I heard some people want to ask me some questions. I love answering questions!

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yibsu494 karma

Any tips for getting max years out of my car tires?

heyitsapril610 karma

Rotate them regularly and maybe something about keeping a full tank? I don't fuckin know, I don't own a car.

warmfruit327 karma

is your name a teenage mutant ninja turtle reference?

heyitsapril492 karma


dlman199 karma

Fuck, Marry, Kill, Have as director of your next shoot:





heyitsapril850 karma

Fuck Raph. Marry Don. Kill Leo. Have Mikey direct an orgy of me, April, Casey & Irma.

Topper2676234 karma

Why did you become a pornstar?

heyitsapril413 karma

For the pussy. The money didn't hurt, either. And the freedom to choose my own schedule.

ramonm2191 karma

When and how did you lose your virginity?

heyitsapril559 karma

I was 17. I had heard that a lady's first time can be a bit unpleasant what with the pain and blood or whatever. So, one night at a party, I decided that I wanted to get the first time over and done with so that when I found someone I loved and wanted to have sex with it would be a pleasant and romantic experience. I started at the top on my phone's contacts list and called anyone I thought was attractive enough to fuck and asked them to come over and take my virginity. My friend Cornelius was the first to say yes. We did it in his Suburban, it was awkward, didn't hurt at all, and we wrote our names in the steam on the window because we were cheesy like that. D'awww.

[deleted]166 karma

Do you bleach your butthole?

heyitsapril309 karma

No, that's just bizarre.

JordanRodkey165 karma

What's your relationship with your parents like?

heyitsapril242 karma

Fantastic. They did the best they could with what they had, put up with me, and support and love me very much.

TheAtomicPlayboy90 karma


heyitsapril159 karma

VERY. And I know it.

CtrlC_plus_CtrlV155 karma

Could you, would you ever love a bot?

heyitsapril157 karma

Yep, definitely.

shelikesithuge152 karma

Hi april, I'm a huge fan, love your work. What does the tattoo on your shoulder mean?

heyitsapril1392 karma

It's kanji for "I'm a dumbass who got a tattoo at 15."

Pwnstar_Dancin151 karma

I asked Victoria Rae Black the same question, but here goes.

Most male porn stars you work with are the generic "alpha male" types, muscled, tattooed and "macho". Has working with these type of men on film so often, turned you off from being physically attracted to these type of men?

heyitsapril234 karma

I was never attracted to that type of guy. The rare exception is my ex, but he was my best friend so it really had nothing to do with his physical stature. I'm attracted to a person as a whole, I don't have a type.

kindabiglie92 karma

I know this gets asked a lot (and might have been asked in this thread already) but how does it affect your personal relationships?

I mean, lots of guys say "yeah I'd love to bang a porn star" but when it comes to having an actual relationship, do they get weird on you?

(Never dated a porn star, can't really guess how it would go)

heyitsapril176 karma

Most guys are cool with dating a pornstar until they fall in love and freak out that they can't take her home to meet their parents. So then they usually try to get her quit. Or switch to g/g. It's dumb.

requieminadream140 karma

House Stark, House Lannister, or House Targaryen?

heyitsapril341 karma

Oooh! Uhhh. Fuck. I want to say Targaryen but that Arya is such a bad ass! I haven't read the books though, so...

Drunken_Economist119 karma

Gregory House

TheAtomicPlayboy139 karma

Tony Stark

heyitsapril587 karma

Rightful heir to the Iron Throne.

nobd135 karma

Are you okay with fans approaching you? Also any crazy experiences with fans of yours in public?

heyitsapril234 karma

I quite like it, actually. I like meeting the people I talk to on Twitter every day. They're usually the ones that don't like approaching me... very few people are willing to go up to a girl and admit they wank it to them.

I've never had any crazy experiences, and I hope it stays that way. Most are genuinely nice or even shy. I try to chat as much as I can given the situation. I did have one guy kind of hang around me & my friends for a little too long after we were done chatting, that was a bit awkward.

Drunken_Economist92 karma

Also, what is your policy on reddit PMs?

heyitsapril156 karma

I haven't got one...?

gibsoncoca120 karma

Do you ever worry that a male family member might stumble upon one of your vids and not recognize that it's you until they get a clear view of your face right before you take a load to it, thus causing a strange one sided awkwardness between you and said family member which would last the rest of their days?

heyitsapril184 karma

I don't think about things like that. Not my problem. My brother was the first person in my life that I told I was going to do it. Fair warning is all I can do.

MrTravesty120 karma

Do you like to cuddle?

heyitsapril319 karma

I fucking love cuddles.

MrCorporate111 karma

Who is your favorite Doctor and why?

heyitsapril159 karma


Wormythunder116 karma

A true whovian is loyal to the Doctor, not an actor.

heyitsapril157 karma

Oh shit, you beat me to it. Good on ya.

Wormythunder110 karma

Have you ever had sex with a fan?

heyitsapril186 karma

Nope. Well, at least not that I'm aware of. I suppose it's entirely possible that I've dated someone who was a "fan" of my "work" and just never brought it up.

ApekOne101 karma

First let me start off by saying you're one of my favorites. With that said (and I'm sure you've already been asked this 50000 times), why bush? Most girls opt to go bald but you always have your shit kept proper, even going further than the usual "landing strip," which I fucking love [that you go hairier] by the way. But I just have to know why YOU like it. Maybe that way I can start convincing more girls/people in general that bush >>>> bald.

heyitsapril206 karma

First let me start off by saying THANK YOU. :) With that said... razor burn is not pleasant. My bush is purely practical.

lowspeedlowdrag100 karma

Do you get lunch breaks?

heyitsapril135 karma

That depends on the production company. Some shoots last 3 hours and I'm done. Some shoots I'm there for 12 hours until I even get into makeup. There is more often than not, craft services on a set, but never really any designated "lunch break".

galactic2792 karma

Were you bisexual before you got into porn? Do you think most porn actresses are legit bi, or is it just for the show?

heyitsapril212 karma

Yep, I always have been. I wasn't kidding when I said I got into it for the pussy. I wanted more lady action in my life but had a boyfriend at the time so it seemed like a win/win.

I'd say a good majority of the girls are actually bi but there are certainly those who are gay for pay. You can usually tell and then there's really nothing worse than a girl telling you she doesn't like pussy RIGHT before you start filming.

fluxed8889 karma

What is your favorite penis size?

heyitsapril217 karma

I think there's something about the motion of the ocean or rocking a boat or something. That one.

fartuckyfartbandit253 karma

Hi guys Master Fapper here, AMA, the OP is lying her bush off. I've seen her in a pornpros vid with Bruce somethingrather, and he has a dick the size of a normal persons arm, and the faces, screams, and orgasms, the OP had were like nothing I have ever seen from her and I believe I have fapped to her 12 times.

heyitsapril251 karma

You keep count?

Government_Spy87 karma

You should save up your money with a bunch of other porn stars and create a feature-length 70mm IMAX porn movie in 3D, and hire David S. Goyer to write the screenplay. That would be the most intensely amazing porn video... ever. What do you think about that?

heyitsapril158 karma

If it's a Doctor Who parody, sure. I really have no interest in producing porn, though.

heyitsapril184 karma

They killed Skrillex and ate all my pizza.

ME2460183 karma

How do people who knew you as a child react when they learn about your current profession?

heyitsapril243 karma

There are 3 different kinds: Those that don't care, aren't really surprised, they know me and that it doesn't really define me. Those that think I've been forced into it and want to save me via Jesus' everlasting love or fuckin whatever. And then those that think they have a chance of fucking me now.

WhySoCurious122 karma

Soooo....do they have a chance?

heyitsapril241 karma

Not with their general attitude, no.

BabyBobby76 karma

What where you like in high school?

heyitsapril122 karma

I don't know, really. I suppose kind of like I am now. Generally got along with everybody but mostly kept to myself and my small group of friends.

rife_omeqa57 karma

What was your highschool reunion like? I bet that would have been interesting.

heyitsapril200 karma

...I'm only 25. Even so, I'm definitely not going to that.

ElderCunningham74 karma

What do your parents think of you being a pornstar?

heyitsapril137 karma

It's not what they wanted me to do but they're happy that I am happy doing something I love and that can support me.

ramonm271 karma

Favorite thing you've done after becoming a pornstar?

Drunken_Economist95 karma

I'd assume sex.

heyitsapril208 karma

Filming the TNG parody was surreal. There were some deep-seated fantasies in me that I wasn't aware of until I was on that set, in that jumpsuit, fuckin in the captain's chair.

MrTravesty69 karma

What scene of yours do you recommend I watch?

heyitsapril154 karma

My scene with James Deen in Legs Up Hose Down.

TheCenterOfEnnui62 karma


heyitsapril81 karma

Peach ring sandwich?

Uhh... red velvet truffles.

ramonm261 karma

How did you get into the business?

heyitsapril123 karma

Met a girl at a party, asked her way too many questions, thought about it for a few weeks, then met with her agent and did my first scene very shortly after that.

ElderCunningham61 karma

When did you decide to become a pornstar?

heyitsapril95 karma

September 2008

WhySoCurious47 karma

And when did you actually start shooting porn?

heyitsapril272 karma

September 2187

youvandall56 karma

steve nash finally gets a ring (with the lakers). happy day or sad day?

heyitsapril162 karma


rywalm46 karma

whats the average porn penis size?

heyitsapril284 karma

I dunno, you probably watch more porn than I've been in. What do you think?

ramonm246 karma

How do guys react when you tell them what you do?

heyitsapril128 karma

They ask A LOT of questions. And then usually try to immediately fuck me.

[deleted]38 karma

Do you have a religion?

heyitsapril219 karma

Is it "I am atheist." or "I am an atheist."?

jeezusgut36 karma

What, if any, is the difference between a pornstar and a porn actress? Is it merely a nomer that anyone performing in the Adult industry can take upon themselves or is there an actual hierarchy that a performer rises up through?

heyitsapril76 karma

There are some that would debate a difference citing that only girls like Jenna Jameson and Sasha Grey are porn STARS but generally I think it's just quicker than saying pornographic film actress. Like slang.

samsebelius36 karma

Is your curling iron burn mark going to be OK?

heyitsapril80 karma

2nd degree burn, I have to go back to get it checked on tomorrow. I'm just trying to minimize the scarring as much as possible.

klipse34 karma

holy shit. tweets do come true! alright here we go. if you were only allowed to go to one event out of the year, which one would it be?

E3, Adultcon, Comic-con or Coachella?

ElderCunningham12 karma

... Or some other event not listed?

heyitsapril44 karma

I would say Gally but SDCC barely beats it out, only because of the exclusives. Gally is more of a tight knit community but SDCC has everything you could ever want ever.

mirrorimages2133 karma

Hi April! You've mentioned a few times that james deen is your favorite to work with, care to explain why?

heyitsapril67 karma

He's a great performer, very passionate, very good at what he does. We also get along very well and have a lot in common.

sex_addict_ama29 karma

I noticed you do a few BDSM scenes. Is this a fantasy you've had your whole life, that developed after your career started, or did you only do it for the money?

heyitsapril52 karma

I wanted to try it to see if I liked it. The tamer stuff is fun, I like being tied up and spanked but nothing too much more than that.

streetlightsity27 karma

What do you think of teens (12-16) that watch porn?

heyitsapril102 karma

I think their parents need to pay more attention. But kids find a way, it's unavoidable. All I can hope for is that they don't think that's how people should really have sex.

jellyfacade19 karma

How long have you been playing Magic for?

Do you play casually or go to the occasional FNM?

Did you go to the WotC panel at SDCC?

heyitsapril38 karma

Just a couple months. Very casually. A friend taught me and then I got the iPad app. I didn't go to any panels at SDCC, it's impossible to without dedicating your whole fucking day to it. I did visit the store they had downtown, though, that was pretty awesome.

sourstraw15 karma

How many guys have you slept with? Estimate?

heyitsapril62 karma

Work, I don't count. Personal, 12 guys, 3 girls.

mrdrsmashington1239 karma

So you like Dr Who? Marry fuck kill



Matt Smith.

heyitsapril31 karma

Marry Matt. Fuck Amy. Kill Rory, he'll survive anyway.