truly understands the game-(the politics). You can tell he is the type of guy that just wants to win and wants his players to succeed. Gotta love that!
Looking back on your dad as a role model and father why are some things you would definitely do as a father? More than anything, I would make sure that my kids have the opportunity to interact and communicate with kids and adults of all races, ethnicities,and cultures to ensure that they have a well-round view of the world.
What are some things you definitely would not do [as a father]? WoW! ummm.... Mainly, I would definitely try not to give any other type of criticism but constructive criticism.

heirjordan137 karma

Love the TableMaker... as a new reddit user ThumbsUp

Johnnybravo60025392 karma

You probably don't remember this, but I'll go for it anyways.

When I was 6-7 ('95 or '96) Scottie Pippen's son, Antron, was on my basketball team at the Northbook, IL YMCA. Towards the end of the season, your family had our whole team over to your house in Highland Park. A group of us played basketball with you guys and the we played tennis on the court out back. That was one of the best days of my life because you and your whole family were SOOO nice to us. Your Dad at the time was my idol (And still is) and meeting him was one of the coolest opportunities in my life.

I just wanted to post that and thank you and your family for having a group of annoying 7 year olds over to your house!

heirjordan134 karma

Of Course... glad that it gave you a positive memory/experience... I gotta get back on my tennis gam too! thanks for reminding me lol....

keith7812305 karma

Two of the most popular questions submitted on the first AMA were in regards to Space Jam:

pizzano23: Did you grow up watching Space Jam?

transit_: Did you ever meet the kid who portrayed you in Space Jam? Did you fight him?

heirjordan138 karma

To be honest, Ive watched the entire movie beginning to end maybe three times max, I've seen it countless times from different points, like any other movie...

Yeah I met the kid, seemed cool, to this day I couldn't imagine having to go through all the hassles of make up and set rehearsal and all that like he did... but he was like 13 and i was like 7... (Had to beat him in one on one tho, still no mercy especially for my counterpart lol)

heirjordan1333 karma

Posted on my twitter page-->!/heirjordan13/status/165992544231096320


jerr032832 karma

Many UCF fans have been wondering this: why did you leave the team? Did you want more focus on academics, or was there some other reason?

heirjordan1393 karma

Honestly, there was no negative tension, action, conversation, etc. that occurred between myself and The UCF Basketball program. Mainly, I came to a point in my life where I wanted to focus on things outside of basketball and to explore the opportunities beyond the sport. After talking to my parents, I felt that in order to reach my full potential as a person, I needed to step away from the game and give more thought to my future.

jerr032816 karma

Glad to hear that it was all good. Follow-up question: what are your plans after school? (Or the infamous: What do you want to be when you grow up?)

Also, what made you decide to do a Reddit AMA? Are Marcus and AJ secretly Redditors as well?

heirjordan1331 karma

Honestly, I have many interests in many subjects and would like to be some sort of a modern day renaissance man. and S/O to my man @kypade on twitter for putting me on the reddit game.... :-)) #Knowledge

sfade5 karma

Former UCF student here. Could you elaborate on your thoughts about your near future? After school, do you plan on a graduate degree, do you want to travel, join the work force, start your own business, write a second book?

heirjordan1318 karma

D. all of the above.... :) travel first maybe

oktravis28 karma

how many bulls game would you go to on average growing up? were nba arenas like a playground to you?

also, do you have any particular standout memory/memories as a child of being at any of your dad's big games?

heirjordan1384 karma

In particular, I remember being at home during Game 6 in Utah of the 98 finals and my family watching the game in our basement... The moment he hit "the last shot" I will never forget. (Obviously couldn't go because I had school the next day, and moms wasn't having it).

90823 karma

whats the best advice your father ever gave to you

heirjordan13109 karma

" Play for the love of the game. The day the game stops becoming fun... stop playing."

hunteridol21 karma

Hey. Current UCF student here. What did you like most about the school? What did you like about it the least?

heirjordan1330 karma

Great Question... I enjoyed and continue to enjoy the people involved within the UCF Knight family, mainly I noticed the professors/teachers were very different then what I was used to coming from the University of Illinois... but in a positive way where they were more accessible and easy to talk to... *(beautiful campus, beautiful people, welcoming atmosphere)

The Least??? i would definitely say the 30 min-2 hours parking search issue was the first thing that popped into my mind. I just feel like there should be better ways for the students of UCF to travel across campus on a day-to-day basis.

puppetmaster516 karma

Have you ever felt that you'd be living in your father's shadow playing basketball?

heirjordan1346 karma

Never thought about that when I started... I began playing at 3 so I didn't realize what would come in the future.... I just loved the game.

M0D3RNW4RR10R13 karma

How much does your father contribute to the UCF basketball program as morale is concerned with you attending there, and Marcus as a big face there. Also I must say this since I am a student at VCU, but what do you think of Shaka Smart as a coach, and their run to the Final Four?

heirjordan1323 karma

My father prefers to work more behind the scenes... he would give us advice after games that he was at or watched on TV, but besides that he just wants us to have fun.

I've never gotten the chance to talk to Coach Smart personally but from what I've seen in games and interviews, I think he is a great coach who truly understands the game-(the politics). You can tell he is the type of guy that just wants to win and wants his players to succeed. Gotta love that!

ghalfrunt12 karma

Looking back on your dad as a role model and father why are some things you would definitely do as a father? What are some things you definitely would not do?

heirjordan1325 karma

More than anything, I would make sure that my kids have the opportunity to interact and communicate with kids and adults of all races, ethnicities,and cultures to ensure that they have a well-round view of the world.

Question number 2..WoW! ummm.... Mainly, I would definitely try not to give any other type of criticism but constructive criticism.

kboshell9711 karma

What is the single most important thing you want to accomplish in your life?

heirjordan1329 karma

Wow...choose one? I don't know, I would say to be successful number 1, but number 2--make change(s) in the world that are meaningful and long lasting, if not permanent....

fourvalleys11 karma

I've always wondered how much time you spend with your dad. I understand he's got a lot going on, but also probably has a greater ability to get someplace more easily and quickly than most people.

heirjordan1320 karma

Its always a roller coaster when it comes to being able to spend quality time with him. Timing-wise, he's got a lot going on, I have a lot on my plate with projects that I am pursuing, and obviously Marcus has to deal with his duties as a teammate and as a student--so this makes it pretty tough. But we usually try to take one guys trip with all of us together at least once a year...

keith78128 karma

Were you recruited by or did you have any interest in playing at the University of Michigan?

Given that Jordan Dumars, Tim Hardaway Jr., Jon Horford, and Glenn Robinson III were all on/will be on the team in the last few years, I have to think that it's more than a coincidence that there are so many sons of former NBA stars on the team.

heirjordan1314 karma

I was never officially recruited by UoM, I received letters of interest. My brother Marcus (@sasbmj) had more interest in going to UoM than I did--yet, I do have a lot of friends that go there and love the school.

CCprime6 karma

Do you think your grandfather was killed over gambling debts?

heirjordan137 karma

I have doubts about everything that occurred in regard to my grandfather's murder.... I will get more into that in my book as well! #staytuned

heirjordan136 karma

Im reading all Comments, trust me... But there is some info I want to save for and my future book so Ill answer as much as possible!!! keep em coming....

DominicDom3 karma

How come another person played you, as michael's child in Space Jam?

heirjordan134 karma

Good question, and one I will talk about more in depth later, but At the time, my parents were insecure about me beginning an acting career... they tried to protect us from the spotlight as much as possible... #StayTuned

heirjordan133 karma

Also keep in mind I was 5 or 6 years old at the time...

funkbitch2 karma

I might be a little late to the party.. I grew up with a kid who claimed his dad was one of your dad's bodyguards. The kid's name was Rocky Wosniack. Is this true?

heirjordan132 karma

Rocky is my boy, he was like a brother to me and Marcus growing, but haven't talked to him lately... if you can tell him Jeff J is looking for him lol

Samsy2 karma

Do you think your grandfather was killed because of your father's gambling debts?

heirjordan132 karma

Interesting question and one that I continually look deeper into.... stay tuned I'll give my thoughts on that most likely in my projects, material for my book most likely!!

norma20121 karma

What are u studying at UCF? When do u plan on graduating?

heirjordan1315 karma

I began studying Psychology for three years at the University of Illinois. I transferred into UCF as an Interdisciplinary Studies Major, Which included Behavioral Studies as a Major, Communications as a Minor, and health as an area of study. I plan on graduating in the Fall.