Proof: Concept Artwork worked on for Film and TV :

On my journey from the Simpsons to Infinity, I met great people, such as the keyboardist from No Doubt, created a book called Mind Over Machine, designed concept art for Disney’s Beauty & the Beast live action remake, and more. You can find my most successful print, where I depict a new perspective on Van Gogh’s Starry Night, here. I’m doing regular Instagram lives where I create art and have transformative conversation at 6:30PM PST Wednesdays and Fridays, and additional lives sporadically throughout the week. If you want to help support me and my work you can check out my patreon here.

Edit: If you want to check out my IMDb here is the link!

<EDIT: Thank you all so much to everyone who submitted questions, I really enjoyed this! I'm going to take a break, I'll check back later to answer any remaining questions that are intriguing to me. Love you all!!!!!

LAST EDIT: I'm officially done answering questions, thank you to everyone who participated <3

Comments: 311 • Responses: 75  • Date: 

Semi_Legal_Immigrant645 karma

In episode 2F09, when Itchy plays Scratchy's skeleton like a xylophone, he strikes the same rib twice in succession yet he produces two clearly different tones. I mean, what are we to believe that this is some sort of a magic xylophone or something? Boy, I really hope somebody got fired for that blunder.

AlexRuiz562 karma

I'll field that one. Let me ask you a question. Why would a grown man whose shirt says "Genius at Work" spend all of his time watching a children's cartoon show?

Semi_Legal_Immigrant195 karma


You’ve made my day. Thanks for that.

AlexRuiz121 karma


charlieclutch121 karma

what was your favorite part about working on Avengers?

AlexRuiz203 karma

Designing the scene where Nebula gets ripped apart;)\_5-31

charlieclutch68 karma

Is that a 3D model? What was the process of figuring out how to rip her apart?

AlexRuiz119 karma

yup! the initial model was designed and created by my team at digital domain, then was given to me to play with and rip apart:) the process, I designed an entire biomechanical skeleton in zbrush.

LookingAtRocks112 karma

Hey! I follow you on the gram, big fan of your artwork. I've noticed a lot of online courses and art instruction is geared towards younger people who want to do this as a career. I liked doing art in high school, but I set it down for many years before picking it up again in my mid 30s.

What advice would you give to an adult hobbyist who is looking to improve but doesn't necessarily have the large amount of time to dedicate to the craft? Are things like online courses or intensive workshop worth it for people who don't want to take this any further than a hobby?

AlexRuiz76 karma

Great question! Before I respond, I'm curious to learn about why art as a hobby is of interest to you? What does creating art mean to you?

LookingAtRocks62 karma

The why - Its meditative and I like the flow state. I get a lot of satisfaction out of creating stuff, and the learning process and struggle that goes along with that. Art seems to blend academic knowledge and technique with pure imagination, and that's the appeal.

As to what it means to me - It's getting the stories in my imagination out of my head and on paper. I hear a lot of people complain about getting older, especially nearing 40, but I've only felt that way when I don't let my imagination out to play.

AlexRuiz102 karma

Great responses! Flow state is where it's at, for sure;) Keep engaging with your creativity and imagination daily. I'd recommend setting a daily schedule on your calendar for this, an 'art block' structuring your creative time you can get a lot of art ( and clarity about your art!) done with small blocks of focused time. Hope that helps!

goingforawalk_103 karma

What did you work on the Simpsons that was memorable to you?

AlexRuiz223 karma

1 word, Krusty. I was known as the "Krusty guy" because I drew Krusty the clown super accurately. Krusty the clown is a very complicated character and I loved getting into the deep, crazy, wild parts of him.

InspectorJohn66 karma

Alex thank you for your impressive work! My simple question is where/how do you get inspired and what references do you follow (fellow artists, etc) to do you job?

AlexRuiz82 karma

Thank you for this question! I love simplicity, I am greatly inspired by the relationships I have and the people I surround myself with, including how people respond to my artwork. I truly love drawing so I just do what I love and it happens to be this. I gain inspiration from people like Android Jones, Alex Grey, and H.R. Giger :)

InspectorJohn20 karma

Thank you for taking the time to be here! Im a graphic designer with no formal training (long story short no money to do so) for the past 17 years and it feels like im always learning, either older ir younger colleagues. Could i ask you how did you became a concept artist?

AlexRuiz44 karma

It all started when I saw the behind the scenes of the Fellowship of the Ring, and I saw a bunch of artists sitting at a table drawing monsters. I then joined an online community called concept art. org, which was co-created by Android Jones, then spent many years studying digital painting of character and creature design, as well environmental design. It took me 10 years to get the job of a concept artist from repetition and craft honing.

InspectorJohn18 karma

What an amazing way to start! I bet you have some cool stories. 10 years is a long road. What is the greatest lesson you remmember having from learning the craft? My apologies for the eventual typos, im portuguese.

AlexRuiz14 karma

Persistence and hard work, not giving up and moving forward. I was also humbled by my discovery of so many amazing artists, and it was like learning to walk again. It was a lesson in humility.

KidCadaver63 karma

What are your thoughts on turtles?

AlexRuiz133 karma

I like turtles

polaristerlik14 karma

what about zombie make up

Aquinas265 karma

He likes zombies.

plafki2 karma

And zombie turtles?

AlexRuiz3 karma

even better 😍

AlexRuiz58 karma

Hi everyone! Ask away!!! <3

Fiddymike54 karma

I’ve heard you mention, in the past, that the first year at the Simpson’s was really challenging. Would you mind giving us a more detailed glimpse into what made the first year so challenging?

AlexRuiz86 karma

The style of the Simpsons was way tricker than it appears…this made the style pretty difficult to mimic so it took a long time to grasp! all of my drawings in the first year pretty much had to be redone by more seasoned artists. It was tough seeing your drawings in the trash, but it was the same with all new animators, no matter how good of an artist they were!

souldust49 karma

I saw the mandelbulb and other fractals in Dr Strange and I am curious, how much of a need is there for math artists? Someone who would know the "perfect" equation to describe a particle path or texture?

AlexRuiz58 karma

Many brilliant technical artists are needed to create these visual effects! Check out the credits of infinity war and you'll see all the names and positions needed:)

pants678931 karma

What Simpsons quote runs through your head most?

AlexRuiz97 karma

Homer saying " I don't know" From this clip

Alaska_Jack12 karma

Yeah that's the best, but also check out the way Homer says "Oh Yeah" in this one (like he's literally forgotten he's asked for a favor from a mob boss):

AlexRuiz2 karma

😂 😂 😂

bigbearjr24 karma

You appear to have extremely potent calves but slender thighs. What causes this?

AlexRuiz27 karma

Warlock juice;)

JackOfAllStrings21 karma

What influenced your designs in the avengers and also for the infinity stones?

AlexRuiz34 karma

Obviously my designs had to fit in with the aesthetics of the marvel universe, so it was really looking at what previous designs look like, and working with a team of other concept artists. The directors of the infinity war sent me an example of some stones they liked, but they weren't that inspiring, and I sought out different inspiration such as fire opals, precious gems, crystals, etc.

shady-sheep20 karma

What's your favorite art medium?

AlexRuiz41 karma

I have no favorites, I love digital and traditional equally. When I want to feel more grounded I gravitate towards traditional art, and the feeling of it (pen to paper) When I want to expand my mind and be in the sky I use digital.

Cute_Cardiologist5849 karma

Love this answer! It’s making me dream

AlexRuiz2 karma

Hell yeah <3

Nuzzy2119 karma

Can you talk about the colors of the infinity stones or their placements on the glove? I'm not sure how involved you were with the decision making but would love to hear your insight?

AlexRuiz42 karma

The colors of the infinity stones was already predetermined from the marvel comics, my involvement was deciding on the texture and "activation" of the stones. So, I had to do two concepts for the stones, one in the normal phase, and one where it was all lit up in the activation phase.

Gobiggs8818 karma

What’s your favorite episode that you worked on for the Simpsons? Thanks!

AlexRuiz53 karma

My favorite episode that I worked on is 'The Summer of 4'2"' where the family goes on a 4th of July beach vacation. I animated the scene where Homer buys massive firework and accidentally lights it in the kitchen, then throws it in the dishwasher:)

SimpleRegret16 karma

If you could redesign a Batman villain... Who?

Why, how and have you drawn it previously so we can see?

AlexRuiz28 karma

LOL love that! hmmm, so many good villains to choose from... I'll have to think more about that...until then here's a concept I did of a 'Vampire Batman' for ya :

RigatoniPasta16 karma

What is it like to have a design you created be immortalized on film?

AlexRuiz17 karma

It was amazing at first! But over time my relationship with that art changed. There’s a tension between what I’m creating now and what kind of an artist I am now and what I was doing then while working in the concept art industry.

Rancor820914 karma

Hello Alex and thank you for your time with us today! How do you approach criticism, both giving and receiving? What is feedback like on the industry level? I am an artist as well and would love any insight into the industry that you could provide!

AlexRuiz20 karma

Really great question! Criticism comes in two forms...constructive and destructive. Constructive criticism allows us to safely grow and improve our work. Destructive criticism...well, this destroys confidence and hinders growth. ( this applies to ANY kid of criticism btw;) I truly appreciate having received the former because this allowed me to become way better than I ever thought I could be...however there have been times where people have shit on my work that actually had the same effect though, in that case, that creation came more out of spite rather than a generative creative dialogue.

meateatr14 karma

What was your favorite part about doing for work for The Simpsons?

Do you feel that it is easier or harder today to get into animation than it was 10 years ago?

AlexRuiz20 karma

My favorite part was the actual drawing! haha Though I'd say working with an amazing crew of artists was the most fulfilling part of that journey.

Animation has changed so much in the last ten years! For one, there's hardly any traditional animation in production these days, so it's mostly 3d. You'd have a better chance of getting work as an animator if you're doing 3d.

lolahil10 karma

How long did it take you to design the Infinity Stones?

AlexRuiz14 karma

About a month with notes from directors for the stones, and infinity war in general about a year.

mandiefuck10 karma

How long did you work on the Simpsons? And in terms of animating would you say you gained a lot of experience from working on the show?

AlexRuiz33 karma

I worked on the show for about 15 years, movie, products, rides, much Simpsons LOL

HidingFromThoughts9 karma

What is your favorite psychedelic and do you often create art while under the influence?

AlexRuiz11 karma

I see creating art as an act of exploration. Using psychedelics allows me to better explore and enhances the ideas and creations I can present back to the world.

fuser-invent9 karma

Very cool, what do you use to create your artwork on Instagram?

AlexRuiz17 karma

I use photoshop, procreate, and corel painter for my digital work. For my traditional work I use pencil, paper, and pen. :)

fuser-invent7 karma

Was the concept stuff for Avengers digital? That seems like an impossible industry to break into, how did you get in?

AlexRuiz17 karma

Yes, all digital! It is a very tough industry to break into. Most projects only need a handful of concept artists. And there are tens of thousands of concept artists( and concept artists in the making!) in the world..

fuser-invent8 karma

What else besides the Infinity Stones did you design for the movies? It looks like you did some 3D modeling too?

AlexRuiz11 karma

I created many environment concepts as well, as well as props, character design...a bit of everything!

psyeth-pixiFaer-elph9 karma

Hiii🙂 1) How do u suggest we crack into the industry if we wanna do the same type of artwork in future?

& 2) how do we build our portfolio?

Also 3) how do we make contact with these people ?

AlexRuiz8 karma

thanks, great questions! There are too many complex answers I can give to each of these, so I'd recommend you jump on my IG Lives where I discuss topics like these pretty much every day;) @ alexruiz.artist

jamcoupe7 karma

What is your most memorable experience from working on Infinity War?

AlexRuiz6 karma

AHH, tough to answer anything specific! So much fun working on that film...I got to do characters, environments, props and effects designs...but if I had to pick one, it would be the designing out the Nebula torture scene;),fl_lossy,h_9000,w_1920,f_auto,q_auto/3689/581289_572631.png

micspamtf27 karma

What would you have changed about your design for the Infinity Stones if they were instead Finite Stones?

AlexRuiz2 karma

LOL I would have designed them to look like plastic stones;)

usedatomictoaster6 karma

Do you ever throw up and get big chunks in your beard?

AlexRuiz12 karma

All the time

agrunther6 karma

Which Marvel movie did you enjoy working on more: Black Widow or Spider-Man: Homecoming?

AlexRuiz22 karma

Spider-Man for sure, because I got to create a lot more designs for it than Black Widow. A couple are Spider-Mans web grenade and Iron Man suit variations:)

pyrefort5 karma

howdy alex! what would you say is the most essential piece of advice for someone freshly working in entertainment? how do you keep an artist motivated to deal with the gig to gig nature of entertainment as well as keeping them artistically inspired to work on their own work? you mentioned earlier the tension between work and personal art - what's the healthiest way to approach this?

apologies for the plenty of questions, but been working for a couple of years in animation and games and i'm already starting to feel the fatigue, but want to keep running the marathon and trying to avoid sprinting myself to death haha

AlexRuiz3 karma

Keep working on your OWN art aside from the paid gigs. That is ESSENTIAL. Make art because you LOVE to make art. Isn't that the reason you do it in the first place? The issues regarding money and art can become messy and complicated.... we need to be able to separate those two things.

Gigs come and go, and they bring their own treasures and pitfalls. You have to ask yourself this question: 'If money were no object, would I still be creating art?'

Great to look at this as a marathon, because it is! All of life is a marathon, so work in self care and rest into it to avoid burnout and fatigue. I speak a lot on these topics on my IG Lives, join me there to keep the conversation going;) @ alexruiz.artist <3

real_dasgeek4 karma

My son is looking at different art schools for college next year. He would like to get into character design, story boarding or something similar in the animation industry. We are going to tour the School at the Art Institute of Chicago this weekend. Any thoughts on art schools and classes to focus on?

AlexRuiz2 karma

There are many great art schools out there, that's great you're going on that tour! If your son wants to do those specific things, then those are the classes to take for sure. A lot of what will happen in school is pure exploration. Through taking these classes, your son might realize he might want to engage in other creative areas. Point is, don't get too defined in what you want to do so early on...let the creative passions 'play out', and through this process your son will figure out new avenues of expression and art:)

ryanzie4 karma

Not sure if this is still going. But my question is how do you get the ideas out? I mean i see it in my head but can't always make it translate to the page/screen. It ends up looking generic.

AlexRuiz2 karma

Still here! Great of the most difficult things to create is what you see in your head and feel in your heart. Even for me, after doing it this long, it's difficult. When it gets tricky for me, I'll just write out what I actually want to create ( I have long lists! lol) and come back to it later. Also, stick figures go a long way in the first steps in re-creating what's in your head, try it;) With time, deep study and patience, you will be able to communicate what's inside!

RiCPeluja4 karma

Hey so excited to see an artist on here with a nice track record doing an AMA! I am a beginner artist and find myself not drawing often since what i create atm is not to my liking, any ideas on how to overcome this? Other artists i asked have no answer but since you mentor some people.. maybe you know a way that helps my laziness

AlexRuiz2 karma

Appreciate your honesty here:)

In a way, you already answered your first question: you are not drawing OFTEN! This needs to change to...I am drawing EVERY DAY;) This is how you progress your skill so that you CAN draw to what is your liking.

Next question to you is: WHAT do you want to create? Get specific! Make a list of things you'd like to draw...whenever you feel 'lazy', look at the list and it will reinvigorate you to START drawing. Hope this helps:)


I love your Starry Night image! I had the poster on the wall for forever, but I wanted it in canvas and couldn't afford it at the time, and I only got it at a college art poster faire(dark, reflective, glossy, not the best) in the quad. I occasionally look up the art and admire it. Saw your name and had to comment; your skills are legendary!

What was the most difficult challenge you faced to become a full time artist?

AlexRuiz2 karma

Thank you my friend! Ahhh, Starry Night! There's sooo much I'd like to say about that piece( actually working on doing a free webinar on that soon, stay tuned;)

Great question, there have been many difficult challenges. The first one was actually getting GOOD! lol I struggled for a long time with this, but persistence and dedication were the keys to this. THEN, the challenges of actually finding work ( and keeping it!) were, well, REALLY CHALLENGING!

These are topics I will be discussing much more in depth in future ama's, mentorships and classes( all being set up now). Until then you can hear me chatting about all this( and so much more) on my IG Lives:) @ alexruiz.artist <3

revocer4 karma

How did the Infinity Stones change from conception to realization? What were the changes and iterations that were made, at whose request? Do you have any Infinity Stones to share with us redditors ;)?

AlexRuiz3 karma

Ultimately, the directors Anthony and Joe Russo( yes, brothers;) had final approval on all design work. They initially sent my team examples for stones they liked, which was a starting point into my own research. A big part of my job was to enhance, refine and improve upon reference sent to me, and come up with my own variations. In this case, I did many variations of each stone, and how they looked 'activated'. From there my internal boss( VFX director Kelly Port) would art direct the process with me, and package up these concepts to show Anthony and Joe, until they finally approved the all. This was the same process for all other conceptual design.

BelugaBilliam4 karma

What an awesome resume!

When creating concept art for marvel and the avengers, do you come up with it yourself? Or do you do research from things like the comics?

AlexRuiz3 karma

Whatever I came up for any designs had to fit into the aesthetic as a whole, so I could drift too far:) But yes, a LOT of research into the comics alongside looking and implementing much of the design work already created by the other designers. These projects extremely collaborative so as much as individual artist want to show truly unique work, it all has to be refined and ultimately approved by the directors.

Curse32424 karma

How do you plan the art? Does it have to just look more cool on screen or it needs to have more of a significance in terms of lore/detail?

Infinity War is the best experience I've had in a movie theater. I was at awe every second. CGI department did it's part but you man play a bigger part in my opinion.

Thank you for giving the world something special. Stones could seem so simple yet you're execution of them is amazing. The colors, the particle effects... Everything is so well done.

AlexRuiz3 karma

First of all, thank you for your awesome comment:) Everything you see on screen starts with an the mind, in the heart, in the imagination. If you were to trace back all the planning on this project, then it would start with the original comics. So you could say that a lot of this was 'pre-planned' decades ago;)

So my part was to take what already existed, and add to, enhance, or amplify it. We had the base( the comics) and we just built on the awesomeness of those:)))

delighted_tea3 karma

Were you proud of the final design of the Infinity stones or was there was there something you wish you added to the design?

AlexRuiz3 karma

I was proud of how they turned out! Even though you never saw the stones up close, it was really fun to explore how they looked in intricate detail:)

vivi4443 karma

You mention that you're an animator on the simpsons, did you work with the weeknd for the episode he's in? If so, what was it like working with him?

AlexRuiz7 karma

I didn't work on that episode, but I have worked on many episodes where I have gotten the chance to work with really cool artists/actors/celebrities.

Busterlimes3 karma

So, the infinity stones. Why wasnt one a petoskey?

AlexRuiz5 karma

cuz petoskey didn't audition for the role;)

psyeth-pixiFaer-elph3 karma

What do industry people look in your portfolio? I'm learning art/design and was confused what all to practice to include in my portfolio that creators might ACTUALLY WANT😊so help me give some pointers, tips etc

AlexRuiz2 karma

It depends on the specifics of the job you are applying for. Do you want to be a character designer, environment designer, or both. If one or the other, then obviously get really good at either. If both, you need to excel at both. Point is, your characters AND environments need to to be equal in skill level. You don't want to compromise your good work with your sub-par work. Hope that makes sense!

lurking_my_ass_off3 karma

Do you have any alternative designs for the infinity stones? Just wondering "what could have been", and I loves me some concept art.

AlexRuiz2 karma

Unfortunately I only have the final designs! I'd have to get in touch with Digital Domain to dig up all the other versions;)

psyeth-pixiFaer-elph3 karma

Do such people hired u on some basis for these film making or did u apply ? What was the procedure? would love to know how u really got into the industry of all this

AlexRuiz2 karma

The process of getting hired is different for all the artists involved. For me personally, I was contacted through recruiters who saw my work online. This speaks to the importance of having a great portfolio, with SEO set up through my website( I use Strikingly) and a way for people to contact you( through a form on your site).

Speckbieber3 karma

I just saw your Die Antwoord artwork on the gallery. Love it, especially the "Ninja Transformation" and BeetleJuice crossover! Have you been in touch with them or have they seen your artwork?

Ps: Keep up the good work. The Simpsons have a special place in my heart <3

AlexRuiz2 karma

I was in contact with them several years ago, I was definitely a big fan of theirs! Unfortunately it was revealed their values are not aligned with mine, so I'm not in touch with them anymore. But I still value the art I created of them;)

MangoFool3 karma

Why do people always say there are no jobs in art? What is the pipeline from art school to real jobs

AlexRuiz2 karma

I believe people say that because it IS a very competitive business. There are so many great artists out there, but fewer paying jobs. That's the reality, and not meant to be discouraging. For instance, for concept artists, there's probably only a handful of them even on large scale projects....yet there are thousands of concept artists out there! The upside in all this, is that there are many other projects and platforms ( indie films, video games, netflix, amazon) which are ever expanding and will be needing artists. While there is no set 'pipeline' per se, there is an attitude you can implement: to get so fucking good with your craft and communication that you cannot be ignored. Not everyone is going to do this, and it's not easy. But it's possible...I did it and so can you, if you're willing. Stay in touch with me on my newsletters( @ ) and my IG lives ( @ alexruiz.artist ) because there's so much more there that I'm saying on this topic :)

KylarStern913 karma

What would you consider the hardest thing you had to design a concept for in avengers was?

AlexRuiz2 karma

Definitely the Nebula torture sequence. It really pushed me to my limits of my (limited! lol) 3d well as anatomy, depth, emotion, and working with a 3d team. I'll be doing more exploration on this in the near future, either here on Reddit or IG live or both! Follow me on IG for updates:) @ alexruiz.artist

Faithless1953 karma

Which Infinity Stone did you enjoy designing the most?

Joke questions aside, what actually went into designing the stones themselves? Were you given any specific guidelines, or just told to "Make some pretty coloured rocks"?

AlexRuiz2 karma

I was given just a few reference pics from the directors, and then came my own research. Even though these stones were never going to be seen up close, I wanted to make them really special. So I searched for the most interesting rocks and crystals, and started to combine different parts of them to fit with the color and theme of each stone. My fav was the Space stone;)\_limit,fl\_lossy,h\_9000,w\_1920,f\_auto,q\_auto/3689/Space\_stone\_V001A\_final\_l1mx1k.jpg

Snorlax_Floorwax3 karma

Hey Alex! Damn looks like I've missed you but I just wanted to say thank you! You did a presentation at our local Art Institute like 4 years ago to a small room of about 20 people and it was awesome! I had to leave before I could get you to sign the Simpsons concept art you gave all of the attendees but I still cherish it. If by chance you see this I was wondering if there was somewhere I could send it for you to sign? It feels incomplete on my wall without your X 😂 Either way thank you so much for your contributions to some of my favorite pop culture franchises and the gift of passing along your knowledge!

Evolution of Homer concept art

AlexRuiz2 karma

I remember that!! lol We'll figure out a way to get that signed for you;) Contact me here and we'll get that going!

MicCheckTapTapTap3 karma

What are the chances… I could send you my voice reel?

AlexRuiz3 karma

Have you heard of Piotr Michael? He's a good friend and incredible voice actor who'd be able to give you some pointers...look him up on IG or TikTok and tell him I sent you;)

quiettryit3 karma

Did all this at least make you financially well off?

AlexRuiz2 karma

Working as an artist on these projects is always 'work for hire'. I earn no royalties on any of this stuff. I was paid well for my services, yes, which allows me to do what I truly love: make my own awesome art and teach others how to make THEIR own awesome art;)

Aintee3 karma

Since it's AMA, did you know that you have a namesake who was a referee for international rugby?

AlexRuiz2 karma

LOL just heard about that today! Alex Ruiz is actually a very common 'name';)

Fancy-Pair3 karma

What can I do to improve my bland character designs?

AlexRuiz3 karma

Study anatomy. Seriously. Get DAMN GOOD AT ANATOMY and your character designs will get awesome;)

actuallyyourfloor2 karma

What's your favorite album art?

AlexRuiz2 karma

Led Zepplin's 'Houses of the Holy'...and anything from any Synthwave artist;)

psyeth-pixiFaer-elph2 karma

Not many such jobs r available in every country so what do u suggest students willing to come in this industry do?🙁

AlexRuiz2 karma

Location is much less of an issue these days, wouldn't you agree? Because of the internet, and now many people working from home, it doesn't matter what country you're in because work is done remotely. So the real questions are: how skilled are you?...and how well can you COMMUNICATE that skill? This speaks to how one 'brands and markets' themselves....things that many artists don't like doing, or even think about doing;) Point is, get damn good at your work and get damn good at SHARING that work( online) and you can live anywhere and do it:)

psyeth-pixiFaer-elph2 karma

Since u r suggesting to practice daily for a good portfolio development, how do u suggest we practice the right way ?because many times we get caught up doing it the wrong way😕any pointers on practicing daily ?or something to keep in mind ?😊

AlexRuiz2 karma

Great question! First of all, define the goal of the portfolio ( you can have several portfolios) Don't throw everything into ONE. This is a mistake many artists make( including myself;)....

For instance, if you want to get a job as a character concept artist, don't throw in other things like environments or props etc that could take away from it. And vice versa.

Point is: have the portfolio be SPECIFIC to the job you're applying for. Make it clean and concise, and obviously and most importantly, make it GOOD!;)

All these things take time, so also work on patience.

There is no 'right way' per se, but there needs to be focus. So.....focus on creating time blocks for every practice you engage with. Also work on your intuition...get into what FEELS right or wrong.

If you're struggling and something feels wrong, that's a sign to dig into WHAT FEELS RIGHT!

This all goes much deeper, but hopefully some of this helps and resonates with you:)

SenorCerv2 karma

My favorite scene was when Thanos got the soul stone, and he wakes up in the pool. That cinema magic where we think he's surrounded by the stars, that moment i love. Please tell me the story about that, and what inspired it?

AlexRuiz2 karma

I love that scene too!! But I didn't write it, so not sure how it came to be...I'm sure you can dig online to find the story of how it was inspired;)

Bobtheglob712 karma

What is your favorite episode of the Simpsons that you made?

AlexRuiz2 karma

My favorite episode that I worked on was 'The Summer of 4'2"' fave episode that I DIDN'T work on was 'The Springfield Files' ;)

CaesarSpada2 karma

Hi Alex,

Are you one of the few who gets to decide what's in the background of scenes? How is that worked out? Also, how do the writers know so accurately all the historical, old-timey talk of Mr. Burns and other things like that? Thanks!

AlexRuiz3 karma

I'll tell you a funny 'secret':) Many of the Simpsons artists 'snuck/drew' their family and friends into the background scenes. Even though we weren't 'supposed' to do that, we did it and are now immortalized in the Simpsons universe;) lol

As far as the writers, they are all insanely talented and Ivy League educated nerds who created such brilliant scripts for us to work from :D

themanimal2 karma

Why is Daddy Thanos nekked here?:

Also, what type of platform / hardware do you do most of your art on? Thanks!

AlexRuiz2 karma

LOL that was part of a test we were working on. His outfit was being dry cleaned so he just showed up in his birthday suit;) All of this concept work was created in Photoshop!

Netroth2 karma

Are you aware that you resemble Count Dooku from the animated Clone Wars series?

Addition: Now that I look again, the picture behind you also resembles Asajj Ventress.

AlexRuiz2 karma

I am honored that you think I look like Christopher Lee lol <3

alexm901-2 karma

What's your opinion on NFTs and do you think they have a place/utility in the industry you are in?

AlexRuiz2 karma

Great question, I've been researching this topic for some time now...and it sure is divisive;) My team has decided to put NFT's on hold until significant environmental and security improvements are made. Ultimately, all of this is about how to authenticate the ownership of digital art, no easy task!