Hello Redditors! I return to answer more of your questions!

Comments: 3247 • Responses: 56  • Date: 

h8mx1092 karma

I have these three questions that I've always wanted to ask to someone from the show:

  1. I've read somewhere that many jokes from Community aren't actually written in the script but rather improvised by the actors. What's your favorite line from the show that wasn't originally in the script and who improvised it?

  2. As a non-american who regretably has to resort to piracy in order to be able to watch your amazing show, is there anything I can do at all to support the show and get it renewed for a forth fourth season?

  3. Where do you see yourself whenever the show inevitably ends (because, sadly, nothing lasts forever)? Are there any other projects you're currently busy on?

Thank you so so SO MUCH for this!

EDIT: Wasn't expecting to see this at the top, but I'll take the opportunity and link to Gillian's earlier AMA: http://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/kzq74/iama_gillian_jacobs/

GillianJacobs1348 karma

  1. I think Donald calling me the AT&T of people.
  2. I would say buy the DVDs and merchandise from NBC.com. Show the network you're willing to spend money on the show. (Thank you for watching. We love our international fans and are excited to see the show is relaunching in the UK, etc.)
  3. I just worked on a movie called "Burt Wonderstone", I have a film called "Seeking a Friend for the End of the World" coming out in the summer and a movie called "Revenge for Jolly" premiering at the Tribeca Film Festival soon.


GillianJacobs1081 karma

I am so hungee! Thank you all for being so awesome. I'm sorry I couldn't answer all of your questions. I will try and answer more at a later date. I learned my lesson about reusing old AMA links so I will create a new one. I WON'T BRITTA IT!

Marscet1067 karma

Oh Britta is in this.

GillianJacobs872 karma

I am!

Poedelie727 karma

Is there any fun off-camera story you would like to share with us? (Keep up the good work in Community by the way!)

GillianJacobs2216 karma

Gosh...They shot part of "J. Edgar" near us and Chevy wandered over onto their set and pretended to be on the crew until Clint Eastwood noticed him.

MillerGold603 karma

Have you ever been to one of Donald's concerts? How was it?

GillianJacobs1136 karma

Yes! Several. I went to his first ever concert in Queens which had an audience of about 50 people. I was so proud of him that I was beaming from ear to ear.

oldage586 karma

How well does Jeff kiss?

GillianJacobs905 karma


cweaver568 karma

20 minutes in and no one has asked her whether or not she's seen Rampart yet?

GillianJacobs756 karma


Warlizard545 karma

  1. I presume the picture of you spanking Alison Brie was a candid picture of the two of you on set. Can you confirm?

  2. Were you ever unsure about whether or not Community would return?

  3. Do you guys know the full picture when you're filming, or are you as surprised at the many layers as we are?


And yeah, I've been waiting for this AMA.

EDIT: Well I think I'm funny. Oh, and here's the image for those of you who have ZERO idea what I'm talking about. http://www.confidenceking.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/07/Gillian-Jacobs-spanking-Allison-Brie.jpg

GillianJacobs561 karma

  1. Har har har
  2. Because they didn't reduce our episode order we were pretty confident that these 12 episodes would air at some point. We just didn't know when. The 4th season is more of a question mark at this point. (fingers crossed!)
  3. A lot of times there are jokes I don't get until I watch it on TV! Or scenes that I'm not in are a total surprise when I watch them. I love the details and layers of the show. I think we all watch the episodes multiple times.


kingaptar543 karma

Do you feel like the TV industry is totally out of touch with the 18-35 demographic? How do legitimately funny and entertaining shows keep getting canceled and according to jim gets 8 seasons?

GillianJacobs1131 karma

Our awesome 18-35 yr old fans don't necessarily watch TV live anymore. I think a. the networks don't know how to count them and b. they want viewers who sit through ads. All of tv is changing right now and people are scared and confused. I think they will work it out eventually and our ratings will skyrocket because people are watching!

macogle539 karma

What's Chevy's weirdest old man story to-date? I've noticed several interviews with the cast that talk about his tendency to tell weird/off-color stories.

GillianJacobs1026 karma

He claims to have been roommates with David Bowie for a week. I still don't know the full story there...

SeriousBlack505 karma

If you wrote an episode of Community, what would it be about?

GillianJacobs1078 karma

Hmmm....Not sure. Maybe a ghost story at Pierce's mansion? Thank god I'm not a writer on this show!

ojnoj477 karma

How do you really pronounce bagel?

GillianJacobs733 karma

the proper way!

dontstopbelieving457 karma

If you had 3 cats what would you name them?

GillianJacobs1357 karma

  1. Cat
  2. Smoosh face
  3. Lord Bubblebath

kberthusen449 karma

Britta, Was the "Pizza Pizza, Me So, Hungy, Me so Hungy" choreographed? I'll take to answer off air.

GillianJacobs673 karma

I came up with the dance myself. Lyrics by the great Chris McKenna.

aminlol445 karma

Does Chevy Chase have that 'old guy' smell when you're near him?

GillianJacobs495 karma

No! ha!

Pongymo390 karma

What was the mood like when you found out the show was going to be on hiatus? Did you make any backup plans in case it wasn't brought back?

GillianJacobs773 karma

It was a really weird week. I think everyone was making fun of the situation and we started calling ourselves "the most expensive webseries in history." We were relieved to hear that our episode order wasn't reduced and we would get to film all 22. I didn't make any back up plans because we just kept shooting the season. Very happy we're back!

n00bskoolbus348 karma

What was your favorite episode to shoot in the series so far? Or is one of the up coming your favorite?

GillianJacobs788 karma

Wow. That is a tough question. The flashbacks episode was really fun because we got to run around the backlot of Universal for a day and shoot the train depot, haunted mansion, old west town, Mexican village, etc. We only had until 5pm so it was a race against the clock all day to accomplish all of the world and somehow we managed to do it!

Phlecks329 karma

Effing love everything you do. Does it ever get to you that you play a character that is the butt of not only your fellow character's jokes, but the jokes of the Community fanbase?

In other words, how does it feel that your character's name is mostly going to be remembered as a synonym of messing something up?

GillianJacobs713 karma

I love it! I love that Britta is terrible at everything but keeps on trying! No matter how much she is made fun of she never gives us. She is a stubborn little hypocrite and I love her.

Rosetti309 karma

The other day I was giving a presentation in class when I suddenly remembered that there was less than a week til Community was back on air. I started having flashbacks to all the awesome moments in the show and then had to hide a big stupid grin as I thought about Britta's awkward Christmas song. I have no questions, but just wanted to let you know how much I love Community and you and your fellow cast/crew are doing magnificent work.

GillianJacobs373 karma

I appreciate that so much. Thank you for watching. I hope you love these next twelve episodes.

yoitsatrap280 karma

Would you rather have glass jars for hands or snare drums for feet?

GillianJacobs358 karma

Glass jars? less noisy?

[deleted]267 karma


GillianJacobs410 karma

You ok? :)

QuackMcQuack257 karma

Hi. You're great on Community! Keep it up.

What was the hardest scene to film because somebody was cracking up?

And how awesome was it working with Sam Rockwell?

GillianJacobs606 karma

I think you can see it on the Season 2 DVD extras but Ken Jeong spent an hour trying to say "Don't say that in front of my baby! Better cover it up with some classical music..." He could not get through the line and it went on and on and turned into some alternate reality where we were going to spend the rest of our lives trying to finish that scene. I don't know if I have ever laughed that hard.

lightningman26221 karma

What do you think of Britta's transition from "the hot chick" to the person who, well, Britta's things?

GillianJacobs367 karma

Love it! She is so fun to play as a character. Hot chicks are a dime a dozen but there is no one else quite like Britta. It is such a gift as an actor.

HaggarShoes185 karma

Oh wow. Just realized you were in Book of Daniel. I loved that show and was so disappointed that it was canceled. What are your thoughts on working on that show? How did you react to the seemingly nonsensical cancellation of the show based on the boycotts that clergymen shouldn't be represented as real human beings with real problems?

GillianJacobs278 karma

That was such a great experience. It was my first ever TV job and I had no idea what to expect. The backlash against the show seemed very silly because no on had even seen the episodes. I thought the show treated religion and people's religious beliefs with respect and never mocked them. Maybe it should have been a cable show... Thanks for watching!

SouthpawRage179 karma

Even though you portray Brita as kinda a crazy Psych major, As an actual Psych major, I love her character!

My question is what is Danny Pudi like in real life? Is he as, for lack of a better word, weird/awesome as Abed?

How awesome is it working with Chevy Chase, Ken Jeong, Joel McHale... God the whole cast is incredible!!! What is it like?

Love the show, can't wait for the new episodes!!!

GillianJacobs360 karma

Danny Pudi is the nicest, sweetest, most outgoing person I know. He loves people and will talk to anyone. He doesn't have the vast, encyclopedic pop culture knowledge that Abed does and he is waaay more into sports than Abed.

The cast really is incredible. I'm really lucky to have them as friends and costars. My face hurts from smiling almost every day.

weeble182165 karma

I'd never shipped TV characters before but something about Britta and Troy has made me become one of those annoying internet nerds that claims they are destined to be together! Can we expect anything between then in the second half of the season?

GillianJacobs374 karma

I'd say you haven't seen the last Troy and Britta hug...

interwebgentleman159 karma

Seeing as Donald Glover is a pretty awesome rapper (personal favourite, seen him live, bought the album etc.) and the various musical segments have been hilarious and/or ridiculously catchy; is there any chance of more musical segments, stingers or dare I hope... episodes?

Edit: foxed my spalling.

GillianJacobs321 karma

I can't remember off the top of my head but I do think we as a cast should record all the weird songs we have made up over the years and sing continuously off camera. They are pretty dumb but we love them.

pinballwiz159 karma

Before you started working on Community, was there something you thought you would never do, but ended up doing it during the course of Community? If yes, how did it work out for you?

GillianJacobs265 karma

Firing a gun, for sure! And I think it turned out pretty well. :)

graffplaysgod138 karma

What's the longest period of time that you've managed to use the same tube of chapstick? Additionally, have you ever completely used up the ink in a pen?

Edit: I have officially had a conversation with a celebrity. My life is complete.

GillianJacobs174 karma

Wow. I have a chapstick on my bed side table that I have had for years. I think it predates Community. And I think I may have used up all the ink a pen.

Chewbaca43vr135 karma

Who is your biggest influence as an actress?

GillianJacobs250 karma

Good question! As a kid I was on obsessive Katherine Hepburn fan. I also really loved Emma Thompson, Emma Watson, Tilda Swinton and so many other people. Don't know if you can see their influence in my acting but I look up to all of them.

gk3nyon129 karma

Love Community.Trying to find a non-creepy way to say that I enjoyed your role in Choke that doesn't make it seem like I am saying "I have seen your boobs." Any help?

GillianJacobs156 karma


giinamariiee127 karma

So happy that you guys are coming back tomorrow - can't wait!

Which character do you enjoy Britta interacting with the most? Which character do you wish you could get more time with?

GillianJacobs276 karma

I would love to have a Dean/Britta episode. He hates me more than anyone and Jim is a genius- obvs.

gbrown782119 karma

Hello you amazing woman... questions:

1) the funniest thing you guys have done on set that we have not seen... maybe you guys had to stop filming because it was so funny

2) how did you get into the acting game, and for any budding actors out there what, in your opinion, is the best way to follow that dream?

of course, the obligatory I love community and you guys, thanks for making TV funnier!

GillianJacobs219 karma

  1. It is all soo dirty and not fit for network television.
  2. I started acting at 8. On Friday's in Pittsburgh they would list auditions in the newspaper and I started responding to them. I got cast in some plays and did theater from 3rd to 12th grade. I also took acting classes every Saturday from third grade on. I would find a good acting class, read a lot of plays and do whatever acting jobs are available- be that plays, short films, dinner theater, whatever. Good luck!

microfen116 karma

Hi Gillian, first, thank so much to you and the cast for making Community such a great show. I can't wait until tomorrow! If you could go back in time and act in any movie ever released, which one would it be and in what role?

GillianJacobs221 karma

Great question! Waiting for Guffman looks like it would have been an amazing film to be a part of. Thanks for watching!

KevimusPrime114 karma

Are you excited for Britta to get her used iPod Nano in 2014?

GillianJacobs188 karma

I'm sure it will break within two weeks. :)

KnifeyJames112 karma

Do you think robots will ever understand human aesthetics?

GillianJacobs223 karma

I think they will eventually be programed to understand our aesthetics, yes.

jonjonguitar9108 karma

Do you have any other projects you have your eye on / what would be your dream role?

GillianJacobs186 karma

I think it would be awesome to play Jean Seberg. She had a crazy and messed up life.

GillianJacobs105 karma

I am going to answer questions for 5 more minutes. I'm starving and need to get some lunch!

Patisagod104 karma

Gillian! Im a big fan! You are amazing!

Couple questions:

  1. What is your favorite episode of Community?

  2. Where did the "Me So Hungy" Dance/Song come from? Lol. It was amazing btw.

  3. Have you and the rest of the cast ever thought of doing a comedy your? Or maybe you could group host SNL!

GillianJacobs168 karma

  1. too many to pick! Short list: Paintball 1, D&D, bottle epsiode, timelines
  2. Chris Mckenna and the writers wrote lyrics and it said in the script that I did a weird dance. I came up with the specific moves on my own. :)
  3. Both of those ideas are awesome.

[deleted]93 karma

What is your favorite film of all-time?

GillianJacobs243 karma

Fanny and Alexander by Ingmar Bergman

johnnyhaggis87 karma

Hi Gillian!

  1. How do you deal with all of these questions???

  2. I read an early version of the script for the pilot of Community online and your character seems pretty different from the Britta on the show - she was a lot more serious, and had this whole detailed anarchist activist backround - was it you that took Brita in a different direction, or was it the creators of the show?

  3. It always cracks me up when Britta does something like the "me so hungy, pizza in my tummy" dance, in part because it's so unusual on TV for an attractive female lead to be dorky - do those things tend to be improv on your part, or do writers actually write that stuff out?

Thanks, so happy to have you (and the rest of the cast) back!

GillianJacobs121 karma

We worked on the script during a rehearsal process with Joel, Dan Harmon and the Russo Brothers before we shot the pilot. I did not suggest any script changes but I think the scenes between Jeff and Britta evolved a bit as we read them out loud and worked on them.

The writers are giving me more and more dorky bits like that and I give them more awkward, weird seasoning. I'm so grateful for the writing on this show and to play a female that is pretty unique on TV.

jspot5582 karma

If you had to spend the rest of your life with one person on the set of Community, who would it be and why?

GillianJacobs194 karma

HARD QUESTION. Don't Sophie's Choice me!

Tkconger66 karma

I just have to say that the cast of Community seem to have the best chemistry off screen and you all seem to be really good and genuine friends. Do you see members of the cast working together on other projects in the future after the twelve seasons and a porno are finished?

GillianJacobs75 karma

I would love that so, so much. We know each other so well as performers and everyone is so versatile that I could see us doing any number of things. I'm so lucky to work with them.

sharkdude9565 karma

Are you amused by the review for Regional Holiday Music on AV Club having over 30k comments?

GillianJacobs101 karma

I think it is AMAZING!!!! Our fans are the best.

alexlightfoot157 karma

Did you come up with the 'Me so hungry' dance or was that scripted?

GillianJacobs160 karma

In the script it said "Britta does a weird dance" and the line was scripted "Pizza Pizza go in tummy. Me so hungee. Me so hungee." The dance was my weird, awkward invention.

[deleted]51 karma


GillianJacobs113 karma

Gosh. A lot of luck. Determination FOR SURE. A thick skin and a healthy dollop of talent in there too. You can't give up no matter how many times you get told no.

Phat_Neil49 karma

Are their any other Community easter eggs that you and the cast know of but are waiting for the rest of the audience to figure out?

GillianJacobs101 karma

We hid Torg in the Christmas Pageant set

Gloria81542 karma

What television or movie trope/cliche have you not done on Community yet that you'd like to try?

Also, you and the rest of the cast of Community are awesome. I love following you guys on Twitter!! :) <3 <3

GillianJacobs108 karma

Live episode? That might kill us though...

Thank you for watching!

SC2MASTER42 karma

If you could slap any living person, who would it be?

GillianJacobs100 karma

Ken Jeong again and again

New_Guinea_Nibblers37 karma

What pie are you going to have for pi day?

GillianJacobs79 karma

Hopefully banana cream pie

TheDekuNuts36 karma

What is your go to lame joke?

GillianJacobs130 karma

A skeleton walks into a bar and says, "I'd like a drink and a mop."

timboss9433 karma

Do you know anything about this syndication deal with Comedy Central? Does that mean a guaranteed season 4?

GillianJacobs56 karma

I just read about it too! I think it is great news but I don't know that it guarantees anything.

cynigrayon29 karma

can you recommend any books or movies or shoes or pizza toppings?

GillianJacobs85 karma

Chuck Taylors. Wearing mine now.

havingchanged28 karma

What's it like to work with Dan Harmon?

GillianJacobs61 karma

He is probably the most creative person I have ever worked with. I had no idea how ambitious this show would turn out to be. I'm in awe of it.

yayitsgherry21 karma

According to you, which timeline from "Remedial Chaos Theory" is the reality?

GillianJacobs48 karma

All of them?

glowiousss19 karma

I see you haven't made it out of the internet since Paul F. Tompkins brought you in. Do you have any idea how to get out?

GillianJacobs52 karma

No clue. Lasers?