Hey, what's up guys, this is Rodney Rush.

I played Combo on Breaking Bad.

I was introduced to this site by one of my boys IFUCKINGLOVEMETH, so I'm looking forward to interacting with fans from the show.

Along with acting I also do music, mainly hiphop/rap which you can find at RodneyRush.net. RodneyRush.com is still being built at the time. But you can find me on Facebook, twitter, myspace, reverbnation, youtube and all that bullshit.

Confirming via twitter @RodneyRush.

I'm a pretty open dude, so if you have any questions feel free to ask. That's what I'm here for. I don't wanna yap your ear off on this, but I'll get to your questions when time permits.

Comments: 338 • Responses: 53  • Date: 

RodneyRush522 karma

Best Part? I'm gonna have to say the strip club scene for sure..! That shit was dope! I got paid to get grinded on for about 13 hrs. Hell of a job to have!

mastersprinkles25 karma

Do you talk the same in real life as you did on the show? Did you have to act like a different character or did they just let you be yourself?

RodneyRush68 karma

They liked me for me.. So I did me!

RodneyRush317 karma

I was pretty surprised when they told me I was gonna get killed off. I had been told I was done for the season then they called me in to do a wardrobe check for the episode. I was there trying shit on and a couple people made comments about being shot. I had no idea what the deal was because I hadnt even got my script. Then I ran into Bryan Cranston and he told me ”If you got to go, then that's the way to go.” Lol.. I was like ” Uuugh.. Honestly I don't know what's going down.” And that's when he explained what was gonna happen. Lol.. I got a kick.out of that. It was funny as hell! I was kinda hurt that I would be getting killed. But the way Bryan put it made me feel good. It sure made my character noticable. That's for sure!

JediJimbo34 karma

I was pretty sad when you got killed in the show, Rodney. Great job overall!

RodneyRush43 karma

Thank You! =0 )

[deleted]11 karma

Killed off ......by a kid no less.

RodneyRush85 karma

I know.. Little fucker!

AMerrickanGirl143 karma

Hi Rodney!

When you're answering a question, please use the reply link under each posting instead of starting a new comment at the top of the screen. This keeps the questions next to the answers and lets the questioner know that you're answering them.

RodneyRush200 karma

I think I figured it out.. lol..

RodneyRush131 karma

The most intense scene was driving the car for my characters flash back scene in season 3. The intense part was driving next to the RV whipping around hitting trash cans.. Lol

RodneyRush101 karma

Am I doin this right? Lol..

twombles6252 karma

Click reply under the comment and your reply will appear under it, like this one. Great work on the show by the way!

RodneyRush80 karma

Thx and thx.. Lol..

[deleted]8 karma

Don't worry about it. Most new users have a learning curve when they fly under the radar anyway, during which time they figure out how Reddit works. You're obviously not going to have that, and thus allowances are made.

Everybody falls the first time.

RodneyRush9 karma

I was on an app on my phone.. This is actually first time I have been on on my computer.. lol.. I had to hold down on the comment on my phone to get the reply button to pop up.. Ha Ha!

RodneyRush81 karma

Everybody was pretty cool! I talk with some of the cast through facebook every once and a while also.

ccm13911 karma

Hey dude do you play any videogames? Which ones?

RodneyRush20 karma

When I get time.. Yeah! God of War was always a fave.. Of course a lil Call of Duty here and there.. Just beat Transformers with my nephew.. NBA2k12

future-madscientist74 karma

Just finished rewatching BB and I didnt actually realise how important your death is to the story. Combos death causes Jesse to seek revenge against the two dealers who had him shot. This brings him into conflict with Gus..Walt gets dragged in, Gale gets poped and the rest is history. But Combos death is really the trigger for everything that happens afterwards. Congrats on being so damn essential to the plot sir!!

RodneyRush85 karma

Yeah it was a pretty essential role for the show. Very insightful comment. Thx for the compliment too my dude..

Waythor63 karma

How did you get the gig?

RodneyRush202 karma

I just went to a casting call to be an extra actually. I went with a friend who asked me to go. I was standing in a big ass line. They had a flyer looking for a white male 20 pounds havier than I was at the time and two inches shorter for a talking role. I saw a lady filming people that were kinda sticking around. Her name was Gwen Savage and she owned the casting company Film Savage I was at. I stepped out of line and walked up to her and asked her what she was doing. She told me " wait here I think I can use you". So I did. When she returned she asked me to give her my height, name and weight. She called me that night and asked me to audition the next day.

   The next day I auditioned at the Q Studios with Sherri Rhodes (I'll correct that if I spelled it wrong). She was a wonderful lady who was very helpful in preparing me for me auditon. I auditioned with her then was called back later to read for the Director. I actually did the read with Aaron Paul himself. They wanted to see how we were together (at this point not knowing what the show would become). They told me they wanted to give me the roll. 

 The very next day I was sitting in my own trailor and signed a contract for my first episode. It was episode 4 "Cancer Man" of season 1. I had never filmed a day in my life before that day. I ran through it first take with no problems. That was my start in Film!

RodneyRush330 karma

Here is something I meant to add. After the first season both Sherri Rhodes and Gwen savage passed away from natural causes. Very sad! Both were wonderful ladies and without them I probably wouldn't have gotten on the show.

[deleted]137 karma

You're a class act for acknowledging them like that. Kudos to you sir.

RodneyRush37 karma

They did alot for me.. I appreciate them!

Soupy2130 karma

That's an extremely thoughtful comment to make. It's sort of shocking coming from the guy who played Combo, given his...nature and style of life I guess you could say, haha. It's nice to see that you're an awesome person in real life. How about Skinny Pete and Badger? Good guys?

RodneyRush20 karma

Cool dudes for sure!

NBAallstar19 karma

Not sure if you've read this before, but here is Badger's AMA from a few months back. Dude seems pretty chill.

RodneyRush27 karma


RodneyRush55 karma

K.. Thx

riverbottom40 karma


RodneyRush56 karma

Yeah.. Born and raised.. Shoot me a request on my facebook or something..

xevros26 karma

haha you were my favorite character until you died, then I fell in love with Gale, then he died :(

RodneyRush43 karma

Ha ha.. Thx.. Yeah they sure knew how to kill people off on the show.. Lol

thischarmingdan20 karma

What is your favorite flavor of Combo's? Mine is Pizzeria Pretzel.

RodneyRush66 karma

I like the cheddar pretzel Combos! We always had them on set. I remember one time someone was filming and I was eating em. I threw a few punches in the air and told em ” Combo eating Combos throwing a combo”. Lol..

Penroze5 karma

I didn't realise until just now that "Combo" was most likely a product placement. I wouldn't think AMC would freely give out that much advertisement. So am I right? Was the name choice of Combo paid for by the makers of Combos?

RodneyRush27 karma

Idk know if i would go as far as to say that. At least I never heard anything about that.. But they always had combos on set.. So i was thinking maybe they got the name from seeing those around all the time. Idk? When i did the first ep. I was just Chubby Stoner.. Lol..

ohshitimclutch19 karma

Thanks for doing this Rodney, big fan of the show. How was working with Bryan Cranston? He's so intense and kinda serious on the show but having seen some Malcolm in the Middle in my day, I used to think of him as an affable loving guy. What is he like in real life?

RodneyRush53 karma

He's dope! Funny as hell too.. It cE was always a good time with him on the set. Plenty of laughter in between scenes. He could switch on and off like a light too. For example during the Atomic Museum scene. We were laughing right before filming the scene where he has to intimidates us. As soon they call action you can just feel his powerful acting skills at work. Wonderful Guy!

gapmunky18 karma

How did you land the part? Do you know what happens next season?

RodneyRush50 karma

Like i said in an earlier post just went to a casting call then was asked to audition. It was a very quick process. I went from never acting before to filming my first episode two days later. The rest is history. Lol..

And I don't have a clue what will happen next season but one thing is for sure. It will be Amazing! To say the least.

mattseg13 karma

Are you from 'Burque?

RodneyRush28 karma

Yeah.. Born and raised.

Dodge527865 karma

In the meth lab is where he spent most of his days.... chillin' out, maxing, smoking meth all cool, shooting up with Pinkman outside the school, when a couple of guys who were up to no good, started cookin' blue in his neighborhood, they got in one small fight and Pinkman said that, "Word on the street is Combo is dead!"

RodneyRush31 karma

Your the shit Dodge!

Dodge527819 karma

No, sir, you're the shit!

vertekal22 karma

you guys are equally fecal.

Dodge52786 karma

It's cool because Dodge is my real name. It's like he knows me... tears

RodneyRush13 karma

Like they say on Old School ”Your my boy Blue!” Lol.. Hey so want me to do a breaking bad rap for you? Ill write one tonight and post it to YouTube tomorrow.. word? You inspired me Dodge.. Im reading yours on the vid too.. Lol

Thricey12 karma

Are you a big fan of the show yourself? Like watch it every week whatnot.

RodneyRush22 karma

Yeah.. I love the show.. Big Fan!

Quan11811 karma

Do you like green chilli? Man I hated that little kid that shot you what an asshole I'm glad he got, got!

RodneyRush32 karma

Hell yeah! Im eating green chili as we speak.. Lol..

And yeah I should of popped him.. I had a chrome nine in my waste band.. If it was up to me Rodney Rush I would have pulled out my piece and smoked his little ass!

Lol.. But it happened how it happened.. Ha ha ha!

Dodge52789 karma

Were there any funny mess-ups with your scenes like there were in the official season gag reels? I'd love to know.

RodneyRush20 karma

Nothing that made the gag reels. This chick they had as a server in strip club scene did pop a bottle of Dom Perignon on me though in between scenes. It was pretty Damn Funny! I was covered in it..

We actually drank real Dom Perignon for that scene and after a few takes of slamming glasses we all had a lil buzz going on. Lol..

smellycow9 karma

Any chance they'll be any more Combo-related flashbacks?

RodneyRush13 karma

I guess there is always the possibility.. It would be nice!

Penroze9 karma

What's the pay rate like for a small part like yours? Are you paid per episode you appear in, per hour, or what?

What do you do for work now the your part is over?

RodneyRush25 karma

Pay rate is daily + residuals.. I believe here in NM standard pay rate for actors is around $800 daily.. Sometimes you get weekly rates depending on what your filming.

I have my record label Five Star Records that I stay busy with. I am also going back to school.

Moath8 karma

Nobody's probably going to see this but how was working with Aaron Paul and Bryan Cranston like?

RodneyRush19 karma

Bryan Cranston was the shit! Aaron was pretty cool too.. We had some good times on set. Always fun times on the Breaking Bad set!

RodneyRush8 karma

Hey guys.. Sry been a while.. Sometimes I get soooo distracted.. Lol.. I just did this video.. I finished it this morning.. Check.. it out!! Let me know what you think.. I wrote that breaking bad song too.. Just haven't record it.. Ill put it up soon.. Big up to Edify! I just got off the phone with him.. Im gonna get involved in The Event Charity.. Ya'll have a good F'n night! Ya dig?

shrey23037 karma

What's your favorite TV show? besides BB obviously

RodneyRush19 karma

Ummmm.. Im gonna have to go with Big Bang Theory,Two and Half Men and Workaholics.. But yeah of course Breaking Bad!

snumfalzumpa6 karma


you are the man, one of my favorite characters in my favorite show of all time.... wish you didn't get killed off so soon ;(

hope to see you on some good shows in the future!

RodneyRush11 karma

Thx for the positive feedback. You' ll see me on more stuff in the future. Most definitely!

snumfalzumpa3 karma

SICK! i'll be on the look out! thanks for the reply man, made my day!

also i got a couple questions if you're still up for 'em;

did your boy you did the interview with make the show?

also who was your favorite actor on the show? like did you end up becoming good friends with anyone you worked with? also is Bryan Cranston (walter white for those of you who don't know) a cool guy? he seems like he would be a chill ass dude...

RodneyRush8 karma

My favorite actor on the show is Bryan Cranston. Dude was just dope to work with! I hung out with Badger and skinny Pete alot too..

RodneyRush7 karma

I got a couple of my friends on as extras for a couple scenes.. In the strip club one for example I had a few friends that were strip club patrons. Tossing dollars on strippers. Lol.. My brother was in backround of our dealing montage. My cousin did some stand in work. That sort of stuff..

You know what I forgot I did some small stuff for the movie Legion (going along with earlier question) with Tyrese and Paul Bettany. But they cut alot of film for movies so nothing noticable.. Played a scumbag rocker for gas station scene..

Twisty_Tie6 karma

What was your hardest scene to shoot?

Oh yeah and how often does someone recognize you as Combo?

RodneyRush5 karma

None of it was really hard.. The Death scene was a little more technical tho. It took a while! We actually did it twice.. lol

And pretty often actually! I went to Puerto Peñasco, Mexico and Jamaica and people recognized me. It was crazy!

Itonic6 karma

Do you have any new shows or films set up because of staring in breaking bad?

RodneyRush18 karma

I audition for alot of stuff but haven't got anything else yet.. Hopefully soon I'll land something new. Ill be sure to keep you guys updated. Word?

Itonic3 karma

Appreciate man, good work by the way. Can't wait to see you rise in hollywood

RodneyRush10 karma

Thx pimp! I'm a do that Fo Sho! That always reminds me of Superbad when I say that.. He's all ” Fo sho, Fo sho, Im gettin that Fo sho.” Lol.. That's my shit!

ModRod3 karma

Hey, my name is Rodney too. It's good to see their are other white Rodneys that exist outside the dumb friend on Family Matters.

RodneyRush17 karma

Lol.. Thats dope bro! Nice to meet you fellow Rod Dog!

katelynroxx3 karma

Since you were killed off, do you ever get to hang out with and of the cast or are you pretty much done with them and on to bigger better things?

RodneyRush6 karma

We had a few cast parties but I haven't seen them recently.. I just do me! =0 )

Phaedrus473 karma

Great job on the show!! You were my favorite 'crony' of Jesse's, sad to see you go! But like I saw mentioned your characters death had a huge impact on not only the fans, but on one of the best episodes in the show. The final moments of the episode 'Half Measure' were all directly related to you being off-ed!! REVENGE FOR COMBO! Good luck to your future endeavors!!

RodneyRush17 karma

Thx.. You guys are the reason the show has been so successful! So a big THANK YOU to all of you!

Endyo2 karma

Well, it's decided... every cast member of Breaking Bad must now do an AMA. We're still waiting on Bryan Cranston and Aaron Paul. I'd also like to see Vince Gilligan do one one as well.

An actual question: You seem like out of everyone to be the most like your character on Breaking Bad, do you think that played any part in getting the role?

RodneyRush10 karma

Yeah.. They wanted me to just be myself. I thought about acting lessons and stuff just because it seemed like what most people do. The casting director Sherri Rhodes I was working with told me she picked me because she liked me not because she wanted me to learn how to act and to thank her when I won an Emmy. I'll always remember that!

So when they need me they will know where to find me. And by they I mean everybody! Number one TV show in the world. Eventually somebody will need Rodney Rush again.. Ya dig? Plus I love doing my music too.. Download away on ReverbNation.com. I have like 69 Tracks on there. Not being Cocky by any means.. I'm just me.. I am a humble person! I enjoy my life.. I enjoy meeting new people. It's nice having people excited to meet me.

g0mer2 karma

Did Matt L. Jones text you the picture of him wearing the skinny jeans and a pink shirt?

RodneyRush4 karma

No.. lol.. But he hits me up when he comes to ABQ..

happyguy8152 karma

Which actor was the most fun to hang around with on set?

RodneyRush7 karma

Bryan Cranston for sure! But Matt (Badger) was pretty fucking funny too.. I would chill with Skinny Pete alot too..

umass2ucr2 karma

I read the title and thought to myself "Which one is Combo?" (really). Then I rolled my eyes at myself.

RodneyRush4 karma

Lol.. Heh heh heh..!! I's cool.. Sometimes I will go out and everybody and there mom (literally) will be stoked to see me. Then I will go places sometimes where people won't have a clue who I am and have watched the whole show before. I'll be like "You remember the guy that got shot by the kid on the bike"? Then they'll be like "Oh Shit"! lol..

townidiot2 karma

I really enjoyed your acting in Breaking Bad. Do you have any new gigs coming up that we should be on the look out for? Fo' Shizzle.

RodneyRush3 karma

Mainly just the music for now.. Til something else comes along. I am working on some videos for YouTube too.. I stripped down my YouTube for now.. I am rebuilding it!

LittlePieceOfMe2 karma

I dunno if you're allowed to answer this one, due to your contract or whatever. But how much dough do you make acting as an extra on a show like BB?

RodneyRush3 karma

An average starting NM Actor makes around $800 an hour.. Plus residuals depending on the Show.. I can say that!

RustinChamberlain2 karma

Who was your best friend on the show?

RodneyRush5 karma

I was pretty close to Skinny Pete (Charles Baker).