Hi Reddit, I'm Taika Waititi, I'm in NYC getting ready for the US premiere of my movie BOY, which opens here in NYC tomorrow (!) March 2nd.

I wrote directed and showed up in the film, too. I'm going to try to answer as many questions as I can for the next few hours or so...so AMA

Okey dokey, I have to dash away to the Boy opening at the Lincoln Centre in NYC. Thanks for all your questions, sorry if I was a sarcastic dick. I'll be back to respond to more stuff tomorrow. Cheers!

Hi, I'm back again. I'll be A'ing some more Q's in a lil bit, and then I have to run away to A a few more Q's at the cinemas. Today Boy is hitting the big screen in NYC! In the meantime, here is a video of me doing power answers to a bunch of Q's from yesterday. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CeCP419KtDI&feature=youtu.be

Comments: 994 • Responses: 84  • Date: 

TaikaWaititi294 karma

Hello! I'm here and will start typing. I went out last night to celebrate inseminating my female companion so my hands are a tiny bit hungover. Luckily the rest of me is perfectly fine, including my brain, which remains unaffected. Please excuse spelling/grammar mistakes. I'm not perfect. Nearly, but not completely.

paid9mm104 karma

"well dont get her pregnant, thats all"

TaikaWaititi130 karma

Exactly. I didn't listen to my character.

fauxmosexual217 karma

I swear this is a true story. I went to a high school in LA and you crashed our prom after party (Universal Hilton). You ended up taking the virginity of a girl named Roseanna. You didn’t call her afterwards. She cried a lot. Do you remember any of this and can confirm or have you been so knee deep in hollywood pooty for so long that this qualifies as a mere blip?

(shameless subreddit plug: if you're reading this because you're a kiwi but haven't subbed to /r/newzealand, you probably should)

TaikaWaititi203 karma

I think you are my favourite on this page today. I kinda wish this was true - I could use the exposure.

rraaarr75 karma

Also: Rampart?

TaikaWaititi137 karma

Looks great.

allonz-y131 karma

Hi Taika Waititi! I haven't seen Boy yet, but I'm really looking forward to it. I wanted to contribute 10,000 to your Kickstarter, so that I could force you to show me around NZ, but I'm poor : ( My question is: why is it that so many awesome things and people come out of NZ? Your country is, like, tiny, and more than half of you are sheep. Also, congrats on the insemination!

TaikaWaititi227 karma

Thank you. Babies are awesome! Until they come out.

It's okay, I secretly didn't want someone to donate 10k. It's a lot of pressure and there's a flaw with that reward. You have to get yourself to NZ which kinda sucks. No one in NZ has 10k so it has to be someone from here (states) - it should be called the $12,568 pledge.

New Zealanders are desperate to be liked by other people which is why we try really hard. A lot of us will never escape that distant island so we max out on escapism.

MrMattShirley159 karma

"Babies are awesome! Until they come out."

How do you know your baby is going to be gay?

TaikaWaititi230 karma

You bamboozled my words!!!

utunga130 karma

Hey Taika, first time caller, long time reader. love your stuff.

here's the question.. a mate saw you speaking at the showing of Boy downtown NYC yesterday - we want to know were you maybe a little bit high?

TaikaWaititi357 karma

Definitely. Fucking BLAZED.

Midiex130 karma


TaikaWaititi236 karma

Sorry. I was very sober.

[deleted]130 karma

Not sure if really sarcastic, or really into sobriety.

TaikaWaititi243 karma

Okay I OD'd on smack before turning up. Lucky to be alive.

narniabound114 karma

Just recently saw Eagle vs Shark. What would your Fightman Kill-a-thon name be?

TaikaWaititi222 karma


TaikaWaititi176 karma

Taikahontus. A Native American fight-man character.

paid9mm113 karma

he aha to hapu e hoa? whakatohea me te whanau a apanui?

TaikaWaititi93 karma

te whanau a Pararaki me Apanui. Raukokore te rohe.

paid9mm73 karma

think we whakapapa through the Koopu whanau e hoa. he mihi aroha kia koe, me to wahine. congrats on the pepi

TaikaWaititi99 karma


trouserboycott59 karma

Hi Taika, can you tell me what magical sorcery this is?

TaikaWaititi151 karma

This is the ancient Maori tradition of asking "what part of NZ are you from, bro?"

ascheck106 karma

Hi, Taika! My name is Anneliese and I'm a Communication student at Boston University. I really admire your work for your unique vision and the way you understand people. I'm beyond thrilled that Boy will be screening at Kendall Square Cinema in Boston on March 30. I was hoping I could interview you for a profile that I need write for BU, if you have, like, 15 minutes after the screening and Q&A. If you can't, I understand, but it would be incredible if you have the time! Thanks.

TaikaWaititi169 karma

It might work. Why don't you come up and talk to me after the Q&A. Or ask all your questions at the Q&A. It'll be like an interview with lots of other people listening in.

Jononz103 karma

Hey Taika. Don't wanna ask you anything, merely just wanna say that you do us Kiwis proud. Big up!

TaikaWaititi83 karma

I'll answer that by saying THANKS!

ashmaht82 karma

Hi! First of all, thanks for doing this AMA. I think you're awesome and Eagle vs Shark is one of my favorite movies of all time (so naturally I'm looking forward to Boy). I'm a college student majoring in screenwriting in Boston and I'd really like to know how you achieve that perfect balance of sadness and humor in a scene. Do you start off writing the scene with drama and then add jokes? Do you have to come back to a scene intermittently while writing to be in the right frame of mind to write comedy and drama respectively?

Thanks so much!

TaikaWaititi112 karma

Hi. Getting the balance of humour and sadness is a wonderfully hard thing to do. I spent months on both films trying to get it right. You're trying to make a film that is neither all comedy or all drama, it's something in between. The problem with making films like this is they are hard to market - audiences need to know exactly what they are seeing. They know what Spiderman 13 will be like but with a small film from NZ that's sad and charming and funny and poignant etc it's hard to convey that on a poster. Usually my scripts read funny in the first half and depressing in the second, so I have to go through and punch them up with a few gags to balance the 2nd half.

[deleted]61 karma

How does it feel, knowing that your new film premieres on my birthday?

TaikaWaititi83 karma

Very special now.

favorite_joke60 karma

Hello Taika Waititi! What is your favorite joke?

TaikaWaititi389 karma

It's this one I made up.

Knock knock. Who's there? Cabbage. Cabbage who? No second name, it's just a massive cabbage that's been wedged in your doorway and you have no way out except to eat a human shaped hole right through the cabbage. And then, when you get out the other side you discover you're on another planet where humans are food and they're fattened with cabbages.

animatedradio64 karma

I can totally see myself having a nightmare about this now ಠ_ಠ

TaikaWaititi209 karma


I'm behind you.


akacheese53 karma

Hi Taika, I am a huge Boy fan (well that sounded gay), I went twice at the movies and own it on DVD. I saw on the 'Boy' Facebook page that the movie is being well received in America. How many cinemas are you planning on screening it to? Is the American Inbetweeners going to be as hilarious as the British version, or should I not compare the two? As you have known Bret McKenzie and Jermaine Clement for many years, are you surprised at the success you each have had? Was your Oscar-nominated short two cars, one night (not to be confused with two girls, one cup) a somewhat precursor to Boy? Did you give Bret any advice before the Oscar ceremony? You must be very pleased for him. Would you by any chance ask Bret or Jermaine if that they would be willing to do one of these in the future?

Thanks a lot for doing this. (Perhaps your fans back here in New Zealand would appreciate a slightly later time in the day to do it next time, but if I'm being picky tell me to shut the fuck up)

EDIT: typo

TaikaWaititi75 karma

I imagine the British will not like the US InBetweeners because they are grumpy f**ks and hate everything. Americans, especially teens, will love the show. It really is funny.

I'm not happy for Bret. That award should be MINE.

I know, 8am in NZ is crazy early. The cows haven't even started mooing byt then.

ps. Shut the fuck up! :)

TaikaWaititi59 karma

Hurro. I'm a child-molester too! Great that we finally have a forum! Thanks for coming to the film, I really think it's better when it's big. It's a small release here in the states, Angelika and Lincoln ctr in NYC. Then LA on MArch 2. Then SF, Seattle, DC, Boston, Atlanta... from memory.

southbends52 karma

Are you a man or a muppet?

Seriously though, what was it like working with Bret McKenzie? I know you only did an episode or two of Flight of the Concords, but I'm still really curious.

TaikaWaititi97 karma

BM is a very old younger than me friend. He's not perfect y'know.

TaikaWaititi148 karma

He has a massive heroin problem. Massive.

TaikaWaititi138 karma

Oh, I meant he has a massive "being an awesome dude" problem. He can't help being awesome. And polite. And the drugs.

now_in_engrish75 karma

Are you human or doll? All kidding aside, the type of work and Bradley McKenzie what? Although I know that if your flight only two episodes and Concords, I have still interested.

TaikaWaititi69 karma

I prefer this version of you.

ChewbaccasCousinDick47 karma

Can we see some of your sweet Michael Jackson dance moves?

TaikaWaititi110 karma

I have no idea how to type them. I'd probably break the internet.

AdvocateDiaboli47 karma

Hi, thanks for doing this AMA. I am a huge fan and love Eagle vs Shark, Two Cars One Night and Boy (of course). When I watch your movies I feel like I have met the characters in them before, they just seem so real and familiar. I don't know if it's just because I'm from New Zealand too, so I can really relate or if you're just bad-ass at writing great characters. So my question is do the characters you write represent real people you know in life? Especially Lily, I reckon everyone knows a Lily.

And also, what do you think is the third best animal?

TaikaWaititi89 karma

It's because I stole your life.

I feel those characters are very New Zealand, aren't they? I think the depressed suburban New Zealand is a very, very interesting place. All my characters are based on friends and family.

I'm surrounded by weirdos.

sciamoscia43 karma

Since there are a lot of Americans on this thread, I wanted to know what being a New Zealander means for you.

Ex: I'm an American, and I believe in guns and freedom.

TaikaWaititi179 karma

I'm a New Zealander and I believe in swords and sorcery.

TaikaWaititi113 karma

Really, NZers are humble (to the point of being annoying) and don't like to make a big deal out of anything. Ex: Edmund Hilary was first to climb Everest. He comes back down and someone says "You're amazing! What was it like??" He says something like "Oh yeah, it was ok I guess".

[deleted]60 karma

"We knocked the bugger off."

TaikaWaititi113 karma

Presactly. But he would have mumbled it and shuffled his foot and looked around as if he didn't want to be there.

TonyBattie6936 karma

Had the pleasure of seeing Boy while studying abroad in New Zealand (American here) at the Paradiso in Wanaka. What a cool theatre, and an awesome place to see the movie. Loved it so much, and I'm very happy to see the good reception it's getting and here. It makes me nostalgic for my abroad experience - New Zealand is a wonderful place.

Anyway, some questions might be nice:

  • How did you find James Rolleston? He's great.
  • What took you so long to get this to the US?
  • This movie made me girlfriend really sad. Y u make my girlfriend so sad?

Nothing else, just wanted to show my appreciation.

TaikaWaititi56 karma

Kind regards. Thanks for the words. James was cast as an extra in the classroom and because the original actor was getting too old we had to find someone else. James was sort of hanging around the production office looking for scraps of food or something so I took pity on him and made him a megastar in his hometown.

US distribution took a while because our sales agents were morons and tried to play hardball in a recession. We are self-distributing, which feels cooler, and it took a little time to raise $$ to do so.

Sorry about your chick. You might need to remind her it's all make-believe.

TonyBattie6930 karma

Thanks for the words of wisdom. I'll be sure to tell her.

Come down to Tampa, Florida and show your movie. I'll buy you some beer and a couple of hookers.

TaikaWaititi41 karma

I'm in. What day?

TonyBattie6924 karma

Whenever, man. Hookers around here work 24/7, 365. And I'm always around to buy you them.

Really though, if you have some extra time, do a showing in Tampa. I can try and connect you with some hipsters who could maybe help.

TaikaWaititi91 karma

Woooah, you just went back on your offer. I distinctly heard you say "hookers", and now you're saying "hipsters". Losing trust here mate.

TaikaWaititi59 karma

You meant to say "hipsters and bees". You want to introduce me to hip bee-keepers.

paulfknwalsh34 karma

yeah gudday. I met you in welli a long time ago when you were showing some of your paintings over the road from Midnight Espresso. Well, I assume they were your paintings, but I was taking a lot of LSD that year. There was one of a guy in a bathtub that i really liked. however I may have broken into a house and stared at a guy in a bathtub for ten minutes. Anyway do you still get to do much painting, or has the camera taken over?

Also, who was your favourite lecturer at Vic? I was a couple years below you at fairlie terrace.. John Downie is awesome ain't he?

TaikaWaititi55 karma

Dude, that exhibition was YESTERDAY!!! You're fucked up!

JD and Philip Mann. And David Carnegie. All super cool.

I do lots of illustration and drawing but can't really paint these days as I'm busy and traveling makes it hard. When I settle down again I will paint more people taking baths. Like.... You.

skelerina30 karma

Loved "Boy" and loved "Eagle Vs Shark". Congrats on getting enough money together for the US release. I donated $20! :)

TaikaWaititi65 karma

Thank you! Consider this a tax receipt.

fuzzyshorts30 karma

Alright, two questions. Overall, are maori girls hot or like greek women, when they are hot they are very hot and when they're not, they're extremely hideous with moles and unibrows and thick calves? And do they like black guys from america?

ps- Conchords is hilarious and Boy looks like a great movie. Thenk you.

TaikaWaititi160 karma

They are super hot. My one is the hottest and then they decrease in hotness from her down. Some look like they were cobbled together from bits of play-dough by a blind person with no arms. But you get that everywhere. They love black guys from america. Except mine, she hates black guys. She hates all other men except me. Stay the fuck away, dude.

Bret1623 karma

Which celebrity would you like to work with?

TaikaWaititi135 karma

My diiiiiiick!

Sorry, my inner 15 year-old love dick jokes.

I would have loved to work with Peter Sellers. Also I think the entire cast of Twilight is simply incredible. I'd love to work with them. On the edge of a cliff.

vcinbc22 karma

Kia ora! I watched Boy twice on return flight from NZ in May 2010, (right after spending a few days on East Cape) & again at a film festival here in Vancouver last year. Am a very big fan of the movie and wonder if you could talk about the locations. Going to NZ again this April w/my sister and would love some tips on what we should do and see around your hometown. Many thanks!

TaikaWaititi39 karma

Locations were all around the cape. Waihau Bay is my home town and is where we shot the whole film. There's nt much to do there - 1 shop which is also the post office, gas station, and take-out joint. It only has about 3 cans of baked beans for sale, and they're probably about 30 years old. There's also a pub which does better business than the store.

dermballs22 karma

What is your record in a game of Horse? Mine's 43.

TaikaWaititi37 karma

Actually Loren (she played Lily) made that game up. It ruined many road trips. I think I got to about 12.

dermballs20 karma

Amateur. That or there are just more horses in the Irish country side over the New Zealand country side. A friend and I were taking a bus trip and we were drawn and it was getting dark soon. It got really intense, there wasn't a horse for maybe 10 minutes. Then we both saw one at the same time, we both shouted horse a little bit too loudly making the entire bus turn around and laugh at us. You now know my shame.

TaikaWaititi50 karma

But does it sound a little bit morbid in your accent? Hearse!!!

TaikaWaititi31 karma

I'm glad that game works in Irish accents!

liverails22 karma

Taika, I'm a Kiwi Bret, living in the US and, like FoTC Bret, get called Brit. And many think I'm either Australian or English. Merikans seem to have little tolerance/aptitude for distinguishing accents and names. What's the best mispronunciation of your own name?

TaikaWaititi41 karma

Takeata, sometimes Taco.

TaikaWaititi15 karma


wowweewooway21 karma

i have got a couple questions 1. what is one movie you hate 2. is it flubber? 3. why isn't it flubber? 4. and what do you think of reddit?

TaikaWaititi81 karma

  1. All Twilight movies.
  2. See above. I haven't seen Flubber.
  3. I haven't fucking seen Flubber, okay?!
  4. I quite like it, way better than Flubber.

fupduck21 karma

Can you tell more about your decision to change your name, about how the mix of cultures you grew up in has informed your work, and how (if you can find a way to explain it) your Maori roots influence your style and the art that you create and bring to the rest of the world.

Also - congratulations! You must be the happiest girl in the whole restaurant!

TaikaWaititi73 karma

Thank you. Girl. Waititi is my father's name, Cohen is my mother's. They never married, I'm a bastard. I'm also a shape-shifter. I'm using the body of a Maori guy right now but it could change later. ie, get fatter. I've always used those names throughout my life - depending on what government agency is looking for me. Being Maori is like being a god.

ThundarrtheRedditor17 karma

Do you think you'll get a bad ass tā moko before you shape change again or what?

TaikaWaititi33 karma

Done did it.

nignogxmas20 karma

What happened with Bret and Jemaine?

TaikaWaititi59 karma

They died in that plane crash with Buddy Holly. They were the pilots. #drunkflyingisnotokay

nignogxmas16 karma

I knew I'd never get a straight answer hahahaha

TaikaWaititi43 karma

Sorry, sorry, they are talking about a movie but that's a long way off, and they are touring NZ/Aus in June/July.

balchynz20 karma

Fellow Kiwi here! Fucking Loved boy! Kia kaha bro

How is your kickstarter thing going? I haven't heard much since it first opened?

TaikaWaititi41 karma

It's going great. We are at 107k with a day to go. It feels like the perfect way to rip people off so I still don't believe that it works.

Ehran16 karma

It's like being in the presence of a god, and Taika is here too. But seriously, does it always rain in Wellington or is just me and the rest of the brown people in the country that think this?

TaikaWaititi35 karma

It does. It's a great place but fuck, the rain is unbearable. It's like God is taking a huge piss on you all day long.

liamgunson16 karma

Hi Taika! How did it feel to see Boy blow up as much as it did in New Zealand? It pretty much became a sub-culture, which the quotes and t shirts, and especially crazy horses!

TaikaWaititi31 karma

It felt great until I saw my residuals check.

thechrisoshow16 karma

Yo Bro! What's the chances of BOY coming to the UK?

TaikaWaititi69 karma

When pigs fry.

I guess it'll be a little wait. We are trying to do America first, see how that goes and then concentrate on the UK. It's like giving birth. In many countries. Over years. It's nothing like giving birth.

sajedene15 karma

Hi Taika, Just wanted to say you are great and keep up the good work - especially in the directing field. I work a lot with Cliff and Temuera and Joe and I have heard nothing but great things about you and I think it's pretty darn cool that you're doing an IAmA.

PS: Looking forward to Inbetweeners which I know you directed some.

TaikaWaititi19 karma

Those guys are liars!!! Thanks mate, things are going swimmingly.

cakeonaplate15 karma

what music do you like to listen to? also congrats on everything :)

TaikaWaititi37 karma

Thanks! Music. Anything really. Seriously. Except dubstep, not ready for it. Perhaps when I'm old and completely deaf. Leonard Cohen, Pixies, Soul, R&B, Metallica, Anthrax, Pavement, P.E, Beatles... etcetera

muttcake14 karma

Hey Taika, welcome to NYC! What is your favorite thing about America?

TaikaWaititi44 karma

Getting fat a lot quicker than I'm used to.

TaikaWaititi88 karma

You'd be surprised but the food in America is quite amazing. Well, in NYC and LA. The middle bits are a little touch and go.

My other favourite things are high-speed internet, the motorized wagons that people ride around in, and cordless personal phones are everywhere!


sciamoscia14 karma

Hey Taika! I saw Boy when I lived in Wellington, it was one of the highlights and me and my friends would just keep quoting lines.

Your film style is unlike anything I've seen before. What movies/shows did you grow up watching, or what inspired you the most?

TaikaWaititi46 karma

I watched 80's movies till the 90's. Then started watching 70's movies, then 60's, etc. I'm now watching the first film ever made.

I think the classic 80's films inspired me most. Ghostbusters, B2theFuture, Breakfast club, anything with Molly Ringworm in it. She's my fav!!!! Actual favourite film maker is no surprise - Hal Ashby.

[deleted]13 karma


TaikaWaititi23 karma

Ha. Eagle vs Shark 2. Back in the suburbs.

tylernilson13 karma

If you could jump into a pool filled with any substance, what would it be? Mine choice would be warm tapioca pudding.

TaikaWaititi29 karma

varm v*ginas.

TaikaWaititi40 karma

I'm sorry. I'm gross. Change that to water. Just nice clean water that doesn't have any chlamydia.

VegasMom12 karma


TaikaWaititi10 karma

Hmm, I don't know. i haven't seen it for a while!

[deleted]11 karma


TaikaWaititi22 karma

I'd love it to be on Netflix. I'm on that site every day. Not sure - maybe middle of the year?

kawahc11 karma

How are Bret and Jemaine in person? Have you talked to Bret since he won his Oscar?

TaikaWaititi47 karma

I haven't. He's back in NZ now, probably doing one of those ticker tape parades, going down the street in the back of a convertible like he just got back from the moon or something. We love parades in NZ.

TaikaWaititi34 karma

They are more interesting and polite versions than their on-screen personas.

zendingo11 karma

eagle vs. shark rules..... that is all:)

TaikaWaititi20 karma

It does!

TaikaWaititi18 karma

It does!

brianb4711 karma

Bret and Jemaine are sort of notorious for being a bit lazy. What was it like working with them? Are they really as bad as what I've heard?

TaikaWaititi32 karma

I'm lazier.

johnnyvolume10 karma

Hello! Thank you very much for doing this AMA. First off I'll get the fanboy out of me, Eagle vs. Shark is such an amazing, wacky film unlike most movies out there. Where did you find the inspiration for this film? It had the perfect mix of bizarre, hilarity, and drama. I'm also really looking forward to seeing Boy although I would like to know if it is going to have a mainstream cinema release here in the States or if I will just have to wait for the DVD. Either way, keep up the amazing work! p.s. any plans to work with either Bret or Jemaine anytime soon on anything? Thank you again!

TaikaWaititi24 karma

Boy is having a modest release here. NYC, LA, SF, Seattle, DC, Boston, Atlanta, and hopefully a few others like chicago and Austin etc.

EvS - thanks. It's really a special film. Totally clumsy and wonky, like the characters. They are all based on people I know. Jemaine's character isa combination of the bad parts of every man I've met, including myself.

MrCallipygian10 karma

Is there anything you can do to remove your name from the Green Lantern credits?

TaikaWaititi11 karma

Yeah, I read ya. I let the film down!

NgatiManiapoto10 karma

Kia ora Taika,

Finally I can say thank you for such a great movie "Boy" (Released in New Zealand 2010). Me and all my sisters had such a good laugh from this movie, also loving the Waiata (Stoned Haircut) when Boy joined you and the Crazy Horse Gangs partying up in the shed...he watches you and starts dreaming off to la la land imagining you as Michael Jackson.

If Michael Jackson was still alive, he would've watched this movie too. He would've had a good laugh! As I remember the day when I watched the News of his death, they showed a footage of Michael Jackson when he was here New Zealand, one of the News Reporter managed to ask him what he think of Maori People and New Zealand...he said "I love the Maori People and this country, and I will be willing to come back and perform in New Zealand again" that was repeated footage seen on Te Karere.

Anyway Taika, I am wandering if you would make the 2nd Installment of "Boy 2" (with the same actors). Are you planning on that yet?

Thanks for your time, Cheers and Beers Bro!! Have a good day where ever you are. I'm off to get Boy - The Movie Soundtrack.

Arohanui - Ngati Maniapoto

TaikaWaititi17 karma

Thanks! Nice comments. I have considered making a sequel to Boy but thought I might wait for James to get older, maybe when he's 18 or something. Cheers!

[deleted]9 karma

You came into my work once - Eat Bakeria in Dunedin. Did you enjoy your meal?

TaikaWaititi15 karma

I probably did.

SylwiaR8 karma

Hi Taika, thanks for doing this AMA. I'm happy for your success with BOY and in your private life. Congrats! Anyway, I discovered you and FOTC at the same time. First I watched Eagle vs Shark, because it was a film from NZ, then FOTC tv show and somehow I liked Drive By episode the most. Later I learned that they were written and directed by the same person. <3 I know you're writing a vampire comedy with Jemaine, but have you considered collaborating with Flight of the Conchords again and making a FOTC feature film? Or do you think they'll work with James Bobin again? Second question, Where would you like to shoot the WW2 comedy (is its title "Jojo Rabbit"? how was it in Rotterdam and Berlin? any success in finding support in this project?) OK, that second question had some sub-questions. Sorry. The last one, do you have any plans on coming to the UK for Sundance London this April? With Love and respect. 1/3 of WOT.

TaikaWaititi21 karma

Yo yo. Jojo has been getting a lot of support and I'm confident we'll shoot this year sometime. Or after Euro Winter in '13. FoTC are talking about movies and I imagine Bobes will make it with them - he's better at musicals. I'll collaborate with those guys once they break their heroin habits. It's totally unprofessional to be slamming huge amounts of smack during an impro take.

TaikaWaititi6 karma

Love. It. Cheers Sylwia, I'll consider the assistant job but it will be really horrible.

animatedradio8 karma

Kia ora Taika! A few questions i'm kinda curious about, who is your favourite comedian? Who would you most like to work with? What is your beer of choice? and... when/how long was your worst case of writers block?

Cheers bro, can't get over the fact that this is probably the first time i've been up this early in god knows how long and you're doing an IAMA. Amazing luck.

TaikaWaititi17 karma

Kia Ora! Mitch Hedburg, Kubrick, Guinness, 1.5 years 2007 - 2008. Cheers!

Wheresjennow8 karma

Kia Ora! I don't actually have a question. I just wanted to tell you that I love your work and congrats on the baby! Eagle vs Shark pretty much lives in my DVD player and I can't wait to see Boy.

If you want to come down to the exciting state of Delaware when you leave NYC, I'll trade you a viewing of Boy (since it's not showing here) for a kick-ass home cooked meal... :)

I used to live in Welly but am now back home in Delaware. An kiwi AMA has made my day. Cheers!

TaikaWaititi10 karma


bigphilmd8 karma

Kia ora! What part of NZ are you from? I lived in the old Auckland Railway Station for a few months. What an awesome country. Can you send me some Speight's too? We can't buy it in the US.

TaikaWaititi11 karma

Wellington and Bay of Plenty.

rospaya8 karma

I volunteered for Zagreb Film Festival a couple of years ago and had some time off so I randomly walked into a projection that was packed full, to see what was going on. People sat on the floor and additional chairs needed to be brought in.

It was Eagle vs Shark and I loved it so much that I went to see the additional projection they had to put up because of such interest from the audience.

Just... thanks.

TaikaWaititi7 karma

Thank you, that big screening was incredible.

filmnoirman7 karma

Eagle vs Shark is one of my favorites! and I love Flight, thanks for everything!! Also are the flight of the conchords guys that funny and cool in real life??

TaikaWaititi26 karma

Hmm. They're neither cool in the show OR in real life. But they are great guys.

dehpz7 karma

As an inspired director-wannabee (still :D) I want to know what movies or series have inspired you and how?

Also, what advice can you give on to a coming director/writer regarding promoting one in the business?

TaikaWaititi25 karma

promotion is hard and feels like soul-sucking hell. Other than that it's lovely. Favourite movies: Badlands, Stalker, Graduate, Days of Heaven, Old Boy, Mirror, In the Mood for Love, Happy Together, Punch Drunk Love, Welcome to the Dollhouse, Master & Commander, Harold & Maude, Last Detail, Being There, Coming Home, Alice Doesn't Live here Anymore, Flash Gordon (the Queen one), Gremlins, Ghostbusters, Princess Bride, Life of Brian, Cannonball Run, Tootsie, Trading Places, Fucking Amal, Chinatown, All the President's Men, Ordinary People, Local Hero, and of course, Twilight Breaking Moon. Oh no wait, I hate that movie.

mrpopenfresh6 karma

I heard you were nominated for an academy award. How did you feel when your collegue Bret McKenzie won one?

TaikaWaititi27 karma


imaque5 karma

Do you know how to do any Hakas?

TaikaWaititi21 karma

Yes. I'm doing one now.

utunga5 karma

Hey Taika, first time caller, long time reader. love your stuff.

Here's the question.. a mate saw you speaking at the showing of Boy downtown NYC yesterday - we would love to know were you maybe a little bit high during that? Just that some of your answers were a bit 'out there'.. go on be honest ;-)

TaikaWaititi11 karma

I was extremely NOT high, I'm afraid.