Ok, I'm closing this down for the night. I want to thank everyone for being very sweet. I love Room fans...you guys make my life so much funnier!

See you on Facebook and maybe back on here sometime?

Sorry, I don't know the rules of this thing...hope I'm announcing this correctly.

Love, Juliette

Comments: 759 • Responses: 62  • Date: 

hatryd538 karma

Oh hi Lisa! So, how is your sex life?

juliettedanielle289 karma

That's confidential!

juliettedanielle404 karma

I keep searching for a "like" button....help me!

SampleBins179 karma

Click the little arrows to the left of posts. Down is dislike, up is like.

juliettedanielle448 karma

Why are some of them red/orange?

Atheist10151 karma

you have 2 first names. I think thats pretty cool

juliettedanielle128 karma

Thanks! I just use my first and middle name. I always thought it was weird for a person to pick a random name. I mean, Elton John was born Reginald Kenneth Dwight!!! (I just Googled that)

Goofbawl52328 karma

Hey Juliette I just wanted to let you know we named our original modded x-box after your character! It shuts down and doesn't like to work a lot so wer'e ALWAYS yelling your tearing me apart Lisa! I don't think our neighbors get it at all but they can definitely hear our screams every time Lisa crashes half way through a movie or game.

juliettedanielle328 karma

I seriously love that you do this! <3

juliettedanielle316 karma

Damn you, reddit, make that a heart!!!!

IceCreamEatingMF258 karma

Tell us a Wiseau story!

juliettedanielle1181 karma

Of course...

I was trying to do some character work on Lisa. I asked Tommy why Lisa would be so concerned that Denny is on drugs. "Why would she even care about something like that, I asked?" He replied "that is the twist."

hipsterdefender227 karma

Nowadays Tommy Wiseau markets The Room as a "dark comedy". Did he recognize the humor in the movie when he was originally making it, or did he think he was making a completely serious drama?

Thank you so much for doing this. I have seen The Room literally over ten times, and I've even made close friends through Room-watching parties!!!

juliettedanielle347 karma

I have no idea what his intentions were. He was very specific that he wanted things the way they were and not changed much. All the actors were playing it very straight. He just might be a diabolical genius puppeteer-type person.

Glad you are able to enjoy the room with friends! ;)

STD-fense207 karma

Oh hi Juliette! Have you ever watched the movie with the Rifftrax commentary?

juliettedanielle315 karma

I'm scared. I heard "bloated brittney spears" and decided it wasn't for me. ;)

jamesdpitley111 karma

It's worth it for the nose "boop!"s alone! (Every time Claudette leaves the house and taps your nose.)

juliettedanielle154 karma

James, that sounds pretty funny!

Maverick_Pirate195 karma

do you take pride from being in a film dubbed as 'one of the worst of all time'?

Perhaps due to it's cult status

juliettedanielle712 karma

There are worse films out there. I take pride that is is one of the BEST worst movies of all time...lol.

Skepticute161 karma

Was Denny supposed to be mentally challenged?

juliettedanielle284 karma

I did not get that impression. Wiseau has said on at least one occasion that Denny was a little bit retarded...but I don't think that was the case. He also said on one occasion that so was the guy playing him (Philip Haldiman). That obviously isn't true. Phil is a very smart guy. ;)

MrHaddad1213160 karma

It's Christian from Facebook. Glad to see you got it set up.

To ask a question, did Tommy Wiseau ever say where he got the 9 million dollars from, and what the hell it was for?

juliettedanielle252 karma

I never found out where he got the money. I think he spent a lot on his dual cameras, PLUS that billboard was up for years. He also advertised in a lot of the trade publications.

Nick1990148 karma

First of all, Juliette, brilliant performance. Secondly, why are Tommy's Hands so fucking soft? I shook his hand at a screening in seattle and they felt like tiny, fleshy, pillows. How does he do it? Lotion, balm, or is it simply a side-effect of his host body rejecting Tommy's presence inside it?

juliettedanielle83 karma

I never noticed that!!! I think he takes REALLY good care of himself.

snackburros127 karma

What did the audition entail? I talked to another redditor who auditioned for him for something else and said it was pretty crazy. Did you have to seduce anyone like Sestosterone? Also, how uncomfortable were the sex scenes?

juliettedanielle272 karma

That's a lot of questions! The auditions were crazy. Tons of people all over the place. There was a LOT of improv. Tommy was everywhere, grabbing people and moving them around and "directing." That went on for quite some time. It was unlike any other audition I've ever been on.

And of course they were uncomfortable...but those were scenes pretty standard compared to how they are usually done on a set. The only difference is that Tommy used ALL the footage...rather than whittling it down to a short sequence like most do.

jamesdpitley287 karma

Hell, he used some footage TWICE. (spoileralert)

juliettedanielle293 karma

YES HE DID!!! I was so mortified...literally every last bit of footage was used I think!

snackburros43 karma

A lot of improv but a lot of direction? Did you guys use a script for the auditions or did he just make up stuff for you guys to do? I work in TV and everything I've heard about the production of the film sounds off the wall to my co-workers and I.

That's also why we're huge fans here in Boston! We see it every month in theaters! Do you plan on doing some live Q&As at showings? I'm sure we'd love that!

juliettedanielle63 karma

It was not normal in any way. I think we did have some Room-type improv situations that were given to us at the time. I don't think we had script at that point.

I've never been to Boston! I hope someday I will get to visit!

aquamantis120 karma

When you were filming The Room, were you aware of how odd and unusual the film was, in terms of all of the actors quitting and the horrible quality of the screenplay. And if so, when was it hardest for you to keep your cool on set(by that I mean, like not cracking up, but it would be understandable if you felt some anger during the filming of the sex scenes)? Anyways, I am a huge fan!

juliettedanielle325 karma

I don't think I've ever shared this before...but i'm in a good mood. ;)

I kept my cool by smoking a LOT. Tommy hated smoking. I justified it to myself that Lisa would probably do something like that.

PSA: Smoking is gross. I'm sorry I ever started because I was addicted for many years. But, I don't smoke anymore!

BearNoir119 karma

Does Tommy Wiseau have a drug problem?

juliettedanielle253 karma

I don't think so. As far as I know, he's against drinking alcohol (like Johnny). He does drink a LOT of Red Bull though.

SampleBins104 karma

Is Tommy Wiseau as egotistical, strange and dim as he seems?

juliettedanielle201 karma

Strange? Yes. He's quite an enigma. But he's anything but dim, actually. He is very focused and determined. His personality? What you see is what you get. He likes to be cagey though...part of his appeal I think.

remmycool102 karma

Do you think Tommy really understands and accepts that his life's masterpiece is actually an extraordinarily shitty movie?

juliettedanielle236 karma

No, I don't think he accepts that.

Tenauri97 karma

Hey there! I've been following you on facebook for a while now, and you seem like such a good sport, and very willing to laugh at yourself for your presence in that, uh...interesting movie. Do you ever feel bummed out/depressed that you're forever "Lisa from The Room" or is it just something you can't help but laugh about?

juliettedanielle201 karma

I'm glad you asked me that! I used to be totally bummed about it. But it's been so many years...and people get so much enjoyment out of it. How could I not look back and laugh? Ah, the things we do in our youth!!! ;)

morningsider95 karma

Have you ever played The Room Tribute? http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/547307

juliettedanielle111 karma

I have played it. I have a short attention span though, so I'll never get a chance to finish. <3

jamesdpitley88 karma

Why does Wiseau say that he was born in New Orleans, when other articles/logic clearly dictates that he's likely from Poland? Also, I know you are actively getting back into acting -- has there ever been talks with doing any other projects with him in the future?

juliettedanielle177 karma

I have no idea where he's from. Greg is coming out with a book very soon. I think that question will be answered.

I would work with him again. Why not? I did actually have a great time...and this time I know what I'm dealing with!

I would not do nudity like that again. That was just stupid on my part.

_dwo76 karma

When was the last time you watched The Room from beginning to end?

juliettedanielle231 karma

A LONG time ago. I probably won't ever do it again. I'm sure you can understand why.

I would like everyone to know that my mom LOVES this movie. Weird? Yes. But true.

matthank72 karma

I see your post, so it worked.

I have not seen The Room yet, but it is on at midnight next Saturday.

juliettedanielle231 karma

I think you should. BRING ALCOHOL (if you are over 21).

juliettedanielle69 karma

oh god, proof? hmmmm, give me something (relevant and family friendly) to post on my official FB page and I will post. :)

fstop249 karma

hit the reply button in the comment as opposed to the box above to keep things threaded.

juliettedanielle62 karma

thanks. I've never used this before. It's like another planet...

[deleted]158 karma

Is it tearing you apart?

juliettedanielle104 karma

OMG it is a little bit! I may never leave my computer!!!! Wait...what if I have to pee?

fstop225 karma

no worries :) Welcome to reddit. Run. Now.

but seriously, you can tweet or post (via imgur.com) a picture of yourself holding a paper with your username and the date or something. that's probably the easiest way, and then just paste a link to it in a reply

juliettedanielle38 karma

imgur.com? Great. I've never used that either. :)

ScottFromCanada26 karma

She posted it on FB so I believe it's her. Also, she already ordered a pizza.

ps: Do NOT get her started about cats!!!

juliettedanielle42 karma

Thanks, Scott! I have 2 cats in the room with me right now...staring at me creepily! ;)

[deleted]59 karma

Why is The Room the most awesome movie ever made?

juliettedanielle116 karma

Primarily because of Tommy. That was his baby...and still is. MY favorite reason is because of the fans. :)

Huggbees2457 karma

I just wanted to say that I've met Tommy and I'm sorry that you had to be so nude with him for what must have seemed like years. I hope he at least wore a cock sock. Also, please be in the stage show at least once. It would make my life. At least like a ten year reunion show or something. On broadway!

juliettedanielle158 karma

It wasn't a sock...but it was a covering thing.

FUNNY STORY...you know the part where he gets up and walks to the bathroom in the buff? The covering came off during one of the takes and you should have SEEN the looks on the faces of the crew. PRICELESS>

eyestheskies55 karma

I'm so psyched you're doing an AMA! I'm your fan on Facebook, and I love how you have a great sense of humor about this incredible movie. You seem like an all-around great person. Do the constant famous Room quotes/jokes ever get on your nerves?

juliettedanielle104 karma

I get asked this a lot. :) The only time it annoys me is when my friends & family do it to annoy me on purpose (and they do.) I love when my fans share their enthusiasm in the form of quotes for The Room...and I would never want to take away from that enjoyment.

My favorite thing about Facebook is that a lot of our fans are so creative! I would NEVER think up the creative posts I see on my page sometimes...and they are so quick! The recent St. Patrick's Day themed post was hilarious!

Herpbees54 karma

What really happened to Peter the "Sahcohlojist"?

And is there anyway I can get the "You are my rose" mp3...or even the entire soundtrack?

juliettedanielle88 karma

ooh ooh, i KNOW this one!!! Kyle Vogt had another acting job! The filming schedule went over what it was supposed to.

redditor-for-2-hours54 karma

Did any of the actors realize how ridiculous the movie was going to be while filming?

juliettedanielle106 karma

OMG yes! I'm pretty sure we all did. We did try very hard to take it as seriously as possible though.

Teroblacknight50 karma

When you saw the rose petal on your back for the first time during one of the "love" scenes, did it freak you out? (It looks like a scab at first) It still gets me every time.

juliettedanielle75 karma

YES! I was mortified.

nervousmill47 karma

As a woman what was your reaction to the Character Lisa?

juliettedanielle219 karma

I feel that he wrote Lisa to deal with his feelings about women.

fidelityastro47 karma

When I watched the movie I got the (strong) impression that the viewer is meant to sympathize with Johnny, but each new time I see it (kill me) I find Lisa's side of things more and more sympathetic: she's trapped in a relationship with a complete lunatic with whom things aren't really working, but everyone is pushing her to stay in.

My question is, did you view Lisa as the villain or as someone with equally valid motivations as Johnny?

Thanks so much for doing this! Longtime fan. (There's even a clip on youtube of Tommy calling me an idiot for asking, according to him, the dumbest question ever ("Who are your influences as a filmmaker?")

juliettedanielle63 karma

Did he really say that?

I think Lisa is a villain. She would have gotten out if that's what she REALLY wanted. She liked to play with all of them.

TatonkaChief46 karma

Framed utensil pictures. Why?

Also, did you have any creative control over Lisa, or was it all Tommy?

Thanks! Heuh Heuh I Lahv you Leesa!

juliettedanielle138 karma

All Tommy. I just tried to channel my inner bitch best I could. It was most difficult because I felt like she was very contrived...and not motivated by anything that made sense.

trikeratops44 karma

Sending love from New Zealand! I heard you have a cameo part in the upcoming Ghost Shark movie, have you been working on anything else recently? :]

juliettedanielle49 karma

Sending love back! I freakin LOVE New Zealand and it's on my list to visit! I do have a cameo...shot by a group of awesome guys who love what they do.

I am working on a short film right now, yes, directed by Brendan Russo. My bit starts shooting this weekend actually. More to come on my FB page later!

tuxisme44 karma

How did you get into acting?

juliettedanielle84 karma

I had a great memory as a little girl, so I was given the big parts in the school plays. After that, I ended up in Los Angeles and figured "why not"?

amodernbird40 karma

When you read the script, what did you honestly think? Did you think that this was something that you would be proud of?

Also, are you still in touch with Tommy?

Edit: I should clarify, The Room is definitely something to be proud of being a part of but let's not kid ourselves, it has a cult following for a reason...

Also, I've been following you on Facebook for a while. You seem like a really neat person!

juliettedanielle59 karma

I never thought people would see it.

I have seen Tommy about two years ago? I saw Greg awhile ago, and also Kyle Vogt. GREAT guys!

megasmash39 karma

What do you do for a day job?

juliettedanielle99 karma

I am a marketing manager for a real estate development company! I've had the job for over 10 years!

eac_nyc39 karma

I read somewhere that filming the love scenes with Tommy made you very uncomfortable because of his hygiene and because they were the first scenes filmed. Does he smell like a caveman or just look like one?

juliettedanielle97 karma

One of the other actors started that rumor.

flecko37 karma

Do you remember my wife and me in Tempe from a couple of years ago? picture We had a great time!

juliettedanielle41 karma

That really brought back some nice memories!!! I had such a good time while I was there. Thanks for posting this. :)

rioting_mime35 karma

I'm not sure if you're still answering questions but I thought I'd throw one out that I've always wondered.

I know you said everyone was playing it straight, but it really seemed like Mike Holmes was purposefully being goofy. Everyone else I could see as genuinely doing the best they could with a strange script, but Mike always seemed to be in on the joke, so to speak. This is especially apparent in the scene where he describes the "me underwears" story, I'm sure everyone knows the one.

Any idea if this is true or not?

juliettedanielle49 karma

Tommy encouraged him to BE BIG with it. Tommy meant him to be funny for sure.

zerotwozerofour34 karma

This might be the most excited I've been for an AMA. You're the best and based on what I've read so far a terrific sport (:

If you care to disclose the information, about how much did you actually get paid for making this movie? (I saw that you didn't get royalties but where did that leave you?)

What scenes from the movie were your favorite to shoot? (I can guess which ones might have been your least favorite...)

And one more, was there ever a time you regretted making the movie?


juliettedanielle40 karma

It was basically enough so that I didn't have to work those few months.

I liked doing scenes with Greg. Don't read into that. I just mean regular scenes. ;)

I did regret making it only because of the nudity thing. It doesn't really bother me that it's labeled a "bad" movie.

skinkforguv34 karma

How do you mentally or emotionally deal with the idea that people make (sometimes very rude) jokes about you in the theater on a regular basis? Not a softball question....sorry, but it is something I wonder about whenever I see the movie in the theater.

juliettedanielle69 karma

That's ok...I'm glad you asked! The idea of it doesn't bother me anymore. People are enjoying themselves and of course "expressing themselves" as Tommy encourages people to do.

Now...sitting in the theater while they do that? NEVER going to happen again. LOL. I have my limits!

krustychocolate29 karma

How many framed pictures of spoons do you have sitting around your house at this very moment?

juliettedanielle85 karma

I don't have framed spoons...but I often PAINT portraits of spoons and put them on Etsy.

PhilipGreenbriar26 karma

You answer some of these questions in a round about social worker sort of way. I understand being polite and not wanting to hurt feelings but I have to ask.... are you afraid Tommy might see this and hunt you down? I know he would never hit you but...

juliettedanielle104 karma

Social worker, eh? I thought I was being PC. Here's the thing...I read somewhere once where Megan Fox said some really horrible things about Transformers and it really turned me off. That movie launched her career. It's too easy to be one of those actors that says a bunch of horrible stuff because people enjoy reading that kind of thing. Make sense?

I could take Tommy. I am a hardcore bootcamper these days. LOL.

hennoroojisan26 karma

I don't have a question, but thanks so much for doing this! You seem like a total sweetheart, and I hope to see you in something else soon. :D

juliettedanielle31 karma

Thank you...that is very sweet!

ocotillo9925 karma

Hi Juliette! Here's a hypothetical question. Would you be willing to revive the role of Lisa if Tommy started filming a sequel (or prequel)? Or do you think it would difficult to recapture the magic of The Room?

juliettedanielle51 karma

I would to it...but I don't think it could ever be the same.

Drulan25 karma

Was the sex scene as uncomfortable to film as it was for us to watch?

juliettedanielle61 karma

I think a sex scene is uncomfortable in any situation. I can PROMISE it is more awkward for ME to watch!!!

LukeUD25 karma

Are you currently working on anything new?

juliettedanielle48 karma

Yes, this is the year I decided to dip my toes back in the water. I am working on a short film right now, directed by Brendan Russo. My bit starts shooting this weekend! I am SO stoked.

veavey23 karma

  • Is there really a 600 page novel of "The Room"?
  • How many cast members quit during filming?
  • Did it really take six months to film?
  • Was there a premiere for the film? If so, what was it like?

juliettedanielle50 karma

Greg will be able to answer the first three in his book. I can't remember.

There was a premiere...red carpet...we all dressed up. It was fun. The actual movie though...it was hard to watch. People took it seriously back in those days!

jvciv318 karma

juliette- loved you in the room! hows this for a funny story... i added you on Facebook and made funny comments from the movie about 2 years ago.. in turn one of the guys on your Facebook page and myself became friends and bonded all because of the room. he is flying into houston this weekend where we will meet for the first time ever, do some drinking and of course watch the room! i love introducing people to this movie. my mom loves it, we quote it via texts all the time! i'd just like to thank you for making this movie, and for the great work you do w/ the humane society (that i see when i stalk your Facebook page). oh, and one more thing: when is.... the baby due?

juliettedanielle15 karma

Did you know that h-town is where I'm from prior to Los Angeles? Well, Sugar Land more specifically.

Did you also know that my mom giggles sometimes when she accidentally quotes the movie? It's really cute.

blastbeatz15 karma

Were there a lot of scenes that did not make it into the final cut of the movie? One scene that comes to mind is when Johnny is playing back the spy tape and the dialogue is completely different then the scene we were shown (You on the phone talking to mark) Was that scene originally recorded than cut?

juliettedanielle22 karma

Not a lot got cut from the film, IMO.

spidersquasher12 karma

I met Tommy and Greg at a showing of the Room a while back, Tommy seemed to really enjoy the fact that his fans loved making fun of his movie. He was also wearing two belts. How do you feel about the fact that your call to fame is so spectacularly hilarious because it's (in the nicest way possible) absolutely terrible? I also have to add "you're tearing me apart, Lisa!" Honestly, the Room is one of my favorite films.

juliettedanielle27 karma

Hello! Yes, Tommy loves the attention and he loves his fans. I'm surprised he only had 2 belts. That is the only thing I've seen change since filming. He keeps adding belts!!

cupboardy3611 karma

Juliette! I met you with some friends at one of the LA shows. It was Halloween night a couple years ago, and you were giving out candy. :)

We took a group picture with you, but then I lost my camera that night. I'm still kicking myself over it!

Do you attend many of the screenings anymore? Hopefully we'll see you again and I can re-take that photo. :)

juliettedanielle15 karma

Awww, that's horrible! This is the night you were talking about: http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.447132622970.236743.109892972970&type=3

I think people posted more. That was so much fun!!! I do hope to go to some more LA screenings soon. Sad they don't have Sunset 5 screenings anymore!

yocxl11 karma

Hi Juliette! Huge fan of the film, and I'm glad you've embraced it to some extent.

Did you/will you be contributing anything to Greg's book? It'd be cool to hear some input from the other cast members too, though it probably would just be Greg's experiences.

juliettedanielle21 karma

Greg knows EVERYTHING about The Room...he spent so much time behind the scenes. Plus, he has kept in contact with everyone who worked on the movie. I cannot WAIT to relive those days as I read it!